Garden Faces November 2013
Birmingham Rose Society An American Rose Society Affiliate
President’s Message We enjoyed a fun evening Monday night, October 28, at our Members Rose Show. Congratulations to Gloria Purnell for winning with the beautiful “Touch of Class”. The runner-up was a magnificent “White Delight” with the identity of the exhibitor still a mystery! Once again, Robert Eskew, did an outstanding job teaching dos and don’ts of exhibiting show roses. The ham, potato salad and slaw were topped off with an enjoyable, educational and relaxed evening. Our next meeting, on November 25th, will feature a guest speaker from the Gadsden Rose Society, President Judy Bacon. I’m not sure of the subject but it will be informative. I would also like to introduce the program with a discussion among our membership about winter protection plans. Beginning with the January, 2014 meeting, we will start having executive committee meetings before each society meeting, beginning at 5:30 pm. I look forward to seeing everyone Monday evening, November 25th. Harold Settle, M.D. President, Birmingham Rose Society
New Roses from David Austin Roses: ‘Heathcliff’, ‘Boscobel’ & ‘Tranquility’
Consulting Rosarian Report
This is the time of year in a rose lover’s life to be still for a moment and look around your rose garden. Take stock of the roses that are doing well and then look at the roses that are not doing what you think they should. Maybe the poor performers need to be moved to a better location or maybe they need to go permanently! We call this “shovel-pruned” or “creek side” at my place. The following are things we need to do in our gardens to protect the roses and keep them healthy in spite of winter. 1. Clean up the rose beds/containers. Get rid of every bit of debris, leaf, twig, etc. out of those beds. 2. Spray your favorite fungicide as long as there are leaves on the bushes. 3. Mulch your beds either will all new mulch or just replenish the mulch already in the bed. Two to four inches will keep the rose protected. 4. Cut back large bushes after they have gone dormant so that high winds cannot loosen the roots on the roses. 5. Continue to water if there is insufficient rain. The roses need one inch of water per week. 6. Do not feed during the winter time. New growth will become damaged. 7. Spray your beds with lime sulphur in December to kill pests, fungus, etc. 8. Plan for your new roses you can’t live without in your garden next year. The catalogs, websites ARS and other members in our Rose Society are very helpful and more than willing to share their experience with new and old roses. We want a blooming bonanza come spring and if we let our roses have a nice clean, and safe, restful winter that is exactly what we will get in 2014. George Ann Hamilton Consulting Rosarian
November Meeting - 11/25/2013 6:30 p.m.
Gadsden Rose Society President Judy Bacon (also a BRS member) is our featured speaker this month! Don’t miss it!
Horizon Roses 2013 is a compilation of comments by the nation's top rose exhibitors on the exhibition potential of the newest hybrid teas, floribundas, miniflora and miniature roses. For most exhibitors, it has long been considered the indispensable guide to buying new show roses. to order
Check out the Deep South District Website:
Meeting Minutes Rose Society Meeting Minutes
George Ann Hamilton – Recording Secretary
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Birmingham Rose Society October 28, 2013 6:30 P.M.
Harold Settle, President, called the meeting to order. We had thirty-one members present and one guest, Whitney Hamilton, visiting from New York. The host and hostesses; Peggy and Bobby Babb, Connie Farr, Virna Settle and Joye Wright were thanked for providing the refreshments for the evening. The minutes from the September meeting were approved as printed in the October 2013 Garden Faces. Hyacinth Prince, Treasurer, gave the Treasurer’s Report. The checking account balance as of October 28th was $3,468.94. Our CD was renewed today and the new balance was not available at the time of the meeting. The new CD balance will be printed in the November Garden Faces. The program for the evening was an in-house Rose Show. Members brought beautiful blooms from their gardens to be judged as if it were our annual Rose Show. Hybrid Teas, Floribundas, Miniatures and Climbers were judged. The judges for the evening were Martha and Bob Eskew, Mayre Parr and Gloria Purnell. Robert Eskew critiqued each rose. He pointed out the reasons for disqualification and what it takes to have your rose win a ribbon or be chosen for the award table. “Touch of Class” was chosen as Queen of Show and was entered by Gloria Purnell. The program was very informative and gave newcomers a chance to see and hear the nine things that can get your rose disqualified and what makes a good rose show entry. th
Our holiday party will be held December 16 in the Ireland Room at the Botanical Gardens at 6:30 PM. All members are asked to bring a dish. The gift swap will take place for those who would like to participate with a limit of $10.00. The November meeting will be held on Monday November 25, 2013. The program for the evening is to be announced later. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
Treasurer’s Report November 2013
The ARS Classification Committee has reclassified the following roses. The changes have been made in the ARS data base so the changes are effective now. Please contact your societies, judges, and exhibitors about the new changes, especially if societies will be having fall rose shows. ‘Lee Greenwood’s American Patriot’ (WELpatriot 0344, Wells, MinFl, 2008) from Miniflora to Miniature.
BRS by the numbers:
‘Memphis King’ (WELing, Wells, MinFl, 2002) from Miniflora to Miniature.
67 BRS Members
‘Autumn Bliss’ (WELbliss, Wells, MinFl, 2005) from Miniflora to Miniature.
388 Fans on Facebook 123 followers on Twitter 3200visitors to website since Jan ‘13
How can we reach more?
Holiday Party December 16, 2013 – 6:30 p.m. Ireland Room Birmingham Botanical Gardens All members are asked to bring a dish. The gift swap will take place for those who would like to participate with a limit of $10.00
‘I Believe in You’ (WELyou9805, Wells, Min, 2012) from Miniature to Miniflora. ‘Tootsies Lounge’ (WELtoot 0388, Wells, S, 2011) from Shrub to Floribunda.
Garden Faces Deadlines: Submission Deadline: 10th of each month Publication Date : 15th of each month Editor: Chris VanCleave Phone: 205-585-9687 E-mail:
Birmingham Rose Society 219 Chadwick Lane Helena, AL 35080
Grow Roses. Show Roses. Share Roses.
Birmingham Rose Society American Rose Society Affiliate While the advice and information in this newsletter is believed to be true and accurate at the time of publication, neither the authors nor the editor accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The Birmingham Rose Society makes no warranty, expressed or implied with respect to the material contained herein.