CIVIL WAR :1861- 1865_
picture of the battle of Gettysburg
Civil War Weapons
picture of many different types of civil war weapons.
CIVIL WAR WEAPONS There were many types of rifles, pistols and swords in the civil war. Some of the most commonly used were rifle muskets such as the Enfield
weapons that are called bayonets that actually attach to the gun so you can charge at the enemy in battle.
1853 and the Austrian gun. But not all the weapons used in the civil war were guns. They also used many different types of weapons for hand to hand combat such as swords and
this is a picture of some weapon that were used in the civil war.
sabers. Some close range
Battle of Gettysburg
first General Lee sent them and
The battle of Gettysburg was Pickett directly into the Union’s the largest and deadliest battle fortified area. Because of this in the civil war. This defeat of mistake General Lee lost a third general Lee’s confederate army of his army in just two days and that the south would win the had to retreat to Virginia. During war. General Lee was over the Battle of Gettysburg 35,000 confident and attacked a large, well protected union army that was dug in on little round top, cemetary and culps hill. Even though second in command
men died.
The battle of Gettysburg killed more people in two hours than all the previous American wars combined.
Ewell and Longstreet refused at
april 15, 1865
Assasination of Abraham Lincoln
This is Fords theatre where Lincoln was
Abraham Lincoln knew that slavery was wrong. But, he also knew that the north and south had very dierent beliefs and that this would result in the civil war. he proclaimed that all men
people lead by Johns Wilkes Booth assassinated him at the Fords theatre on April 15, 1865. Even though the country was on it’s way of being united again President Lincoln was lost. He
would be free and fought hard was considered the last great to end the war. When the war casualty in the civil war. was over he tried to unite his country again and did, but there were still many people who hated him and a band of seven
This is Abraham Lincoln the last great casualty in the civil war.
Lexicon Organizer
Civil War
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes place. ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!!
Part of Speech (noun, verb, adj)
Definition (in context with the story)
Sentence from book & Page #
How is this word meaningful to the time period of your book? Explain. they did that during the civil war.
1. ambush
To lie in wait for an unexpected attack.
research. n/history/glossary/glossary.html
large-caliber guns used in warfare on land.
92. the reb artillery was massed it was a word in the and firing heavily. book that means heavy guns from the time period.
a sword like stabbing blade that may be fixed to the muzzle of a rifle for use in hand-to-hand fighting.
34. “fix bayonets!”
it was used on the end of muskets.
The effort by the North to keep ships from entering or leaving Southern ports.
research. n/history/glossary/glossary.html
they used it to stay protected from bullets in the time period.
a light, four-wheeled, horse-drawn
35. come out from washington in buggies to picnic and watch the battle.
they were a form of transportation in the time period.
Lexicon Organizer
Civil War
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes place ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! carriage with a single seat and a transverse spring. 6.cannon
a large, heavy piece 76. and the din of the cannon of artillery, typically and rifle fire was constant and mounted on wheels, deafening. formerly used in warfare.
they were use more in war in the time period.
a light automatic rifle.
78. he saw the glint of sun on cavalry sabers and carbines.
it was an old rifle mostly used in the time period.
8.cartridge boxes
a usually leather case attached to a belt or strap and used to carry cartridges.
30. refill your cartridge boxes and
they were used during the time period.
9.Charley Goddard
a soldier that fought in the civil war.
1. he heard it all, charley did;;
joined by an 81. and he thought of going to agreement or treaty. the shattered confederate charge
the term was used a lot more during the time period.
11. confederate revolvers
it was a type of gun made by the confederate army.
they were a really good quality gun in the time period.
get more caps.
100/101. those confederate revolvers back home they wanted them.
it was a soldier who fought in the civil war.
Lexicon Organizer
Civil War
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes place. ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! 12.grapeshot
ammunition 93. chain and grapeshot consisting of a number of small iron balls fired together from a cannon.
it was a bunch of little bullets that were shot out of a cannon which is from the time period.
an infantryman's light gun with a long barrel, typically smooth-bored, muzzleloading, and fired from the shoulder.
4. would sign up as a man and get him a musket
they were the guns used most in the time period.
14. muzzle
the open end of the barrel of a firearm.
83. with his bayonet locked on to his muzzle, he loaded one last time just as the Rebels hit the Union line
it was a part of the guns used back during the time period.
is the part of a percussion muzzleloader or firearm on which the percussion cap is placed.
34. pinched a cap so it would it was used on most stay wedged on the nipple and guns during the time eased the hammer down to half period. cock.
16.ram rod
a rod for ramming
it was used most on the
Lexicon Organizer
Civil War
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes place. ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!!
down the charge of a muzzleloading firearm.
gun in the time period.
17. rebels “rebs”
a person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or ruler.
35. all those petticoats flying and the carriages rocking along as they found that rebel shells did not care if you were a soldier or a civilian.
they were what people called the bad guys during the time period.
a heavy cavalry sword with a curved blade and a single cutting edge.
77. an officer in front of them walked back and forth with a saber.
it was a sword mostly used in the time period.
19. secessionists
is the act of withdrawing from an organization, union, military alliance or especially a political entity.
44. (for “secessionists”)
there were lots of them in this time period.
20. slavery
the state of being a slave.
16. never did they speak of slavery.
it was going on in the time period.