February 28,2014
The Mystery Rock
Fish eat algae off the corals and live in small caves, in the rocks.
Daria G.Wyman [1]
*corals *algae
Feb. 28, 2014
These are some pictures of corals and fish!
Come see underwater corals, fish and up-close pictures you can’t see in Maine!
star fish live in rocks
fire coral
for their homes. People bring home starfish and
1-2-3 Dive! Many people go in and get cold.
nice shells. They might buy from the stores. Many
So many animals live there. Its a beautiful place
people don’t know this but coral is actually a
were many things flourish and take root. Do you
type of rock?! Its made of limestone rock.
like the sparkling crisp aroma of salt. The gentle
G.B.R, Creatures and Corals
breeze of the ocean. Well...I do, its very, calming. I
Things grow on it and make homes in the
swim and lie in the freezing cool waves. Seagulls
rock. There is a coral that lines the coast of
hovering over my head, waiting for a snack.
Australia. Its called the Great Barrier Reef (G.B.R).
This is were most of the pictures are from. Its the
But you can see only the top for the surfaces
nicest places to go to, if you want to go scuba-diving.
plane rippled blue waters. But whats beneath it? Is there only sand, or is there nothing but darkness? Is there anything out there? Beyond the crashing white waves? Yes, there is! Something unimaginable out
There is so many creatures live there. There is so many types. But they aren’t all fish. There are other creatures to. Fish eat the algae that grows on the limestone rock. Germs and weed grow, and the most of the fish eat algae. But some other species. Star fish, they look like stars (of course) and
there in the seas beyond. Do you know what it
they are countless colors. They make nice
looks like? To be surrounded by colors, fish and swaying plants. Many people do, they dive in and
decorations, but they belong in the ocean(s). There are different types of limestone corals. There are brain
take many pictures. Schools of fish swim right
corals fire coral and...corals. But some some corals
past your eyes. Blink once, and then they're gone!
can seriously hurt you. Just like the fire coral. If you
People go to tropical warm places to see the
get cut, it gets infected, and it stings. You can tell its fire corals, because its red and it looks like tree
magic, right in front of them. Those special areas are reserved. They do this so fishermen don’ there. Many people get nice treasures
branches. There are so many types of corals and different fish in the ocean, corals and living in our fish tanks.
Turtles love to eat jellyfish and eat the corals and enemy that grow there.
Algae Bloom As you probably heard before, there are
Fun Facts and Sea Urchins
or species have once taken over the seas and
Did you know, that it takes “between 5 and 25 millimeters (0.2–1 inch) per year to their length.” This mean it grows 5 to 23 mill. every
they kill many species. Like for instance there
passing years. So if someone destroys it than it
were to many jellyfish in the ocean. They were
will take years and years to grow back to its
washing up on shores and stinging people. Then
original size. So coral is fragile and people
they went away. There was an out burst of them,
shouldn’t take coral home and keep it, because
many creatures there. But many types of plants
But some of this stuff isn’t all animals. It
Urchins are very piousness and spiky. Not many
out-buts of ‘Algae Bloom.’
animals can break threw it and get to the meat. Seals and other animals can stand the sting and
starts out with just a small patch of algae. Then
will do what it takes to get the inside. But most
the spot spreads out over the pond.Then it
creatures die from the sharpness and sting.
starts to grow bubbles, these aren’t normal
Theres also the poisons fish, like the blowfish
bubbles. These are growing bubbles, as you
and jellyfishes.
know water is H20. Two hydrogen and one oxygen. Algae bloom starts to suck up the oxygen until theres nothing left. Then it dies out. But while its still alive it kills all the living things in the pond, river etc.
Creatures and Acropora So if fishermen go and fish there they will get nothing or just see dead fish and creatures. Thats why Algae Bloom must be prevented as much as it can. We can loose many creatures from this. But it doesn’t happen very often, if it does we would maybe notice. Acropora is everywhere in our oceans. Its amazing, colorful and homes for many creatures. And its a beautiful sight to see.
it takes so many years to grow back. Sea
can sometime be out-bursts of algae. Its mostly Algae Bloom is a horrible type of algae. It
Spicules and Wrasse Corals can also have protection fields. Spicules protect them and they don’t get eaten. Wrasse are ‘cleaner fish,’ because they clean off fish and they eat most of the algae off plants. Many fish eat a certain kind of plankton, like zooplankton.
Zooplankton Its ‘tiny plants’ that float around on the surface of the water. There are many strange and wondrous creatures in under the murky ocean waves. And yet we still wonder what lives there, down in the depths. The ocean pressure is harder to explore than outer space. But we can make it happen and find out what else lives there. And find new animals living down there.
Clown Fish This is a pic. of Algae Bloom!
This is a picture from the Great Barrier
These are some pictures of fish and algae bloom! [3]
The green highlighted words are the words I used in the paragraphs.
Sea Urchins (40-41)
noun see-ur-ch-in-s
noun ac-ra-por-a
Lexicon Organizer
Daria G. Wyman
on a fish.
that supports the tissues of soft corals.”
protect the creatures from getting eaten.
pointy needles to protect itself.
A living creature with poisonous spikes. Many creature can’t get to the good inner shell.
“They are echinoderms because they are spiny-skinned creatures that protects them from harm.”
Many creature can’t get the meaty part and have to claw them open. But some exceed and get it.
A sea urchin is a pointy skinned creature with poisonous spines.
A type of coral
“A type of coral.”
Its a flat surfaced coral.
Many things use it as their homes and its found in warm seas.
Algae (21,30)
noun ˈalgəә
A green substance that lays on top of the water. Its fishes favorite snack.
“It lives in many things underwater.” (creepy)
Many things eat it. Many fish feed on the But it can cause a nutritious algae, but bad destruction. can it cause the death Like Algae Bloom of so many animals? it sucks up all the oxygen in the waters.
atoll (54)
noun at-o-ll
They are a ringed shaped reef.
“ A ringede shapes reef surrounding a lagoon.”
Its where animals live.
We went to the atoll and saw many creatures there!
Coral (19)
noun kôrəәl,ˈkär
It grows in warm and tropical seas.
“ really no definition from the book”
Things and creatures thrive and live there. Its their home!
Its a colorful and bright and it lives underwater. Its made up by small animals and is made from limestone.
Lexicon Organizer Creatures (5)
noun kree-cher
Clams (44)
noun cl-am-s
They are made up of a hard shelled creature and they eat on small creatures passing by. They have a tongue but (i think) no eyes.
noun ekəәnəәˌdəәrm
fire coral
Daria G. Wyman
There would be nothing in this world. It would be just rocks and trees.
Creatures are anything that breathes and grows we are even creatures we are living things.
“ Its bivalve shell opens, revealing its mantle.”
Many things eat clams(like walruses) and many things would die if they didn’t have clams.
Walrus eat clams and rely on having them around for food. And so do we, we eat them to.
Star fish and sea urchins.
“ Sea stars sea urchins are spiny-skinned creatures and other members of the phylum echinoderms.”
...nothing really there just part of nature
The echinoderms eat mollusks and other creatures.
noun fi-re co-r-al
Type of coral
“Its red and it dangerous you can get cut easily and get hurt.”
Fishes (58)
noun fish·es
an animal that can live and breath in the water.
“ …” none in the book
If we didn’t have any fish then what would some people eat and what would live in the sea?!
Many people eat and things count on them being alive to help them get there food.
Great Barrier Reef (24, 25 & 41)
proper noun
It is a coral reef that is right off the coast of Queensland,(in Australia) it
“ The Barrier Reef , is separated from the shoreline by lagoons. It runs parallel forming a division between the rough waters.”
Thats where everything lives!
The Great Barrier Reef is famous for its colors and its large span off the coast of Australia. Many people go there to visit
an animal that is “ As animals go polyps are not preferable very simple creatures. human Compared to cats dogs and humans.”
Its a red color and Things can’t hide in it and can’t eat it at all. its easy to see.
Lexicon Organizer
Daria G. Wyman
stretches 1,250 miles! (2,000 km)
and dive in.
Mollusks (41)
noun mul-us-k-s
A soft bodied creature.
“ Oysters, clams, and other mollusks and they pull open the shells.”
What living creatures eat.
The fish and walrus eat on the mollusks for 5 mins.
Octocorals (55)
noun oc-to-co-als
Its any creature with eight arms or legs.
“ Polyps that have eight tentacles.”
Well, it all ties in with the tentacles.
If they didn’t have them they would be eaten.
Polyps (3, 21, 20, 28, 36)
noun pol-i-ps
They live in colonies. They are different colors and they have many tentacles.
“ Polyps are simple creatures, they have only few parts to their bodies. The limestone cup, mouth and the tentacles.”
If this didn’t survive than things would die. Many fish live and survive in it.
Polyps are essential to some animals survival, because they shelter them and keep them safe.
Sea Stars (40-42)
noun see-st-ar-s
They are many sizes and colors. The bumps are millions of eggs and they walk on their arms.
“ The crown of thorns starfish eats polyps of brain coral.” The crown of thorns have been everywhere and causes mass destruction.”
...IDK nothing so special about them. But it is an animal that lives under the sea.
Sea Stars are stars that we decorate our homes with and they scurry along the murky bottom.
Spicules (55)
nouns spi-c-ul-s
Small needles on a fish.
“ Tiny needles of limestone that supports the tissues of soft corals.”
The needles protect the creatures from getting eaten.
The sea urchin has pointy needles to protect itself.
Sea Urchins (40-41)
noun see-ur-ch-in-s
A living creature with poisonous spikes. Many creature can’t get to the good inner shell.
“They are echinoderms because they are spiny-skinned creatures that protects them from harm.”
Many creature can’t get the meaty part and have to claw them open. But some exceed and get it.
A sea urchin is a pointy skinned creature with poisonous spines.
Lexicon Organizer
Daria G. Wyman
Tentacles (55)
noun ten-ti-cal-s
Are long or short wavy things that stick out of an animal and keep growing. (probably)
“ Tube-like parts surrounding the mouth openings of polys.”
If things didn’t have tentacles then it wouldn’t be able to get its food.
same goes with octocorals.
Spicules (55)
nouns spi-c-ul-s
Small needles on a fish.
“ Tiny needles of limestone that supports the tissues of soft corals.”
The needles protect the creatures from getting eaten.
The sea urchin has pointy needles to protect itself.
Sea Urchins (40-41)
noun see-ur-ch-in-s
A living creature with poisonous spikes. Many creature can’t get to the good inner shell.
“They are echinoderms because they are spiny-skinned creatures that protects them from harm.”
Many creature can’t get the meaty part and have to claw them open. But some exceed and get it.
A sea urchin is a pointy skinned creature with poisonous spines.
They are a type of shell/a shell.
“ A mollusk with a single shell, undivided shell.”
Its what makes creatures there homes.
A clam and a snail have univalves.
Water (17)
noun wa-t-er
Its what everything need and its made of. (well most of them) H 2o
“ Coral is usually found in deeper waters.”
If there was no water there would be no life underwater!
We drink and do everything with water. If we had not water in this world everything would die!!
wrasse (48)
Its a cleaner type algae
“Cleaning fish duties.”
Many fish have a symbiotic relationship like a cleaner fish and a
It eats things that other animals don’t like and it gets its meal while the other gets its teeth clean.
univalve (55)
Lexicon Organizer
Daria G. Wyman
fish. zooplankton (55)
noun zoo-pl-an-k-to-n
They look like shrimp and most creatures eat it. They are microscopic creatures floating in the water.
“ Tiny animals floating in the ocean or other bodies of water. Its a one-celled animal.”
Many animals depend on them and they depend on them to give them food. Thats what they eat!
Small fish and animals eat and feed on the zooplankton.
Zooxanthellae (21, 22)
noun zoo-an-thel-a
Can’t describe it
“It lives in many corals and plants.”
Many things wouldn’t live without it.
Many things live on it and grow from it.
Bibliography *"The Free Automatic Bibliography and Citation Generator." EasyBib. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2014.
*Johnson, Sylvia A., Shōhei Shirai, and Shōhei Shirai. Coral Reefs. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications, 1984. Print.
*Levine, Joseph S., and Jeffrey L. Rotman. Undersea Life. New York: Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 1985. Print.
*N.p., n.d. Web.
*"Picturea - Google Search." Picturea - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.