MTCES golden jubilee souvenir 2017

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Golden Jubilee Souvenir 1966-2016

The Mar Thoma Church Educational Society St Thomas Nagar, Mukkolakkal P O, Trivandrum 695 043 Tel: 0471 2511122 | Fax: 0471 2732600 email: |

Contents Pages Messages From the Editor's Desk

4 – 12 15

Present Office Bearers & Golden Jubilee Celebrations Core Committee & Sub Committees


MTCES: The Milestones


History of the MTCES


Progenitors, Patrons & Presidents of the Society 1966-2016


View from the Management


Report of Golden Jubilee Celebrations


Golden Jubilee Projects


Perspectives in Educations


What Ails India's Education System...


Enhancing Quality of Education


Memoirs & Reminiscences


Alumni Talks


Our Institutions


Heads of our Institutions & Staff Photos


Facilities in our Institutions


MTCES Photo Album



Cover Design: Artist Bhattathiri | Inner Pages Design & Layout : ABC Color Systems, Tvpm. # 0471-2473911 | Printed at : Akshara Offset, Tvpm. # 0471-2471174

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13,14)

Messages MAR THOMA SYRIAN CHURCH OF MALABAR Philipose Mar Chrysostom Mar Thoma Valiya Metropolitan Jubilee Home, Maramon, Kerala-689 549 Ph: 0468 2211212 (P) 2211212 (O & Fax) Cell: 9847 03 26 23 E-mail : <>

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


It is indeed great pleasure for me to write a few words for the souvenir publishing to commemorate the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Mar Thoma Church Educational Society, Trivandrum. This society gives quality education to the community. Let us thank God for all the blessings we received during these years. Let us thank God with gratitude for the leaders who are instrumental to start this Society and praise God for their vision. This mile stone may help the Society to re-dedicate for the committed service with values to impart quality education to the community. I pray and wish every success to the Golden Jubilee Celebrations. With blessings,

Philipose Mar Chrysostom Mar Thoma Valiya Metropolitan



Poolatheen. Tiruvalla P.0., Pathanamthitta Dist., Kerala - 689 101, India Ph: 0469-2630313, 2602626(O), 2601 210(P), Mob: 9447370700,9961963090, E-mail: metropolitan@marthoma.irr

I assure my blessings and prayers

Dr. Joseph Marthoma Metropolitan 25-10-2016


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

I am happy to learn that Mar Thoma Church Educational society, Trivandrum is celebrating its Golden Jubilee and a Souvenir is being published on this occasion. Thank God for the enormous blessings that we have received as an educational society for the last five decades. I do appreciate the Administrators, Principals, teaching and the non-teaching staff for their selfless service these years. I am extremely proud of this institution. It does have a great legacy of Academic Excellence and social commitment. We have to remember that we are supposed to carry forward this great heritage. Learning is not a process limited to schools and colleges only, nor does it end with the conclusion of one’s school career. It is indeed a lifelong process. This school is oriented to the total formation of a student and to adaptations of various methods suiting the dynamics of changing world in order to achieve goals and objective through value based initiatives. Through shared vision, academic pursuits and love and faith in God, may the Almighty bless you to continue the God entrusted mission of structuring human minds though class room interactions and extracurricular activities and mould them to be citizens with character and genuineness. I wish and pray that this magazine be a source of encouragement and inspiration to everyone who gets a chance to glance at it.



02 September 2016

I am very glad to know that the Mar Thoma Church Educational Society, Thiruvananthapuram, intends to bring out a Souvenir in connection with its Golden Jubilee celebrations in September 2016.

Hon'ble Justice (Retd) P Sathasivam MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Governor, Kerala

I do hope that the Souvenir will highlight the accomplishments of the various institutions functioning under the educational society. I wish the celebrations as well as the commemorative volume all success.

[Justice (Retd.) P. Sathasivam]

Tel: 0471-2721100 | Fax: 0471-2720266



The Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius | Diocesan Bishop Rev. Saji Joseph | Diocesan / Bishop Secretary Mob. 9833304224 Mr. P. K. Achankunju | Diocesan Treasurer Mob. 9821442565 Mar Thoma Centre, Plot No. 18, Sector 10A, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400 703 Tel. : 022-2765 7141 | (P) 022-2766 9484 | (O) 022-2766 9486 E-mail : URL. :

September 1, 2016 I am glad that Mar Thoma Church Educational Society, Mukkolakkal, Trivandrum is celebrating Golden Jubilee and publishing a Souvenir to commemorate the occasion. I wish the program God’s blessings and the publication of the Souvenir all success. I appreciate the leadership given by the President and members of the Society.

ness and leading everyone from death to eternal life. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to greet all the members through this Souvenir. May the insights we derive through the various events of the Society, the various messages we hear from our spiritual leaders and the strength we gain through the team work of the community enable the faith community to march forward with greater vision and enthusiasm to glorify God, carry out the ministry given to the Church and also for building up the Kingdom of God on earth. The grace of God be with everyone Yours in Christ’s Ministry

Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Episcopa Mumbai Diocese


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

I am also glad that I was associated in the growth of the Society for a term of 7 years when I was the Diocesan Episcopa with the Diocesan office in Trivandrum. It was the time of the expansion of the Society in purchasing a plot of land and starting a new nursery section at Kumarapuram, completing the construction of the chapel on the campus, starting a B Ed College in Mananthala and purchasing the plot of land near the campus of Kerala University where subsequently an Engineering College has come up. It gave me great joy working with a very committed team of people committed to the cause of imparting education. Let the mission and ministry envisaged by the founder fathers, cradled through the various committees of the Society from time to time and now grown to the celebration of the golden jubilee, prove to be a right instrument in the hands of God in removing the ignorance and leading the people to knowledge, darkness of the world to shining bright-


J.M.M. Centre (Mar Thoma Kendram), Mannanthala P.O., Thiruvananthapuram - 695 015 Phone: +91 471 2530540 (O), 2533636 (P) Email: Website:

I am so happy to greet you through the pages of this souvenir. Along with all students, staff and management let us thank God for the wonderful ways the Almighty lead us the fifty long years. Now St. Thomas institutions have achieved a prestigious position among other educational institutions. As the president of all the schools and its society, I congratulate all students, staff, for their dedicated and committed work for the school. Education is for the coming generation. Education will help us to know ourselves. Education help us to be good citizens.

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Let us work together for the growth of the school, society and the country. I wish and pray for a blessed Golden Jubilee Celebration for the St. Thomas family. Sincerely Trivandruam, 12-12-2016

Joseph Mar Barnabas Episcopa


Mar Thoma Valiya Metropolitan

OLIVET ARAMANA, Thittamel, Chengannur, Kerala, India - 689 121 Ph. : 0479-2454747, 2456667, Fax. 0479-2452727, Mob.9447066957 email: |

Dearly Beloved in Christ I am happy to note that The Mar Thoma Church Educational Society is publishing a souvenir commorerating its Golden Jubilee. I praise God for the wonderful blessing the Mar Thoma Church Educational Society has been for our land in the past years and for the great service that MTCES is rendering for the community. Thank God for the abundant mercies the Lord has bestowed. An Educational Institution is a beacon of hope and light for the thousands - of children who pass it through. It serves as a moulding cup for shaping the character and future of a student and prepare him to face the challenges of an competitive world.

Yours in Christ Service

Rt. Rev. Thomas Mar Timotheos Episcopa


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

I appreciate this team effort of the Souvenir Editorial Board for the hardwork behind this endeavour. May all your activities be a blessing and may this Educational Society be landmark of Holistic upliftment of the students passing through its institutions.



Rt. Rev. Dr. ABRAHAM MAR PAULOS EPISCOPA Hermon Aramana, Adoor - 691 523, Pathanamthitta Dist., Kerala, India | Tel: +91 4734 228240(O), 229130 (P) E-mail: | Web:

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Dearly Beloved in Christ, I am very happy to know that ‘The Mar Thoma Church Educational Society’ is celebrating the Golden Jubilee and you are publishing a Souvenir to mark the occasion. 50 years of service to the human community is a very valuable thing. I had the special privilege to share in the growth and development of this educational ministry. I fondly remember the fellowship and celebrations from being a small community to a very large umbrella organization imparting values and knowledge to thousands of children with dedication and passion. I applaud the visionary leadership of the pioneers and valuable services of the many teachers through these years who lifted this institution to the present level of recognition and greatness. The Mar Thoma Church is an Eastern, Evangelical and Ecumenical church. It is a community with a vision for mission. The motto of the Mar Thoma Church is “Lighted to Lighten.” The revival and the spiritual awakening in the Malankara aroused a great passion for mission. The small church widened her vision and sent `missionaries’ far and wide to serve the people of this oikomene. The Metropolitan Abraham Mar Thoma coined a dictum: “Every Marthomite is a missionary.” The church as a ‘called out community’ is

challenged and shaken by the forces of globalization and urbanization. The cultural, ethnic, national and denominational identities are undermined in the new world order, especially in the metropolitan cities of the world. Jesus is the hope of the world reconciling peoples and nations within the frame of his love. Jesus came into this world as a human being. God’s love for this world is demonstrated through the establishment of the Kingdom of God. The ‘new heaven and new earth’ is a place of freedom, justice and peace. The world in which we live in today is waiting in earnest to hear the good news of the coming reign of God. We see and hear signs of death and decay from all corners. Peoples and nations are in distress and disarray. Who is out there to bring ‘release to the captives, freedom to the oppressed and preach the year of the Lord?’ So, the church has only one mission that is to herald the reign of God into all situations of our world. We are called to be ‘the light of the world’ and ‘the salt of the earth’. We have to be a ‘sign and sacrament of the Kingdom of God’. There is no short-cut! It is hard work and we have to become his disciples and in turn ‘apostles’ to preach the message of the Kingdom to the ends of the earth. My prayer is that ‘The Mar Thoma Church Educational Society’, as you celebrate the Golden Jubilee, would commit yourselves to be a truly missionary community. May the healing presence of God and the Good News of the love of Jesus spread in all possible means and ways. We should deliberately cultivate the ecumenical spirit and a sense of openness to usher in the ‘fresh winds of God’ to vivify this nation with heavenly blessings. May God who “called us out of darkness to His marvelous light” lead and guide us to do his will and bring some affirmative difference to our world with the power of the Gospel. My best wishes and prayers are with you for the Golden Jubilee Celebration and the publication of the Jubilee Souvenir. May God bless all your humble endeavors for His greater glory. In His service,

Dr. Abraham Mar Paulos Episcopa 24-10-2016

Messages Prof. C. Raveendranath Minister for Education Government of Kerala

16th October 2016

I am very happy to learn that The Mar Thoma Church Educational Society is celebrating its Golden Jubilee and releasing a souvenir to commemorate the occasion. It is pleasant to note that the educational establishments under the Society have attained remarkable success in fulfilling the academic objectives and encouraging the co-curricular activities of the students. I hope that the souvenir will be a testimony of this achievement.

Prof. C. Raveendranath

I wish all the best to the people who associated with the publication.

Minister for Education Government of Kerala 11 C. Raveendranath

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Office: Vth Floor, Room No. 505, Government Secretariat Annexe, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 001 Phone: Office: 0471-2327574, Fax: 0471-2332133, Res: 0487-2383229 Mobile: 9447973300, Website:

Messages Dr. Shashi Tharoor

Member of Parliament, (Loksabha) Thiruvananthapuram

15th October 2016

Dr. Shashi Tharoor

Member of Parliament Thiruvananthapuram

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


I am delighted to learn of the golden jubilee celebrations at the Mar Thoma Church Educational Society and the St Thomas Residential School, an institution that along with the other St Thomas schools and colleges, spread across three campuses in Thiruvananthapuram, brings high quality CBSE and lCSE education to nearly 8500 students. In the last fifty years, the St Thomas Residential School, the oldest in the MTCES family, has gone from strength to strength and is today, I understand, ranked among the top fifteen schools in the country by Learning Point India. I send the MTCES and the Residential School, as well as all its sister institutions, my best wishes for the golden jubilee celebrations and look forward to their continued progress and growth in the years to come.

Shashi Tharoor

111, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi 110 001 India Phone +91 11 23034135 | Fax +91 11 23014555 26/1592, Pulimoodu-Govt Press Road, Thiruvananthapuram 695 001 Kerala India Phone +91 471 2324555 | Fax+91 471 2324666 •

Messages Words of wisdom For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. (Prov: 2:6) If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him. (James 1:5) For wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul; discretion will watch over you, understanding will guard you. (Prov 2:10, 11) And he said to man, ’Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.' (Job 28:28) The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge. (Prov 18:15) Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. (Prov 9:9) For the upright shall dwell in the land and the perfect shall remain in it. (Prov 2:21) Let not mercy and truth forsake thee; bind them about thy neck, write them upon the table of thine heart. So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man. (Prov 3:3, 4) Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths. (Prov3:5.6) Happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man that getteth understanding. (Prov 3:13)

Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eye lids. Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter and as a bird from the hand of the fowler. (Prov 6:4, 5) My son, keep thy father’s commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother. Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck. (Prov 6:20, 21) A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (Prov 17:22) A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches and loving favour rather than silver and gold. (Prov 22:1) Make no friendship with a man given to anger; nor go with a wrathful man; lest you learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare. (Prov 22:24, 25) A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. (Prov: 25:11)

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Enter not into the path of the wicked and go not in the way of evil men. (Prov 4:14)


Golden Jubilee Souvenir Publication Committee Chairman Shri Mathew George

Convener Shri P.M. John

Committee Members Shri T K Joseph Shri T C George Shri Baby John Dr Mathew Philip

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Shri George Mathew Shri Biju Jacob Shri Mohan Abraham

From the Editor's Desk

Time to count blessings, Commit anew


cade journey. It’s been a daunting task to encapsulate milestones, memories and momentous occasions in a single volume but we’ve done our best, thanks to graceful guidance from His Grace Most Rev. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan, His Grace Most Rev. Philipose Mar Chrysostom, Valia Metropolitan and Rt. Rev Joseph Mar Barnabas Episcopa, President MTCES and commendable contributions from the members of the Society and the Publication Committee, the Secretary, Treasurer and the staff of MTCES. We believe that the black & white and the sepia-tinged photographs of Metropolitans, bishops, priests and lay leaders of the Mar Thoma church, who founded the school, and the retrospection of our milestones will continue to inspire us. Our sincere thanks to luminaries like Dr D.Babu Paul, Shri T.P. Srinivasan, Rev. Dr Valson Thampu, and Dr Kuncheria P. Isaac, Prof. Dr. George Varghese, and the former Principals for their enriching articles. On behalf of the Publication Committee I thank everyone who has chipped in to make this painstaking and arduous effort a memorable one. We hope our readers would be inspired, surfing past the milestones, reading the pangs of birth and the passion of creating a legacy that is truly unparalleled. The Jubilee is also a time to rededicate ourselves and continue in His service. Let’s share a verse from the Bible to sum up, "... And in the wilderness, where you saw how the Lord your God carried you, just as one carries a child, all the way that you travelled until you reached this place.". (Deuteronomy 1: 31) Hcp a-\pjy³ X-sâ aI-s\ h-ln-¡p-¶-Xp-t]m-se \n-§Ä Cu Øe-¯p F-¯p-thm-fw \-S-¶ FÃm h-gn-bnepw \n-§-fp-sS ssZ-ham-b b-tlm-h \n§-sf h-ln-¨p F-¶p \n-§Ä I­p-htÃm I wish to thank each and every person who magically gave life to these pages. Wishing you all a wonderful Read. May God bless you. P.M. John Member, Executive Committee & Convenor, Publication Committee


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

he jubilee year is a time to thank God. The Word of God in Leviticus25:10 say: “And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for you ...” Hearts brimming with gratitude to God, we approach the Jubilee year of the Mar Thoma Church Educational Society (MTCES). When the Society began in 1966, we had just six students in a thatched shed at Nanthencode. And now? Over 9,000 students in eight educational institutions! As we read in Deuteronomy10:21, “He is your praise. He is your God, who has done for you great and terrifying things that your eyes have seen.” The Society has grown not just in numbers but in esteem, as our institutions have made a name for themselves with a remarkable standing over these 50 years. Good reputation is the result of sustained and dedicated hard work over the years. Our institutions are what they are today because of visionary leaders and tireless and top-drawer work done by various teams. Thanks to strong academics, top-notch and dynamic extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, as well as the We’ve so much to consistent performance of thank God for. Let’s our students, we are rated rededicate ourselves as one of the best in the to His service this year of the jubilee. country today. There is no short-cut to success, and there is no magic to groom students who excel in their studies and whose character is shaped by moral values. We believe the ‘tri-polar’ bonding between the school, students and the parents is the key to the spiritual nurturing of the students and creating an environment for effective learning. We feel grateful and honoured that God has used the Society as an instrument to impart knowledge to thousands of students and remain as a beacon of Christian values. It is indeed a matter of privilege and honour for us to bring to you this Golden Jubilee souvenir, which is an attempt to revisit, though briefly, a memorable five de-

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society 16


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

PRESIDENT MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Dr. Rajan Varghese

Shri. Mathew John


Dr. M.O. Koshy





Rt. Rev. Joseph Mar Barnabas Episcopa

Executive Committee of MTCES 2015-2018: Sitting L-R: Dr. P.A. Thomas, Shri. Mathew John, Treasurer, Dr. Rajan Varghese, Secretary, Rt. Rev. Joseph Mar Barnabas Episcopa, President, Dr. M.O. Koshy, Vice President, Shri. P.M. John, Shri. A.J. Thomaskutty Standing L-R: Mr. Manoj Kurian Koshy, Dr. George Varghese, Shri. Rajeev Varghese, Shri. Jacob Mathew, Dr. A. Abraham, Shri. Joju Samuel, Dr. Mary Iype.

Golden Jubilee Core Committee

Shri P M Abraham IAS (Retd) Chairman

Shri Abraham Thomas Convenor

Golden Jubilee Celebrations Sub Committees Publication Committee

Publicity Committee

Shri Jacob George Shri Manoj Kurian Koshy Chairman Convenor

Committee Members Shri Biju Jacob Shri P T Mathew Poikayi Smt Rebecca Thomas Dr Jacob Thomas Prof G Jacob Shri Alex Joseph Shri Thomas K Jacob, Paruthipara


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Shri Mathew George Shri P M John Chairman Convenor

Committee Members Shri T K Joseph Shri T C George Shri Baby John Dr Mathew Philip Shri George Mathew Shri Biju Jacob Shri Mohan Abraham

Reception Committee

Shri M D Philoman Shri A J Thomaskutty Chairman Convenor

Committee Members Shri Thomas K Thomas Shri Alex Thomas Shri Philip George Shri K J Mathewkutty Shri P L Mathew Shri Santhosh John Shri Joju Samuel

Programme Committee

Shri Thomas Jacob Dr A Abraham Chairman Convenor

Committee Members Shri Mathew Thomas Shri George Joseph Shri Thomas Cherian Shri John Varghese Nanthencode Shri Aby Isaac Shri Dennis Joseph Shri Kuruvilla G K

Committee for Entertainment / Cultural Programmes

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Shri Cherian Varghese Dr Mary Iype Chairman Convenor

Committee Members Shri P C Thomas Shri M C Jacob Shri Kuruvilla Thomas Shri Dennis Joseph Dr Sumod Mathew Koshy Adv Mridul John Mathew Shri P G Pappachen

Refreshment Committee

Shri George Thomas C Shri Jacob Mathew Chairman Convenor

Committee Members Capt Sam Prasad Shri Geordie Chacko Shri Thomas Mammen Shri K Alex Shri John C Cherian Shri T Sunny Shri Kurien Mathews Shri K K Cherian Shri John Varghese

MTCES the Milestones : MTCES founders meet.

11th May, 1966

: Registration of MTCES under the Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act of 1955.

6th June, 1966

: St Thomas Residential School started in a rented house at Nanthencode.

January 1967

: 5.65 acres of land purchased at Mukkolakkal.

14th Sept, 1968

: Foundation stone for school building laid at Mukkolakkal

25 March, 1970

: St Thomas Residential School (STRS) shifted to new building.

20 May, 1970

: First day of school at the Mukkolakkal Campus.

17th Feb, 1972

: STRS received affiliation to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE).

25th Feb 1973

: Stanley Jones Hostel dedicated (for Senior Boys).

18th June 1973

: First school bus started plying city roads.

31st Oct, 1973

: First batch of students presented for ICSE Board Examination.

22 June, 1975

: Mathews Mar Athanasius Boys Hostel opened

18th July, 1976

: Girl’s Hostel dedicated.

27th June, 1976

: Juhanon Mar Thoma Auditorium opened.





MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

15th March, 1966

June, 1982

: Indian School Certificate (I.S.C. – Std XI and Std XII) course started.

March, 1984

: First batch for I.S.C. (Std XII) presented for examination.

June, 1984

: Mar Thoma High School started (State Syllabus)

June, 1984

: Thomas Mar Athanasius Girls Hostel opened

19 June, 1985

: Three-storied Mar Thoma High School building inaugurated by the then Education Minister Shri T.M. Jacob

June, 1985

: Computer studies introduced as an optional subject for ICSE

June, 1986

: New nursery block with Play Park completed.

28 Jan, 1987

: Mrs. Margaret Alva, Hon. Union Minister of State of Sports, opened Mar Thoma Stadium.

November, 1990

: St Thomas Central School started

6 June, 1991

: Silver Jubilee celebrations of MTCES inaugurated by Shri Arjun Singh, Hon. Minister for Human Resource, Govt. of India.

July, 1993

: St Thomas Central School received CBSE affiliation.

March, 1994

: First batch of STCS students appeared for Standard X Board examination.

3 July, 1998

: Dedication of the St Thomas Chapel.

29th August, 2002

: St Thomas School received the first National Computer Literacy Award.

1st Nov, 2002

: Foundation Stone of St Thomas Tower laid by The Most Rev Dr Philipose Mar Chrysostom, Metropolitan of the Mar Thoma Church and Rt. Rev. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius, President MTCES

26th July, 2003

: Dedication of St Thomas Tower by the Most Rev Dr Philipose Mar Chrysostom, Metropolitan of the Mar Thoma Church and Rt. Rev. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius, Episcopa, President MTCES


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society





: Inauguration of St Thomas Play School

7 July, 2005

: Shri. E.T. Mohammed Basheer, Hon. Minister for Education, inaugurated St Thomas Training College (STTC)

August, 2005

: St Thomas Play School started

17 May, 2006

: The Most Rev Dr Philipose Mar Chrysostom, Metropolitan, and other Bishops of the Mar Thoma Church dedicated the new Building of STTC

28th Dec, 2008

: Foundation stone laid for St Thomas Institute for Science and Technology (STIST)

May, 2010

: STIST granted approval by AICTE.

1st July, 2010

: STIST dedicated by Most Rev Dr Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan and Rt Rev Thomas Mar Timotheos, President, Episcopa MTCES

31st Oct, 2011

: Rt Rev Thomas Mar Timotheos Episcopa laid the foundation stone for St Thomas Public School

31st May, 2012

: Chief Minister Oommen Chandy inaugurated STIST.

9 June, 2013

: St Thomas Public School building consecrated by Rt Rev Thomas Mar Timotheos Episcopa.

19th June, 2013

: St Thomas Public School started functioning

8 March, 2014

: Formal inauguration of St Thomas Public School

26 March, 2016

: Foundation Stone for new Auditorium laid by Rt Rev Thomas Mar Timotheos Episcopa, President, MTCES.

6th January, 2017

: Golden Jubilee celebrations inaugurated by Justice (Retd.) P. Sathasivam, Hon'ble Governor of Kerala.

18th January, 2017

: Former Office Bearers and Founder Members honoured by the Society.






We are marching ahead.....


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

23rd Nov 2004

“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed ……… Nothing will be impossible for you.” Mathew 7 : 20


he Mar Thoma Church Educational Society (MTCES) was started on 11th May, 1966, with the objective of

establishing and running a first class English Medium Residential School in Trivandrum. The first recorded official meeting of the progenitors of MTCES was on 15th March, 1966, under the presidentship of the Metropolitan of the Mar Thoma Church, Rt Rev Dr. Juhanon Mar Thoma. It was decided at the meeting to constitute the Mar Thoma Church Educational

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Society in Trivandrum. A draft constitution was discussed and approved. The Society was registered on 11th May, 1966, under the Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act of 1955.

His Lordship Rt. Rev. Dr. Alexander Mar Theophilus Episcopa with the Ist Principal on the opening day at Nanthancode.

With Mr. Stanley Jones.

The Pioneers: Rev. P.K. Koshy and Mr. T. Paul Varghese

Students of the first batch

On 6th June 1966, the Committee started the lower primary section of the Indian School Certificate (ISC) course (formerly Senior Cambridge) at a rented house in Nanthencode, as a preparatory course and then as a regular course in January 1967. The School started in 1966 with two classes, with Rev P.K. Koshy as its Principal, Mrs P.K. and five students. Koshy Achen’s home was the

on 31st December 1966, (i.e. 168 members who paid their membership fully and 92 who made part payments) The then President of the Society, Rt Rev Alexander Mar Theophilus Episcopa, visited the Arabian Gulf countries and invited parishioners to become members of the Society. This was followed by a visit by the then Secretary of the Society and about Rs100,000 was collected from the

“boarding”. In the next year, i.e. in 1967, there were five experienced teachers, and 67 students of whom 42 were boarders. Society raises seed money Within eight months of its inception, 5.65 acres of land was purchased at Mukkola, on the outskirts of Trivandrum for the School at a total cost of Rs 72,685. The seed money for starting the school, purchasing the land at Mukkola and constructing the first school building were raised largely by way of membership fee, loans and donations from well-wishers. The membership fee was Rs 100 and Rs 500 for membership with voting rights. Marthomites in and around Trivandrum were

Photo taken on the opening day with Rt. Rev. Dr. Alexander Mar Theophilus (later Rt. Rev. Dr. Alexander Mar Thoma Metropolitan), Rev. K.O. Sam, Rev. P.N. Alexander, Mrs. S. Koshy and Mrs. Annamma Varghese


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Koshy and Mrs Annamma Varghese as teachers

approached first and 260 members were enlisted

His Grace The Most Rev Juhanon Mar Thoma Metropolitan and Rt Rev Dr. Mathews Mar Athanasius on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of the School at Mukkolakkal.

The Foundation Stone laid on 14th September, 1968

Gulf countries by way of membership fees and do-

Paul Varghese, P.K.Mathai, Dr.E.T.Mathew and

nation. By 1974, the Society membership reached

Mrs. Anna George as members, was constituted

590 and in 1979 the Society fixed a ceiling of 650 for

to start the school as quickly as possible and to get

its membership. The initial funds were raised by

more members for the Society.

issuing debentures and from interest-free loans from members and well-wishers.

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Both these objectives were pursued vigorously and the result was rewarding. A regular executive

The St Thomas Mar Thoma Church, Pattoor,

committee was elected with the same members in

Trivandrum was the only Mar Thoma Parish in

the first general body meeting on 10th December,

Trivandrum at that time. Under the leadership of

1966, with the addition of Mr. M.M George also as

the vicar, Rev K.O. Sam, the parish decided to spon-

member. Dr Mathew Roy and Mr K.C. Chandapilla

sor the school project. The blessings and support

joined the committee as representatives of the

of the late Metropolitan Dr. Juhanon Mar Thoma,

Trivandrum Mar Thoma Parish and Rev. P.K.

late Rt Rev Dr. Mathews Mar Athanasius and the

Koshy, in his capacity as the school Principal.

diocesan Bishop, Rt. Rev. Alexander Mar The-

Plan takes concrete shape

ophilus, encouraged the members to support the

After Rev. P.K. Koshy left the School at the end

project. A provisional Executive Committee with

of April 1968, Mr Paul Varghese, who retired from

Rt. Rev. Alexander Mar Theophilus as President,

the education department after a long period of

Rev. K.O. Sam as Vice-President, Mr. K.K. Kurian

distinguished service in senior positions, became

as Secretary, Mrs. Saramma George as Treasurer,

the Principal of St Thomas Residential School in

and Messrs C.I Abraham, P.K.Koruth, A.J. Joseph,

May 1968. Mr Varghese played a key role in shap-

Sitting: Rev. T.C. Thomas, Rt. Rev. Joseph Mar Iranaeus, Rev. George Varghese; Standing: Mr. P.C. Koruth, Dr. E.T. Mathew, Mr. George Zachariah, Mr. K.K. Kurien, Dr. P.A. Thomas

ing the school in its formative years and getting the recognition from the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC Board) in New Delhi. As the number of students and boarders grew, more buildings were taken on rent and a temporary shed was constructed. The foundation stone for the first school building was laid by late Metropolitan Dr Juhanon Mar Thoma at 8.30 am on September 14, 1968, in the presence of the Vice Patron Rt Rev. Dr Mathews Mar Athanasius,

Staff and Students, with the President of India (27 March 1979)

members and special invitees. The plan of the building proposed to be constructed and the estimate (prepared by Mr A.J. Joseph Eapen) were approved. By January 1969, there were 75 students in classes up to Standard 7. As many as 57 of those students were boarders. The construction work started on 17th July 1969 and the first phase of construction - the ground floor with a plinth area of 9000sq.ft - was completed by May 1970 at a cost of Rs 107,474. The school and boarding homes were shifted from the rented premises at Nanthencode to Mukkolakkal in May 1970. By December 1970, the construction

and Mathews Mar Athanasius Hostel. On 18th June

of the first floor of the building was started with

1973, the School acquired its first bus for ferrying

an estimate of Rs 100,000. By the time the School

students. (By 1984 - 85 there were five school

was started in its new premises, the land value in

buses) The efforts towards getting the affiliation of

35,000/-. The Society was under heavy financial

the School started in 1971. A Commission from the

strain with the completion of the first floor of the

Council of Indian School Certificate Examinations

School building, construction of the kitchen and

(CISCE) inspected the school on 18th and 19th Feb-

dining hall, as well as the Dr Stanley Jones Hostel

ruary 1972 and granted it affiliation the same year.

Staff & Students with Mrs Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India

“Where thou Leadest....�


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

the area increased from Rs 10,000/- per acre to Rs

School Bus

Medical Camp

The first batch was presented for the ICSE exam-

Society suffered a great loss in the demise of the

ination, (for core subjects,) and they passed the

metropolitan, His Grace the Most Rev Dr Juhanon

examination in 1972. The first batch of 9 students

Mar Thoma, who along with the late bishop, Dr

appeared for the ICSE Board examination (Std

Mathews Mar Athanasius, was the inspiration

XI), in December 1973 and 6 students cleared the

behind this project and who was its patron right

exam. The next year all 449 students, including

from its inception.

305 boarders, cleared the exams with 67 per cent

More construction projects

securing first class. By this year, there were 30 teachers in the school. An auditorium, a hostel for girls and an Infir-

Principal and Chaplain. By 1982 - 83, three flats which served as Staff quarters for seven Teachers

was consecrated by the metropolitan, His Grace

and one Principal’s quarter were completed.

the Most Rev. Dr Alexander Mar Thoma, on

In 1982, the strength of the St. Thomas Resi-

27 June 1976 and the girls’ hostel was formally

dential School was roughly around 750 students,

opened by Rt Rev. Thomas Mar Athanasius on

of which 350 were in the boarding. In June 1982, the

22 August 1976. The auditorium also functioned

school began ISC (Plus 2) courses. Not all students

as a chapel on Sundays. In September 1976, the

could cope with the rigorous ICSE syllabus and a

I would go....

Walking in thy steps below....


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Residential quarters were constructed in a phased manner starting with quarters for the

mary were constructed by 1976. The auditorium



Children Playing

new school was started in the same campus under the Kerala State Syllabus in June 1984 and given the name “Mar Thoma High School”. The school started with standards VIII, IX and X. In 1983, construction of a 100-bedded hostel for girls with modern amenities was started. The hostel was dedicated by the Metropolitan of the Mar Thoma Church Rt Rev Dr. Alexander Mar Thoma on 31-1-1984. The construction of the three storied Mar Thoma High School building was inaugurated by the Education Minister Shri T. M.Jacob on 19-6-1985. In 1984 the strength of the Temple of Peace and the Premises

School was over 1144. Stadium and nursery block constructed An ambitious project taken up in the eighties was the construction of the “Mar Thoma Stadium” at a cost of Rs1.2 million. The stadium was opened by Union Minister of State for Sports, Mrs. Margaret Alva, in January, 1987. Parents contributed Rs 150,000 and the Government of India sanctioned a



Training Grounds: Dr. Stanley Jones Hostel (Top) Dr. John Mathai Hostel (Under Construction) (Bottom)

Salute to the Hon. Minister

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Mrs. Margaret Alva, Hon Minister for Sports inaugurating the Mar Thomas Stadium on 28th January, 1987.

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


grant of Rs 365,000. Eminent sports personalities,

The construction was completed with a spacious

including Olympian Shiny Abraham, participated

Madbaha, a hall with seating capacity for 350

in the inauguration of the stadium.

persons, a meditation room and vestry. The St

In 1986, a new nursery block was constructed

Thomas Chapel, dedicated on 3rd July, 1998, has

with a play park. In 1989, a new ISC block of 3 floors

first-quality teak furniture and modern interior

was completed. By the Silver jubilee of the Society,

décor. It is a place of solitude and

STRS had 2118 students in 51 divisions with 77

prayer for the staff and students.


Shri George Cheriyan was the

Central School, Chapel and Computer centre

Convenor of the Construction

During the war to liberate Kuwait, a lot of

and Maintenance Sub Committee

Malayalee families returned to Kerala. Initially,

during the construction of the

some children were admitted to STRS, but when

Chapel. Along with the Chapel sev-

the influx was getting much larger, it was decided

eral buildings on the three campuses of the Soci-

in November 1990 to start a school that followed

ety, bear witness to his loyal and sincere services

the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)

to the developmental activities of the Society. He

syllabus. The school admitted 237 students to

also served as Executive Committee member for

classes I to VII that were taught by 10 teachers.

four terms.

Er. George Cheriyan

The classes were held in temporary sheds at the

St Thomas Computer Centre: Computer

premises of Dr Juhanon Mar Thoma Study Centre

Education was introduced from Class V onwards

in Mananthala, Trivandrum. A three-storied

in our schools during 1990-91. The St Thomas

school building with a 40,000sqft carpet area was

Computer Centre, a state of the art Computer

completed within a short span of a little more than

Centre, was established in 1998-99 with 120 com-

a year. In July 1993, it was inspected and granted

puters of which 25 were IBM machines. Computer

affiliation by the CBSE. The first batch of students

education is provided right from pre-primary

appeared for Std X Board examination in March

classes. The centre also offers courses to teach-

1994. The School is now one of the best CBSE

ers, non-teaching staff and to outsiders. The

Schools in the state with more than 3,237 students

well-equipped centre enabled STRS to get the

and 112 teachers.

first National Computer Literacy Award in 2002

St Thomas Chapel: The Society celebrated

and the State Computer Literacy Award the same

its silver jubilee during 1992-’93, with the valedic-

year. The Principal and students of STRS received

tory function held on 12th and 13th February 1993.

the award from President Dr A P J Abdul Kalam.

As a thanksgiving for the stupendous growth, the

St Thomas Play School: The Society’s

MTCES decided to build a Chapel on the campus.

general body on 28th September 2003 decided to

Dedication of STHSS by Rt Rev Dr. Philipose Mar Chrysostom Suffragan Metropolitan

Shri. T.M. Jacob, Hon Minister for Education inaugurating the Mar Thomas High School.

buy 5 to 10 acres to provide for the future needs

Kerala, NCTE and the University of Kerala. The

of the Society and to start a play school. An 84-

college offers B.Ed courses in English, Mathemat-

cent plot, with an old building in it, in Pothujanam

ics, Physical Science, Social Science and Natural

lane, Kumarapuram was purchased for Rs11.9

Science. A new college building was dedicated on

million. After suitable renovations to the building

17th May 2006, for the purpose. St Thomas Institute for Science and

the St Thomas Play School was started in 2005.

Technology: The Society’s desire to diversify into

It was decided to shift two divisions of LKG and

higher education led it to purchase around 21 acres

two of UKG from Mukkola to the Kumarapuram

of land in Ayroorpara village, near Kazhakuttam.

Campus. There are 5 divisions in the play school

The Campus was named Mar Chrysostom Nagar.

with 88 students and 6 Teachers. The demand for

The construction of the building for St Thomas In-

admissions is heavy, but admission is restricted

stitute of Science and Technology was taken up in

to 20 per division.

three phases. The AICTE sent an expert commit-

Forays into higher education

tee to inspect the college on 26th May 2010 and the

St Thomas Training College: The Univer-

college was given approval. It started functioning

sity of Kerala approved the society’s proposal to

during the 2010-11 academic year. STIST offers

start a B.Ed college in 1994-95. The Kerala govern-

B.Tech courses in Civil Engineering, Mechanical

ment granted NOC to the proposal much later and

Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineer-

MTCES was successful in starting a B.Ed College

ing, Electronics and Communication Engineering

in 2005. The College was inaugurated by the then

and Computer Science Engineering. An M.Tech in

Education Minister, Mr E.T. Mohammed Basheer,

Geotechnical Engineering in the Civil Department

on 7 July, 2005 at a function attended by His Grace,

started in 2014.


the most Rev Dr Philipose Mar Chrysostom,

St Thomas Public School: A building for the

Metropolitan of the Mar Thoma Church, Rt Rev

St Thomas Public School, adjacent to the STIST on

Dr Joseph Mar Iraneus Suffragan Metropolitan

the Mar Chrysostom Campus was consecrated on

and Mr Mohan Kumar, MLA. Classes started on

Sunday the 9th of June 2013 by His Lordship, Rt Rev

20 July, 2005 in an extension block of STCS, after

Thomas Mar Timotheos, Episcopa. The School

getting the mandatory approvals from the Govt of

started functioning from 19th June 2013. 



MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

and the construction of a park and play areas,

His Grace The Most Rev. Dr. Juhanon Mar Thoma Metropolitan Patron (1966-1976)

His Lordship Rt. Rev. Dr. Mathews Mar Athanasius Episcopa

His Grace The Most Rev. Dr. Alexander Mar Thoma Valiya Metropolitan Founder President (1966-1968) Patron (1976-1999)

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


His Grace The Most Rev. Philipose Mar Chrysostom Mar Thoma Valiya Metropolitan President (1968-1975, 1980-1987) Patron (1999-2007)

Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Episcopa President (1997-2005)

Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham Mar Paulos Episcopa President (2005-2008)

His Grace The Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan

Vice President (1973-1975) President (1975-1980, 1988-1997), Patron (From 2007)

Rt. Rev. Thomas Mar Timotheos Episcopa President (2009-2016)

Rt. Rev. Joseph Mar Barnabas Episcopa President (From 2016)


Rev. K.O. Sam

Vice President (May 1966-May 1967)

Rev. George Varghese

Vice President (Jul 1976-May 1979)

Rev. M.P. Thomas

Vice President (Jun 1967-May 1970)

Dr. A. Abraham

Vice President (Sep 1979-Jun 1982)

Rev. M.C. Mani

Vice President (Jun 1970-May 1973)

Very Rev. A.A. Pailey

Vice President (Jun 1982-Jun 1985)

Rev. Ninan Oommen

Vice President (May 1975-Jun 1976)

Shri. P.K. Koruth

Vice President (Jul 1985-Sep 1988) Treasurer (Apr 1968 - Aug 1979)


Dr. K.M. George

Vice President (Sep 1991 - Sep 1997)

Shri. P.M. Abraham IAS (Retd)

Vice President (May 2001-Sep 2003) Secretary (Sep 2003-Sep 2006) (Sep 2009 - Sep 2015)

Dr. E.T. Mathew

Vice President (Sep 1997 - Sep 2000)

Dr. P.A. Thomas

Vice President (Sep 2003 - Sep 2009)

Shri. Sonny Abraham

Vice President (Sep 2000 - May 2001) Treasurer (Sep 1979-Oct. 1981) Secretary(Sep 1988-Sep 1991)

Dr. T.M. Thomas

Vice President (Sep 2009-Sep 2012)

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Shri. P.I. Jacob IAS (Retd)

Vice President (Sep 1988 - Sep 1991)


Shri. K.K. Kurien

Secretary (May 1966-Mar 1968) (Jul 1982-Sep 1988) (Sep 1991-Sep 1994)

Shri. C.I. Abraham

Secretary (Apr 1968-Apr 1972)

Dr. P.J. Alexander IPS (Retd)

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society



Secretary (Sep 1994-Sep 2000)

Smt. Saramma George

Treasurer (May 1966 - March 1968)

Shri. A.J. Joseph Eapen

Treasurer (Sep 1988-Sep 1991)

Shri. Kurien Daniel

Treasurer (Sep 2000 - Sep 2003)

Shri. George Zachariah

Secretary (May 1972-Aug 1979) Treasurer (Jun 1985-Sep 1988)

Dr. M.M. Koshy

Secretary (Sep 2000 - Sep 2003)

Shri. M.M. George

Treasurer (Nov. 1981 - May 1982)

Shri. T.T. Thomas

Treasurer (Sep 1991-Sep 1994)

Shri. T.C. George

Treasurer (Sep 2003 - Sep 2006) (Sep 2012-Sep 2015)

Shri. A.J. Joseph

Secretary (Sep 1979-Jun 1982)

M.D. Philoman

Secretary (Sep 2006-Sep 2009)

Shri. C.V. Thomas

Treasurer (Jun 1982-Jun 1985)

Shri. Varghese Samuel

Treasurer (Sep 1994 - Sep 2000)

Shri. Mathew John

Treasurer (Sep 2006 - Sep 2012)

Fifty years of growing trust 35

Dr Rajan Varghese Secretary, MTCES

sius. It was a time when our people from all parts of the State, particularly from Central Travancore, who had gone abroad for employment, felt the need for a good residential school to educate their children, upholding traditional Christian values and culture. People belonging to the Mar Thoma community, who had migrated from dif-

ferent places to Trivandrum, also wanted a good school in the capital city for providing quality education to their children. When the historic decision to establish an educational society in Trivandrum for imparting school education was taken up by a small group belonging to St Thomas Mar Thoma Church Pattoor, under the leadership of the Vicar Rev K O Sam, it was a small step towards a great cause. Humble beginnings Registered on 11th May, 1966, the MTCES, now well established and prestigious, had a modest beginning. It started functioning with the establishment of St Thomas Residential School (STRS) on 06-06-1966 with six students in a rented building at Nanthencode. The Society initially enrolled 260 members. The first

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

MTCES was born out of the vision of two visionary bishops of the Mar Thoma Church, Dr Juhanon Mar Thoma Metropolitan and Rt Rev Mathews Mar Athana-

Executive Committee was constituted with 11 mem-

the parents and society at large. Today, we have a total

bers of whom two – Dr E T Mathew and Prof. Anna

of 8,950 students, 300 teachers and 360 non-teaching

George – are still with us actively participating in our

staff on the rolls.

activities. The first General Body meeting was held on

Jubilee year recognition

10 December, 1966. th

its Golden Jubilee and St Thomas Central School, its

ed to the Mukkola Campus. In 1986, there were 750

Silver Jubilee. The all-round performance of these

students in the School, of which 350 were boarders.

schools saw them being crowned during the jubilee

The Mar Thoma High School following the State

year as excellent educational institutions at the

Syllabus which was started in 1984 was later renamed

national and state level. Five of our students secured

St Thomas High School and later St Thomas Higher

state ranks, while at the ICSE level, our school secured

Secondary School. The Kuwait war in 1990 saw large

the first and third ranks in the State. Three students

number of our people returning to Kerala with their

secured top ranks in the State in ISC – first and second

families. Getting admission for their children to

in the Science stream and third in

continue their education during the middle of the year

Commerce. It is for the first time in the history of

was very difficult. The Society considering it as its so-

STRS that the School secured almost all the ranks

cial responsibility to help the children started the St

in the State. In 2016, Education World, a well-known

Thomas Central School affiliated to the CBSE Board.

agency ranked STRS 11th at the national level and 1st

In 2005, we entered another phase of development

in the state in a survey on the basis of the performance

by starting the St Thomas Training College. Later the

of students and their average scores in classes X and

Society acquired about 20 acres of land near Kazha-

XII Board examinations. In the All Kerala Inter school

kuttam and started the St Thomas Institute of Science

Athletic meet held in September 2016, STRS won the

and Technology in 2010. The St Thomas Public School

overall championship.

was established in 2014 to cater to the rising demand

Ms Swetha, of St Thomas Central School got the

of parents from Technopark and other institutions

fifth rank at the National level, was felicitated by the

adjacent to it. Our institutions are well appreciated by

Prime Minister of India, and she participated in the

During the Society Meeting

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


The St Thomas Residential School is celebrating

Within a short span of time, the School was shift-

Republic Day celebrations on 26th January 2016 as the PM’s special invitee. The School received a letter of appreciation from Mrs Smrithi Irani, the then Minister for Human Resources Development, for the excellent results in AISSCE and AISSE. Miles to go Completing five decades of fruitful service to society is a milestone in the history of an educational agency. The credentials of the institutions managed by MTCES speak for themselves through the achievements of the students who studied there and have made a mark in every conceivable field. The society, since its inception, has earned considerable appreciation for providing value-based education, academic excellence, sense of discipline and high moral and ethical values leading

when the scaffolds of the MTCES were

to the development of integrated personalities. We strongly

formed. We must endeavour to comprehend

believe that this journey of excellence will continue. In this context it is most appropriate to quote the lines of the famous American poet, Robert Frost, which should be a guiding principle for us, in all our future endeavours: “The woods are lovely dark and deep but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep”

Jubilee is a platform on which we must reaffirm the purpose for which MTCES was given shape and pledge to continue our commitment towards further progress. After half a century, we remain committed to the

Pledge to stay on focus The roots of the present lie in the past and so we must look back to the years

the great thoughts of the founders and embody the vision they had cherished. The Golden

unique and holistic education with a global perspective and to inspire the zeal to strive for excellence. Our service has been exemplary in so many ways that we have every reason to look back on the 50 years with pride and satisfaction.

of our teachers. I gratefully acknowledge the contributions of all those who were at the helm of affairs of the management, the members of the Society, Principals, teachers, non- teaching staff, parents and students past and present, who have been instrumental in moulding the MTCES and its institutions to such prestigious centres of learning in Kerala. Today will give place to tomorrow and tomorrow will dawn into another day. The Golden Jubilee celebrations offer us all an occasion to thank the Almighty for all He has done to make possible all the achievements and good work of the Society. Let us join together in giving thanks to God and pray for all who, by their toil and commitment, have made MTCES what it is today. 

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Such a brilliant record owes much to the committed and able leadership of the management and the hard work and sincere efforts


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society



he inauguration of the Golden Jubilee celebrations was held at 3.00 pm on 6th January 2017.

An elegant and solemn function was organised on the day and Justice (Retd) P Sathasivam, Hon’ble Governor of Kerala was the Chief Guest of the function.

The function began with the School band of STHSS welcoming the Honourable Governor with

a musical performance. After the National Anthem and Prayer song by the School Choir, Dr Rajan Varghese, Secretary of MTCES delivered the formal welcome speech during which the dignitaries on the dias were welcomed with floral bouquets. The Secretary gave a brief history of the Society and mentioned about the high standards of education maintained in all our institutions. Shri V Krishnankutty, Ward Councillor, was invited first to offer his felicitations. He was proud that the St Thomas Institutions are a part of his Ward and expressed his gratitude for being a part of the Golden Jubilee celebrations. Dr Kuncheria P Isaac, Vice Chancellor, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Kerala gave a few insights into the role of Christian missionaries in the field of education in India as well as the role of St Thomas Schools in providing quality and value based education, for the past fifty years.

Shri K Muraleedharan, MLA, expressed his

The Most Rev Dr Joseph Mar Thoma, Met-

pleasure in being associated with the activities of

ropolitan of the Mar Thoma Church recollected how

the Schools and said the demands for admissions to

the Society was formed under the inspiring leader-

the St Thomas Schools are a proof of the brand value

ship of the late Metropolitan Most Rev. Dr Juhanon

and top education standards of the institutions.

Mar Thoma, the late Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr Mathews

Dr Shashi Tharoor, MP, congratulated the

Mar Athanasius and the first Principal, Rev P K

Society on its Golden jubilee and pointed out that its

Koshy. He also recollected his active participation

institutions are growing in reputation, stature and

in the activities of the Society first as Vice President,

have a high standing in society. He said the institu-

then President and now as Patron of the Society. He

tions have set high bench marks in the field of educa-

said that right from the inception, the founding fa-

tion and its alumni are a distinguished lot occupying

thers envisioned an education system that is rooted

high positions all over the world. He appreciated the

in our culture, high standards and Christian values.

service rendered by the Schools not only in providing

It is because of these reasons that the educational

excellence in education but also in co-curricular and

institutions of the Society hold a position of high

extracurricular activities, thereby developing well


equipped students with good value system which make them good citizens in the society.

In his Inaugural address, Justice (Retd) P Sathasivam, Hon’ble Governor of Kerala congratulated

Shri Kadakampally Surendran, Hon’ble Min-

the Management on attaining fifty years in the field

ister for Co-operation, Tourism & Devaswoms gave

of value education. The full transcript of the inspir-

a special address. He said that the St Thomas insti-

ing message of the Governor appears elsewhere in

tutions hold a distinguished position in Trivandrum.

the Souvenir.

He appreciated the model set by the Management by not taking donations for admissions or for appointments.

During the function, the Hon’ble Governor released the Golden Jubilee Souvenir. Shri Mathew John, Treasurer, MTCES gave the

Prof P J Kurien, Hon’ble Dy Chairman of the

Vote of Thanks which was followed by the National

Rajya Sabha in his Keynote address lauded the rep-

Anthem. The function was followed by an entertain-

utation gained by the St Thomas Institutions not by

ment programme by the students of Schools under

commercialisation of education nor by corrupt prac-

MTCES. The function was well attended by Members of

education. He said that he is proud to associate with

the Society, Clergy, Students, Teachers and the Staff

the Society during its various stages of growth.

of MTCES. 


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

tices, but by providing high standards of value based

Golden Jubilee Celebrations MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Justice (Retd) P. Sathasivam, Hon’ble Governor of Kerala inaugurating the Golden Jubilee celebrations in the presence of the Most Rev Dr Joseph Mar Thoma, Metropolitan, Prof P.J. Kurien, Dy. Chairman, Rajya Sabha, Shri. Kadakampally Surendran, Hon. Minister for Cooperation, Tourism and Devaswom, Dr. Shashi Tharoor, MP, Shri. K. Muraleedharan, MLA, Shri. V. Krishnankutty, Ward Councillor and Dr. Rajan Varghese, Secretary, MTCES.


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Release of the Golden Jubilee Souvenir by The Governor

Felicitation by Prof P.J. Kurien, Dy. Chairman, Rajya Sabha

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Golden Jubilee Celebrations


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Golden Jubilee Celebrations


Golden Jubilee Celebrations


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

The full text of the inaugural address by

Shri Justice (Retired) P. Sathasivam, the Honourable Governor of Kerala at the Golden jubilee celebrations of the Mar Thoma Church Educational Society on 6th January 2017


ost Reverend Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma, Metropolitan of Mar Thoma Church and Patron, Mar Thoma Church

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Educational Society, Prof. P.J. Kurien, Hon’ble Deputy

Chaiman, Rajya Sabha, Shri Kadakampally Surendran, Hon’ble Minister for Co-operation, Devaswom and Tourism, Dr.Shashi Taroor, Member of Parliament, Shri K.Muraleedharan, Member of Legislative Assembly, Dr. Kuncheria P Issac, Vice Cancellor, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Shri V.K. Krishnan Kutty, Ward Councillor, Dr. Rajan Varghese, Secretary, Shri Mathew John, Treasurer, Mar Thoma Church Educational Society, Respected Teachers and My beloved students, Sahodaree Sahodaranmare, Ellavarkkum Ente Namaskaram. I am very happy to address you all at the inauguration of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Mar Thoma Church Educational Society, which has made significant contribution to the education scenario in the State. As we all know, Mar Thoma Church Educational Society was born out of the far sighted vision of Dr. Juhanon Mar Thoma Metropolitan and Rt. Rev. Mathews Mar Athanasios, who were Bishops of the Mar Thoma Church. They guided the collective wisdom of a group of Marthomites who responded to the people’s need for educational institutions that

provided quality education and upheld the traditional Christian values and culture.

I understand that one of the Golden Jubilee projects relates to contruction of 25 houses for the home-

History has acknowledged the contribution of the

less, with priority given to students of the Schools run

Christian community to the promotion of education in

by the Educational Society. All of us would be aware

Kerala. Though their initial aim was the propagation

that a house is not just a dwelling unit or a building.

of religion, they were wise enough to identify edu-

In fact, housing conditions can have a direct and

cation as precondition to the simple understanding

positive impact on health status, attitudes, and values

of any aspect of life, including religion. In fact, the

of a population. Therefore the provision of shelter is

interest they showed in education was their positive

a productive activity essential for human resource

response to the needs of Society in those days. While

development. A safe house would empower children

the doors of educational institutions remained closed

to grow up more confidently and therefore, I compli-

to many sections of society in those days, the schools

ment the Mar Thoma Church Educational Society in

run by Christian groups took care to avoid such com-

devising such a project.

munal bias in admitting students. And, we have seen

Besides, the school plays a very significant role in

how that positive attitude ultimately resulted in the

deciding the values that a student imbibes through

betterment of the Society as a whole.

his education. Therefore, it is really important to ex-

I am happy that the Mar Thoma Church Edu-

pose the children to the social realities of their times

cational Society is also following this tradition of

and to sensitize them to various inequalities that pre-

broadmindedness in their educational institutions. In

vail in society. It is through such social interactions

fact, the growth attained by the Educational Society in

that children shape their opinions and attitudes as

the last fifty years is remarkable. Today, the Society is

they grow up. I understand that the Society gets the

managing eight major institutions including an Engi-

whole-hearted support of the student community in

neering College and a College for Teacher Education.

carrying out its humanitarian initiatives, which also

I understand that along with the Educationl Society,

include fee concession for 50 economically deserving

the St.Thomas Residential School is also celebrating

students during the Jubilee year. I would also like to call your attention to a trend

which was started in response to the needs of people

that has become very common in educational circles.

returning to Kerala during the Gulf War of 1990, is cel-

Amid the incredible spread and sweep of information

ebrating its Silver Jubilee. The all round performance

technology, we seem to have shifted our focus away

of these two schools during the Jubilee year itself tes-

from basic sciences and humanities. Let us not forget

tified their role as excellent educational institutions

that technological education without a human vision

at the National and State Level. I congratulate the

will result only in a lopsided development of the indi-

students at the Indian Certificate of Secondary Edu-

vidual. While we run after technology, we also tend to

cation (ICSE) level who secured the 1st and 3rd ranks

forget the importance of toning up our skill sets to live

in the State and 3 students who bagged top ranks in

up to the work culture of the future.

the Indian School Certificate (ISC) Science and Commerce streams. It is well known that Education equips an individual to respond effectively to the needs of the society.

Therefore, I would suggest that we give equal importance to the development of soft skills and social skills so that a student educated in your institutions receives an all round development as an individual.

An educational agency that responds to the needs

I compliment the Mar Thoma Church Educational

of society proves its relevance and commitment

Society on its achievements and wish its members,

and sets a model for the students who enroll in such

teachers and students all the best. I hope that your

institutions. The schemes devised by the Mar Thoma

joint efforts would make the Golden Jubilee Celebra-

Church Educational Society in connection with its

tions a real success.

Golden Jubilee bear testimony to the ideal of social service that it wishes to pass on to the students.

Ellavarkkum Ente Aashamsakal, Nanni, Jai Hind


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its Golden Jubilee and the St.Thomas Central School,

Honouring Former Office Bearers & Founder Members

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society



18th Jan 2017

he function to honour former Office bearers

Society, not only started the institutions but also

and Jubilarian members was held on 18th

contributed their best for its unparalled growth.

January 2017. Dr. T.M. Thomas Isaac, Hon'ble

His Lordship Rt Rev Joseph Mar Barnabas,

Minister for Finance, was the Chief Guest and Dr D

President, MTCES in his presidential address

Babu Paul, IAS (Retd), Former Addl Chief Secretary

reiterated the pride of the Society in completing 50

delivered the Keynote address.

glorious years of fruitful existence and accomplish-

The function started with the Choir presenting

ing outstanding growth since its inception in 1966.

the hymn, ""FÃmw FÃmw Zm-\a- t- Ã......'' followed by prayer

He also expressed his gratitude to the Most Rev Dr

by the School Chaplain, Rev Pramod Thomas.

Philipose Mar Chrysostom Valiya Metropolitan for

Dr Rajan Varghese, Secretary welcomed the

his presence on this auspicous occasion and thanked

gathering by recalling the yeoman services rendered

God for blessing the Valiya Metropolitan for the past

by the founder members as well as Office Bearers

100 years. He thanked Thirumeni for all the guidance,

for the growth and development of the educational

blessings and help in the growth of the Society.

Institutions. He said that sustaining an educational

Dr T M Thomas Isaac, the Hon'ble Minister

institution is not an easy task, but the former Office

for Finance, Govt of Kerala said it was an honour

Bearers, founder members as well as staff of the

to be part of the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the

Society and to be in the midst of an august gath-

July 1997 – July 2005, Rt Rev Dr Abraham Mar

ering. He recollected his association with Valiya

Paulos Episcopa, Adoor Diocese (Aug 2005 – Dec

Metropolitan and said that he was fortunate to be

2008) and Rt Rev Thomas Mar Timotheos Epis-

able to honour him on the day on reaching 100 years.

copa, Chengannur-Mavelikkara Diocese Jan 2009

In his Key Note address, Dr D Babu Paul, IAS

– March 2016.

(Retd), Former Addl Chief Secretary recalled the

Former Office bearers :

founding days of the Society and School when he was

1. Rev Ninan Oommen, Vice President, May 1975 –

the Sub Collector of Trivandrum. He said that mis-

June 1976

sionaries set up schools to educate the poor and those

2. Shri Sonny Abraham, Treasurer Sept 1979 – Oct

of lower caste. He lamented the commercialization of

1981, Secretary Sept 1988 – Sept 1991, Vice Presi-

education and the lowering of educational standards, in our state and country. In these circumstances he appreciated that the St Thomas Institutions of MT-

dent Sept 2000 – May 2001 3. Dr E T Mathew, Vice President from Sept 1997 – Sept 2000

CES for imparting value education based on Christian

4. Shri P M Abraham IAS (Retd), Vice President

values. He also fondly recalled his association with

May 2001 – Sept 2003, Secretary Sept 2003 – Sept

the Valiya Metropolitan, and the former Presidents.

2006, Sept 2009 – Sept 2015

His Grace the Most Rev Dr Philipose Mar Chrysostom Valiya Metropolitan (President -

5. Dr P A Thomas Vice President Sept 2003- Sept 2009

September 1968 to April 1975, July 1980 to Dec 1987

6. Dr M O Koshy, Vice President Sept 2012 - 2015

and Patron - Mar 1999 to Sept 2007) was honoured

7. Shri M D Philoman, Secretary, 2006 – 2009

on the occasion of his 100 birthday as well as for

8. Shri T C George, Treasurer Sept 2003 – Sept 2006,


being Former President and Patron of the Society,

Sept 2012-Sept 2015

in the following years. He appreciated that MTCES

Jubilarian Members:

continues the system of education of the founding

Anna George, Thomas Abraham, K I John, P T

fathers, where the skills of students are developed

Yohanan, V Alexander, Dr P V John, P K George and

and equipped to become responsible citizens of

Thomas K Abraham. The meeting also acknowledged the dedicated

receive high standards of education and suggested to

services of the following Jubiliarian members who

the management to extend financial support to chil-

were unable to attend the function.

dren belonging to the economically weaker sections of society.

Mrs P J Thomas, Mr T M Thomas, Mr P K Cherian, Dr P A John, Mr P J Jacob, Mr P G Abraham, Mr

Shri Mathew John, Treasurer, recalled the laud-

George Varghese, Mr P O Titus, Mr C J Mathew, Mrs

able services renderred by the Metropolitan, Valiya

Ammini Mathew, Mr M C Varghese, Mr P J Thomas,

Metropolitan and Bishops who were former Presi-

Mr Mathen Mathai and Mr Koshy Zachariah.

dents. He also enumerated the valuable services of former office bearers and Jubiliaran members of the Society. The following Patrons, Presidents, Office Bearers and Jubiliaran members were then honoured. Former Patron His Grace the Most Rev Dr Philipose Mar Chrysostom Valiya Metropolitan. Former Presidents Rt Rev Dr Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Episcopa, Mumbai Diocese,

Dr M O Koshy, Vice President delivered the vote of thanks The above function was followed by an entertainment programme by Stephen Devassy the world renowned keyboard artist. The function was well attended by the Members of the Society, the Clergy, Students, Teachers and the Staff of MTCES. 


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the society. He also said that all children deserve to

Honouring Former Office Bearers & Founder Members Snap shots

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Exhibition of momentous occasions of MTCES


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MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Honouring Former Office Bearers &


Founder Members Snap shots


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MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Honouring Former Office Bearers &


Founder Members Snap shots


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Honouring Former Office Bearers &


Founder Members Snap shots


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

2nd-4th February, 2017


s part of the Golden jubilee celebrations, an International Seminar on ‘Education at Crossroads : Tilting Social Equations’ was conducted by the St Thomas Training College

in collaborations with the XV Annu-

al Convention of Council for Teacher Education (CTE), Kerala State Centre on 2nd, 3rd and 4th February 2017. The Seminar invited participation of M.Ed/M.Phil students, Research Scholars, Teacher Educators and Resource Persons.

The Inter�national Se�minar

on ‘Education at Crossroads: Tilting Social Equations’ at The St Thomas Training College on 2nd, 3rd and 4th February 2017

Rev. Pramod Mathew Thomas,

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Chaplain of St. Thomas Group of Institutions offered prayers and read out the Blessing Speech of His Lordship Rt. Rev. Joseph Mar Barnabas Episcopa, President, MTCES. The speech echoed Episcopa’s earnest desire and prayers that the Seminar will help the participant teachers to acquire qualities of a real Guru. The Seminar was inaugurated by Shri T.P. Sreenivasan, Former Vice-Chairman & Executive Head of the Kerala State Higher Education Council & Director of N.S.S Academy of Civil Services. He commenced his address with a note of caution, “Education, today is the most dangerous thing to talk about”. He pointed out that during his tenure as Vice Chairman of the Higher Education Council of the State, he had an opportunity to study the educational system in the country. He said that great men from Swami Vivekananda to Sam Pitroda had spoken about strategies and solutions for addressing the educational problems, but pitifully enough, we failed to pursue the ideas they suggested. It is as if we have diagnosed the patient, prescribed the medicine but failed to administer the medicine. The Keynote Address was delivered by Prof.(Dr.)A. Sukumaran Nair, Former Vice-Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam. Dr.Nair recalled the long educational tradition in India with world class universities centuries ago. We have had great teachers like Dr. Radhakrishnan and several Commissions of Education appointed by the Government also have advocated the changes to be imple-

Shri TP Sreenivasan, Former Vice Chairman of the Kerala State Higher Education Council inaugurating the Seminar by lighting the lamp.

mented in India, but sadly enough education has

suit individual learner needs. The importance of

failed to progress along proper channels resulting

providing activities for brain gymnastics and states

in our Universities maintaining a low level in world

of mind that affect learning was also referred in his



Plenary Sessions witnessed lectures on thrust

Dr. Achuth Sankar S. Nair, Prof. & Head Depart-

areas by eminent Resource Persons of repute – Dr.

ment of Bioinformatics, Dean, Faculty of Applied

Babu Paul, I.A.S (Rtd), Former Additional Chief

Sciences and Technology, University of Kerala,

Secretary, Govt. of Kerala. Dr. Paul pointed out that

focussed his talk on ‘Teaching in the Google Age’ by

as a mentor, the teacher has several roles to play:

pointing out that teaching and learning have become

Identify special skill of each child, help them choose

very exciting with the growth of technology. This is

an appropriate career, help children find a worthy

particularly evident in the teaching of Mathematics

purpose in life and also help them acquire the skills

which students in schools usually approach with a

necessary to achieve that purpose.

sense of fear. The multitasking habit of children to-

Dr. A. Abraham, Master Practitioner, Mind

day and the reduced attention span, Dr. Sankar said

Masters, Neuro Linguistic Programme, introduced

can to a large extend be addressed through modern

the delegates to multiple perspectives in approach-

learning gadgets including the smart phone.

ing standard practices in education. In his talk,

more than 350 delegates.

miliarizing themselves with learning styles, learn-

The Valedictory Session was chaired by Dr.

ing preferences, learner attitude and the necessity

Kuncheria. P Isaac, Vice- Chancellor, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul

of adjusting and adapting one’s own teaching to

Kalam Technological University, Kerala. 

Dr Kuncheria P Isaac, Vice Chancellor, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University lighting the lamp at the Valedictory Session.


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Dr.Abraham sensitized teachers to the need for fa-

The three days seminar was well attended by

The MTCES has decided to launch the following projects to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of the Society. i. Construction of a modern Auditorium at Mukkolakkal Campus

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


ii. Completion of stadium at Mukkolakkal iii. Improvements of the existing Physical Infrastructure of the schools at Mukkolakkal Campus iv. Instituting Golden Jubilee Scholarships to meritorious students v. Construction of 25 houses for homeless, giving priority to deserving students of our Schools vi. Grant of full fee concession for the year 2017-18 to 50 economically weaker students of our Schools. 


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


wenty-five years ago, three game-changing developments overtook the world. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin Wall were described as the end of history. In a rare demonstration of unanimity, the United Nations Security Council

liberated Kuwait in a war of peace. By inventing the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee ushered in the Information Age. The thrill of the end of the Cold War has worn out and new tensions have developed. The changes in Iraq have brought in unanticipated havoc. But the WWW now rules the world.

T.P. Sreenivasan

Former diplomat and former vice-chairman of the Kerala State Higher Education Council

Trends in Education Prognosis for the Next Decade

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Our care of the child should be governed, not by the desire to make him learn things, but by the endeavour always to keep burning within him that light which is called intelligence. - Maria Montessori

No human activity has remained unaffected by the WWW, but education has been transformed the

available free of charge at your fingertips. Stage of transition

most. The way we teach, learn, test, use the library

Till such time that MOOCs replace class rooms,

and seek placements has changed beyond recogni-

we are in a stage of transition, where class room stud-

tion. Education has changed in the last ten years more

ies have to be supplemented by internet education. If

than it did in the last 100 years. In the next decade, the

MOOCs courses are integrated into the curriculum

changes will be even greater and we may be on our

and credits are awarded for completing MOOCs, it

way to virtual universities and schools without brick

should be possible for us to close the gap between the

and mortar. Education is now a transformative force

level of learning of the faculty and the availability of

in realizing the potential of learners, communities

the latest knowledge.

and economies.

The idea of the “Flip Schools� is another trend that

Learning and teaching methods began changing

is gaining momentum. The advent of the smart phone

when a certain Salman Khan in the United States

and its massive presence has made it possible for

began teaching Mathematics to his cousin in Ban-

teachers to provide lectures to the students on their

gladesh and then moved to establish the Khan Acad-

phones. They can listen to these lectures over and

emy that began giving lessons through the You Tube

over again at home and then come to the class to do

for thousands. Now Massive Open Online Courses

their traditional homework. Instead of bothering peo-

(MOOCs) are available in every subject from service

ple at home for help, the students can depend on the

providers. Education is well on its way to moving out

teachers to clarify issues and to supplement the infor-

of the classrooms to computer terminals. The cours-

mation contained in the lectures. The performance of

es available in the world’s best universities are now

students has vastly improved wherever flip schools


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society As a Teacher, it will give me great happiness, if I can transform an average student of the class to perform exceedingly well. - APJ Abdul Kalam

have been introduced. It liberates the teachers from lecture hours and gives them more time to interact with the students. A seminar like environment in the classrooms will enhance creativity and identification of special talents. Well-defined career paths can also be developed through intense interaction between teachers and students. The role of the teacher will change from an authority in knowledge to a facilitator It’s all about innovation and suitability Testing methods are also being revolutionized. The writing of essays results in the students reproducing the knowledge they have acquired. But more important is to test the skills to use the knowledge for practical applications. The test in the future will be in the form of problem solving on a smart screen, employing such devices as quiz, role playing, case studies, projects and presentations. Game playing creates actual situations, which will present the appropriate challenges. By such assessment techniques, the suitability for specific jobs can be ascertained. Such testing will be more transparent, efficient and error free. Modern education is all about innovation and suitability and these cannot be tested through scholarly essays. Of course, nothing prevents us from using the traditional methods side by side. With the innovation brought about by technology, education has become boundless and borderless. It has broken barriers of time, age and gender. Mid-

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term professionals and housewives have begun to acquire degrees and upgrade their skills because of online education. They can set their own time and complete the education without sacrificing pursuit of other commitments. Ideas explode in intensively global world Some of the most recent innovations in education are Pokemon Go, Climate change games and Edcamps. Apart from being an absorbing adventure game, PokĂŠmon Go gets people outside homes to explore nature and to learn new facts. Edcamps or Unconferences are innovative meetings of stakeholders,

TED and TEDx talks are immense resources for

which provide for sharing of information in an infor-

knowledge and education. Listening to TED talks,

mal agenda-less basis. Edcamps are equalisers as all

which encapsulate all knowledge in micro formats

participants are equal. It is an awesome way to re-

of eighteen minutes or less. Organising such talks in

charge teachers and to ignite new ideas. Such camps

schools and colleges helps to grow skills of gathering

are organized around the globe by the Edcamps Foun-

a range of information, assimilating them, articulat-


ing them, and thus promoting ideas worth spreading.

Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education. - Martin Luther King Jr.

local communities and global partners. Whether foreign universities are permitted to operate in India or not, there exist many possibilities for collaboration and cooperation. With the demographic dividend projected for India, the youth in India will have to handle many jobs abroad, which are still being invented. Internationalization of education is imperative to open the global job market to the youth. Two-way exchanges of faculty and students should become a matter of course, rather than the exception. Twinning of degrees, joint research and exchange of knowledge are the avenues. Industry-university connectivity Financing of education has been a great challenge in India. Rashtriya Uchatar Siksha Abhiyan (RUSA) was meant to bring massive infusion of central funds to state universities, but since the states were required to contribute a percentage, the scheme did not take off. RUSA is in ruins in Kerala because of turf battles and inefficiency. The Centre has just announced a Higher Education Financing Agency (HEFA) as a no-profit organization to leverage funds for central educational institutions to build research infrastructure. The purpose is to strengthen research in the universities to build world class institutions. Loans will be provided by private agencies for which the Government would pay the interest, but the principal has to be refunded by generating profits through projects funded by the industries. This innovative measure will go a long way to strengthen colinkage between the two will enable universities to produce graduates and projects, which are relevant to the industry. Ten universities each from the state and the private sectors with full autonomy have also been announced. Since the Government funds will be inadequate to transform education, there is no alternative to private financing of various kinds. A process of consultations from the grass roots level has been in progress for nearly one year to draft Education has always been international as no

a New Education Policy 2016 to amend the policy ad-

country has remained an island. But technology has

opted in 1986 and amended in 1992. An official doc-

made internationalization much more intensive. To-

ument entitled, “Some Inputs for Draft NEP 2016� is

day, education is a transformative force in realizing

very sketchy and tentative, but it covers all aspects of

the potential of learners, communities and econo-


mies. An internationally recognized education sys-

The vision is outlined in these words: The Na-

tem will increase partnership and collaboration with

tional Education Policy, 2016 envisions a credible ed-

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

operation between the academia and industries. The


Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. - Aristotle

ucation system capable of ensuring inclusive quality

history and promote social cohesion and religious

education and lifelong learning opportunities for all

amity. This vision recognizes the central role of edu-

and producing students/graduates equipped with

cation in India’s social, economic, political, and cultur-

the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that are

al development.” Once the policy is laid down on the

required to lead a productive life, participate in the

lines of the inputs, a policy framework will be avail-

country’s development process, respond to the re-

able for implementation.

quirements of the fast changing, ever-globalising,

Initiatives for education funding

knowledge-based societies, and developing respon-

The draft deals with governance reforms, regula-

sible citizens who respect the Indian tradition of ac-

tions, quality assurance, distance learning/MOOCs,

ceptance of diversity of India’s heritage, culture and

internationalization, faculty development, research

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts. - C.S. Lewis

and financing. The initiatives contemplated for financing are particularly significant. They are: 1. The government will take steps for reaching the long pending goal of raising the investment in education sector to at least 6% of GDP as a priority. 2. In order to supplement the Government efforts, investment in education by private providers through philanthropy and corporate sector responsibility will be encouraged. The Government will take steps for incentivizing private sector investment in education, such as, tax benefits and inclusion of education within the definition of infrastructure. In general, public funding will continue for core activities, whereas other functions can be through private funding. Private funding and FDI for R&D and other quality enhancement activities in education institutions will be pursued as an important strategy for mobilising financial resources. 3. Instead of setting up new institutions, which require huge investments, priority of the Government will be to expand the capacity of existing institutions. 4. Higher education institutions funded by governments need to find ways of increasing their revenues through other sources, such as, alumni funding, endowment funding, tuition fee enhancement along with fee waiver for disadvantaged sections, and private investment. 5. To make the present scheme of education loans to the economically disadvantaged sections more relaxations for collateral, lower interest rates and higher moratorium period from the present one year to two years/rolling moratorium. 6. In order to encourage excellence and efficiency, performance-linked funding of higher education institutions will be implemented. Thorough reforms, as anticipated in the draft, are an absolute need for the education sector to meet the demands and challenges of the 21st century. Elaboration of the policy will present certain problems as conflicting advice is likely to be rendered by states with an ideological bent of mind. But there is no alternative to reform of revolutionary proportions in the next decade. 

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

effective, the scheme will be modified to facilitate


I am not a teacher, but an awakener. - Robert Frost

D. Babu Paul

Indian Administrative Service (retired)

Changing Role of CIVIL SERVICE Enablers, not providers


s I sit back this Vijayadasami, totally tired after initiating about 150 children into the world of knowledge in a process unique to Kerala, my thoughts go back to those early days in 1960s, when Sarammachy, aunt to my wife, and a

group of enthusiastic Marthomites, led by their vicar Rev P.P. Joseph, today better known as Joseph Mar Thoma, ran from house to house, almost pillar to post, to raise funds for a school in Trivandrum. I was a young sub-collector those days and that is a time when you think you know and do not know that you do not know. I did not understand how people could be so naĂŻve as not to notice that there was al-

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


ready an ICSE school run, and a state system school managed, by the Jesuits, known the world over for their role in the realm of education. I am happy that they who thought otherwise knew better. Or, they turned out more correct. My father-in-law was a member

A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special. - Nelson Mandela

of that fraternity but as their only child was married

“to teach them the literature and the language of the

to me, outside their church, I can only look at the pres-

Chaldeans”. And their compensation package during

ent members with some envy! I salute those founding

training is described as follows: “a daily portion of the

fathers (mothers too), and those esteemed teachers of

food that the king ate and of the wine that he drank”.

the early and difficult years.

The training lasted three years. The Bible says, “At the

Salute to MTCES leaders

end of that time they were to stand before the king”.

What was begun as another “Loyola” grew beyond

That was centuries ago. Read the Book of Daniel in

what the original enthusiasts had ever imagined.

the Old Testament, currently referred to as “the He-

Slowly it became a group of schools, teaching accord-

brew Bible’ to respect the sentiments of the powerful

ing to different syllabi. And two professional colleges,

Jewish lobby. These young officers became objects

one for teachers and the other for engineers, came up.

of envy and victims of intrigue. They however stood

As an external observer, I have seen all leaders

their ground, and were finally rewarded by the king

of the MTCES doing their best, particularly my guru,

who was always fond of them in his heart, thanks to

Mr P.M. Abraham, who brought laurels to the Kerala

their sterling qualities and efficient performance.

cadre of the Indian Administrative Service, repeating

Just and fair survive

the splendid performance in the St. Thomas world. I salute them all on this auspicious occasion.

Today the mode of recruitment has changed. The training has changed. The compensation package has

My contact with this great institution today is

changed. The job requirements have changed. Al-

through Civil Service aspirants and therefore I deem

most everything has changed. Except that the young

it only appropriate to speak about the changing role of civil service in this country. The Bible speaks about the invader king, Nebuchadnezzar, recruit-

officers still provoke admiration as well as envy, are still often subject to intrigues and conspiracies, and the just and fair ones still survive without scars.

ing young Israelite men to Bab-

Nearer our time we had the ICS

ylon’s imperial civil service. The

under the British. Many of them

prescribed qualifications were that they be “youth without blemish, of good

could not survive the changes demanded by independence. Those who

appearance and skilful in all wisdom,

did redefined the role of the civil service.

endowed with knowledge, understanding

And that happened over a period of more

learning, and competent to stand in the

this evolution is endless.


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

king’s palace” and their training was

than half a century. And the process of

Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each. - Plato

There is an apocryphal story about Dharam Vir,

litical executive represents them. The common sense

later Governor of West Bengal, and Sardar Patel the

most of them bring to the office and the wisdom many

Deputy PM in charge of Home Affairs. Patel once told

of them have acquired over the years of experience is

Dharam Vir that what the latter had noted in file was

often alien to the civil servants. The civil servant must

against the views of the Minister and it would have

have the humility to recognize this.

helped if the Minister were consulted before the Sec-

Secondly many politicians are very brilliant. Like

retary formulated his minutes. And Dharam Vir re-

EMS. Like Achyuta Menon. Like T M Jacob. When EMS

sponded famously saying that he was paid Rs 4,000

discontinued his academic studies, his professor is

every month to give his honest advice to the govern-

said to have remarked: “Let Sankaran go. He is des-

ment, and that the Minister was free to overrule him.

tined to make, and not mug up, history.” Achyuta Me-

Sardar reported this to Nehru as a fresh insight. Neh-

non was a consistent rank holder whom his teachers

ru and Sardar held a conference of Secretaries to con-

expected to join the ICS. And Jacob passed all exams

vey the principle to all.

with placement in the First Class.

Like the Apocrypha, this story may or may not be

Therefore there is no point in comparing the ac-

true. May be it has a kernel of truth covered by a lot

ademic credentials or even the IQ of the civil servant

of flesh given by fiction. Yet the fact remains. And the

and the political executive. The roles envisaged are

principle continues to be the ideal – at least the ideal.

totally different, although towards the sunset years

Humility is a virtue

in civil service a successful civilian would have devel-

I have been asked more than once over the last half

oped a certain political sense. For instance I can cite an

century about how academically brilliant IAS officers

instance when I acted as Secretary to the Council of

manage to work under semiliterate and ill-informed

Ministers. Nayanar was the Chief Minister. The issue

ministers. The question betrays the ignorance of the

before the Cabinet related to the KSRTC, touching the

Doubting Thomas, both of the calibre of the ministers

compensation package of all employees. I pointed out

and the principles of democracy.

to the CM that the proposal of the Transport Minister,

In democracy the people are supreme. And the po-

as it stood, was unacceptable. The CM was convinced.

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Kids don’t remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are. - Jim Henson

And typical of Nayanar, he said we could decline

is today known as General Administration Depart-

straightaway. I whispered in his ears – the Chief Sec-

ment. He received a phone call. He answered it po-

retary sits next to the CM in the Cabinet Room – that

litely, and firmly. As he put the receiver down he said:

his party’s union would be embarrassed if he did that,

“That was an ex-Minister. Today’s minister is tomor-

and therefore he may postpone a decision to give it

row’s petitioner.”

a fresh look. If I were a machine, the CM would have

There is a great wisdom in that statement. It

been at the receiving end outside the Cabinet Room.

means, one, that a minister is not forever and so you

And, if the CM disagreed with me, it would still have

can afford to be independent, and two, any petition-

been ok because he would have taken a decision after

er who appears before you today could become your

considering the additional input that I gave.

minister tomorrow.

Today’s minister, tomorrow’s petitioner

To modulate your behaviour with this at the back

However, it is not expected of the civil servant to

of your mind is not easy. However, that is what is ex-

look at the political angle. We examine purely on merit,

pected of a civil servant in democracy. Every person

and tender our honest objective advice. Then the po-

you come across is part of the nebulous and invisible

litical executive will bring into the process of decision

body of the ultimate source of power in democracy.

making their input based on their understanding of the will and well being of the people.

The people we come across outside the government are generally three types. First, the genuine pe-

The civil servant who joins the IAS and IPS begin

titioners. Their grievances will have to be addressed.

their interaction with the public from Day One. As an

Secondly, the elected representatives of the people.

Assistant Collector or ASP under training they hold

Their views will have to be heard. And thirdly, the in-

charge as a village officer or a station house officer. I

fluence peddlers. Their presence is to be shunned.

remember an axiom that the late Zachariah Mathew

So much about the interface that a civil servant

(IAS, 1957) passed on to my batch, seven years his ju-

must take into account in defining his role in democ-

nior. We had just reported at the Secretariat after

racy. The role itself is constantly under evolution as

Mussorie training. He was the Joint Secretary in what

mentioned earlier.


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Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon. - E.M. Forster

The silent movers and shakers

led by B.N. Rao, ICS. This pattern continues.

The first contextual change was in 1947. Till

The regulation of marine fishing in Kerala is an

then we had no democracy in this country. The civ-

example. There was an agitation. There was judi-

il servants carried out the wishes of the Emperor

cial intervention. There were expert studies. And

or in the case of native states the King. The basic

there was the input of the civil servant. However

objective was to maintain law and order. In en-

it is all in the background. The world knows that

lightened states like Travancore or Cochin educa-

the then Minister, P.S. Sreenivasan, is the father of

tion, social welfare, health etc. were also segments

marine regulations in Kerala.

of governance. In the areas ruled by the British

Another example is Tourism. Here again PSS

education and health did matter though mostly in

is thought to be the father of modern tourism.

urban areas.

But it was no personal contribution by a political

Following independence, the civil servants

leader. There was the Pylee Report. Most import-

were expected to look at the responsibility to devel-

ant administrative decision following that was to

op a country that had been enslaved and fleeced. In

have a full time Government Secretary for Tour-

the preparation towards independence, the basic

ism. Homework followed. Seminal decisions were

frame had to be constructed and hence the Consti-

taken. All of that was the work of civil servants.

tution. This was the first instance of the changed

In a democracy, however, the role of civil service

role of civil service, marked by its anonymity. We

is mostly in the back office. So the outsider hardly

know that Ambedkar is hailed as the architect of

knows the crucial role played by the civil servant

our constitution. And it is true both in law and to a

in governance in a democracy.

large extent in substance. Yet we must know that it

Power to the people

was drafted for the most part by the civil servants

Both the illustrations above relate to policy

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Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in. - Leonardo da Vinci

making. The more obvious role of civil service is at

The present generation of officers and people’s

the delivery stage.

representatives cannot imagine that there was a

Here, again, the role is constantly evolving. When I was a District Collector in the 1970s, and

time when the municipal chairman’s letter had to be forwarded by the municipal commissioner!

earlier when I was a Sub Collector, we handed

Having said that let me add that the role of

down solutions. We presided over the Develop-

the civil service in enforcement and regulation

ment Councils and guided the non-officials care-

remains the same. A young officer in Kerala, An-

fully. That changed in Kerala in the 1990s, with

upama, as Commissioner for food safety, initiated

democratic decentralisation, as understood by

through her regulatory initiatives a second green

EMS Nampoothiripad and carried to the ground

revolution in the state. Her stiff and severe review

by Dr Thomas Isaac and his friends.

of pesticide-filled vegetables imported from Tamil

Two things happened. One was to give more

Nadu led to organic vegetables being produced in

powers to the people and the local bodies. The oth-

Kerala in a significant way. In fact this could be a

er was to draw up plans of development from be-

case study in a regulatory activity on the pattern of

low. In this context, the civil servant became a fa-

the past leads to a development activity with socie-

cilitator. Today the civil servant is not a controller

tal involvement. In short the civil service is always

of destiny anymore. Contrarily, he is a facilitator.

in a process of evolution. And our civil servants,

An enabler more than a provider.

and the system as a whole, have been responding

This process continued into the new century. With more powers devolved downward, the district panchayat president became as important in

to the changing needs as they arise. Let me once again pay my tribute to this great institution. 

her field as the district collector. All the way down.


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Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil. - C.S. Lewis

What ails India's Education System...

Need qualitative change in teaching Dr. Kuncheria P. Isaac Vice Chancellor, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University


he cars we use today have undergone revolutionary changes in their design, aesthetics and performance. The phones we use today have undergone technological changes since its invention by Alexander

Graham Bell. These are just two examples that testify to the innumerable changes that happened in improving the living standards of people. If we compare the contemporary class room and the one that was there 100 years back, one will find that there is no change at all. India is renowned for the ancient gurukul system of education where the

guru (Sanskrit word meaning “one who dispels the darkness of ignorance”)

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imparts education to selected shishyas (disciples) in his residence as a residential programme through a predominantly activity-based learning. Unfortunately, from the gurukul system, we moved into the British Raj’s education system that was created to serve imperial interests. The aim of that system was to create an intermediary class of Indians – “a class of persons, Indians in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinion, in morals and in intellect” Thomas Babington Macaulay. Education policies were framed and implemented by successive governments after independence. The new education policy is on the anvil. The pertinent question to all academicians and policy makers is, should we not revolutionise education to bring about creative thinking among students? Ken Robinson through his TED talk, “Do

schools kill creativity”, and his book, “Creative Schools”, seeks a compulsory change in the education system. As he puts it, “many highly-

The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled. - Plutarch

talented, brilliant people think they’re not, because the thing they were good at in school wasn’t valued or was actually stigmatised. The consequences are disastrous …”. In this short article, I would like to highlight a few changes which are mandatory in the teaching-learning process so as to bring in creativity in our schools and colleges. Role of teacher The answer to the question of the role of a teacher is mostly confined to the process of a monologue, based on the delivery of information to a set of students focussed on a curriculum framed by the academic bodies of the boards and universities and also conducting the assessment. The system of affiliating schools to boards and colleges to universities, which is prevailing in India, takes it origin from the British raj where in the curric-

teaching. Sometimes it’s with a whole class, some-

ulum is framed only by a few academicians.

times with smaller groups, and sometimes one-to-

The assessment of the students taught by a teach-

one with individual students.

er, being entrusted to other teachers outside that in-

But expert teachers have a repository of skills

stitution, is the most idiotic policy being followed. The

and techniques and direct instruction is only among

system of framing curriculum, teaching and assess-

them. Knowing how and when to use the appropriate

ment by the teacher himself to a set of students under

technique is what great teaching is all about. Like all

him/her is followed in autonomous institutions such

genuine professions, it takes judgement to know what

as IITs, IIScs, IISERs, NITs and autonomous colleges

works best here and now.

under the universities. The role of a teacher of a high-

Expect: Expectations of teachers have radical

er education system is not only confined to teaching,

implications for the achievements of their students. If

but also to initiate research and to take up industrial

teachers convey to students that they expect the lat-

consultancy assignments.

ter to do well, it’s much more likely that they will and

and dynamics of the school curriculum, expert teach-

The key to raising the levels achievement is to

ers shall fulfil four main roles; they engage, enable,

recognize that teaching and learning is a relationship.

expect and empower”.

Students need teachers who relate with them, and

Engage: Great teachers realise that it’s not sim-

above all, they need teachers who believe in them.

ply sufficient to have mastery in respective disci-

Empower: The best teachers are not only in-

plines. Their job is not to teach subjects but to teach

structors, but they are also mentors and guides who

students. They need to engage, inspire, and enthuse

can raise the confidence of their students, help them

students by creating an ambience in which those stu-

find a sense of direction, and empower them to believe

dents will yearn to learn.

in themselves.

When teachers do that, their students will almost

Teaching-learning for creativity

certainly exceed their own expectations and every-

A perennial obsession that many teachers have

one else’s too. Great teachers succeed by bringing out

is that classroom is a workshop or factory floor to

the best in their students.

cover the curriculum prescribed. In the factory floor,

Enable: It is sometimes assumed that the main

certain products are produced based on a formula or

role of a teacher is direct instruction. There’s of

a process and is a mechanical job and no innovation

course an essential place for direct instruction in

takes place in that process. The product being made

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According Ken Robinson, ‘to achieve a balance


vice versa.

In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn. - Phil Collins

in the floor could be a result of an innovation that took place in the mind of an innovator and turned into a design in an innovation or design laboratory. Should the class room be a factory floor or an innovation laboratory? If a teacher can convert the contemporary classroom which is a factory floor into an innovation lab, learning and teaching will become enjoyable and interesting. This can happen if the classroom becomes an activity room wherein an experiential or project-based learning happens. Professor Yash Pal is one of India’s most iconic teachers. Awarded doctorate in physics from MIT, he has been

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STIST Campus, Kazhakuttam

Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it. - Albert Einstein

an institution builder and a great communicator of complex science subjects. He has demonstrated that science can be enlivened. If a student asked a good physics teacher what ‘gravity’ was; he would get an explanation that would be largely conceptual or mathematical. Here is how Professor Yash Pal would explain gravity to students: He would draw a circle representing the circumference of the earth. Then he would draw pictures of tiny human figures standing around the circle. He would point to a human form on the top of the circle and say, “He is standing upright right at the top. That is not so surprising. But look at this fellow standing upright at the bottom of the earth. Do you now know what gravity is all about? The whole class is enlivened by the mystery that gravity is. Activity learning I would like to cite an example of activity learning implemented by Mrs Anita Kaul, former Secretary to the Government of India who is devoted to educational reforms. She had chanced upon a lovely primary school class room in West Bengal where an Urdu teacher and her class were using a set of old frayed but carefully preserved learning cards from Karnataka’s Nali Kali system of activity based learning. She played an important part in bringing Nali Kali into Karnataka’s primary schools, which has a great potential in the teaching-learning process. The flipped classroom is considered as an effective platform to engage the class. Here, the teacher does not lecture as is being done now, instead the students get the information from the online platforms which include massive open online courses (MOOC), books, recorded lectures, etc. The student thus has the required knowledge of the topic before coming to the class. In the class, projects and activities related to the topic, tutorials, etc. happen whereby the learning takes place. There are several online platforms available today and Khan Academy is one of the best examples of this. Says Ken Robinson: “The classroom should not be about direct instruction. None of us liked it, and none of us felt particularly engaged. The teachers don’t like it, either. Teachers feel like they’re just shooting information into a vacuum. Human beings should not be passive. When they get together, they should be interacting with each other. They should be solving problems, Conclusion Changes in the pedagogical approach of teachers are essential to have the revolution in the education system directed towards excellence. Teaching is a noble profession and the teachers will have to become professionals and for that, a continuing professional development is the need of the hour. Every teacher will have to frame his own vision and mission statements and translate these into reality to inculcate creativity among students. Attending conferences, faculty development programmes, taking up industrial consultancy and research assignments are essential components of the development of professionalism. Enrolling in MOOCs, webinars and activities of professional societies will further enhance the attire of professionalism. REFERENCES 1. Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica. “Creative Schools”, Penguin Random House, UK, 2015. 2. Debashis Chatterjee. “The Class Act”, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 2013. 

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or they should be making things.”


The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know. - Michel Legrand

What ails India's Education System...

Urgent correction needed

Prof. Dr. George Varghese


Member, Executive Committee of MTCES and former Director, Kerala Science and Technology Council and Director of Research, University of Calicut

ver the past few years the education system has been experiencing a radical and unprecedented process of reforms. The reform in higher education is increasing pressure for more accountability, changes in structure,

increased student numbers and intense exposure to market forces. The expansion

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of knowledge-based society beyond the confines of universities has precipitated a conflict between quality and quantity. Quality may be judged by the outcome of performance indicators. The vast network of state-funded Indian universities appears to be sinking into a state, where academic performance, both in teaching and research, has become partially marginalized. Erudition and scholarship are no longer pre-requisites for advancement through the academic ranks. We need some immediate action to transform the whole system of higher education in India. Currently, the Indian higher education system is the third largest in the world; it will most likely surpass the US in the next five years. The demographic trend means India will soon overtake China as the world’s largest population in near future. The present gross enrolment ratio in universities and higher-learning institutions of India is about 17.9%. Our aim is to achieve 30% gross enrolment, by 2020, which will mean providing 40 million university places, an increase of 14 million in six years. Being a country with an average annual GDP growth close to 8%, the middle class population of over 500 million people will demand higher education in the next 10 years. This is in fact an overwhelmingly large figure, but the trend is that the common people are getting attracted towards higher education, which was once a destination of the elite.

There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent. - Mahatma Gandhi

Institutions need to be screened Quality plays crucial role today than ever before due to the impact of globalization on the higher education field. The central tenet of strategic implementation and planning of educational reforms in India has recognized the significance of quality teaching and learning. As an outcome of the national policy, the University Grants Commission has established the country’s first autonomous agency for quality assessment, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), in 1994. In the same year, the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) established the National Board of Accreditation (NBA), for a periodic evaluation of technical institutions. Even today, the majority of Institutions in India is not screened by these agencies. Many of the institutions are paralyzed by issues of quality which rose due to chronic shortage of faculty, poor quality of teaching, outdated and rigid curricula and pedagogy, lack of accountability and quality assurance and separation of research and teaching. This has resulted in the creation of millions of unemployable graduates in the country. The recent survey conducted by NASSCOM says, “Only 25% of technical graduates and about 15% of other graduates are considered employable by IT/ITES industry”. This indicates that immediate surgical measures are required to save the system as it shows signs of critical illness. The role of not-for-profit players of the private sector is relevant today, as their investments in educations had shown significantly impressive results. Until recently the public sector was the sole provider of tertiary education in India. During the last decade a considerable increase


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To attain knowledge, add things everyday. To attain wisdom, remove things every day. - Lao Tzu

in the penetration of private institutions in the higher

faculty, the central universities and IITs still prefer

education sector was observed due to the liberalized

such candidates. The state Universities and colleges,

polices adopted by the government. The government

where the vast majority go to, employ the locally

should further consider an open policy for foreign

trained teachers and show no interest in faculty

direct investment in the higher education sector.

mobility or international collaborations. Under the

We have already witnessed vital changes in the

concurrent scenario, and in the middle of private-

pre-independence era when British rulers introduced

public partnership, it is difficult to achieve the faculty

the modern education system in the country.

recruitment on a national basis and in an unbiased

Colleges and Universities they started having


faculties recruited from abroad. Brilliant pupils

Interest in research declines

from our country got the opportunities of higher

Research aptitude in students is not properly

studies in European Universities. International

developed during their course of study. The

experience and exposure to the latest avenues of

curriculum is not research oriented or updated

knowledge expanded their thought and outlook. After

regularly. On many campuses the teacher acts as an

independence, we have developed our own system

information delivering agent who tends to promote

and produced enough number of graduates, sufficient

memorisation rather than conceptual understanding.

enough to run the business of higher education. We

The authoritarian nature of teaching-learning

have evacuated all foreigners from the universities,

practice existing in universities turns students as

which have been managed by teachers moulded fully

respectable receptors of a pre-constituted knowledge

in our own furnaces. But a few Universities are still

package. The academic ambience persisting in many

having the privilege of employing Indian teachers

universities does not encourage the research pursuits

trained in reputed centres abroad. While recruiting

of faculties. Research management in universities is

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Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions.

another very serious problem faced by many Indian universities.

India has evolved a divergent system of higher education with a central monitoring and controlling

Careful analysis is necessary for elucidating the

system under the Ministry of Human Resource

reason for the decline and to find proper measures

Development. There are autonomous institutions,

for strengthening education and research. India

deemed universities, affiliated and non-affiliated

has a very low level of PhD enrolment, and the

universities and national institutes for research and

research output lacks quality. The faculty are neither

training in the country. Universities and Colleges

interested not encouraged for collaborative research

are controlled by the University Grants Commission

or industry engagement. The ecosystems for

(UGC), constituted by an act of the parliament in

innovations in the campuses are extremely weak. The

1956. All professional institutions are monitored by

government has taken a liberalized policy to multiply

corresponding national councils constituted by the

the enrolment capacities in IIT’s and AIMS by starting

central government. Most universities are affiliating

new institutions of its kind at hitherto backward

universities and have multi faculty campuses.

locations in the country. Another major step taken

Students who have successfully completed the 10+2

by the government to bring back the ancient glory

pattern alone are admitted to the entry level courses

in the higher education sector is to re-establish the

in universities. Post independence period, New Delhi

Nalanda University with international cooperation

has framed two national policies on education, one in

and partnership near the very old location in the state

1968 and another in 1986. The latter one was modified

of Bihar. The institutes started during the last decade,

in 1992 incorporating a plan of action assigned with

for Science Education and Research (ISER), are also

special responsibilities. It is not the lack of polices,

devoted to teaching and research in science in an

but the programmes that are important in achieving

intellectually vibrant atmosphere.

the goals. Science takes a back seat Science seems to be losing out to other disciplines, particularly professional courses, in attracting students. The declining trend is a global phenomenon. Major research establishments have been defeated in their efforts to get eminent scholars. The recent trend observed in secondary and tertiary education sectors is towards non-science courses. Inadequacies in and social organizations etc., have accelerated the decline. Scientific knowledge can be achieved by the cumulative experience of knowing how by doing it. In most cases, it is achieved by participating in the practical research group. Research can therefore be seen as a way of learning. Universities have long abandoned the accent on research and have become mere teaching centres. Despite the remarkable progress the country has made in space technology, nuclear science, information technology and health, it remains backward on many counts. Addressing all the issues of the higher education institutions in a country is a cumbersome task. I have tried to give a quick review of the system that needs urgent repairs. 

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government policies, negligence by political parties


Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela


Role and Relevance of Private Schools Rev. Dr. Valson Thampu 12th Principal of St. Stephen’s College, Delhi and a founding member of the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions (NCMEI), Govt. of India


s the Mar Thoma Church Education Society celebrates the golden jubilee of its inception, I feel privileged to felicitate the Society and to

articulate the gratitude of thousands of students and parents for the outstanding service it has rendered over the last half century. At a time when standards of education remain uneven and show on the whole, a downward trend, providing consistently high quality school and professional education is, in itself, a soulful social service. The MTCES is a church venture into the sphere of education. It is, in other words, the articulation of a spiritual tradition in the public space in a manner that

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respects the needs of the people and stays true to the essence of that tradition. The essence of this integration between service and spirituality merits attention. Spirituality is the foundation Faith being an incorporeal thing, it needs to be embodied or incarnated in concrete, practical ways within a context. “Drink” for example is an abstract idea. When concretized, or incarnated, it becomes water, tea, coffee, milk and so on. Every spiritual tradition has two dimensions. The first pertains to a faith-community mandated to incarnate, or bear witness to, the tradition. The second relates to its interface with the wider community. The enunciation, or articulation of a spiritual tradition, calls for bridging the two. In most contexts this bridging is accomplished through institutions. Such institutions make the essence of a spiritual tradition accessible to the world at large. The six educational institutions established and

maintained by the Mar Thoma Church Education

public service can be ‘private’ only up to a point.

Society are not, hence, mere educational institutions

Right to quality education

in a pedestrian sense. They are also the arms of faith

As of now, it is deemed axiomatic that quality ed-

that a spiritual tradition extends in love and humility

ucation can be practised only by private institutions.

to the wider world.

Government educational institutions are not sought

There is a need to acknowledge this. In the name

by those who are keen to attain quality education.

of secularism, it has become fashionable to dilute or

Though this is the norm, this regrettable reality needs

downplay the spiritual character of educational insti-

to be questioned. It is my conviction that faith-com-

tutions. This is a regrettable mistake. For an institu-

munities have a duty not only to establish institutions

tion that derives its origin from a spiritual tradition,

of educational excellence but also to undertake ad-

diluting its true genius is a self-debilitating compro-

vocacy initiatives towards raising awareness of the

mise. It would not have come into being, but for a defi-

citizens’ right to quality education at the expense of

nite source of inspiration. Institutions of distinction

the state. The fact that the Christian community has

like those maintained by the Mar Thoma Church Ed-

for a very long time rendered distinguished service to

ucation Society are built on the foundation of spiritu-

the people of Kerala, and of other states, in the sector

ality. Their commitment to excellence stems wholly

of education has this flipside that they, by meeting the

from this foundation. It will be a gross disservice to

educational needs of the socio-economic elite, have

the wider society, if such institutions lose their spir-

unwittingly served to blunt the urgent imperative on

itual flavour and become like the salt that has lost its

the part of the State to provide quality education to


citizens at large.

The institutions run by the society are “private”

It is necessary to dwell upon the question of qual-

only in the sense that they are non-governmental

ity and its link to the spiritual character of our insti-

in inspiration and sustenance. They are, otherwise,

tutions, if only for the reason that it involves the very

potent public entities that make a difference for the

idea of education. We cannot talk about quality in ed-

better through public service. Institutions rendering

ucation without implying a certain idea of education.


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The shaping purpose of every Christian enter-

educational aspirations of a whole state. Nor is it re-

prise is the empowerment of individuals to attain

quired to. The legitimate and essential role of an edu-

life in all its fullness (John 10.10). But this is nowhere

cational Society is to be, as Jesus said, “the salt of the

in sight as far as the secular practice of education is

earth and the light of the world” (Matthew 5: 13-16). It

concerned. In the spiritual context there is a direct,

is to serve as the benchmark. Put differently, it is to be

and necessary, link between quality of education and

‘faithful’. To be faithful is to function at cent per cent

quality of life.

of the graces and gifts that God entrusts to us, both

It is in this light that the ‘role and relevance’ of

in the form of a vibrant tradition and as continual

Christian education, such as practised by the ones es-

mercies granted in the course of our journey through

tablished and maintained by the Mar Thoma Church

history, in a state of seeking obedience to the Will of

Education Society need to be understood. Their role

God for all people. It is this that ensures that we stay

and relevance are, quite frankly, marginal if the ed-

‘relevant’ all the way.

ucation practised by them is driven by the singular

Secret of enduring relevance

purpose of employability. Four decades of intense and

There is, however, at all times a potential ten-

thoughtful participation in the education sector con-

sion between this approach to running educational

vinces me that it is an insult to the human to think of

societies and the tendency to draw exclusively from

students only as prospective ingredients of a faceless

the wisdom or cleverness of man. From a spiritual


perspective, human resources are continuous with

Relevance of Christian education

divine resources. Man and God are not two alter-

I would argue that the core relevance of Christian

nate poles of possibilities, but two mutually affirm-

institutions is to embody and popularize a relevant

ing forces or resources. Together, they constitute the

and ennobling idea of education, which is, otherwise,

wholeness of the resources available in any context.

the weakest link in the current chain of education.

It is this vision that a narrowly secular view of things

It borders on the ludicrous that people are chasing

finds hard to accept. The consequences have never

‘quality education’ while remaining indifferent to the

been healthy or happy.

idea of education itself, much like a person seeking

Being relevant is always a challenge; and it is un-

an ideal wife without wanting to know what healthy

wise to gloss over its gravity. The danger is that we

married life ought to be.

mistake what this entails. To most people, being relevant is a matter of conforming, in the words of St.

time high at present. That is largely because in its

Paul, to the “pattern of the world” (Romans 12: 2). Rel-

keenness to attune itself to the nuances of the Market,

evance is equated with conformity. To be relevant in

education has all but lost its soul. A mechanistic, rath-

Rome, as the old adage puts it, one has to conform to

er than spiritual, worldview shapes the thinking on,

the ways of Rome. But there is a different, and higher,

and practice of, education at all levels. The outcome of

understanding of, and strategy for, relevance.

such a process, no matter how competently and con-

We can be relevant to the given context not only

scientiously pursued, can only be counterproductive.

by conforming, or pandering, to the given in the con-

The institutions founded by the Mar Thoma

text. We can be relevant in an inspiring sense by tran-

Church Education Society have registered significant

scending the given. This, as readers would now read-

growth in the last five decades. They enjoy, to an envi-

ily see, is the secret of enduring relevance. So, there is

able extent, the trust and goodwill of the people. This

a distinction between relevance of a fleeting kind and

testifies that the MTCES has a well-defined, spiritu-

relevance of an enduring sort. Spirituality is univer-

ally wholesome approach to education that deserves

sal. What is universal endures. Relevance of the spir-

to be commended.

itual and inspired kind will peg itself on the universal,

It is only too obvious that a single Society, no matter how proactive or prosperous, cannot meet the

rather than on the fleeting and the transient. This brings into focus the MTCES motto: Lighted


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

The relevance of Christian education is at an all-

to Lighten. Light, as is only obvious, is a symbol: per-

must include, therefore, the duty to shed abroad this

haps, the most universal symbol there is. What does

light of a spiritual, and hence, universal view of ed-

this symbol mean? And why is it so universal?

ucation and the specific, unique goals that emerge

Spread the light of spirituality

there from. The relevance of the institutions main-

In most cases, there is a tension – and in times

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


tained by it will depend largely on this.

of decay, there is a conflict – between who one is and

There is a myopic view in vogue that spiritual ear-

what one does. This is the seed of hypocrisy. The spir-

nestness and intellectual excellence cannot co-exist.

itually-valid state is that in which what one does is

This is simply not true! In fact, excellence is the fruit of

in natural harmony with, or reveals, who one is. The

spirituality. When a passion for excellence is excluded

MTCES is a faith-based education society. Faith is, or

from the practice of spirituality, it declines into mere

needs to be, for this society what saltiness is to salt or

piety that needs to barrier itself from the challenges

illumination is to light. The relevance of such a Soci-

of the world.

ety can never be sought, realized or maintained without the authenticity of its faithfulness.

The only proof that we are ‘lighted’ is that we ‘lighten’. Light that does not enlighten is a suspect,

Spirituality, unlike religion, is universal. It can-

specious commodity. To lighten is to unveil what is

not be fitted into the Procrustean bed of parochial-

good, beautiful and latent in everyone and everything

ism. The conflict is between religions, not between

around. This is also the goal of education. To ‘educate’

different spiritual traditions, which are like different

is to ‘bring up’ and to ‘bring out’. As Jesus said, every

sources of light; like candle, lamp, electric bulb and so

human being, prior to true education, is like a lamp,

on. They differ, but the lights they yield are necessari-

kindled but kept under a bushel. There is no one who

ly akin and complementary to each other. This truth is

does not have light hidden within him. Lightening,

lost, sadly, in a narrow, secular view of things. The role, in the immediate context, of the MTCES

in the context of education, does not involve importing light into children. It involves only removing the

bushel under which light is currently hid. Surely, this is, and will always be, a relevant activity whose importance is sure not to be superseded or surpassed by any at any point in time. So, what is the way forward? The challenge, in the spiritual context, is to remain ‘good and faithful’. Being ‘good’ pertains to Jesus’ exhortation that we ‘be perfect’ (Matthew 5: 48). Being ‘faithful’ involves staying steadfast on the foundation that is already provided. Perfection is always a goal to be pursued. Faithfulness is always an anchor to be adhered to. It is like, as Lord Buddha said, a wheel. While the circumference moves, the centre stays still. The forward movement of the cart depends as much on the fixity of the axle as on the mobility of the circumference. This does not, obviously, apply to a cart that, like one on permanent display, stays parked in unending stagnation. So, relevance is never an accomplished, or finished, state. It is a dynamic reality, which is marked, as Jesus said, by the spirit of seeking (Matthew 7.7). A Society founded to lighten, can never rest on its laurels. ‘Light’, after all, is a continuous outward flow of energy. Light is dynamic. It is in a state of dynamic engagement changes; but the pattern and process of engagement do not change. As the MTCES looks ahead to the next 50 years of service to the people of Kerala, and beyond, I wish the society and its many institutions an inspired time of engagement with the soul of Kerala; quite erroneously labelled “God’s own country”. Kerala is not a ‘country’. Nor is God partial to any country. Unfortunately, this seductive and erroneous touristic slogan was coined by a fellow Stephanian who was, at that time, Secretary, tourism, of Kerala. It denotes the triumph of tourism over truth; a reality that challenges the relevance of the educational enterprise at the present time. 

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

engagement with the context. The outcome of this


...of a former Principal


Shri Thomas P. Athyal

Principal of St Thomas Residential School during 1981-‘88

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society



t gives me great pleasure to convey my best

in all of Kerala to

wishes through this Souvenir being released


to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of

course. In spite of appre-



Mar Thoma Church Educational Society and St.

hensions about the future of

Thomas Residential School. It is with immense

this course, through relentless

satisfaction that I note that the School has

efforts, we gained approval from the

grown considerably and was adjudged the best

University of Kerala for the course to

residential school in Kerala. I congratulate the

be recognized as equivalent to the State’s

school and the MTCES for its growth and success

Pre-Degree course, thereby allowing the ISC stu-

in the field of education.

dents in Kerala to write the Kerala Medical and

I had the opportunity to serve St Thomas Residential School as Principal from 1981 to 1988. This

Engineering Entrance Examinations in the general merit quota.

period could be considered as a second phase in

Every one of our first batch of students got ad-

the development of the school. I am extremely hap-

mission to pursue either Medicine or Engineering

py that with the support of the staff and Governing

– some in prestigious institutions such as IIT-Ma-

Board I could contribute to the overall develop-

dras, Christian Medical College, Vellore and CMC

ment of the Institution. I have happy memories of

Ludhiana. It is noteworthy that there were no

the time spent at St Thomas Residential School

entrance coaching classes offered during those

and would like to recount some of them here.

years. Yet our students secured top positions in

In 1981, the school had 750 students and class-

different entrance examinations including first

es up to the 10th Standard. With the consent

and second ranks in the Kerala exams. This re-

of the Governing Board, I took steps to

sulted in a rush for admission to ISC as well as to

start Higher Secondary classes (Plus Two). We commenced Standard

other classes. We worked as a family

XI in June 1982, with just 13

The wholehearted co-operation and the loyalty

students. At the time we

of the teaching, boarding and administrative staff

were the first school

helped us to work as a family with a united purpose 89

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

of developing the school and student life. Some of the

lar training has served our students well in whatever

staff members had been working in the school since

field they chose to engage in their later life. The school

its inception in 1966. They willingly and selflessly

became known for its academic proficiency and com-

joined me in the task of cultivating the personality of

petency in extracurricular activities. I was elected

the children entrusted to us. Greater emphasis was

as a member to the ISC Council, New Delhi, and this

given to activity oriented teaching and learning.

helped us to keep a close link with the Council.

Our school was the first in Kerala to start comput-

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


A period of growth

er education as an elective subject. Keltron provided

As the student and staff numbers increased,

us with two computers at that time. To ensure all

neighbouring properties were acquired to extend the

round education, supervised sports and games were

campus to about 20 acres. The library and laborato-

started. Day scholars were encouraged to stay back

ries were relocated and expanded. Primary classes

and play in the campus after school hours by provid-

were consolidated to a new building, and a new Girls’

ing an additional bus service. We instituted St Thomas

hostel was constructed. A new sports field was de-

Trophy for Interschool Tournament in Hockey as well

veloped with 400 meter track and became the hub of

as St Thomas Trophy for Interschool Tournament in

sport and recreation for the school.

Basket Ball. We were winners for several years even

Our Boarding grew to over 400 students housed

emerging victorious over G V Raja Sports School, a

in three hostels looked after by resident teachers. We

fully dedicated sports school. Some of our students

introduced a mentor-mentee system to help the chil-

were selected to play in the Kerala State Teams.

dren to do better in their studies and this helped them

We introduced NCC (Air Wing), School Band, Red


Cross Junior Society and the Social Service Society.

The old students association, Alumni Santhome

Students participated in these activities with great

met regularly and maintained close links with the

enthusiasm and learnt to interact meaningfully in

school. We are happy that many of them are doing

the broader community. Inter house competitions

very well in the various corners of the world holding

and club activities helped to develop team spirit and

high and responsible positions be it in the medical

confidence within the students. This extra-curricu-

profession, engineering, teaching, business, religious

or social fields. I am happy that many of them con-

all over and sadly some schools have handed over cov-

tinue to keep in touch with me and other Teachers of

erage of the syllabus in their higher secondary classes

their time.

entirely to these providers. Such an imbalance that fails

During those days, all the affairs of the School,

to consider the social, emotional, physical and ethical

boarding and transportation had to be looked after by

development risks children becoming disengaged or

the Principal himself. This wouldn’t have been possi-

book-worms, with hardly any preparation of how to

ble, but for the dedication and hard work of teaching

live as responsible citizens. Emphasis is to be given for

and office staff who were willing to put in extra effort

value-oriented education. Learning is a lifelong process.

and time for the school. I am extremely thankful to the

Educators have a crucial role to play in preparing the

management for their support especially when new

young people to build their future with purpose and re-

developmental programmes were planned and intro-

sponsibility. The following quote says it well:

“The need for change, from narrow nationalism

I retired from St Thomas in 1988, but I remem-

to universalism, from ethnic and cultural prejudice

ber with thanks the parents, staff, alumni and other

to tolerance, understanding and pluralism, from au-

well-wishers for their whole hearted co-operation,

tocracy to democracy in its various manifestations,

support and concern in the progress of the school that

and from a technologically divided world where high

enabled the school to grow from strength to strength

technology is the privilege of the few to a technolog-

Challenges ahead

ically united world, places enormous responsibili-

Even as we commemorate the successes of the

ties on teachers who participate in the moulding of

last 50 years it is useful to reflect briefly on the chal-

the characters and minds of the new generation.”-

lenges for schools and the educational system in the

Source: J. Delors et al., Learning: The Treasure Within.

future. With growing pressure for material success in

I wish St Thomas Residential School and the Mar

a competitive employment market, there is an exces-

Thoma Church Educational Society every success

sive emphasis solely on developing academic excel-

in the future. May God’s blessings be with you all as

lence in order to get a place in a professional college.

the MTCES continues to play a crucial role in the

Consequently, coaching institutes have sprung up

community. 

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

duced in the school.


plot – without any knowledge of the owners of the land and without any cash in hand, but drawn by the beautiful natural greenery of the location, made a cross on the land with Thirumeni’s walking stick, knelt down Smt. Achamma Zachariah Principal of St Thomas Residential School during 2003-2009

and prayed: “Almighty Lord, thank you for giving us this land for the School. Bless us and make our efforts fruitful.” There is no doubt that our campus is God’s own


signature land. "Hence no evil shall befall us nor shall

rivalry among schools and students. This is the

great voyage of the School towards excellence in all

outcome of the devoted and selfless work of several

respects and I thank God for His manifold blessings

people – the management, Principals, teachers, non-

showered upon us during these years.

he St Thomas Residential School has completed

any plague come near our dwelling. (Psalm 91:10).

50 years of excellence in the field of education.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us always".

No doubt, this is a wonderful story of a very

(It seems our School Auditorium stands on the same

successful and glorious survival and existence,

place where Thirumeni knelt and prayed). I consid-

especially in these days of severe competition and

er it a privilege and honour to be a small link in this

teaching staff, students, parents and all employees.

if my memory is correct, when I happened to see an

ing on an experimental basis in 1966 and on a regular

advertisement in the Malankara Sabha Tharaka in-

basis in January, 1967 in a rental building in Nanthen-

viting applications from dedicated and service mind-

code. Later it was shifted to the present campus of St

ed people for the post of teachers. At that time, I never

Thomas Nagar, Mukkolakkal, in 1970, the land which

thought that I would be a teacher in this Institution.

Almighty God had created exclusively for us.

However, within 10 years, after completing the teach-

A Land with God’s own signature

er training course, I joined the service of the school. I

I have heard from the late Rev P.K. Koshy, the first

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


My knowledge about the School dates back to 1967,

The School had a very humble beginning, start-

strongly believe that it was God’s guidance and direc-

Fifty years of excellence

Principal of the school, that the late Dr Mathews Mar

tion. My 33 years of service was not only a period of

Athanasius Thirumeni, after seeing the Mukkolakkal

teaching but also a period of learning. Now six years

after stepping down from the post, when I look back, it

those things that are good and that deserve praise,

brings sweet memories and I praise and give thanks

things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely and hon-

to God Almighty as well as the management, my col-


leagues, parents and beloved students.

All those lively and meaningful words in Achen’s

I joined the school on 23rd January, 1976, as a Teach-

serious but powerful voice created an impression in

er of Biology, under the Principalship of Late Rev. Dr

my mind and remained as guidelines throughout my

T.C. Thomas and started my career as the class teach-

service. The inspiring, meaningful prayer we had ev-

er of Standard III A. I still remember the cute lovely

ery morning at the Principal’s office was sufficient for

faces of those little ones in my class. Most of them are

all teachers to meet the challenges of each day. This

now working in high positions in different parts of the

daily morning fellowship before the classes began,

world. Thomas Achen was a very dedicated, commit-

created a sense of oneness and kept us united. The

ted, experienced teacher and educationist. He was

support we got from Achen and the Vice Principal Shri

very gentle and considerate in his dealings with teach-

P.T. Mathew is unforgettable. Initially the infrastructure was insufficient and

in teaching at the time of joining, for me, Achen’s guid-

lack of classrooms was a constraint. The Library,

ance was very helpful and encouraging. He urged the

three labs, Principal’s office, school office and staff

teachers to be very patient, considerate and compas-

rooms functioned in the foyer, where the Roll of Hon-

sionate with students.

our boards are kept now. The grill was closed and

Seeking the Lord first

there was no entry to the School building from this

Ever since its inception, it has been the school’s

entrance. We were so delighted when we got a staff

practice to begin the academic year with a retreat and

room with individual chairs to sit comfortably. But

devotional session for teachers along with faculty

even when the facilities were lacking we never grum-

improvement programmes. This has been a great op-

bled or complained. In spite of its financial constraints,

portunity for rededication and re-equipping ourselves

the management was good enough to sanction half fee

to face the challenges of the academic year bravely. I

concession to the children of the members of the staff.

thank God that I could attend all these sessions during

When a fan and school bus were luxuries …

my time in St Thomas. At one of these sessions Achen

When two electric fans were added to our staff

spoke on an eight point package based on St Paul’s

room, we treated it as a luxury. Stationery items, elec-

letter to Philippians 4:8. It reads, “Fill our minds with

tricity and water were used very carefully and spar-

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

ers as well as students. Being fresh and inexperienced


ingly. The Principal always kept an eye on

nie Athyal, we worked hard without

all these things however insignificant.

wasting a single moment, utilizing

I am aware how difficult the

all the available library and lab facil-

situation was 10 years after

ities for effective teaching

the School came into exis-

and ensuring better

tence. So I can imagine how

preparation of the

much more difficult it would


have been during the

When the Coun-

first 10 years! The

cil Examination results

growth from such a

were declared our stu-

situation to the present sta-

dents secured the first,

tus is nothing short of a miracle. It is proof that our Almighty God can transform small attempts to great

entrance examinations to professional cours-


es. This proved undoubtedly that the bold step

In the early years transport facilities to

he took was absolutely right and thereafter, by

Mukkolakkal were very limited. There was

the grace of God, we never had to look back. The

only one KSRTC city bus in a circular route

glorious performance of our students (details of

“Kizhakkekotta - Mannanthala – Peroorka-

which are given on the Roll of Honour Board kept

da” – one in the morning and one in the evening.

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


second, third ranks as well as the top ranks at the various

outside STRS Principal’s Office) enhanced the

Though the financial position of the society was not

reputation of the school and there was a tremendous

very favourable, the management decided to invest in

rush for admissions.

a FARGO second-hand bus for conveyance. The staff

Even today parents generally consider that their

and students were extremely thrilled and gave the bus

children’s future is safe if they get admitted to STRS.

a royal welcome to the campus. For many years this

I still remember entire families coming for LKG ad-

was our only means of transportation which also fol-

mission – the handsome dads, pretty moms, elegant

lowed a circular route touching all the main points in

grandmas and the majestic grandpas with their cute

the city with Mr.Appukuttan (popularly called Appu)

children for the interview with the Principal, dream-

as the driver and Mr. Lawrence as Conductor. Mr

ing of the golden future of their kids. What a beautiful

Lawrence was very efficient in managing children in

sight it was! Now many of these alumni are occupying

the bus and cared for them well.

high positions all over the world in various fields –

Rev Dr T C Thomas, after serving the institution

medical, engineering, IT, management, teaching, busi-

for six years, retired in June 1981. Mr Thomas P Athy-

ness and civil services, holding aloft the torch they

al took charge as the new Principal in 1981 and geared

received from their alma mater.

the institution till 1988. As a Principal, he was very firm

The management started ‘external evaluation’ for

and strict with us and, at the same time, caring and

teachers and constituted a committee for the same,

considerate. During these years the school had many

with the late Dr A.V. Varghese, former Vice-Chan-

face-lifting changes.

cellor, University of Kerala, as the Chairperson. The

Introducing ISC syllabus - a bold step

evaluation process continued under the able guidance

There were doubts and apprehensions when Mr

of eminent educationists and scholars. Dr Varghese

Athyal took the bold step of starting ISC course in

shared his ideas and gave suggestions on the academ-

1982, the first of its kind in our State. The syllabus of

ic matters of the school which greatly benefited us at

the ISC course was quite tough initially. Each subject

the initial stages. His sudden unexpected demise was

had 3 papers, except Mathematics, and the final Board

a great loss and in his memory, the management in-

examination evaluated the complete two years sylla-

stituted an oratorical contest for the students of the

bus. There were no private tuition providers then but

three Schools, which is still a prestigious one.

under the able guidance of Mr Athyal and Mrs An-

By the time Dr V.M. John became Principal of STRS

in 1988, the school was functioning quite systematical-

as a teacher meant more to me than being the Prin-

ly. Dr John guided the School for 10 years, the longest

cipal. By the Grace of God, we could achieve excellent

service record for any STRS Principal. The School

academic records in those years as well as distinction

achieved great excellence during his tenure as he was

in cultural and sports competitions. Our School would

very keen on holistic development of students, thereby

invariably bag the championships at the state level

improving the co curricular activities and organising

sports meet as well as cultural meets. Our students

sports camps for students and seminars, workshops

also participated and secured medals at the national

and talks for the empowerment of teachers. The sum-

level competitions.

mer course we conduct every year immediately after

The days as Principal were quite busy, starting

the annual exams is actually a modified version of Dr

from 8 am in the morning when the first school bus-

John’s “Enrichment Programme” conducted in STRS.

es arrive to 5.30 pm when the late evening trip buses

The credit of initiating the School Anthem which we

leave the campus after the games, extra classes etc.

now proudly sing at the School Assembly and at every

All the teachers were very diligent and sincere in ac-

formal function goes to Dr V M John.

ademic work. They wholeheartedly participated in the

Vice-Principal post lifts teacher morale

organisation and the conduct of school activities.

For many years i.e. till 1994 there were no opportu-

Home away from home

nities for promotions for teachers. In 1994, the execu-

The Boarding Home functioned as a home away

tive committee under the presidentship of His Grace,

from home in those days and our boarders performed

the Most Rev. Dr Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan,

well at the Council Exams and other competitive ex-

and Dr P.J. Alexander, IPS (retired), a post of Vice-Prin-

ams without any external tuition. Since most of the

cipal was created, which was a fillip to teachers. Con-

Wardens were the members of the teaching staff of

sequently three Teachers, in consultation with the

the School they had better control over the boarders

Principal, were selected for the Vice-Principal posts

and looked after them well. The school Chaplain con-

for a period of two academic years, to be rotated. I was

ducted regular church service on Sundays and eve-

one of the privileged few. Later at a meeting His Grace,

ning prayer at the Chapel every day. It was a pleasure

remarked that our teachers were like the man who

to attend the worship services and to give the message

had been ill for 38 years, waiting by the Bethesda pool

to the boarders as per the schedule given by the Chap-

without any one to put him in the water when stirred



By the Grace of God I could maintain a good relaAfter being the first Vice-Principal in STCS for two

staff, service staff, parents and students.

continued as teacher under Dr V.M. John, who had a

Most of the senior teachers who were once part

remarkable ability to face the most difficult situation

and parcel of the institution’s rapid growth have now

calmly with a smile on his face. He possessed a very

stepped down, passing the baton to the young gener-

high degree of patience and perseverance in all his



I thank God Almighty for His countless blessings

In 1998, when Dr V.M. John stepped down, Mr M.M.

and endless mercy showered upon us these fifty years.

Mathew took over as the Principal. During his tenure

I am sure that the same God Almighty will be with the

I had the good fortune to work as Administrative As-

Management, Principals, teachers, non-teaching

sistant in charge of the council examinations. In 2001,

staff, students and parents, in the front as a pillar of

I was asked to take up the post of Vice-Principal STCS

cloud during the day to show the way and during the

again and later was given the charge of Principal

night in a pillar of fire to give them light enabling them

STCS. I continued in STCS till August 2003, when I was

to take the institution to greater heights in every re-

appointed as Principal, STRS. It was a daunting task to


follow the path led by stalwarts but with God’s grace, I was able to honestly do my duties, Though I became the Principal of STRS, the days

May the Good Lord bless the MTCES constellation with His unrivalled wisdom, boundless skill, limitless power and infinite resources. 


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

academic years, I came back to my parent School and

tionship and rapport with the teachers, non teaching


very man’s memory is his private literature,” said Aldous Huxley. I am sure my generous readers won’t deny me the right to

indulge in it for a brief while. It takes me to the latter half of my five-decade old

teaching career around the turn of the third millennium. By then, I had retired from Mar Thoma College, Thiruvalla, when the government found that I was too old to be of any use. Without denigrating with the joy I found in teaching English and with being in live contact with young minds in Mar Thoma College as Head of the Department of English, I would put the four years I spent in St Thomas Central School, Trivandrum, way ahead in terms of satisfaction I derived from my labour where I felt I had occasion to invest my God given capabilities to some profitable use. By then, teaching English language and literature to post- graduate students, I felt I was somehow losing the passion to teach. It was progressively waning mainly because of the scatter-brained policies of the government vis-à-vis higher education in pampering the students at the cost of watering down the standards, whittling down the course content

Prof Babu Zachariah

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


former head of department of English in Mar Thoma College, Thiruvalla. He was the Principal of St Thomas Central School during 19962000. He is a sports caster and bilingual translator

How I reclaimed the joy of teaching

and at the same time being extra generous in the award of marks – first and second classes were getting cheaper by the dozen. Drawn by the heady mix in schools This made me switch my turf from college to higher secondary schools, not because I expected it any easier handling late teenagers, but because I found them hungrier in their pursuit of some meaningful career. They were, by and large, budding with enthusiasm, a pre-requisite for the acquisition of any skill, which with proper guidance could bring forth pleasing rewards. They were physically and mentally more alert. Throw in a young set of teachers willing to put in their best and an enlightened management being equally pragmatic and imaginative, and then the mix is ideal. I should say I was fortunate enough to find that mix. “The highest education is that which does not merely give us information, but makes our life in harmony with all existence,” Tagore, the seer opined. Mark the words, “in harmony with all existence”, not just the cocoon life within the four walls of the class room. The four walls remind me of another observation of Victor Hugo: “He,

ety, was not averse to suggestions, but keen to move

who opens a school door, closes a prison.” I found the

with the times if not ahead. Did I say he was heading

management sharing the vision. Dr P J Alexander,

the society? I am sorry about my inadvertency – it

heading the Mar Thoma Church Educational Soci-

was Rt. Rev. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius, one of my distinguished alumni in Mar Thoma College, who was at the helm, always giving positive leadership. I am sure it is invidious to name a few among a big team. But I wilfully fall into the temptation. At the top of the rung of the managing committee, the presence of late Mr Varghese Samuel, additional Accountant General (retired) as Treasurer, scrupulously careful about

to meaningful expenditure and Mr M.D. Philoman, Administrative Officer, integrity personified, was refreshingly wholesome. Now I find choosing the primrose path of dalliance to temptation in this context is much like treading on quicksand. There were quite a number of faces around, cheerfully expectant. You made my day, dear colleagues No, I can’t forget any of you nor can I bring in all your names for the delightful way you played your respective roles in the team. Zarina and Susan Chacko, my deputies, Lucy, the inimitable Biology teacher, Rajasree and Meena, who made English teaching an exhilarating experience, K.T. Varghese, the alchemist who transmuted all detestably pungent chemicals into pleasing scents, Rajeev, who converted the big bug bear Physics into an amiable genie, Shylaja and Asha, who drew the best of the talents of our children in art and music, Sally and Lenu, who

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

every pie spent but not unduly tight-fisted when it came


walked straight into the hearts of young kids at pri-

not to speak of choosing the head boy or head girl ev-

mary level, who led children in literary creativity –

ery year. Discipline was no problem. Taking parents

the list of committed teachers is endless. And not only

to task was no longer a routine. The well attended

teachers, Sebastian, Gracy and Hari in the office, so

PTA meetings were happy occasions of give and take.

prompt that you don’t have to go there a second time,

“Sport teaches you character, it teaches you to

Thankam, Indira and Krishna Kumari who kept the

play by the rule, it teaches you to know what it feels

premises spick and span – no, none of them failed me.

like to win and lose. It teaches you about life,” said

Hats off to you, you made over the perpetu-

Billie Jean King, the icon of world tennis. I’m afraid

al bride’s maid a blushing bride in the sprawling St

my weakness for sports and games rubbed off on my

Thomas campus. STCS was no longer playing second

students in no small measure. (I am doubtful whether

fiddle. We were holding our heads high, making heads

the management shared the same enthusiasm, their

turn and eliciting a favourable nod from parents.

mono-scholastic thrust shaken.). I don’t think many

Thanks, your concerted efforts made it all possible.

CBSE schools in Kerala can challenge the record of

It warms the cockles of my old heart when I re-

STCS having been all-Kerala champions in basket-

member that with the unstinted support and coop-

ball, football, table tennis and athletics all in the same

eration of my colleagues the school produced excel-

academic year. And we retain the coveted the position

lent results both on the academic and co-curricular

in more than one game for more than a year.

fronts. With so many enviable all-rounders on our

Multi-talented high-achievers

rolls we found the selection of prefects quite a task,

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Sethu Madhavan and Suraj (table tennis), Mau-

zam Natanie (cricket), and Arun Karthik and Varun

ham (class 3) and Aswathi Ventikachalam (class 6),

Das (roller skating) had the distinction of represent-

two sweet buds nipped off by the chief gardener (kind-

ing the state in different age groups while Joe, Johan

ly or cruelly I wouldn’t know) remind us of the fleeting

and Ashley from the Perumbavoor belt and Faraz

human breath. The way Kumaresh (class 12), the tall

Mohamad and his younger brother from Nilamel

handsome tennis playing prefect chose to disappear

were remarkable athletes among boys. Priya John,

behind the curtain left us as much as his parents

Renjitha Krishnan, Jyostna and Aswathi Das held a lot

numb with shock. He and Mrs Mariamma Samuel,

of promise among the girls. Deepa Babbington (Com-

the committed Maths teacher with that lovely singing

merce) and Rachel Idiculla (Science) were just two

voice, glided gently into the Master’s bosom a year af-

among the many multi-talented all-rounder among

ter I had left the school.

girls. From Jerry Alex to Paulose, from Rini Antony to

Presence of chaplains invaluable

Poorna Prasad, head boys and head girls have proved themselves.

The presence of chaplains like Rev Thomas Paul, Rev Scaria Abraham and Rev Dr K.U. Abraham, who

But achievers were not all prefects. There were

later was elevated to the position of a Bishop, came

quite a number of dark horses who have done the

sharply into focus on such occasions. Needless to say

school proud in many competitions. Trained by Asha,

their role in the campus has always been invaluable

our school choir won accolades even in an all-India

round the year, what with hundreds of students in

school choir competition. Our girls were again in the

the boarding houses (both boys and girls) besides the

limelight when they won an inter-school one-act play

thousands of day scholars.

competition organised by High Range

Our students gained immensely from interac-

School Munnar. The troupe was

tions with dignitaries like Dr Alexander Jacob, Mr

trained by Rajasree and Rachel.

Ananda Bose, Mr Alphonse Kannanthanam, Ms Aruna Sunder Raj, Mr Rajan K Madhekar, et. al. from

inter-school championship looked

Indian Administrative / Police Service, Mr K.S. Unni

like our monopoly; we won it four

(director Doordarshan Trivandrum), Dr I.S. Gulati

years on the trot. Another record that

(economist), Dr S.C. Gupta ( former director VSSC),

gave us a lot of satisfaction was that

Mr T.N Seshan (former Chief Election Commission-

three of our students got admission

er), internationally acclaimed architect Laurie Baker,

to National Law School, Bangalore in

Mr Kavalam Sreekumar, Dr Padma Subrahmani-

the same year (I think it was 1997-98).

yam, Mr Surya Krishnamurthi et. al. from the realm

Poulose C. Abraham our head boy, Jy-

of art and culture, celebrated journalist Sashi Kumar,

otika Prasad an excellent debater, and

Olympian Suresh Babu, state footballer M R Chan-

my memory fails me when I try to re-

dran, late P C Thomas ( national referee Basketball )

call the third name. [Incidentally, the

Dr Jose James (Director of Sports, Mahatma Gandhi

Prasad brood of four turned out to be

University ) et. al.

a boon to the school for a few years to

An elegant Chapel (thanks to the late Mr George

come. It took some convincing before

Cherian, Chief Engineer Retd), a well-equipped state

Dr P.J. Alexander, impressed by their

of the art I.T laboratory, a turf pitch for the hockey sta-

quality, accepted four of a family at

dium and a Speakers’ Nook (on the lines of Speakers’

one go and that too well into an aca-

Corner in Hyde Park) at the initiative of Dr P J Alex-

demic year. I was shocked to hear the

ander have been splendid additions to the infrastruc-

demise of Mr Prasad of Indian Forest

ture in the campus during that period.

Service a couple of years later with so much of service left in him.] For a minute, let me go from the brightly lit stage to the shady backstage. If the demise of Rinu C Abra-

May the Almighty shower his choicest blessings on Mar Thoma Church Education Society so that the magnificent work it renders to society at large continues unalloyed and unabated. 


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

The United Christian Movement

Dr V.M. John Principal of St Thomas Residential School during 1988-98 and is currently a member of the MTCES

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Blessed to be part of a great venture


he Golden Jubilee Celebration of St Thomas

and the late Rev T.C .Thomas during its formative

Residential School, Trivandrum gives us an

years. The President and members of the executive

opportunity to look back and thank God for all

committee provided the necessary guidance and sup-

the blessings we have received during the past 50 years.

port in the running of this great institution. During my tenure as Principal, an attempt was

My association with the school began when my

made to evolve a system of participatory manage-

youngest brother, Dr Joseph Mathai, was admitted

ment where students, teachers and parents were

as the first boarding student of the school in Class 3

actively involved in the planning and development

on 06.06.1966 at the Nanthencode school campus and

of some the school programmes. Co-curricular ac-

my father late K.G. Mathai became one of the founder

tivities along with one physical activity were made

members of the Mar Thoma Church Educational So-

compulsory and it was organized within the school

ciety. Later, my association with the school became

working hours. Periodic assessments were made and

more intimate when I served as Principal of St Thom-

reported in the progress report. The president of the

as Residential School (STRS) during 1988-1998 and

society, Rt Rev Dr Joseph Mar Thoma, appointed Rev

afterwards as a member of the Mar Thoma Church

Sajan P Mathew as the chaplain of the school with ef-

Educational Society.

fect from July 1988 to coordinate the various religious

The school was fortunate to receive the services of renowned personalities like the late Paul Varghese

activities of the school and boarding. During the year, Deepavali, the festival of lights,

was celebrated with a special service. The campus

widely appreciated by all. The complete programme

was decorated with lights. The fire-crackers and the

was charted out by the students under the guidance

illuminations brought out an atmosphere of fun and

of the hostel Wardens. Mr W.R. King, Secretary, ISC

gaiety to the campus. Special functions were orga-

Council, visited the school and addressed the morn-

nized to celebrate the Independence and Republic

ing assembly.

day. Students at the Stanley Jones Hostel presented

I was fortunate to be part of the Silver Jubilee cel-

a beautiful entertainment programme during the

ebrations during my tenure as Principal in 1991-92.

Christmas season. Another reform that I introduced

Eminent personalities like Princess Gowri Parvati

was in the dining hall where both boys and girls were

Bayi, the Union Home Minister Shri Arjun Singh and

served food together. Earlier the mess timings were

Shri Ommen Chandy, the then State Finance Minis-

different. The school anthem was prepared by the ef-

ter were guests of honour during the celebrations.

forts of Rev Dr George Varghese, Mr P.M. Mathew and Mr Manoj Kurien. We hosted the All-Kerala Athletic meet of ICSE for the first time in Oct 1989. The Mar Thoma Stadium

Our school was the first to admit students from SSLC stream to ISC. Manju L., the state rank holder was the first student to be admitted to ISC, and she maintained her rank in the ISC examinations also.

was used to host this event. It was widely reported in

Another landmark was the chapel construction

the media. Our school hockey team won almost all the

under the guidance of the late Engineer George Che-

inter school matches and most of the players repre-

rian and then Rev Dr K.U. Abraham, who is now a

sented the State and District team. The new basket

Bishop, the Rt. Rev Dr. Abraham Mar Paulos.

ball and tennis courts were made to encourage the students to actively participate in sports and games.

During this period, St Thomas was the preferred school for children of the IAS officers in the State. Be-

Students were involved in the conduct of various

cause of the immense pressure for admitting students

programmes from daily morning assembly, class

and the Gulf crises, our Bishop, Rt Rev Dr Joseph Mar

supervision, co curricular activities etc. These ex-

Thoma Metropolitan, took the decision to start a new

posures helped them to develop their confidence and

CBSE school on the Aramana campus. I was fortunate

improve their leadership qualities.

to address the first assembly of the CBSE School.

The scheme of work for all classes was published for the first time in the school diary in the year 1989.

We have been looking for opportunities to meet the educational needs of the society. This led to the starting of the St Thomas Training College, St Thom-

All-India Principals Conference held in Trivandrum

as Institute for Science and Technology and the St

which was attended by about 150 Principals. The stu-

Thomas Public school.

dents from the boarding presented a variety entertainment programme for the Principals which were

I consider it a privilege to be part of the development of the MTCES for the past 50 years. 


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

We hosted a dinner to the participants of the


enior members of our Church who nurtured the Society and the schools have fond memories about the early days. Here are a few interesting recollections.

These are personal takes and not MTCES views. Nevertheless, they provide insights into the thinking of the then church leaders and our members. Rev. P.N. Alexander | Anna George | Ammu Jacob | Mrs. K.K.Kurian


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


[Rev P N Alexander is one of the senior most clergy of the Mar Thoma Church. He served as Assistant Vicar of Saint Thomas Church, Pattoor, Jerusalem Mar Thoma Church, Nanthencode and Immanuel Mar Thoma Church, Paruthipara during 1965-70. He witnessed the formation stage of the Mar Thoma Church Educational Society and the St Thomas Residential School. He was the first Boarding Superintendent of the STRS.]


n 1965, Rt Rev Mathews Mar Athanasius Episcopa,





Sam, visited Prof M V Chacko, staying in

Nanthencode, Trivandrum. During a cottage prayer at the residence of Prof Chacko, the need for an English Medium School at Trivandrum was raised, with members praying for the same. Later, all the three churches in Trivandrum took up this desire for an English Medium School in intercessory prayers. A way

was opened when the late His Grace Juhanon Mar Thoma Metropolitan in 1965 advised members to form a Society to establish an English Medium School. Church members collected funds and registered a Society to establish the School in May 1966. The School first started in a house, to West of Cliff House Nanthencode in a building belonging to a Dr E T Mathew (not our Member). Rev P.K. Koshy achen, who returned from Malaysia, took over as Principal of the School. This rented building functioned as the school and boarding, as well as the Principal’s residence, resembling a

Gurukulam. There were six students to start with as boarders and three students as day scholars, when the school started. Classes were conducted in two temporary thatched sheds those days. Another shed functioned as the Mess. The School picked up momentum. Eminent educationist and retired Principal of Government B.Ed College Paul Varghese was appointed Principal in March/April 1968. Some well-ex-



teachers joined the School resulting in the improvement of the academic standard and more students started joining the school. The Principal was very strict and teachers were required to submit notes to the Principal a week prior to taking classes. He strictly supervised the classes, but had no hesitation to do menial jobs such as ringing the bells and cleaning the classrooms. Hostel life was more homely for the students. The boarders used to get up at 5.30 am, and after physical exercise they prepared for the classes and did homework before proceeding to school. Boarders were taken for long walks to places such as the Museum, Sankumugham Beach in the evenings. We fed the boarders with vegetables and fruits, while teachers and hostel wardens took personal care of the students. Hygiene was very important and students were advised by then teachers Kunjamma Mathew and Ammu Jacob. We had a notebook in which details of each student including record of their illness, medicine given to them and visits to the doctor, were written. That demic, to guardians who visited the hostel. Dr Kurien George, the then doctor to the Governor, voluntarily examined the boarders once a month. Daily prayers, morning and evening worship and Sunday worship were strictly followed. Mr Ritchie Walsalam taught students English hymns and Bible study was conducted on a regular basis, enabling students to study and understand the Bible as well as learn and memorise Bible verses. I remember certain scary incidents during my tenure as Boarding Superintendent. During a visit to the zoo, a boarder tried to climb over a just 4-feet-high railing and get down to the tiger cage as his spectacles had fallen in. “I immediately pulled the boy down to safety and prevented him from falling into the cage.� That boarder is now a reputed surgeon. In another in-

him to put as offertory. Immediate medical attention saved the child. As a Warden, it was not only academic supervision but physical and spiritual development of the child that was monitored and pursued. It was like a family and students were very comfortable, despite the limited facilities available in the hostel. The school was moved to Mukkolakkal Campus by the initiative of Rt Rev Mathews Mar Athanasius and Engineer A.J. Joseph where buildings were constructed. It was in 84-85 when people started moving to Kuwait and other Middle East countries and there was an influx of NRI students and more divisions were started. Achen never anticipated such a growth in its early days. The great vision of our Bishops, especially Rt Rev Juhanon Mar Thoma Metropolitan, Rt Rev Mathews Mar Athanasius and Rt Rev Alexander Mar Theophilus and the founding members as well as the former Principals viz., Rev P K Koshy, Mr Paul Varghese so on, helped to develop the School in the initial years. The dedicated services of the teachers such as Mary Iype, Remani Varghese, Grace Varghese, Annamma Varghese are laudable. In conclusion I believe that we should aim at the holistic development of the students and ensure that value based education and spiritual awareness are provided adequately so as to foster a community useful to society at large. 


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

book gave all details, both academic and non-aca-

cident, a boarder swallowed the coin that was given to

When I look back.......... The idea of starting an English Medium school at Thiruvananthapuram seemed to have come up in the minds of many marthomites at the same time in the early sixties. Senior members have their own narration about the genesis of the Society and the first school.Smt Ammu Jacob, one of the Senior members of the society narrates her recollections about the initial days of the society.... Smt. Ammu Jacob


mt. Ammu Jacob recollects that the proposal to start an English medium school at Trivandrum was also discussed at a luncheon at her residence where the then Metropolitan and senior Bishops of the Mar Thoma Church attended. Later the proposal was presented at a meeting in

the Pattoor Church by Rev. K O Sam, the then Vicar of the Parish. After several meetings, the membership campaign followed. Collections and donations started

coming in from abroad and within the country. The Mar Thoma Church Educational Society was formed

Kuriachan’s Contributions

and finally the School was inaugurated in June 1966 at Nanthencode, Trivandrum, with six children. And, thus was born the St.Thomas Residential School.

Since food was a problem in the boarding, Mrs. Ammu Jacob took up the responsibility of cooking for them and sending it to the School through Mr Sunny, who was a boy with physical disabilities. Later he worked as a peon in the School for some time. As the number of children increased, it became difficult to cook for them and she started staying at the school premises on many occasions to take care of the School children. It was nothing but God’s blessings and a lot of hard work by our members that enabled the Society to buy land at Mukkola. When the School shifted to the new location, it was just an un-plastered building with just

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


eight rooms on the ground floor in a line. The number of students – boys and girls – had increased. Often Mrs. Ammu Jacob took upon herself the task of taking care of the daily needs of the children till two ayahs were appointed. She recollects that whenever children fell sick, she would either bring them home or stay back to take care of them. She looked after them as her own, combing their hair, taking care of their personal hygiene, keeping track of their uniforms and teaching them to pray in the morning, before going to bed and before meals. She cherishes her fond memories about the early days of theSchoolandpraiseGodforitsunparalleledgrowth during the past 50 years. 

Prof. Anna George


[Prof Anna George is a founder Member of the Society and was the former Dy. Dir of Collegiate Education.]

rayer is power. Don’t go any further to prove

Alexander was appointed as the Boarding Superin-

this point. Just look back and view the growth

tendent. Meanwhile a plot was purchased at Mukkola

and development of the Mar Thoma Church

(the present campus). Mr. K.K. Kurien supervised the

Educational Society. We started the institution with a

construction of the first building as per the plan and

prayer. And prayer is what sustains it.

estimate and advice of Mr. Joseph Eapen. The school

The need for a residential school in Trivandrum

moved to the Mukkolakkal campus by March, 1968.

owned by the Mar Thoma Church was presented to

The school began picking up steadily as the par-

the Pattoor parishioners, while Rt. Rev. Dr. Mathews

ents working outside the country found it a bless-

Mar Athanasius was in Trivandrum in 1965. The pa-

ing. Even nursery school children were admitted as

rishioners moved into action.

boarders and the parents were willing to pay the fees

Thirumeni stressed the need for prayer to seek the will of God, and summoned those who are interested

(boarding and tuition) in advance even for the next few years.

in joining a prayer meeting at a home at Nanthencode,

We had a series of able Secretaries who handled

opposite the Zion Hall. Rev. K.O. Sam, the then Vicar

the matters very efficiently, each one giving their full

of Pattoor Mar Thoma Church, took an active inter-

time contribution, assisted by the members of the Ex-

est in promoting this idea. Ever since, the Wednesday

ecutive Committee.

prayer meeting had this item in the agenda.

The earlier Committees, though scheduled to start at 6 pm, usually started at 9 pm and ended by 11.30 or 12 pm, because the Patron His Grace the Most Rev. Dr.

charitable Society to promote the school. Rev. K. O.

Juhanon Mar Thoma Metropolitan (1966-1976) had to

Sam, Mrs. Saramma George and Mr. K. K. Kurien

arrive from Thiruvalla. The Most Rev. Dr. Alexander

(the first Secretary) organized a campaign for enlist-

Mar Thoma Valia Metropolitan, the founder Presi-

ing members for the Society. Mr. K.K. Kurien was the

dent (1966-1968) was the Patron from 1976 – 1999.

convenor. Ordinary membership fee was Rs. 100/and Rs. 400/- for members interested in being mem-

The academic council did many things to improve the standard of teaching and teachers.

bers of the Executive Committee. The chance fell on

In service training was made compulsory .Obser-

me by compulsion to be a member of the Executive

vation of class room teaching was made by experts

Committee as I was in the educational field. The Mar

from outside with a view to suggesting improvement.

Thoma Church Educational Society was registered

Let us thank the Almighty in bringing together

on 11 May, 1966, with 167 members, under the Tra-

very many able persons who worked hard by offering

vancore-Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies

their time, talents, influence and finance in uplifting

Registration Act of 1955.

the activities of the Mar Thoma Church Educational


The St. Thomas Residential School was started

Society. Many of them are not with us now but and we

in June, 1966 in a rented building at Nanthencode with

have to remember them with gratitude when we cele-

50 children including 29 boarders in standards I & II.

brate the Golden Jubilee of the MTCES. It was a plea-

Classes were held in a thatched shed. Rev. P. K. Koshy

sure for me to work with them and learn many things.

was the first Principal assisted by 5 teachers. Mrs.

Let us re-dedicate ourselves to the very many de-

Koshy was the warden and Matron, until Rev. P.N.

mands of the Society. 


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Discussions among senior members of the Church resulted in the idea of starting a registered

Anna Kurian [Mr K.K. Kurian, a former special correspondent in Kerala of the Hindustan Times, was one of the stalwarts of the MTCES and the founder Secretary of the Society. Anna Kurian, his wife, shares memoirs of his association with the Society.]


nder the management and leadership of the Mar Thoma Church Educational Society, a primary school was started with 6 children in a rented building at Nanthancode on 6.6.1966. But by next year we could get 50 students for the school.

We gradually took more rented buildings at Nanthancode and the school was named 'St. Thomas Residential School'. We also could obtain recognition for the School. A decision was taken to enrol more number of members to the Society and to collect minimum membership fee @ Rs. 100/-. Because of shortage of funds with the Society, few members

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


among us voluntarily paid Rs. 500/- also. The maximum amount obtained as membership fee was Rs1,000/- at that time. In order to collect more funds, on the basis of the suggestion made by Shri C. I. Abraham, it was made as a rule that a minimum sum of Rs500/- may be collected for inclusion of members in the Executive Committee. In the 2ndAnnual General Body meeting, a special suggestion of fixing the fee at Rs. 500/- for being elected as executive committee member was passed .Mr. George Zachariah had succeeded Mr. C.I. Abraham and he worked hard for the development of the Society. One thing I recollect in this context is that usually discussions used to take place at our house. One day they were discussing raising funds for initial expenses like postage etc. for which Sam-Achen (Rev K O Sam) and Kuriachan (Shri K.K. Kurian) contributed Rs. 100/-. This amount was given to me for keeping an account.

Sam-achan, after joining the Pattoor parish in Trivandrum, came to our house. We had some property at Vattappara where my father-in-law had constructed a house and Sam-achen participated in the house-warming ceremony of this house. He expressed interest to purchase a hilly land in the vicinity of our property at Vattappara for starting a school with a scenic view. But this idea did not materialise. The thought of an English Medium School came up during a discussion in a meeting convened at the Pattoor Church in 1965. At that time Rev. K.O. Sam, who was young and energetic, had come from Calcutta and he wanted to do something for the betterment of the Marthomites in Trivandrum. But this idea seemed to have come to the minds of many of us at the same time. Rev. Sam had sown the seed for establishing a school and on his advice a small project report was prepared. This was presented before the Pattoor parish Kaisthana Samithi. It was a project worth Rs15 lakh. Though there were no special invitees present, the project was approved in principle by the Kaistha-

na Samithi and approved by the Bishops. The initiatives taken for the society’s formation and starting the School was mentioned in an article on MTCES “history” by Shri KK Kurian, published in the Silver Jubilee Souvenir released during the inauguration of the Mar Thoma Stadium in 1987, “Those who were actively associated with the late Metropolitan Dr.Juhanon Mar Thoma, the then senior Bishop of the Church, late Dr. Mathews Mar Athanasius and the then diocesan Bishop Rt. Rev. Alexander Mar Theophilus felt that it would be desirable to form a trust or a registered Society for the purpose, not only to raise the required funds but also for insulating the school from “Parish Politics”. Thus the Mar Thoma Church Educational Society was formed in May, 1966,” said Mr Kurian in his article. When we met the Metropolitan with this proposal, he would ask: “Where are the funds and the men?” Mathews Thirumeni’s approach was very positive.

purchasing the land for Nanthancode Church, he expressed his view that it is not for the church, but for a school that the land is proposed to be purchased. The Marthomites in Trivandrum should take initiative for this. All agreed to this. The next day, Metropolitan, Alexander Thirumeni and Mathews Thirumeni recommended the idea of establishing a school. In order to implement the proposal and a Promotion Committee was elected. Shri Kuriachan and Shri PK Mathai were members of the Committee .As per the Metropolitan’s suggestion, a Society was formed. Shri K.K. Kurien was a founder member and he was elected as Secretary of the Society. Mrs .Saramma George was the first Treasurer. The School was initially established just in front of the Zion Hall. Late Shri E T Thomas, Professor in University College was the owner of the building and Mr. Thampy Thomas is his son. It was a big house with an out-house. Achen and Kochamma were staying there. Earlier, there was a great shortage of water on this campus. We used to get water from Water Works through tanker lorries. Therefore a big tank was constructed for supply of water from our own campus. 


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

cherished idea of starting such a school including the

When he came to Trivandrum in connection with


Learning moments, meaningful moments By Raisa Anna Philip

The Head Girl of Saint Thomas Residential School during 2005-2006


ran the lines over and over again in my head, deeply unsatisfied with the ones I had chosen, as I stood waiting my turn to address the school assembly.

Standing at the quadrangle of the school I’ve been studying in for 12 years, I wasn’t nervous, only unsure of how I could do justice to communicating the experience of a visit our class made to the children’s wing at the Regional Cancer Centre (RCC). Like our predecessors, our class had organised the annual fund raiser, the proceeds of which were to go to the children at RCC. At RCC, I was expecting to meet physically sick children, what I did not prepare myself for were the mothers who were abandoned by their husbands when the child fell sick, teenagers who instantly hated us because we seemed to have what they did not, and parents who expected 16 year olds like me to talk to their sick children and reassure them. Today as I write this article twelve years later, I remember the feeling of utter helplessness that crept into me then for being blissfully unaware of the truth of another’s life. The experience of that visit continues to force me to try and


understand each event through the perspective of those acutely affected by it.

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

At St. Thomas Residential School, we were privileged to experience one of the best opportunities of class room learning. We were not only taught the ‘what’ of things but also the ‘why’ and the ‘how’. We were encouraged to ask

questions and every avenue for bettering ourselves

violence, children with learning difficulties, farmers

academically was provided for. Having studied lat-

who cultivate our food but struggle and even die un-

er at various places in the country and around the

der heavy burden of debt, and many others among us

world, I can confidently say that the clarity of con-

who have been dealt the harsh realities of life.

cepts we gained in our younger classes has given us that edge we needed at many cross-roads in life.

From that day at the RCC to this day, as a part of a movement that works for children around the world,

However, our memories and greatest learning

I have grown to believe that the education we re-

from ‘school’ are most often linked to those outside

ceive as children should invariably contribute to the

the classrooms.

choice of the kind of person that a student chooses to

Recently, at Bachhpan Bachao Andolan (a grass-

become later. An institution like the St. Thomas Res-

roots movement against child exploitation), we were

idential School, carrying upon itself the herculean

racing against time preparing for over 7,000 children

task of building Indian and global citizens, I believe,

to gather at the Rashtrapathi Bhawan along with

can increase these meaningful moments in the lives

Nobel laureates and world leaders, where the 100

of the students, so that they are not only successful

million for 100 million campaign would be flagged

adults with a strong moral character but also people

off by the President of India. At crucial moments

who are aware of the lives of people around them and

when we were in doubt of things falling into place, I

ready to acknowledge their responsibilities towards

kept revisiting one particular drama competition in


school. Most of us had never done a play before; we

Most of us, despite being far from home have had

did not even have a script. Team work and determi-

the privilege of sustained friendship and associa-

nation to do what seemed impossible sustained us

tion with others who went to St. Thomas Residen-

then and the confidence gained from that experience

tial. I have heard many a joke (I believe with a tinge

sustained me till the successful launch of a five year

of jealousy) that we gravitate towards each other and

campaign for the protection of children.

keep referring to‘ the school ’as if there was no other school in the world. These friends and acquaintances

tributed to the persons that we become defines the

are successful entrepreneurs, teachers, scientists,

school we attend. As a school determined to provide

doctors, civil servants, parents, responsible children

us with the best of opportunities, St. Thomas Res-

to aging parents and wonderful human beings.

idential School (STRS) often shielded us from the

Undoubtedly the one thing that continues

harsh realities of the world outside. But we heard

to bind us together wherever we are now is

stories of children who work for a living, communi-

the memory of the time we spent at St. Thomas

ties who are discriminated against because of caste,

Residential School, learning to be not just suc-

colour, or creed, people who face various forms of

cessful but good human beings. 


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

These and many other moments that have con-

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


By the grace of God the Mar Thoma Church Educational Society was registered as a Society on 11th May, 1966. The educational institutions were started as a mission to provide affordable and quality education. The St Thomas Tower was dedicated on 26th July, 2003.


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

CHAPEL: The Chapel, located at the pivotal point of the Campus, symbolically communicates that the presence of God is the guiding influence in all our activities. The Chapel offers solitude and serenity, for staff and students. The Chapel was dedicated on 3 rd July, 1998.

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Rev. Pramod Mathew Thomas Students Chaplain (2014-17)


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

St Thomas Residential School was established in the year 1966 and is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination. It prepares students for ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education) – Std X Board Examination and ISC (Indian School Certificate) – Std XII Board Examination. Total number of students is 2580 (std I to XII) and total number of Teachers is 95. In 2015 the school was ranked 11th in the National level for best Co-educational Residential School. Further, our students secured the 1st and 3rd ranks in the State for ICSE and 3 students secured the top ranks in the State in ISC, i.e., 1st and 2nd in the Science stream and 3rd, in the Commerce stream.

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


St Thomas Higher Secondary School was established in the year 1984 and is affiliated to the General Education Department, Kerala Govt. It prepares students for SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) – Std X Board Examination and Plus 2 – Std XII Board Examination. Number of students is 857 (std I to XII) and total number of Teachers is 40. In 2015-16, 17 students out of 47 students, i.e. 36% got A+ in all subjects. In addition, the School secured 100% pass in the Plus 2 exams.

St Thomas Central School was established in the year 1990, in response to the need felt as an aftermath of the Kuwait War. The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). It prepares students for AISSE (All India Secondary School Examination) - Std X Examination and AISSCE (All India Senior School Certificate Examination) Std XII Board Examination. The number of students in the school is 3237 (std I to XII) and number of Teachers is 112. Ms Swetha, secured the fifth rank at the National level and was felicitated by the Prime Minister of India and had the privilege to participate in the Republic Day celebrations on 26th January 2016. 115

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

St Thomas Play School was established in the year 2005, and is an activity based informal schooling to adapt children to the formal schooling in future with minimal stress. The total number of students is 88 with the total number of Teachers of 5.

St Thomas Training College was established in the year 2005.

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


It is approved by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) and affiliated to the University of Kerala. It prepares students for B Ed (Bachelor of Education in English, Mathematics, Natural Science, Social Science and Physical Science). The total number of students is 78. The Teaching faculty strength is 8.

St Thomas Institute for Science and Technology was established in the year 2010. It is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and affiliated to the Kerala Technological University / University of Kerala. It prepares students for B Tech (in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering and Computer Science Engineering) and M Tech (in Geo Technical Engineering). Total number of students is 782 with a Faculty strength of 88.

St. Thomas Public School, Chanthavila was established in the year 2013. Play 117

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

School, Pre Primary and Classes I to IV are functioning in this school. The total number of students is 513 with the total number of Teachers of 19.

Our P rincipals

Mr. Rajan K Varughese Principal, STRS

Mr. Sebastian T. Joseph Principal, STCS

Mrs. Annamma Cherian Principal, STHSS

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Dr. Usha Thomas Principal, STIST

Mrs. Anila Chacko Principal, STTC

Teaching Staff, STRS


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Teaching Staff, STHSS


Teaching Staff, STCS


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Teaching Staff, STTC


Teaching Staff, STIST


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

in our Institutions



MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

in our Institutions



MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

School Band Scouts of St Thomas Schools participating in the The Camp.

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Archa A.J., President for the Childrens Day Programme of Government of Kerala on 14 Nov 2016.

ed Participat Swetha A,

ay Republic D

16 Parade, 20

Balasree Award Winner Chandana R.B, in the year 2010


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society



MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Momentous Occasions

Inauguration of St Thomas Public School, Mar Chrysostom Nagar, Kazhakootam by Prof. P.J. Kurian, Dy. Chairman, Rajyasabha on 8 March, 2013.

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

132 Felicitation of Founder Members of MTCES during the AGM 2007.

Inauguration of Silver Jubiliee Celebrations of MTCES and STRS by Shri. Arjun Singh, Hon'ble Minister for HRD, in the presence of The Most Rt. Rev. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan

Inauguration of Silver Jubilee Celebrations of The St. Thomas Higher Secondary School by His Excellence Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Former President on July 24th 2009.


Visit of Nobel Laureate Dr. Alan Heeger.

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Visit of Meghalaya Governor Shri. R.S. Mooshehari on 9-11-2011.

Momentous Occasions

Visit of The Most Rev Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury to the Society on 24th October 2010.

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Felicitation of candidates successful in the Civil Services 2011 and 2013. 2011 - Mr Krishnanunni H (rank 40) and Mr Avinash Menon Rajendran and Ms Divya S Iyer of STCS. 2013 - Shri Johnny Tom Varghese rank 8), of STRS, Medha Roopam (rank - 10), Dr Divya S Iyer (Rank 48), Anish R St Thomas Higher Secondary School and Suryanaryanan S of STRS

Momentous Occasions

Inauguration of St Thomas Institute for Science and Technology by Shri Oommen Chandy, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Kerala, in the presence of Shri Abdul Rabb, Hon’ble Minister for Education, Rev Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan of the Mar Thoma Church, Rt Rev Thomas Mar Timotheos and Rt Rev Abraham Mar Paulos and Dr Tessy Thomas, Project Director, Agni III on 31-05-2012.


MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Shri George Koshy, Mission Director of the PSLV C 11 Launch vehicle after the successful launch of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle C11 carrying the lunar orbiter to the Moon (Chandrayan) addressing the students of the three Schools and for an interaction with the students of XII.

Momentous Occasions

Receiving the First National Computer Literacy Award from the then President Dr A P J Abdul Kalam.

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

136 Passing the Torch Ceremony

Teachers' Day Celebrations 2016

Momentous Occasions

Annual Day Celebrations 2015: Group Song

30th June 2016: All Kerala Quiz Competition for the Secretary's Trophy. Winners: St. Peter's Senior Secondary School, Ernakulam

Annual Day Celebrations 2015. Inauguration by the Chief Guest: Dr. K.S. Valsala Kumari IAS


Annual Day Celebrations 2015 : Classical Dance Presentation

Students of St.Thomas Higher Secondary School performing at the Pulkootil Pookalam 2016 organised by the Department of Sacred Music and Communications of the Marthoma Syrian Church held at Girideepam Convention Centre on 10th December 2016

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Councelling session for Std. 12 by Fr. George Varghese - June 2016

Momentous Occasions

World Yoga Day

Felicitation of the toppers of Higher Secondary students and SSLC students by the PTA and the Management MTCES

Anju Sasikumar, VI F, Non-Christian Scripture Contest

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society


Shri. aSashi Tharoor MP

Onam Celebrations

Momentous Occasions

World Environment Day, June 5th 2016: Taking the Pledge. Planting Saplings. Chief Guest Mrs. Nisha Chandran, Teacher, St. Thomas Training College

Training for Teachers

Investiture Ceremony: Handing over the badges to the Head Boy Bintu George by the Chaplain


Farm Club Activities 2016: Harvesting the vegetables by Mr. Rajan Varghese, Secretary, MTCES and members of the Krishi Bhavan.

MTCES | The Marthoma Church Educational Society

Farm Club Activities 2013-14: Vegetable farming. Inauguration by the MLA M. Muraleedharan and members of the Krishi Bhavan. Vegetable Harvesting by Mr. P.M. Abraham, former Secretary, MTCES.






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