World War 2 1939-1945
By: Thomas Fitzgerald A block
Poland Warsaw Ghetto in ww2
Sub Topics
The Ghetto
Living Conditions
Nazi in The Ghetto
Poland, Warsaw Poland Warsaw was home to one of the biggest Jewish Ghetto. This Ghetto was home to about 500,000 Jews. Everything was terrible in the Ghetto.
The Ghetto Entry
The Ghetto
Nazi Army
Introduction During World War 2 (1939-1945) in Warsaw Poland the German Nazi’s made a town called The Ghetto. This God-forbidden place was for Jewish people and their families. The Holocaust was a time period when Hitler ruled over most of Europe and German Nazi killed jews in the mass murder.
The Ghetto In Warsaw Poland a Ghetto for the Jews was established in 1939-1945. They made the Ghetto to separate the Jews from the non-Jews until they could be killed in death camps. Thousands of Jews would die of starvation or sickness before the Nazi’s could execute them. The living conditions were terrible, nobody should have had to live through that.
Adolf Hitler
Children In Death Camps
living conditions In The Ghetto The living conditions were unbearable, and the ghetto was extremely overcrowded. The food supply was very low in the Ghetto making people smuggle food through the Ghetto. Between six to seven people lived in one room and the daily food rations were the equivalent of onetenth of the required minimum daily calorie intake. The economic activity in this place was very low, generally most of this was illegal. Smuggling of food being the most prevalent of such activity.
Nazi Soldiers German Tanks Being Made
Nazi Soldiers On September 1, 1939 The German Nazi’s Invaded Poland creating a place called the Ghetto in Warsaw Poland. In the Ghetto German Nazi’s treated the Jews with no respect. They would beat them till they were broken or even till they died. Another thing they made the Jews do was wear a white armband with the blue star of David so they could be easily be identified by the Nazi’s. Many Jews got executed from death camps to gas chambers.
Hitler walking past his soldiers
Nazi Soldier
Dear Adolf Hitler,
Hi, I am Misha and I’m writing to you
Dear Misha,
because I want to become a Jackboot.
Thanks Misha for writing to me about your request of becoming a Nazi.
I am from Warsaw Poland and I am a
I understand that you are very
Gypsy. I hope that does not affect me
dedicated young man but I can not let
from becoming a Jackboot, it would be
you become a Nazi. Sense you are a
honor to me if that were to happen.
Gypsy will never be a Nazi. I’m sorry.
Sincerely, Adolf Hitler
Stewart, Gail B. Life in the Warsaw Ghetto. San Diego, CA Lucent, 1995.
Lexicon Organizer ww2
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes place. ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!!
Part of Speech (noun, verb, adj)
1. Adolf Hitler noun
Sentence from book & Page #
(in context with the story)
How is this word meaningful to the time period of your book? Explain.
was the leader of the Jackboots
(106) “I had heard of a man called hitler, who was boss of all the Jackboots, who were also called Nazis
he killed many Jews
2. Angel
A person from heaven
(146) “It’s a angel” said Ferdi
they wanted to go to heaven
3. Armbands
Jews wore armbands to clarify that they are jews
(102) “So this Flop came along and began to yell, shaking his club, “Armands!, Armands!”
jews wore them in the ghetto
4. Artillery
it is bullets for guns
(3) “Jackboot artillery”, he said.” nazi used artillery
5. Cigar
It is something you smoke
(100) “I couldn't tell if Ferdi cloud-breath was from the cold or his cigar”
6. Cigarettes
It is something you smoke
(46) “But there were Cigarettes- A lot of people smoked Ferdi pulled a handful from his back then pocket- and everyone lit up, even me.”
7. Club
A wooden thick stick (112) “He carried only his club”
A lot of people smoked
They would beat Jews with clubs
Lexicon Organizer ww2
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes place. ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! 8. Flop
it was a jew that germans hired to patrol the streets
(102) “So this Flop came along and began to yell, shaking his club, “Armands!, Armands!”
they were like cops in the ghetto
9. Filthy Jew
calling a jew dirty
(81) “Filthy Jews!”
It is a insult
10. Gun
It is a weapon
(102) “Flops were not allowed to carry gun, but each had a whistle and a wooden club as long as my arm.”
Guns kill many people
11. Gypsy
it is a religion that nazi hate
(8) “The smoke blower said, “you’re a Gypsy, ain’t you?”
it is important because gypsies were also killed like jews
12. Hose
It is what water travels through
(67) “Two Jackboots hauled a fat black hose through the crowd”
Jackboots sprayed Jews with hoses
13. Ice box
It is a refrigerator
(25) “Our icebox, our cellar shelves, were full of food.
It is what they used before refrigerator were made
14. Jackboots
in the book they are the nazi
(18) “I knew what I must be it is meaningful because seeing; Uri had spoken often about it is during ww2 them. I gasped aloud: “Jackboots!””
15. Jew
a jew is a person that follow the religion of judaism
(5) ““Are you a jew?” said the boy in my face”
the word was what people called jewish people
Lexicon Organizer ww2
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes place. ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! 16. Merry-go-around
it is a ride that you ride on a horse
(62) Whenever we went out together, I tried to steer Uri toward the merry-go-around
It is important because it brings joy to the kids
17. Nazi
A German Soldier
(106) “I had heard of a man called hitler, who was boss of all the Jackboots, who were also called Nazis
Nazis were in ww2
18. Orphan
A person without parents
(41) “What are orphans” I said
there were a lot of orphans back then
19. Oven
It is a thing you cook (193) “The ovens for the Jews” things in
They put Jews in the bathroom
20. Tank
It is a weapon that is (12) “What’s a tank?) on wheels
Tanks invaded the city