Garden Faces Birmingham Rose Society American Rose Society Affiliate
January 2013 President‟s Message Happy New Year! I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and celebrated the incoming of a promising New Year.
time for the February meeting. You just never know what’s going to happen at a meeting of the Birmingham Rose Society! Thanks to all who helped with our annual Christmas dinner. What a great joy it was to see everyone and to hear beautiful sounds of the season from the very talented Chrissy Pursell. My congratulations go to Mr. Carl Bruner, this year’s recipient of the Bronze Honor Award. Carl has served our society in many ways over the years and we appreciate his dedicated service. It’s time to renew our memberships! Please complete your renewal form and return via US mail or bring to the January meeting. The good folks from Remarkable Roses join us to speak about Buck roses this month. A list of available roses is attached. They will have roses for sale at the meeting.
Food, Fellowship & Roses at Our Annual Christmas Celebration
Christopher R. VanCleave
President, Birmingham Rose Society
Each year brings new opportunities and I am excited about the future of the Birmingham Rose Society. Our November meeting was quite a treat with Mr. Jim Darden of Conard-Pyle/Star Roses as our special guest. We saw slides of some beautiful roses and he surprised us all with the gift of a Francis Meilland hybrid tea rose for each person in attendance that evening. These will be here in
„Veteran‟s Honor‟ – Hybrid Tea From my garden
American Rose Society Online:
Birmingham Rose Society Online: Deep South District Online
Annual “Head Over Heels” Pruning Event
Birmingham Botanical Gardens One of the crown jewels in the city of Birmingham is the Dunn Formal Rose Garden at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. It is a showcase of magnificent roses and serves as the centerpiece to our botanical garden. As visitors come and go, we play an important role by helping to maintain the garden year round and by facilitating an annual pruning event at the gardens. This serves a twofold purpose. 1. It helps to maintain the garden for visitors to come and experience the beauty of our national floral emblem – the rose. 2. It is an opportunity for our society to educate the public on proper pruning techniques and general rose knowledge.
Please join us on March 2, 2013 8am-12 noon for our annual pruning event. Bring your pruners, loppers and knee pads!
Upcoming Events: Mark Your Calendars! Birmingham Home & Garden Show February 14 – 17, 2013 “Growing Great Roses in Alabama” Presented by Chris VanCleave 1 p.m. daily on the Garden & Lifestyle Stage Pruning @ the Gardens March 2, 2013 Dunn Formal Rose Garden BBG Spring Plant Sale April 4-7, 2013 Location to be announced Birmingham Rose Show May 11 & 12, 2013 Birmingham Botanical Gardens Helena Market Days June 15, 2013 7:30 am - Noon The Falls @ Helena
More events are being planned to help us expand our reach to the community. Stay Tuned!
Make plans now to attend!
Monthly Meeting January 28, 2013 * 6:30 p.m.
RENEW your membership to the Birmingham Rose Society Today!
Remarkable Roses will be our special guest at our January Meeting.
2013 promises to be a great year for the Birmingham Rose Society.
Specializing in Buck Roses and OGR’s this promises to be a great presentation.
We hope you find value in your membership and will renew for 2013.
They will have a selection of roses for sale at the meeting. A list of available varieties is attached. If you want a particular rose, please contact Tina Hart at 423.653.6880 or via email at prior to our January meeting and they will deliver them to you at the meeting.
$20/Individual $30/Family
Executive Committee 1/28/2013 - 5:30 p.m. All Officers and Directors should attend if possible.
This year, we are asking that all new and renewing members complete a membership renewal form included in this newsletter. This will help us in preparing a new member directory due to be published in March. Please complete the accompanying form and mail it along with your check to by January 31 to: Birmingham Rose Society c/o Hyacinth Prince, Treasurer 1737 Windsor Blvd Birmingham, AL 35209 or bring to the January meeting
Consulting Rosarian Report By Jane Hinds January 2013 What a winter! I cannot remember working in the rose garden ever during such cold, wet, windy, winter weather. But while I was complaining to my Wisconsin sister about the cold here she said it was 16 degrees below that night. All I can hope is our cold was enough to kill pests, insects and mold and mildew spores. Today it was 74 degrees, but with no time for the garden which has had a major make over, almost finished, with professionals coming in to relay the driveway pavers. About 40 pots are ready for the botanical garden because they no longer have roses in them. The middle path and walls which made pruning easy; but threatened to break my neck or hips, have been removed. Removing the two inner walls, pavers and compacted chert left a four feet wide, two feet deep, and forty feet long hole in need of dirt.
Little remains to be filled. I had found the accumulated newspaper wrapped kitchen compost became the most beautiful black angleworm filled soil imaginable. It has been joined to the soil from the potted roses.
Now, ask me what that strip looks like next June or July. In the meantime everything needs a second lime sulfur spray and some more very cold weather so all this rain doesn't cause too early a leafing out. Blind shoots are pretty disappointing. This is a great time to plant any healthy potted roses. The roots have a chance to get well established before an overwhelming crop of new leaves sap them of their vigor. And for those of you who have all that behind you- rose catalogues are great. Good luck in what we hope to see this spring. Jane Hinds, Consulting Rosarian
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December 2012 Meeting Minutes By: George Ann Hamilton, Recording Secretary
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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Birmingham Rose Society December 10, 2012 6:30 P.M. Chris VanCleave, President called the meeting to order. We had twenty-nine members attending the Christmas Dinner in the Ireland Room at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. The Birmingham Rose Society provided the turkey and ham. The members supplied the vegetables, salads and desserts. The Bronze Medal was awarded to Carl Bruner this year. It is the highest honor that our Society can present to one of its members. Mr. Bruner was not able to attend our dinner but Chris VanCleave will see that he receives his award. Chrissie Pursell, a student at Samford University presented the music program. She played the keyboard and sang Christmas carols. Everyone enjoyed the gift swap especially the rosemary topiaries.
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Joy here. – Miniature hybridizer: David Clemons
Check out a new website featuring the best exhibition quality miniature & miniflora roses. A “one stop shop” for the best exhibition varieties available today.
The evening ended after the showing of a video presentation of the 2011-2012 year in the Birmingham Rose Society. The video highlighted the rose show, different events throughout the year and our monthly meetings.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, George Ann Hamilton, Recording Secretary
'Conundrum' miniflora
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January 2013
Birmingham Rose Society American Rose Society Affiliate While the advice and information in this newsletter is believed to be true and accurate at the time of publication, neither the authors nor the editor accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The Birmingham Rose Society makes no warranty, expressed or implied with respect to the material contained herein.
Editor: Chris VanCleave Phone: 205-585-9687 E-mail: Garden Faces Deadlines: Submission Deadline: 10th of each month Publication Date : 15th of each month
Birmingham Rose Society 219 Chadwick Lane Helena, AL 35080
Garden Faces A Publication of The Birmingham Rose Society an American Rose Society Affiliate
Grow Roses. Show Roses. Share Roses.