The Bridge - April 2020

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The Bridge April 2020

April in the Forest The Wyre Forest and surrounding areas are still relatively rich in butterflies. The earliest in the year to appear as adults are those which hibernate: Peacocks, Brimstones and Commas for instance. (Incidentally, Red Admirals are sometimes able to continue their life cycle and emerge as adults here during milder winters although most migrate to the Continent.) In spring and summer it’s a rare day in the garden or walk in the forest when I don’t see an Orange-tip butterfly. The males are easy to identify and obviously named. The females lack the orange tips to their white wings and so pose more of a problem. Both sexes have a small crescent-shaped black mark in the centre of the fore-wing, which helps to distinguish even the female from the other whites, but it is the rather lovely cryptic green pattern under the hind-wing that really clinches it.You’ll need to persuade the butterfly to rest in a suitable position to examine it! The male butterfly ranges far and wide looking for a mate, who is much less flamboyant and keeps out of sight, camouflaged among vegetation. She will lay her orange eggs on wild plants of the crucifer family: those with four petals forming a cross, hence the name. This is the family of cabbages, rockets and cresses, all with a peppery taste and including both Garlic Mustard/Jack-by-the-hedge and Lady’s Smock/ Cuckooflower, which occur (as you might expect) under hedges and in meadows respectively. The female Orange-tip leaves a chemical signal with her eggs to discourage others from laying in the same spot – a neat strategy to prevent the food running out. The seedpods of the host plant give a bitter taste to the caterpillars that feed on them: a deterrent to predators that is carried over into the adult butterfly and advertised by the bright colour of the males’ wings. I love these details and I’m very much indebted to the beautifully-illustrated book, ‘Butterflies of the West Midlands’ (produced by local members of Butterfly Conservation) for this information and also to Mick Farmer for the photo. By the way, the name ‘Cuckooflower’ is shared by various plants that flower later this month, announcing the imminent arrival of the Cuckoo. I’m intrigued by an entry in Richard Mabey’s ‘Flora Britannica’ sent in by a lady in East Sussex in 1994: ‘My birthday falls on 14 April, and when I was a child my father told me that on that date the old woman of the woods let the cuckoo out of her basket (locally there used to be Cuckoo Fairs). For the last 20 years or so my children have given me cuckoo flowers on my birthday and it is a very rare year when there are none around by 14 April’. We have Cuckooflowers in the cherry orchard here at Uncllys and have been pleased to see large numbers popping up in our lawn for the last two years now that we take a more relaxed attitude to mowing! Linda Iles

Editorial News

The Bridge is the community voice of Bewdley It is free and delivered by volunteers to more than 4,600 homes every month Visit us at

Welcome to April 2020’s edition of The Bridge. Over just a few days, the life of our town has changed beyond recognition while we respond to the current challenging health situation. Our usual magazine, full of events and activities, is clearly irrelevant. We are very grateful to our wonderful printers who have made time for us to produce this changed edition. And huge thanks to the people who have stepped forward to deliver the magazine. We know that many of our readers may be isolated at home without their usual routines and activities. Many don’t have access to social media and the other ways that technology keeps us connected in the modern world. Within these pages, please ďŹ nd messages from organisations in the town with phone numbers to ring if you need any support or want to hear a friendly voice. Keeping in touch has never been more important. Much of Bewdley life operates through a network of volunteers and it is no surprise that, within a few days of the pandemic being announced, Bewdley residents set up a support group following strict safeguarding procedures. Turn to page 11 for more information and see page 15 for ways in which you can help. By the time you read this, new restrictions might be placed on spending time outdoors, but in the hope that we can still appreciate the local countryside, Russ Fauset has described two short walks that can be enjoyed while observing social distancing guidance. Turn to pages 19 and 35. And on page 33, Alastair Elliott tells us how music can help to see us through. Please do what you can to support our advertisers, many of whom run small businesses or are self-employed and face great uncertainty. We have never been more grateful to have local shops that continue to serve us so well. And, of course, particular thanks to all in the town involved in our schools, public services and healthcare. Our very good wishes to you all. Gill

Sharing your news with us To share your news and photographs or advertise an event, please contact: To advertise your company, please contact:

Delivery If you can help deliver please email Deliverers mostly take out fewer than 50 magazines. Reserve list is also useful. Printed by Vernon Print & Design DISCLAIMER All advertisements in the magazine and on the website are inserted in good faith and Bewdley PCC accepts no responsibility for any statement, omission or errors made by the advertisers; nor endorses the products or services offered.

Cover photograph: Paul Warnett





Specialist Services

Introducing our Country Rover (CR) Tours on our new mini-bus DAY TOURS 8 Apr Sun 12 Apr Sun 13 Apr Sun 19 Apr Wed 22 Apr 17 May 26 May 8 Jun 20 Jun 5 Jul 26 Jul 2 Aug 14 Aug 6 Sep 25 Sep

Minibus-Clun & Robbers Grave £17 Easter Sunday Weymouth £22 Easter Monday Evesham Blossom £17 Thirsk & Helmsley £22 Aberystwyth £17

Sun 26 Apr Thu 30 Apr Sun 3 May Fri 8 May Sat 9th May

Kew Gardens/Richmond £35/£21 Bath in Springtime £17 Ilfracombe & Woolacombe £22 75th VE-Day Anniversary £17 Llandudno Extravaganza £ 21


DUNKIRK 80 (B&B only) 5 days £390 THE LAKES & CUMBRIA 5 days £370 DRAMATIC SNOWDONIA & ANGLESEY 5 days £365 ST AGNES & CORNISH GEMS 5 days £405 EASTBOURNE 7 days £480 OBERAMMERGAU PASSION PLAY 7 days £1210 ISLE OF WIGHT 7 days £525 KYNREN – 2,000 years of British History 3 days £295 CHARMING NORFOLK & THE BROADS 5 days £340 40 YEARS of PHILLIPS – Agatha Christie’s DEVON 4 days £305 Price includes dinner, bed and breakfast & excursions USUALLY PICKING UP WITHIN Tel 01299 402989 To Book / For Brochure / Private Hire WALKING DISTANCE OF YOUR (46 Sandbourne Drive, Bewdley, DY12 1BN) HOME Or visit or Bewdley Tourist Information

Community News

Funny old times When we are tiny babies we expect certain things to happen. We feel hungry, open our mouths and yell, and someone responds with food. We fill our nappy and someone changes it. We fancy a nap and just fall asleep. It is all quite predictable. Then life moves on and we learn to ask for more and mostly get it, or at least find out why we can't get our demand met. Life is still pretty predictable. Then we move out into the big wide world where people behave a bit differently to our primary carers. There is still predictability; someone gets us up, feeds us and pushes us out of the door to school. When we are sent back home someone will sort out our lives for us. And so on and so on through to adulthood, relationships and independence, when things get a great deal more unpredictable. These less than original thoughts have come to me over the last couple of months when first, our river behaved with outrageous unpredictability. Walking along Severnside knowing that you were shoulder to shoulder with the water with only a lot of metal between those same shoulders was unpredictable enough. As someone with a house well away from danger I'm not qualified to comment on how it must feel to be mixing it with the water itself; like everyone here in our town I could only extend sympathy and what help I could. The river eventually relented, having cocked a snook at our complacency, but was followed quickly by Covid-19. At the time of writing we are - oh dear, how quickly the cliches arrive! - in uncharted territory. Most of us aren't explorers and don't like living in areas so unmapped. Particularly is this so for us retirees, who are mostly pretty involved with clubs, voluntary jobs and visits and are now without all the usual signposts that signal what day it is and what we are going to do.. Our clubs have stopped, most voluntary jobs are deemed unsafe for over 60 year olds, and so we no longer have things we must do when we get up. Here are some of the things I have heard people using to occupy each day instead. Cleaning kitchen cupboards (How old did you say that chilli powder is?) Digging the garden (Oh look; it's just started to rain again) Keeping a daily diary (Got up. Had breakfast. Read my book. Went to bed) Learning a new skill (I'm sure my sousaphone is in the attic) Going for a walk every day (But you said you'd bring the map. Where are we?). And what, I hear you cry, are you doing, Margaret, to keep occupied? Mostly writing silly nonsense to friends, family and Bridge readers. Margaret

News from Bewdley Museum Bewdley Museum, Shop and Tourist Information Centre are temporarily closed due to the Coronavirus outbreak. We’ve taken this decision with a heavy heart but our absolute priority is the health and safety of our staff and visitors. As we go to press, the public may be able to access the craft units by prior arrangement with the craftspeople. There will be no access from the front of the museum in Load Street. We look forward to welcoming our visitors back as soon as we can. Amanda Peplow Bewdley Museum





Specialist Services

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Bewdley Church Servicesl

Church of England Parishes of Bewdley and Wribbenhall Rector: Rev Megan Gibbins On the first Sunday of every month at 10.30 am we hold a Holy Communion Service in one A of our churches.s we go to presats,the On other Sundays, services are held times: serfollowing vi

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9.30amPl All Saints’ Church, Wribbenhall suspend church buildin e a s e gs are 9.30am Stse Anne’s Load Street ed. e pagChurch, e s 7 , 9 11.15am nd 1 fo sStuLeonard’s pport oChurch,aRibbesford r(second inform 11.15am St Andrew’s Church, Sunday of the month only) n offeButton 3Oak


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abomodern B ewtraditional ut theto family. Services usually last for about anathour from dley chuto more thisanddirange r f c f hes organised icualchildren’s All Saints’, St Anne’s and St Leonard’s each have t time. area. Separate children’s activities are available during the service in St Anne’s. Other services and events are held in our churches during the week – for more information see the calendar on our website : Wish to book a wedding at one of our churches? Please contact Paul Gibbins to arrange an appointment. Thinking about Baptism or a Thanksgiving Service for your child? To find out more about Christenings and Thanksgivings at St. Anne’s or St. Leonard’s please contact: or For All Saints’ come to a 9.30 am Sunday service at All Saints’ Church Wribbenhall.

Bewdley Baptist Church

Bewdley Methodist Church

High Street Sundays at 10am A relaxed style of worship with lively music for all ages. Sundays at 6.30pm: varied types of services. Church Office 01299 403267

High Street Sundays at 10.30am A warm welcome to all for traditional worship in a friendly atmosphere. Monthly Sunday Club for children. Revd Sue Levitt 01299 826641

Holy Family Catholic Church

Religious Society of Friends

High Street Sunday Mass at 8am For weekday masses, please see our noticeboard Local contact Deacon John O’Brien Parish Office 01299 822633

(Quakers) Meeting House Lower Park

Sunday 10.30-11.30am A quiet, contemplative form of worship, with occasional ‘spoken ministry’. Children’s Meeting have their own activity before joining in the Meeting.

Riverside Church St George’s Hall, Load St. Sundays at 10.30am Friendly and fun for all regardless of age or background, our family service lasts for about an hour and a half and has both modern and traditional worship followed by a short time of easy to follow bible teaching.





Specialist Services

Severnside School of Dancing Classes in Ballet, Tap, Modern, Classical Greek, and Acrobatic Dance held at the Wheatsheaf Room, Bewdley Institute Special Junior hour Fridays 4-5 Training for Festivals and exams Contact Joyce Campbell on 01299 400633 Like us in Facebook

BEWDLEY BOWLING CLUB Social activities include Bingo, Darts, Outdoor Bowling and regular Entertainment New members welcome Contact

Ovenclean will transform your oven and put the sparkle back into your kitchen! Friendly, professional and reliable Completely safe, eco-friendly cleaning system No fumes, no mess, no bother Removes grease, fat and burnt on carbon deposits from: Ovens Filters Hobs Grills BBQ’s Ranges Extractors Microwaves AGA’s

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Church News l

A message from the Anglican Churches in Bewdley This is a very difficult time for us all and one of much uncertainty. At the time of writing public worship in the Church of England has been suspended and all church activities postponed until further notice. This does not mean that our churches are closed. We are still very much open for private prayer and reflection and to help in any way we can. St Leonard's is open during daylight hours. St Anne's is open every day from 11am to midday. All Saints' is open by calling Olwen on 01299 400608 or Gail on 01299 401685. Any queries regarding weddings and funerals please call Paul on 07484887243. Together we are the Church of England in Bewdley, Ribbesford and Wribbenhall. We are here for the community. Ring 07982 611493 if you would like to speak to me. For practical help ring Paul and Gill on 01299 403745. You are in my thoughts and prayers at this challenging time. Every blessing Rev Megan Gibbins

All Saints’ Church Wribbenhall All fund raising activities, specifically the Exhibition of Church Activities and the Craft & Plant Sale are on hold until later in the year. We are not able to make pastoral visits but please ring Pam for any further information or help on 01299 404060. The Knit and Natter group will deliver any wool needed by their members. Please contact Gail on 01299 401685. If we can help in any way, picking up supplies, posting mail or just a friendly phone call just contact one of these numbers or Olwen 01299 400608 We are the Parish Church of Wribbenhall and all our parishioners are important to us so if we can help in any way please don't hesitate to contact us, you are always in our thoughts and prayers especially at this present time.

Riverside Elim News In light of the Coronavirus, government updates and instructions from our denomination, Elim, all gatherings at Riverside Elim will be suspended until further notice. This means that our Sunday celebration at St George’s Hall will not go ahead. It also means that Rivertots, Riverbabes, Tuesday Prayer meeting, Wednesday Church, Coffee morning and Dementia Cafe all will not be happening. So does mean there is nothing happening? NOT AT ALL! On Sunday if you go to our Facebook page, Riverside Elim Church, or you go to our YouTube channel, Riverside Elim, you will be able to watch an hour service streamed for you from 11am every Sunday. There will be some important notices, worship and a talk all streamed so you can engage in the church service from home. We may have to self isolate or socially distance but we CAN still engage in church. See page 13 for more information.





Specialist Services

HIGH QUALITY PLASTERING From NEIL KEARNS Free Quotations 01299 402726 or 07989 058513

CARPET UPHOLSTERY & CURTAIN CLEANING BY EXPERTS All treatments - All districts - Lowest prices - Latest equipment - Fully insured

Karol Kleen Call 01299 404275 or Mobile 07970131820

KEVIN BACON PLASTERER 07874 830097 Over 30 years experience Small jobs welcomed All aspects including skimming, wet plastering, dry lining, rendering also carpentry, tiling and handyman jobs Home: 01299 405302 Email:

Church News l

All our services and activities are currently suspended. During this difficult time, we are keen to support and help the local community in any way we can. Please contact us through a member of the church, through the church's Facebook page, email at or phone on 01299 403267.

Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) We meet every Sunday at 10:30am at our historic Meeting House.You are welcome to join us in our special silence. Our Mee t closed. W ing House is cu ror Why not hire our Meeting Hall? Phone 55570 ren075120 ors01299 tly hip is a405214 vailable onlinsystem - State of the art overhead digital projector and sound e. - Broadband internet for video streaming, free WiFi - Modern kitchen facilities

You're welcome at Bewdley Methodist Church To comply with social distancing guidelines we are worshipping from our homes using online resources at Our community can be assured of our prayers and support at this challenging time. Our minister, Revd Sue Levitt, can be contacted at the number below. For information about worship, weddings, baptisms or funerals please contact our minister: Revd Sue Levitt 01299 826641

Holy Family Catholic Church Bewdley

Within the parish of St. Wulstan and St. Thomas of Canterbury Stourport on Severn

Situated on the High Street, this delightful Palladian Grade II* listed church was built circa 1778 and adopted by the Catholic Church in 1951. The church is open daily for quiet prayer and reflection. Also based here is the Bewdley conference of the St.Vincent de Paul Society, a charity that works with those in need in the area and the Forgetmenot group meeting first Sunday of every month 2-4pm PARISH PRIEST: Fr. Richard Sharples Parish Office: 01299 822633





Specialist Services


CONTACT SANDI ON: 01299 825900 07866 885701

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All work approved

RLM Decorating High Class Interior & Exterior Decoration Fully City & Guilds qualified with over 35 years professional experience including paper hanging, interior & exterior painting. References available from satisfied customers. Richard Morris 01299 403875 07980 795353

Community News

A message from a new Bewdley Support Group As we go to press, a new group has been set up by members of our community so that we can help each other in the current situation. More information on page 15.

Bew wdley In Kind

KEEP YOURSELF SAFE Our community volunteers will have I.D. to confirm who they are. They wont need to enter your home. Our service is FREE OF CHARGE

COVID--19 (Coronavirrus) Support Group G Is Coronavirus you you but you to getto out? Is Corona aviruskeeping is keeping yat home at home butneed y need you get– ou ut? We We are to lhelp youneed, need, so give give us aa shout! are herehere to h help with things shout! h ! h i with h the th the hi hthingsthat hthat t you d so i us



Help is on hand if you need someone to: Get you some shopping Pick up prescriptions Post letters Run other errands you might find useful Or if you just want to telephone for a friendly chat from time to time

call us when you need a little help. Our service is FREE OF CHARGE C We wont call by unless yo ou have prearranged this with us Our Community Volunteerrs won`t need to enter your home Volunteers will have ID so o you know who they are.


Corrine Bailey tel 07533 185734 Helen Mosley tel 07813 321304 Maureen Raybold 07970 271811

* Anna Downes tel 07967 728588 * Jo Bloom (via Facebook) * Sharon Weston 07773 335524 (Safeguarding)


COVID-19(Coronavirus) Support Group

Cri C rissis is Support orrt fo for Re Ressiid idents nttss of Bewd wdley & Su Surroun undi ding Are rea






Specialist Services

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RNA Heating Ltd 1 Trimpley Lane, Bewdley, Worcestershire DY12 1JJ *Terms & conditions apply.

Community News

A message from Bewdley Town Council COVID 19 – 5 ways to look after yourself and stay healthy. These are testing times and therefore one of the best ways to protect others is to protect ourselves. Worcestershire County Council are encouraging residents to work together to support local communities. Updates can be found on their website: Take care of yourself and stay healthy Simple steps like washing you hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds, as well as isolating yourself as much as possible cannot be underestimated. Many of our town councillors have now made the decision to self-isolate, and the town council office staff have reduced working hours at the office, working from home where possible. Forthcoming meetings have been cancelled or postponed until further notice. Call, Chat, Check Could you swap numbers with your immediate neighbours? Perhaps you could post a note through the door sharing your name and contact details and what you could help with. Do they require essential supplies? Likewise, if you are vulnerable, could you post a note asking for help? If you are concerned about the wellbeing of someone, alert relevant organisations. Be kind: think of others Bulk-buying essential items is not considerate. If you have surplus, could you offer to people in need? Social media is an excellent way of sharing advice and information. Check out ‘This is Bewdley’ and ‘Bewdley COVID 19 (Coronavirus) Support Group’ on Facebook. Get online if possible & stay in touch Self-isolating doesn’t necessarily mean you have to cut yourself off from others. Video-calling, or a simple telephone call is a perfect way to stay connected. Perhaps write a letter to a neighbour who you know is on their own. Simple gestures mean a lot. Share accurate advice and information Make sure you are accessing and sharing accurate information. If you have access to the internet, use the website listed above. If not, use reputable and verified news sources; either television or local radio stations.

Riverside Elim News continued... At Riverside Church we want to continue to support the people of Bewdley as much as possible. Please if you are self isolating or practising social distancing and struggling please get in touch with us at Riverside.You can call on 01299 405535 or email We have systems in place where we can stay in touch with people by phone, text and email, and we can help deliver people's shopping to them who may not be able to get out! Just because we are self isolating and distancing doesn’t mean we have to stop connecting as a community. We want to connect to you and help you connect as much as possible. Please, like our Facebook page or subscribe (it’s free) to our YouTube channel and you can hear more and more messages and notices from us, and also drop us an email or phone and we will do all we can to stay connected to you!





Specialist Services

AKY’S Window Cleaning Services ‘Need your gutters looking at?’

Gutter cleaning Gutter repairs Facia, soffits & gutters cleaned Window cleaning Give me call on

01299 877127 07967 152948

Local Genuine Locksmith & Upvc Door Repairs

07469 879240

Community News

Good folks of Bewdley...... A team of volunteers is setting up The Bewdley-In-Kind COVID 19 support group and is already helping people in the community in a variety of different ways. See page 11 for more information. In partnership with St. Anne’s Church and St. George’s Hall, we are now in a position to accept food donations that we know will be badly needed in the coming weeks. We have already seen evidence that people are struggling financially to feed their families. If you feel able to make a donation to our ‘Bewdley Food Bank’ it will be very much appreciated. Because we have to adhere to a very strict protocol of making sure each donated item is sanitised before we can parcel it up and send out to the people who need it, we are asking for donations only of non perishable foods, toiletries and baby food. That means donations of food that can be wiped down easily such as tins and packets. This may change in the future but for now the things we require are: Any tinned or packet food such as meat, beans and vegetables; boxes or sealed bags of cereal; long life milk, tea, sugar, snacks, sealed packs of cakes and biscuits. Any food item that can be wiped over, sanitised and made safe for our volunteers to handle is welcome. Baby food, formula, nappies, wipes. Toiletries, sanitary wear, toilet rolls etc. At this stage we are not able to accept any other donations but this may change in the future. We ask that donations are dropped off at St. Anne’s church between 11am – 12 noon any day. Please leave donations in the porch area to the right. Unless you are planning to use the church for prayer, please do not enter the church any further than the porch area. This is for your safety and the safety of others. Someone will be on hand to collect the donations each day, sanitise them and move them to another destination for storage. Donations will not be left in the church overnight. Maureen Raybould The team thank you for your continued support during these difficult times. If you should wish to volunteer in any way, please get in touch through the Facebook group Bewdley ‘COVID 19 (coronavirus) support group’ or ring any of the numbers in the poster on page 11.

Plastic Free Bewdley A group of Bewdley volunteers, supported by Bewdley Town Council, has a mission of eliminating single use plastic in the town. Plastic Free Bewdley was set up in 2019 and is working with local businesses, community groups and schools to help them reduce their single-use plastic. We use single-use plastic for just about everything, from brushing our teeth and showering, to buying and storing our food. It’s durable and lightweight, but these properties allow it to persist in the environment for hundreds to thousands of years, impacting on our health, environment and marine life. Plastic Free Bewdley is organising a public launch day in partnership with the Greener Living Fair, now postponed to later in the year. Events are planned throughout the day to raise awareness and provide hints and tips on reducing our dependency on single-use plastic. JOIN US IN OUR CAMPAIGN TO STOP USING SINGLE USE PLASTIC See





Specialist Services

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Specialist Services





Specialist Services

Family run business est 1980 We sell a range of rugs from modern to traditional. Come instore to see our ranges. We also make custom rugs from leftover carpet either having an overlocked edge or taped edge. Visit us online - Visit us instore - Unit 6, Acorn Enterprise centre, Hoo farm ind est, Kidderminster, DY11 7RA Phone us - 01562 755795

CJG Trades Local Gas Engineer New & replacement Gas Boilers, Gas Safety Inspections, Plumbing Hot Water Cylinders, Central Heating Systems Very Competitive Prices For a free no obligations quote Call Chris Gillespie 07870 673942 or email A Bewdley based professional tradesman

Community News

Short easy walks: Dowles Churchyard approx 3km Remember to keep two metres away from other walkers. Start at Bewdley Bridge. Go to Severnside North and, keeping the river on your right, go upstream past the car parks and Riverside Park. Go through the gate and walk past the water metering section of the river. Keep going until you see a stile on the left. Climb the stile and go across the field towards the trees. At the trees there is a gate into Dowles Churchyard. It is an atmospheric place with overgrown graves. Trace your steps back across the field to the riverside path and turn left. Cross the bridge over Dowles Brook and turn left again. A track leads up to the Button Oak road but you can also keep closer to the stream. Once you reach the road, turn left and follow the road back to Bewdley (or retrace your way back to the river and walk back to Bewdley by re-crossing the bridge) Russ Fauset

News from St. Anne’s Chess Club

e year. ter in th . la il t n u ed ion Postpon ut for informat o k o o L

The Chess Club is looking forward to meeting once again on Wednesday mornings in St. Anne’s Church when the current situation changes. Recently we were pleased to be asked to visit some local care homes to play chess and dominoes with some of the residents. We hope to see you again soon.

Bewdley/Wribbenhall Ladies’ Luncheon Club Currently our meetings are suspended in line with Government guidance. We will be in touch with members once the situation changes and send our best wishes to you all. Please contact our Secretary on 01562 60966 for further information.




Stefan Austin Carpet and Vinyl 25a Worcester Street, Kidderminster DY10 1ED 07969 894409 01562 752546


Specialist Services

Community News

The Kissing Season My grandma was a true Victorian country woman, born and bred in the depth of Suffolk. She merited great respect from me because she was her area ploughing match champion. She confided to me that if the pair of Suffolk punches that were her charge were left to their own devices, then they would plod across the field leaving furrows as true as an arrow merely with gentle encouragement and occasional sugar cubes. She also passed on to me the finer practices of partner whist that she used to good effect in her local whist drives. Whilst walking our spaniel locally recently, the fine display of gorse reminded me of an excellent piece of advice that Grandma once gave me. During the early 1950s Grandma would occasionally come to stay with us in our Essex village whilst she recuperated from some ailment. It fell to me as a pre-teen young lad to accompany her on her long walks. On one such walk she caught sight of a fine display of gorse blooms. She sidled up to me with a conspiratorial look about her, gave me a nudge, and asked, "Have you got a girlfriend yet?". Rather shyly and with slight exaggeration I confided that I had. "Well," she said, "just remember that when the gorse is in bloom, then it is the Kissing Season!" This piece of wisdom dominated much of my younger years, and indeed has stood me in very good stead. It was only in much later life that I realised that gorse flowers almost continuously throughout the year. So of course Grandma was quite right with her courting advice. Rick Jarvis

Back in Time with the Bridge I have raided my box of past magazines to select two Aprils from the past. The first is ten years old; the other edition from five years ago. The covers of both are delightfully springlike. In 2010 the West Mercian soldiers paraded through the town. The Bewdley Business Partnership was formed, and there was parking outrage when Wyre Forest tried to implement 23hr parking in the town's carparks. A resident had a good-natured grumble about the endless roadworks in Load Street and Gabi Wootton wrote her monthly article about the guide dogs she cared for. With articles on fishing, rowing, opera singing and gardening, it was clear we were an active lot back then. Five years ago, Linda Iles grieved the fall-off in swallow numbers. The magazine had undergone some changes in its format and our photos in the centre colour pages by Philip Moore were a delight .There were glimpses of the past in a "Before the Bypass" page. And, of course, the usual variety of activities from floral art to a hunger lunch; from quiz nights to a pre-election hustings meeting. What, I wonder, will we be remembering ten years from now? I can make a guess! Margaret





Specialist Services

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Specialist Services

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Natural Gas, LPG & Oil Call Mark on 01299 401329 or 07760 451584 for a reliable service

Specialist Services

With over 10 years experience. All gardening aspects of work undertaken, No job too big or too small. For a friendly and reliable service call Stuart.

Green Leaf LANDSCAPES & DESIGN Kevin Hayes N.C.H.(Pershore)

Planting Plans Pergolas Pruning Water features Patios Walls and fences Phone: 01299 400465 Mob :07866 964427

Garden Maintenance Professional Pruning Weed control Tree surgery Pressure cleaning Free Estimates Qualified & Insured SG Gardening Maintenance 12 Shrubbery Close, Cookley, DY10 3UH

Tel: 01562 261003 Mob: 07900474049

Pete Wall Fencing Tree Pruning and Hedge Trimming Fully Insured Value for Money 01299 405477 07956 172825

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Fancy havving a go at rowing? r We have just the thing ffo or you, a regatta ffo o complete begiinners or

Bewdley Rowing Club Pub an nd Club Reg gatta Saturdaay 6th June 2020

Events ffo or teams of 4 - Men n’s, Women’s and Mixed over 16 ye ears old Winning team gets a ttankard and FREE club membersh hip Training starts Saturrday 2nd May with a club membe er nt and coaching is provided All equipmen

Entry Fe ee £60.00 per team

Entry ffo orms and inffo ormation avvailable on our website y Find us on Facebook - search Bewdley Pub and Club Social Events Bewdley Pub and Club Regatta is organised by Bewdley Rowing Club, a community amateur sports club thaat applies any surplus on the event to the sport off rowing.


Bewdley Town Football Cl

Football matters at Ribbesford Meadow were down the agenda after two serious floods hit complex in the space of seven days. Many of th buildings on site such as the Club House, Toile and Snack Bar suffered damage after the wette and winter anyone within the club can remem floods are quite likely to have also caused dam pitch drainage system and the floodlight wirin of writing the club were due to be visited by County Football Association and Football Foundation to assess the extent of damage.

A GoFundMe page was launched by the Bewdley Under 12s Manager Luke Worthington, and the received many generous donations from within the local community to help us through this difficu For this, we pass on our most grateful thanks.

On pitch, the erratic nature of games being on the fixture list, then postponed and rescheduled, h difficult for the squad to keep momentum going, and a 4-0 defeat away to the league leaders Shifn particularly hard result to take. However, to still be in second place and in line for promotion to t highest ever level of football is still a fantastic achievement for our lads.

The club goes into April with a heavy schedule of away games to undertake. Please note the only game on the calendar is on a slightly unusual game night which is a Thursday 16/4/20 - 7.45 kick o Town entertain Shawbury Utd. However, please check the club’s social media streams for up to da news as things are changing constantly.

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Flood Barriers 16th February Jeremy Hopley

CLUB PARTNER/SPONSOR PROPOSAL FOR 2020/21 SEASON As the season draws to a close, the club is already thinking ahead to next season. Should promotion be secured, the team will be travelling further afield and incurring greater match day hosting costs. With this in mind, Bewdley Town FC is now actively looking for a Partner/Team Sponsor from within the local area. If any individual or business feels they are in a position to consider what we have to offer, we have a full presentation and proposal we can deliver to you at your own convenience. In the first instance, please contact us Any approaches will be treated in the strictest confidence.

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Specialist Services





Specialist Services

Community News

Bewdley Repair Café takes part in The Big Fix In 2019, volunteers from nine Repair Cafes in Devon got together at Belmont Chapel in Exeter to try to break the world record set in Cambridge of 232 items repaired in one day. that day the Devon Repair Cafes present fixed 268 items, including bikes, lamps, watches, and jewellery boxes, made sewing repairs and sharpened tools and knives. On 15th February 2020, Bewdley Repair café joined in with 65 other Repair Cafes for a U.K wide day of repair in order to break that record. What a day! Despite Storm Dennis, Bewdley Repair Café received the largest number of visitors that we have ever had (115 including some of our friends from Kidderminster Repair Café who came along to see how we were getting on and show their support). And a whopping 192 items brought along (102 for sharpening and 90 varied repairs). Only sixteen of our regular repairers were able to come so we were very lucky to have two repairers from Kidderminster Repair Café swelling our numbers to help us achieve an amazingly high number of repairs. And of course eight other volunteers were serving refreshments, registering visitors and pairing up items with the appropriate repairers. In Bewdley that day, 173 items were successfully repaired or sharpened, with only seven items deemed to be unrepairable. Eleven can be potentially repaired if the appropriate spare parts are obtained so some of those items might be brought back to future Repair Café sessions. That is a 90% success rate, swelled of course by the large number of tools, drills etc. sharpened by our sharpening team of Peter and Tony with only one item a saw, deemed not practical in the time available. Even without the almost perfect success rate of sharpening we achieved 80% successful repairs, even better than our usual 70%. And of course we could not have done this without the support of our wonderful customers bringing plenty of items for repair. With over 70 Repair Cafes taking part we were confident of breaking the world record. Storm Dennis brought flooding to many areas, preventing customers from getting through and in some cases Repair Cafés cancelled. Despite this, nationally, 2981 items were brought by 1974 visitors , and 2253 were fixed, a success rate of 75.5%. An estimated £100,000 of consumer spending was avoided and up to 55,000Kg of carbon avoided. John Rhymer Please keep any items you have for repair. The Repair Café will open again as soon as we can after the current restrictions.





Specialist Services

Bewdley Cricket Club is located on High Street, sandwiched between the idyllic River Severn and Red Hill at its Lower Park Headquarters. Set amid some of Worcestershire's finest rural scenery, the ground is considered one of the prettiest in the county. The ground is the perfect backdrop to any celebration, be it a birthday, christening, or wedding, and the wonderful out door space is complimented by a large furnished patio area. The clubhouse, having been entirely refurbished in 2012, boasts a fully licensed bar with a range of draught beer and has the capacity for parties up to 100 people. With a fully equipped kitchen, the club is able to host self catered events and has seating capacity for up to 50 people. With Wi-Fi capability and big screen projection, the club lends itself as a perfect venue for small scale conferences, meetings and team building events for businesses.

Tel: 07870 752274 Web: Email: Twitter: @BewdleyCC

Contact us now to discuss your requirements‌.

Facebook: BewdleyCC

Community News

Severn Valley Railway need your support The Railway urgently needs your help – we rely heavily on the regular income from visitors to keep us running but, in light of Government advice in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, we have postponed all our train services and close the Engine House Visitor Centre, our gift shops and our refreshment rooms until further notice. We have also taken the difficult decision to cancel many events such as our Easter Holiday activities, Spring Steam Gala, Open House Weekend, Spring Diesel Festival and our 50th Anniversary celebrations in May, all of which were predicted to generate vital large scale income to keep the railway running. Without this income the Railway faces a very uncertain future and, although the Government has announced various support measures for businesses, they offer insufficient help to the SVR at present. We, like many other businesses, are not insured for business interruption caused by the pandemic and the only help currently available to us is through Government backed loans (if indeed we qualify), which would put the railway into significant debt and would take many years to pay off. We therefore face a very significant loss of income, over an uncertain amount of time, which through no fault of our own could potentially put the whole SVR’s existence in jeopardy. We have launched an emergency appeal to our supporter base and the public. Please help us. We now need your urgent and generous support to help us survive. All funds will go to help the SVR through this emergency. We are grateful for your support. To do this Please donate through our Charitable Trust by going to For taxpayers we can apply for 25% Gift Aid, at no extra cost to you, which makes this a very efficient way of giving. You can also use the following methods, but Gift Aid is not available: Make a transfer to SVR Charitable Trust: Sort code: 40-26-08 Account number: 91525786. Call 01562 757940 for card payments. Send a cheque to SVR Charitable Trust Ltd, Number One, Comberton Place, Kidderminster, DY10 1QR.

Bewdley Carnival 2020 Bewdley Carnival Committee has taken the very difficult decision to cancel this year's carnival. We hope Bewdley will support us in 2021 to make the carnival bigger and better than ever.





Specialist Services


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Care re at Home H are a family run business b providing care services to Bewdley and the surrounding areas. We are rated ‘Outtstanding’ by the CQC and our care services aree tailored to your neeeds to allow you to continnue living independently in your own home. home For more inffo ormation please call 01299 272897 and we can send you our brochure or visit our website





Specialist Services

Dog Lane, Bewdley, Worcs, DY12 2EF

High Quality Fruit and Vegetables (inc seasonal produce, locally grown)

Fish, Eggs, Local Honey & Marmalade. Flowers for all occasions. (Wholesale queries also welcome.)

01299 400346 Healthy Start Vouchers Accepted


Specialist Services


31,Load St,Bewdley, DY12 2AS

Sewing & Knitting Supplies Stockist of leading brands of yarns and patterns Haberdashery, Ribbons, Buttons, Zips, Elastic, Tapes & much more Clothing and Curtain Alterations Curtains and Blinds made to measure

Tel: 01299 404510

* Ladies, Gents & Children * Reliable Service * Competitive Rates * Established over 25 Years

07990 721584

Dr Vivien Newrick Homeopath medically qualified and registered homeopathic practitioner

Tel : 01299 401617 Mob : 07884 098582

Community News

Behind the Baton It seems ironic that having not written a column for a few months, I am penning one now when there is no live music to write about. On a personal note, I have postponed two concerts due to take place in the coming months – it seems amazing today that only a week or so ago, I was mulling over whether that was the right decision. Bach and Brahms can wait and will be two bright lights to look forward to at the end of this long dark tunnel. I am also sure that music will be another light that will help us all while we spend many enforced hours at home. It is a great way to “check out” of the current situation – driving one of my last commutes home to Bewdley from an increasingly deserted Birmingham this week, after hearing the latest few minutes of ever worsening news, I switched across to Radio 3 where Vaughan Williams “Lark Ascending” was being played - a beautiful solo violin piece which brilliantly portrays the sound of the lark song whilst painting a glorious picture in your mind. It’s impossible not to imagine a typical English countryside spring scene whilst listening to this piece and for a few indulgent minutes, I had completely forgotten about pandemics, cancelling concerts and cash flow concerns. Obviously, Vaughan Williams is not going to do it for everyone, but I would urge everyone to use music as a way to escape, whether it’s immersing yourself in some sumptuous classical symphony or dancing round your kitchen table to ABBA. We will all need these lighter moments and music will be a great enabler. I am already seeing innovation – concerts being streamed online, music lessons being offered on Skype, Bands doing performances on Facebook live. Maybe, like the Italians, we will sing from our windows into the empty streets! Not only will this help us through the months ahead but I suspect change the way we consume live music forever. Having said that, we will return to the days where we can enjoy live music in person once again and hopefully there will be a huge backlog of wonderful performances for us to enjoy. For my part now, I shall be trying to regularly post some clips on the “This is Bewdley” Facebook page with a short bit of background info, with the hope that it will give some of you that chance to “check out” for a few moments. In the meantime, my best wishes to you all – we are lucky to live in a great community and music will be one of many things which will see us through to the other side. Alastair Elliott

Bewdley Medical Centre Team & Join Dementia Research Bewdley Medical Centre, in collaboration with the National Institute of Health and Research (NIHR) are inviting our patients to Join Dementia Research, a database that registers patients and carers’ interest in taking part in dementia research. At Bewdley Medical Centre we are passionate about supporting our patients with dementia and their carers. We want to raise the profile of dementia and hope that by encouraging patients and carers to sign up to Join Dementia Research, we can better understand and manage this life changing condition. You can sign up anytime for Join Dementia Research. For more information or to sign up to Join Dementia Research via their website, please visit





Specialist Services

Are you buying your first house, moving home or looking to remortgage?

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Community News

Short easy walks: The old Corpse Road approx 4km Remember to keep two metres away from other walkers. Start from Bewdley Bridge and walk downstream along Severnside South. At the road junction turn right up Lax Lane. Once you reach the High Street turn right again. Opposite the Packhorse, there are some steps on the left. Go up the steps and carry straight on keeping the hedge on your left and past the former scout hut on your right.You will reach a path junction where you turn left. Keep straight on, past a pond on the right to a gate. Go through the gate but keep to the right. This path gently swings to the right and climbs to a gate at a road crossing. Cross the road and continue downhill under the Bewdley Bypass to Ribbesford.You are walking along the old ‘corpse road’ which was used to take coffins from the town of Bewdley to be buried in St Leonard’s churchyard. The churchyard and Church are worth a visit here. On leaving the Churchyard turn immediately right then head downhill bearing left down an avenue of old Horse Chestnut trees to the Bewdley to Stourport “switchback” road. Cross the road and turn left onto a path alongside the river which follows the river upstream.You are now at Blackstone Country Riverside Park. Follow the path upstream along the riverbank with Blackstone Rock on the opposite side of the river. This path leads out of the Country park and under the Bypass bridge and follows the river back to Severnside South. Russ Fauset Live Wyres is a social club for senior single people. We meet in pubs around the area and hold dances, trips, quizzes and other events in a range of venues from hotels to village halls. Coronavirus This is an incredibly difficult time for us, personally, as a nation, and across the world.The main thing is we must stay safe and well and look out for each other. Due to Government guidance we have had to postpone or cancel our upcoming events. As soon as we have updates on any of our events, we will post on Social Media. Live Wyres hope you and your families stay safe and well, we look forward to meeting you all soon! Best wishes Barbara When we are back, don’t be on your own...please join us! You will be most welcome! We are a friendly bunch of seniors who enjoy life, sharing time with friends.Would you like to meet new friends? Share special times in great company? To find out more contact: Barbara on 07875 533969 or see our website All events organised by members for the members.





Specialist Services

The way forward in recycling!

BLACKPOLE RECYCLING WASTE MANAGEMENT, SKIP HIRE & RECYCLING We supply skips of all sizes, whether its a 2yd skip for garden rubbish, or a complete waste recycling plan for your business. Currently recycling 93% of all waste received!


Are You in Pain?

Do you want to feel better?

Midlands Physiotherapy Ltd Ex Premier League Physiotherapist Over 20 yrs experience in treating injuries. Back Pain Shoulder Pain Sciatica Trapped Nerve Foot & Ankle Complaints Sports Injuries Muscles and Ligaments Midlands Physiotherapy 5 Mason Road, Kidderminster, DY11 6AF

01562 754380 Phone NOW and get on the road to recovery…… FAST

Community News

Legends of Swing concert The Neil Coley Big Band made their second visit to St Georges Hall on 24th February, and once again the concert was a sell-out, despite the fact that the bridge was closed because of the floods. The band loves coming to Bewdley where there is always a great audience. Band leader Neil Coley commented that he had rarely experienced such an enthusiastic reception, and promised to come again soon. The band would like to thank the wonderful audience who turned out despite the weather! The good news is that the band hopes to return in the autumn for another Legends of Swing concert on Monday 23rd November. Tickets priced £10 will go on sale officially in September. To reserve tickets in advance, please email the band at

Together Group In line with Government guidance, our meetings are currently suspended. We will continue to keep our members informed by email or phone. Please take care and ask for support if you need it. If you wish to have any further information, do not hesitate to contact us. Liz 01299 403053. John at Bewdley Town Council 01299 400157

Bewdley Methodist Church Opened in 1795, the Grade II listed Bewdley Methodist Church is actually the newest church building in Bewdley. We have postponed the Flower Festival and the Church 225th Anniversary celebrations, both planned for May. Dates will be confirmed when the coronavirus situation improves.

Forget Me Not Sundays An informal get together on the first Sunday of each month 2.00 - 4.00pm. A wide age range enjoy the company of others in a relaxed atmosphere where there is always a listening ear. The group has grown from strength to strength and aims to make the afternoon a little brighter. We have cancelled our meetings for the time being but will be back as soon as possible. Holy Family Meeting Room, High Street, Bewdley For further details or for any support contact the Parish Office-01299 822633





Specialist Services

MARK WILLIAMS FIPW & LAUREN WILLIAMS MIPW PROFESSIONAL WILLWRITERS “A lifetime’s attention to the most complex of legal investigations as a retired Detective Superintendent means you can definitely trust Mark to write your Will.”

Wills or Powers of Attorney from £95, Free Will Reviews, Big Savings on Funeral Plans, Probate & Care Home Fee Avoidance Instructions taken in the comfort of your own home

T: 01299 251442 M: 07966 053887 E:

Angie Allard (BMus) Piano Online piano tuition for any level or age Fully DBS checked Email or call 07859 049392

Trading Standards Approved

Mr R A Hughes D.O. Registered Osteopath and Sports Therapist Osteopathy / Cranial Osteopathy Over 20 years’ experience Fully qualified and registered since 1995 Established in Bewdley in 1998 Sciatica, Arthritis, Trapped Nerves, Headaches, Sports InjuriesBack, Neck and Shoulder Pain 01299 406015 07961 352056 07961or352056 Bridge House – FREE CAR PARKING

Community News

Bewdley Library World Book Night is a national celebration of reading and books that takes place on 23rd April every year. Events up and down the country run by individuals and organisations celebrate the difference that reading makes to people’s lives, and everyone from publishers, local businesses to the general public can get involved. World Book Night is run by The Reading Agency, a national charity that tackles life’s big challenges through the proven power of reading. In April 2020, paperback copies of the books on the list will be given out across the UK with a focus on reaching those who don’t regularly read, and are gifted through organisations including prisons, colleges, hospitals, care homes and homeless shelters, as well as by passionate individuals who give out their own books within their communities. At Bewdley Library we hope to get a selection off the chosen book list. Authors include Milly Johnson, AA Dhand, Martin Walker, Mike Gayle and Jane Corry. Also in April we hope to follow on from last year’s successful cheese month with 'Coffee Month'. We will be stocking an arrangement of coffee themed books, both fiction and nonfiction. Jonathan Halsall

Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for our library users While Worcestershire County Council libraries remain open at present (22nd March), going forward some libraries will need to close temporarily due to staff shortages.We will review opening hours on a daily basis in light of staff shortages and government announcements and will post updates through our media channels. In response to Government guidelines on Coronavirus, all group events and activities that take place in libraries are suspended until further notice. To avoid fines building up for customers who are unable to return books to the library, we will extend the return date for all existing and new library loans until further notice. This is likely to delay the availability of some reserved books, audio books and DVDs. The mobile library service has stopped operating from Monday 23 March until further notice. E books and e audiobooks can be downloaded for free using the Borrowbox App. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by these changes and appreciate your understanding at this time. Worcestershire County Council

Rock Pathfinders Free guided walks of 2-3 hours, off the roads and into the countryside. Our programme of group walks is cancelled during the current health situation. Please see our website for updates as soon as the situation improves. Meanwhile, keep walking in our glorious local countryside. For our full programme see or ring Alan on 01299 400304 or Jan on 01299 832571





Specialist Services

Website: A professional and fully equipped podiatry practice in a relaxed rural setting.

A friendly and professional chiropody / podiatry practice based in little Witley, WR6. We diagnose and treat a number of foot conditions such as corns and calluses, fungal and thickened toe nails, ingrown toe nails (nail surgery), athlete’s foot, verruca and general foot and ankle pain. We also provide diabetic foot assessments and check- ups. Our aim is to deliver a high quality service, taking a holistic approach, in a caring and nurturing environment. Call us on: 07795630469 Adrress: Dodoak, Sankyns Lane, Little Witley WR6 6LG Email:

B. Ince

Telephone: 01299 403105

Funeral Director

Private Chapel of Rest Bank House Severnside South Bewdley, Worcestershire

Hagley Clock Clinic Ltd Est: 1978

Repairs, restoration & servicing of antique & fine clocks and other mechanical devices. Telephone: 01562 885080

07989 964854



Community News

Bewdley Rowing Club Pub and Club Regatta Calling all wannabe rowers! This is Bewdley’s unique annual regatta for complete beginners. Despite its name, you don’t need to belong to a club or work in a pub, but simply can’t be a member of a rowing club to qualify. Crews of four – women’s, men’s and mixed – of all ages (above 16) and abilities, compete over a 400m course in a crazy knockout competition. Club members offer coaching and coxing in the month ahead of the regatta. Many of the current membership were introduced to rowing through the Pub and Club regatta and are still rowing, many years on - some even occasionally win at national events! It’s a great family fun day, not to be taken too seriously, and a lovely way to meet people and experience some racing on the beautiful River Severn – cheered on by the general public along the river path. The day culminates in the winners being crowned with a trophy, free rowing membership, and a BBQ and disco. The 2020 regatta, due to take place on 6th June, is likely to be postponed. Look at or find us on Facebook for more information.

mooch gifts & home for beautiful gifts, cards and home accessories award winning stores in Stourport on Severn and Bewdley

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Specialist Services

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Bewdley Tutoring Primary English and Maths. GCSE/A Level/BTEC Physical Education. Fully qualified teacher. Seven years’ experience in mainstream and SEN schools. DBS checked. Qualifications available to view. For more information please contact or 07837 658 929

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Specialist Services





Specialist Services

Vicarage Service Garage Ltd Established 50 Years Qualified Technicians Special For Bewdley & Surrounding Areas FREE COLLECTION BY BYTHE THEBUSINESS BUSINESSPROPRIETOR PROPIETOR (LIVING LOCALLY)



0121 5591860 DAYTIME 07793535988 MOBILE IRENA Foot Clinic Do you Suffer Discomfort From: Corns Callus/Dry Skin Fungal Infection Thickened Nails Verrucas/Warts Athletes Foot Ingrowing Toe Nails Skin Problems/Smelly Feet Diabetes Being Unable to cut your own nails For professional treatment at my surgery or in your own home. Contact Irena on :

01299 841277 or 07795 958186 25 years experience Free vascular check of the foot The Old Farmhouse, Button Bridge, Kinlet, Bewdley, DY12 3AW email: Irena s.a.c. dip.(Dist). f.h.p.p. r.f.h.p.

Community News

Traidcraft are the Original Rule Breakers The commodity coffee price is ridiculously low at present, driving hundreds of thousands of coffee farmers and their families into financial ruin and migration. Coffee plants are being cleared on a massive scale and the coffee industry has yet to find effective answers to this huge problem. Traidcraft signed the Coffee Transparency Pledge in 2019, making 100% of our coffee costs transparent and public. We registered two of our single origin coffees to the Transparent Trade Coffee Platform, declaring the exact amount of money which goes back to the growers. Now we’ve launched our very own Transparency Coffee. On the front of the packet, for all to see, are details of where the money you pay for the packet of coffee goes. The average price paid on the New York coffee exchange for non-Organic coffee is about 53p, for non-Organic Fairtrade coffee it’s 71p and for Organic and Fairtrade coffee it’s 84p. We are publicly declaring that we have paid £1.32 directly to the growers who harvested the beans in this new Transparent Arabica Coffee. Take a look at the new Traidcraft online. We’ve a new range of green, fruit and herb teas, Fairtrade Easter Eggs, more of the ever popular bamboo socks and Bio-D cleaning products. Bio-D are the UK’s leading manufacturer of environmentally responsible, ethically sound, hypoallergenic, vegan cleaning products. They use naturally derived and plant based products and every ingredient has complete traceability so they can guarantee they’re ethically and sustainably produced. All bottled packaging is 100% recyclable and many of their bottles are made entirely from UK, post-consumer recycled plastics. They’re working towards 100% of the bottles being made this way soon. I’ll happily take orders. Contact me on 01299 400617 or Elaine Barbour

Wribbenhall WI When you read this most of us will be in our homes wondering what to do. Coronavirus has changed life for everyone. In Bewdley we are so fortunate to have a wonderful caring community. Do read about the support which is available and ask for help if you need it. Please offer support if you are able to do so. Sylvia Tudor-Hughes is Acting President until our next meeting, whenever that takes place and is happy for you to contact her at any time 01299 400036 During this difficult time, let us support and care for one another in whichever way is possible. Anne Mace

Bewdley WI At our March meeting we welcomed Terry Green who gave a talk on the decline in UK hedgehogs and how we can help to preserve them. Donations by members were collected for the Kidderminster Food Bank. We have plans to learn how to cook curry the 'traditional way’ from John Johal and to hear from a local charity that supports the homeless when meetings resume again. Meanwhile, we ask all members to take care and look after each other. Chris Clarke





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Community News

Bewdley Town Council News April 2020 Flooding The Town Council would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped and provided support to those affected by flooding. It is the intention to work with the Environment and other agencies to ensure that, should a similar event occur in the future, information is communicated more effectively. The Annual Town Meeting The Annual Town Meeting, due to be held on Monday 20th April 2020 at 7.00pm in St George’s Hall, is postponed to later in the year. Town Council Grants Bewdley Town Council has allocated grant funding in its 2020/21 budget to the support of local groups. The grant application form is available on the Town Council’s website; grants are awarded twice yearly in June and December; applications should be submitted by the end May and November. Unfortunately, only one application per group can be processed in any one financial year. Neighbourhood Plan The Neighbourhood Plan is progressing and is expected to go out for consultation in Autumn this year. Road Safety Group The Town Council’s Road Safety group are working closely with Worcestershire County Council in an attempt to address on-going issues such as speeding and weight restrictions. Remember if you are expecting to receive an email from Bewdley Town Council, please check your SPAM / junk mail box.

Community Archaeology Project The Small Pits, Big Ideas project is looking for host gardens and volunteers to help discover more about Bewdley’s past. We need your help for a few days in mid July (next year now!) to excavate one metre archaeological test pits in the Bewdley area in an attempt to answer questions about the town’s origins and development over time. Bewdley is to be one of six settlements to be excavated in this county wide project, which is researching medieval rural settlement in Worcestershire. Who can take part? All ages welcome (pupils from the High School are already involved) and no experience or knowledge of archaeology is required. Alongside the digging, there will be finds to clean and test pits to record, so it would be great to have you involved in whatever aspects you fancy. Guidance and equipment will be provided. How to take part: If you are interested in volunteering your time or garden, or want to find out more, please contact Heather Flack on 01299 400691 or The project has been postponed because of coronavirus, but still contact Heather if you are interested. Heather Flack





Specialist Services

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