Claire W. D Block

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A American women helping slaves to the next safe house.

SUBJECTS *How it all began *Where the Railroad Ran *End of Slavery

Claire Winkeler Block D [1]

USA $10


I just came to America!!!! But these Americans are tying me up in chains around my neck and feet, selling me away from my family. At least I can cry inside, instead of everyone seeing my tears in my eyes. The Underground Railroad was an escape for African American slaves seeking freedom in the north.

Sub topic 1. In the 1500s people from Spain

were sol like cattle for $1,000 each. Owners of the slaves had the power to

traveled to America. When they came

torture and beat them up, in severe

to America the Americans made them become slaves. When the centuries

cases some owners killed them if they did something horrible, like running

grew there were colonies. The northern depended on manufacturing


and trading. The southerners depended on crops (cotton.) The slaves for the northern half didn’t have to do much so they didn’t really have slaves there. In the southern part they

Slaves Working in the fields sunrise to sunset.

had to produce cotton so they had to work in the fields from dawn till dusk. The women slaves and men slaves


Where the Railroad Ran Sub topic 2. The Underground Railroad wasn’t

Henry Brown whose story turned his name to Henry Box Brown. His story is that he shipped himself in a box to


philadelphia in order to escape slavery where the people from the south of the in which he became a free man. colonies tried to escape from their underground nor a railroad. It was

masters in the southern colonies who in the previous paragraph is when the Spain travelers came and had to work in the fields and get beat up by their masters. The Underground Railroad had no exact route. The Underground Railroad was multiple houses who had symbols that the people who drive the escaped slaves would stay at the place and travel to the next spot during the night so the police wouldn’t arrest the slaves and the person caring for the slaves. Although some people would go by foot in the forest. The slaves would travel for months sometimes. One man whose name is

Imagine working in the burning sun day till night plus the beatings the soldiers gave us if we stopped. Also having to do that till you die. I know I wouldn’t be able to do that. This is a image of men and women as slaves and the housing they had. A phrase of the Underground Railroad.


Dear Ma(mrs.Weaver), We have a serious problem on our hands. Just a few days ago Miz Lizbet Charles passed away, and were containing her in a room. I don’t disagree with the plan but I also don’t agree that we should do it. I need guidance mother. - James your son.

The End of Slavery Subtopic 3. The slavery war ended on June 22, 1865. Some slave owners still captured and tortured their slaves. Slavery officially ended on December 6, 1865. In which ALL slaves became free men and women. Just in Kentucky and Delaware alone there were

Dear James my son, The snow here is awful, I don’t know what your dad is thinking i’ll be back as soon as I can.

40,000-45,000 slaves became free from slavery and free men and woman.

-Mrs.Weaver aka mom

color of people’s skin or how they act

In our daily life we learned from the Underground Railroad that the doesn’t make a difference and that a man is a man and a woman is a woman. The Underground Railroad was a escape of African Americans seeking freedom in the north.

The Underground Railroad had a big impact on human history since all men became equal and not long after the women got rights. The Underground Railroad needed to be remembered, there were statues in the name of the Underground Railroad.


Works Cited Heinrichs, Ann. The Underground Railroad. Minneapolis, MN: Compass Point, 2001. Print. Ruby, Lois. Steal Away Home. New York: Macmillan, 1994. Print. "Underground Railroad." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2015. "Underground Railroad." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2015.


Lexicon Organizer ​ •


Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book • ORGANIZE the words in ​ALPHABETICAL ORDER​!!! •

Word •

Part of Speech (noun, verb, adj)

​blue means a

vocab word

Definition •

Sentence from book & Page #

• (in context with the story)

1. brewing

How is thi meaningfu time period book? Ex


a gut feeling that something bad is going to happen •

“James, something’s ​brewing​ out Shows how on

can be a differe definition and th education the p had in the Unde Railroad

here.” (58)

2. copybook


3. gauge •


4. innovation


A book for beginners “Miz Lizbet slammed her to copy of of copybook shut.” (121)

The vocab the

to find the amount or “James looked at Solomon to volume of something gauge​ how much fight was in him.” (95)

The vocab the

a new idea

“They’d build steps to the cellar inside the house-­a modern innovation​-­and Ma pointed the way.” (73)

The vocab the


5. ladle


“A large long-­handled spoon with a cup-­shaped bowl.” Google

“She put ​ladles​ of stew on the tin plates and dark bread already thick with melted butter.” (11)

It shows how different word utensils we us them.

6. menfolk


A group of men from “and the women and children

The vocab the



Lexicon Organizer ​


Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book ta ORGANIZE the words in ​ALPHABETICAL ORDER​!!!

a community

dragged their ​menfolk​ away to safety.” (140) “So William fixed a ​muffler around Ellen’s face like a poultice,...” (84)

7. muffler


A scaf

8. peaceable


to avoid argument or “We’re a ​peaceable​ people, violence Pa.” (188)

The education th

9. pewter


the color blue or gray

The vocab they h

10. posse


a army of men controlled by the sheriff of the law

Type to enter text

“swirled the stringy gray stuff around with Ma’s big ​pewter ladle​.” (171)

It shows the lang and the educatio had

“The slave owner has every right Shows the langu to get up a ​posse​, ride into free they had during territory, and if he can prove it’s Underground Ra his slave, take him right back to the South.”

11. prairie


A large open area of “We’re a proud people out here grassland on the ​prairie​.” (127)

12. raucous


making loud noises

“The wagon drew nearer, and Its shows the lan James heard ​raucous​ laughter.” they had (126)

13. saddle bag


a bag attached to a horse

“Got me something else in my saddlebag​.” (95)


The time period there were stretc prairie.

The names for materials in their period

Lexicon Organizer ​


Choose 20 words from your bookmark that BEST REFLECT the historical time period in which your book ORGANIZE the words in ​ALPHABETICAL ORDER​!!! 14. spectacles



“Pa pulled out his ​spectacles​.” (95)

15. thee


form of you

“​Thee​ doesn’t understand,” (82) Shows the gram they had

16. trot


faster than a walk on “Thunder was used to pulling a a horse wagon and she looked surprised when the weight of the man fell upon her back, but she ​trotted​ on behind the other horse.” (97)

The names for materials in the period

17. Wakarusa


The depth of a river

“Go jump in the ​Wakarusa​!” (49)

The vocab they

18. weary



“I don’t mean to be inhospitable, The vocab they but my husband’s up on that porch, and he’s ​weary​ from a day of travel, and I believe thee had best be on thy way.” (127)

19. whilst

conjunction and adverb


“Not ​whilst​ my husband’s home!” (82)

Shows the gram

20. y’all

proper noun

you and all combined

“‘Stand back, ​y’all​’” (113)

It shows the gra they had and th education


The vocab they

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