Survey of whiteflies

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Whiteflies survey in Puerto Rico

WF in PR •  Objec6ves –  Determine the distribu6on –  Determine natural and alternate hosts –  Determine natural enemies

•  Reported –  19 spp: 5 Aleurodicinae, 14 Aleyrodinae (official) –  46 spp: 16 Aleurodicinae, 30 Aleyrodinae (unnofficial)

Survey routes

How was the survey made? In the Field:

–  Sampling every ~ 5km –  Panoramic photography, GPS –  15 min of intensive sampling –  Measurement of infesta6on: 10 leaves, pres-­‐abs –  Collec6on of plants and insects (wf, pred, paras)

In the Lab:

–  Morphological and molecular ID (all samples) –  Separa6on of colonies (incubator) –  GeXng parasitoids

... and what did we find?

WF m-­‐ID

Parasitoids m-­‐ID

Plant families associated with WF Total Solanaceae 2% Sapindaceae 2% Rutaceae 1%

Sapindaceae 0% Salicaceae 1%

Vitaceae 3% Verbenaceae 5%

Amaranthaceae 1% (blank) 4%

? 7%

Annonaceae 1% Araliaceae 1%

Arecaceae 5%

Rubieaceae 0% Rosaceae Rubiaceae 1% 2% Polygonaceae Piperaceae 3% 1% Passifloraceae 0% Nyctaginaceae 1%

Anacardiaceae 0%

Bignoniaceae 5% Calophyllaceae 1% Combretaceae 1%

Convolvulaceae 10%

Myrtaceae 3% Musasae 1% Moraceae 3% Meliaceae 3%

Asteraceae 1%

Malvaceae 7% Maleza 0%

Euphorbiaceae 8% Fabaceae 8% Lauraceae 2%

Cucurbitaceae 2%

finally ID 1324 1328 1333 1334 1336 1338 1340 1342 1342

molecular ID (WF)

morphological ID

Aleurocanthus spiniferus

Bemisia tabaci A. spiniferus (?) A. spiniferus, NA A. spiniferus, NA A. dispersus, NA Aleurocanthus woglumi A. dispersus

Family Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae

A. dispersus

Dialeurodes citri Ashmead Aleurotrachelus sp.

Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae

1345 1347 1347 1354 1356 1358 1360 1361 1362 1366 1368 1371 1377

A. dispersus A. dispersus A. dispersus A. dugesii

A. dispersus, A. dispersus

1380 1386

A. spiniferus

Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae


1409 1420 1422 1440 1454 1467

Paraleyrodes sp. Paraleyrodes minei (Iaccarino) (?)

A. A. A. A.

dispersus spiniferus spiniferus spiniferus

A.spiniferus, A. dispersus

A.spiniferus A. spiniferus Paraleyrodes minei Iaccarino, A. dispersus (2V)

Singhiella simplex Singh Aleurodicus antillensis Dozier, Paraleyrodes sp. (2V)

Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae

Metaleurodicus minimus Quaintance Aleurodicus dispersus Russell Aleurodicus sp. Aleurothrixis floccosus (Maskell)

Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae

Aleurodicus dispersus Russell

Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae


A. dispersus


Aleurodicus dispersus (Russell)

1477 1490 1495 1496 1501

no ID probably Aleurotrachelus Aleurodicus antillensis Dozier Metaleurodicus cardini (Back) Singhiella simplex Singh

Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae

Aleurotrachelus sp. Aleurotrachelus sp. Aleurocanthus sp.

Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae

no ID, female specimen no specimen

Aleyrodidae ?

Paraleyrodes sp. Aleurodicus dispersus (Russell) Aleurodicus cocois (Curtis) Dialeurodes schefflerae (Hodges & Dooley) Metaleurodicus minimus (Quaintance)

Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae Aleyrodidae ?

1505 1525 1528

1532 1539 13W F-059 13W F-062 13W F-079 13W F-085 S85Beto

no specimen


plant_fam Euphorbiaceae Convolvulaceae Convolvulaceae ? Aralacieae Clusiaceae Moraceae Verbenaceae Verbenaceae Rubiaceae

plant_sp coordenadas Acalypha sp. N 18.407225 W -065.983953 Ipomoea sp. N 18.3687167 W -065.968650 Merremia sp. N 18.4323000 W -065.8769667 unknown sp N 18.4323000 W -065.8769667 Schefflera arboricola N 18.4363333 W -065.8845667 Callophyllum sp. N 18.4363333 W -065.8845667 Ficus benjamina N 18.4482667 W -065.8970333 Cleodendrum sp. N 18.4464000 W -065.9110667 Clerodendrum quadriloculare N 18.4464000 W -065.9110667 Morinda s p. N 18.4548833 W -065.9844000

Euphorbiaceae Convolvulaceae ?

Acalypha sp. unknown sp. Not s equenced

Annonaceae Myrtaceae Euphorbiaceae Convolvulaceae Fabaceae Convolvulaceae Convolvulaceae Fabaceae Vitaceae Euphorbiaceae Polygonaceae Meliaceae Euphorbiacae Rubiaceae Malvaceae Myrtaceae Anacardiaceae Fabaceae Sapindaceae

N N N Annona muricata N Psidium guajava N Euphorbia sp N unknown sp. N unknown sp. N unknown sp. N Ipomoea sp. N Centrosema sp. N Cissus alata N Acalypha his pida N Coccoloba sp. N Swietenia m acrophylla Albizia lebbeck Ps ychotria berteriana Sida acuta Eugenia m onticola Spondias sp.

Convolvulaceae Rutaceae Myrtaceae

Moraceae Convolvulaceae Orchidiaceae Palmaceae Aralacieae Myrtaceae ?


-066.0038500 -066.0042667 -066.0042667 -065.9832833 -065.9872333 -065.9713333 -065.9713333 -065.9443667 -065.9212000 -065.8661333 -065.8661333 -065.8603333 -066.2494500 -066.2120667

N 18.4059500 W -066.1627000 N 18.1103333 W -067.1611667 N N N N

18.4502056 W -067.0922500 18.43648 W -067.14735 18.46924 W -066.93320 18.40025 W -066.69294

Centros em a s p. Bridgesia sp.

N 18.34345 W -066.68026

Not s equenced Zygia racem os a Citrus s inens is Ficus religios a


? ? Fabaceae Rutaceae Moraceae Convolvulaceae

18.4450333 18.3612833 18.3612833 18.3164833 18.3018500 18.2816500 18.2816500 18.2466167 18.2350167 18.1607000 18.1607000 18.1568667 18.4538167 18.4661500

N 18.34345 W -066.68026 N 18.34345 W -066.68026 18.18238 W -066.73611 18.10170 W -066.04646 18.0648 W -066.04967 18.02237 W -066.02867 17.99107 W -066.11385

Merrem ia dis s ecta Ipom oea tiliacea N 18.04458 W -066.09457 Citrus s inens is N 18.174562° W -66.796448° Ps idium N 18.174562° W -66.796448° friedrichs thalianu m Ficus religios a N 18.012167° W -66.383702° Merrem ia N 18.012167° W -66.383702° quinquefolia Orchid sp. N 18.40908 W -066.07162 Veitchia sp. N 18.82861 W -066.15328 Schefflera arboricola Psidium guajava N 18.82861 W -066.15328 N 18.382908° W -66.032934° Not sequenced

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