The Bridge - December 2019

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The Bridge December 2019

December in the Forest Our native Corvids (Magpies, Crows, Rooks, Jays and Ravens) are very intelligent birds but they are a noisy lot. The colourful Jays have been busy eating and burying acorns ‘while stocks last’ and set off with an affronted shriek if I disturb them. We see Crows and Magpies too, far too many of the latter for my liking, but it is the Raven that gives me a thrill when I hear its grating call, usually high above the woods or fields as it flies over its territory hunting for pigeons or other birds and small mammals. In these circumstances it is hard to guage its size but sometimes other birds will mob it, trying to send it away, and then I can compare them. With a wingspan of up to 150cm they can be larger than Buzzards, whose call is more musical (if that is the right word) but just as haunting. The forest seems emptier now that the leaves are nearly all off the trees. It still offers some protection from the weather and you will feel warmer there than in the surrounding open landscape. Fallen leaves carpet the ground and are especially thick where they have drifted in the wind. This is where you will find concentrations of the little leaf eaters such as worms, slugs and millipedes, and the decomposers (eg fungi, bacteria and protozoa), all busy despite the winter. In ‘The Woodland Trust Book of British Woodlands’ Michael Allaby writes that only 1% of the total volume of leaves is eaten on the trees – the rest provide energy for all these organisms which live in and just above the soil, recycling each year’s leaf fall so that the nutrients can journey through the soil and air to supply living plants and animals again. Dead wood is also broken down but it takes longer. It resists digestion by most creatures but this is where the fungi play a major part: like animals they secrete digestive enzymes which can break down complex molecules, including cellulose and lignin in wood, into simpler ones which are then absorbed. The fruiting bodies of fungi, mushrooms and toadstools, usually show signs of being nibbled: a fleeting food source for slugs and larger animals. Talking of larger animals, most of them are out and about during winter months, with only dormice, hedgehogs and bats really hibernating. Dawn only arrives after 8am this month, so that is a good time for a quiet walk to enjoy beautiful effects such as that captured in this photo by Mick Farmer, or perhaps to spot Fallow Deer before they spot you. On Christmas Day the sun will rise at 8.17am, giving a day lasting 7 hours 47 minutes before sunset at 4pm. Make the most of it! Linda Iles

Editorial News

The Bridge is the community voice of Bewdley It is free and delivered by volunteers to more than 4,600 homes every month Visit us at

Welcome to December’s edition of The Bridge, full of events to celebrate Christmas 2019: parties and pantomime, concerts and carols, charity events and, of course, Father Christmas. The pages of this month’s magazine also demonstrate the richness of a community which cares for those who may face challenges, particularly at this time of year. As ever, during Advent and Christmas, Bewdley’s churches offer special services, from carols or quiet in candlelight to the excitement of a busy nativity service. Look out for details throughout the magazine. However you spend this season, may the joys of Christmas be with you. Gill, Margaret, Martin and all the Bridge team.

Sharing your news with us To share your news and photographs or advertise an event, please contact: To advertise your company, please contact:

Delivery If you can help deliver please email Deliverers mostly take out fewer than 50 magazines. Reserve list is also useful. Printed by Vernon Print & Design DISCLAIMER All advertisements in the magazine and on the website are inserted in good faith and Bewdley PCC accepts no responsibility for any statement, omission or errors made by the advertisers; nor endorses the products or services offered.

Cover photograph Paul Warnett The bells of St. Anne’s Church, Bewdley 3





Specialist Services

Introducing our Country Rover (CR) Tours on our new mini-bus DAY TOURS Mon 9 Dec Sat 14 Dec Wed 18 Dec Fri 20 Dec Wed 1 Jan 19 Jan 31 Jan 17 Feb 9 Mar 20 Mar 30 Mar 30 Mar 14 Apr 17 May 26 Jun

German Market Birm’ £12

Sat 4 Jan

Hereford Cathedral Shoppers Carols £18 Sat 11 Jan

Chester via Wrexham £18 Tale of 2 Rivers Chepstow & Monmouth £18

Spectacle of Light at Sudeley Castle £33 Sat 25 Jan Derby Market & Lichfield £20 A Choral Music with Hugh Dennis £46 Thu 30 Jan Warwick & Stratford £17 New Year Tour & Lunch £36 Sat 8 Feb York £20


LONDON DOCKLANDS 2 days £125 WINTER WARMER TORQUAY 4 days £205 BOURNEMOUTH 5 days £200 SPRINGTIME IN SIDMOUTH 5 days £370 MOTHERING SUNDAY in THE PEAK DISTRICT 3 days £220 ISLES OF SCILLY 5 days £660 MOUNT’S BAY & THE TIN COAST 5 days £370 DARTMOOR: THE ULTIMATE ESCAPE 5 days £340 DUNKIRK 80 (B&B only) 5 days £390 OBERAMMERGAU PASSION PLAY 7 days £1210 Price includes dinner, bed and breakfast & excursions USUALLY PICKING UP WITHIN Tel 01299 402989 To Book / For Brochure / Private Hire WALKING DISTANCE OF YOUR (46 Sandbourne Drive, Bewdley, DY12 1BN) HOME Or visit or Bewdley Tourist Information


Community News



December 1 Bewdley Footpaths walk 2.00pm - see page 19 1 Forget Me Not Sunday - see page 35 1 Children's Christmas Crafts Saw Yard Bewdley Museum, 11.00am - 3.30pm - see page 13 2 Knit and Natter All Saints’ Church Wribbenhall, 9.30 - 12noon 2 Christmas Charity Event, Kateshill House - see page 15 2 Bewdley WI St George's Hall 7.30pm - see page 21 2 Bewdley Floral Art Club Open meeting in Kidderminster Town Hall 7.30pm - see page 23 4 Scrabble at Bewdley Baptist Church - see page 23 5 Rock Pathfinders walk 10.30am - see page 39 5 Cinema in the Hall Sorry We Missed You - see inside back cover 6 General Election Meet the Candidates - see page 45 7 Royal British Legion Bingo Night - see page 31 7 Snow White Saw Yard Bewdley Museum, 3.30pm - see page 13 8 Children's Christmas Crafts Saw Yard Bewdley Museum, 11 - 3.30pm - see page 13 8 Christingle Service All Saints’ Wribbenhall - see page 43 8 Taizé Service St. Anne’s Church, 6.30pm - see page 41 8 Beer & Carols Great Western Pub, 8.00pm - see page 11 9 Knit and Natter, All Saints’ Church Wribbenhall, 9.30 - 12noon 10 Book Sale All Saints’ Church 10.00 - 12noon 12 Knit & Natter at the Methodist Church, High Street 2.00 - 4.00pm 12 No Cinema in Hall today because of General Election 13 Music in the Hall Doc Bowling and His Blues Professors - see inside back cover 14 Bewdley Choral Society Concert Carols for Christmas - see page 19 14-16 Christmas Wreath Festival at All Saints’ Church - see page 11 14-15 Father Christmas Weekend and Craft Fair Bewdley Museum - see page 13 15 Carols by Candlelight 4.00pm Bewdley Methodist Church - see page 9 16 Knit and Natter All Saints’ Church Wribbenhall 9-30 till 12noon 17 Wribbenhall WI Wribbenhall Parish Room, 1.30 - 3.30pm - see page 23 18 Bewdley/Wribbenhall Ladies’ Luncheon Club - see page 23 19 Rock Pathfinders walk, 10.30am - see page 39 19 Cinema in the Hall Joker - see inside back cover 19 Together Group Christmas Lunch - see page 19 20 Music in the Hall - Tom the Frop, featuring Max Keen and Shabbey Road - see inside back cover 21 Repair Café St George’s Hall, 10.00 - 2.00 pm - see page 25 22 Carols by Candlelight St. Anne’s Church 4.00pm - see page 15 22 Carols by Candlelight Bewdley Baptist Church 5.30pm - see page 7 24 Nativity Service St. Anne’s Church 6.30pm - see page 7 26 Boxing Day Tractor Run - see page 15 January 2-4 Aladdin Bewdley Community Theatre Group Pantomime - see page 21 and colour pages 5 Forget Me Not Sunday - see page 35 6 Bewdley WI St George's Hall, 7.30pm - see page 21 6 Bewdley Floral Art Club, Wharton Park Golf and Country Club, 7.30pm - see page 23 5





Specialist Services

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Bewdley Church Servicesl

Church of England Parishes of Bewdley and Wribbenhall Rector: Rev Megan Gibbins On the first Sunday of every month at 10.30 am we hold a Holy Communion Service in one of our churches. On other Sundays, services are held at the following times: 9.30am 9.30am 11.15am 11.15am

All Saints’ Church, Wribbenhall St Anne’s Church, Load Street St Leonard’s Church, Ribbesford St Andrew’s Church, Button Oak (second Sunday of the month only)

Services usually last for about an hour and range from traditional to more modern to family. All Saints’, St Anne’s and St Leonard’s each have a children’s area. Separate organised children’s activities are available during the service in St Anne’s. Other services and events are held in our churches during the week – for more information see the calendar on our website : Wish to book a wedding at one of our churches? Please contact Paul Gibbins to arrange an appointment. Thinking about Baptism? For St Anne’s and St Leonard’s come to a 9.30 am Sunday service at St Anne’s, for All Saints’ come to a 9.30 am Sunday service at All Saints’ – and we’ll chat over coffee.

Bewdley Baptist Church

Bewdley Methodist Church

High Street Sundays at 10am A relaxed style of worship with lively music for all ages. Sundays at 6.30pm: varied types of services. Church Office 01299 403267

High Street Sundays at 10.30am A warm welcome to all for traditional worship in a friendly atmosphere. Monthly Sunday Club for children. Revd Sue Levitt 01299 826641

Holy Family Catholic Church

Religious Society of Friends

High Street Sunday Mass at 8am For weekday masses, please see our noticeboard Local contact Deacon John O’Brien Parish Office 01299 822633

(Quakers) Meeting House Lower Park

Sunday 10.30-11.30am A quiet, contemplative form of worship, with occasional ‘spoken ministry’. Children’s Meeting have their own activity before joining in the Meeting.

Riverside Church St George’s Hall, Load St. Sundays at 10.30 Friendly and fun for all regardless of age or background, our family service lasts for about an hour and a half and has both modern and traditional worship followed by a short time of easy to follow bible teaching. 7





Specialist Services

Severnside School of Dancing Classes in Ballet, Tap, Modern, Classical Greek, and Acrobatic Dance held at the Wheatsheaf Room, Bewdley Institute Special Junior hour Fridays 4-5 Training for Festivals and exams Contact Joyce Campbell on 01299 400633 Like us in Facebook

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Church News l

Nativity Service Christmas Eve 6.30pm St. Anne’s Church Shepherds, Angels and Wise Men... their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, guardians, supporters..... All are welcome to this child-friendly service where, on this special night, we retell the story of the birth of Jesus. Children are welcome to come dressed as a character from the Nativity story Service lasts 30 minutes (give or take…)

Merry Christmas from Bewdley Baptist Church You are very welcome to join us: 10.00am Sunday 8th December – Our very own Noah’s Ark Nativity. 4.00pm Sunday 15th December – Christmas Messy Church. 10.00am Sunday 22nd December – A Christmas celebration for all no matter your age. 5.30pm Sunday 22nd December – Our very popular carols by candlelight time. 10.00am Wednesday 25th December – Christmas Family celebration. Christ is Born, Hallelujah!! Like to know more? Contact the minister Simon Harry, at the church office 403267 or visit

You are invited to join us at Riverside Elim Rivertots – Every Monday 9.15am - 11.30am All are welcome, just turn up. Enjoy a relaxed atmosphere, hot drinks available and meet other parents. A safe and enjoyable place for your children to come and play. Limitless Youth Friday 7.15 - 9pm for 11 to 18s A night of fun, games and laughter. Every Friday we meet to let off a bit of steam with our high school students. The night is relaxed with a monthly theme. Coffee Morning - Every Wednesday 10am - 12 noon Love Coffee - Love People Followed by Wednesday Church 12.30pm to 2pm. Worship, Prayer and Bible Study. Everyone welcome. For further info contact, call the office on 01299 405535 or visit 9





Specialist Services


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Church News l

All Saints’ Church Kidderminster Road Wribbenhall Sun 1st Benefice Service at St Leonard's Ribbesford 10.30am Mon 2nd Compline 7.00pm Sun 8th Christingle Crafts from 2.30pm, Service 3.30pm - see page 13 Tue 10th Christmas Book Sale 10.00am -12noon Sat 14th & Sun 15th Christmas Wreath Festival - see page 11 Sun 22nd Holy Communion with Carols 9.30am 24th Dec Christmas Eucharist 11.30pm in Parish Room Sun 5th January Benefice Service 10.30am in Parish Room

Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) We meet every Sunday at 10:30am at our historic Meeting House.You are welcome to join us in our special silence. Why not hire our Meeting Hall? Phone 01299 405214 or 075120 55570 - State of the art overhead digital projector and sound system - Broadband internet for video streaming, free WiFi - Modern kitchen facilities

You're welcome at Bewdley Methodist Church Sunday 8th December: Toy Service for HomeStart at 10.30am Sunday 15th: Carols by Candlelight at 4.00pm Christmas Day: Family Celebration at 9.30am Sunday 29th: No service here - United Service at Stourport Wesley Methodist Church at 10.30am For information about worship, weddings, baptisms or funerals please contact our minister: Revd Sue Levitt 01299 826641

Holy Family Catholic Church Bewdley

Within the parish of St. Wulstan and St. Thomas of Canterbury Stourport on Severn

Situated on the High Street, this delightful Palladian Grade II* listed church was built circa 1778 and adopted by the Catholic Church in 1951. The church is open daily for quiet prayer and reflection. Also based here is the Bewdley conference of the St.Vincent de Paul Society, a charity that works with those in need in the area and the Forgetmenot group meeting first Sunday of every month 2-4pm PARISH PRIEST: Fr. Richard Sharples Parish Office: 01299 822633 11





Specialist Services


The deadline for the January issue of The Bridge is 8th December

CARPET UPHOLSTERY & CURTAIN CLEANING BY EXPERTS All treatments - All districts - Lowest prices Latest equipment - Fully insured

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Community News

Parishes of Bewdley and Wribbenhall

Christmas Services 2019 All Welcome 8th:

Christingle 3.30pm Wribbenhall Parish Room - see page 43 Meet from 2.30pm for Christingle Crafts


Carol Service 5.00pm St. Andrew’s Button Oak

22nd: Carols by Candlelight 4.00pm St Anne’s Church, Load Street - see page 15 24th:

Nativity Service 6.30pm St. Anne’s Load Street - see page 7 Children are invited to come dressed as a character from the Nativity story. Christmas Eucharist 11.30pm Wribbenhall Parish Room (places limited to 100)


Christmas Day Communion 10.00am St. Anne’s A family friendly service for all ages. Morning Prayer with Carols St Leonard’s, Ribbesford

Cards for Good Causes Christmas Shop

Beer And Carols Sunday 8th December 8pm

in St. George’s Hall Undercroft, is open until

The Great Western Kidderminster Road Wribbenhall

16th December 10am to 4pm Sundays excluded

What better way to start Christmas than singing traditional carols with a pint of beer.

Cards for Good Causes sells Christmas cards and small gifts on behalf of thirty charities both local and national. At least 70p in the £ goes back to the charity. We would be pleased to welcome any new volunteers. Please call Sheila Limbrick 01299 400704

Free entry

Christmas Wreath Festival at All Saints Church, Wribbenhall Saturday 14th December10:00am to 4:00pm Sunday 15th 11:00am to 4:00pm Monday 16th 10:00am to 12:00pm Come and vote for your favourite wreath! 13





Specialist Services

Door Canopies

RLM Decorating High Class Interior & Exterior Decoration Fully City & Guilds qualified with over 35 years professional experience including paper hanging, interior & exterior painting. References available from satisfied customers. Richard Morris 01299 403875 07980 795353 12

Community News

The Festive Season at Bewdley Museum Bewdley Christmas Lights Switch On: Saturday 30th November. We will be open until 5.00pm with the Garden Kitchen serving hot drinks and snacks out in front of the museum and in the café. Christmas Elf Hunt and Christmas crafts for the children from 11.00am-3.30pm (charges apply). Panto Time: Saturday 7th December 3.30 - 4.15pm. Fun Time Theatre present Snow White.Cost £6 per person. Book tickets online or call 0845 607 7819 Children's Christmas Crafts: Sunday 1st and Sunday 8th December 11.00am - 3.30pm. Children's Christmas craft activities in the Sawyard, £4 per child. Father Christmas Weekend and Craft Fair: Visit Father Christmas and our Craft Fair at Bewdley Museum on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th December. Live music on Saturday from Bewdley Choral Lite and Sunday Wyre Forest Saxophone Group at 12noon and 2.30pm.Visit our Christmas Craft Fair, meet our very own resident craft artists and browse around our unique gift shop. Father Christmas will be in his Grotto from 12noon4pm. Tickets cost £5 per child which includes a gift. Last tickets available at 3.30pm. Just turn up, no need to book. The Garden Kitchen will be open all day serving festive favourites. For information about booking a craft stall, please contact Christmas Shopping: Don’t forget that our shop has lots of new and unusual gift ideas and our resident crafts people have a unique range of handmade items for sale. The museum shop will remain open until Monday 23rd December and our craft people will remain open until Sunday 22nd.

Winter at the Museum Until 15th December, the museum is open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10.00am to 4.30pm. New for this winter season, the Garden Bar will be offering hot and cold drinks, alcohol and snacks in the Shambles, 7 days a week. The Bar can be accessed through the front entrance and Jubilee Gardens. The Shambles will remain open for access but please note the rest of the site will be closed. Yoga finishes on Tuesday 17th December and Thursday 19th December and resumes week commencing 6th January 2020. Dates for your diary in 2020: The shop and site access open on Monday 4th February and the museum site fully opens on Saturday 29th February. On behalf of myself, the museum staff and our volunteers I would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. Ali Bakr 13





Specialist Services

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Community News

Carols by Candlelight St. Anne’s Church Sunday 22nd December 4.00pm Come and sing your favourite Carols and listen to Christmas readings by candlelight in St. Anne’s Church in the heart of the town. Followed by mulled wine and mince pies. All are very welcome.

Boxing Day Tractor Run 2019 Tractors leave from Far Forest Sports Pavilion, Callow Hill at 10am prompt. All participants and spectators are welcome from 9am for registration, bacon/sausage sandwiches and hot drinks. Cost is £10 for each tractor to enter with all proceeds going to the Kidderminster and Worcestershire Prostate Cancer Support Group. A new route this year goes via the Wyre Forest to Arley (weather permitting) finishing in Bewdley Town Centre, Severnside South. The tractors will arrive in Bewdley from around 12 noon. Festive fancy dress is optional but there is a prize for the best dressed seasonal tractor and occupants. Contact Ray Attwood on 07973 790214 or email

Christmas Charity Event in aid of

Planting for Hope Monday 2nd December Kateshill House, Redhill, Bewdley, DY12 2DR Cakes Stall, Craft Stalls, Hamper Raffle, Christmas Stall, Chocolate Tombola, amid stunning Christmas decorations and with seasonal music 10 am-12.30 - Coffee and Mince Pie 12.30-3 pm - Tea and Cake Tickets - £5 per session Judith: 01299 401563 Kath: / 01299 402503 17





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Community News

2019: Another busy year at Bewdley Museum As we approach the festive season we have had another record year for visitors with 200,000 at the time of writing. We are expecting to have 240,000 by the end of our season which is an amazing achievement. This season we have had eight exhibitions in our Wyre Forest and Saw yard galleries plus a private exhibition during the summer by the Foundry Studio Artists. We held activities during all half term breaks and the summer holidays, these attracted over 1,800 children. We held eighteen events during the year, a mix of free and ticketed, attracting a combined figure of 22,000 people Our education programmes brought in 52 schools and our adults have enjoyed yoga, dance and crochet workshops weekly. We also launched our dementia and outreach programmes. Twenty one couples have tied the knot in the Guildhall this year and we already have ten couples booked for 2020. Ali Bakr [Picture: Jason Keyse] Bewdley Choral Society

Carols for Christmas Saturday 14th December 5.00pm

Together Group December We have only one meeting in December, our Christmas celebration on 19th December at 12.30 for 1pm.

St. Anne’s Church A traditional seasonal celebration with audience carols, mulled wine and mince pies.

This is a Festive Meal followed by entertainment from DAVID LAWRENCE. Unfortunately we are not able to invite visitors to this event. Regular members are reminded that they must book in advance. Please ring Liz 01299 403053 or Bewdley Town Council 01299 400157

Tickets £5.00 from St. Anne’s Church, Bewdley Blooms and 01299 403776 Children free

Bewdley Footpaths Meets in the garden on the east side of the river just below Bewdley bridge at 1.45pm for a prompt start at 2.00pm. 1st December

Ribbesford Circular Approx 2/3 miles. Easy walk. 19






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BEWDLEY TILE WALL & FLOOR TILING 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Richard Moore 01299 404591 07979241892



Specialist Services

Community News

Bewdley Community Theatre Group presents

Aladdin Thursday 2nd, Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th January at 7.30 p.m Saturday Matinee at 2.30 p.m. At the Mercure Bewdley Heath Hotel Festive magic for all the family! Come along and join in the fun as Aladdin, a peasant boy from Peking, discovers a magic lamp that can grant his every wish. But can he defeat the evil Madame Abanazar and set the genies free? Can he win the hand of the lovely Princess Jasmine? Come and be part of this fantastic explosion of colour, unforgettable comic characters, music and dance in a land where dreams come true! Tickets £10 and £8 (children under 12) from: or Wyre Forest Books, Load Street, Bewdley.

Bewdley WI At our November Meeting we had guest speaker Susan Pinfold-Brown, who gave a very educational and moving talk on Dementia. We took part in tasks which gave us an insight in to how Dementia affects the workings of the mind. It made us more aware of the fragility of people with the condition and how we should all be more tolerant and helpful. December Meeting It will soon be that magical time of the year! So do please join us at our Christmas Social Evening with a 'No Tat and Promises Auction' and In House entertainment. 2 December 7.30 pm St George's Hall Visitors Welcome Entrance Fee £3.50 (Refreshments included) January Meeting 'Belly Fusion' Tribal &Theatrical Belly Dance Troupe (An interactive session) At New Year and maybe you want to shed those mince pie and chocs pounds! or you just want to have fun, then come along and have a go! 6 January 2020 7.30 pm St George's Hall Visitors Welcome Entrance Fee £3.50 (Refreshments included) 23





Specialist Services

Family run business est 1980 We sell a range of rugs from modern to traditional. Come instore to see our ranges. We also make custom rugs from leftover carpet either having an overlocked edge or taped edge. Visit us online - Visit us instore - Unit 6, Acorn Enterprise centre, Hoo farm ind est, Kidderminster, DY11 7RA Phone us - 01562 755795

Local handyman available for all types of housing and garden maintenance.

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Local man John Kirk has over 30 years experience of many trades offering a professional service with pride. Skills Available Painting Fencing Blockpaving/Slabbing Grounds / Garden maintenance Building maintenance Internal & External Free Quotes available within 24 Hrs Please contact John on any of the following details and he will aim to respond asap. Mobile : 07748 861130 Home : 01299 878725 Email: 22

Community News

All Saints’ Church Wribbenhall Christmas Eucharist Christmas Eve 11.30pm In Wribbenhall Parish Room, adjacent to the church. All are welcome to join this special service. Numbers are restricted to 100 because of fire regulations.

Wribbenhall WI Our December meeting will be Christmas lunch at Bodenham Arboretum on Tuesday 17th December. If you are someone who is interested in learning more about us and would like to join our celebration, please contact Anne 01299 402204 by Monday 9th December to book. Three courses for £22.00 , two courses £18.00, payable on booking. No January meeting.

Scrabble at Bewdley Baptist Church Do you know anyone who would like to play but has no one to play a game with? On the first Wednesday of each month a Scrabble Group meets in Bewdley Baptist Church. Next meeting: Wednesday 4th December 10am-12 noon Back Hall, Bewdley Baptist Church Donation towards refreshments appreciated Ring Beverley 01299 823505 or Church Office 01299 403267 for information. Everyone regardless of ability or experience is invited to come along. If possible could you please bring a scrabble game with you.

Bewdley Floral Art Club Monday 2nd December 7.30pm Open Meeting at Kidderminster Town Hall. Andrew Lloyd is demonstrating ‘Andrew’s Christmas Selection Box’. Tickets are £10 from 01299 402961. (Doors open 6.30pm) We welcome the New Year on Monday 6th January with a demonstration by Mrs Sionedd Hughs entitled ‘Turning Over a New Leaf’ at Wharton Park Golf Club. Friends and visitors welcome.

We look forward to seeing you.

Bewdley/Wribbenhall Ladies Luncheon Club Following a lovely lunch in October, John Butterworth spoke engagingly on the illustrated subject of “Meeting the Queen”. It gave us a most interesting look behind the scenes at Buckingham Palace, when Mr. Butterworth received an MBE for services to journalism and charity. On 18th December we welcome back the talented “Grace Notes” choir, under their musical director Morvudd Sinclair. This is sure to be a lovely occasion, at which we hope to welcome many ladies, at the Mercure. Please ring 01562 60966 for further information. 23





Specialist Services

Severn Plumbing & Tile

Fixing everything from a leaking tap through to full bathroom installations All domestic tiling applications No job too small

Call Steve on

07579 057199





From NEIL KEARNS Free Quotations 01299 402726 or 07989 058513


Private Tuition Given in Physics GCSE/AS/A2 and KS2/GCSE/AS/A2 Maths Call Roy on 01299 409 460



07876 221 924 24

Community News

International Repair Café Day at Bewdley Repair Café Inspired by the 10th Anniversary of the first Repair Café, started on 18th October 2009 by Martine Postma in Amsterdam, Transition Bewdley joined in the celebrations at their October session. Martine organised this first Repair Café because she was feeling increasingly frustrated with the developed world’s throwaway culture. “If something is broken, the first reaction should be: this should be mended.” - Martine Postma. Whether it was the increased international publicity around the anniversary or the rather nice chocolate biscuits which we distributed to customers and volunteers alike, we broke our own record of 93 items assessed, sharpened and repaired. Our volunteer repairers dealt with 102 items in the October session. As usual, not every item was repairable due to being broken beyond economic repair or non- availability of spare parts but we achieved our usual level of 70% sharpened or repaired. Even when a repair was not possible our experts were able to either recommend a professional business which could carry out the repair or confirm that the item could be sent for recycling with a clear conscience. Transition Bewdley Repair Café started in April 2016 since when we have served over 1,400 customers assessing and attempting to repair or sharpen over 2,100 items with around 70% success rate. There are now nearly 1,700 Repair Cafes throughout the world. Most operate monthly and in 2018 they repaired 350,000 items, averaging 18 items per session. Bewdley is clearly one of the busiest ones averaging well over 50 items per session! 38% of items are for sharpening and 30% are electrical or electronic. Our next largest categories are clocks/watches 7% and sewing repairs 6%. 4% have been bikes (mostly at the special bike clinics that are run at our repair Café sessions just before Bewdley Bike Week) while jewellery and furniture each form just 2 % of repairs albeit with an almost 100% success rate. The remaining items do not fall into any of our main categories and range from toys to picture frames. John Rhymer The next Repair Café will be on Saturday 21st December 10.00am – 2.00pm in St George’s Hall, Load Street, Bewdley.

Thank You! Thank you to all who supported the Traidcraft Fair in November. Goods to the value of £2,500 were sold on the day.The usual stall is still in St Anne’s church, full of Christmas goodies, and the usual groceries etc, so do take a look. Every purchase you make changes lives. Elaine Barbour Volunteer Fair Trader for Traidcraft 25





Specialist Services

CJG Trades Local Gas Engineer New & replacement Gas Boilers, Gas Safety Inspections, Plumbing Hot Water Cylinders, Central Heating Systems Very Competitive Prices For a free no obligations quote Call Chris Gillespie 07870 673942 or email A Bewdley based professional tradesman


The Bewdley School Global Happ

Mrs. Becky Newbold (left) Conference Organiser with delegates. Photos: Colin Hill In November, The Bewdley School hosted two combined events: an international Global Happiness Conference and a British Council Connecting Classrooms Conference for international teachers. Delegates came from schools in Egypt, Jordan, India, Morocco, Palestine and Uganda as well as from other UK schools.

iness Conference November 2019

The event’s focus was on the United Nations Sustainable Goals of Health & Wellbeing and Quality Education. Friendships were forged across boundaries and ideas shared about social cohesion, community and culture. Delegates from Cornerstones Primary School in Uganda captured the mood of the event in their song: Be The Change You Wish To See.

Bewdley Town Football Club Bewdley Town FC is located at picturesque Ribbesford Meadows, on the switchback midway between Bewdley and Stourport. Facilities at the ground include extensive free car parking and a club house serving refreshments before and after games. The pitch side offers covered seating in the main stand for 140 people giving a great elevated view of the match action. This pleasant relaxed atmosphere can be a great way to introduce young family members to the world of watching live football in an affordable and enjoyable manner. The club currently plays in the West Midlands Regional League Premier Division which offers plenty of opportunities for local derbies during the season. The team has made an excellent start to the 2019/20 season with a free scoring and entertaining brand of football being coached by the experienced management team of Phil Mullen and Paul Davies, and currently sits in second position in the Premier League table. Recent social media activity has seen the club attempt to engage more positively with the local community. We hope to increase general interest in the team, attract a greater fan base and gain support from the local business community by way of sponsorship. If you feel you can help or support the club in any way, please contact the Chairman via the Contacts Page on our Website By the time you read this, we will have played two big fixtures with Kidderminster Harriers visiting The Meadows in the Worcestershire Invitational Cup, and a top of the table league clash against Shifnal Town FC. The club are hopeful the people of the town can help swell the ranks and support their local team for big games like these in the future. Next home fixtures: 7th December 3.00pm Smethwick Rangers League 21st December 3.00pm Wolverhampton League 4th January 3.00pm Bridgnorth Town FC League See our website for details: Admission: adults £5.00 and concessions £2.00





Specialist Services

SG Gardening Maintenance With over 10 years experience. All gardening aspects of work undertaken, No job too big or too small. For a friendly and reliable service call Stuart.

Garden Maintenance Professional Pruning Weed control Tree surgery Pressure cleaning Free Estimates Qualified & Insured SG Gardening Maintenance 12 Shrubbery Close, Cookley, DY10 3UH

Tel: 01562 261003 Mob: 07900474049







Specialist Services





Specialist Services

Bewdley Cricket Club is located on High Street, sandwiched between the idyllic River Severn and Red Hill at its Lower Park Headquarters. Set amid some of Worcestershire's finest rural scenery, the ground is considered one of the prettiest in the county. The ground is the perfect backdrop to any celebration, be it a birthday, christening, or wedding, and the wonderful out door space is complimented by a large furnished patio area. The clubhouse, having been entirely refurbished in 2012, boasts a fully licensed bar with a range of draught beer and has the capacity for parties up to 100 people. With a fully equipped kitchen, the club is able to host self catered events and has seating capacity for up to 50 people. With Wi-Fi capability and big screen projection, the club lends itself as a perfect venue for small scale conferences, meetings and team building events for businesses.

Tel: 07870 752274 Web: Email: Twitter: @BewdleyCC

Contact us now to discuss your requirements‌.

Facebook: BewdleyCC






Specialist Services

Pete Wall Fencing

Full Range of Quality Garden Products Delivered to your door.

Tree Pruning

Ambassador Multi Purp 40ltr. 6 bags Only ÂŁ25 Levington Multi Purp 50ltr 4 bags Only ÂŁ22.80 Levington Farm Manure 50ltr 4 bags ÂŁ18.80 Levington Giant Growbag 4 bags for ÂŁ20 Decorative Bark 70ltr. 5 bags for ÂŁ34 *Stockists of SHL Professional Composts Range of Bagged Aggregate Available

and Hedge Trimming Fully Insured

You Click - We Deliver

Value for Money

more offers @

01299 405477

Call: Paul on 01562 741820

07956 172825

Mob: 07704 346506 Delivery ÂŁ3.00 - Orders ÂŁ25+ Delivered Free! Fast & Friendly Service


Green Leaf


Kevin Hayes N.C.H.(Pershore)

LANDSCAPES & DESIGN Planting Plans Pergolas Pruning Water features Patios Walls and fences Phone: 01299 400465 Mob :07866 964427

For Fast & Friendly Service contact: M: 07512 589665 or T: 01299 402622

Offering LAMDA one to one Speech and Drama tuition, Just Drama After School Clubs, Primary age Saturday Club, 11+ Youth Theatre, Pre-School Drama and Singing Sessions

Offering themed parties for children aged one and above. From Princesses and Pirates to Pop Starz, you name the theme and we’ll send one of our fabulous entertainers in themed costume. ÂŁ110 per hour. Special offer 20% off when quoting ‘The Bridge’ Contact Natalie on 07870249129 or e:

Contact Natalie on 07870249129 or to book your free trial class or LAMDA session today. 30

Community News

Bewdley Library In conversation with someone the other day about the Internet & its effect on the Library Service I gave him my views, which I put in the Bridge a couple of months ago, and then pondered the question some more later on. I would say that the biggest effect of the Internet on libraries and the book trade in general has been on non-fiction. In the pre digital age if you wanted to do your own plumbing, for example, you would nip down to the local library and get the required book under the DIY section. Today however you only need to Google your problem and you can get your own personal demonstration on how to fix the problem on YouTube. On more academic matters if you wanted to learn something, say, on another country you would unthinkingly head off to the same place. If you were interested in Brazil there may be one or two books on your locals' shelves and more extensive selections in the counties' bigger libraries which you would be able to order for a small fee, as you can today. With the Internet you can get an almost infinite amount of information on Brazil without getting out of bed. The difference in the amount of knowledge that a dedicated Brazilophile can access on the net to what he could access in a library is like comparing a Formula 1 car to a bicycle. So does this mean nonfiction has become obsolete? Not at all. Outside of hard data what a non-fiction book can offer you is a narrative on the subject required that is rarely available online. So for example if you wanted to know about the origins of WW1 you could Google it but you would be inundated with facts and links to a wealth of information much of it incorrect or by unqualified authors. The only real way to find out more than the bare bones is to read a book such as 'The Sleepwalkers' by Chris Clark where you can get a qualified interpretation. Obviously constraints mean I have only skimmed the surface here, so on to more immediate matters. If you know someone who enjoys reading but is unable to visit the library we have a Library Service at Home operation where volunteers deliver books to people in their own home. If you are interested in this or volunteering to drive contact Worcester Hub on 01905 822722. Finally a big shout out to customer Andrew Harley who fixed our self-service machine with a dexterity missing from our day long attempts to correct it. Jonathan Halsall

Bewdley Branch of the Royal British Legion Bingo Night Wribbenhall Community Centre Shaw Hedge Road, Wribbenhall Saturday 7th December. Eyes down at 7.30pm. Free refreshments Bring your own drink. All proceeds to the RBL 37





Specialist Services

VOLUNTEER DRIVERS for We're a charity providing door to door transport in North Worcestershire using volunteer drivers’ own cars and our own wheelchair minibuses for anyone who finds it difficult to use public transport and needs access to health, shopping, social and other day to day opportunities. We've seen a 50% increase in demand over the past five years and need to recruit more volunteer drivers for this essential local service. Driver's hours are very flexible taking account of your other commitments. All drivers receive a mileage rate to cover the costs of their journeys. Contact Beverley Coldrick at Community Transport Wyre Forest for an initial discussion on 01299 669840

But please be warned - you could find this work very



Specialist Services

High Quality Fruit & Vegetables (inc seasonal produce, locally grown)

Fish, Eggs, Local Honey & Marmalade. Flowers for all Occasions (Special Orders Catered For)

Online ordering now available at Register with us for regular FREE deliveries to your door HEALTHY START vouchers accepted

Dog Lane • Bewdley • Worcs • DY12 2EF :

t :

01299 400346 39





Specialist Services


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Care at Home are a family run business providing care services in Bewdley and the surrounding areas. We offer outstanding care services tailored to your needs to allow you to continue living independently in your own home. For more information please call 01299 405605 and we can send our brochure or arrange to meet in person. 40


Community News

Cruse Bereavement Care Worcestershire We are at present experiencing a high demand for our services within the County and with Christmas nearly upon us it is a very sad time for the bereaved. Due to this we are arranging for a Training Course to start in February 2020 to cope with the extra demand. We specialise in Bereavement Support covering the County of Worcestershire and we are especially looking for the caring, empathetic person with the ability to listen and communicate with people who are bereaved, helping and supporting them to come to terms with their loss of a loved one. Does this kind of voluntary work appeal to you? If so please contact one of the below for further details, we will be pleased to answer any questions you may have: Email: or ring our helpline on 01905 22223, leave a message on the answer-phone and we will get back to you. Thank you

Forget Me Not Sundays An informal get together on the first Sunday of each month 2pm - 4pm. If you are bereaved or alone on a Sunday, pop in for a cuppa, cake and chat. We might just make one another a little brighter. Next meetings: 1st December and 5th January Holy Family Meeting Room, High Street, Bewdley Everyone welcome! For further details contact the Parish Office-01299 822633

Live Wyres is a social club for single people. We meet in pubs around the area and hold dances, trips, quizzes and other events in a range of venues from hotels to village halls. The following are a few of our events for December: Tues 3rd - Pub night at The Queen’s Head, Wolverley DY11 5XB Tues 10th - Pub night at the Old House at Home, Blakedown. DY10 3JE Fri 13th - Xmas Dinner & Party (members only) at the Island Pool, Cookley DY10 3RX Tues 17th – Pub night at the Island Pool, Cookley DY10 3RX 21st – Christmas Dance & Party at Wolverley Memorial Hall, Wolverley, DY11 5UL Tues 31st – NYE Dance at Blakedown Parish Rooms, Belbroughton Rd Kidderminster DY10 3JG Don’t be on your own...please join us! You will be most welcome! We are a friendly bunch of seniors who enjoy life, sharing time with friends.Would you like to meet new friends? Share special times in great company? To find out more contact: Barbara on 07875 533969 or see our website All events organised by members for the members. 41






Specialist Services





Specialist Services

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Mr R A Hughes D.O. Registered Osteopath and Sports Therapist Osteopathy / Cranial Osteopathy Over 20 years’ experience Fully qualified and registered since 1995 Established in Bewdley in 1998 Sciatica, Arthritis, Trapped Nerves, Headaches, Sports InjuriesBack, Neck and Shoulder Pain 01299 406015 07961 352056 07961or352056 Bridge House – FREE CAR PARKING 43





Specialist Services

Website: A professional and fully equipped podiatry practice in a relaxed rural setting.

A friendly and professional chiropody / podiatry practice based in little Witley, WR6. We diagnose and treat a number of foot conditions such as corns and calluses, fungal and thickened toe nails, ingrown toe nails (nail surgery), athlete’s foot, verruca and general foot and ankle pain. We also provide diabetic foot assessments and check- ups. Our aim is to deliver a high quality service, taking a holistic approach, in a caring and nurturing environment. Call us on: 07795630469 Adrress: Dodoak, Sankyns Lane, Little Witley WR6 6LG Email:

07989 964854




Community News

A Day in the Life of a Bewdley Medical Centre Receptionist Being a Doctor’s Receptionist is a very rewarding but challenging role. Making a patients experience positive is hugely important and we aim to provide a service that is caring, responsive and effective even when we are faced with obstacles along the way. Our objective is to make sure both our patients and clinical team are given the best and most efficient service. Getting the surgery ready for the day is our first task, which includes readying equipment, opening and distributing post and checking for urgent enquiries or reports which have come through overnight. We then have three main roles; answering the telephone, manning the reception desk and completing administration. In October, we received 14,040 inbound calls which can range from booking appointments, providing test results or answering queries from other NHS professionals. Monday mornings and Tuesdays after bank holiday are our busiest times for receiving patient calls. Our administration tasks are vast but can include registering new patients, sending out child immunisation letters and calculating and entering blood pressure readings. During the day we also check and act on any administration tasks that the GP’s have sent. These are often organising repeat blood tests, sending out literature for newly diagnosed patients or chasing information from other clinicians such as hospital discharge letters. Completing all of these jobs within tight timescales is not an easy task, but ensuring patients receive the care they need as quickly and safely as possible is our main priority. We start to close down the surgery at 6.30pm, except on Mondays when we close at 7.30pm. We make sure all urgent tasks have been dealt with and the GPs have everything they need to complete the day’s workload. Every day we undertake a very demanding role, but we are lucky to have some wonderful patients who make all the hard work we do worth it.

Rock Pathfinders Free guided walks of 2-3 hours, off the roads and into the countryside. The December walks will be on Thursdays starting at 10.30am 5th from St Leonards Church, Ribbesford, Bewdley DY12 2TL SO reference 787741 19th from The Bell Inn, Pensax, Nr Kidderminster WR6 6AE SO reference 734690 Everyone welcome. For our full programme see or ring Alan on 01299 400304 or Jan on 01299 83257. 45






Specialist Services

Community News

Feckful and other oddities November 2019’s editorial in The Bridge mentioned the word “feckful” being the logical opposite of “feckless”. There are many other examples of pairs of words with opposite meanings which should exist, but where one of the pair has disappeared or never existed. Along the same lines as “feckful”, there are Spineful, Pointful, Worthful, Clueful, Effortful and (my favourite) Ruthful. In a similar but inverted vein we should have Spiteless, Wistless, Awless, Frightless and Fretless. Then there are many words that are inherently negative in construction, such as Inept, Inert, Uncouth, Unkempt, Unscathed, Intrepid and Invincible, and so on, so where are Ept, Ert, Couth, Kempt, Scathed, Trepid and Vincible? Much amusement can be had thinking up others such as Ruly, Shevilled, Gruntled, Pleted, Candescent, Spotful, Flawful, Rueless and Relentful. It may be going a little too far to think up directional opposites such as Upfall, Frontlash and Underlap, but it makes for an amusing mental exercise! My own list of these strange ‘missing opposites’ currently extends to some 45 words. I wonder if readers of The Bridge can think of any more? That would be Priceful! Phil Harris [The Oxford English Dictionary provides two definitions for feckful: powerful, effective, efficient or vigorous (Scottish, British dialect); and responsible, not feckless, (humorous origin of mid 16th century.) Perhaps some of these words aren’t missing but are merely hiding? Ed.]

Rug Rats Mums’ and Toddlers’ group in St Anne's Church We meet each Tuesday during term time 9.30-11.30 for play, craft, stories and singing. All mums, dads and carers welcome with pre-school children. For more information contact Ann on 07929 980761 email

Taizé Services in Bewdley Taizé style services take place in Bewdley during the autumn, winter and spring once a month. These services have a focus on silent reflection and prayer by candlelight, the reading of scripture with the singing of Taizé songs. They are based on the style of worship of the Taizé community in central France. The services start at 6.30pm and last about 30 minutes. Sunday 8th December at St. Anne’s Church All are welcome for peaceful and reflective worship in beautiful settings! 47





Specialist Services

Vicarage Service Garage Ltd Established 50 Years Qualified Technicians Special For Bewdley & Surrounding Areas FREE COLLECTION BYTHE THEBUSINESS BUSINESSPROPRIETOR PROPIETOR (LIVING BY (LIVINGLOCALLY) LOCALLY)



0121 5591860 DAYTIME 07793535988 MOBILE IRENA Foot Clinic

Hagley Clock Clinic Ltd

Do you Suffer Discomfort From: Corns Callus/Dry Skin Fungal Infection Thickened Nails Verrucas/Warts Athletes Foot Ingrowing Toe Nails Skin Problems/Smelly Feet Diabetes Being Unable to cut your own nails For professional treatment at my surgery or in your own home. Contact Irena on :

Est: 1978

Repairs, restoration & servicing of antique & fine clocks and other mechanical devices. Telephone: 01562 885080

01299 841277 or 07795 958186 25 years experience Free vascular check of the foot The Old Farmhouse, Button Bridge, Kinlet, Bewdley, DY12 3AW email: Irena s.a.c. dip.(Dist). f.h.p.p. r.f.h.p.

Local Private Investigations 0800 4332130 Licensed and Registered 48

Community News

Pause at Noon Advent 2019 Every Weekday in December different churches will be open at 12 noon for people to join us to pause for 5 minutes or so and take a breath. There will be a Bible reading and very short reflection or prayer but more importantly a space in the day to pause from all the bustling and busyness that preparing for Christmas can be. Everyone welcome! Come once. Come every time. Come and Pause for Advent. Monday 2nd - Friday 6th December Monday 9th - Friday 13th December Monday 16th - Friday 20th December Monday 23rd - Tuesday 24th December

Holy Family Catholic Church St. Anne’s Church Bewdley Baptist Monday Riverside Elim Church

Christingle Service Sunday 8th December 3.30pm Craft workshop from 2.30pm

All Saints’ Church Wribbenhall All ages are welcome to this family-friendly service where we give out Christingles. Informal and atmospheric - it’s the perfect preparation for the coming of Christmas. Collection to support the work of The Children’s Society.

Music Church On the first Sunday of every month 3.00 - 4.00pm For all ages - babies to grandparents! All Saints’ Church ,Wribbenhall Have fun with music - play instruments, do crafts and learn about the church. Plus tea and biscuits. 61 High Street, Bewdley am Monday-Friday 01299 403267

Messy Church Sunday 15th December 4.00 - 6.00pm Life can be really messy, and Messy Church is all about having fun in that messiness! It’s a chance to come together, to enjoy craft activities, stories, singing and food! AND there is no charge. It’s not just another children’s club though, this is for the whole family, young and old alike! Sunday 15th Dec: “Small is Mighty” exploring the Christmas Story through various ways – art, food, pebbles, boxes – feeling the excitement of the upcoming birth. Knowing Jesus came into our world bringing peace, love and joy for everyone. Next meeting is on 19th January 4.00 - 6.00pm 49





Specialist Services

MARK WILLIAMS FIPW & LAUREN WILLIAMS MIPW PROFESSIONAL WILLWRITERS “A lifetime’s attention to the most complex of legal investigations as a retired Detective Superintendent means you can definitely trust Mark to write your Will.”

Wills or Powers of Attorney from £95, Free Will Reviews, Big Savings on Funeral Plans, Probate & Care Home Fee Avoidance Instructions taken in the comfort of your own home

T: 01299 251442 M: 07966 053887 E: Trading Standards Approved


Community News

Tales of Bewdley’s Riverbirds. Family Problems The Gabble Gang had a new addition to their family in March 2018. Juney (hatched June 2012) had just the one gosling, whose father (Hat) is the most dominant goose on the river. I decided initially to name the gosling HJ (or Hatty Junior). As time went on it became apparent that this was a goose, not a gander, so I renamed her JJ (or Juney Junior). During the early weeks of her life JJ just fed and slept, constantly surrounded by her five uncles. Hat desperately wanted Juney to leave her family, though family bonds were too strong, leaving her torn and Hat looking very dejected. Through all this, JJ grew rapidly. There was a bit of a hiccup at three weeks of age when I found her swallowing as though there was something stuck there. Although I couldn’t see or feel anything after catching her, she was taken to be cared for for twenty four hours and then returned to the family, with all the other geese present as well. The cacophony of honking was deafening. JJ also had her neck out, shouting for all her worth. It was a wonderful happening all round. Photo: Vicky Phipps

The joy was not to last; Juney disappeared at the beginning of June; I thought she’d gone to nest again. She was gone for some days, then I found her dead, at the bottom of the steps at Beales Corner. She must have been attacked by something, but I never learnt by what. I took her out to the middle of the river, then sent her on her way with Mother River carrying and looking after her in death, as in life. Geese don’t appear to mourn their loss; I have seen several go over the years. They are not insensitive, for geese are the opposite in nature. My feeling is that it is just all they can do to carry on. Nick Taylor (The Birdman of Bewdley)

General Election 2019 Meet the Candidates Come and meet the candidates at St George's Hall on Friday 6th December at 7.00pm. The Hall is once again hosting all the candidates for the forthcoming election. Admission will be free but only by ticket available from the Hall in advance with a maximum of 4 tickets per person. Priority will be given to people with a local address. Please submit your questions in advance to the Hall by 5pm on Wednesday 4th December. We look forward to a lively and informative evening. 51




Specialist Services

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B. Ince Funeral Director

+% , " - # $ ./0 "

1 " - 2 3

Telephone: 01299 403105

<;:9876:543210/.-,+*:).+48(/+:'& ;%:$'#::

Private Chapel of Rest 5,/: +. :

Bank House Severnside South Bewdley, Worcestershire

19! 1 :

".+:-.46:19! 1 !1 : : 5 9& 2: /:, /:7/ 40/:(/46. : ,84 -0/: .+: 00: 7/ 3::: .8 4(/ 4 : 80 -0/:.,4 8 /:. : .+( 0: .+ 8 7:6.,+ 3:: .46: + 4848. /+ : +/: ,00*: +/78 4/+/ 2:8 ,+/ : :+/7,0 4/ 3: : 1 : ! : : 5 : )5 : 51! !1 : : .(/:5 5:! ! 5: ! : ! : :9 ' 1 9 5: +.(: / : :

Dr Vivien Newrick Homeopath medically qualified and registered homeopathic practitioner

Tel : 01299 401617 Mob : 07884 098582

; ; < ; : < $ :: : $ ; : 52

Community News

Soroptimist International Kidderminster & District Twelve of our members attended our annual conference and AGM in Bournemouth at the end of October. It was announced that our new international project for the next three years is Empowering Girls in Nepal in partnership with ChoraChori. The aim of this charity is ‘Rescue, Rehabilitation, Reintegration and Empowerment’. They rescue girls who have been abandoned by their families and trafficked, mainly over the border into India. The charity rescues them and helps them manage their trauma and offers them training to enable them to regain their lives and their independence. Why not join us at one of our meetings to find out more? Visitors are always welcome at our meetings! For more details about the club and its activities and meetings contact us,, via our website: or Facebook: @SIKidderminster Women inspiring action, transforming lives

Advent Service with Holy Communion Wednesday 4th December 10.15am St. Anne’s Church, Bewdley Followed by seasonal refreshments. All are very welcome.

Clothing Collection for Refugees Troubled by the suffering of refugees? Want to help, but not sure how? Your donations of the following would be much appreciated: clean clothing for children and adults; practical boots and shoes; sleeping bags & blankets; items for dignity packs. Donations please to the collection point at the Undercroft, St George’s Hall See a comprehensive list of needs on Wyre Forest Refugee Support Group

Congratulations to TLC Care at Home Bridge advertisers, TLC of Load Street in Bewdley are celebrating their award of an overall rating of Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission. This is an incredible result as it places TLC in the top 3% of all care providers in the United Kingdom. Many congratulations to Jacqui and Peter Jackson and all their team for the work they do in our community. 53





Specialist Services

Make a difference‌

Foster. phoenix

Bewdley Tutoring Primary English and Maths. GCSE/A Level/BTEC Physical Education. Fully qualified teacher. Seven years’ experience in mainstream and SEN schools. DBS checked. Qualifications available to view. For more information please contact or 07837 658 929



Community News

Festive Fundraising for KEMP Give a hamper a home KEMP Hospice is delighted to team up with Midcounties Co-operative again this Christmas to produce 40 festive Christmas hampers. In the past, KEMP has received fantastic support from local businesses and community groups, including CP Foods, Matalan, Slimming World and The Park Gate Inn. In fact, since the hampers were introduced three years ago, over £15,000 has been raised through festive fundraising activities. Looking to build on this success, KEMP is now looking for local businesses, pubs, clubs and community groups to give a hamper a home this Christmas and start fundraising. All money raised will go towards ensuring that those in the local community receive the care and support they need at what is probably the most difficult time of their life. In return for a hamper, all KEMP asks is that fundraising activities generate at least £100 for each hamper. KEMP Hospice offers care and support to individuals, families and carers across the Wyre Forest who are dealing with life-limiting illness and bereavement. Head of Fundraising at KEMP, Cathy Sloan said that she was, again, grateful to Midcounties Co-operative in supporting this initiative and explained how the money raised would be used: “With a minimum of £100, we could fund a patient in the day hospice for a morning, where they can take part in recreational activities, access a range of therapies and benefit from a few hours care under the support of our expert team of palliative care staff. Your donation could make their Christmas a little more special this year.” To have a hamper delivered, please contact Cathy Sloan via email or call 01562 756000. Anyone wishing to learn more about KEMP Hospice can visit

Wribbenhall Social Club, Kidderminster Road The Committee and Members would like to thank everyone who helped and supported their Macmillan coffee morning. We raised in excess of £800 for Macmillan Cancer Support, topping our previous year’s total! 55





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Community News

Bewdley Town Council News December 2019 International Global Happiness Conference The Mayor, Cllr J Byng and Councillors had great pleasure hosting an event for young delegates attending the UK’s first International Global Happiness Conference. Delegates from countries across the world attended a reception at the Guildhall where they learnt about the history of Bewdley. The Mayor enjoyed interacting with the delegates and learning a little of their cultures. The Mayor would like to express a special thank you to Mrs Becky Newbold from The Bewdley School for organising such a wonderful week of events. Localism Representatives from Wyre Forest District Council attended the Town Council meeting on 4th November to discuss potential asset transfers under the Localism agenda. Assets include parks and open spaces, Load Street toilets and the paddling pool at Riverside North Park. The Town Council are in discussions with the District Council to identify the financial implications of the various asset transfer options. Lifebuoys Following a recent survey of the lifebuoys and their housings the Council have agreed to an ongoing replacement programme. The Environment Agency has recommended that the traditional rings are replaced with B-lines, to be included as part of the replacement programme. Public Benches Worcestershire County Council and the Town Council are working together to repair and replace damaged County owned benches. The Town Council will be arranging for a bench to be installed along the Cleobury Road to replace one which had previously been vandalised. If there is a damaged bench near you please report it to and it will be added to the list. Volunteers The Town Council are collating a list of volunteers to help out at local events. If you have any spare time and would like to help with the flood defences at Beales Corner, undertake some gardening at the Millennium Green or act as a steward at future events, please let the Council know Christmas is Coming Don’t forget the High Street this Christmas, Bewdley’s local unique and independent shops offer a wide range of Christmas present ideas. Shopping locally helps support the town’s economy and builds a stronger community and remember, until 5th January 2020, parking is free after 3.00pm. The Councillors, Town Clerk and Council staff would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Future Town Council Meetings Town Council meetings are held at the Guildhall at 7pm on the first Monday of each month unless stated otherwise. The next meeting will be on 2nd December. The public are welcome to attend the meetings and are able to contribute during public question time. Website: Facebook: Bewdley Town Council 57




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