Mondays, October 11-May 23
Class 1: 9:15-10:15 am – Personalities in Tanach
Class 2: 10:20-11:20 am – Beth Tfiloh: Feeling at Home in Shul
Presenter: Chana Slavaticki
Presenters: Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg, Dr. Zipora Schorr, and Rabbi Chai Posner
Meet the complex and colorful personalities whose stories are described in the books of Yehoshua (Joshua), Shoftim (Judges) and Shmuel (Samuel) and answer questions such as: What made Yehoshua an outstanding leader? Was Rachav pious or practical? How could Yiftach sacrifice his own daughter? What was the secret to Shimshon’s strength? We will use the text and commentaries to uncover the underlying motives of these figures and others, explore the consequences of the choices they made, and identify relevant messages for our lives today.
As we enter Beth Tfiloh’s historic centennial year, we will reflect on the name’s literal meaning: A House of Prayer. We will explore topics in tefila and what it means for us individually and collectively. What are the mechanics of prayer? Do our prayers really make a difference? How can we find personal relevance in the words of the siddur? This course will help you tap into your deepest self and touch your heart and soul.
Class 3: 11:25 am-12:25 pm – Torah M’tzion – Torah with an Israeli Twist Presenters: Shani and Matan Shefler
Join our new Israeli shlichim Shani and Matan Shefler for a deep dive into the parshah to find a special connection to Eretz Yisrael. Expand your Hebrew vocabulary with conversational words or expressions that are linked to each Torah portion. Participants of this course can also be a part of the Aliyot Project – a program that will have volunteers share brief overviews of the Torah reading on Shabbat between the aliyot.
See website for specific session dates for each monthly series
Moms and Midrash: Refining Our Relationships Monthly, October 12-May 16 8:15-9:30 pm Facilitated by Chana Slavaticki Carve some meaningful “me time” out of your busy schedule to engage in reflective Torah study with fellow moms of preschool kids and Chana Slavaticki on topics related to spirituality and personal growth. This year’s focus is on enhancing our relationships with those closest to us: Ourselves, Hashem, our spouses, our parents/in-laws, our children, and our community. Contact to be added to the email list or call 410-413-2321.
Mercaz Monthly Clubs Wednesdays, November 17-May 25
Class 1: 10-10:55 am – Book Club
Zoom Option – Tuesdays, November 23-May 31, 7-8 pm Facilitated by Halaine Steinberg and other presenters The Book Club will feature an impressive selection of books of Jewish interest, facilitated by Halaine Steinberg along with other presenters. This year’s book club offers two convenient meeting times, Tuesday evenings monthly on Zoom, or Wednesday mornings monthly in person.
Class 2: 11 am-12 pm – Current Events Club Facilitated by Phil Jacobs
How does world Jewry emerge from the pandemic? How will the Biden Administration and Israel’s new government coalition work together? How will the rise in antisemitic acts impact US and European Jewish life? If it is news impacting the Jewish people in Israel or Washington, DC or Pikesville, the Mercaz Current Events Club will have it covered. Join veteran journalist Phil Jacobs for a lively, relevant discussion of news, media trends and influential opinions.