Garden Faces Birmingham Rose Society American Rose Society Affiliate
August 2012 President’s Message Our thanks to Fred Spicer, Executive Director of the Birmingham Botanical Gardens for speaking to our group at the July meeting. It was exciting to hear some insights into the plans that are underway at the gardens. A great time was had by all at the Helena Market Days event this past month. We had an opportunity to meet a lot of people who had an interest in roses. So many were amazed that the blooms on display were actually grown in local gardens. We were able to offer growing tips and advice. I hope this will be the beginning of what will become a commitment by this society to engage the public in a discussion about roses and thereby increase interest growing roses as well as our membership.
Chris VanCleave @ Helena Market Days Event
Planning for the coming year well underway. Sharon Bamberg, 1st Vice President of our society has been busy lining up speakers and events for us this fall. Be sure and join us this month for our monthly meeting. We’ll be talking about the coming year and also about some new programs that we might want to consider. Christopher R. VanCleave
President, Birmingham Rose Society
Social Media Tip: Blogging Share your gardening adventures with the world! A blog is a great way to chronicle your gardening activities. and are great sites to start with. Best of all they are FREE!
American Rose Society Online:
Birmingham Rose Society Online: Deep South District Online
@BhamRoseSociety On Twitter
July Meeting Minutes By George Ann Hamilton July 30, 2012 - 6:30 P.M.
Chris VanCleave. President called the meeting to order. We had in attendance twenty-four members and five guests. This was our ice cream social meeting. Everyone was thanked for bringing his or her favorite ice cream and toppings to share.
The Directors for 2012-2013 Birmingham Rose Society are Robert Eskew, Jim Callaway and Clayton Richard. The members were asked approve by vote the new directors. All were approved for the new year.
Fred Spicer, Executive Director of the Birmingham Botanical Gardens, presented our program for the evening. He shared with us the good things that are going on in the gardens. He thanked all of us for the work that our Rose Society does in the garden and for the garden. He told us that in the past seventeen groups performed hands on work in the gardens and we are down to two or three groups and our Rose Society is one of those three that helps. He shared all the events and the improvements that will take place in the gardens in the coming year. We are asked to use the website for all upcoming events to stay informed.
Jane Hinds has agreed to be the Consulting Rosarian Coordinator for 2012-2013.
The minutes from the June 25th meeting were approved as printed in the July Garden Faces newsletter. Hyacinth Prince gave the treasurer’s report. As of July 30, 2012, the checking account balance is $3,785.84 and the CD is unchanged at $5,047.47. Gloria Parnell continues to do well rehabilitating from her hip and wrist surgery. Glen Hodge continues to improve from his surgery. Jane Hinds announced Dick Coffee was in the hospital with heart trouble. After a call to Nora on the 31 st, she informed me that Dick had to have a pacemaker put in for his heart to work better. He is at home and doing very well.
We need a volunteer for Hospitality Coordinator for 2012-2013. Chris Van Cleave reminded us that Saturday August 4th is Helena Market Days. We will have a tent from 8am to 12pm. Bring your blooms and a lawn chair. We need 5 or 6 people to help promote roses. We were also reminded that article for the Garden Faces are due by the 10th and Chris needs help getting the newsletter out by the 15th with the printing, folding, addressing and mailing. Pruning the Dunn Rose Garden for fall blooms will take place Saturday August 25th from 7:30am to 12:00pm. Volunteers are needed. Our nest meeting will be August 27, 2012 and will be our annual Pot Luck Dinner with the introduction of the new officers for the 2012-2013 Birmingham Rose Society.
The oldest daughter of Becky Henderson passed away in Mobile. A memorial service will be held at Becky’s farm later in the week. Sunshine Daydream - Grandiflora
August 2012 Monthly Meeting Monday August 27, 2012 6:30 pm Hodges Room, Birmingham Botanical Gardens
There Is Still Time To Complete You’re 2012 Roses In Review For 87 years members of the American Rose Society have evaluated new rose introductions. You contribution to this effort is needed. Whether you have one rose or five hundred, have been growing for years, or have just begun; your insight is valuable. Results from this review are compiled and published as the ARS Handbook for Selecting Roses. Evaluation forms are included in the July/August issue of American Rose Magazine and can also be found online at
Covered Dish Supper Bring your favorite covered dish to share.
2012 Officer Installation Program Preview & New Initiatives for the year ________________________
Executive Committee Meeting 8/27/12 – 5:30 pm All new Executive Committee members and Directors should attend if possible.
If you complete the evaluation online, your results are sent electronically to your district coordinator. If you complete the form by hand please mail your completed forms to the RIR District Coordinator by September 20 to ensure delivery by the deadline of September 26, 2012 Please participate - Rose growers everywhere rely on this publication when making their rose selections and is the only guide I know whose results are compiled from people who actually grow roses. Chris VanCleave BRS President
Consulting Rosarian Report By George Ann Hamilton This year my garden contains 31 roses; 1 China, 8 Climbers, 2 Floribundas, 1 Grandiflora, 7 Hybrid Teas, 2 Polyanthas, 8 Shrubs, 1 Tea and one “Mystery Rose” we call Mrs. Snell. Nineteen of the 31 roses are in containers. On May 27th my daughter, Ashley Brady, and our good friend, David Polhemus, completely overhauled my Hybrid Tea bed. The drainage of the bed had changed over the past two years. Removing the roses from the bed and into containers with new dirt will be a new start for next year’s Hybrid Tea blooms. No more wet feet!! I thought last year was hot when I wrote a report. This year has been 10 degrees warmer and not as dry. This past week I have had 5” of rain in three days. I make sure all my roses get 1” of rain or two gallons of water per week. This number was drilled into me from the first rose society meeting I attended. I have had every pest known to a rose grower except Japanese Beetles this summer. Due to the excessive heat and my work schedule I skimped on the spraying routine and paid for it. Remember to keep your garden clean and make sure you have plenty of mulch to protect the roots. I began the year using Miracle Gro Rose Food but have switched back to Bayer All in One Rose and Flower Care. Whatever is working for your garden is what you should continue. Everyone’s yard and schedule are not the same. There is NO MAGIC. You must fertilize water, spray and purchase good roses (use the ARS Handbook) and you will have a blaze of glory in your garden that The Deep South District Convention and Rose Show is October 5-7th in Tallahassee, Florida this year. If you are planning to participate, you will need to prune back your roses to have blooms to exhibit will make you smile from ear to ear.
Our very own Dunn Rose Garden is going to be pruned on Saturday August 25th from 7:30am to 12:00 pm. Please show up with your pruning tools. All hands are welcomed and needed. After the job is finished we should have blooms ready to show off in October. Just one more reminder for this month: The premier rose in my garden to review this year is Munstead Wood – Shrub (David Austin 2008) it has been outstanding. A beautiful magenta color, this is its second year in a container. It has produced lots of big 3 ½” blooms.
George Ann w/Munstead Wood
Please take a few minutes to fill out the 2011 Roses in Review form found in the July/August American Rose magazine or go to the ARS website at It is very important that all of us review the cultivars listed that are in our gardens. The ratings given for rose in the ARS Handbook for Selecting Roses each year come from our reviews. You do not have to be a member of any rose society or the ARS to participate. The deadline is Wednesday September 26, 2012.
Helena Market Day Was A Success!
Great information was shared! We met many people who were interested in roses! A great time was had by all who participated!
Pictured: Left Jane Hinds shares rose information Above: Charlie & Hyacinth Prince with Chris VanCleave Jane Hinds with new members Mr. & Mrs. Kreider
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August 2012
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Continue newsletter text here. While the advice and information in this newsletter is believed to be true and accurate at the time of publication, neither the authors nor the editor accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. newsletter The Birmingham Rose Society makes no warranty, expressedContinue or implied with text here. Continue newslette respect to the material contained herein. The ARS is a 501(c)(3) charity here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue new incorporated in Louisiana and its tax exemption non-profit educational status includes this local chapter. Your donations are tax deductible. text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue
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Continue newsletter text here. Continue newslette Garden Faces Deadlines: Submission Deadline: 10th of each month Publication Date : 15th of each month
here. Editor: Chris VanCleave Phone: 205-585-9687 E-mail:
Birmingham Rose Society 219 Chadwick Lane Helena, AL 35080
Garden Faces A Publication of The Birmingham Rose Society an American Rose Society Affiliate
Grow Roses. Show Roses. Share Roses.