Lions International District A-12 July Newsletter 1 2 3 opti

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Governor’s Newsletter District A-12 District Governor Len Day 2016 - 2017

July 2016

99th Lions Clubs International Convention held in Fukuoka, Japan, June 24 - 28, 2016.

Chancellor Bob Corlew International President

Chancellor Bob Corlew, from Milton, Tennessee, USA, was elected to serve as President of Lions Clubs International at the Association’s 99th International Convention held in Fukuoka, Japan, June 24 through 28, 2016. President Corlew is retired as chancellor for the State of Tennessee and a professor of law. A member of the Murfreesboro Noon Lions Club since 1978, he has held many offices within the association, including charter club president, zone chairperson,district governor, cabinet secretary and council chairperson. He has been instrumental in the chartering of a number of new clubs. Most recently, he worked to charter a new club comprised of lawyers and judges, which gained more than 75 members during its first year. In recognition of his service to the association, he has received numerous awards, including the Leadership Award, the Builder Key Award, three International President's Awards and the Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest honor the association bestows upon its members. He is also a Vanguard of the Melvin Jones None of the Day family really knew what to expect and what Japan Memorial, a Progressive Lindsey-Jennings Fellow would be like, but just like our International Theme it was a New and a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. Mountain to Climb. In addition to his Lions activities, President Corlew has been active in the Boy Scouts of America, the Jaycees and the American Red Cross. He has also served as a councilman in Milton and was a Major in the U.S. Army Reserve. President Corlew and his wife, Dianne, also a Lion and a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, have five children and five grandchildren

Members of My Lions Family Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be the District Governor of A12. On June 19, we left for an experience of a lifetime. None of the Day family really knew what to expect and what Japan would be like, but just like our International Theme it was a New Mountain to Climb. We had a couple of trips to the airport as we could not all get on the same flights and after about 18 hours of travel time we ended in Fukuoka Japan, on June 20. The airport in Fukuoka had many local Lions providing a hand up to the incoming Lions from around the world making sure we able to get to our correct hotels and providing a welcoming smile. On Tuesday every one of the 743 District Governors from around the world met with International President Chancellor Bob Corlew and his wife Lion Dianne we received some orientation and information on membership and providing more service to our communities. I was honored to have a bit of personal time with new International President. The International President is from from Milton, Tennessee, USA During the District Governor Elect seminar we learned more about the international theme for the year and how we are starting our 100th year of service. As Lions we must continue to assess our service and the programs we offer. As Lions we make an enormous impact on our communities though our work in protecting the environment, our work with youth, as we feed the Hungry and our continued work looking after Vision issues. Every year we are asked to provide more service. When we Climb New Mountains we must develop new leaders and new leadership skills. Part of our training was to prepare for the future working as a team to build up and not destroy just like in the District Governor-Elect Leonard Day receives his Certificate after taking part in training to prepare for the future, working as a team to Lions Code of Ethics. As Lions we have to look at build up and not destroy just like in the Lions Code of Ethics. ways to work together as Lions members, as clubs, as zones and regions and districts. We have to have strong members that will make strong club leaders making a stronger organization. Yes there was lots of learning and we must always be willing to learn new things. There was also time to explore and appreciate the local culture. Meeting the people of Japan and the Lions from around the world opens the door to the work we do as an international Organization. Hearing about projects in Asia, Europe, South America, Africa and of course here at home in North America sheds light that we are all doing to give People a Hand Up in Life. It is hard for me to express how important it was for me to be able to share this experience with my family. It was amazing for me to be able to have three generations of Lions in attendance and all still active in our organization. Without their support I would not be able to do what I do. I would not be able to lead some of the best people in the world. I promise to do my best to lead A12 this year and to provide leaders for our future as we provide the added service that is and will be need in the future Lion Len


A12 DG Leonard “Len” Day

A12 Cabinet Secretary Marjorie Lewis Lion Marjorie was inducted into the Gravenhurst Lions Club in July 2006. She has been an involved and active member of the club and has held such positions as Tr e a s u r e r a n d President and has served on many club committees. At the District Level, Marjorie has enjoyed her chair positions as Pins & Recognition and also the Governor’s Newsletter. Marjorie has also loved helping out with various District Conventions and the Lions Learning Weekend as either the Registrar or Treasurer. Marjorie’s passion is to help others which fits so well withvolunteering for the best service club ever – Lions Clubs International. When Marjorie is not working as a Real Estate Administrator she enjoys reading, walking and travelling. Marjorie is happily married to Lion Chris, and they have two children together, Jon and Jess.

Lion Len joined Lions in 1984, a second generation Lion. A former member of the Lions Club of Barrie and the North Bay Lions Club and a Charter Member of the Barrie South Lions club. Lion Len believes that we all Give a Hand up in the lives of those around us. Lion Len is married to Lion Angela and they have two children, Jessica and Zac, both Lions members. Len believes that Lions are a larger extension of his family with three generation of Lions members in his home club including Lions Shirley or as most call her ”Mom” . Lion Len has held most positions in his club and has held several A12 cabinet positions, Len was on MDA membership, extension, retention leadership team in 20062007and 2007-2008 Len has worked with youth and developing future leaders though coaching sports, LEO's and Youth Exchange this has been his passion for a long time. Lion Len has many awards including the following: International Presidents Award of Appreciation, Melvin Jones Fellow, Judge Brian Stevenson Fellowship, Governors Appreciation Award, Lions Extension Award, Lions Foundation of Canada Life member, Knight of Lake Joe, Guardian of Camp Huronda and Honorary Life Director of Lions Camp Dorset Lion Len believes that we can all make our world a better place when we work together. He believes in our Motto, “We Serve”. He knows that every Lion gives 50 people a Hand Up every year and we need to increase the people we serve as the world is desperately asking the Lions to serve more and in different ways. Born in Barrie November 4 1965 Len is employed with Hydro One and the former Ontario Hydro since 1988. Len is an Electronic technologist looking after distribution and transmission system design. Len also has skills in Project management and employee and corporate relations.

Dear Lions Leaders: Quality leadership is key to the future of Lions Clubs International. The Faculty Development Institute program is dedicated to the expansion of our pool of skilled Lions faculty who can deliver leadership training in a professional, educationally sound manner and provide continuity and consistent quality leadership training at all levels of the association. The next Faculty Development Institute for the Lions of United States of America, Its Affiliates, Bermuda & The Bahamas & Canada will be offered in Houston, Texas, USA on November 11-14, 2016. As a Lion leader in this area, your involvement is critical to the success of this innovative program and we seek your assistance to help recruit qualified Lion participants for the institute. Care must be taken to include Lions from different districts within the constitutional area. Qualified candidates are those Lions who have some experience as faculty members at Lions training events, have demonstrated basic instructional skills, and have a keen interest in further developing those skills. (Lions with extensive experience as Lions faculty or as professional trainers are not recommended for this institute but are welcome to apply). The institute will be conducted in English and we will be accepting forty (40) Lions, total. Please download the application and actively encourage qualified candidates to apply. Completed forms must be received by: August 28, 2016. If you have questions or need further information, visit our website or contact us Sincerely, Kathryn H. Ryan Manager, Institutes and SeminarsLeadership Development Division Lions Clubs International & LCIF | 300 W. 22nd St. | Oak Brook, IL | 60523 | USA

Governor’s Newsletter

A Message From Bob Corlew Lions Clubs International Dear Lions of the World, Paris, France; Brussels, Belgium; Orlando, Florida, USA; Dallas, Texas, USA; Istanbul, Turkey; Dhaka, Bangladesh; Nice, France; racial tension in many parts of the world. Why is it happening? When will it stop? How much is enough? These are questions all of us are asking ourselves, and no one is providing any answers. As the global leader in humanitarian service, a central focus is on providing for those less fortunate through a variety of service programs at the international and local level. Over the past two years, as part of our centennial service challenge, we have served 100 million people around the world. We are proud of our selfless service to others. But as much as service is our focus, it doesn't completely define who we are and what we stand for in the world community. One need only review excerpts from Lions Clubs International Purposes to gain a true understanding of our focus beyond service: To Create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world. To Promote the principles of good government and good citizenship. In my inaugural address delivered June 28 in Fukuoka, Japan, I spoke the following words: “As we look at our future, there is another new large mountain which is arising for our world to conquer, and Lions International is the one to help the world climb this new mountain – and that is international relations. The Lions of the world are one family, focused on the goal of providing for others, and creating peace and understanding among the people of the world. We must strive to leave a legacy of world peace, world health, world safety, and world happiness.” In February 1945, Lions' founder Melvin Jones gathered with leaders of other national groups to meet with Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr., and Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affiars, Archibald MacLeish, to discuss forming a United Nations. In April of that year Lions headquarters asked clubs to hold a United Nations week to show support for the initiative. In that spirit, and as we approach our 100th year of humanitarian service, I ask Lions around the world to hold a day of reflection during the week of July 25th. Set aside this day to reflect on how your club can work with local community leaders to nurture peace, lessen violence that has affected so many of our communities, and foster understanding among all peoples. As we pause to reflect, please keep the victims and families of the recent tragedy in Nice, France in your thoughts and prayers Let us be the example of how people of different races, cultures, religions and diverse backgrounds can come together for a common cause. Sincerely,

Chancellor Bob Corlew

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1st Vice District Governor Randy Hargrave

Biography Zone Chair 8N Bill Frieday Lion Bill was born in the O t t a w a Va l l e y i n Arnprior but grew up in Ottawa. As a teen, he delivered telegrams (yes, real telegrams) for Canadian Pacific and some of them to important politicians of the day on Parliament Hill. He graduated High School in Graphic Arts but in those days it was known simply as printing. Bill’s first job however, was in the Fine Paper Business selling paper to printers. This job took him from Ottawa to live in Toronto and then Montreal. His largest paper order was for 1 million dollars to a Montreal Printer who used the paper to print Campbell Soup Labels. Back in Toronto in 1964 working with Victoria Paper Company he had a visitor one day who was about to open a Donut Shop. His name was Tim Horton who at that time was playing with the Toronto Maple Leafs. They had quite a session with Tim and he placed an order to manufacture the first Tim Hortons take-out donut box. Wonder what he would think today if he were alive? Bill became involved in the Figure Skating World not as a skater, but as an executive. This led to almost 15 years as an in-Arena Announcer which took Bill from Coast to Coast in Canada doing Canadian Championships and in that span he was in-Arena announcer for a World Championship and a Junior World Championship. Lion Bill has been a member of the Masonic Lodge for 57 years. And he is a Past Master of his Lodge having served in that capacity 28 years ago. Bill joined the Wasaga Beach Lions Club when he first moved to the Beach in 2006 and he is the current Immediate Past President. The Club has grown to over 60 members this past year. Bill has also been Elected as a Zone Chair 8N for Lions District A-12 On September 8th of this year, Bill and his wife Beverley will celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary. They have 2 Grown Children, 5 Grandchildren and 7 Great Grandchildren. Bill is still the current Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year, having been chosen in May of 2015. They seem to be having some difficulty in replacing him, however, Bill says that he is prepared to serve in that capacity until replaced.

Governor’s Newsletter District A-12

District Governor: Len Day 1st Vice District Governor: Randy Hargrave 2nd Vice District Governor: Bryon McLellan Immediate Past District Governor: Richard Ratensperger Cabinet Secretary: Marj Lewis Treasurer: Shelia Webb Region 8 Chair: Gavin Maclean Lion Randy is a member of the Penetanguishene Lions Club and has held all major positions in the club. He has served four chairs including Diabetes and Camp Huronda and the environment. He received an International Certificate of Appreciation for his “Blue Glove Campaign” helping to raise awareness of diabetes. Randy is a Melvin Jones Fellow, Knight of Lake Joe and a Honourary Guardian of Camp Huronda. Randy firmly believes that giving back to community is one of life’s higher goals and service to others will result in a happier life. He is a dedicated Lion, but has other volunteer interests besides Lionism including: soccer, Tiny township Heritage committee, local soup kitchen, children’s choir treasurer and church committees. Randy is married to Nancy and they have three children and three grandsons. Recently his youngest daughter, Keirstan, became a member of the Penetanguishene Lions Club.

Zone 8s Chair: James Jones Region 21 Chair: PDG Bill Copeman Zone 21n Chair: Cliff Cookman Zone 21e Chair: Gord Henderson Zone 21w Chair: John Jackson

Zone 36e Chair: Jim Rice Zone 36w Chair: Gillian Reynolds; Ÿ Pokemon! The start of the Zombie Apocalypse? Ÿ Well tonight's date night for me and the wife I Ÿ



Editor and Graphics: Bill Frieday Zone Chair 8N


Ÿ Articles and Club News should be Ÿ

Send to:


Zone 8n Chair: Bill Frieday

Region 36 Chair: TIm Holmes

Publisher: DG Len Day

submitted in Word Doc. Ÿ Photographs should be submitted in Hi Resolution.

A-12 District Officers 2016 – 2017



certainly hope we don't run into each other. Shhh! Shhh! Shhh! Shhh! Shhh! Shhh! Shhh! Shhh! Shhh! Shhh! Shhh! Shhh! Shhh! Shhh! Shhh!...... -Librarians arguing Lazy rule #1: Can't reach it. Don't need it. WARNING. If there is a Pokemon outside your front door and you run out to catch it, make sure you have your pants on. Sorry to my neighbours and the police officer that showed up. My only talent is sleeping. I could do it with my eyes closed. Here’s a FedEx joke… Actually, you’ll get it tomorrow. My career is in ruins. It’s great being an archaeologist. Babe, I swear I wasn’t cheating. I was playing Pokémon GO and there was a Jiggypuff at her house. I ain’t know she was your bestfriend The Tenors changed the lyrics to our beloved anthem????? Kiss your career goodbye who ever you are. Never heard of you before. Will never hear of you again. Good luck trying to get back into Canada. Who says building a border wall won't work? The Chinese built one over 2,000 years ago and they still don't have any Mexicans. There's no way that whatever mothballs prevent is worse than the smell of mothballs.

Governor’s Newsletter

Global Membership From the final results, it is apparent we have much to be proud of such as… We were one of only nine Districts in Canada with positive membership growth! We were in the 2nd quintile in New Member Attraction Rate, Net Growth, and Family Member percentage! We increased our Women Member % by 1.2% or 12 additional women members! We turned around a membership deficit of -16 in 2014-15 to +1 in 2015-16 – which means we are able to impact the lives of an additional 850 people in our communities! Thanks to all of you for your efforts to grow service by growing membership. During officer training recently, we discussed goals and it was great to hear that membership growth and new club development were top of mind by the new cabinet officers. I am confident that we will be even more successful in the coming year! It has definitely been a honour to serve with you as Global Membership Team Coordinator over these past two years. PDG Chris Lewis Global Membership Team Coordinator 20142016 571 David St E Gravenhurst ON CANADA P1P 1M1 705.687.2144 h | 705.687.7105 f | 705.644.3080 c

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District Governor's Project 2016-2017

This project covers one or two of our centennial service projects as we will be engaging our youth bettering the lives of up to 90 campers per week and helping possibly preventing Blindness as we know that Diabetic Retinopathy affects approximately 23% of people with type 1 This year I have selected Camp Huronda to be my District Governor's project. Camp Huronda is the only camp facility owned by the diabetes and 14% of people with type 2 diabetes on insulin therapy. Canadian Diabetes Association and the only camp that runs a full Camp Huronda runs the following programs: summer program. Camp Huronda is located on the shores of Lake Waseosa in Ontario's beautiful Muskoka area. It occupies 100 acres Sessions A, B, C and D: Two week sessions, ages seven to 15 of land and includes gorgeous waterfront areas, a cool forest, and Sessions C1 and C2: One week sessions, ages seven to 11 At full rugged hiking and mountain bike trails. Camp Huronda is celebrating capacity, Camp Huronda accommodates 90 summer campers. Camp Huronda program staff come from all over the world. Many of our staff its 45th year on Lake Waseosa and 52nd year of operation. have been campers at Huronda since they were first diagnosed. Our The Camp has a few wish list items the number 1 priority is the program team all complete a comprehensive one-and-a-half week of Upgrade to the docks and water front as well as upgrades to cabins staff training as well as various assignments prior to camp. and the bike shed. I believe that the A12 Lions family can raise over $30,000.00 for this project from the past history of our donations. This Campers live in rustic cabins with their cabin mates and counsellors. would make a great Lions Legacy Project and we would be giving Cabins are equipped with cots or bunk beds and bed-side dressers, have emergency exits in the rear of the cabins and are also equipped many Youth A Hand Up in Life. with fire extinguisher and smoke detectors. Each cabin has an area As many of you know I have been very involved in youth project for blood glucose (sugar) testing and supplies for treating lows, which thought out my years as a Lion. You may not know that my are checked and replenished on a daily basis. grandmother was Diabetic and Zac's best friend from Elementary All camper cabins have live-in counsellors who sleep overnight at school is diabetic. As Lions we encouraged his family to send Sean to camp to support our campers. Camp Huronda operates at a 3:8 ratio, the camp so he could become more independent and accept his meaning there are three counsellors for a maximum of eight campers condition. Camp Huronda was a life changing experience for this per cabin. young man in grade 7.

Lions, Lioness and Leos

A12 DG Len Day

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Lions Donor Appreciation Day -


July 23rd (12:00pm to 3:30pm) Camp Huronda 1252 South Waseosa Lake Road, Huntsville, Ontario Please join me at Camp Huronda this year as we celebrate YOU, the generous Lions and Lioness who have contributed to Camp Huronda this year and in the past, for specific projects, for work-bees and for funding our campership program to send children with Type 1 diabetes to Camp! You deserve to be appreciated in person and it’s a great opportunity to see the Camp. Agenda for the day is as follows: 12:00 - 12:30pm - Arrival and Meet and Greet 12:30 - 1:15pm - BBQ Lunch 1:15 pm - Welcome and Start of Tour 1:30 pm - Start of Camp Tour* 3:00 pm - Wrap up and Thank you *During the Camp Tour donors will be able to see a typical day at D Camps in general activity. See you at Camp Huronda!

Lion Jo JoAnn Warren, Branch Coordinator Canadian Diabetes Association 1404-64 Cedar Pointe Drive Barrie, ON

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July 23, 2016

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Camper’s Cabin Flashback to July 2007

2007 A-12 District Governor Jim Hilt along with Zone Chair Ruth Dutt (L) presents a cheque to Camp Huronda and to camp councillorTaylor Hoit (blue shirt). Lion Ruth Dutt is a member of Wasaga Beach Lions Club and Taylor Hoit is granddaughter of Lion Bill Frieday, Wasaga Beach Lions Club.

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Youth Exchange Creating Global Citizens Across Cultures and Around the World


The Youth Camp and Exchange Program (YCE) brings the ideal of global citizenship to life. Each year this program gives thousands of young people the opportunity to experience life in other cultures and gain new understanding of the world through travel abroad. Unlike some youth exchange programs, YCE does not involve academic study or employment. Instead, participants are encouraged to use this travel opportunity to represent their home countries and share their own culture while learning about and embracing a new one, forging the way to becoming young ambassadors for peace and international understanding. YCE is composed of various Lions Youth Exchanges and/or Lions Youth Camps arranged by Lions clubs around the world. A Lions Youth Exchange, or “host family stay,” can be arranged independent of a Lions youth camp in hundreds of countries where there are Lions clubs and typically lasts between four and six weeks. Lions Youth Camps are one or two weeks long and usually include a host family stay before and/or after the camp. Activities for both exchanges and camps can include visits to places of cultural or natural interest, sporting events, country presentations by participants, guided discussion, and even engagement in local service projects alongside Lions club members. The success of the Lions YCE program is a result of effective communication between all Lions involved in program implementation whether they are sending youth abroad, receiving and hosting youth, or both! Here are some photos reliving the activities of Youth Exchange visiting and staying with families of Lions in District A-12.

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Youth Exchange

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Club News Mission Accomplished! Wasaga Beach Lions Club Helps Purchase UTV Rescue Unit The second annual Wasaga Beach Motorcycle Rally was a huge success attracting more than double the predicted number of motorcycles. Funds raised partly through the Mayor’s Ride Saturday morning, means that the Wasaga Fire Department now has its first utility terrain vehicle (UTV). The first Rally attracted 8,000 motorcycles. Mike Dunphy, organizer of the Rally, said he predicted it would attract 16,000 motorcycles this year. “It’s much bigger this year. We’ve got a lot more people coming in. We’ve got a lot of bikes coming in from Quebec this year,” he said Saturday morning before the fundraising Mayor’s Ride set out. “Our Facebook page has gone from 2,500 likes to 8,500 likes in one year. We are reaching upwards to 50,000 people when we are posting,” he said. But solid days of hot sunny weather and warm nights brought out more participants than projected. The Wasaga Beach Motorcycle Rally posted on Facebook Monday morning that attendance for Saturday alone was 30,000 bikes. Dunphy said it would take about a week to calculate total participation numbers and that they are using video footage from a drone to make the determination. “Everybody wants to go for a ride. That’s the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the ride by making it a charity component. People like to give things to a good cause and that’s why I’ve chosen to do the Mayor’s Ride in conjunction with Mayor Brian Smith,” said Dunphy. Money raised from the Mayor’s Ride went toward the purchase of a 2016 Polaris Ranger XP 900 utility terrain vehicle (UTV) with special equipment including a stretcher, lights and sirens, and tracks for use on snow. “The unit was purchased with all the money from the Mayor’s Ride, J&R Cycle, the Central Ontario ATV club and Wasaga Beach Lions Club” Soren Klemmensen, director of the Central Ontario ATV Club (COATV) said it’s extremely important the fire department have such a vehicle. “One third of this town is provincial park where the fire department has a very hard time getting to,” he said. While fire trucks can go anywhere there is roads, they have a difficult time getting to a needed rescue either on the beach or in interior forest trails. “It’s very hard for the fire department to get in and rescue people,” Klemmensen said. The fire department has had to commandeer private snowmobiles in the past to rescue people in the bush, he added. The COATV started the collection for the UTV after a member had the idea and the club worked to get its sponsors and other sponsors on board. Mayor Smith, his wife Joanne Blohm Smith and Wasaga Beach Fire Chief Mike McWilliam took part in Saturday’s ride on their own motorcycles. The 2017 Wasaga Beach Motorcycle Rally will be held July 14-16.

Wasaga Beach Lions 3rd Annual Canada Day Pancake Breakfast Wasaga Beach Lions Club wishes to express gratitude to all who helped make the 2015 Canada Day Pancake Breakfast such a success. We'd planned for 30% less attendance this year with the rainy weather but in fact we hit the 2015 mark almost spot-on! This year's Pancake Breakfast turned out to be a tremendous rallying point for the community and a feel-good event all the way around, especially when the entire crowd in our huge tent stood and sang O'Canada! Our Club served complimentary breakfasts to the Neema Children Choir from Uganda, who rocked the main stage with their singing and dancing. Thank you to our guest Pancake Flipper Wasaga Beach Mayor Brian Smith , new Councillor Joe Belanger and those from Town Hall who paid us a visit during the morning. This event was made possible by the generous sponsorship Sunset Grill and Tim Horton's both at Stonebridge Town Centre who supplied food and coffee respectively as well as our good friends and fellow members from Taste of Paradise who supplied the plates, cutlery, napkins, serving equipment and those delicious Canada Day Cupcakes. A special thank you to all of our amazing members and volunteers. The support of the Town of Wasaga Beach was outstanding supplying the facilities for our Club to hold the event. Thanks to all for your incredible support! For more information on Wasaga Beach Lions Club's work in the community, perhaps wanting to join us and help to do our job call 705429-3331. Leave a message we’ll get back to you soon.

Governor’s Newsletter

Honourary Lion Wasaga Beach Mayor Brian Smith(L) helps flipping pancakes with Lion John Tindale and Lion Jayne Nelson. Over 400 attended on a rainy Canada Day for delicious Pancakes and Butter and Syrup and Sausages.

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Club News Sundridge Lions Club

Elmvale & District Lions Club Charity Golf Tournament

Golf Tournament Convenor Murry Truax (centre) poses with the winning team. All proceeds from the Golf Tournament are to go to Child and Youth Mental Health Program at Royal Victoria Hospital.

Lion Alison Hines presenting Lion President Monty Hall with a Melvin Jones Fellowship.

Lion Murry Truax and his Golf Tournament Helpers. Elmvale Lions Events are always spectacular and this year’s Golf Tournament was no exception! Well done Elmvale Lions!

Lion President Monty presenting Lion Evelyn Cox with the Lion of the Year award. Lion Alison Hines is in the background.

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Club News Barrie South Lions Club Golf Tournament


Photos from Barrie South Lions 1st Ugly Pants Spring Classic Golf Tournament. The winter like weather didn't stop some good golf and fun times at Tangle Creek Golf and Country Club.

Have a listen and view Rogers TV video with Lions Len Day, Tim Holmes and Matt Robins in a pre-game day interview. Go to: =237&rid=23&gid=252389

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