EmCaixa - English

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uma ideia que cabe

em caixa

branding for social

innovation and territorial


special thanks to my colleagues: JĂŠssica de Cesero Priscila Oliveira Vinicius Pilatti

This project was made for an cultural context - Brasil - where the intermittent communicational proccess and weights in the dialectical process between connotations and denotations are influenced depending on regionality .


Social problems talks about collectivity, which is something that always existed and it will always exists meanwhile there are individuals. the cultural development of the collectivity is something which depends of us as individuals, depends what we give to the community. bruno munari

Originally named “Brazil without Slits”, the project was born in September 2009 in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul because of the concerns of chemist Maria Luisa Camozzato. On a stormy night, Maria Luisa was concerned about the families who are socially vulnerable. In Passo Fundo, like in many other cities, a great number of families cannot afford material to renovate their houses and for this reason they depend on public authorities and community donations to make their homes more comfortable, a slow process to begin with. That night, worried about the risk these families were taking living daily in the cold and humidity of their homes, the chemist´s sleep was substituted by the concern to find a short term solution that could change these people´s reality. As a chemical engineer who knows the characteristics of the thermal insulator in Tetra Pak® cartons, Maria saw in the packages the possibility to improve the housing conditions of the people who have slits in their homes. With the solution in their hands, a group of committed volunteers conducted the first tests with Maria Luisa. They created and already baptized the program “Brazil without Slits”. The “Brazil without Slits” group implements, manufactures and installs the thermal sheets of milk cartons with three objectives: to improve public health, to remove a highly durable product from the environment and to recycle it in the correct way. The main objective is to provide health to people through the increase of thermal comfort, covering the slits on the walls to prevent the cold, rain and heat from coming in.

the beggining


due to the important role of the industrial products in the economic and social, scientific and technological development in many modern nations, the young who choose graduate as designers are hughing one of the most revolutionary professions of the actuality. the projectual activities envolving design are on the highlight place in the professional scenario, because, often, make big transformations, through new products, in the way we think and

The name “Brazil without Slits” placed obstacles in the way of Maria Luiza´s work progress. For legal reasons, the term “Brazil” is invalid for trademark registration in the segment and, consequently, prevents the creation of a statute. Without a statute, the NGO is blocked because of bureaucratic matters and cannot, for example, make partnerships with universities that help the development and spreading of the idea. Besides, many people- both prospective volunteers and those who benefit from the NGO services- believed that this was one of the programs financed by the federal government such as “Brazil Without Misery”, “Literate Brazil”, “Live Without Limitations” and “Science Without Borders” among others. Within the technical aspects involved in Maria Luisa´s idea we can see the thermal and insulating properties in the composition of the milk carton: 75% paperboard - it guarantees support and resistance 20% polyethylene film - it ensures impermeability 5% aluminium - it acts as a thermal insulator However, this mixture of materials makes recycling difficult and despite the existence of specialized recycling stations many times the disposal of such packaging is done in the wrong way.


luiz vidal de negreiros gomes

the briefing

diachronic research of government social projects and other ngo’s


denotative analysis using the portuguese language michaelis dictionary

lar lar sm (lat lare) 1 Lugar na cozinha em que se acende o fogo; lareira; fogão. 2 Superfície do forno onde se põe o pão para cozer. 3 Face inferior do pão, que fica assente sobre a superfície do forno. 4 Torrão natal; pátria. 5 Casa de habitação. 6 Família. sm pl Nome dos deuses familiares e protetores do lar doméstico, entre os romanos e etruscos. L. doméstico: a casa da família. cômodo cô.mo.do adj (lat commodu) 1 Que oferece comodidade. 2 Adequado, próprio. 3 Que oferece facilidades. 4 Favorável. 5 Tranquilo. sm 1 Aquilo que oferece comodidade. 2 Agasalho, hospitalidade. 3 Aposento de uma casa; quarto, alcova. 4 Pequena habitação. conforto con.for.to (ô) sm (der regressiva de confortar) 1 Ato ou efeito de confortar. 2 Bem-estar. 3 Comodidade material; cômodo, aconchego. 4 Consolação ou auxílio nas aflições. Antôn (acepções 1, 2 e 3): desconforto. Confortos de enforcado: benefícios tardios. bem-estar bem-es.tar sm 1 Situação agradável do corpo ou do espírito; conforto, tranquilidade. 2 Haveres suficientes para a comodidade da vida. Pl: bem-estares. Antôn: mal-estar. ideal i.de.al adj (baixo-lat ideale) 1 Que existe apenas na ideia. 2 Imaginário, fantástico, quimérico. 3 Que reúne todas as perfeições concebíveis e independentes da realidade. sm 1 Aquilo que é objeto de nossa mais alta aspiração. 2 O modelo idealizado ou sonhado pelo artista. 3 Perfeição. 4 Sublimidade.

social so.ci.al adj m+f (lat sociale) 1 Pertencente ou relativo à sociedade. 2 Que diz respeito a uma sociedade. 3 Sociável. 4 Próprio dos sócios de uma sociedade. 5 Conveniente à sociedade ou próprio dela. 6 Relativo, pertencente, devotado ou apropriado ao intercurso ou às relações amigáveis ou por elas caracterizado: Função social. 7 Relativo ou pertencente à sociedade humana considerada como entidade dividida em classes graduadas, segundo a posição na escala convencional: Posição social, condição social, classe social. 8 Relativo à vida do homem em sociedade: Ciências sociais. 9 Sociol Relativo ou pertencente às manifestações provenientes das relações entre os seres humanos, inclusive aquelas que constituem o campo específico da Sociologia: Problemas sociais. 10 Hist nat Aplica-se a certos animais e plantas que vivem em grupos mais ou menos numerosos. encaixar en.cai.xar (en+caixa+ar2) vtd 1 Colocar em caixa ou caixote; encaixotar. vtd 2 Pôr no encaixe. vtd 3 Introduzir, inserir, meter uma coisa dentro de outra, ajustadamente: Encaixar uma dentadura. Encaixou na cabeça o chapéu. vtd 4 Emalhetar. vtd 5 Embutir, entalhar. vint 6 Entrar no encaixe. vint 7 Entrar sem dificuldade. vtd 8 Inserir em um discurso (citação, texto etc.). vti e vint 9 Vir a propósito: “O argumento encaixava perfeitamente na demonstração” (Morais). Essas atitudes não encaixam. vpr 10 Introduzir-se: “Onde se encaixa o Paraíba” (Euclides da Cunha). vpr 11 Intrometer-se: Indiscreto, logo se encaixava nas conversas alheias. vti 12 Meter na cabeça, persuadir de; encasquetar. ambiental am.bi.en.tal adj m+f (ambiente+al3) Relativo a ambiente

vinícius de moraes music

“Era uma casa Muito engraçada Não tinha teto Não tinha nada Ninguém podia Entrar nela, não Porque na casa Não tinha chão Ninguém podia Dormir na rede

box in mythology

MC Criolo music

affection for “box”

affection for “ideal”

Porque na casa Não tinha parede Ninguém podia Fazer pipi Porque penico Não tinha ali Mas era feita Com muito esmero Na Rua dos Bobos Número Zero”

Pandora’s box is an artifact in Greek mythology, taken from the myth of Pandora’s creation in Hesiod’s Works and Days.The “box” was actually a large jar given to Pandora. which contained all the evils of the world. Pandora opened the jar and all the evils flew out, leaving only “Hope” inside once she had closed it again. “Seus amigos são Com um cachimbo e um cão Casa de papelão” “toque de caixa” is a production line

“gifts came in boxes”

“make houses when I was a child”

“buy a house usin the bank loan from Caixa (Box)”

perfect, objective, practical, what was missing, according to the needs, basic, interesting, best, design, effort, dedication, enhance, create

is something practical, spacious; It is a part of the house, living room, bedroom; walled structure; a multifunctional environment; It is an easy thing; convenience. need, climate protection

affection for “cozy”

It is protection of nature; environment; natural resources; green things; leaves and seeds; It is something on the environment we live in; impact and imbalance; concern for reuse, properly dispose of things; excessive trash in the ecosystem

affection for “environmental”

is a meeting; is an activity for people; It is a formality; social column; important people; groups with similar ideas; equal values; economic divisions

affection for “social”

the embrace of a loved one; Living with family or in the home of grandmother, come home and lay on the couch, chair; feel the affection received; wear a sweatshirt; a feeling of softness, good

affection for “comfort”

health, beauty; It is feeling good; It is to have a home to live in; It is balance; not be in want; dignity; comfort; longevity; family; happiness; have physical and psychological comfort; best; It is positive, natural

affection for “welfare”

It is something that has to do with heat and temperature; bottle and thermal sheet; preserving heat; is a warm; providing welfare; electricity; Thermal things are expensive

affection for “thermic”


An human caracterist, according to Klafke(2003), is the necessity to name things. To understand better the world an to transfer to the other what are you refering to. The name is inside a context which is related to an enviroment, system and artefact (Gomes, 2009). Created from formal aesthetic, informational logical and functional technician aspects, the name “EM CAIXA” (inside a box) refers to a mounting system, to the milk boxes, is a play on the homophonic (same words pronounced but different in writing and meaning) of the word “ENCAICXAR” (to fit) conjugated in the third person singular and the words “CAIXA” (box)


the naming

fits (encaixa)

fits (encaixa)

fits (encaixa)

red color: warm, comfort

bar code OR a window

milk cap OR a chimney

milk box OR a house

manuscript typos reflects the handmade process

revenue streams

Donations Sales of products using the new visual identity for Raisings Recycling of leftover raw material Logistics Materials (staples and staplers)

Facebook TV Radio Newspaper Blog Website Milk boxes Volunteers Customer relationship

cost structure

canais key resources

High vulnerability families Community TV reports communication vehicles (local programs, radio, etc.) Post in facebook and blogs Events Thermal comfort Environmental NGO Occupational therapy developing citizenship Retirees are included and important senses Thermal insulation that generates comfort Reusing milk cartons Rain/sun protection Occupational therapy Manual processes, therapy and management Community Educational Institutions Recycling Companies Markets

Lack of identity Absence communication Lack of seasonal human resources Lack of status Location Lack of resources Communication difficulties Inconstancy

customer segment


Hard to find partnerships Lack of brand registration Project rejection

customer relationship


value propositions


Pioneering and unique project Shared and timeless idea involving social and sutentรกvel Easy to collect donations of materais Spot - deposit and kg Decentralization of the idea with its founder

key activities


Diversifying the reuse of material received High levels of vulnerable households Dissemination of collaborative idea Other projects and people use and are promoted on the idea NBR 15575 law - performance standard for buildings Visual identity creation Ministry of agriculture decided to promote milk consumption Partnership with tetra park about material recycling

key partners

To finish the project, as volunteer, we developed a SWOT analisys and a CANVAS to help Maria Luisa and his crew to organize their works.

maria luĂ­za camozzato idea owner

volunteer 01

Financial control and internal logistics

volunteer 04 Collects material

volunteer 05 Confection

volunteer 02 Lawyer

volunteer 06

Confection and installation

volunteer 03 Brandind


Society / Comunity

My name is Bruno Guilherme Valentini, I was born on March 21st on the year of 1987 in Caxias do Sul, in brazilian’s mountain range in the Rio Grande do Sul, better known for the strong influence of european immigrants, especially Italians. My ancestors came from Italy with a poor financial conditions. So I learned the value of cooperativism and to ask “why” before the “how”. My grandparents that, even without many opportunities to study, never stopped with their inventive instinct and also always looked for the education of their children and grandchildren. Thanks to their efforts to give a good education, today my sister and I have complete the higher studies and we have na excellent professional recognition. In the middle of year 2013 I was invited to give a talk to the freshmen of the Communication course of UCS, college wich I also attended. The objective of the speech was to talk about my experience of almost 10 years as creative director in advertising agencies. It was one of the rare occasions in which I spoke to people who were not directly linked to me as clients (or classmates) but young people who, like me, was searching for a mentor who could change their lives. And that was one of the most exciting things that I felt in my lifetime. Scuola Politecnica di Design proposed a challenge and this would a personal and professional achievement, and above all, a way to honor all those who always taught me to live in community and encouraged my growth.

Bruno Guilherme Valentini

grazie a tutti!

bgvalentini@gmail.com bgvalentini brunovalentini

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