April 1865
The American Civil War took place from April 12th, 1861 to April 9th, 1865
The Civil War was the worst war the United States had ever been in. Over 620,000 people died, but recent studies show that there may have been over 750,000 people that died. The Civil War was a long series of bloody battles between the Northern Union states and the Southern Confederate states that resulted in a Union victory. There were many battles during the Civil War, 50 major battles and over 5,000 minor battles. The battles that were fought were Bull Run, The battle of Shiloh, the seven days, the battle of Antietam, the battle of Fredricksberg, Stones river, Chancellorsville, Vicksburg, The battle of Gettysburg, Chickamauga, the Wilderness, Mobile Bay, The Battle of Nashville, and finally The Surrender at Appomattox.
A Civil War Letter Dear Danny Hays, I need advice! Our company is starving and be ing exposed to diseases spreading like wildfire inside the Andersonville prison, in Andersonville Georgia. What can I do, you always knew what to say and do to cheer everyone up. I a currently staying in the confederate camp just on the outside of the stockade , barely passing by because of my new friend Lewis Jones, a confederate soldier that got me out of the stockade in the first place. If you could write back with some advice that would help our fellow company men, it could save their lives. Please answer back! Red Cap
Dear Red Cap, Red Cap, I’ve missed you so much! I can’t believe that the Rebs’ gotcha’ and they put you in that hell of a prison Camp Sumter. Life’s rough, huh? For a start I suggest you keep their spirits up, joke around a little and keep their life with them, love in their mind, and their family in their heart. For the starvation problem get them some foods like vegetables and fruits. Trade buttons and supplies to get some simple medicines to calm their sickness’s a bit. While you guys have been gone I’ve learned these tricks and such from Sargent Maggs for the remaining part of our regiment, because we’ve gotten into some bad situations ourselves. Anyway, Captain Jayroe is calling me to beat the drum. Use the advice wisely. Keep everyone alive, until we win the war! Best Wishes, Danny
Civil War Battles Casualties Some Civil War battles were outragiously deadly. For example, Gettysburg had a total of 51,000 deaths. Alsolike Chickamauga with 35,000 deaths.
General Info
The American Civil War was a series of bloody battles between the Union North and the Confederate South to settle the conflicts over slavery. The American Civil War started on April 12th, 1861 and ended on April 9th 1865. On April 10th confederate provisional forces demanded Fort Sumter’s surrender. But Major Robert Anderson refused. So the Confederates opened fired with a cannon. At 2:30 p.m. the next day Major Anderson surrendered, and the war had officially begun. On April 15th, Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to put down the southern rebellion. A move that prompted, Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, and North Carolina to reverse themselves and vote in favor of session. Most of western Virginia rejected the vote, creating a Union-loyal state, West Virginia. In order to win the war, the Union and Lincoln’s armies and navy would have to subdue a large area from the East Coast to Rio Grande, from the Mason-Dixon line to the Gulf of Mexico. For a Southern victory, the Confederates would have to defend that large area, but a smaller population and less industry than the North could bring to bear.
Casualties The civil war casualties were an estimated 620,000 men died from combat, accident, starvation, and disease during the Civil War.
Cause and Effect Slavery was the main cause of the civil war. When Abraham lincoln was elected president, the southern states felt threatened by his anti-slavery stand, and new they may get in some trouble. The southern states started seceding from the United States and thus, the seeds of the Civil War were sown. The Northern states that were more into industries supported Lincoln vs. the Southern states who were more into agriculture, felt the need to own slaves in order for their occupation to survive. One of the major effects of the war ending is the abolishment of slavery. There were many economical and political changes after the war and more by the end of the year. The southern states even faced severe depression due to the devastation of the war, so severe that the Northern states government had to chip in and help the southern states bounce back. Though slavery was abolished after the war, something called sharecropping was invented. It was where white farm owners got cheap labor, it was the same thing as slavery but no one called it that so it went on and nothing was done about it.
BATTLES April 1865
Total Number of battles There were 10,455 military actions durong the Civil War
MAJOR BATTLES OF THE CIVIL WAR... The First Battle of Bull Run, The Battle of Antietam, The Battle of Shiloh, The Battle of Chancellorsville, The Battle of Gettysburg, and the Surrender at Appomattox There were over 50 major battles in the Civil War. Some of them are Bull Run, The Battle of Shiloh, the Seven Days, The Battle of Antietam, the Battle of Fredericksburg, Stones River, Chancellorsville, Vicksburg, The battle of Gettysburg, The Battle of Chickamauga, the Wilderness, Mobile Bay, the Battle of Nashville, and finally the Surrender at Appomattox. The only ones that will be featured in this magazine is The First Bull Run, The Battle of Antietam, The Battle of Gettysburg, and The Surrender at Appomattox.
The First Bull Run The First Bull Run took place in Manassas, Virginia, on July 21, 1861. It was between Confederate General Beauregard and Brigadier General Irvin McDowell. Beauregard had 20,000 men and McDowell had 30,000 troops. Beauregard received reinforcements and drove the Union army back. they retreated to Washington’s defenses.
The Battle of Antietam The Battle of Antietam took place in Antietam Creek in Maryland, on September 17, 1862. General Lee moved in to strike Union territory. Union soldier found a
copy of Confederate battle plans dropped by a Confederate messenger. General Grant found out that Lee’s forces were divided, so he attacked. It was a day long battle that ended in a draw.
The Battle of Gettysburg The Battle of Gettysburg took place in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, from July 1st to July 3rd, 1863. Confederate troops discovered Union calvary in Gettysburg, so the confederates attacked creating the largest battle of the Civil War, lasting three days. The Union army prevailed, destroying Lee’s hopes of carrying the fighting farther North.
The Surrender at Appomattox The Surrender at Appomattox took place in Appomattox river, Virginia, on April 9th, 1865. Sherman burned through North carolina and headed to Virginia. General Lee intended to stop him at Petersburg, Virginia. Sherman seized Petersburg on April 2nd, 1865. Union forces cut Lee off from leading his remaining army into North Carolina. On April 9th, 1865, General Lee surrendered by waving a white flag atop a hill overlooking the Appomattox River.
Civil War Prisons There were over 150 Civil War prisons. This is a picture of Camp Sumter, the worst of the 150. 45,000 men that were held here, 13,000 of which died.
Bibliography "Cause And Effect Of The Civil War." Historyrocket. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2015. "The Civil War." History Net Where History Comes Alive World US History Online The Civil War Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2015. "1861-1865." The Civil War. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2015. Stanchak, John E. Civil War. New York: Dorling Kindersley Pub., 2000. Print. Wisler, G. Clifton. Red Cap. New York, NY: Lodestar, 1991. Print.,_by_Currier_and_Ives.png
Lexicon Organizer
Civil War
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes place. ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!!
Part of Speech (noun, verb, adj)
Definition (in context with the story)
Sentence from book & Page #
How is this word meaningful to the time period of your book? Explain.
1.Abraham Lincoln Noun
16th President of the United States, saved the Union during the Civil War and freed the slaves
“After President Lincoln called for volunteers to fight the rebels, as he termed the southern states , Virginia pulled out of the Union. (5)
He was the President of the US during the civil war and he was the one that was freeing the slaves.
2.Blue Coats
Union soldiers during the civil war
“I wound up with a good flannel shirt and she patched my blue trousers and tunic so they looked almost new(30)”
Blue coats were fighting for the Union
3.Camp Sumter
The largest and “That first week I learned a little most famous of the about our new home. The rebs 150 civil war named it Camp Sumter. (77)” prisons, Camp Sumter or also known as Andersonville, was the most deadly with around 13,000 deaths and 45,000 total imprisoned
Camp Sumter was the largest and most famous of the 150 civil war prisons, and this is the one Red Cap and his company are in.
Lexicon Organizer
Civil War
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes place ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! 4.Confederate army
The southern states army during the civil war
an army officer of “I settled in at my desk and high rank, above copied Captain Wirz’s newest first lieutenant below letters.(124)” major
the captain was a high ranking soldier which you need in a war
a subdivision of a military regiment
“We were captain Jayroe’s boys, Company I. (22)”
Companies are groups of military a regiment.
7. Droop Mountain
The Battle of Droop Mountain was in West Virginia
“We buried Danny Hays and Cyril Maggs side by side in the rocky soil of Droop Mountain.(50)”
There was an important battle there.
8. Gettysburg
Site of a major civil war victory for the Union
“This batch, who turned out to The Battle at be part of General George Gettysburg was a major Pickett’s command, resting up victory for the Union after a failed charge at Gettysburg, didn’t give us any sugar candy, but they did give us some space to lie down and allowed us our fill of water. (69)”
9. General William T. Sherman
Commander of all Union troops in the west during the civil war
“Anyway, fresh confederates set the blue to running, and the next thing you knew, the whole federal army was hightailing it to Washington!(9)“
the confederate army was the southern states army
He was an important leader for the Union
Lexicon Organizer
Civil War
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes place. ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! 10. Stonewall Jackson
A general in the Confederate army in the Civil War whose army stood like a stone wall in the first battle of Bull Run
He led in very important battles that could’ve changed history as we know it.
11. Libby Prison
A Confederate prison for Union officers during the Civil War
“Libby Prison was a nightmare.(62)”
It was a prison where they held high ranking officers of the Union. This kept important officers away from the Union and the fighting
12. Lieutenant
commissioned officer military rank in many armed forces
“Lewis introduced his brother, Lieutenant John W. Jones.(89)”
Officer military rank, since they were in a war he led an armed force.
13. Muskets
An infantryman’s light gun with long barrel, smooth-bored muzzle-loading, and fired from the shoulder
“Twenty reb guards stared at us over the long barrels of theirs muskets while a raggedy captain decided what to do with us.(54)”
They were used to shoot another soldier and kill them, they were a very high step up from the Revolutionary War weaponry.
14. Privy
I chose this word because we don’t use this word anymore
15. Robert E. Lee
an American soldier
I chose this person
Lexicon Organizer
Civil War
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes place. ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! noun
best known for commanding the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia in the American Civil War from 1862 until his surrender in 1865
16. Sawbones
“The sawbones will need to be very busy after the war, the numbers of the wounded are outrageous.”
17. Fort Sumter
where confederates opened fire on some Union forces to open the Civil War
“They’ve shelled Fort Sumter, in This started the worst Charleston Harbor, by a force of battle of US history. arms. So you see boys and girls, there will be war.(2)”
A very crude shelter or dwelling made from thing like mud bricks, tree limbs, brush, cloth and cloth like materials.
“Those shebangs, as they were called, were poor shelter, and I doubted they’d be of much use in a real rain.(76)”
They were used as shelters in the prison camps.
“...his hoarse voice sounded really wrathy and weak.”
This word clarifies some things in this book.
20. Yankee
A person of the Union
“They growing Yank’s small these days, huh?(54)”
It is a person of the Union and thats what they call them almost all the time
because he is important to the time period
There were a lot of wounded during the Civil War so we needed sawbones