1938-1942 11 million people died in the Holocaust, 1.1 million were children, 6 million were Jewish
In this magazine you will be learning about: -Hitler -Concentration Camps -Important People inThe Holocaust
HOLOCAUST The Star of David, also known as the shield of David, is commonly associated with Judaism now although it is a fairly new symbol.
Introduction “With great sadness, I must tell you that both of your parents and your grandmother have died in concentration camps.” This is a meaningful quote from the book ‘Is It Night or Day?’ by Fern Schumer Chapman a
The Holocaust was a terrible time in European history when Hitler and Nazi-Germany massmurdered Jews and non-christians in attempt to create a “pure race” (all Aryan Race). We try not to remember the Holocaust, beside to honor those killed, and we hope never to repeat it. We also strongly hope never to kill as many people as were killed in the Holocaust. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC, helps us to remember and mourn those who were lost in the terrible time.
book about the Holocaust.
Hitler Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Braunauam Inn, Austria. As a child he was quite bad. He is described as
Hitler was the most influential voice of the Holocaust and practically the cause. He was the founder and
lazy, moody, resentful, unstable in temperament, and hostile towards his father. Although hostile towards his father, Hitler was quite connected to his
leader of the Nazi party. But, on April 30, 1945 Hitler shot himself in the mouth with a pistol, therefor committing suicide at the age of 54. He was
mother, which is why it was quite hard when his mother died. As he grew older he longed to be a painter, this was at age 16. At the age of 25 he
burned along with his mistress Eva Braun. Eva Braun and Hitler had gotten married just weeks before Hitler committed suicide.
participated in World War I receiving the Iron Cross award for bravery.
These are various pictures of Hitler as a child and a man.
Concentration Camps Concentration camps were
Important People
equipped with the deadliest technology to kill the Jews nonchristians. Very sadly, lots of
There were lots of important people that were in this terrible event. Hitler was the most important person in the entire
non-Germans were willing to help with the concentration camps. Some non-Jews (also known as the Righteous Among the Nations) would try to save
Holocaust. He was a terrible, terrible man, he is the founder and leader of the Nazi party. Another important person during the Holocaust was Otto
the Jews from the concentration camps, sadly they were the minority of people. Hitler came up with many ways to kill of the Jews and non-christians. They
Adolf Eichmann. Eichmann was charged by Reinhard Heydrich for enabling and managing the logistics of mass deportation of Jews to extermination camps in
would be killed by slave labor, deprivation, or gassing.
German-occupied Eastern Europe.
Adolf Eichmann lived from March 19, 1906 to June 1, 1962.
LETTER Dear gold star mother, My name is Edith Westerfeld. I came to this country from Germany, alone, when I was 12. My parents couldn’t come with me but assured me that we would be together shortly. I live in my aunt and uncle’s apartment around the corner from you. I’ve lived for the day my parents return. Just a few months ago, I found out that both my parents and grandmother died in concentration camps. I heard you scream, I know someone you love died. I’m sorry, but I know how you feel. I thought that since you’re older than I you might know what I should do to deal with this, an ideas? From, Edith Westerfeld Dear Edith, I’m so sorry for your loss. No child this young should have to go through losing so many people they love. You’re correct, I did lose somebody. I lost my son. At first I didn’t know what to do, what to think, how to feel. So I just screamed, which clearly didn’t solve anything. I’m sure you felt the same way when you found out. But, maybe I can help you through this. As you’ve probably heard, you need to distract yourself. You should forget about losing your loved ones, never forget them, just forget the losing feeling. I truly hope that I helped you, your letter defiantly helped me. From, Gold Star Mother
Some Jews and non-christians being deported to concentration camps.
In Conclusion... In conclusion we to erase this terrible time in European history when Hitler and NaziGermany mass-murdered Jews and non-
person and the Holocaust The Holocaust was one of the worst times in history.
christians in attempt to create a “pure race” (all Aryan Race), from our memories. But, “Those who can not remember the past, are condemned to repeat it.” Quote by George Santayana. Hitler was a terrible
Timeline of important events in Holocaust. (to the right)
matched him perfectly. We try our absolute hardest not to let something like the Holocaust happen again, we can only
hope and pray it doesn’t.
Works Cited Chapman, Fern Schumer. Is It Night or Day? New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 2010. Print. "The Holocaust." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2015. "Home | Jewish Virtual Library." Home | Jewish Virtual Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2015. Teen Witnesses to the Holocaust. New York: Rosen Pub., 1999. Print.
Lexicon Organizer
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book ta ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!!
Part of Speech (noun, verb, adj)
Definition (in context with the story)
Sentence from book & Page #
How is this meaningful time period o book? Exp
1. America
Country in North America
“‘You’re going to America,’ she finally said in slow, careful German with an American accent.”
½ of the book ta place in Americ very important t plot of the book
2. AR-3 form
a form that was to be filled out by Jews in America so that the government could keep watch on them (Jews were called “enemy aliens”).
“He hunched over the papers as if he didn’t want anyone to see that he was filling out AR-3 forms.” p. 180
After the U.S. d Jews to be “ene aliens” all Jews required to fill o forms. So lots o had to fill them o including my pro and her sister.
3. barges
a flat-bottomed boat for carrying freight, typically on canals and rivers
“For hours, he would watch the barges come down the river.” p. 192
The protagonist would take her d the river often to the barges com
4. Chicago
a city in Illinois
“Chicago. I was going to Chicago, the city where Betty now lived with her new family.” p. 4
Important city fo because the pro spent half the b there.
a place where large
“I’m sorry to have to tell you
These were a b
5.Concentration camps noun
Lexicon Organizer
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book t ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution
this, but both your parents and your grandmother died in concentration camps.”
the Holocaust a Edith’s parents grandmother a one so they are important to the
6. congregation
a group of people assembled for religious worship
“Our congregation had always taken turns meeting in two neighboring towns.” p. 15
Back in the tim my book is taki congregation w very normal thi
Leave one's own country in order to settle permanently in another.
“He couldn’t bear that thought, so he filed the papers and permission for all of us to emigrate together.” p. 7
Emigrating was thing to do in th period because outlawing Jews saying they we
“Fur uns Juden ist das Leben das hochste Gut. Was that Rabbi Rubinstein, back home in Germany? He said in Hebrew class one day, ‘We Jews values
This was a ver important sayin protagonist bec connected her life which she m
8. “Fur uns Juden ist saying in German Means “We Jews das Leben das hochste value life above all Gut” else.” in German
Lexicon Organizer
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book t ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! life above all else.’”
very much.
9. Germany
Country in Europe
“The first long train I ever took in Germany was my last.” p.1
The Holocaust/ takes place in G (even though ½ place in Americ generally about Germany)
10. guardedly
cautious;; careful
“Every so often, he looked around the room guardedly, but never in my direction.” p. 180
In the time of th Holocaust ever acted guardedl
11. Hitler
Nazi dictator of Germany, born in Austria
“As long as he could believe that
12. Jewish Star (Star of David)
a six-pointed figure consisting of two overlapping triangles, used as a Jewish and Israeli symbol
“Now the Jewish Star had nothing to do with Hank;; it was all I had left of my mother.” p.188
13. Juden
Jew in German
“Deutsche kauft nicht bei Juden This book is ab - “German’s don’t buy from the Holocaust s Jews.” p. 16 Jews are very important. They
Hitler was very important beca Hitler wouldn’t last, he could wait.” was the one ou Jews, so that th p. 7 in my book has separated since are Jews.
This is the Jew symbol, so sinc book is about th Holocaust and this symbol is g important.
Lexicon Organizer
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book ta ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!!
in germany so th speak German s is very importan 14. Mutti
nickname for protagonists mother
15. Nazi police
officers that work for “Many of our friends spoke of Hitler and enforce Brownshirts - the Nazi police - anti-jew clocking the entrances of their shops and preventing customers from entering.” p.16
The Nazi police around, beating killing Jews. The ruined lives and and were a very of Jewish peopl anyone else) liv
16. sacrificed
to give something up “Each of those banners, I that is of great realized, blue or gold, told the importance to you whole world about those families and what they had sacrificed.” p. 198
Not a word from but very importa Holocaust time In the Holocaus everyone had to very hard sacrifi
17. Stockstadt am Rhein
a community in Groß-Gerau district in Hesse, Germany, lying on the southern edge of the Frankfurt Rhein-Main Region
“And my mother - Mutti - I couldn’t remember how she used to look.”
“Twelve-year-old Edith has lived a protected life in the tiny German town of Stockstadt am Rhein.” (on the inside cover summary)
Since it was the protagonists mo this word was mentioned a lot throughout the s
Where the prota lived before she to America;; whe family lives.
Lexicon Organizer
Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book tak ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! 18. synagogue
a building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious worship and instruction
“Every Saturday at synagogue, the parents whispered, trying to keep details from the young.” p. 15
This also was a normal thing bac for people and th families to go to. was a very big p their culture.
19. Vati
nickname for protagonists father
“My father, whom which Betty and I called Vati, turned and left.” p. 8
Since it was the protagonists fath word was mentio lot throughout th
20. 1938
The time in which the Holocaust started.
“Germany 1938” p. 1 (under the The time in whic chapter title on page 1) Holocaust (and t book) started.