The Bikuben Foundation: Stakeholder and Development Partner Analysis, 2024

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The Bikuben
April 2024
and Development Partner Analysis

Prepared by Operate A/S

Contact: Thomas Martinsen +45 22 46 71 70 Operate 2
Chapter 1: Executive summary and introduction 4 Executive Summary 5 Purpose, access and method of analysis 7 Chapter 2: Analysis of stakeholders' and partners' attitudes and views on the Bikuben Foundation 10 Part 1: Strategy and reputation 11 Part 2: Philanthropic approach and the development partner role 15 Part 3: The collaboration experience 22 Part 4: Awareness and visibility 26 Part 5: Communication and public affairs 31 Chapter 3: Summary of the analysis 35 Chapter 4: Strategic considerations and recommendations 40 Appendix 51 Appendix 1: Questionnaire, qualitative analysis 52 Appendix 2: Data, quantitative analysis 57
Table of contents

Executive Summary, introduction, purpose and method

Executive Summary

The stakeholders express a very positive attitude towards the Bikuben Foundation, and describe the foundation as a particularly ambitious, innovative and value-creating philanthropic player with great importance within both the foundation's two focus areas – young people on the edge and current performing and visual arts – and more broadly in relation to promoting a systemic change mindset in society.

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Executive Summary

The Bikuben Foundation is perceived as a highly innovative philanthropic organisation with a special focus on innovation and systemic change

The stakeholders express a very positive attitude towards the Bikuben Foundation, and describe the foundation as a particularly ambitious, innovative and value-creating philanthropic organisation with great influence within the foundation's two focus areas –young people on the edge and current performing and visual arts

As a foundation and development partner, the Bikuben Foundation helps to move the fields in which the foundation works The foundation insists on involving and co-creating development efforts with a desire to create changes in society within the foundation's two focus areas

The stakeholders point out that the foundation's work has broad significance for many organisations and the public sector, with a particular focus on promoting a systemic change mindset in society. The Bikuben Foundation is recognised for taking on the role of an organisation that inspires other foundations, civil society organisations and the public sector in relation to systemic thinking, e.g., through many years of work with Home for All, The Significance of Art, the investment in Thoravej 29 and the development of the think tank INVI.

The foundation's philanthropic approach is widely considered as a practice that in the long term helps to succeed with structural changes within its focus

The Bikuben Foundation's philanthropic approach and role as a development partner is met with strong support from stakeholders The development partner role is perceived as courageous and inspiring and as a relevant approach to the foundation's ambition to work with systemic change Stakeholders point out that the development partner role adds value to at least three dimensions:

• It contributes to better processes that develop both cooperation and efforts

• It contributes to strengthening partners both in the form of professionalisation, organisational development, learning, inspiration, innovation, strengthened networks, etc.

• It promotes key societal agendas better and broader, thus building the basis for both more awareness and, in the long term, structural change

The stakeholders feel that the Bikuben Foundation has taken on systemic leadership with a focus on building good relationships, honest acknowledgment of problems, addressing the right root causes and innovative thinking, and with an ambition to change the system around the problems the foundation works with

The Bikuben Foundation is perceived as an ambitious, competent and capable partner, but also demanding and sometimes dominant

Stakeholders praise the foundation and its employees for their high level of ambition, professional commitment and relational skills The stakeholders very much perceive the foundation as an attractive partner that succeeds in creating safe collaboration spaces and processes

However, several stakeholders also point out that a collaboration with the Bikuben Foundation can be very resource-intensive, among other things due to the foundation's high level of ambition and special philanthropic mindset. Stakeholders want the fund to provide even greater clarity about the processes it is involved in in order to create less uncertainty.

The Bikuben Foundation is known and visible to the outside world at the right level, and the foundation is perceived as agenda-setting and strong in its network building

Stakeholders consider that the foundation is well known and sufficiently visible as a philanthropic actor among its key stakeholders, but not among the general public

It is considered that the fund achieves a strong influence on political agendas. Stakeholders find that the foundation effectively balances between highlighting its own voice and acting as a platform for others, alongside sustained efforts that influence decisionmakers and create common direction. The Bikuben Foundation's communication balances between concrete initiatives and more general political agenda-setting. The foundation is adept at engaging in conversations and creating relevant debate within its focus areas.

Stakeholders point to a number of areas where the Bikuben Foundation can strengthen its practice, including:

• With a very focused strategy, there is a risk that the fund will miss out on both opportunities and partners

• There is a potential for the foundation to take even greater responsibility for the ecosystem of actors and initiatives within problem areas, and to communicate interaction between efforts and systemic change to the foundation's partners and the outside world.

• The fund must become better at dealing with power asymmetry, including strengthening the ability to declare its roles in processes

• The fund will provide greater clarity about collaborative processes that are perceived as resource-intensive and demanding for partners to navigate

• The foundation's use of external consultants in various processes and processes must be assessed with a focus on finding the right division of roles between the use of internal and external resources.

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Purpose, approach and method of analysis

Through in-depth interviews with 61 close stakeholders, a questionnaire survey to 100 stakeholders and several workshops with the foundation's management and employees, the analysis for the Bikuben Foundation has uncovered how the outside world experiences the foundation's position and whether the role as a development partner and problem solver creates the desired value for partners, as well as how the foundation strengthens the formats, tools and processes behind it.

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Purpose, access and method of analysis


Over several years, the Bikuben Foundation has undergone an ambitious change that has fundamentally changed its strategy and activities The foundation has gone from working donationbased to today making use of a wide range of proactive philanthropic tools such as strategic collaborations, alliances, development processes, etc

The change reflects a shift in the foundation's way of dealing with the outside world From previously having stood more passively on the sidelines and bet that changes would come out of the fund's investments, today the fund works more proactively with a catalytic perspective. The foundation focuses on creating the best conditions for the foundation's partners to succeed in creating change

This analysis and process has helped to assess how the outside world experiences the foundation's position and whether the role as a development partner and problem solver creates the desired value for partners, as well as how the foundation strengthens the formats, tools and processes behind it

The analysis includes both qualitative and quantitative interviews with partners and stakeholders as well as a dialogue and learning process with the Bikuben Foundation's management and employees.

The objectives of the analysis are:

1. A strategic analysis of the Bikuben Foundation's work as a development partner. That is, an analysis that evaluates the foundation’s experience with being a problem solver and development partner in both the arts and social area. The analysis will contribute to the foundation continuing to create value in the development processes you participate in and lead

2. A stakeholder analysis with special focus on the foundation's communication and public affairs work. The stakeholder analysis uncovers the overall importance and position of the foundation in society and in the foundation sphere The analysis also uncovers stakeholders' knowledge of and experience of the Bikuben Foundation's work The analysis will contribute to the continued strengthening of the foundation's communication efforts, including the work with public affairs efforts, social media and the foundation's brand

Content of qualitative interviews

The questionnaire has been developed to collect empirical data for the stakeholder analysis as well as to collect empirical data for the strategic analysis of the Bikuben Foundation's work and role as a development partner. Therefore, the questionnaire has been developed on two levels:

• A basic level that all respondents are presented with.

• An extended level that selected respondents are presented with (respectively the development partner role and public affairs/communication/brand).

At the basic level, the purpose is to give the foundation insight into stakeholders’:

• General experience of the Bikuben Foundation's position and role

• Knowledge of the foundation's strategy, focus areas and approach as well as communication thereof.

• General experience of communication and public affairs efforts.

• For the respondents who have collaborated with the Bikuben Foundation, questions are asked about the specific collaborative experience.

The purpose of the extended theme "The Bikuben Foundation's strategy, focus and way of working" is to give the foundation insight into stakeholders’:

• Specific experience of the Bikuben Foundation as a development partner, including when and how the development partner role is relevant and when it creates value in the collaboration

• Which elements of the development partner role and the general cooperation that stakeholders experience work well and where there is room for improvement.

• The purpose of the extended theme "Communication and visibility" is to provide the foundation with insight into stakeholders':

• Look at the fund's visibility, accessibility and transparency.

• Assessment of the Bikuben Foundation's work to create results through public affairs initiatives.

Method and data quality

A stakeholder analysis for the Bikuben Foundation requires special consideration in relation to analysis design and implementation. In uncovering the stakeholder landscape, it is crucial for the quality of the analysis that the analysis’ design and implementation consider how much stakeholders may experience having at stake in the interview –even though all interviews have been conducted anonymously.

It has been a point of attention not only to collect positive responses, but also points of improvement. This is supported in the method design through a broad composition of stakeholders who have diverse relationships with, and degrees of cooperation with, the Bikuben Foundation. Trust and security in sharing views is supported in the interview itself by initially emphasizing that full anonymity is ensured, just as the interviewer continuously demonstrates good understanding and objective listening to the stakeholder.

Stakeholders have appeared sincere and have contributed constructively with both appreciative and improving feedback. There has been a high level of support for participation in the target group. Only 5 out of 66 invitees have declined to participate, which is a low number compared to similar analyses Several stakeholders have perceived the invitation as an initiative to deepen the relationship on the part of the foundation, which was appreciated.

The qualitative interviews lasted approximately 45 minutes and were predominantly based on openended, qualitative questions, supplemented by quantitative scale questions aimed at structuring the feedback on key questions

The questionnaire (Appendix) has been developed in close collaboration with the Bikuben Foundation's management and employees The questionnaire includes general questions of relevance across stakeholder groups and focus areas, as well as questions of relevance within the two focus areas.

For the sake of anonymity, stakeholders in media, researchers, knowledge persons and government are reported under the category 'opinion leaders', as the number of respondents in these categories is low

Quantitative questionnaire survey

The in-depth qualitative interviews are supplemented by a quantitative questionnaire survey with 100 completed interviews. This is to get a more general picture of attitudes and trends in the stakeholder landscape and to ensure validity in the analysis by triangulating data Questions in the questionnaire survey were developed with contributions from the Bikuben Foundation's management The questions in the quantitative survey included knowledge of several initiatives and collaborations, the foundation's visibility and communication, and the degree of satisfaction in cooperative relationships

There is a predominance of respondents in the field of art, and this is made clear in the graphs where it is relevant.

Stakeholders' relation and attitude to the Bikuben Foundation THE BIKUBEN FOUNDATION'S STRATEGY, FOCUS, AND WAY OF WORKING
Stakeholders' knowledge of the foundation's strategy, focus areas and approach COOPERATION
Experience of the Bikuben Foundation as a partner COMMUNICATION AND VISIBILITY The Bikuben Foundation's visibility, experience of communication and public affairs efforts • The legitimacy and impact of the Bikuben Foundation EXTENDED INTERVIEW THE DEVELOPMENT PARTNER ROLE
Experience of the Bikuben Foundation as a development partner When and how the development partner role is relevant and creates value 5 - 5 2 20 COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS • The Bikuben Foundation's visibility, accessibility and transparency • Stakeholders' assessment of the Bikuben Foundation's work to create results through public affairs efforts 2 1 11 1 3 FOCUS AREA THE ARTS 2 1 11 4 12 SOCIAL AREA 5 1 9 3 11 BOTH 1 - 1 -TOTAL 8 2 21 7 23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
FIGURE 1: Stakeholder groups involved in the qualitative analysis and dissemination of interview themes

stakeholders' and partners' attitudes and views on the Bikuben Foundation

Good reputation and strong support for the Bikuben Foundation's strategy, approach, and role

Overall, stakeholders have a very positive attitude towards the Bikuben Foundation and experience a focused, strategic and innovative foundation that contributes to important agendas with more than money. With the foundation's financial muscle and close involvement in the efforts supported, there is a demand for greater transparency and a better awareness of power.

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This subsection reports stakeholders' experiences on the following themes:

→ Stakeholders' experience of the foundation's reputation as a player with a focus on innovation, development and systemic thinking.

→ Stakeholders' views on a clear and concise fund strategy.

→ The stakeholders' demands for the Bikuben Foundation's level of transparency and awareness of power as a foundation and partner.

Support and recognition of the Bikuben Foundation's philanthropic approach

The Bikuben Foundation is considered to be one of the most ambitious foundations in Denmark and is perceived as an innovative frontrunner. This applies both in the foundation landscape and in the fields of actors in the arts and social areas:

"I associate them with innovation and with a deep ambition to illustrate new ways of working with some of the complex issues we have in society " – Opinion leader

"They are a foundation that is on board A foundation that is not afraid to innovate and is very concerned with system change " – Organisation

The Bikuben Foundation's high level of ambition and innovative strategic thinking and development mindset are highlighted as a positive characteristic of the foundation Stakeholders point to the foundation as a highly innovative philanthropic player.

As a facilitator and development partner, the Bikuben Foundation helps to grow the fields in which the foundation works The foundation insists on involving and co-creating development efforts with a desire to create change in society within the foundation's two focus areas.

"They are one of the pioneers and frontrunners we have seen among foundations in recent years " Organisation

"They insist on being developing and co-creating, and instead of handing out money, they are also development partners That's really what I know them for " Organisation

"The Bikuben Foundation sends clear signals that they want to change something with their philanthropy and not just patch holes or keep development projects alive, but actually create lasting change " – Organisation

The Bikuben Foundation shows new innovative ways to go with solutions that create change for society and awareness of key agendas. The foundation is highlighted for its strategic representation of interests with a high level of ambition and the desire to create systemic changes in the arts and social area:

"They are very good at helping to set societal agendas I have especially noticed them in the field of art, where they help put things on the agenda " – Foundation

The Bikuben Foundation has chosen not to have traditional application rounds, which is considered appropriate due to the foundation's approach to value creation within its focus areas.

Stakeholders perceive this approach as good, relevant and legitimate, but it relies on high transparency in selection processes. Several also point out that this approach requires other funds to take on the more traditional and application-driven fund roles

"One risk is that the Bikuben Foundation will inspire more foundations to go down this road If you have an ordinary good solid exhibition, then in the long run it can be difficult to find money for them if it becomes a requirement that there must be development potential " – Organisation

The Bikuben Foundation's systemic approach requires an awareness of the entire ecosystem around the problem areas to which they contribute At the same time, it requires the opportunity to involve more people in problem solving with different roles.

FIGURE 2: Knowledge of the Bikuben Foundation

Q: What is your familiarity with the Bikuben Foundation?

n = 100

Q: How is your general knowledge of the focus areas

n = 100

Very good knowledge

Operate 12 3% 14% 28% 32% 23% Very little/no familiarty Low familiarty Fair familiarty High familiarty
high familiarty
FIGURE 1: Knowledge of the Bikuben Foundation
30% 23% 10% 16% 21% 25% 10% 19% 17% 29%
little/no knowledge
Little knowledge Fair knowledge Good knowledge
Visual Arts Young Pople on the Edge
Current Performing and

"It's great that some foundations work so systemically and catalytically Funds occupy different positions, and this provides good dynamics in the landscape If more people did the same, it would be different " Foundation

There is thus both a great deal of knowledge of, and a high degree of recognition of, the Bikuben Foundation's position and approach in the foundation and player landscape. This applies both to the close circle of partners and among other more peripheral stakeholders

The strategic clarity of the fund is praised, but it is also a point of attention;

It is clear to stakeholders what lies within the foundation's area of interest and which initiatives the Fund is interested in collaborating on (see Figure 3, U4):

"A foundation that works quite strategically within the social and within the artistic A foundation that is good at focusing so that they get a visible effect from their support " – Opinion leader

"They are good at communicating to the outside world, which collaborations you can enter into with them And that's pretty nice " Foundation

The Bikuben Foundation's strategic precision provides the basis for the foundation to have the opportunity to go more in depth with fewer, but important, agendas, target groups and efforts, which is recognized and experienced very positively in the outside world:

"The Bikuben Foundation delivers great impact because they do not just move on to the next topic but stick to the table end of some of the agendas they have decided to contribute to " - Municipality

Q: To what extent do you agree with the following statements: n = 100

U2: The foundation is innovative within its focus areas

U6: The foundation primarily works with initiatives that have longterm potential

U7: The foundation contributes not only with money, but also with knowledge, advice and networks

U3: The foundation takes responsibility for important societal challenges

U1: The foundation's work creates high value for society

U4: The foundation has a clear profile - you know what it contributes to

U9: The foundation supports the communication of initiatives/partnerships to the outside world

U10: The foundation achieves political impact through its initiatives

U5: The foundation acts where there is the greatest need

U8: The foundation primarily works with initiatives that have a documentable effect

"Closing classic applications has the advantage that you have the opportunity to work more purposefully with achieving greater impact " – Foundation

However, it is also a point of attention that the fund, with its strategic precision, potentially risks missing out on ideas and opportunities that may lie on the edge of the fund's focus. This is perceived as a bit contradictory in relation to the foundation's very innovative reputation and approach:

"They need to be able to focus to create systemic change. But they should be aware that when they have a relatively narrow target group, there may be actors who do not go their way This increases the risk that some of the good projects will go out " – Organisation

In addition, several point out that the foundation's very precise strategy means that it can be difficult for partners to see themselves fit into the strategy. This is especially true in the field of art, where there is a pronounced experience that art institutions and artists must adapt in order to collaborate with the foundation:

"Because they are so ambitious, and even though the intention is real, they still get the 'nudged' project somewhere that aligns more with their agenda than ours, even though the vision originally started with us " –Organisation

Stakeholders from both the social and art areas also point to the potential of cultivating interfaces between the foundation's two strategic focus areas and creating initiatives in the intersection between the arts and social areas The stakeholders have a clear experience that the Bikuben Foundation has both the opportunity and the mandate to play a role in this position.

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FIGURE 3: The reputation of the Bikuben Foundation
5% 7% 16% 20% 18% 24% 20% 42% 29% 39% 26% 28% 21% 33% 43% 37% 46% 25% 42% 33% 26% 31% 20% 15% 26% 25% 19% 15% 13% 17% 2% 8% 9% 7% 6% 1% 1% 1% 3% 2% 3% 2% 9% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 38% 24% 34% 25% 7% 12% 13% 16% 12% 8%
To a very high degree To a high degree To some extent To a low degree Not at all Don't know

The wish comes from the foundation's many years of working with the two areas and consequent knowledge of the field and ability to perform a relevant role in the interaction. It also seems that stakeholders point to this potential because they experience a "gap" in the relationship between the arts and the social area, where there is a demand for foundations and other key actors' willingness to increase collaboration:

"It would be exciting to see them think their areas together The currents of society also lie in the middle " –Organisation

It is important to emphasize that first and foremost there is strong support for the Bikuben Foundation's highly focused strategy with clear choices and optouts that make the foundation easy to understand. For many stakeholders, it is precisely a strict and clear strategy that enables the Bikuben Foundation to succeed in creating change

The foundation's strategy and approach challenges legitimacy and demands transparency and a sense of power

Philanthropic foundations are not subject to the same pressures and interests of clients, governments or the market as most other companies or charities. This places great demands on the Bikuben Foundation's own ability to handle its role, position and efforts in relation to, for example, current policy, knowledge and practice within the focus areas

A clear challenge in the Bikuben Foundation's choice not to have a more traditional and open application option is that selection processes from the foundation seem less clear to the outside world. Therefore, there is a naturally increased transparency requirement for the fund

However, there is a consistent experience of high transparency in the foundation - both by virtue of the foundation's communication internally to actors and in the external communication about the foundation's efforts, results and processes. However, it is a recurring point of attention that the foundation must be aware of:

"It is unclear why they choose the projects they do and how they have checked that they are the right projects You have the feeling that they have done a thorough preparation, but you don't know " Opinion leader

"When you're not open to applications, you have a certain bias at the institutions you already know, and you're going to be very closed in your approach. They could be more open and challenge themselves " –Opinion leader

An increased transparency requirement must also be seen in the light of increasing demands on foundations in general in the public debate. This is partly due to the fact that foundations today, by virtue of their financial position in civil society, help to influence political currents when deciding which agendas, they support strategically and financially, and which, conversely, they do not support:

"This is not a new discussion about the power of foundations in relation to which art hangs in museums and which agendas are political I haven't experienced it as a problem in the fund, but it's good to discuss "Organisation

"Because they're a foundation, they're going to give things a certain color, based on what values they have and what kind of society they think is desirable " –Organisation

Stakeholders demand greater clarity about the foundation's power in collaborative relationships

Another obvious point of attention is that the Bikuben Foundation must to a greater extent be aware of its position of power vis-à-vis the partners with whom they engage in co-creative processes:

"You have to deal more actively with the power distance We didn't talk about the power asymmetry at all – it has to be on the agenda from the start " Organisation

This is especially true in relation to the actors who are financially dependent on the fund, where the power asymmetry is typically perceived to be greater and more important to handle The stakeholders believe that the desire for better handling of the power relationship is a greater requirement for the Bikuben Foundation than for other and more traditional foundations due to the foundation's approach to being a partner in the development of initiatives:

"No matter how good friends you become, it's an unequal relationship – the artists always want money That power relationship always exists You have to keep the relationship; you have to bring sensitivity into the room They seem conscious, they must continue to do so It's eternal work " – Organisation

A few stakeholders experience a lack of power awareness On the contrary, the majority of stakeholders feel that the foundation is very aware of its power

For stakeholders in general, it is important that power awareness influences the foundation's development, and several point out that it is first and foremost about the foundation becoming even better at speaking openly and clearly about its role, strategy, goals and direction

The foundation's work and approach as a development partner is experienced as very value-creating

The Bikuben Foundation's work and role as a development partner is met with great support and admiration from stakeholders, because they believe that the foundation's approach helps to see new opportunities, develop good solutions and create structural changes in society in the long term. But there are also wishes and ideas to strengthen the foundation's work as a development partner.

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This subsection reports stakeholders' experiences on the following themes:

→ Stakeholders' experience of the foundation's development partner role and how this approach creates value.

→ The stakeholders' recommendations for the fund's balance between development, implementation and dissemination of initiatives.

→ The stakeholders' desire for a changed approach in the field of art.

The different aspects of the development partner role are known and meet with a high degree of support in the stakeholder landscape

The Bikuben Foundation calls its approach to philanthropy and the way of entering collaborations "development partnerships" The development partner role is a central part of the foundation's strategy, philanthropic methodology and approach to co-creation. The development partner role involves a range of philanthropic tools and formats focused on understanding and solving problems and building capacity

As a development partner, the Bikuben Foundation actively participates in close collaborative processes, contributes with professional expertise and support, offers development courses and processes to actors, facilitates meetings and events for the stakeholder landscape and acts as a matchmaker for actors

The Bikuben Foundation's development partner role is well known and meets with broad support among stakeholders and partners The experience is that the development partner role adds a special value on at least three dimensions:

• Contributes to better processes that develop both collaboration and efforts.

• Contributes to strengthening partners both in the form of professionalisation, learning, inspiration, innovation, strengthened networks, etc

• Promotes key agendas better and broader, building both the foundations for more awareness and, in the long term, structural change.

"This is the only right way to be a partner, so that it is not only financial resources that the foundation contributes It's a credible way to be a foundation "Municipality

"I give them 10 for that refreshing mindset They try new things and new ways of thinking about community development – politically and structurally " - Foundation

One of the elements highlighted as creating value is the Bikuben Foundation's ability and willingness to bring together actors in a landscape of actors that is generally perceived as fragmented. This is because both the arts and social areas contain many different voices, opinions and agendas, where the foundation contributes to uniting the field and gaining political influence. The foundation's ability to gather stakeholders and form a common voice is not only valuable for the efforts, but is also crucial for the disciplines' ability to achieve political impact and systemic change:

The Bikuben Foundation is very good at bringing together actors within the ecosystems they work with They are a unifying actor, bringing together those who would not normally gather " Opinion leader

The Bikuben Foundation's communication, public affairs efforts and general work are also perceived as being based on a common voice identified and facilitated in civil society In addition to creating political awareness, it also legitimises the foundation's raison d'être in the political sphere. In particular, the foundation's communicative efforts to highlight young people's voices in the social area are recognised among stakeholders

In addition, the experience is that the foundation bases its work, internally and externally, on a solid analysis and evidence base This triangulation between knowledge, common voice and political influence is what the foundation wants to continue.”

The foundation has an innovative and clear profile in relation to supporting young people themselves. They strengthen the voice of vulnerable young people, i e the ones the rest of us talk about " - Municipality

"They have very thorough analyses prior to their investments; therefore, they are also very precise in hitting what it takes to create value " – Organisation

The development partner role is experienced as part of the foundation's ambition to participate in longterm collaborative processes and within a tightly segmented section of agendas, where all efforts have an innovative and development-oriented focus The foundation's risk appetite and its great commitment are not only a unique characteristic of the foundation's approach, but also unique and valuable for the efforts and organisations to which the foundation contributes

"We have been lucky to get funding and a process with them where they have gone close to us It has been a gift to us because they also represent knowledge and networks " - Organisation

"We had never financed the development of our organisation anywhere else It's quite unique "Organisation

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Scaling means both a desire to spread solutions to other actors, e g to more municipalities, but also a desire to scale up existing successful efforts to a larger or long-term perspective, or to get more/others to take co-responsibility for the implementation of efforts

It is the stakeholders' experience that the art field makes greater use of this method, and demands that the social area be inspired by this:

"The weakness is that they can get lost a little too much in process/lab thinking They need to go more scaleoriented, by focusing more on what works, scaling up good trial actions Their process-oriented approach creates good initiatives but walk the talk and take responsibility to a higher level " - Organisation

We can work with a stronger awareness of the 'philanthropic ecosystem' and how the Bikuben Foundation, together with other foundations, can think about problem solving both upstream, midstream and downstream. A sharper eye for the philanthropic ecosystem can help ensure focus on changing the conditions of the problem, making change easier and creating good, concrete actions

call on the foundation to consider the distribution of funds and resources in order to achieve a greater balance in prioritising the development of new initiatives and the improvement of existing efforts:

"They invest everything in innovation, where they develop new things all the time I think they could have a bigger impact with an eye on their existing stuff, and instead scale up good efforts " – Opinion leader

The same point applies in the balance of the fund's funds for capacity building of organisations and/or in development projects with partners versus investments in development platforms, such as Thoravej 29 This point of view is especially true in the field of art:

"They have a lot of focus on community and international approach In practice, I think they need to get back to looking at arts infrastructure and helping organisations long-term Not many people do " Organisation

The Bikuben Foundation is seen as a pioneering fund for systemic work, and it is recommended that, as part of its efforts to scale its work, the foundation also devotes its efforts to sharing methods, knowledge and good examples of the systemic field more widely.

Q: To what extent do you think the foundation has succeeded in making a difference in the focus area Youth on the Edge

n = 25

Q: To what extent do you think the foundation has succeeded in making a difference in the focus area

FIGURE 7: Effect of interventions on focus areas, quantitative study

Q: To what extent do you think that the foundation's activities contribute to young people with complex issues gaining a foothold in adult life

n = 100

To a very high degree

To a high degree

To some extent

To a small extent

Not at all

Don't know/Not applicable

Q: To what extent do you consider that the foundation's activities contribute to creating new opportunities for professional artists and art institutions?

n = 100


To a


38% 1% 0% 21% 29% 11%
32% 1% 1% 15% 28% 23% Don't know/Not applicable
Not at
small extent
To a
some extent
a very high degree
FIGURE 6: Effect of interventions on focus areas, qualitative study
and Visual Arts n = 28 3,9 0,0 2,0 4,0 Social Area 4,3 0,0 2,0 4,0 The Arts Operate 17

Thus, there is a good knowledge of the development partner role and at the same time also a pronounced recognition across player types of the value creation that the approach entails.

The development partner role is perceived as a relevant approach to working with systemic change

Systemic change work focuses on relationships, acknowledging problems, addressing the right root causes and innovative thinking Systemic development work and leadership do away with change approaches that seek quick responses, action and impact.

The essence of the Bikuben Foundation's philanthropic approach is to develop initiatives and build capacity that work long-term, and where decision-making and action are anchored in citizens and problem solvers At the same time, the foundation works to create debate about what is at stake within the two focus areas.

Stakeholders across categories agree that the Bikuben Foundation's level of ambition and approach to its philanthropic work through the development partner role has already led to positive changes

"Systemic change in society is a big goal, but for cultural life they certainly do " - Organisation

"Creating change is about the knowledge base and influencing that we all go in the same direction both outside and inside Christiansborg, and I experience that the foundation contributes to this to a great extent." –Organisation

"In the homeless area, they have moved in and created change that will write itself into the history books "Municipality

The Bikuben Foundation's ambition to work with systemic change is felt in the stakeholder landscape, but it is difficult for stakeholders to conclusively declare the impact at system level. This is not due to a lack of confidence in the work, but to a feeling that it requires maturation and time before there is a real system-changing effort:

"I believe in it, but I'm not sure they've succeeded yet But their moves are significantly better than the efforts we see in classic funds " - Organisation

"There is a need to show how to create systemic change, and it takes place over many years " Organisation

While the value of a high level of innovation professionalism at the foundation is acknowledged, there is also an experience that the Bikuben Foundation sometimes finds it difficult to balance between development, completion and further operation or scaling of efforts. The experience is primarily since the Bikuben Foundation seems to have the greatest commitment to developing and innovating Therefore, processes can be experienced as protracted, where several people urge the foundation to become better at completing and "knotting" on well-developed methods and solutions:

Now remember to get things out into the world It's great with development, but things also have to be completed and then operated. With a lot of development-oriented people gathered in one place, you kind of lack a finisher " - Opinion leader

In the same vein, there is a strong desire among stakeholders for the Bikuben Foundation to become better at scaling solutions and methods. This point is particularly valid for social actors. This is primarily due to recognition of the foundation's work, which stakeholders feel that several actors can benefit from

Q: What impact did the Bikuben Foundation's financial support have on your efforts?

The project would not have been implemented

The project would not have had the same quality or scope

Project would have been implemented in the same…

Not applicable

n = Other: 3, Arts: 20, Social Area: 21

Q: What impact did the Bikuben Foundation's professional skills, knowledge and other personal commitment have on your efforts?

The project would not have had the same quality or scope

The project would have been implemented in the same…

The project would not have been implemented Other Arts Social Area

29% 33% 38% 10% 30% 60% 33% 67%
Operate 18
5% 14% 57% 24% 10% 5% 60% 25% 33% 67% Not
FIGURE 4: The Bikuben Foundation’s economic impact
FIGURE 5: The Bikuben Foundation’s professional impact

The development partner role is perceived more as an approach than a set of fixed tools and formats.

The stakeholders are familiar with the Bikuben Foundation's approach as a development partner and also fundamentally understand the approach. However, the development partner role is not perceived as one fixed set of instruments but more as a way of working, a unified fund position and a way of describing the role of employees In the arts area, there is also an understanding of the development partner role as equal to the more fixed formats (Task Force courses, dialogue-concept development, strategic partnerships) of the stakeholders The Bikuben Foundation's development partner approach is perceived as courageous, inspiring and broad:

"The Bikuben Foundation can see strategic development opportunities that the institutions themselves cannot see The fund can see broader, get ideas and push the institutions to put their blinders down The foundation contributes to us taking other paths with strong analyses and great courage " - Opinion leader

Stakeholders point to a number of areas where the role of the development partner can be further strengthened:

• Process clarity from the start is a central theme for many who only become aware of what it means to enter into a collaboration with the Bikuben Foundation late in the process. There is a need for early clarity on both economic conditions, roles and power relations. It is also pointed out that there should be more focus on closing and anchoring efforts from the beginning and thus greater clarity about what happens after the process ends Some stakeholders also point to the need for greater clarity in relation to process transitions, i.e. switching between phases.

• External experts and consultants must be selected with care in processes. Several stakeholders point out that they are of varying quality, especially because several experts and consultants are perceived to lack industry knowledge, or that they have too little time to familiarize themselves with the issues, the organisation, the foundation, etc. Several also highlight that the foundation's employees often have stronger abilities to advise and enter into dialogue than the external consultants and experts, who are often recognised for strong facilitation skills

• Flexibility and freedom in processes, including greater freedom in the choice of tools and approach to create development and change. Several stakeholders point out that complex problems or special conditions in organisations mean that not all formats and processes must be run according to a fixed template, but that the foundation must have a flexible and problemspecific approach to its work as a development partner. Several also point to freedom in relation to the choice of consultants and experts in processes.

• Enabling infrastructure is a key theme for many stakeholders, with a particular focus on both building capacity in existing organisations and contributing to problem solving. The stakeholders focus on the foundation being able to use its resources to mature a field/area, create new knowledge, strengthen networks and learning, etc

• At eye level and close to practice. Stakeholders acknowledge the foundation's ability to listen and involve, but also point out that the collaborative relationship can be strengthened if the development partners are at eye level with partners and target groups and understand the practical and everyday situations of partners and in the areas supported

• The ecosystem around problems and efforts is central to several stakeholders They point out that the development partner is of central importance for strengthening the entire infrastructure in areas or sectors, i.e. setting the agenda, strengthening networks, creating new dialogue between different parties, making project maturation and helping to strengthen relationships with other funds and funding sources that contribute to securing financing and implementation of solutions in the longer term.

• Transparent and precise dialogue in collaborative processes is demanded in order to create less uncertainty and to ensure a continued secure working relationship, which the foundation is widely praised for creating You can work with clear communication, fast and effective responses, ongoing feedback, etc.

Below are other quotes from interviews focusing on the development partner role:

"At times, they can fall out of the development partner role and back into the role of the one who distributes and demands something " Opinion leader

"They've changed people and roles Attention should be paid to the fact that they must be updated on the cooperation between themselves Greater clarity between the different efforts they are in " – Organisation

"Need for a little more clarity in the division of roles between consultant and foundation A bit difficult to figure out what the consultant decides A little more clarity about who to talk to about what A little clearer leadership in following project development through to completion " - Organisation

"It is challenging to bring all the vulnerabilities of the institution into the open space while the foundation's employees sit around the table This requires constant facilitation of asymmetry You have to be completely transparent in this development " - Opinion leader

"To create real change, maybe they need to be out in the real world a little more You have to be careful not to be talked into your mouth when you are the ones who bring the money " - Municipality

Operate 19

The foundation is well on its way to having the right competencies to fill the development partner role

The foundation's work with systemic thinking and change projects requires a very special set of competencies and approaches. First and foremost, it requires a deep understanding of the complexity of the problems and how many factors intervene and perpetuate the problem

But also being the leadership of the changes is part of the solution that the foundation focuses on That is, a collective form of leadership that focuses on relationships, honest acknowledgment of the problems, addressing the right root causes and innovative thinking.

The stakeholders feel that the Bikuben Foundation has taken on systemic leadership with efforts and processes that not only try to solve the problem but change the system around it

"Working systemically requires a completely different way of acting and creating partnerships It requires a different concept of time System change requires that you have control of the entire ecosystem - you have to be strong in all the consequences They are on that journey I'm not sure all the employees understand what journey they're on yet " – Opinion leader

"I think they represent, firstly, tremendous knowledge and skilled professionals They don't just pour money down the toilet, they know exactly what they're trying to do in their trials They measure, gather knowledge and inspire the area They are very systematic, have small trial actions, look with a loop at small details - what does it do and what works It gives them tremendous knowledge in areas." -Organisation

Collaborators point to the following competence areas (not prioritised) that the central development partners must master across different collaboration processes and types of efforts:

• The analytical capacity to understand complex problems is absolutely central to stakeholders and perhaps one of the most important skills to master. Creating a basis for change is, among other things, about understanding the problem area broadly and close to the target groups affected.

• Systemic leadership and strategic thinking is about seeing the problem area as broadly as possible and with eyes that the individual actors do not have individually The foundation must have a strategic thinking that focuses on seeing opportunities and creating positive future images.

• Facilitating processes is something the foundation is good at, and it is an ability that must continue to be cultivated. Both to strengthen the completely project-oriented development processes, but also to be able to promote good conversations and innovation across actors

• Understanding the sector and subject area helps to ensure both efficiency and vision in processes. Stakeholders already praise the Bikuben Foundation for working with great insight into the two focus areas, which creates trusting relationships with partners

• An overview of different cooperation models should form the basis for understanding different strategies, approaches and ways of working that fit which types of problems and what different types of cooperation require of the parties.

• Building relationships and running networks helps to ensure a good basis for problem solutions and efforts. The Bikuben Foundation is praised for its ability to act as "convening power" within the foundation's focus areas, and that the foundation thereby succeeds in bringing many different perspectives together behind efforts This, stakeholders believe, helps both to ensure a better understanding of problem areas and to create the basis for durable solutions and structural changes.

• Public affairs competencies give the foundation good opportunities to set an agenda, engage opinion leaders, understand political framework conditions and act as a platform for initiatives and actors

Practice makes perfect! And there is a clear understanding among stakeholders that the Bikuben Foundation is at the forefront of its approach as a systemic actor and is therefore in the process of shaping its practice and methods.

"When you work with radical innovation and societal change, you rarely have the competencies completely. The foundation has an openness to which competencies you need to acquire, it is not always important that you have all competencies, but openness and humility to where your shortcomings are They are good at putting together the right competencies through collaborators " - Opinion leader

Systemic thinking encompasses many methods and requires openness and curiosity on the part of the Bikuben Foundation, which is already experienced by the foundation's stakeholders There seems to be a good basis for the foundation, together with its partners, to develop and cultivate skills and methods for problem solving in the coming years.

"For me, the good development partner is an analytical partner who dares to think in a larger and broader value chain " - Organisation

Operate 20

The approach of the Arts can be inspired by work in the social field

In the field of art, there is a feeling that the role of development partners and the Bikuben Foundation's work are value-creating, but primarily for the individual institutions and artists rather than a unified field of actors However, this does not apply to the Bikuben Foundation's work with the Significance of Art, which is perceived as a concerted effort for the field.

"In the field of art, they work less systemically, but aimed at the individual, whereas in the social field they are systemic and aimed at groups and the field of actors " –Opinion leader

In line with this, several stakeholders demand that the Bikuben Foundation's art area be inspired by the social area, which is highlighted for succeeding in fundamentally facilitating a common voice In addition, the wish is also for the art area to work more problem-based, as in the social area, where problems define efforts and solutions, and where a common voice is facilitated:

"Stick to the approach of the social field to the arts Let the problem-oriented approach be the guiding principle, let actors take the lead and put perspectives to the side " – Opinion leader

Two initiatives are particularly highlighted – Home for All Alliance and The Importance of Art

Across interviews, a large proportion of stakeholders highlight two initiatives in particular: Home for All Alliance and The Importance of Art The initiatives are highlighted as a breakthrough in the social and art areas, respectively.

For stakeholders in the social field, the Home For All Alliance is highlighted as a prime example of the Bikuben Foundation's work, where the foundation has managed to try based on a solid knowledge base, a unified stakeholder landscape, socially innovative solutions and real political influence It is also the foundation's long-term commitment to the effort that has made it possible and brought about change for many stakeholders. The wish is that the foundation will let the approach be the guiding star for other initiatives in the social area:

"I am impressed by the persistence that has been in different arenas, such as how long they have committed themselves to the fight for homelessness It is atypical for foundations to work so strategically " – Municipality

"I give them very high marks for their efforts at Home For All They are really succeeding in that effort I hope that the efforts on children placed in care are the start of this development " – Opinion leader

"Organisational initiatives like Home for All and Road to All that are about partnerships and alliances, they do that well, and that's inspiring " – Foundations

The importance of art is also stated as something that should be a guiding star for the Bikuben Foundation's work in the field of art. This is due to a feeling that the effort has been a strategic and political way in which the arts and culture area can be positioned as an agenda in society It is also true that the initiative's knowledge base and concrete tools for municipalities have provided a perceived value:

"In general, it's fine if they go even more in the direction, they're already in They are welcome to create more debate broadly, provide good arguments to politicians and get them to consider culture as part of the welfare task " -Municipality

At the same time, The Meaning of Art is also experienced as an effort that brings together the field of actors and works problem-oriented Several point out that the Importance of Art can create lasting and systemic changes for the art area, which several stakeholders are demanding.

Operate 21
The Bikuben Foundation is an ambitious, competent and proper partner - but also demanding and sometimes dominant

The foundation and its employees are praised for their high level of ambition, professional commitment and cross-stakeholder relational skills, all of whom experience the foundation as an attractive partner. However, the collaboration processes are considered resource-intensive and sometimes unclear to partners.

Operate 22

This subsection reports stakeholders' experiences on the following themes:

→ Stakeholders' experience of the foundation as a partner.

→ The stakeholders' experience of collaboration processes in relation to resources and frameworks.

→ The stakeholders' desire for process clarity in collaborative relationships.

The Bikuben Foundation is a proper and relationally skilled partner

The Bikuben Foundation is perceived as an extremely good and competent partner by stakeholders across disciplines and stakeholder groups The good cooperation experience (cf figures 8 and 9 below) is largely due to the foundation's employees, who are highlighted for showing decency, skill, humility and curiosity towards partners. At the same time, there is a clear perception that partners have had a good dialogue with the foundation, because the employees' relational skills create a secure relationship from the start:

"It's an intimate way of working They come very close in relationships and projects Almost feel like it's a colleague " Organisation

"I was very comfortable with the collaboration They are very good at listening to our ideas In cooperation with them, you get much more value than with other foundations " – Organisation

"No doubt, we have been able to share the good and bad with them It is also about the person who has been extremely listening, skilled and knows a lot about the field professionally " - Organisation

The foundation's ability to create a safe space is highlighted as a unique and positive quality that may also be necessary for the collaborative processes. This is because the development processes are often based on collaborators' organisations, where the space to share uncertainties or organisational weaknesses is essential:

"When we opened up that we were on our ass, which you don't normally do with foundations, it was really cool that they actually turned it on rather than us giving them the regular smear " - Organisation

Q: What is your experience of the Bikuben Foundation as a partner? On a scale of 1-5, where 1 is very poor and 5 is very good n

FIGURE 9: The Bikuben Foundation as a partner part 1

Q: What is your assessment of the following statements about your initial dialogue with the Bikuben Foundation n = 44

U1: The Bikuben Foundation was responsive in the initial dialog

U3: The foundation was easy to engage in dialog with

U6: I felt safe to express concerns, problems or challenges to the foundation

U5: The foundation communicated their expectations of us clearly

U2: I found it easy to find the information I needed to start the dialog

U4: The dialog with the foundation strengthened the effort Strongly

Operate 23
FIGURE 8: Stakeholders' experience of cooperation, qualitative analysis
= 44 4,6 0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 29% 34% 48% 50% 45% 55% 27% 27% 18% 20% 27% 18% 2% 7% 6% 2% 5% 2% 2% 2% 5% 39% 27% 30% 27% 25% 18%
agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly

For the partners who have experienced sharing uncertainties, there is also an experience of having it been well received and that it has been valuable due to the foundation's ability to help actively find solutions:

"They have definitely helped find solutions They have also acknowledged that my insecurities have been justified, and I myself have had insight into their vulnerabilities and flaws " Opinion leader

"They really want to be part of the process, and they're concerned that we ask for help They make themselves available and provide the help they need " Organisation

The positive collaboration experience applies both to stakeholders in the qualitative and quantitative study and across collaborative relationships

Employees are very knowledgeable

The Bikuben Foundation's employees are not only highlighted as relationally skilled, but also for being very professionally competent It is the experience of partners that the foundation's employees understand the reality and complexity that both partners and target groups find themselves in

They experience a high degree of decency from employees, who are also described as good at recognizing when there are professional competencies they do not possess in the foundation, and therefore either give the partner a larger mandate or obtain external resources in the form of experts and consultants

"Competent employees all round " - Municipality

Professionalism is particularly experienced by virtue of the foundation's development partner role, where employees appear as constructive, critical and challenging partners. Employees' approach to developing and thinking fundamentally new in combination with their orderly and humble approach creates an overall valuable process for stakeholders:

"They are friendly, committed, listening and interested but also critical, constructive and challenging " Organisation

The foundation's level of ambition is resourceintensive and places great demands on the collaboration

The Bikuben Foundation's great ambitions and commitment are noted and praised among stakeholders, who emphasize that the ambition adds a special value to the collaboration:

"They have been extremely good in the process They have been interested, ambitious and close throughout." – Organisation

"The Bikuben Foundation is ambitious - both on their own behalf and on behalf of their partners They raise the bar and think even more ambitiously " – Opinion leader

However, several experience that the level of ambition of the foundation is resource-demanding for partners to meet. In an everyday life with ordinary operations and other tasks, it can be challenging to balance the fund's large demands This is particularly true for smaller operators with fewer resources

Q: How is your assessment of the following statements about the actual cooperation process with the foundation n = 44

U1: I experience/felt that the collaboration with the foundation was generally good

U2: I experience/felt that the foundation was a responsive partner

U6: I experience/felt that the foundation and its employees had relevant competencies for the collaboration

U4: The dialog with the foundation strengthened my/our work

U3: I experience/felt that the foundation was a flexible partner

U5: The foundation has provided good guidance and sparring

U7: I experience/felt that the foundation is/was good at following up on the work/efforts along the way

Strongly agree Agree Neither Disagree

Strongly disagree Don't know

Operate 24 45% 43% 57% 64% 57% 66% 70% 30% 36% 25% 20% 30% 25% 25% 7% 2% 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 18% 16% 9% 11% 9% 7% 5%
FIGURE 10: The Bikuben Foundation as a partner part 2

"I would have liked to have known what resources the collaboration required It takes a lot I would have liked to have been wiser about that so we could have delimited it more " Organisation

"The process was overwhelming, but not wrong Clearly more resource-intensive than I had expected and with a strong development mindset " - Organisation

In addition, the collaboration process can also be experienced as demanding and difficult, because there can be a long way from the Bikuben Foundation's philanthropic development mindset to the mindset, approach and reality that many partners have. This applies in particular to municipal partners or individuals in the field of art:

"It's enriching, but there's a long way from a foundation’s logic to the municipality’s reality " – Municipality

"It's a pitfall that it's both time- and resourceconsuming, especially for smaller organisations "Organisation

In line with this, there is an experience among several partners that the Bikuben Foundation in their development partner role tends to dominate the collaborative relationship This is experienced both by organisations, institutions and by the collaborators/advisors who are associated as cofacilitators or experts:

"I think the Bikuben Foundation falls in by taking over projects and becoming project owners rather than coplayers – so it's not sustainable when they pull out."Opinion leader

"They balance that power relationship mostly well, but I have experienced examples where it has had an inappropriate impact on the expression of cooperation Because they sit on the money, they can spice up and decide which destination it should have It's about being more receptive to ideas, input and challenges " Opinion leader

The Bikuben Foundation's level of ambition and commitment to projects is appreciated, but overall, there is an experience of the foundation as demanding and dominant in projects, and there is a desire for a better facilitation of the role in the relations.

Better process clarity in development processes

Several stakeholders also state that in processes with the foundation, they have experienced confusion about the process and lack of process clarity This applies in particular to the foundation's ability to articulate and clarify phase changes in long-term processes. This point is especially true for partners who have been part of the foundation's Task Force process

"They could have defined transitions between different phases and defined from the start when the process ends and when they can be extended Be more transparent " - Organisation

"They need to be clearer about what they expect from their partners Be clear about what their processes look like, how they would like to be briefed, secretarial serviced and so on " – Organisation

Collaborators demand that Bikuben Foundation's employees become clearer about when something is a recommendation or requirement This is due to a recurring point about power asymmetry, where it is difficult for partners to balance the balance of power and the Bikuben Foundation's voice in space:

"Specifically, we fell into the trap of the project we are in We came to listen to the Bikuben Foundation's idea as a requirement As a foundation and development partner, you must be clear about when something is a requirement The foundation has power, they have the right to stop a project, and we want to stay good friends with them, so we go the extra mile to listen to the power in the room " - Organisation

The relationship is carried by the employees, and it can be vulnerable

Collaborators' experience of the foundation depends to a large extent on the individual employees and the relationship with the employee

For a few respondents, this has been an important topic, as they feel that they have to be on their best behavior in front of individuals in the foundation At the same time, it becomes difficult to navigate and vulnerable, as the foundation's employees are different and enter into cooperative relationships in different ways.

Operate 25
The fund is known and visible to the right people

There is a great deal of awareness of the Bikuben Foundation as a philanthropic player among key stakeholders - but not among the general public. At the same time, there is a narrower knowledge of the Bikuben Foundation's specific activities. The visibility of the fund is assessed as appropriate and well-balanced and is characterised by allowing the cause, efforts and other actors to stand out.

Operate 26

This subsection reports stakeholders' experiences on the following themes:

→ Stakeholders’ perception of the Fund's visibility to the general public and to stakeholders.

→ The stakeholders’ view of the foundation's communication strategy.

→ Stakeholders’ awareness of the Fund's efforts.

The Bikuben Foundation is visible in their fields of expertise

It is the opinion of stakeholders that the Bikuben Foundation is not well known to the general public, but conversely has a very clear and distinctive profile in the social and art fields

"They create a nice debate within a sector, for those who are interested in it, but not so much broader." –Municipality

The fund is also perceived as less visible than other similar funds, but this is highlighted positively. This makes the foundation appear more concerned with their work with the subject areas and initiatives than the attention of the general public, which is considered the right balance

"On the homeless side, they don't overplay their role and let the alliance do the talking If you want to strengthen your efforts, you have to listen, and they're good at it " –Funds

At the same time, there is strong support for the foundation highlighting partners, disciplines and the voices of the target groups in the communication, thereby increasing visibility for others who do not have the same platform and opportunities to have their say and set the agenda

FIGURE 11: The Bikuben Foundation's visibility in the subject areas, qualitative study

Q: How visible is the foundation in your field of expertise?

On a scale of 1-5, where 1 is very little visible and 5 is very visible

n = 31 3,7

FIGURE 12: The Bikuben Foundation's visibility in the subject areas, quantitative study

Q: To what extent do you experience the Bikuben Foundation's visibility in your own field of expertise?

n = other: 7, Arts: 20, Social Area: 21

FIGURE 13: The Bikuben Foundation's public visibility, quantitative study

Q: To what extent do you experience the Bikuben Foundation's public visibility?

n = other: 7, Arts: 20, Social Area: 21

Operate 27
5% 4% 29% 30% 34% 43% 54% 55% 14% 11% 5% 14% 2% Other Social area The Arts To a very high degree To a high degree To some extent To a low degree Not at all Don't know
14% 22% 29% 14% 35% 39% 43% 32% 21% 14% 8% 7% 14% 2% 3% 2% Other Social area The Arts To a very high degree To a high degree To some extent To a low degree Not at all Don't know

"It's positive that they're stepping into the background They support a lot of good things Good balance "Opinion leader

"They put a lot of effort into hearing what young have to say It's important " Municipality

The Bikuben Foundation's visibility is not only due to communication from time to time, but in particular also to the foundation's ability to facilitate events and networks within the subject areas This is not only highlighted as a positive visibility lever, but as yet another way in which the Bikuben Foundation's facilitator role is praised.

"An employee from the foundation came and visited us in a small tent (Folkemødet) financed by another foundation The employee sat and listened and actively participated It's a really good picture of their microactions " -Organisation

It is also the foundation's work with salons in the art area, political involvement at Christiansborg and participation at the Kulturmødet and Folkemødet that are highlighted as places where stakeholders have met the foundation.

"They are very visible in their communication, salons, folk and cultural meetings and then in their ongoing news One of the foundations most visible there "Organisation

The Bikuben Foundation's communicative efforts on various channels are praised, and there are no stakeholders who demand greater visibility. On the other hand, there is strong support for the foundation's communication strategy

High awareness of certain initiatives and partnerships, but many go under the radar

Among the Bikuben Foundation's efforts and partnerships, there are a few that stand out - both in the qualitative and quantitative study In particular, Thoravej 29, the Crown Prince Couple's awards, the exhibition prize Vision, The Significance of Art and Home for All Alliance are highlighted.

There is not a very high level of knowledge of the Bikuben Foundation's specific public affairs efforts, but rather a high level of knowledge of the foundation's general commitment to the area However, mention is made of Charlottenborg's Coffee Club and ongoing networking events in connection with public affairs work.

Q: Where have you met or heard about the Bikuben Foundation in recent years? Choose as many as you like

In professional media or newsletters

Via Networks

At public events (e.g at Folkemødet, Kulturmødet Mors or similar)

Operate 28
5% 5% 6% 12% 20% 23% 34% 47% 48% 49% 49% 56% 57% 67% On X (formerly Twitter)
the Bikuben Foundation newsroom Nowhere In podcasts / radio
the news
media On LinkedIn Events in the Bikuben Foundation On the Bikuben Foundation's website Meetings in the Bikuben Foundatioin
FIGURE 14: The Bikuben Foundation's visibility on platforms

FIGURE 15: Knowledge of the Bikuben Foundation's efforts, Social Area

Q: How aware are you of the Bikuben Foundation working with the following initiatives? n

Q: How aware are you of the Bikuben Foundation working with the following initiatives? n = 56

Operate 29 11% 11% 16% 27% 3% 5% 8% 8% 5% 5% 19% 24% 5% 5% 19% 11% 19% 19% 8% 16% 16% 14% 19% 22% 14% 16% 68% 59% 51% 62% 30% 38% 19% 5% 16% 19% 19% 16% 16% 14% 14% 8% Vision Exhibition Award Task Force The Importance of Art DIALOG:CONCEPT:DEVELOPMENT Thoravej 29 Nature for a good life Policy Lab The Crown Prince Couple's Awards 2% 5% 9% 20% 20% 32% 36% 2% 4% 13% 13% 16% 21% 20% 23% 5% 7% 23% 11% 25% 27% 23% 7% 23% 13% 16% 16% 21% 4% 13% 11% 61% 66% 34% 46% 13% 21% 11% 18% 7% 11% 9% 5% 5% 7% 2% 5% Nature for a good life Policy Lab DIALOG:CONCEPT:DEVELOPMENT Task Force The Importance of Art Thoravej 29 The Crown Prince Couple's Awards Vision Exhibition Award Very high awareness High awareness Fair awareness Low awareness Very low / no awareness Don't know
= 37
FIGURE 16: Knowledge of the Bikuben Foundation's efforts, the Arts

FIGURE 17: Knowledge of the Bikuben Foundation's partnerships, Social Area

Q: How aware are you of the Bikuben Foundation work with the following partnerships

n = 37

The partnership SMK Fridays

The art shop Skitse

Art Hub Copenhagen

with the Development Platform for Performing Arts

Partnership with the theater company Fix & Foxy Collaboration with the perfoming arts organization Haut

The 'Task Force' initiative in collaboration with the Nordic Culture Fund on the development of art institutions

FIGURE 18: Knowledge of the Bikuben Foundation's partnerships, The Arts

Q: How aware are you of the Bikuben Foundation work with the following partnerships

n = 56

The partnership SMK Fridays

Art Hub Copenhagen

Collaboration with the Development Platform for Perfoming Arts

The 'Task Force' initiative in collaboration with the Nordic Culture Fund on the development of art institutions

All The art shop Skitse Partnership with the theater company Fix & Foxy Collaboration with the perfoming arts organization Haut

Operate 30 3% 32% 57% 5% 8% 5% 19% 16% 3% 5% 5% 5% 14% 5% 22% 22% 11% 5% 5% 8% 16% 11% 11% 19% 8% 5% 81% 78% 76% 68% 59% 65% 43% 11% 5% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 8% 8% 5%
A Way
2% 2% 5% 11% 9% 11% 18% 29% 38% 2% 4% 13% 11% 14% 13% 11% 23% 32% 4% 5% 18% 2% 9% 16% 11% 25% 11% 23% 11% 27% 29% 21% 20% 20% 16% 13% 64% 73% 36% 43% 41% 38% 39% 7% 7% 5% 5% 2% 5% 5% 4% 2% Home for All Alliance A Way for
for All Home for All Alliance
Very high awareness High awareness Fair awareness Low awareness Very low / no awareness Don't know
The foundation is perceived as agenda-setting and strong in its network building

Through a strategic approach, the Bikuben Foundation strengthens its collaboration with relevant actors and organisations and achieves good visibility and influence on political agendas. The foundation effectively balances between highlighting its own voice and providing a platform for others alongside sustained efforts that influence decision-makers and create common direction.

Operate 31

This subsection reports stakeholders' experiences on the following themes:

→ The stakeholder's attitude to and assessment of the foundation's general communication and overall visibility within its focus areas.

→ The stakeholder's perception of the fund as a transparent actor.

→ The stakeholder's experience of the foundation's public affairs efforts, including visibility and relevance.

Overall, the Bikuben Foundation is perceived as an agenda-setting player due to the foundation's clear mission and ability to build networks

The Bikuben Foundation has a visible presence within the strategic focus areas and clearly communicates the foundation's efforts The foundation is perceived as proactive in creating dialogue and debate, and the foundation strengthens its position and influence in the political landscape through network building.

To ensure the foundation's impact in the future, stakeholders believe that the foundation should continue to take a proactive approach and to be clear and transparent in communicating the foundation's purpose and mission

"They are very open and accessible, and you can ask about their processes and methods, and it is clear what choices they have made " Opinion leader

"Think they have a sharp strategy; they are clear and transparent and very professional to work with " –Opinion leader

The Bikuben Foundation succeeds largely with the strategic objective of being transparent in the communication of the foundation's activities, methods and approaches However, there is a demand for more process communication, as it is beneficial and instructive for others to gain insight into how the foundation works and collaborates as a systemically minded organisation.

There is potential for strengthened impact – but always with the area at the center

It is very much experienced that the Bikuben Foundation helps to challenge thinking in the areas they work with, and that they are seen as agendasetting in the political arena

"They have pointed out that the reason nothing has happened is because they have not hit the target in terms of thinking about young people's transition to adulthood They've actually shifted my stance too – to an outcome focus rather than process focus " – Opinion leader

The quantitative survey (see p 13) shows that 37% believe that the Fund achieves a high or very high degree of political impact through their efforts and 20% believe that the Fund does so to some extent. This is a relatively high score, but it is not as high as many of the other parameters on which the fund is measured

In order to increase its impact, the foundation is encouraged to have one or more internal spokespersons who can make a clearer voice on agendas, but still with the issue at the center.

As previously mentioned, the Bikuben Foundation manages to establish itself as a unifying force that is a mouthpiece and guardian of interests for others than the foundation itself, which is seen as a great strength The foundation is particularly strong in bringing together actors in a fragmented landscape and creating common visions and momentum

"They play themselves on the field as a unifying force, i e they don't just have PA as an extension of their own work, but on behalf of others That is a clear strength They become mouthpieces and guardians of interests other than themselves " Opinion leader

"The combination of conducting surveys, facilitating collaboration in the field of actors and finding common direction is a crucial combination in politics Politicians love when there are numbers and not 10 different opinions " Organisation

"It has been politically significant that some of the recommendations that have been made are from joint partnerships, which they have set the framework for " –Opinion leader

The fact that the foundation focuses on the cause itself and its actors helps to strengthen the foundation's legitimacy in the change they are pushing for Therefore, it is a balancing act when the fund is at the forefront and when it is more rewarding to let others speak the case.

The stakeholders want the Bikuben Foundation to maintain its sharp focus on the cause itself and its actors, but at the same time the stakeholders see a potential in the foundation to make its mark as a clear voice. The content of the agenda and its actors should always be in focus when the Bikuben Foundation is the flag bearer on a cause

"I still think it's that balance with how much is BF doing public affairs and how much they do it on behalf of a cause or a partner To put it a little harshly, not many politicians are interested in hearing from a foundation how we organise the welfare state for vulnerable young people There, at least, they must join forces with organisations in the field – and they also do so in alliances " – Organisation

"There is also a fingerspitzgefühl, which means that you have to tread carefully There may be conditions you don't know much about when you come from outside and try to influence something " – Opinion leader

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Debate-generating with professional depth and anchoring in concrete initiatives

The Bikuben Foundation's communication balances between concrete initiatives and more general political agenda-setting. The foundation is adept at engaging in conversations and creating relevant debate within its focus areas.

The stakeholders experience that the foundation's strengths lie in the ability to communicate with professional depth as well as the foundation's focus on supporting and highlighting voices from smaller actors

"They are very clear about their purpose and mission Their communication is a mix of concrete initiatives and efforts and then something more meta in relation to the political, where you are up on a larger societal blade " –Opinion leader

The Bikuben Foundation is thus able to establish itself as a respected player with a fine balance between concrete initiatives and political agendas The foundation is appreciated for having contributed to creating meaningful debate in the social and artistic fields.

Foundation of knowledge and close cooperation with stakeholders creates trust

There is a large degree of confidence that the solutions advocated by the foundation are the right ones, because the foundation stands on solid knowledge within the areas. The close collaboration and network with actors in the field means that there is an expectation that the foundation will include experiences from those who deal directly with the issues. This is seen as positive and as something that increases the legitimacy of the foundation working with political influence.

"They have something on their mind Some good, solid knowledge and some clear attitudes " – Organisation

"The foundation creates results, and it is on the basis of what they tell at these PA events – that there is substance in what they say, and someone carries their knowledge forward There are also experts and professionals who say that it's not just the fund itself It's important to have these collaborators " Opinion leader

The foundation insists on having a solid theoretical and experiential foundation, and this has given them credibility and trust in political circles.

The foundation has good political intelligence

The foundation's ability to understand policy processes and identify opportunities for influence at the right times is a key strength.

"They've reached out at the right times You have to have done the groundwork well, and I think they are good at that: what is the political process like and who are we going to influence when It's not easy They see when they have opportunities for influence " Opinion leader

The Bikuben Foundation is adept at intervening at favourable times in political decision-making processes, and efforts take place on an ongoing basis rather than shortly before and during political negotiations. The foundation is recognised for being good at providing ongoing contact and influence towards political decision-makers The foundation is good at reaching out to rapporteurs and other politicians – on both sides – who are particularly interested in topics that align with the Bikuben Foundation's strategic goals and focus.

"They have had a good sense of who is passionate about the causes they are dealing with " Knowledge person

Events and networking strengthen the foundation's agenda-setting role

There is a feeling that the Bikuben Foundation uses a strategy involving events where decision-makers and key players in the field – both in the social and art areas – are gathered This helps to support conversations within the foundation's areas of interest.

The Bikuben Foundation is thus known for actively facilitating networks and conversations, which contributes to a solid knowledge base and wellfounded opinions. The foundation thus makes itself relevant and proactive by contributing to spreading awareness of the foundation's purpose and mission

"They organise events where they invite politicians and other stakeholders In this way, they get their interests and views widely disseminated " Organisation

As mentioned earlier, a number of respondents themselves assess that they have a low knowledge of the foundation's PA efforts. However, events are still mentioned as the best known in the PA area This applies to events where decision-makers and key players in the field are gathered

"I don't really know much about their PA work Or yes, they've had some theme days, they've certainly been very active " – Organisation

"My knowledge is limited to LinkedIn and Facebook, of course also that they reach out to organisations like us And when they line up for various events such as the Culture Meeting I guess it's also a kind of PA " Organisation

The Bikuben Foundation manages to establish itself as a credible and relevant player that creates commitment to important issues The foundation's network structure includes a wide range of stakeholders from institutions, politicians and the municipal civil service, which provides an opportunity to facilitate rewarding conversations. The presence in relevant forums such as Folkemødet and Christiansborg contributes to strengthening the foundation's visibility and influence

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"People associate the foundation with credibility and a good network They have a breadth in the network with representatives from institutions, politicians, municipalities etc It is very impressive that they can fill a hall for the Cultural Meeting with 150 people They can get interesting people to run, and they deliver a relevant agenda " Municipality

"They make themselves relevant by making sure to invite the right people; Politicians and organisations that help shape what to do and think in this area [social] " –Organisation

"They are invited into networks and events and have been given speaking time in important forums It has changed something politically at a municipal level by approaching it with some municipalities that are part of a change They have the ambition to set a national agenda, it is a great ambition, so it is right to start municipally Although it is a long and tough haul It has resonated a lot out there " Knowledge person

Clarification of theoretical foundation

The foundation is encouraged to create greater clarity in the communication of the theoretical anchorage underlying recommendations in the field of art to further strengthen the foundation's credibility. The foundation is encouraged to target communication especially at gatekeepers to decision-makers, e g , politicians in municipalities

"They should make visible the theoretical foundation on which their work is built What is sent out into the cultural world in general is met with an appeal stating that it is not heavy enough in the theoretical context The gatekeepers to politicians [in the municipality] are usually museum directors and academics, and I need to be able to see what you're building it on " Knowledge person

The fund is a persistent player called upon to maintain its current trajectory

Overall, there is an impression that the Bikuben Foundation is helping to move something forward and create a change by virtue of a unified field of actors and persistent contact with decision-makers

Through persistence and a strategic approach to projects, e g on the agenda on homeless youth, the Bikuben Foundation has established itself as an active and discreet player that prioritises efficiency and long-term solutions over broad, current visibility.

"I am impressed by the persistence of different arenas, such as how long they have committed themselves to the fight for homelessness There are many foundations that would like to have a gold plaque on a monument so that you can see that they have donated something that the Bikuben Foundation has worked much more indirectly Much more discreet " – Municipality

Overall, the Bikuben Foundation has managed to establish itself as a credible and respected actor that prioritises societal impact within the focus areas through a balanced approach to public affairs and communication.

A significant proportion of the respondents in the field of communication say the same thing when asked to give the Bikuben Foundation good advice: Keep doing what you are doing

There is support for the foundation continuing to be a unifying voice and platform for actors in the field, where the cause is at the center The fact that the foundation chooses to be a platform for shared visions and agendas, and in this context makes the voices of smaller players visible, strengthens the legitimacy of the foundation.

"Keep engaging those involved and making their voices heard. And continue to involve those who work with them, e g placed conditions " – Organisation

"Keep banging on the agendas they have visible." Knowledge person

"Keep doing good involvement, keep your ethical banner high " Organisation

"Keep being long-term Keep networking and sharing knowledge " – Foundation

"Continue the strategic approach to work I think that's the right way to work " Organisation

"Keep talking up the importance of art and breaking down silos so that the meaning of art becomes broader and bigger " Foundation

Taken together, the statements from actors in the field of public affairs and communication illustrate the Bikuben Foundation's ability to act as a unifying force that works across interests to influence and create a positive, long-term change.

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Summary of the conclusions of the analysis

Conclusions of the analysis

Based on the stakeholders' experiences and attitudes towards the Bikuben Foundation, the foundation is assessed to succeed very well with the central elements of the foundation's strategy. Across stakeholders, there is strong support for continuing the foundation's approach and work. In this section, we gather the conclusions of the analysis and point to points of attention that can strengthen the foundation's position and work in the future.

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The Bikuben Foundation is perceived very positively in the stakeholder landscape as an innovative and value-creating philanthropic player

Overall, there is broad support for and very great recognition of the Bikuben Foundation as a foundation, partner and player within its fields of expertise and as a foundation that helps to rethink philanthropic practice in Denmark and is at the forefront when it comes to systemic thinking and problem solving.

It is assessed that the fund succeeds very well and creates great value for many. There are very few bad experiences with the foundation and no explicit criticism. The stakeholders point to a number of points of attention and potentials for continued development of the foundation's practice and focus Below is a summary of stakeholders' main input to the Bikuben Foundation in five themes:

1. Strategy and reputation

2. Philanthropic approach and development partner role

3. The collaboration experience

4. Awareness and visibility

5. Communication and public affairs

In Chapter 4, we build on these conclusions with a strategic discussion and selected recommendations for special points of attention and efforts

1) Strategy and reputation

The Bikuben Foundation is considered to be one of the most ambitious foundations in Denmark and is perceived as an innovative frontrunner This applies both in the foundation landscape and in the fields of actors in the arts and social areas.

The Bikuben Foundation's high level of ambition, innovative strategic thinking and development mindset are highlighted as positive characteristics of the foundation Stakeholders point to the foundation as a highly innovative philanthropic player. As a development partner, the Bikuben Foundation helps to move the fields in which the foundation works The foundation insists on involving and cocreating development efforts with a desire to create change in society within the foundation's two focus areas.

A number of points of attention apply in particular in relation to strengthening the Bikuben Foundation's strategy and reputation:

• The strategic clarity of the foundation is experienced very positively among stakeholders who support the foundation's ability to make clear choices and opt-outs and set a sharp focus for its work However, several stakeholders also point out that with the very precise strategy, the foundation may risk missing out on both good and new opportunities and partners.

• An unequal power relationship, especially with partners who are financially dependent, is difficult to avoid, and the power asymmetry between the Bikuben Foundation and its partners is experienced by many stakeholders The foundation can focus more on the power relationship and become clearer about being open and transparent about this.

• The foundation's clear focus within the arts and social area gives the foundation great insight, a strong network, a clear position and deep understanding of the two subject areas. Several stakeholders point out that there is great potential to be exploited – also in the interface between the two areas Several point out that the foundation has a unique opportunity to create initiatives across the two areas, just as the foundation can utilise different approaches and logics in the two areas to inspire each other.

2) Philanthropic approach and development partner role

The Bikuben Foundation's philanthropic approach and role as a development partner is met with great support from stakeholders, because they believe that this approach helps to see new opportunities, develop good solutions, build capacity and, in the long term, create structural changes in society. The development partner role is perceived as a relevant approach to the foundation's ambition to work with systemic change

The experience is that the development partner role adds a special value on at least three dimensions:

• It contributes to better processes that develop both cooperation and efforts

• It contributes to strengthening partners both in the form of professionalisation, organisational development, learning, inspiration, innovation, strengthened networks, etc.

• It promotes key agendas better and broader, thus laying the foundations for both more awareness and, in the long term, structural change.

The development partner role is perceived more as an approach, working method, an overall fund position and a way of describing the role of employees than a number of fixed instruments and formats The Bikuben Foundation's development partner approach is perceived as courageous, inspiring and broad

A number of points of attention apply in particular in relation to strengthening the Bikuben Foundation's philanthropic approach and the role of development partners:

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• The foundation is perceived to have a very strong focus on innovation processes, innovation and experimentation, and stakeholders point to the need for the foundation to also think in terms of the completion of efforts and subsequent implementation of solutions broadly in society Part of the task facing the Bikuben Foundation is to show how experiments are used to create national change and local anchorage.

• The foundation is encouraged to pay greater attention to activating the entire ecosystem around the problems and efforts the foundation works with. This means that other partners and foundations are even more actively involved in the development and implementation of initiatives Likewise, the foundation can become better at communicating about the interaction between efforts and systemic change to partners and the outside world in general.

• In the arts and social area, stakeholders point out that the arts could be strengthened by a more problem-oriented approach In the social area, stakeholders point out that they miss seeing a stronger focus on capacity building, which can help increase the value of the initiatives we develop together.

• The stakeholders fundamentally understand the foundation's approach and tools well, and there is a feeling that the foundation's employees have good skills to fulfill the role of development partners However, there is still a need to clarify and develop the Fund's instruments and development formats. It is crucial that the foundation has the skills to analyze complex problem areas and the ability to take on the role of systemic change managers.

• The foundation's use of external consultants in various processes and processes must be assessed with a focus on finding the right division of roles between the use of internal and external resources Stakeholders do not always experience that external consultants and experts are sufficiently value-creating, and that in some contexts the foundation's employees would be better advisors/development partners

3) The collaboration experience

The Bikuben Foundation is described as an ambitious and competent, but also a demanding and sometimes somewhat dominant partner The Bikuben Foundation as a partner for cooperation and development gives rise to high praise and good experiences across the stakeholder landscape. This is primarily due to the human skills and qualities of the foundation's employees, who are praised for a strong relational approach and good ability to create a safe space in collaboration and processes At the same time, employees are praised for their professional skills and contribution to co-developing and solving challenges that have lifted efforts to another level.

A number of points of attention apply in particular in relation to strengthening the collaborative experience with the Bikuben Foundation:

• Several stakeholders point out that processes with the fund lack process clarity. This is particularly true in connection with the foundation's ability to articulate and clarify phase changes in long-term processes This point applies in particular to the Fund's Task Force process. At the same time, the foundation's changing roles in the collaboration can seem confusing. There is a shift between roles as foundation, collaborator, development partner and sometimes financial funder There is a need to declare roles more clearly

• Collaboration processes are assessed by many stakeholders as very resource-intensive, both in terms of time consumption, professionally complex efforts and different mindsets of the foundation and partner, respectively. There may be a need for the foundation to assess the maturity of partners to enter into the relationship and processes The foundation is sometimes also perceived as a little too dominant and controlling processes, which is difficult for partners to balance due to the power asymmetry in the relationship.

• The collaborative relationship is based and dependent on the employees of the foundation, which can be experienced as vulnerable by the partners, among other things because the foundation's employees have different competencies and enter into cooperative relationships in different ways that you have to navigate.

4) Visibility and awareness

There is a great deal of awareness of the Bikuben Foundation as a philanthropic player among key stakeholders, but not among the general public. At the same time, there is a narrower but good knowledge of the Bikuben Foundation's concrete activities and partnerships The visibility of the fund is assessed as appropriate and well-balanced and is characterised by allowing the cause, efforts and other actors to stand out.

The foundation's presence on professional media and at public events such as Folkemødet and Kulturmødet is most often mentioned as where stakeholders meet with the foundation This also applies to the foundation's own active role as facilitator of network meetings.

There are very few who demand that the Bikuben Foundation step up its work with visibility and awareness, as the foundation is assessed to succeed in this, but if there are a few points of attention in relation to visibility and awareness, it is:

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• There is a need for the Bikuben Foundation to become more known for its broad approach and the many initiatives with which the foundation works and succeeds. The foundation must continue to focus on communicating the case But there are opportunities in turning up the communication a bit in relation to the foundation becoming known for more than the experimental approach. The foundation's ability to implement and scale solutions and the outside world's opportunities to participate in this work must also be communicated

• There is a small criticism (from a few stakeholders) of the Bikuben Foundation's focus on what are perceived as internal projects, such as Thoravej 29, the think tank INVI, internal development processes, etc. The foundation can benefit from working with its communication and the outside world's knowledge of these initiatives and processes and what value they create There may be a need for a communication that reaches out a little more broadly about the Bikuben Foundation's work and change approach, and how the foundation works together to build capacity in the systemic field.

5) Communication and public affairs

The foundation is perceived as agenda-setting and strong in network building. The Bikuben Foundation achieves good visibility and influence on political agendas through collaboration with relevant actors and organisations The foundation effectively balances between highlighting its own voice and acting as a platform for others, while maintaining its efforts to influence decision-makers and create common direction.

The Bikuben Foundation is very successful with its communication and channel strategy. The foundation's four purposes of communication relate to how the foundation's communication is experienced It is especially the foundation's ambition and approach to promoting agendas in collaboration with the field of stakeholders, as well as creating knowledge of the areas and concrete efforts, for which the foundation is known and praised The foundation is also praised for a generally high level of transparency characterised by clear and accessible communication

There is less knowledge of the Bikuben Foundation's specific public affairs activities, but several of the foundation's public affairs principles are praised: among other things, the foundation's ambition to work politically in collaboration with the field of actors based on knowledge and analyses, and the fact that the foundation offers innovative perspectives is highlighted

The main message from stakeholders regarding the foundation's future communication and public affairs work is to continue in the same strategy, but pay attention to:

• A few stakeholders want the foundation to increase the use of the target groups' voices in communication.

• Some stakeholders point out that the foundation could increase process communication, as it is beneficial and instructive for others to gain insight into how the foundation works and collaborates as a systemically thinking organisation

• Finally, few stakeholders argue that the foundation could strengthen its public affairs work through strengthened use of selected employees as spokespersons, which is already part of the Bikuben Foundation's communication and channel strategy.

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considerations and recommendations

Strategic considerations and recommendations

The stakeholders' and partners' input to adjusting the Bikuben Foundation's strategy, approach and working method is discussed in this chapter. Stakeholder input has been regularly discussed with the foundation's philanthropic team and management. This chapter thus reflects both input from stakeholders and discussions with the Bikuben Foundation.

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The framework for the Bikuben Foundation's work

On the following pages, we discuss the conclusions of the analysis in a more strategic perspective, while at the same time offering a description of the Bikuben Foundation's way of working, i e the foundation's strategic framework, contract with the outside world and operating model. These strategic considerations have been continuously developed and discussed with the foundation's management

In each section, we 'score' the Bikuben Foundation on a number of parameters, which together describe the foundation's unique position and way of creating value For each section, we also attach recommendations to areas where stakeholders and partners have pointed to possible points of attention and potentials for improvement. This has resulted in a total of 8 recommendations (see next page).

We organise the strategic discussions and recommendations according to three coherent areas, which together describe the foundation's philanthropic framework (see figure below):

A. The strategic framework of the foundation, i e the strategic focus and purpose, governance model and decision-making procedures as well as which values and collaborative culture set the tone in the foundation. The fund's strategic framework is driven by issues such as:

• To what extent is the foundation's focus driven by history, the Charter and the basis of the Articles of Association?

• What does the foundation's strategy model look like – is it driven by strict planning, program thinking, or more open goals? And with what time horizon does the fund work?

• How does the governance and decision-making structure support the strategy, what is the dialogue between the board and management, and how flexible is the governance model?

B. The foundation's contract with the outside world, i.e. the 'agreement' the foundation has with the outside world on value creation, including the legitimacy, influence and dependence with which the foundation acts in society The foundation's contract with the outside world is driven by issues such as:

• What is the position of the fund, i e for whom does the fund create value? Is the foundation widely present in society, or does the foundation focus on specific target groups?

• How does the foundation work? Do you seek cooperation, or do you stay at arm's length? How risk-loving or risk-averse is the approach – and are you looking to solve problems or to do good?

• How does the foundation enter into a problem ecosystem and take leadership among many actors within selected problem areas?

• How does the foundation design its work so that it acts on a legitimate basis that meets with support from the foundation's target groups?

C. The foundation's operating model, i.e. how the foundation actually performs its work and delivers on its strategy and social contract, including the foundation's formats and instruments, competencies, organization, workflows, investments, etc. The foundation's operating model is driven by questions such as:

• How does the foundation work with its efforts –proactively or more reactively? And how are decisions made in the foundation secretariat?

• Which instruments are in the foundation's toolbox, and how are these used in development processes and collaborations?

• What resources does the foundation have for its development and foundation work, and are resources internal, or do you make more use of external consultants?

• How is the foundation organised, and what do competences and workflows look like?

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Formats and instruments Organisation and workflows Skills and resources
foundation’s Contract with the outside world Value creation in missions and programs Role and contribution to ecosystems Legitimacy and title in proceedings
Strategic frame Strategic focus and goals Values and culture Governance/ decisionmaking processes
CHART 19: The philanthropic framework The foundation’s Operating model
The foundation’s

New efforts

Further development of existing efforts

Ongoing efforts

# Recommendation Content Status

1 Increased tactical sensitivity and awareness of trends, opportunities and partners

2 A slightly broader approach to problem solving and the ecosystem around efforts

3 Managing power asymmetry, including strengthening the ability to declare one's roles

The fund operates with a very clear strategy and with a high degree of strategic decisiveness. Stakeholders point to the risk of tunnel vision and thus a risk of losing the chance for both good ideas, opportunities and partners to realize the foundation's strategy.

There are great opportunities for the foundation to take even greater leadership in the ecosystem around the issues and efforts the foundation works with. The foundation can become sharper on the theory of change that links the development of initiatives and concrete organisations to the foundation's overall ambition to create systemic change.

An unequal power relationship, especially with partners who are financially dependent, is difficult to avoid for foundations and other actors with money and influence, nor does the Bikuben Foundation avoid it. The foundation must make its roles in collaborations clearer.

4 Better process clarity and alignment of expectations in collaborations

5 Wider dissemination of the foundation's strategy, practice and systemic work

6 Continued strengthening of the development partner role and toolbox

Stakeholders experience that collaborative processes are developed as they unfold, which generate new ideas but are also demanding for collaborators. Further work must be done to create greater process clarity, just as the maturity level of partners must be assessed prior to processes.

For a number of years, the Bikuben Foundation has worked with systemic change. Home to All, the investment in Thoravej 29 and INVI etc. The Bikuben Foundation's strategy with a broader view of systemic change must be clear to the outside world and communicated more widely.

The Bikuben Foundation's philanthropic approach and role as a development partner is strongly supported by stakeholders. However, there is still a need to clarify and develop the fund's instruments and development formats, to upgrade employees' qualifications and to strengthen the foundation's capacity for portfolio management.

7 Attention to resource use and role allocation internally and externally

8 Freer flow of resources and competencies in the organization and across areas

To become even clearer in which contexts and processes it makes sense to use external consultants and experts, including making both the competence needs and the division of roles in different types of processes clear. Consider strengthening the foundation's own capacity through upskilling and recruitment.

The Bikuben Foundation is a small and highly specialised foundation secretariat working in one philanthropy team with sector specialisation. There is a need to continue to strengthen the philanthropy team as one unit with a freer flow of resources and competencies, a stronger management community with agility in relation to decisions, etc.

Operate 43 FIGURE 20: Overall recommendations

A) Strategic framework of the Fund

The Bikuben Foundation has its historical roots in the savings bank movement The self-governing institution Sparekassen Bikuben was established in 1857 in response to a need for increased welfare for the growing working class in Copenhagen. The Bikuben Foundation continues to work on the basis of the savings bank's basic ideas about social involvement, innovation and help to self-help

The Bikuben Foundation works innovatively with its mission and purpose with a focus on creating new opportunities for young people on the edge and current performing and visual arts.

The foundation operates with a very open interpretive framework in relation to the foundation of the statutes, but with an inherent set of conventions in the form of behavior, habits and processes that the foundation's board, management and employees return to and navigate smoothly in relation to.

There seems to be a strong set of values and a strong culture in the foundation, which is expressed as a common understanding of how the foundation approaches the world as a philanthropic and systemically thinking actor with a special desire to solve significant societal problems in dialogue with the outside world and with an ambition to innovate, develop and test possible solutions

The foundation has set – and is known for – a relatively tight strategic focus within the foundation's two focus areas with a long-term and patient view of the impact the foundation wants to create. The stakeholders unanimously point to the quality of the fund's long-term efforts and the precise strategic focus It is seen as a great strength that you know what the Bikuben Foundation works for and in what way the foundation works.

In relation to the Bikuben Foundation's strategic framework, the analysis points to one area where the foundation should pay special attention:


Increased tactical sensitivity and awareness of trends, opportunities and partners

The clear vision and strategy on which the fund operates with two very specific and clear focus areas and a fairly precise approach to the two areas has its great strength in the form of strategic clarity and a high degree of decisiveness

However, several stakeholders and partners point to the risk of tunnel vision and thus a risk of losing the chance for both good ideas, opportunities and partners to realize the foundation's strategy.

The scope of the foundation in relation to statutes and history

Specific purpose and scope

Formal rules drive the foundation's conduct

Impact drevet af kortsigtede projekter

Tight strategic planning

More rigid governance model

Formal or unwritten rules

The foundation's concept of time

Strategic planning and focus

The foundation's decision-making processes with the Board of Directors

Open purpose and broad scope

Flexible and unwritten rules drive the foundation's conduct

Patient eye on impact

Emergent strategic thinking

More flexible governance model

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FIGURE 21: The foundation’s strategic framework

It is sometimes observed that very precise strategies and effective organisations have a more limited strategic outlook. This is not necessarily the case for the Bikuben Foundation, which is good at involving stakeholders and listening to the outside world, but the foundation must continue to pay attention to this area

The recommendation is therefore that the fund could increase attention to, for example:

• To strengthen the organisational ability to screen for new trends and opportunities, understand and enrich focus areas deeper, find partners who help to implement strategy and focus areas even stronger.

• To strengthen the ability to see future opportunities in a systematic way – e.g. through work with scenario thinking and dialogue with a wide circle of foundations both in and outside Denmark

• To have collaboration and grant formats that are less resource-intensive for collaborators, and thus invite more people to collaboration and dialogue.

• To use Thoravej very actively as a workshop that screens for trends and signals, cross-pollinates opportunities and brings the strategy into play through a strong network of change actors.

A strong philanthropic strategy includes opting out, and the Bikuben Foundation is adept at opting out and thus sharpening its efforts and role The foundation's very precise strategy is praised by many – and both by partners and other foundations

The Bikuben Foundation must find the difficult balance between being strongly positioned with a clear strategy and clear strategic focus areas and at the same time being able to invite new perspectives and opportunities into the foundation's work.

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B) The fund's contract with the outside world

With its two focus areas, the Bikuben Foundation is committed to the outside world to creating new opportunities for young people on the edge and for current performing and visual arts. It is still the foundation's primary contract with the outside world to create change in these two areas, and where value creation is most clearly visible

For a number of years, the Bikuben Foundation has worked with systemic change Home to All, The Importance of Art, the investment in Thoravej 29 and the development of the think tank INVI. Through this, the foundation has focused on societal changes, complex problems and innovation capacity in a broad sense.

The Bikuben Foundation is widely recognised for taking on the role of a learning organisation that inspires other foundations, civil society organisations and the public sector in relation to systemic thinking

Both in the two focus areas and with the new investments, there is a clear experience of the fund as an innovative, developing and positive force – but there is not necessarily a clear and declared "contract" with the outside world, which all other things being equal weakens legitimacy and title

The outside world sees the Bikuben Foundation as an organisation in rapid and continuous development. This can make transparency and openness to the outside world difficult to succeed with, because it is difficult to communicate from a place in motion

The Bikuben Foundation's ability to act and ownership of projects and agendas is very clearly experienced compared to other major foundations

The Bikuben Foundation thus has a number of different roles and contributions in different ecosystems of actors and in different bilateral relations with partners. It is not always easy for the outside world to know what role the foundation intends to take, and there is potential in clarifying roles and contributions

In relation to the Bikuben Foundation's contract with the outside world, the analysis points to four areas where the foundation could receive special attention and where there is potential for development:





A slightly broader approach to problem solving and the ecosystem around efforts

Managing power asymmetry, including the ability to declare one's roles

Better process clarity and alignment of expectations in collaborations

Wider dissemination of the foundation's strategy, practice and systemic work

Strategic position

Broad presence in society


Keeps arm's length for inserts

Doing good with good actions

Independent of others

Processes focused on effective solutions

Approach to risk

Collaboration and influence

Approach to problem solving


Transparency in processes and decisions

Contribute something special for selected audiences

Risk lovers

Seeking collaboration and influence

Want to change the conditions of the problem

Dependent on others

Open processes with a focus on co-creation

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FIGURE 22: The foundation's contract with the outside world

#2 A slightly broader approach to problem solving and the ecosystem around problems

There is a clear feeling that the Bikuben Foundation is a unifying foundation that creates a common voice in the problem areas that focus on. The fund will continue to strengthen this through close cooperation

The foundation has strong preferences in how problems are understood and solved - and most often takes a systemic approach that is either experimental or capacity-building. In some cases, stakeholders believe that the toolbox may be too specific and that opportunities to make a difference are overlooked by using different approaches

At the same time, there are great opportunities in taking even stronger leadership in the entire ecosystem around the issues and efforts the foundation works with, including continuing the work of bringing many different parties (including other foundations) on board in the efforts.

The recommendation is therefore that the fund could increase attention to, for example:

• The foundation can become sharper on the theory of change that links the development of initiatives and concrete organisations to the foundation's overall ambition to create systemic change.

• To further develop its ability to take leadership in ecosystems and ensure other (resourceful) actors' investment in common agendas and problems, as well as by (early) being clear on which partner constellations can take efforts forward

• To be explicit in what roles and contributions the foundation plays These can change over time –that too needs to be told

• To become better at communicating the interaction between initiatives and systemic change to the foundation's partners and the outside world in general

#3 Managing power asymmetry and strengthening the ability to declare one's roles

An unequal power relationship, especially with partners who are financially dependent, is difficult to avoid for foundations and other actors with money and influence, nor does the Bikuben Foundation avoid it.

The Bikuben Foundation has a dilemma in wanting to create change and innovation on the one hand – but on the other hand not only wanting to define the solutions It creates an imbalance in the relationship, where much pressure is put on a grant recipient or partner in relation to setting visions and goals.

The Bikuben Foundation has its hands on the projects and has both great professional insight and expertise as well as confidential and close relationships with many grant recipients. It obliges to have so much knowledge

The recommendation is therefore that the fund could increase attention to, for example:

• To strengthen the foundation's and development partners' ability to place a given dialogue, cooperation or situation in the context of the foundation's strategy in a way that can make it easier for other parties to read intention and relevance.

• To clarify when grant recipients are in one situation, when they are in another – e g when you are in a joint development process, when you are a grant recipient, when you receive and give sparring, etc

• Always to match the positions of partners and grant recipients with a foundation position that contains strategy, attitude and values.

#4 Better process clarity and alignment of expectations in collaborations

Some stakeholders experience that collaborative processes are developed as they unfold. This provides new ideas – but also requires a lot of resources from the partners to navigate

There is a broad recognition of the foundation's employees' competences, insight and specialisation (both in subject areas and in e.g. innovation, public affairs etc.). But it is also considered to be resourceintensive for partners to enter into collaborations with the foundation At the same time, collaborations are sometimes experienced as person- and relationship-borne, which makes it vulnerable

The recommendation is therefore that the fund could increase attention to, for example:

• More clearly to declare what you as a foundation in a given cooperation have as a goal, and not let it depend on the advisor/development partner.

• To train your development partners/employees to be good in facilitating, advisory and decision-making roles – and to create security about each of them

• To assess the maturity level of partners in relation to being able to participate in the foundation's collaborative processes and from this make a plan for how a possible gap can best be closed.

• To hold collaborators along the way, align expectations and create process clarity, especially in the art area

Operate 47

dissemination of the foundation's strategy, practice and systemic work

For a number of years, the Bikuben Foundation has worked with systemic change, e.g. through initiatives such as Home for All and The Significance of Art, as well as investments in Thoravej 29 and the think tank INVI, and has thereby focused on societal changes, complex problems and innovation capacity in a broad sense.

The Bikuben Foundation has great potential in taking on the role of a pioneering fund/organisation in the systemic area and getting even more out of the investments that have been initiated both within the two focus areas and broadly

The recommendation is therefore that the fund could increase attention to, for example:

• Based on the Board of Directors' decision to focus on promoting systemic thinking in Denmark, the foundation also communicates the foundation's practice and work in the systemic field more broadly.

• The Bikuben Foundation's strategy with a broader view of systemic change must be clear to the outside world The fund should not only be known for its efforts in the two primary focus areas

• As the foundation has a broader presence in society, it is recommended that the foundation consider the value of broader communication efforts and increased awareness in society.

#5 Wider
Operate 48

C) The foundation’s operating model

The foundation's operating model focuses on how the foundation actually performs its work and delivers on the strategy and social contract, including the foundation's formats and instruments (e.g. the development partner role), processes and systems and the way the foundation organises its work

Foundations may have different operating models linked to different programme areas, and the Bikuben Foundation also has certain differences in approaches and formats within the arts and social areas, respectively.

The Bikuben Foundation's way of creating value is characterised by the desire to solve societal problems proactively with a facilitating, advisory and experimental approach. It is the foundation's ambition to create value in partnerships and processes through a development partner role that sets a high level of ambition for the collaboration and is a lever for learning, structural changes, and strengthened networks between actors.

The foundation has organised its work in sectorspecialised teams with functional support, including from the communications team. This organisation is characterised by being staffed by employees with a high degree of sector specialisation, although several employees also have stronger functional specialisations (innovation, facilitation, systemic thinking, etc.).

The Bikuben Foundation is a small foundation secretariat with extensive use of external resources in the form of consultants, experts, project staff, etc. to solve tasks, facilitate processes, etc.

The foundation uses a number of different formats in its work to create change and solve societal problems

In relation to the Bikuben Foundation's operating model, the analysis points to three areas where the foundation could receive special attention and where there is potential for development:

Operate 49
of interventions Reactive Proactive
for development processes
organisational idea
on focus areas
on functional competencies
and collaboration formats
Open Art Social Decisions are made...
Decentralised #6 Continued strengthening of the development partner role and toolbox
to resource use and
internally and externally
flow of
the organization and
FIGURE 23: The foundation’s operating model
#7 Attention
role allocation
#8 Freer
competencies in

#6 Continued strengthening of the development partner role and toolbox

The Bikuben Foundation's philanthropic approach and role as a development partner is met with great support from stakeholders, who see the foundation's way of working as very value-creating. The stakeholders fundamentally understand the foundation's approach and tools well, and there is a feeling that the foundation's employees have good skills to fulfill the role of development partners.

There is still a need to clarify and develop the fund's instruments and development formats, and the recommendation is therefore that the fund could increase attention to, for example:

• To analyze and assess the competence needs in relation to being a systemically minded foundation/organisation and in relation to the Bikuben Foundation's special approach In other words – what should the foundation and its employees be able to do to create value?

• To ensure strong competencies within at least the following: To understand complex problem areas, be able to take on the role of systemic change manager, facilitate processes, have public affairs understanding, and of course have deep insight into the two subject areas in which the foundation is actively present

• To clarify the development partner role further through good communication of the role's content, meaning, formats, approach, etc The development partner role is not perceived as a fixed set of instruments, but more as a way of working, a unified fund position and a way of describing the role of employees

• To take active initiatives to train employees (and possibly partners) to be development partners in the philanthropic and systemic field, so that the toolbox you take into processes and efforts is updated with good methods, and so that everyone is able to use the tools actively.

• To develop the foundation's ability for portfolio management and programme thinking in relation to focus areas and thereby ensure good alignment between strategy and efforts, build capacity both at the foundation itself and with partners, and have a better overview of resource use

#7 Attention to resource use and role allocation internally and externally

Several stakeholders point out that they experience fluctuating quality among external experts and consultants, especially because several experts and consultants are perceived to lack industry knowledge or have too little time to familiarize themselves with issues, the organization, the foundation, etc

Several point out that the foundation's employees often have stronger abilities to advise and enter into dialogue than the external consultants and experts, who are often recognized for strong facilitation skills and ability to innovate areas.

The recommendation is therefore that the fund could increase attention to, for example:

• To become even clearer about the contexts and processes in which it makes sense to use external consultants and experts, including making both the competence needs and the division of roles in different types of processes clear

• As the Bikuben Foundation already acts as a development-oriented and specialised foundation that takes great responsibility in development processes, it may be considered whether the foundation's capacity should be strengthened, i.e. the possibility of upgrading and employing more specialised employees with competencies to perform the role of development partners

#8 Freer flow of resources and competencies in the organization and across areas

The Bikuben Foundation is a small and highly specialised foundation secretariat that works in one philanthropy team with sector specialisation and with functional support, e.g. from the communication team.

The foundation works in an involving and agile manner in relation to its efforts, partnerships, etc., and this approach may also be reflected to a greater extent in the way the foundation organises its work

The recommendation is therefore that the fund could increase attention to, for example:

• Continued strengthening of the philanthropy team as one unit, still with two focus areas, but with a freer flow of resources and competencies, a stronger management community with agility in relation to decisions, etc.

• To create incentives for the two teams to share insights, knowledge, learning and challenge each other's focus, methods and efforts.

• To ensure a stronger interaction between the foundation's sector and functional specialists across disciplines, i e that employees can act more freely across focus areas, but of course with a continued strong sector and case focus

Operate 50

Appendix I


Qualitative interviews

Appendix II: Questionnaire

The questionnaire has been framing, but not defining in all interviews, and room has been given for variation arising from the individual stakeholder's work, relationship and knowledge of the foundation.

Introduction to interview: Hello, I am calling from Operate A/S on behalf of the Bikuben Foundation. We are conducting a stakeholder analysis/development partner analysis, which you have been kind enough to participate in. The interview is anonymous, and we will talk about your views on the Bikuben Foundation in general, including the foundation's strategy, approach and communication. We have arranged an interview now. First, I would like to hear if you have any questions before we get started?


Stakeholders Questions


Attitude to the Bikuben Foundation





What is your relation to the Bikuben Foundation? [Open question]

What do you associate with the Bikuben Foundation in general? [Open question]

What do you think the Bikuben Foundation does well? [Open question]

What do you think the Bikuben Foundation could do better? [Open question]

What roles do you see the Bikuben Foundation playing? [Open question]

Stakeholders Questions

Do you know about the Bikuben Foundation's two strategic focus areas? [Open question]

Any brief explanation of the two focus areas – focus area is selected according to the respondent:


The Bikuben Foundation's strategy, focus and way of working



(1) Youth on the Edge: With the focus area Youth on the Edge, the Bikuben Foundation works to create new opportunities for young people on the edge between the ages of 13 and 30 based on three missions: (1) To end homelessness among young people (Home for All), (2) to test new ways to strengthen placed young people in the transition to adult life (Innovation Process and PolicyLab) and (3) to ensure: that no young person is left out of jobs, education and strong communities (Coalition One Road to All or in the project Nature for a Good Life).

(2) Current Performing and Visual Arts: The Bikuben Foundation focuses on performing and visual arts, where they work to create new opportunities for artists and art institutions: e.g. ArtHub, the Development Platform, the Exhibition Award VISION or Dialogue:Concept:Development.

What characterises the Bikuben Foundation's way of working within the focus areas Youth on the Edge/Current Performing and Visual Arts [Open question]

On a scale from 1-5, where 1 is to a very small extent, and 5 is to a very high degree, to what extent do you assess that the foundation has succeeded in making a difference within the focus area: X (depending on the respondent, choose Youth on the Edge or Current Performing and Visual Arts) [1-5 scale]

Stakeholders Questions




The Bikuben Foundation's strategy, focus and way of working














Why exactly [selected scale]? [Open question]

Seen from your chair, what can the foundation do to create more value within the social/art area? [Open quesiton]

On a scale from 1-5, where 1 is to a very small extent, and 5 is to a very high degree, to what extent do you assess that the foundation has succeeded in making a difference within the focus area: X (depending on the respondent, choose Youth on the Edge or Current Performing and Visual Arts) [1-5 scale]

[Intro text] The Bikuben Foundation has taken a position as a foundation that works systemically and development-oriented with the societal problems and potentials to which they contribute. This means that the fund builds capacity in institutions, builds alliances, creates public debate, implements innovation processes, etc.

Do you find that with this approach, the Bikuben Foundation helps to support systemic change and unfold potentials in society? [Open quesiton]

What do you think about the foundation's approach to its philanthropic work? [Open quesiton]

Do you see any dilemmas or risks in the foundation taking this role and approach as a Foundation? [Open quesiton]

Conversely, do you see any new opportunities and potentials in the foundation taking on this role and approach as a foundation? [Open question]


What is your experience of the Bikuben Foundation as a partner? [Open question]

On a scale of 1-5, where 1 is very poor and 5 is very good, how is your experience of the Bikuben Foundation as a partner? [1-5 scale]

Why exactly [selected scale]? [Open quesiton]

Do you have suggestions on how the foundation can become a better partner? [Open question]

Do you find the foundation receptive to ideas, input and suggestions? [Open question]

In your collaboration, did you feel comfortable sharing uncertainties, any errors or challenges with the foundation? [Open question]





Did you find that the foundation actively contributed to finding solutions?

[Open question]

Stakeholders Questions

Collaborators expanded


The Development Partner role

Collaborators expanded

The Bikuben Foundation's way of working in partnerships, innovation processes, Task Force processes, alliances, etc. is called being a 'development partner'. Have you heard that term and does it make sense to you?

[Open question]

Possible need for the interviewer to clarify what the development partner role entails. The development partner role includes a number of philanthropic instruments and ways of working that go beyond the purely financial. As a development partner, the foundation spends time in particular on:

• To be a professional resource within the strategic focus of the foundation

• Identify external experts who may be inspirers or resource persons

• To help structure development processes so that they are based on experimentation, continuous learning – and, in the case of social services, strong youth involvement.

• Facilitation of meetings and workshops, often through the purchase of external consultants

• To be a sparring partner in handling arising knots or opportunities

• Matchmaking with other relevant partners

• Advice on learning design and evaluation, often through the purchase of external consultants.

Collaborators expanded

Collaborators expanded

Collaborators expanded

Was there anything about the foundation's role and approach as a development partner that contributed particularly well to the process? If yes, can you give a concrete example?

[Open question]

Conversely, was there anything about that role that could have been better? If yes, can you give a concrete example?

[Open question]

Did you experience that the foundation and the foundation's employees had the necessary competencies to help in the process of your challenges, and can you give a concrete example?

[Open question]

Collaborators expanded

Collaborators expanded

Case and process-related (open) questions for the specific process/cooperation with the foundation. This means that the interviewer asks openly about the collaboration experience with two themes: 1) Value creation and 2) the process based on the specific development approach (Task Force, partnership, innovation process, etc.). To help the interviewer in this conversation, a series of help questions have been developed (not finished).

Looking back, was there anything you could have done yourself to optimise and strengthen the collaboration with the Bikuben Foundation?

[Open question]

The Bikuben Foundation's communication and visibility

Stakeholders Questions







Expansion: The Bikuben Foundation's communication and visibility

Rounding up

In general, how do you assess the foundation's communication to the outside world?

[Open question]

How visible do you think the foundation is in society on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is very little visible and 5 is very visible [1-5 scale]

Why exactly [selected scale]?

[Open question]

Do you find the Bikuben Foundation's communication understandable and clear?

[Open question]

Do you experience the Bikuben Foundation as a transparent foundation/partner?

[Open question]

Is there anything the foundation could do better in terms of their communication?

[Open question]

Stakeholders Questions

Respondents to Communication and PA

Respondents to Communication and PA

Respondents to Communication and PA

Respondents to Communication and PA

Respondents to Communication and PA

Respondents to Communication and PA

Overall, have you noticed the Bikuben Foundation's public affairs work and where? If so: How do you experience it?

[Open question]

Possibly: How can they improve?

From your point of view, when is it legitimate for a foundation to work with public affairs? Possibly in what situations?

[Open question]

Possibly: How can they improve?

Overall, how do you assess the foundation's ability to create dialogue and debate within their two focus areas (Or one relevant area for the respondent)

[Open question]

Possibly: How can they improve?

Do you believe that the foundation creates results through their work with public affairs?

[Open question]

Possibly: How can they improve?

Do you see the foundation as a relevant and attractive player in political decision-making?

[Open question]

Possibly: How can they improve?

How would you assess the foundation's ability to be a gathering place for actors and create movements within their focus areas? (Or one relevant area for the respondent)

[Open question]

Possibly: How can they improve?

Respondents to Communication and PA

Do you believe that the foundation, through their communication efforts, succeeded in increasing knowledge of the areas, agendas and methods they work with?

[Open question]

Possibly: How can they improve?

Stakeholders Questions



That brings us to the end of the road, so in the end I just want to hear: If you had to give the Bikuben Foundation one piece of advice, what would it be?

[Open question]

Do you have anything you'd like to add by the way?

[Open question]

Quantitative extraction

Appendix II Data

Q1-Q3: Background info


you work with communication?

Q6: The Bikuben Foundation has two strategic focus areas separate within the arts and social areas. Please choose whether or not you are working within one of them.

Q7: How many employees/volunteers are there approximately in your organisation/company/institution?

Q8: Does your organisation have previous experience working with foundations?

Operate 58
59% 41% Yes No
What type of organisation best describes you? 12% 16% 7% 63% 2% Foundation Municipality Opinion Leader Organisation Other
56% 37% 7% The Arts Social Area Other 3% 54% 14% 29% 54% 23% 3% 20% 0 1-50 51-100 More than 100 Volunteers Employees
61% 27% 10% 1% 1% A lot of experience Some experience Limited experience No experience Don't know

Q9: Overall, what do you associate the Bikuben Foundation with? Open response

Q10: How familiar are you with the Bikuben Foundation?

Operate 59
23% 32% 28% 14% 3% 32% 38% 11% 16% 3% 18% 30% 38% 13% 2% 14% 14% 43% 14% 14% VERY HIGH FAMILIARITY HIGH FAMILIARITY SOME FAMILIARITY LITTLE FAMILIARITY VERY LITTLE / NO FAMILIARTY Total Social Area The Arts None of them / other N:100 N:37 N:56 N:7

Q11: To what extent do you think the following statements apply to the Bikuben Foundation? Overall Total n=100

The foundation primarily works with initiatives that have a documentable effect

The foundation acts where there is the greatest need

The foundation achieves political impact through its initiatives

The foundation supports the communication of initiatives/partnerships to the outside world

The foundation's work creates high value for society

The foundation has a clear profile - you know what it contributes to

The foundation takes responsibility for important societal challenges

The foundation contributes not only with money, but also with knowledge, advice and networks

The foundation works primarily with initiatives that have long-term potential

The foundation is innovative within its focus areas

Operate 60
39% 29% 42% 20% 18% 24% 20% 16% 7% 5% 33% 42% 25% 46% 43% 37% 33% 21% 28% 26% 17% 13% 15% 19% 26% 25% 15% 20% 31% 26% 2% 3% 1% 1% 6% 1% 7% 9% 8% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 3% 8% 12% 16% 13% 7% 12% 25% 34% 24% 38%
To a very high degree To a high degree To some degree To a low degree Not at all Don't know

Q13: Is there anything that makes the Bikuben Foundation unique compared to other foundations? If yes, please elaborate which ones

Open response

Q14: The Bikuben Foundation's one focus area is Youth on the Edge. What is your general knowledge of the focus area?

Q15: : To what extent do you think that the foundation's activities contribute to young people with complex issues gaining a foothold in adult life?

Operate 61
21% 21% 10% 23% 30% 49% 27% 11% 5% 8% 2% 9% 7% 38% 45% 29% 14% 0% 29% 29% VERY GOOD KNOWLEDGE GOOD KNOWLEDGE DECENT KNOWLEDGE LITTLE KNOWLEDGE VERY LITTLE / NO KNOWLEDGE Total Social Area The Arts None of them / other N:100 N:37 N:56 N:7
11% 29% 21% 1% 38% 22% 41% 27% 0% 11% 4% 23% 18% 2% 54% 14% 14% 14% 0% 57% TO A VERY LARGE EXTENT TO A LARGE EXTENT TO SOME EXTENT NOT AT ALL DON'T KNOW / NOT RELEVANT Total Social Area The Arts None of them / other N:100 N:37 N:56 N:7

Q16: If "not at all": Please explain why you do not think that the Bikuben Foundation's focus area Youth on the Edge contributes to young people with complex issues gaining a foothold in adult life?

Open response

Q17: The Bikuben Foundation's other focus area is called Current Performing and Visual Arts. What is your general knowledge of the focus area?

Q18: To what extent do you think that the foundation's activities contribute to creating new opportunities for professional artists and art institutions?

Operate 62
N:100 N:37 N:56 N:7
N:100 N:37 N:56 N:7 23% 28% 15% 1% 1% 32% 3% 16% 11% 3% 0% 68% 39% 34% 20% 0% 2% 5% 0% 43% 0% 0% 0% 57% TO A VERY HIGH EXTENT TO A HIGH EXTENT TO SOME EXTENT TO A LOW EXTENT NOT AT ALL DON'T KNOW Total Social Area The Arts None of them / other 29% 17% 19% 10% 25% 3% 5% 14% 19% 59% 50% 23% 23% 4% 0% 0,00% 28,57% 14,29% 14,29% 42,86% VERY GOOD KNOWLEDGE GOOD KNOWLEDGE DECENT KNOWLEDGE LITTLE KNOWLEDGE VERY LITTLE / NO KNOWLEDGE Total Social Area The Arts None of them / other

Q19: If "not at all": Please explain why you do not think that the Bikuben Foundation's focus area Youth on the Edge contributes to creating new opportunities for professional artists and art institutions?

Q20: How aware are you of the Bikuben Foundation's following initiatives (Social area) N:37


Operate 63
Open response 27% 16% 11% 11% 24% 19% 5% 5% 8% 8% 5% 3% 19% 19% 11% 19% 5% 5% 16% 14% 22% 19% 14% 16% 16% 8% 5% 19% 38% 30% 62% 51% 59% 68% 8% 14% 14% 16% 16% 19% 19% 16%
Awards Policy Lab Nature for a good life Thoravej 29 DIALOG:CONCEPT:DEVELOPMENT The Importance of Art Task Force Exhibition Award Vision Very high awareness High awareness Fair awareness Low awareness Very low / no awareness Don't know
The Crown Prince Couple's
36% 32% 20% 20% 9% 5% 2% 23% 20% 21% 16% 13% 13% 4% 2% 7% 23% 27% 25% 11% 23% 7% 5% 11% 13% 4% 21% 16% 16% 13% 23% 18% 11% 21% 13% 46% 34% 66% 61% 5% 2% 7% 5% 5% 9% 11% 7% Exhibition Award Vision
How aware are you of the Bikuben Foundation's following initiatives (The Arts) N:56
The Importance of Art Task Force DIALOG:CONCEPT:DEVELOPMENT Policy Lab Nature for a good life Very high awareness High awareness Fair awareness Low awareness Very low / no awareness Don't know
The Crown Prince Couple's Awards

Q21: How aware are you of the Bikuben Foundation's work with the following partnerships? Social affairs N:37

The "Task Force" initiative in collaboration with the Nordic Culture Fund on the development of art institutions

Partnership with the theater company Fix & Foxy

Collaboration with the performing arts organization Haut

The Art Shop Sketch Art Hub Copenhagen Collaboration with the Development Platform for Performing Arts

Q21: How aware are you of the Bikuben Foundation's work with the following partnerships? The art field N:56

Collaboration with the performing arts organization Haut Partnership

The "Task Force" initiative in collaboration with the Nordic Culture Fund on the…

Collaboration with the Development Platform for Performing Arts

Art Hub Copenhagen

The partnership SMK Fridays

Operate 64
57% 32% 3% 16% 19% 5% 8% 5% 11% 22% 22% 5% 14% 5% 5% 5% 3% 5% 8% 19% 11% 11% 16% 8% 5% 5% 5% 11% 43% 65% 59% 68% 76% 78% 81% 5% 8% 8% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% The
for All A Road to All The
SMK Fridays
Alliance Home
Very high awareness High awareness Fair awareness Low awareness Very low / no awareness Don't know
38% 29% 18% 11% 9% 11% 5% 2% 2% 32% 23% 11% 13% 14% 11% 13% 4% 2% 11% 25% 11% 16% 9% 2% 18% 5% 4% 13% 16% 20% 20% 21% 29% 27% 11% 23% 7% 7% 39% 38% 41% 43% 36% 73% 64% 2% 4% 5% 5% 2% 5% 5%
Fix &
The Art Shop Sketch A Road to All The Alliance Home for All Very high awareness High awareness Fair awareness Low awareness Very low / no awareness Don't know
with the theater company

Q22: To what extent do you experience the Bikuben Foundation's visibility in the eyes of the public?

Q23: To what extent do you experience the Bikuben Foundation's visibility within your own field of expertise?

Operate 65
4,00% 32,00% 54,00% 8,00% 1,00% 1,00% 5,41% 29,73% 54,05% 10,81% 0,00% 0,00% 3,57% 33,93% 55,36% 5,36% 0,00% 1,79% 0,00% 28,57% 42,86% 14,29% 14,29% 0,00% TO A VERY HIGH EXTENT TO A HIGH EXTENT TO SOME EXTENT TO A LOW EXTENT NOT AT ALL DON'T KNOW Total Social Area The Arts None of them / other N:100 N:37 N:56 N:7
25,00% 36,00% 27,00% 7,00% 2,00% 3,00% 21,62% 35,14% 32,43% 8,11% 0,00% 2,70% 28,57% 39,29% 21,43% 7,14% 1,79% 1,79% 14,29% 14,29% 42,86% 0,00% 14,29% 14,29% TO A VERY HIGH EXTENT TO A HIGH EXTENT TO SOME EXTENT TO A LOW EXTENT NOT AT ALL DON'T KNOW Total Social Area The Arts None of them / other N:100 N:37 N:56 N:7

Q24: Where have you met or heard about the Bikuben Foundation in the past year?

Choose as many as you like

Operate 66
N:100 N:37 N:56 N:7 67% 57% 56% 49% 49% 48% 47% 34% 23% 20% 12% 6% 5% 5% 65% 51% 59% 65% 32% 49% 76% 32% 14% 5% 8% 5% 8% 70% 61% 57% 41% 63% 50% 32% 36% 32% 36% 18% 2% 5% 4% 57% 57% 29% 29% 29% 29% 14% 29% 29% Total Social Area The Arts None of them / other

Q25: At which public events have you met the Bikuben Foundation? Open response

Q26: Do you collaborate with the Bikuben Foundation?

Q27: What impact did the Bikuben Foundation's financial support have on your efforts?

Not applicable / Not financially supported by the Bikuben Foundation

Without the support, the project would not have had the same scope or quality

Without the support, the project would not have been carried out

Q28: What significance did the Bikuben Foundation's professional skills, knowledge and other personal commitment have for your efforts?

Not relevant / Not supported with professional skills, knowledge and other personal commitment by the Bikuben Foundation

The project would have been implemented in the same way without the Bikuben Foundation's knowledge and professional skills

Without the Bikuben Foundation, the project would not have had the same scope or quality

Without the Bikuben Foundation, the project would not have been carried out

Operate 67
44% 56% Yes No
20% 34% 45% 29% 33% 38% 10% 30% 60% 33% 67% 0%
Total Social Area The Arts None of them / other N:44 N:21 N:20 N:3
9% 9% 59% 23% 5% 14% 57% 24% 10% 5% 60% 25% 33% 0% 67% 0%
Total Social Area The Arts None of them / other N:44 N:21 N:20 N:3

Q29: How likely are you/your organisation to cooperate with the Bikuben Foundation?

Q29: Please explain why it is likely that you/your organisation will cooperate with the Bikuben Foundation (possibly in relation to other foundations?

Open response

Q30: Please explain why it is unlikely that you/your organisation will cooperate with the Bikuben Foundation (possibly in relation to other foundations?

Open response

Q31: Which other collaborators/contributors do you see as an alternative to the Bikuben Foundation and why?

Open response

Operate 68
41% 25% 20% 4% 2% 9% 25% 50% 25% 0% 0% 0% 47% 17% 19% 3% 3% 11% 50% 0% 0% 25% 0% 25% VERY LIKELY LIKELY SOMEWHAT LIKELY NOT THAT LIKELY NOT AT ALL LIKELY DON'T KNOW Total Social Area The Arts None of them / other N:56 N:36 N:16 N:4

Q30: Which one of the following courses did you/your organisation participate in during the collaboration with the Bikuben Foundation?

Operate 69
0,00% 38,10% 18,18% 5,00% 4,76% 4,55% 35,00% 23,81% 34,09% 0,00% 19,05% 9,09% 35,00% 14,29% 22,73% 25,00% 0,00% 11,36%
Arts Social Area Total Task Force Process Strategic Partnership Innovation Process None of the above/other Dialogue:Concept:Development Alliance/Coalition

Q31: What is your assessment of the following statements about the initial dialogue with the Bikuben Foundation? N:44

I found it easy to find the information I needed to initiate the dialog

The Bikuben Foundation communicated their expectations of us clearly

I felt it was safe to express concerns, problems or challenges to the Beehive Foundation

The Bikuben Foundation was easy to enter into a dialog with

The Bikuben Foundation was responsive in the initial dialog

The dialog with the Bikuben Foundation strengthened the effort

Operate 70
55% 45% 50% 48% 34% 30% 18% 27% 20% 18% 27% 27% 5% 2% 5% 7% 2% 5% 2% 2% 2% 2% 18% 25% 27% 30% 27% 39%
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know / not relevant

Q32: What is your assessment of the following statements about the initial dialogue with the Bikuben Foundation? N:44

I experience/felt that the Bikuben Foundation is/was good at following up on the work/efforts along the way

The Bikuben Foundation has provided good guidance and sparring

I experience/perceived the Bikuben Foundation as a flexible partner

The dialog with the Bikuben Foundation strengthened my/our work

I experience/felt that the Bikuben Foundation and its employees had relevant competencies for the collaboration

I experience/perceived the Bikuben Foundation as a responsive partner

I generally experience/experienced a good working relationship with the Bikuben Foundation

Strongly agree



Strongly disagree

Neither agree or disagree

Don't know / not relevant

Q33: Do you have suggestions on how the Bikuben Foundation can improve the dialogue and cooperation process?

Open response

Operate 71
70% 66% 57% 64% 57% 43% 45% 25% 25% 30% 20% 25% 36% 30% 2% 2% 2% 7% 2% 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 5% 7% 9% 11% 9% 16% 18%

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