Beyond Parazine Issue 10

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Issue 10

In this issue of beyond parazine



Well here we are into 2015, hope all our readers and valued contributors had a great Christmas and New year. Beyond is now back after an enforced break over Christmas due to illness, but we are back with a mission to make Beyond the biggest and the best Paranormal magazine in the world. We believe that this is achievable with the help of you our wonderful readers. All we are asking is for you to share the magazine, tell your friends and everyone you know, share our Facebook links everywhere that you can and help us to spread the word. We would also like you out there to send us your articles, stories, photos etc etc. If you would like to write under a pen name then thatâ€&#x;s not

a problem. Any one who wants to advertise with us and reach our growing audience you can find our amazing prices on our website. We hope you all continue to enjoy our magazine and will do for a long time to come, if you have any ideas for improvement etc then please feel free to email us with your thoughts and ideas, they are always welcome and very much appreciated, if we want to reach our goals pleasing you the readers is our number one priority. beyondparazine

Sean, Editor

What is happening in the paranormal world? Anyone who has a social media account for themselves or for their team is witness every day to what is happening. Every post to do with anything paranormal is in the firing line, things seem to be getting out of control. Para-wars are very real and are escalating into a huge problem in todays social media, we all hear stories about cyber bullies every day and thatâ€&#x;s exactly what is going on.

Lets start with paranormal event companies, there really does seem to be a new one appearing on a weekly basis, all these companies are obviously going to be in competition with each other, there are afterall only so many venues to investigate. Many of the event companies out there seem to like the fact they have „exclusiveâ€&#x; rights to a few venues and promote this point.

These companies are businesses and are in competition with each other but by gaining „exclusivesâ€&#x; on venues they are not only stopping their competitors or normal paranormal teams going to these venues but they are losing the venue themselves money. Many of the prices these event companies charge too are unbelieveable, yes they earn a living from hosting the events but when they have 3 or 4 events each night all over the country and are making well in excess of ÂŁ1000 profit at each event it is easy to see why more and more event companies are

cropping up each week. Recent events last year concerning one such company just shows what can happen when people try to cash in on the paranormal boom. All of these companies claiming they are the best etc etc is just the tip of the Para-wars epidemic. Paranormal Investigator, Ghost Hunter, Paranormal Researcher, Paranormal Scientist, Paranormal Consultant, the list of things people call themselves is endless and seems to be where

it all starts, what we call ourselves, people appear to be attempting to call themselves anything but ghost hunters recently and some are attacking those that do still call themselves such as amateurs and accuse them of just playing or only in it because they saw the programmes on TV. There seems to be all sort of new name connotations now in an attempt to sound more professional and knowledgeable, which in itself is not a problem its when these people then attempt to live up to their chosen name by picking on others. A classic situation is the „orbâ€&#x; this is far to a lengthy debate to go into here but its enough to say that opinion is certainly divided on the subject, the problem occurs when a photo of an orb is posted on social media and the anti-orb people attack the poster with the dust, bugs, moisture claims. Now healthy debate is a great thing to have

but unfortunately like many things within the paranormal can all to often lead to explosive and many times abusive arguments. We all have our opinions and it is our right to voice that opinion, the problem occurs when we declare our opinion as the only one that counts. I‟m sure we have all seen or even been victim to „the bully‟ who declares that they are correct and „know‟ for a „fact‟ what they are looking at in either photo‟s or videos and state their point with uncalled for aggression, sometimes resorting to name calling and even threats. This is the type of behaviour that is holding things back in our chosen field. It even comes down to the way that we investigate,

many people/teams declaring that theirs is the proper way to do it. Surely if everyone did it the same way then things would not move forward and new techniques would not be found, we are all individuals and we should bring this to our ways of investigating. Ego seems to be a big problem in the paranormal and the green eyed monster that is jealousy, is it the case that when somebody puts what is actually good evidence out there others try their best to dismiss it and even resort to the abusive behaviour simply because they wish it was them who had caught it? There are many individuals and teams out there who will not put any of their findings out for everyone to see because of

with each other without fear of abuse. Previous abuse. This is so out of order. Surely everyone should be able to put out there whatever evidence they want without fear of someone throwing torrents of abuse at them just because they don't like it, it has to stop. Para Unity if an often touted phrase which in the current climate is nothing but words. It will never be achieved in my opinion due to the amount of bullying that is going on, forcing of opinions and ideas on others is not what its all about. Working together to take the paranormal forward is what we should ALL be aiming for, we should be sharing ideas and new discoveries, sharing our findings

We need to work together to stamp out these bullies before we can move forward. At the end of the day we are investigating the unknown so there is no 100% answers as yet found, we all have our own ideas about various aspects of the paranormal and should never try to force this on anyone else, there is a definite line between offering advice to those with less experience and telling them they are wrong and your way is the right way or you â€&#x;knowâ€&#x; what you are looking at. Lets please stop the abuse and try to help each other in a civilised and friendly manner, remember if you don't like what you see don't attack the person, just move on unless you can do it nicely. Sean, Past


Weirdy beardy As far back as I can remember I've felt things, emotion way beyond my capability. I don't see them as in the "I see dead people sense " but if there's an entity, a feeling I seem to be a very good receptor. I currently live in a building formally a yarn shop, since moving in an aroma lingers in the hallway of cigarette smoke, sense of a quiet soul. a voyeur, a Seer. Dead eyes interrogate me as I sleep in the cloaked darkness, a sense of complete and utter desperate nothingness. Not a clever word or one created to promote a sense of atmosphere, but one that those who have experienced nothingness can only truly appreciate its hopelessness, a word its primitive and casual use . Nothingness proceeds every human emotional state, when there is no more, happiness, anger, jealousy even depression.

Nothingness is the calm before the storm, this is what I feel, after all sentiment has left they leave this, a contradictory trail of something which is nothing, a void, a tide of regret, sense of well being and weirdly enough hope. Hope. When there is death? I had never heard of such an idea, the entity residing in my home appeared before me in a strange dream, aggravated, angry and searching for an object it hoped to find. I suffer from night terrors, I cannot tell the difference between nightmares and reality, I relay this information as I

Do you have a story? A personal encounter? A short fiction story? Please feel free to email them to us at believe a reader should be informed. The night terror showed me this spirit who was desperate to find its treasured article, objects were thrown with real consequences. The story ends with no answers, no reasoning, just a night terrorised victim unable to sleep, again the visitors have left as quickly as they have arrived. However with this in mind how can a sane soul sleep again? The night looms in without doubt while silently drifting in and dancing amongst the ashes of a dreamers dream, there's no comfort in the darkness's embrace, no comfort.

By Lulu Davenport


Kevin is a extremely gifted medium with a huge client base through his Facebook page and an ever expanding list of people wanting readings from him. With fantastic feedback and praises from his clients Kevin is very much in demand, he has been guest medium for big event companies and is now a much valued and integral member of the Past Hauntings Team. For more details on the services that Kevin offers click on the logo and the top of this page to visit his website.

E.V.P E.V.P. Electronic Voice Phenomena or Elucidating Vibrational Play-back? This is a subject which has me bouncing back and forth as to exactly what makes up a tangible E.V.P. Evidence regarding the truth and accuracy of this form of information gathering is sketchy at best. For centuries intrepid investigators have gained recordings which are believed to be from those beyond the veil of the living. Whether electronically recorded onto cassette tapes or compact discs the argument has raged through the centuries as to their relevance and authenticity in proving life after death. E.V.P experimentation really took hold within the mid 1800â€&#x;s when Thomas Edison

highlighted his belief that spirit energies would find it easier to communicate via a sensitive recording device over them actually being required to move an object.

Thomasâ€&#x; hypothesis had mediums and other intrigued individuals experimenting in an effort to find the one item which could prove that interaction with lost loved ones was possible. As we all know, we are still no closer scientifically in knowing if there is definitely life after death. Although many paranormal

teams utilise “Ghost boxes� or SB7 boxes (both devices used

to constantly sweep radio frequencies without pause.) the readings which are provided when the experimenter listens to the white noise cycling; where an occasional unclear word could be heard, are, in my opinion, subject to interpretation. The Stoke Haunted team have put this theory to the test by having each team member using only a pen and piece of paper to write down what they thought they had heard. Of course there are the few instances where everybodyâ€&#x;s words matched (despite them not conversing during the period of experimentation);

however, it was more apparent that the collective could not agree on what they had heard and what word was the right response. It is my belief; and not one necessarily held by the Stoke Haunted team or any of its members, that each person could attribute a distorted vocal output into something which fits into their daily lives. It is my conviction that life style, acceptance to the possibility that there could be life after death, vulnerability, emotional mood and the desire to hear something tangible drives our brains to link information fragments together until they conform to something which we think that we can understand.

It is all subject to personal interpretation. All series and models of ghost boxes cycle through radio bandwidths at a phenomenal rate. Is it inconceivable that the various radio stations may emit a partial word which will fall in line with another wordy fragment given from a different station so that creates the sound of one full word over an elongated cycle frame? Imagine if you will:You have three wheels of similar size and shape. Paint an arrow facing north on each whilst they are all still. Once all three arrows are painted spin each wheel at a different rate. How often will those wheels all reach the North position at the same time? Infrequently I can assure you. Could the same principles be attributed to the various “Ghost box” devices and their inner workings? I am not saying that the equipment works in the simplistic description above, and I am no technical genius either so

my theory holds no real weight. I could be utterly wrong. If you were to leave the devices running unhindered for an hour how likely is it that you will hear a complete word? I am not for one moment indicating that the millions of paranormal teams worldwide should steer clear or abandon the use of this item of ghostly equipment. No. I am merely highlighting my own views about the matter. Contaminants are around every corner and it is our responsibilities as researchers to manage them where possible. Where management is not possible then it is vital that we take note of the possible pollutants and how they may affect your research. With the gathering of E.V.P‟s it‟s worth noting what type of equipment you used; audio tape or digital hard-drive.

Regardless of what device you used, if you gain potential evidence you will need to establish whether the piece of kit was laid/held next to some form of a magnet during your investigation – magnets can completely ruin tapes and digital hard-drives and what they may contain. If someone uses the same tape over and over again; regardless of how the tape may have been formatted, it is possible that trace evidence of previous uses may remain. If that should happen it is plausible that sounds from two or

more uses before could remain and tarnish your current recordings. Again, the proper application of an evaluation will help prevent future occurrences or assist you in ascertaining true facts. Each piece of kit has its part to play in the exploration of the paranormal world. Each item whether it be a K2 meter of a laser thermometer allows the user to measure their surrounding atmosphere which is imperative should they want to provide facts to a scientific body at a later stage.

The Ghost box and digital recorders are no different. If we accept each piece of kit for what it is, a tool for measurement, our evidence will gradually collate over time and your investigations will become more stream-lined. No one person; or team, should rely solely on what kit they may carry. The mark of a true investigator is being able to balance both science and observation to determine and evaluate their application and results. Be alert. Be objective. Be safe!

By Claire Atherton Copyright 2014 @ Claire Atherton Publications. All Rights Reserved.


Trance Mediumship Trance Mediumship/Physical Mediumship Making contact with those in the spirit world can be achieved by many methods but in trance, channeling, overshadowing or inspired speaking and transfiguration, the medium and their guide blend together their energies as one. It is perhaps the closest form of communication between spirit guides and the medium. Inspired Speaking This is when the spirit guide directs the medium in what to say. Mediums who give clairvoyant readings in spiritualist churches may do a talk or philosophy. This is usually inspired speaking and can be on any subject, they start to speak and their guide for, this is usually inspired speaking and they are inspired our guided as to what to say by their guide.

Overshadowing This overshadowing can make the medium feel as if their features or bodily form are changing from the norm, or that they have taken a step back and someone else is trying to steer their thoughts and speech. Full Trance This is perhaps the more well known form of spirit trance communication and is when the full co-operation of the medium is used.

In this form the medium will spend a few moments attuning to their guide, before seemingly falling off to sleep. The medium gives permission to the guide to blend with them and fully take over the use of their body. Their are various signs of full trance, such as rapid eye movement, movement of the mouth, breathing rate slowing down. After a brief period the medium will have become an instrument for the guide, the guide being able to use his/ her voice directly.

The medium has simply withdrawn to allow the spirit communicator through some mediums are unaware of the words spoken by their guide, some have an agreement with their guide that they will be able to remember or know the words that have been spoken. The spirit guide will share his knowledge and teachings, for he is in direct contact with those about him. Questions are often asked and indeed the communicating guide will often invite them.

The mediums appearance, body, face and voice, accent and mannerisms will change to that of their guide. The more that the medium works in this state with their guide the more the blending can take place and the more clearly the guides physical features/voice/mannerisms will appear. A truly tranced medium will not be stuck for answers to questions, though we may not always hear what we expect. Transfiguration With transfiguration the face of a spirit person can be seen forming over the mediums face/ body.

It is best to do this mediumship in a red light so the ectoplasm can form over the sitters faces without being destroyed. The faces can be very clear at times, with the mediums face completely disappearing. On other occasions many faces can appear over a mediums face quite rapidly but each one is distinct from each other.

Features can be see, jewelry, clothing type, hair type etc. This type of physical mediumship is usually done by experienced physical mediums who have a strong connection with their guides and understanding of mental and physical mediumship. People do fear trance or physical mediumship, if they have not experienced it before or seen it demonstrated. It is one of the most used forms of mediumship in Victorian times. A true blending of guide and medium is a wonderful thing to see demonstrated and to do as a physical medium. The most well-known spirit guide to communicate through their medium whilst in trance is Silver Birch, through the mediumship of Maurice Barbanell. Other famous trance mediums in history have been Helen Duncan and Gordon Higginson, both who worked

tirelessly for spirit throughout their physical lives. When first working with physical mediumship or trance mediumship, an experienced physical medium should always be present to help both the medium sitting for trance and their guide through this process. Their should be great care taken with the guide and the medium at a guided and controlled pace. Care is also needed to make sure that the medium is not touched or shocked during trance as this can be physically harmful to them. Therefore it is essential that guidance is taken before attempting full trance. There are trance workshops held where mediums are given the opportunity to experience this side of mediumship in a controlled environment where

they are looked after and cared for as they work with spirit in this way. When sitting for physical mediumship people report temperature changes in the room, often with the temperature dropping and it feeling a lot colder in the room. Physical mediumship energy is a lot denser feeling than the lighter energy used when working with mental mediumship, (clairvoyance). Kevin Peters Spiritualist Medium

Paranormal Fiction Books & Investigation reports By Claire Atheryon (Stoke Haunted)


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