Garden Faces July 2013
Birmingham Rose Society An American Rose Society Affiliate
President’s Message I appreciate the honor of being selected President of the Birmingham Rose Society for this next term. I look forward to working with a great group of people including my First Vice President, Sharon Bamberg, Second Vice President, Tina Lovvorn-Van Cleave, Recording Secretary, George Ann Hamilton, Hyacinth Prince, Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary, Brenda Bodine, along with the Directors Jim Callaway, Robert Eskew, and Christopher Van Cleave. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Van Cleave for his remarkable tenure as President. His effervescent personality and internet skills have accomplished a great deal these past two years and with his help and expertise, we will continue what he has initiated. I would like to elicit any suggestions or ideas for upcoming programs or speakers that any of the membership might have. The July meeting will be at my home in Cropwell. Virna and I look forward to seeing as many people as possible and please feel free to invite any gardening friends, family, etc. to come as well. The gardens take at least an hour to tour and there are plenty of cool shaded places to sit and relax. We look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday, July 27, from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. My home address is 905 River Oaks Drive, Cropwell, Alabama, 35054. If coming from Birmingham, the usual route would be I-20 East, exiting at exit 158, then driving south 7 miles on US-231, until you reach the Pell City city limits exit, then turn left onto County Rd 70, which is at mile marker 213 on US-231. You then travel through the next 4-way stop, travel another 0.2 of a mile and take the next left onto Fish Trap Drive. Fish Trap Drive will take you directly into the River Oaks Subdivision. Just stay on the main road 0.9 of a mile. Our home is on the left. You should have no trouble recognizing the roses and gardens. Virna and I look forward to seeing everyone on July 27. Harold Settle, MD President, Birmingham Rose Society
Find us online: Corporate Member
On Facebook & Twitter @BhamRoseSociety
Consulting Rosarian Report
July is a tough month for roses and gardens in general in the Deep South. It is hot, humid and rain is unpredictable. The summer rose blooms are small and if not cut in the morning, will dry out and turn brown during the heat of the day. I do several things differently during the months of June-August. I cut back slightly on the concentration of my spray chemicals, as I will use about onethird less pentathlon in my spray mixture to hopefully reduce foliage burn. I always spray in the early morning with the temperature less than 80 degrees. I also reduce my monthly fertilizer volume by 30-40% and always spread my fertilizer before a rain or, if not possible, I water thoroughly immediately after spreading the fertilizer. I also reduce the amount of 32.0.0 that I use from about 50% to about 25%. I mix 32.0.0 with 15.0-15 as my basic fertilizer mixture. During the heat of the summer, I also spray for spider mites using Shuttle 15SC every 3 weeks. I presently am spraying weekly with Conserve to control Thrips. For fungus control, I use Pentathlon DF every week (a contact fungicide) alternating weekly with Banner Maxx and Compass, both of which are systemic. I also always water, by hand, all the bushes the day before I spray including washing the foliage. All of this strategy is to maintain healthy bushes so that we can have those amazing fall blooms! Harold P. Settle, M.D.
Roses in Review This Roses in Review (RIR) marks the 88th time that the members of the American Rose Society have evaluated new rose introductions. The ultimate value of this procedure is realized only when we have a broad base of participation. We need your contribution, whether you grow only one plant of one variety on the list or many of them. We need input from "garden" rosarians as well as exhibitors, and from new rosarians as well as seasoned veterans. We also welcome reports from those who are not yet ARS members, so please pass along this website address to your rosegrowing friends. The complete results of this survey will be included in the January/February, 2014, issue of American Rose, and will help determine the ratings in the ARS Handbook for Selecting Roses. For these results to be meaningful, we need everyone to participate So, please take a few minutes of your time to evaluate your new roses. Only evaluate roses you grow from the cultivar list. Click: to get started Reviews must be submitted by September 26, 2013.
The ARS has an updated website! Check it out
Advice from a rose: “Remember Your Beauty Stems From Within�
Meeting Minutes Rose Society Meeting Minutes
George Ann Hamilton – Recording Secretary June 29, 2013 5:00 P.M. Chris VanCleave, President called the meeting to order. We had twenty-six members, and four visitors attending the meeting. The host garden belongs to Bobby and Peggy Babb. Everyone was asked to bring a salad. Drinks were provided by the Babbs. The birthday cake for Chris VanCleave was provided by Tina VanCleave. Everyone was thanked for providing refreshments for the garden visit. The passing of our long time member Dick Coffee on June 3, 2013 was announced. Society President Chris VanCleave and many other members were in attendance at the funeral. Chris reported on the beautiful service and crowd at Canterbury United Methodist Church. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Nora and the Coffee family. The new officers for 2013/2014 were announced by the nominating committee Gloria Purnell, Frank Bollen and Mary Nell Ford. President:
Harold Settle
1st Vice President:
Sharon Bamberg
2nd Vice Preident:
Tina VanCleave
Recording Secretary:
George Ann Hamilton
Corresponding Secretary:
Brenda Bodine
Hyacinth Prince
Jim Callaway, Robert Eskew & Chris VanCleave
Bob Hinds made a motion that the slate of officers be accepted. The motion was seconded by Bobby Babb. The motion carried and the officers were elected unanimously by all present. After a tour of the Babb garden, there was a question and answer period. Much information was offered for the care of our roses. The Babb Garden is beautiful to see. They were thanked by all attending for allowing us to share in its beauty. The Babbs in turn thanked everyone for making the long trip to Tuscaloosa. A wonderful time was had by all. The July garden visit will be held on Saturday, July 27th at Harold and Virna Settles home. The time will be announced in the Garden Faces. The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 P.M.
Treasurer’s Report June 2013
2013 Rose Show Financials
BRS by the numbers: 60 BRS Members 319 Fans on Facebook 118 followers on Twitter 2937 visitors to website since Jan ‘13 How can we reach more?
Dick Coffee 1921-2013 “We’ll miss your winning smile”
-Birmingham Rose Society
Garden Faces Deadlines: Submission Deadline: 10th of each month Publication Date : 15th of each month Editor: Chris VanCleave Phone: 205-585-9687 E-mail:
Birmingham Rose Society 219 Chadwick Lane Helena, AL 35080
Grow Roses. Show Roses. Share Roses.
Birmingham Rose Society American Rose Society Affiliate While the advice and information in this newsletter is believed to be true and accurate at the time of publication, neither the authors nor the editor accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The Birmingham Rose Society makes no warranty, expressed or implied with respect to the material contained herein.