History weekly
Issue 224
Jewish Persecution
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Holocaust facts:
During the Holocaust, the Nazis wiped out nearly two thirds of all Jews living in Europe. The Germans forced Jews to build six concentration camps: Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Auschwitz, Majdanek. The word Nazi, is an shortened version of Nationalsozialistishe
Jews that were persecuted
The Holocaust
“God must have been on leave during the Holocaust.” -Simon Wiesenthal The Holocaust, a human hell on Earth that took place in Europe from 1939 to 1945, was a horrific time for Jews because Hitler was trying to create a “perfect race” and deemed all Jews to be completely imperfect. Many Jews were murdered in Nazi concentration camps and the devastation carried on for six long years. In that time, 6 million Jewish men, women, and children perished. The Holocaust was something we hope never happens again. TABLE OF CONTENTS
This article is about the major leaders allied against Hitler and the Nazis.
The Nazis were a group of soldiers controlled by Hitler.
Concentration Camps were complexes all over Europe made for slave labor and elimination of Jews.
This article is about the Jews who were involved in the Holocaust.
This is a letter to a character in “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”.
MAJOR NAMES The “Big Three” leaders of WWII were Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin From left to right: Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill
CHURCHILL, ROOSEVELT, AND STALIN, THREE LEADERS All three of these leaders had humongous roles to play as World War II continued on over many years.
strongly disliked
There were tensions between “The
there were three big
In World War II,
Hitler’s actions by
Big Three” but none of them were
Allied leaders fighting
blaming Jews and
strong enough to break the alliance.
against Hitler. The Allies mass murdering them. included Great Britain, They joined forces
Some of the reasons that these
The United States and against the German
three major leaders decided that
The Soviet Union. The military. The war went
they should team up was because
specific leaders of each on for over six years
of the threat the other countries
of the Allied Nations included Winston Churchill, Franklin D.
and all three of them
had. The three Allied countries were put all their efforts into all in risk of attack from Hitler’s stopping Hitler’s German army or the Japanese
Roosevelt, and Joseph devastating ways.
Stalin. They were in charge of some of the most powerful
The “Big Three” There were also some problems
“Thus, with two common enemies, the Grand Alliance (or the 'Big
countries in the world. between the three All three of them
Three') was born, albeit onto shaky leaders during the war. foundations.” -Wikipedia
THE NAZI PARTY Hitler’s Army Origin of the Nazi Party The word Nazi is short for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which means the “National Socialist German Worker’s Party. The Nazi Party was lead by a man named Adolf Hitler. The Nazis started out just as a little group with their beliefs. It grew as Hitler preached his sayings to larger and larger crowds. People started believing what he said, that the Jews were at fault for the mass debt that Germany was under. He blamed people that weren’t a perfect German: blond hair, and blue eyes. The Nazis excluded anyone who they decided was imperfect, or were from foreign lands and might muck up the German purity in their race. They targeted Jews, people from Romania, and physically and mentally ill. They also excluded other races and political opponents.
Nazi SS and Himmler The Nazis had a main group, the strongest branch of their army. These people were called the SS. They were lead by a man named Heinrich Himmler. Himmler was almost entirely responsible
The Gestapo The Gestapo were a group
for the Holocaust. When people think of the Holocaust, they think of Adolf Hitler, but Himmler was much more involved in the persecution and extermination of the Jewish
population. Hitler gave orders and commands, but Himmler himself was the one to do the dirty work.
The Nazis had a special type of march called Goose Stepping.
who just wanted to take
With Hitler’s orders, he
over everything, so he made a
controlled the construction of
secretive plan with the SS. They
the concentration camps, made by Jewish slave labor. These concentration
attacked a radio station disguised as
camps would not only force the inhabitants
Polish invaders and took over the radio.
to work against their will, but they would
They announced that they were Polish and
be often slaughtered here too. Himmler
that they were attacking Germany. This
was also the head of the Gestapo, the
gave Hitler the perfect excuse to attack
Secret State Police, which was a type of
police force. Himmler committed suicide on May 23, 1945, after attempting to go into hiding but was captured by the British.
After capturing Germany After the Nazis captured Germany, they decided they wanted to capture more of Europe. Their first goal was Poland, adjacent to Germany. Hitler didn’t want This was the sign of the SS
people thinking he was a ruthless leader
Police”, and were the police for Nazi Germany.
admistrated by the SS. They were part of the Nazi branches and controlled by Heinrich Himmler, who was made “Chief of German Police” by Hitler. The Gestapo were the “Secret State The SS flag
Concentration Camps The Nazis who were lead by Heinrich Himmler needed a place where they could herd the Jews that they captured into. Himmler, under the orders of Adolf Hitler, started constructing major complexes called “Concentration Camps”. The Nazis themselves didn’t make the camps, they forced slave labor on men they had captured. There were many of these horrid camps made all over Europe and Jews were being corralled into them like animals. Himmler’s Nazis also made extermination camps too. In these camps, the Nazis wouldn’t just make the inhabitants work against their will, but they would force them into gas chambers, the favorite murder machine for the Germans at that time. In some of the camps, Frohburg, for example, 1904 people were killed. In Auschwitz, the numbers were much greater, like 1,100,000. Auschwitz, or
extermination that happened there. During the whole war, the Germans discovered that they had built a total of about 20,000 camps between 1933 and 1945.
Arbeit Macht Frei, (right) were words built into the front entrances of many concentration camps including Auschwitz. These words mean “Work makes you free.” This was a complete lie. The Jews that were living in these camps believed that they would be free if they worked. This was not true. The Nazis had no intent on letting any of the prisoners go. Project Giant When the Germans started losing the battle, they secretly made a plan. It was called “Project Giant”. The goal of this was to hollow out a mountain and create an underground society there if they were to ever get too much pressure from their opponents.
Auschwitz-Birkenau, was the most recognized camp due to it’s mass
Concentration camps are now monuments
Before entering the Concentration Camps, the prisoners had to endure a long train ride there. The ride was horrid and many lost their lives even before they reached there destination.
Jewish Armbands
When Germany fell to the Nazis, they made any Jews wear armbands with David’s star embroidered on it.
Early Nazis putting up boycott signs
Jews were persecuted, labored, and executed in WWII. In Europe, it was the worst time in human history. Jews were
amounts of money to the other countries. They got the citizens of
being taken right and left, sent away to concentration camps, and
Germany to believe that the Jews were completely at fault. This
exterminated there. If Hitler and the Nazis
angered the Germans and that became the exclusion
were not stopped, the Jewish religion might not be here today. Jews constantly had to wear armbands with the Star of David marked on the
segregation of the Jews. Now, nobody would buy at “The Holocaust was the most evil crime committed.” -Stephen Ambrose
fabric. Everything was limited by Nazis
Jewish-owned stores because the Nazis put up signs (photo above) saying: "Deutsche! Wehrt Euch! Kauft nicht bei Juden!" which means “Germans! Defend yourself! Do not buy from the Jews!”
and watched over. When the Nazis were
This all lead to the overall persecution of Jews and other
just beginning, they ran a campaign blaming the
religions and races in WW2.
Jews for the loss of WWI and Germany had to pay unthinkable
Today, we take extra precautions to make sure that this type of genocide does not happen again. The United Nations monitors countries that would be a threat to any religion or race. If something starts up like discrimination, they act immediately, unlike the time in WWII, they waited before they provided action. The Holocaust was a wake-up call, that the impossible, was indeed possible.
Dear Heinrich Himmler,
Dear Bruno,
I am the son of the
I am interested in your
Commandant Ralph in Poland.
interactions with this boy “Shmuel”.
Maybe you know him. My name is
You should not have been granted
Bruno. I am wondering why are
access to the camps inhabitants. I
there people on the other side of a
will make sure punishment is dealt.
barbed wire fence? I befriended a
Anyway, why are there people on
young boy named Shmuel who was
the other side on the fence? They
sitting on the other side, and he told are there because they are polluting me about his life. They shouldn’t be
the German purity. They are at fault
in a cage like animals, being
for our loss in the First World War.
controlled by your men. This is
They are there with purpose. Believe
lunacy and you know it.
me, it’s for our own good.
Sincerely, Bruno
Heinrich Himmler
Bruno with his friend Shmuel Bruno
Heinrich Himmler
Adolf Hitler- the Nazi leader, responsible for the Holocaust Concentration Camps- complexes built by Nazi Germans that imprisoned Jews in them. Exterminate- to get rid of, or kill Heinrich Himmler- the leader of the SS and responsible for the construction of the concentration camps. Holocaust- a destruction or slaughter on mass scale/ a jewish sacrificial offering burned on an alter. Jews- a person whose traditional religion is Judaism. Germany- a country in west-central Europe Labor- work Nazi- the armed soldiers that acted under Hitler’s command
Lexicon Organizer
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes place. ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!!
Part of Speech (noun, verb, adj)
Definition (in context with the story)
Sentence from book & Page #
How is this word meaningful to the time period of your book? Explain I chose this word because....
1. Japanese pilots
Japanese pilots flew Pg. 44 “Those were real airplanes in that time Japanese bombers, dropping period and bombed real bombs.” the naval base in Pearl Harbor.
I chose this word because the pilots were the number one cause of destruction and death in the attack.
2. House maids
A female servant employed in general domestic work in a home,especially to do housework.
I chose this word because housemaids aren’t as popular as they were in ww2.
Pg. 17 “Koniko, their Japanese maid, didn’t work on the weekends, although she’d be in later to baby-sit Bea.”
Lexicon Organizer
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes p ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! 3. Haoles
A term used by Polynesians to refer to non-polynesians.
4. Pearl Harbor
A location in Hawaii, Pg. “They rode up on famous for the Kamehameha Highway, going attacks that west, toward Pearl Harbor.” happened there in ww2.
I chose this word because people know Pearl Harbor by ww2 and the attack that happened there.
5. Guns
Weapon Pg. 40 “Look at all those guns. incorporating a How many?” metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force, typically making a characteristic loud, sharp noise.
I chose this word because guns were highly used weapons in the time period of WW2.
6. Leias
Polynesian garland of flowers.
I chose this word because leis are made in Hawaii,
Pg. “You are a straight-faced haole liar”.
Pg. 98 “As they sailed past Diamond Head, the flat, old volcano, people dropped their leis into the sea.”
I chose this word because this word was mostly used in Hawaii at that time.
Lexicon Organizer
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes plac ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! where the story took place. 7. Battleships
A heavy warship of Pg. 44 “Flames and smoke rose I chose this word because a type built chiefly in from the battleships.” many of the the late 19th and U.S. early 20th centuries, battleships with extensive armor were stationed and large-caliber in Hawaii. guns.
8. Germany
A location in Pg. 112 “‘Well, because west-central Europe Germany is the greatest of all that had a big part in countries’”.
I chose this word because Germany had a huge part to play in WW2 with the Nazis and Hitler.
9. “Fury” Hitler
Leader of the Nazis, Pg. 116“‘The Fury has also named Hitler something he wants to discuss and was responsible with me,’” for the deaths of millions of Jews.
Hitler was the whole reason ww2 happened. He lead the Germans and helped kill a lot of jewish people.
Lexicon Organizer
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes place ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! 10. Armbands
A piece of cloth wrapped around the arm.
Pg. 127 “‘And every time we left the house, she told us we had to wear one of these armbands.’”.
I chose this word because the nazis wore them and also Jews wore them.
11. Concentration camps
Complexes built to exterminate Jews
I chose this word because the Jews were all sent to these camps in WW2.
12. Poland
A country in Europe
Pg. 113 “‘And I don’t think I’d ever been to Poland before I came here,’”
I chose this word because Poland was the first country the Germans took over besides Germany.
13. Striped pajamas.
A type of clothing, sleepwear with stripes on it.
Pg. 106 “He wore the same striped pajamas that all the other people on that side wore, and a striped cloth cap on his head.
I chose this word because all the prisoners in camps wore what looked to be like striped pajamas.
Lexicon Organizer
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book ta ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! 14. Hiel
A salute in Germany “‘Heil Hitler,’ he said, which he presumed, was another way of saying, ‘Well, goodbye for now, have a pleasant afternoon.’”
The Nazis and Hitler's followers saluted Hitler in this way.
15. Lieutenant
A military leader
Pg. 169 “‘If who comes back? You don’t mean Lieutenant Kotler?’”
I chose this word because Lieutenants played a big part in WWII.
16. Tyre
A wheel that is fitted in the bottom of a automobile.
Pg. 76 “Lined up along a side wall are some old tyres.”
I chose this word because this is the way they spelled tire in that time period.
17. Servants
A helper who isn’t usually paid.
Pg. 96 “The servants still came and washed things and swept things and cooked things and cleaned things and served things and took things away and kept their mouths shut unless they were spoken to.”
I chose this word because Jewish servants were common in WWII for the Germans.
18. Commandant
A military leader, high up.
Pg. 43 “‘It’s clear, Commandant...’ said the third.”
I chose this word because most military at that time had
Lexicon Organizer
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! different levels of authority. 19. Eva
The wife of Adolf Hitler
Pg. 123 “‘Eva!’ roared the Fury for a second time, and now she started to walk away from them.”
I chose this word because Eva was the partner of the man responsible for WWII.
20. Soldiers
Armed men who fight for their countries.
Pg. 100 “The pajama people all jumped to attention whenever the soldiers approached and sometimes they fell to the ground and sometimes they didn’t even get up and had to be carried away instead.”
I chose this word because the Nazi Party had thousands of soldiers under their control.
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