Charlie P C Block

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1933 - 1945

Adolf Hitlers mustache was shaped like a square because when he put on his gas mask, the extra hairs hung out.







HOLOCAUST 1939 - 1943


ORIGINS What was the Holocaust? When was it? Who was in it? Where was it? Why? Here are the answers to all these questions. The Holocaust was a horrible time in central Europe where the Nazi Germans killed the Jews/Non christians because Adolf Hitler wanted to have a pure race. This was considered the worlds worst time for Jews/Non christians. It lasted from 1939 to 1943. The Jews were targeted and were being mistreated/abused by the Nazis. Between 100,00 and 500,00

people were participating in the execution of the Holocaust. The leader of this was Adolf Hitler. He was a very harsh and cruel leader. whoever he did not like or did not care for he would kill. Before he killed himself he he killed his wife and then shot himself in the head. They controlled most of central and northern Europe like Germany, Poland, Austria, Switzerland and the Czech Republic.


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JEWISH LIFESTYLE How do you think the Jews lived their life while being ruled by people? Their life was very cruel and harsh. Some of the Jews went to concentration camps. The Nazis set up camps for Jews to go to and they either killed them or put them into forced labor. For the Jews that weren’t in concentration camps, they didn’t have any privileges. The nazis took away all of the valuables like radios, cameras, jewelry, Television sets, and other valuables like that. Also in most of the Jewish homes they were lacking basic materials like food, water, heat and other basic materials.

EXTERMINATION CAMPS How many Jews were killed? How did the nazis do that? About 6 million Jews were killed in total and the nazis used the extermination camps to kill them. The extermination camps are camps that the nazis took the Jews to kill them in mass numbers. They had 6 extermination camps and Auschwitz was the biggest killing a total of 1 million in total. In the camps they had gas chambers that the Nazis used to kill the Jews. The gas chambers are bunkers that the Jews would go into,thinking that they were going to take a shower, then the nazis would through gas into the bunker killing all. The gas chamber would hold up to 1,200 people in it.

CONCLUSION In conclusion the Holocaust was a horrible time in central Europe where the Nazi Germans killed the Jews/ Non Christians, because Adolf Hitler wanted to have a pure race. About 6 million jews/non Christians were killed in this horrible time.

A picture of the Jews in an extermination camp



DANIEL’S PROBLEM Dear Adolf Hitler, I believe that you are being

different camps! I am writing to you hoping that you will reconsider putting us back

unfair to me and my family separating

together at a concentration camp.

us from each other. You are making us move to different concentration

Sincerely, Daniel Adolf Hitler’s reply

camps, separating us! It is so cruel! We all started together at Frankfurt, Germany. And then a group of Nazis found us and moved us to Lodz Poland. After that another group separated us from each other to

How dare you address the leader of the Nazi army asking for something! I am not going to re locate you and your family together! You need to learn to be

Adolf Hitler

self sufficient and forget

1234 Hitler Drive, Berlin, Germany 10117

about your family. If you don’t forget about your family you will become depressed and will never be happy in you life ever again. Never contact me again requesting something.

Works Cited Bachrach, Susan D. Tell Them We Remember: The Story of the Holocaust. Boston: Little, Brown, 1994. Print. "Extermination Camp." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2015. "Holocaust Amnesia - The Commentator." Holocaust Amnesia - The Commentator. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2015. "Holocaust Memorial Day Trust." Life in the Camps. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2015. "Identification in Nazi Camps." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2015. "Interior of the Auschwitz Gas Chamber - Krema I - 2005 Photos." Interior of the Auschwitz Gas Chamber - Krema I - 2005 Photos. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2015. Matas, Carol. Daniel's Story. New York: Scholastic, 1993. Print.

Lexicon Organizer


Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes place. ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!!


Part of Speech (noun, verb, adj)

Definition (in context with the story)

Sentence from book & Page #

How is this word meaningful to the time period of your book? Explain.

1. Adolf Hitler


Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi army.

“Have you heard of a man named Adolf Hitler?” (9)

He was the leader of the Nazis.

2. Auschwitz


Auschwitz was a concentration camp in Poland.

“She is sure the transports are going to a place called Auschwitz­­ a camp made for killing people. (71)

It was a concentration camp that people went to during the time period.

3. Berlin


Berlin is the capital of Germany

“Uncle Leo couldn't come from Berlin because his family had no money for the trip.”(29)

It was the capital of the Nazis.

4. Christian


Christian is a person “Uncle David was engaged to a who follows christian woman, and they left Christianity. Germany so they could mary.”(14)

It was another religion at the time.

5. Communist


Communist is a form “Concentration camps where of socialism. they’re putting all his enemies, communists, socialists, Gypsies, Jews, anyone who disagrees and anyone he doesn't like.” (10)

It was a form of socialism during the time period.

Lexicon Organizer


Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes place. ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! 6. France


France is a country in Europe.

“And then is June we heard the news of D day, the allied invasion of France, on our

It was a neighboring country to Germany.


7. Frankfurt


Frankfurt is a town in Germany

“We were now separate from everyone else in Europe.” (16)

It was a town that Jews were living during the time period.

8. Gas Chambers


Gas chambers were chamber that the Jews went into so the Nazis could kill them using gas.

“We watched, as we got of the train, people going into a building with a sign saying Free Showers.” (91)

It was how the Nazis killed the Jews in Mass Crowds.

9. Germany


Germany is country in Europe.

“We lit candles on the Sabbath and went to a synagogue­­a reform synagogue where most of the service was in Germany­­and celebrated jewish holidays.” (8)

It was the country where most of the Jews and Nazis where.

10. Ghetto


A part of germany that was poor

“We were moved to the ghettos.” (86)

it was a part of Germany that Jews lived.

11. Jewish


Jewish is a religion.

“I went to a regular public school and most of my friends at school weren't jewish.” (8)

If you were a jew then the nazis either killed you, or put you in a concentration camp.

12. Kapo


Kapo was a

“In a moment two kapos were

It was in all of the

Lexicon Organizer


Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes place. ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!!

behind me and pressed a gun prisoner in a Nazi against my back.”(73) concentration camp who was assigned by the SS guards to supervise forced labor

concentration camps in germany.

It was an essential city to the time period.

13. Lodz


A city in Poland

“So we trudge with the other from the train toward our new home in the ghetto of Lodz, Poland.”(35)

14. Nazis


A group of people “The Jewish authorities, who that killed most of were forced by the Nazis to the jews in Germany organize the ghetto.” (39)

15. Socialists


A person who advocates or practices socialism.

“We discovered that this was They were another the camp that most of the group of people during political prisoners were sent like the time period. the communists and socialists.”(107)

16. SS officer


A person who is protecting the Nazi party.

“‘I see a man almost beaten to They were officers part death because he did not salute of the Nazis. a SS officer.” (112)

17. Typhus


A disease spread by “Avoiding typhus was very fleas or mice difficult because we lived in the most horrific squalor.” (100)

They were the force killing the jews.

It was a disease during the time period.

Lexicon Organizer


Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book takes place. ORGANIZE the words in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! 18. Work Camp


A camp where the “We saw a work camp, as we Nazis made the jews were in the train..” (74) work.

It was a place where jews went

19. Yiddish


A language many European Jews spoke.

It was a language spoken by some of the jews.

20. Zionists


Followers of the “We were walking home from movement to restore the zionist sports club.” (15) the ancient jewish homeland in Palestine.

“The people were speaking Yiddish at the camp.” (83)

It was a group of people during the holocaust.

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