A 12 august newsletter all 5 opti

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Governor’s Newsletter District A-12 District Governor Len Day 2016 - 2017

My LionsFamily What a summer it has been with the extreme heat and the Olympics and of course all the work that is being done by the Lions in the district. Times are changing when I first joined Lions not much happened in the summer. That is not the case anymore. The clubs in the district are finding new ways to raise money and new ways to perform service. Lions are collecting bottles and cans for the deposits and making sure that they get recycled raising money and protecting the environment. Lions are providing swimming lessons and sponsoring teams engaging our youth. Lions are stocking the shelves of food banks and reaching out to feed the hungry. We have Lions volunteering at CNIB Lake Joe and doing other vision related projects. Every day I am amazed by the work that Lions do to give people a hand up. The World wants and needs more Lions members and there are three ways to increase the service we provide. The first is to invite family, friends and coworkers that will make an impact in our existing clubs. The Second way is to start new clubs in underserviced areas of our district. The third way is to retain our members and continue to stop the drop. When we look at ways to retain our members we must educate and train members to be better members. If every Lions member invited just one person to join think of the added service we could provide. Think of the areas that we use to have clubs and today we do not who is providing the service in those locations. As Lions we must do our part to give back and to give people a hand up that need it. When our members know and understand more about our organization they are able to understand the needs of the community and provide better service. It is important to recognize the work of the Lions and how we have given people a hand up. This year I am asking Lions to nominate members from each club in the district to be recognized and provided a Hand Up Award. I know that our members provide service because they believe it is the right thing to do and that we all want to improve our communities. I believe that our Lions deserve to be recognized for being outstanding. Please email me at dg@a12lions.org with the Lions name and the reason you feel that they deserve a Hand Up Award. It is also important to recognize outstanding clubs. I will be giving out club awards in each region based on net member growth, attendance at the Lions Learning Weekend, attendance at convention, and the reporting of at least 1 service project in each category of the Centennial challenge Youth, Vision, Hunger and Environment. Other items will include attendance of the President, Secretary and Membership chair at the Zone Advisory meetings and reporting next year’s officers by May 1 2017. Club should also support LCIF in some manner. I hope that every club will accept the challenge to become the best it can and strive toward Excellence. Lions clubs must be the service club of choice I believe we are getting there because of what we do. Thanks,

Lion Len

August 2016

Lions District A-12

Chancellor Bob Corlew International President Dear District Governor, Thank you for all your hard work at the DGE seminar in Fukuoka. Your commitment to service will be essential to the success of our Centennial goals over the upcoming Lion year. My theme, New Mountains to Climb, is a call to Lions everywhere to join together to help the poor and underserved, promote peace and understanding, and take our association to new heights. And no one has a bigger part in achieving those goals than you. Time and time again, we have shown that we can achieve so much more when we work together. Over the coming year, your leadership will be the key to strengthening our clubs, expanding our service impact and growing LCI to the largest it has ever been. I look forward to working alongside you and your clubs to celebrate our Centennial, change lives through service, and prepare for our next century of service. Very truly yours, Chancellor Bob Corlew Your International President


2nd Vice District Governor Bryon McLellan

A12 Cabinet Treasurer Sheila Webb Sheila joined the Midland Lions Club in 2001 and transferred as a Charter Member to the Tiny Township Lions Club in 2007. She is Past President of the Tiny Township Club and has held various positions within the Club and was Zone 36 West Chair last year. This is her second year as Cabinet Treasurer. Sheila is a lifelong resident of Tiny Township. She is married to Greg and has two grown sons. When not working at her job as a Branch Manager with National Bank of Canada, you can often find her on a golf course, in a garden or spending time with family and friends. In addition to her role in Lions, Sheila sits on the Tiny Township Community Recreation Committee, Wyevale Parks & Recreation Committee and the Board of Directors at the Georgian Bay Cancer Support Centre. Sheila is proud to be a Lion and truly appreciates the opportunities being a Lion has provided her.

Lion Bryon was born in Toronto and raised in Richvale, Ontario. Bryon worked for the York Region Board of Education as a custodian for 37 years. In 1982, Lion Bryon was invited to join the Richvale Lions Clubs. He served on most committees as well as lion tamer, director and 2nd vice president. In 1985, Lion Bryon moved his family to Sutton where he transfered to Keswick Lions Club where he served as a director, Vice President and president. In 1989 Lion Bryon became a charter member of the Sutton West Lions Club where he actively help in forming the new club. Where he served on most committees and held position on the board of director. He also served his community as a volunteer firefighter for the town of Georgina for 20 years. In 2003 Lion Bryon purchased his retirement home (13 years ago) in Barrie, and to stay in District A-16 he transfer to the North Newmarket Lions club. After one winter of travelling back and forth to Newmarket for his club meeting Lion Bryon transferred to the Lions Club of Barrie, Lion Bryon has been active in most club offices, club President and currently club secretary. At the District level Lion Bryon has served as Zone Chair, Region Chair in District A-12 and A-16.Lion Bryon was instrumental in forming five Leo Clubs in A-16. Lion Bryon is a proud recipient of a Helen Keller Fellow, a Melvin Jones a rebuilding Lion award, Governor's appreciate Award, and a Life member of Lions Foundation of Canada. Lion Bryon and Lioness/Lion Judy have been married for 35 years and are proud parents of William and Lioness Allison, they have two grandchildren Megan and Ryland. Lion Bryon enjoys his family, gardening, camping.

Dear Lions Leaders: Quality leadership is key to the future of Lions Clubs International. The Faculty Development Institute program is dedicated to the expansion of our pool of skilled Lions faculty who can deliver leadership training in a professional, educationally sound manner and provide continuity and consistent quality leadership training at all levels of the association. The next Faculty Development Institute for the Lions of United States of America, Its Affiliates, Bermuda & The Bahamas & Canada will be offered in Houston, Texas, USA on November 11-14, 2016. As a Lion leader in this area, your involvement is critical to the success of this innovative program and we seek your assistance to help recruit qualified Lion participants for the institute. Care must be taken to include Lions from different districts within the constitutional area. Qualified candidates are those Lions who have some experience as faculty members at Lions training events, have demonstrated basic instructional skills, and have a keen interest in further developing those skills. (Lions with extensive experience as Lions faculty or as professional trainers are not recommended for this institute but are welcome to apply). The institute will be conducted in English and we will be accepting forty (40) Lions, total. Please download the application and actively encourage qualified candidates to apply. Completed forms must be received by: August 28, 2016. If you have questions or need further information, visit our website or contact us atinstitutes@lionsclubs.org. Sincerely, Kathryn H. Ryan Manager, Institutes and SeminarsLeadership Development Division Lions Clubs International & LCIF | 300 W. 22nd St. | Oak Brook, IL | 60523 | USA

Governor’s Newsletter

Letter to District Governors and Club Presidents I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every Canadian Lion for the opportunity to serve as your International Director for 2015-2017. The first year flew by and the second year is rapidly moving with the first quarter more than half over. It is with pride that I sit on the Lions International Board representing not only the Lions of Canada, but the Lions of the World. As Lions we are celebrating 100 years of service and I look forward to hearing about the ways in which each of you are celebrating within your communities. This is a great opportunity for Lions to be in the spotlight, to generate interest in SERVICE and through service give renewed meaning to our commitment. As your Lionistic year gets underway I want to ask for your support in a couple of areas. The first area, the challenge that I laid out for you when you attended the Lions Foundation of Canada back in June. Our Foundation relies on the Lions of Canada for support and the challenge is for each and every Lion in Canada to donate just one loonie a month to your Foundation, above and beyond what you are already doing. This effort can have a very positive effect on the great work that your foundation does. It would raise approximately another $450,000 allowing your Foundation to provide another 18 service dogs a year. And that’s what we do, “We Serve”. So please make this a priority for your clubs and put it on your monthly agenda … don’t forget that to get to this milestone, we need to start in NOW. Thank you for each of your efforts. Secondly, I am currently serving as the Chairman of the Leadership Development Committee at Lions Clubs International. The Committee has incorporated funds into the budget for training for your Districts and Multiple Districts. All Districts and Multiples qualify for some funding to do training within the respective areas of leadership – ie Zone Chair, Vice-District Governor and District Governor Elect. Please make sure that the appropriate applications are made to your International Association so that you can receive the funding. The money is available to all Districts and Multiples as designated by the LCI Leadership Development Committee, this is a change to past practice. Remember if you don’t apply, you don’t qualify to get the funding. I would be remised if I did not take this opportunity to acknowledge that we have a great Lion running for the office of Third Vice-President of Lions International. Past International Director Patti Hill is OUR candidate. Canada Lion’s candidate. Lions, we must put up a united front and support this effort in any way that we can. We need to assist with the fundraising as this is a burden which should be borne by all Lions of Canada, not just Lion Patti, her club or the Alberta Lions. She is representing all of Canada as she continues her journey to become President one day of our great Association. We need to commit to doing everything we can to make sure PID Patti has the resources needed to do just that. We are talking about the need to raise $500,000 to pay for the travel, conferences, conventions, international receptions, and expenses that are part of becoming the President of Lions Clubs International. We can achieve this by working together as Canadian Lions and be there to celebrate the achievement together. Take the opportunity to reach out and let her know that you are there for the long haul to ensure the campaign is a success. The last area that I would like you to focus on is membership through service. As a Constitutional Area, we are currently under the guidelines for having our own International seat on the LCI Board of Directors. Through the service that we do on a regular basis, we have the greatest of opportunities to grow our membership. When you are doing a service activity, invite members of your community to participate in the service activity. Don’t focus on getting them to become a member, focus on getting them to engage in service and the membership will come as they see how Lions are having a positive impact in their communities and around the world. Please keep membership as a focus and look for opportunities to “Ask One”, while also maintaining sight on keeping the members that are now in your Clubs. Remember it is Lions like you in your local communities, in your local clubs, that have the direct impact on those that are in need. Without you, your Association could not exist, we are there to help you, let us. We are there to serve you, let us. Let us work together as Canadian Lions and Lions of the World to make each day a little bit better, no matter where we are or what the circumstances. TOGETHER WE ACHIEVE MORE! TOGETHER WE SERVE MORE! TOGETHER WE ARE THE ASSOCIATION OF LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL. Be proud of what you do and THANK YOU for all that you do. In Lionism,

Roderick P. Wright Roderick “Rod” Wright Canadian International Director 2015-2017

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Dear Lions of Italy Our District Governor Has His Leg Bent Wrong Way

A-12 District Officers 2016 – 2017 District Governor: Len Day 1st Vice District Governor: Randy Hargrave 2nd Vice District Governor: Bryon McLellan Immediate Past District Governor: Richard Ratensperger Cabinet Secretary: Marj Lewis Treasurer: Shelia Webb

Lions Clubs International August 24 at 10:35am · Dear Lions of Italy, I was deeply saddened to hear the news of the devastating earthquake that struck the central mountainous region of your homeland early Wednesday morning, leaving many families mourning the loss of loved ones, and the loss of their homes. The executive officers, the Board of Directors, and Lions around the world want you to know the people of Italy are in our thoughts and in our prayers as you face this catastrophe, and we send our deepest condolences. We also want you to know that we are mobilizing to provide a major catastrophe grant of US$100,000 for immediate disaster relief. We are doing everything we can to provide you with as much immediate assistance as possible. Over the past several years, the Lions family around the world has faced many natural disasters. Together, as a family, we have provided relief when and where needed. True to our centennial motto “Where There’s A Need, There’s A Lion,” we stand with the Lions and the people of Italy as you overcome this tragedy. lcif.org/donate Sincerely, International President Chancellor Bob Corlew

Region 8 Chair: Gavin Maclean Zone 8n Chair: Bill Frieday Zone 8s Chair: James Jones

Our District Governor is also President of Barrie Rugby Football Club and plays the game on occasion. The above photo is from a game a couple of weeks ago. Ouch! Unless you have a rare connective tissue disorder or hyperflexibility syndrome your leg shouldn't bend like that! Len is now in a soft cast and is undergoing therapy.

District A-12 Publisher: DG Len Day Editor and Graphics: Bill Frieday Zone Chair 8N

Zone 21e Chair: Gord Henderson

Region 36 Chair: TIm Holmes Zone 36e Chair: Jim Rice Zone 36w Chair: Gillian Reynolds; Ÿ You gotta kiss a few frogs to get kicked out of the

Aquarium Ÿ Under 30: Forget about the bad times and make Ÿ




Ÿ Articles and Club News should be

submitted in Word Doc. Ÿ Photographs should be submitted in Hi Resolution.


Send to: newsletter@a12lions.org



Zone 21n Chair: Cliff Cookman

Zone 21w Chair: John Jackson


Governor’s Newsletter

Region 21 Chair: PDG Bill Copeman


new memories. Over 40: Remember all the bad times and forget why I'm at this grocery store. When a sudden wind kicks up piles of leaves and the weather vane makes an ominous creaky turn, it just means a cool new witch moved to town. I texted my wife today saying “I love u”. She replied “Oh, really? :)” And I said “Yes, it’s my favourite vowel”. I can hear music coming out of my printer. I think the papers jammin’ again. I was told that exercise helps with your decision making. It’s true. After going to the gym earlier I’ve decided I’m never going again. My wife says she is sick and tired of me pretending to be a detective all the time, and reckons we should split up. Good idea, we’ll cover more ground that way. Singer Neil Diamond started his career as Neil Coal. He changed his name when the pressure got to him. I tried to teach my dog to dance today. It was useless. He’s got two left feet. I don't get people who go on cruises? It's like taxiing on a plane for a week, then going home. Uber lost over a billion dollars in the last six months so they're asking their drivers to check between the seat cushions.

Governor’s Newsletter

Ÿ I do 5 sit ups every day. It may not







seem like much, but there's only so many times you can hit the snooze button. Wow, I can't believe it's been a whole year since my herb garden was stolen. Where did the thyme go? Are you looking for sage advice? Pringles cans should have a twist mechanism like stick deodorant. Turns out the button on the elevator with the fireman’s hat on it is not the button for a free fireman’s hat. I used to wake up feeling like a million bucks. Now I wake up feeling like a bounced check. You’re never childless when you have a husband Kinda ironic that none of the judges on America's Got Talent are from America... Sorry I told your kid beehives were nature's honey piñatas. The best thing about women is how they can tell you what you really mean when you say something... .... Enjoying music is like eating candy .... The first thing you do is get rid of the Rapper ....

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Club News Elmvale & District Lions Club

Thornton District Lions Club

Angus & District Lions Club Inaugural Charity Golf Tournament Swing for: Health, Heart,Hospice Friday, September16, 2016 Bear Creek Golf Club 11:30am Registration, 12:30pm Tee-off 6:00pm Dinner $100 Registration includes Golf, Cart, Lunch/Dinner & Grab Bag Dinner only: $35 Come and Enjoy Putting Contest, Closest to the Hole, Silent & Live Auction, etc.,etc. $20,000 Hole-in-one Contest $10,000 to Winner $10,000 to Charity For More Information Call Bill @ (705)424-0770 or Sandie @ (705)424-5511

Diabetes Webinars Hello Lions/Lioness

Elmvale Lion Jay Lethbridge at Bear Creek selling truck draw tickets.

Do you or someone in your family have diabetes?

Oro District Lions Club The Club recently contributed to the Thornton Action Committee’s 20th Annual Corn Roast by providing a rental Jumping Castle and inflated fire truck slide for the kids on Sunday, August 7th. It was much appreciated by the Action Committee and well used by many of the children in attendance. Lions Bob and Patti Byers dressed for the occasion even though it was a hot day. A fish pond was also provided for the little ones.

Tractor Tramps Precision Parade Pack

The Ron Weir Charity Classic Golf Tournament. The Oro District Lions have held a fund raising golf tournament on the 3rd Friday in June since 1999. Originally started by PDG Lion Ron Weir as a triclub event to raise monies for the District A12 Gov's project, it has grown to become one of the Oro club's major $ maker. When PDG Lion Ron passed away in the spring of 2008, the Oro Lions and Ron's children and extended family dedicated the tourney in his name- the RON WEIR CHARITY CLASSIC . Friday, June 17, 2016 was our 18th annual RWCC tournament. monies raised supports Hospice Simcoe, and local community projects.

Dear A12 lions CNIB Night Steps is a 5k walk under the stars in support of CNIB programs and services and this year it is coming to Barrie on Thursday, September 15th, 2016. We would love you to be a part of it. Funds raised will help CNIB ensure more individuals who are blind or partially sighted have an opportunity to experience CNIB’s Lake Joseph Centre, an accessible lakefront facility in the heart of Muskoka. Pledges will also bring the joy of reading to adults and children living with vision loss, and every gift will empower members of our community with the skills, confidence and opportunities they need to fully participate in life. We are challenging all Lions Clubs in District A12 to enter a team and help us to raise important funds. Please share this link www.cnibnightsteps.ca with your Lions family and friends to fundraise for us or simply come join us at the event and show your continued support. Together we can make a difference! You can register as a team or an individual and we’ll give you all the tools you need to make fundraising simple and fun! We look forward to seeing you under the stars. Call me with any questions.

Check out our latest series of webinars … this series has a focus on diabetes management. If you can’t make one of the webinars, or you’d like to see one that you missed over the past year, just go to: diabetes.ca/webinars. September 15: "Minding Your Medications" with pharmacist Freda Leung September 21: "How Much is Enough" with registered dietitian Erin Krusky September 29: "The Exercise Solution" with assistant professor Dr. Jonathan Little October 4: "Your Eyes Matter" with optometrist Dr. Bryan Friedmann October 12: "End Diabetes…with Research" with chief science officer Dr. Jan Hux Feel free to forward this to anyone you know who may be interested! Jo JoAnn Warren Branch Coordinator Canadian Diabetes Association Central East Ontario Regional Leadership Centre 1404-64 Cedar Pointe Drive, Barrie, ON L4N 5R7 Ph. (705) 737-3611 ext. 28 joann.warren@diabetes.ca

Where’s the news from all the A-12 Clubs? We want to spread your news and photos to all Lions in A-12 and beyond. Send Stories and Hi-Res Photos to: newsletter@a12lions.org by the 15th of the month.

Andrea Roylance Manager, Community Giving 705 794-5438 andrea.roylance@cnib.ca

Governor’s Newsletter

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What’s Happening in A-12 Hotel Clerk Went Above and What’s Happening Beyond for an Elderly Couple Looking for Help in A-12 A-12 Cabinet Meetings Open to all members of the Lions Family. October 23, 2016 in MacTier February 5, 2017 in Tiny Township March 5, 2017 in Barrie A-12 Convention Open to all members of the Lions Family. April 8 and 9, 2017 in Barrie Holiday Inn & Conference Centre Lions Learning Weekend April 7 & 8, 2017 in Barrie Holiday Inn & Conference Centre Contact 1stVP Randy Hargrave for more details. or email LLW@a12lions.org Zone (District Governor Advisory Meetings) Zone 8 North September 14, 2016 - Wasaga Beach November 16, 2016 - Location TBA February 15, 2017 - Location TBA Zone 8 South September 28, 2016 - Alliston November 24, 2016 - Bradford January 17, 2017 - Bond Head Zone 21 North September 22, 2016 - Sundridge Zone 21 East September 17, 2016 - Dorset November 17 , 2016 - Stephenson January 19, 2016 - Huntsville Zone 21 West September 15, 2016 - MacTier November 8, 2016 - Parry Sound February 8,2017 - Port Carling Zone 36 East September 14, 2016 - Oro & District October 12, 2016 - Washago & District March 2017 - Location TBA Zone 21 West September 20, 2016 - Port McNicoll October 25, 2016 - Victoria Harbour February 16, 2017 -Tiny Township Club Anniversaries Magnetawan - 50th Gravenhurst - 70th Schomberg - 70th Huntsville - 75th Alliston - 80th Barrie-85th Barrie Lioness - 80th Region Rallies Open to all members of the Lions Family. Region 8 - Location & DateTBA Region 21 - Location & Date TBA Region 36 - Location @ Date TBA Webinars For details contact DG Len Day or Webmaster Tim Holmes at webinars@a12lions.org Dates for the A-12 Webinars will be announced online. For LCI webinars check the LCI Website. MD”A” Dates to Remember MD”A” Council Meetings Open to all members of the Lions Family. September 9 -10, 2016 - Markham November 4-5, 2016 - Markham February 9-10, 2017 - Markham MD”A” Convention Open to all members of the Lions Family. May 11-14, 2017 - Kitchener Crowne Plaza Hotel. International Dates to Remember International Conventions 2017 - June 30 - July 4 - Chicago (100th) 2018 - June 29 - July 3 - Las Vegas, Nevada 2019 - July 5 - July 9 - Milan, Italy 2020 - June 26 - June 30 - Singapore 2021 - June 25 -June 30 - Montreal USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forums 2016 - September 15-17 - Omaha, Nebraska 2017 - September 21-23 - Portland, Oregon 2018 - September 20-22 - Columbus, Ohio 2019 - September 19-21 - Spokane, WA www.usacanadalionsforum.org for details.

Easel Fundraising What is it?

A framed item is displayed at a local business, where patrons can place silent auction bids to purchase the item, with net proceeds split between Shoot For A Cure and your Lions club.

One stormy night many years ago, an elderly man and his wife entered the lobby of a small hotel in Philadelphia. Trying to get out of the rain, the couple approached the front desk hoping to get some shelter for the night. “We’d like a room, please,” they husband requested. The clerk, a friendly man with a winning smile, looked at the couple and explained that there were three conventions in town. “All of our rooms are taken,” the clerk said. “But I can’t send a nice couple like you out in the rain at one o’clock in the morning. Would you perhaps be willing to sleep in my room? It’s not exactly a suite, but it will be good enough to make you folks comfortable for the night.” When the couple declined, the clerk insisted. “Don’t worry about me; I’ll make out just fine,” he told them. So the couple agreed to spend the night in his room. As he paid his bill the next morning, the elderly man said to the clerk, “You’re an exceptional man. Finding people who are both friendly and helpful is rare these days. You are the kind of manager who should be the boss of the best hotel in the United States. Maybe someday I’ll build one for you.” Two years passed. The clerk was still managing the hotel in Philly when he received a letter from the old man. It recalled that stormy night and enclosed was a round-trip ticket to New York, asking the young man to pay him a visit. The old man met him in New York, and led him to the corner of Fifth Avenue and 34th Street. He then pointed to a great new building there, a palace of reddish stone, with turrets and watchtowers thrusting up to the sky. “That,” he said, “is the hotel I’d like you to manage.” That old man’s name was William Waldorf Astor, and the magnificent structure was the original Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. The clerk who became the first manager was George C. Boldt. This young clerk never foresaw how his simple act of sacrificial service would lead him to become the manager of one of the world’s most glamorous hotels.

Each easel features a bottom display explaining who benefits from the money raised by the easel auction process. There is no financial or staffing obligation to the business, nor are they assuming any risk or responsibility for the items. All we need is space. Each easel has a lower display showing who benefits from the generosity of the bidders: When does this happen? This is happening now. Once we find a new location, an easel will be placed within a few days. Our partners, Funding Innovation will take care of delivery and set up of the easel, and will maintain the easel, changing the artwork every couple of weeks and contacting the winners of the bids. Where do these easels go? You may have already seen similar programs in place at large retail outlets, restaurants, hospitals, hotels, grocery stores – anywhere with traffic volume and repeat business. If a business can spare 4 square feet of space – the size of an office chair – they can display some beautiful artwork and help their community. Why should Lions club be a part of this? This is a sustainable, repeatable fundraiser. Each easel location averages $1000 - $1500 raised annually for the benefit charity. By partnering with Shoot For A Cure, the Lions’ clubs could earn $500 - $750 for each easel placed in your community. Imagine 10 easels generating $5000 or more annually for your club! How does my Lions club get involved? Your club members know your community best. You can approach a local business where you think an easel might work,speak with the owner / management, and if they are interested we will send our representative to formally pitch and close the deal. Contact: Bill Neilson, Program Administrator, <bneilson@csro.com> 905-508-4000 x227 Canadian Spinal Research Organization

The way to the top with people is not just through service. It’s through extravagant, sacrificial service. When someone goes out of their way to help you, it makes all the difference in the world.

Governor’s Newsletter

Watch this promotional video about the Easel Program http://tinyurl.com/hlhmepn

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