GardenFaces June 2012

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Garden Faces Birmingham Rose Society American Rose Society Affiliate

June 2012 President’s Message Thanks to Virna & Harold Settle for opening up their home and garden to us in May. I know everyone in attendance enjoyed the stroll through this magnificent garden. The roses were beautiful, the food delicious and the fellowship was wonderful. So much can be learned by walking through the garden each day. I begin every day with a quiet walk through my small rose garden. On these morning walks I discover spent blooms in need of deadheading and the early signs of pest damage or disease. I also take a moment to look upon the incredible beauty of the rose. I want to invite you to pause and reflect on the beauty each of us creates every time a rose blooms in our gardens. June is National Rose Month and I want to encourage you to share your love of roses with others by helping them plant a rose in their own gardens or sharing your blooms with others. Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to begin hosting a radio program on BlogTalkRadio, an internet radio station called “Rose Chat”. All participants are volunteers and are avid rose enthusiasts from around the country.

information and to promote good growing practices and also to encourage people to become members of local rose societies as well as the ARS. In doing so, I had the privilege of interviewing the Vice Presidential candidates for the American Rose Society. I spoke to Pat Shanley in May and just last Saturday with Diane Sommers. Both have a lot to offer the ARS and I enjoyed speaking with them directly. If you have access to the internet, you can listen to the archive broadcasts of these interviews at: Pat Shanley Interview: 5/26/12 Diane Sommers Interview: 6/09/12 I will be speaking with Jolene Adams incoming President of the ARS on June 23. The show airs live on the internet Saturdays at 9:30 am local time. Our love and prayers to out to Gloria Purnell as she recovers from a recent accident and Glenn Hodge after recent surgery. We’ll be meeting at the Gardens this month and I hope to see you there! Christopher R. VanCleave

President, Birmingham Rose Society The goal is to share knowledge and

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Birmingham Rose Society Online: Deep South District Online

June 2012 Events Nominating Committee 2012

Monthly Meeting Monday June 25, 2012 6:30 pm

Per BRS bylaws a nominating committee is formed each year in May to elect officers for the next year. This year’s committee members are:

Hodges Room, Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Clayton Richard, Chair Mayre Parr Sharon Bamberg

Bring your favorite dessert item to share. We’ll be discussing sharing your garden with the world through blogging, Facebook & Twitter.

This committee will present its recommendations in the June meeting. Darcy Bussell – David Austin English Rose

Gloria Purnell, Program Chairman

ARS VOTING AT THE JUNE MEETING If you don’t have computer access and you want to cast your ARS ballot for Vice President, bring you ballot id you received in the mail from the ARS I’ll have a computer set up at the June meeting, so you can cast your ballot! ----Chris VanCleave

An English Rose Give me an English rose and you can keep your vaults of gold. Give me a rose that I can watch it’s dew wet heart unfold. Keep the treasures of the world but leave me this one bliss, where on earth could you surpass a pleasure such as this? -

Patience Strong -

Consulting Rosarian Report By Jim Callaway Basics for roses First you have got to have the desire to grow beautiful roses after that you have to pick out from the rose catalogs or the internet what type of roses you want to grow, I suggest you join the American Rose Society and you receive their magazine and there are a lot of good nurseries to order from in it or from your local garden shop.

Marilyn Monroe - Hybrid Tea

I am going to skip over how to prepare your bed because that has been discussed in past articles. When you receive your rose, plant it as soon as possible and make sure you look over the rose for fungus and insects, no matter how good the supplier is, most plants will have these problems. After you have done all of this, you need to get a calendar for your rose garden and write down ever thing you do in the garden so that you can look at it and see when you did what and what you need to do next. The most important item is a watering guide, which needs to be at least twice a week. The soil needs to always to be damp, but never soggy. Blackspot is a fungus that will get in your roses if not kept in check by using a fungicide every

ten days which consist of 2/3 of a teaspoon of Bannermax per gallon of water, this is a systemic, which means it is absorbed in the leaves and one tablespoon per gallon of water of Diathane, this is a contact or curative and needs to be mixed in a smaller container before adding to sprayer next add enough Indicate 5 to turn the water a pink color before adding the dithane, this is a spreader or causes the water not to bead on the leaves. After mixing these three items in the sprayer and mixing well, apply to the underside of the leaves, which is where blackspot attacks the leaves and be sure to apply evenly over the whole rose bush. You can also add a miticide to this mixture if you have them or to protect from getting them. This combination will make your roses look healthy and green, if you see blackspot on the leaves pull them off and discard to keep it from spreading also. To keep the rose blooms looking good, you need to keep a little bug called Thrips off the blooms, this can be obtained by mixing Âź teaspoon of Conserve SE to one gallon of water and Indicate5 and apply to just the buds and blooms once a week. There are many more things to keep your roses looking good and producing big beautiful blooms, there are many modifications to these, and they can be found at or in the American Rose Society magazine. I cannot stress enough of using a calendar for everything you do in the rose garden and be sure to ask questions to others before or after the rose meetings about the above subjects and other questions you may have about growing roses, I have been a CR for years and I still ask questions to other members at every meeting and I am still learning something at every meeting

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June 2012

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Continue newsletter text here. While the advice and information in this newsletter is believed to be true and accurate at the time of publication, neither the authors nor the editor accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. newsletter The Birmingham Rose Society makes no warranty, expressedContinue or implied with text here. Continue newslette respect to the material contained herein. The ARS is a 501(c)(3) charity here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue new incorporated in Louisiana and its tax exemption non-profit educational status includes this local chapter. Your donations are tax deductible. text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue

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Continue newsletter text here. Continue newslette Garden Faces Deadlines: Submission Deadline: 10th of each month Publication Date : 15th of each month

here. Editor: Chris VanCleave Phone: 205-585-9687 E-mail:

Birmingham Rose Society 219 Chadwick Lane Helena, AL 35080

Garden Faces A Publication of The Birmingham Rose Society an American Rose Society Affiliate

Grow Roses. Show Roses. Share Roses.

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