Interventional News Issue 86—June 2022 US Edition

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Allison Aguado: TARE in paediatrics

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Eyes on intravascular lithotripsy: Data, approvals and financing bolster calcified peripheral vessel treatment

GEST 2022: (Re)defining curative intent for HCC Global Embolization Oncology Symposium Technologies (GEST; 19–22 May, New York, USA) provided delegates and faculty alike with the opportunity to hear about worldwide approaches to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) treatment. The dedicated session comprised discussion of various curative-intent therapies, how to define this as a concept, and how the scope of it might be expanded beyond that which achieves recurrence-free survival. A key takeaway from the session was that the next generation of interventional radiologists hold radiation segmentectomy in high regard, with its advantages now playing out in the form of clinical data.

May 2022 has been the month of intravascular lithotripsy (IVL), with new data, approvals and financing shining a spotlight on this developing technology. Taking centre stage, midterm data for IVL from what is reported to be the largest randomised trial of severely calcified peripheral lesions have just been announced. Elsewhere, companies have revealed expanded approvals of the technology and the closing of financing to advance research and development of IVL systems.

Newly launched Shockwave M5+ IVL catheter

years (Kaplan-Meier estimate: 74.4% vs. 57.7%, p=0.005), respectively. “Prior to the [Disrupt] PAD III study, there were limited long-term data available to provide treatment guidance for this challenging population since patients with severe calcification have historically been excluded from endovascular trials,” said Gray, who is co-principal investigator of Disrupt PAD III alongside Gunnar Tepe (RoMed Clinic Rosenheim, Rosenheim, Germany). Gray continued: “The primary endpoint at 30 days

These new results found that the powered secondary endpoint of primary patency favoured IVL over PTA at one year[...].”

Shockwave Medical


CX 2022: Transfemoral access

page 6

JUNE 2022 | Issue 86

ew data from the Disrupt PAD III randomised controlled trial (RCT) found that superior vessel preparation with IVL (Shockwave Medical) led to excellent outcomes out to two years with preservation of future treatment options compared to percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) in the treatment of calcified peripheral arterial disease (PAD). William Gray (Main Line Health, Wynnewood, USA) presented these outcomes at the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions (SCAI) 2022 Scientific Sessions (19–22 May, Atlanta, USA) and the results were published simultaneously in the Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions (JSCAI). As previously published, IVL at 30 days demonstrated superiority over PTA in the primary endpoint analysis, defined as procedural success with a residual stenosis less than or equal to 30% without flow-limiting dissection, prior to drug-coated balloon (DCB) or stent, with a rate of 65.8% vs. 50.4% (p=0.0065) as determined by an independent angiographic core lab. Additionally, Disrupt PAD III showed that IVL achieved a reduction in frequency and severity of flow-limiting major dissections (1.4% vs. 6.8%, p=0.03), a reduction in stent implantation rate (4.6% vs. 18.3%, p<0.001) and no distal embolization or perforation events. These new results found that the powered secondary endpoint of primary patency (defined as freedom from clinically-driven target lesion revascularisation [CD-TLR], restenosis determined by duplex ultrasound and provisional stenting) favoured IVL over PTA at one year (80.5% vs. 68.0%, p=0.017) and remained favourable through two


Profile: Yasuaki Arai

THE SESSION BEGAN WITH DONNA D’Souza’s (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA) presentation titled ‘(Thermal) ablation is the only curative-intent therapy for early-stage HCC’. However, she immediately offered the disclaimer that, in reality, she does not believe that it is the only way to treat with curative intent, especially now that we are in “the era of radiation segmentectomy”. Robert Lewandowski (Northwestern University, Chicago, USA) followed on the subject of the latter. D’Souza started by explaining that the updated 2022 Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) guidelines still recommend ablation for unresectable, small HCC, with the new addition of transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) or radioembolization as a second-line therapy if ablation is not feasible. Regarding the definition of ‘curativeintent’, D’Souza described it based on a Robert Lewandowski Continued on page 5

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