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Table of Contents Castle and Knights
page 1-2
parts of a castle
page 5
Under attack
page 6
Ready for battle
page 7
Famous Castles
page 8
Medieval Life
Castles and Knights My topic is on Knights and Castles in the medieval times. Some things I will be writing about are chivalry, how people defend the castle, who lives in the castle and the last thing I will be writing about is Knights and Castles. People in the Medieval times lived very differently then we do today. The reason why I picked these subtopics is because I thought these were the most important subtopics.
Defending the Castle The reason that the defenders (also called
the drawbridge up so they wouldn't get in the castle.
constables) defend the castle is because
Who Lives in the Castle
of the knight and the knights family lives
The Castle is a home of a very important
there and most of the time when someone
and powerful person such as a king, lord or
is intruding the castle it is because they are
a knight . The Knight and the Knights
trying to get to the king to kill him.
family live in the safest place called the
When defending the castle and if there’s a
enemy is coming or climbing up the castle
The people who look after the king are the
the defender would pour boiling water or
servants since the servants live
they would drop bricks on them so they
in the castle.
would not get in the castle. The first thing
The people who defend the castle so the
the defenders would do if they see a
enemies don't get in the castle are the
enemy coming to the castle they would pull
constables they live in the castle just in case of attackers.
The picture above is a example of a castle getting attacked and people crawling up the castle. You will also see the constables defending the castle.
Chivalry Chivalry is when you have to act
Dragons A dragon is a mythical creature
brave and behave in front of nobles
that typically breathed fire. Another
which it is also called the code of
feature of the dragon is that it flies.
chivalry. It also have to do with how
A few legends about Dragons and
the Knights treat women. A Knight who
Knights are that their was a legend
behaved badly was disgraced and
about a brave knight. His name was
punished. When a knight was in
George and he slashed (killed) a big
disgrace he had either behaved gutless fierce Dragon with one sword. on the battle field, cheated in a tournament or treated another Knight badly.
Knights In the medieval times, also called Middle age. Knights of Europe were regarded among the most elite soldiers in the royal army of the land they defend. Noble men trained for more then 10 years before becoming knight and many died on the battlefield before they were 40 years old. Knights are most famous for their suits and armor, broadsword and chivalry, which is the code of conduct they lived by.
On the left there is a picture of a dragon and what it looks like and how it has wings so that means it can fly. The pictures above are showing a brave knight slaying a dragon. The other pictures show chivalry and how the Knight is being brave to women.
Parts of a Castles Their are many different parts of a Castle.
The most important place is the keep it is the
The most important parts are on the diagram
place where the King and the Kings family lives.
above. A moat is a deep wide ditch around the
The last place on the diagram is the Mural tower.
castle filled with water it is their so the enemies
The Mural tower is one of a number of towers
wont trespass and it will be harder for the
built along a curtain wall. The fortress is not on
enemies to get in the castle. A drawbridge is a
the diagram but it is a place that cant get
bridge that can be raised or drawn its usually in
attacked by anyone because it is protected by
front of the entrance. A bailey is another part of
the military it is kind of like the castle system
the castle and its the outer part of the castle
and how the defenders defend the castle
also known as the wall of the castle. The
except the military people who defend the
gatehouse is a used as a gatekeepers
fortress has better technology meaning it is
quarters, its a house at a the gate of the castle. most likely will not get attacked. [5]
Under attack When an enemy was going to attack. The
to get in the castle was to climb over the
enemy would have to break through the wall wall. of the castle to get inside. One method to get The attackers would either use ladders or in the castle was to break the castle gate with giant battering rams. Attackers and
moved wooden towers with men hidden inside them into position beside the walls to
defenders also used siege engines to hurl get in the castle by climbing over the castle. boulders at each other. A riskier way of trying
Ready for Battle Knights wore a long-sleeved tunic made of linen or wool, with a cloak over the top. By the 1200s Knights had started to wear long hooded coats called surcoats. Knights nearly always wore bright colors, and some even wore fancy items such as shoes with curled pointed toes and hates decorated with sparkling jewels. Gradually Knights began to wear more and more armor. They added solid metal plates shaped to fit their body. By the 1400s knights were wearing full suits of
steel amour. They wore metal gloves called gauntlets and even metal shoes! In the battle the Knights had to main weapons: his sword and his shield. The sword was double sharp enough to pierce someones chain mail. Knights also fought with lances daggers and axes.
Famous castles Many Castles are said to be
Shakespeare. In the Play the
haunted by ghosts who had died within their walls.
aggressive Macbeth plots with his evil wife to kill the Scottish
Many of these ghosts are kings and queens who were
king, Duncan, and claim the throne for himself. In real life,
killed by their sworn enemies. Edward the second of
Macbeth did defeat and kill Duncan in 1040.
England was murdered in his cell at Berkeley Castle in Southwest England and people thought that he was haunting the castle. Some other Castles that are famous are Glamis Castle the castle is in Scotland and they did the scene for the play “Macbeth� by William
Lexicon Organizer Word & Page #
Part of Speech (noun, verb, adj)
Sentence from book/article
By: Anna S.
Relevance or importance to topic/time period.
Use the word in a new sentence. (your own!)
Arches ph:9
a man who is a member of various ranks of nobility in other countries
Arches could stand on the inner wall.
its part of the castle
go fix the arches of the castle they look like they are about to fall.
bailey pg: 9
Outer wall of a castle.
Castle builders dug a deep ditch called a moat,all around the outside of the motte and bailey
its part of a castle.
I'm almost finished building my bailey
banquets pg:12
a formal dinner for many people usually to celebrate a special event
she controlled the kitchen and gave the servants their orders for feasts and banquets.
knights and queens have banquets.
we are having a banquet this after noon at our castle
barons pg:15
historical a person who held lands or property from the sovereign or a powerful overlord.
the barons were the most powerful noblemen
they live in the castle
barons is a spanish word
battlements pg:39
a low wall at
Heavy stones and other missiles often rained down from the battlements onto the enemy below.
it is part of the castle
if you want to find the king he is probably in the battlement
knights had to behave according to a set of of rules known as the code of chivalry.
its how knights have to act
someone opens the door for someone is an example of chivalry
the top of a castle with open spaces for people inside to shoot through chivalry pg:17
a way of polite manner toward a woman
Lexicon Organizer
By: Anna S.
place) by building military defenses (such as walls, trenches, etc.)
attack castles and fortified towns and city in the 1300’s
obvious that the castles walls were getting weaker .so the people fortifies the,
fortress pg:6
a place that is protected against attack : a fortified place
A castle was both a home and a fortress in the middle ages.
its a place in the castle.
the people in the fortress would pour boiling water on the people who were trying to invade.
Garter pg:43
a british order of knights
the order of the garter is the oldest and most important order.
it is an order reflecting on the knights.
They thought of another garter.
gatehouse pg:4
a small building near a gate at the entrance of a park, large house
knights servants and queens use the gatehouse in their castle.
the Knight is in the gatehouse.
justice pg:28
the quality of being fair and reasonable: the justice of his case
The Knights and king had to act brave which is also called the code of chivalry
if a king was not fair or brave they would be punished for not respecting the rule of justice
a place where the kings family and the kings family live
the lord of the castle and his family lived in the safest part of the castle -the keep
a place in the castle
the keep is a place in the
keep pg:11
(no sentence available)
(sentence not available
kings castle
moat pg:19
A mound forming the site of a castle or camp.
For extra protection, a wooden fence was often built around the top of the motte.
its part of a castle.
I have a fish in my moat around my house.
peasants pg:15
a poor farmer or farm worker who has low social status
At the very bottom of the feudal system was a poor peasant
they farmed the land
there was a peasant in my farm
servant pg:12
a person who is hired to do household or
servants were important because they helped run the
servants are their because they are the people who take care of the castle
(no sentence available)
Lexicon Organizer crusades pg:43
By: Anna S.
a medieval military expedition
which Muslims warriors fought against the knights of the third crusades?
the muslims were fighting the knights of the third crusade
People joined the crusades for a variety of reasons.
contable pg:12
a high officer of a royal court or noble household especially in the Middle Ages
The constable was in charge of defending the castle
they defend the castle
the constables are defending the castle
a bridge, esp. one over a castle's moat, that is hinged at one end so that it may be raised to prevent people's crossing or to allow vessels to pass under it.
And dont forget the drawbridge to let the lord and his family in and out of their castle.
it is part of the castle
the drawbridge is the entrance and exit of the castle.
excalibur pg:31
king arthur's magic sword
legend say that king Arthur became king after pulling a magic sword called excalibur out of a rock.
King Arthur is a king
King arthur was a king that was remembered for a long time.
feudalism pg:14
the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants
this system of giving away land in return for services was known as feudalism
the knights and kings use feudalism
back in the medieval times the knights and king would have to use feudalism as a religion.
fortified pg:37
to strengthen (a
cannons were first used to
people had to fortifie a
after a long battle it was
Lexicon Organizer personal duties Pilgrimage Pg:18
a pilgrim's journey
By: Anna S.
castle. On the one hand, the obligation to perform the pilgrimage is an integral part of the Islamic tradition.
knights and kings have a pilgrimage
pilgrimages destination since the middle ages
Bibliography Walker, Jane. 100 Things You Should Know about Knights & Castles. Great Bardfield