The Shield_B2S Edition_2019

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Bishop Kenny High School Volume 67 | Back-to-School Edition Jacksonville, Fla.



The Shield is a member of FSPA. It is published six times a year by journalism students at Bishop Kenny High School 1055 Kingman Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. 32207 phone: (904) 265-9390 fax: (904) 398-5728 The policy of The Shield is to provide a forum for student expression. If you are interested in advertising in The Shield, email for more information. Letters to the editor are encouraged; names can be withheld upon request. Editor-in-Chief Rita Albert Copy Editor Rachel Lechwar Managing Editor Dailey Jackson Business Manager Katie Loberger Web Manager Emily Yalch News Editor Destiny Tran Features Editor Kaitlyn Bateh Opinion Editor Tara Shear A & E Editor Reilly Nance Sports Editor Mary Shoemaker Staff Reporters Ilaria Georgi Alyssa Hampton Abigail Parker Sarah Roberts Ethan Sapp Meghan Williamson Adviser Jessica Durbin







A&E 8








Follow The Shield on Twitter and online: @bk_theshield


FACES AND PLACES Getting to know some key people and areas of campus Rachel Lechwar • Copy Editor and Destiny Tran • News Editor

Mr. Broach

As Academic Dean, Broach manages freshman placement and works with teachers on curriculum. His responsibilities range from approving lesson plans and exams to sponsoring domestic travel. When students wish to advance to an honors or AP course but their grades do not meet the requirement, Mr. Broach and the Academic team conduct waiver conferences. As director of transportation, Broach also coordinates bus routes and sometimes drives a bus himself, arriving at Bishop Kenny by 5:45 a.m. to ensure that buses roll in and out like well-oiled machines.

Mr. Saladino

Vincent Saladino, vice principal, manages campus facilities, which includes any renovation projects, security installment or improvements. Whether installing doors to the 100 building or seeing to the malfunctioning air conditioning unit in a single classroom, Saladino is on campus to ensure that all the systems remain in order.

Mr. Yocum

Yocum is the Director of Technology Integration and Media Services. He can be found in the Demetree Learning Commons (DLC) for iPad assistance, along with Mr. Tillem. Yocum makes decisions about installing iPad programs and purchasing the iPads.

Mrs. Huskey

Mary Shoemaker

As Miss Bishop Kenny 2020, Shoemaker represents BK at public and school events, and appears at charity events such as Hoods For Heroes, an organization that provides protective head gear for firefighters. She will compete in the Miss Senior High pageant in November. Eligible junior ladies are invited to audition for Miss BK, typically in the fall.

Find Huskey in room 303, the center for student media. Huskey advises Crusader Vision, which broadcasts event coverage available online at She also serves as adviser for the school yearbook and Crusader Coverage News and teaches photography, digital design and multimedia journalism.

Photos by Reilly Nance

Dailey Jackson


Dailey Jackson is President of Student Council, or student body president. Students can approach Jackson with suggestions and information regarding campus events, such as homecoming, because she is an ambassador for the school.

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Lost and found? Event tickets? Kenny merch?

100The 100 building is on the north side of Kingman Ave., apart from the rest of campus. This building houses the family and consumer sciences room and the robotics makerspace. The exterior doors automatically lock during class periods for safety purposes, so students must buzz in using the button under the speakers for a staff member to permit entry.


Attached to the 300 building and visible from the 200 building lunch courtyard, Crusader Corner collects lost items and sells spirit wear, parking passes, tickets to events and items like the literary magazine, “Pieces.” Students may also borrow a uniform item if needed.

The Demetree Learning Commons (DLC) is the technology epicenter of campus, located in the 200 building down the hall from the cafeteria. Mr. Tillem addresses problems such as cracked screens or malfunctioning apps. Students must have a hall pass to come to the DLC during class time.

Spiritual reflection?


The Bishop F. Tanner Chapel, found at the center of campus between the 100 and 200 buildings, is open every morning for mass at 7:10 a.m., Adoration on first Fridays and Confession every Wednesday. The chapel also serves as a place of worship during class retreats.

The clinic is located in the center of the front hallway in the 100 building. Students can request a yellow pass to see Nurse Pellicer for medical attention if they feel ill.

Academics? SAT/ ACT? College apps? Naviance? The Office of School Counseling begins the row of classrooms in the 400 building, and students are each assigned a counselor by their last names. The school counselors are available for individual appointments to answer students’ academic questions.

Service hours? Spiritual or emotional guidance?

Campus Ministry tends to a variety of needs, providing guidance for personal concerns and problems. Campus chaplain Father Martin Raj and Director of Campus Ministry Deacon Robert DeLuca both have offices here, as well as Campus Minister Alex Maples. Campus Ministry is located between the 200 building and the gym.

200The main office and administrators’ offices are located in the 200 building, as are most locker assignments. The DLC and the cafeteria are connected by the “senior hallway” in the 200 building. Bathrooms in the 200 are located at the end of the hallway, upstairs for the girls and downstairs for the boys. 300The 300 building displays the artistic side of campus. The art gallery, ROTC, art classroom, drumline, chorus and Crusader Coverage News (CCN) room are found here. This is next to the underclassmen courtyard outside the cafeteria. Students should use these newly-renovated restrooms during their lunch mod. 400The 400 building is located on the far right side of campus next to the traffic circle and is home to the Office of School Counseling. Just like the 100 building, these doors are locked when classes are in session, so students who have a counselor appointment must buzz in to request access. 500The 500 building is the only building that is separated into two sides by a walkway. It can be seen from the back windows of the DLC. There are several ways to get to the 500 building, including walking straight through the 200 building hallway, down the 400 hallway or coming out the back door of the cafeteria. The locker pavilion is found between the 200 building and the 500 building. 600The 600 building is at the rear of campus and contains only four classrooms. One must pass the 500 building to get to the 600 building, and going out the 600 building gate leads one to parking lot H.


LET’S TACO ‘BOUT LUNCH Inside scoop on cafeteria in’s and out’s Rita Albert • Editor-in-Chief Dailey Jackson • Managing Editor two sections: the freshman/ sophomore side and the junior/senior side. Though this rule is unspoken, upperclassmen and underclassmen generally stay on their respective sides of the cafeteria unless they are visiting friends or leaving early to walk to class. Facing the lunch lines, the right side belongs to freshmen and sophomores, while the left side, closest to the largest stage, is typically where the juniors and seniors sit. Additionally, there is outside seating for the underclassmen between the 200 and 300 buildings and for the upperclassmen directly outside of the cafeteria. Each lunch line contains a different type of food. The first line, often referred to as the Italian or pasta line, generally serves varieties of pasta along with pizza, calzones and cheesy bread. The second line serves cheeseburgers, chicken sandwiches and chicken tenders. There are also different entrees that are served in the middle line that change every day, like ribs, salads or country fried steak. The third line, called the wrap line, serves customizable wraps made by the lunch ladies. French fries are always served in all three lines. The food in the cafeteria rotates on a weekly schedule, specifically on Wednesday when the middle line has a fiesta bar featuring meat, cheese and chips. Lunch lines also change their menus depending on the time of

FOOD PUNS Orange you glad we have a funny a-peel? From


Photo by Reilly Nance


ungry students spend the first few mods daydreaming about lunch mod. But while returning students have already adjusted to the routine of the lunch schedule, lunch mod can be confusing for students who have not experienced it before. Students are assigned to first, second or third lunch each day. This can be determined by looking at the course section of the student schedule and understood by viewing the graphic in the bottom right hand corner; the number to the right corresponds to which lunch is assigned to that mod. When the bell rings to end the third mod of the day, at 10:55 pm, those assigned to first lunch should head straight to the cafeteria; those who have second or third lunch must report to class. There may be confusion since there are multiple bells to signal the changing of lunches, so always watch the clock to know if it’s time for lunch to begin. For example, when the bell rings at 11:25 am, that indicates that students with first lunch must begin walking to their classes. But the 11:30 am bell means that those with first lunch are late if they’re not in class yet, and those with second lunch can leave their class and head to the lunchroom. Students who accidentally stand at the warning bell may hear the classroom erupt into a choral “Freshman!” The cafeteria is split into

Upperclassmen will notice renovations to the cafeteria, which took place during the summer.

year. During Lent, options like grilled cheese, crab cakes, fish sandwiches and fried shrimp are served on Fridays since Catholics abstain from meat on those days. Outside of the food lines, there are stations that serve packaged food like chips and granola bars, plus the additional drink station which contains soda, milk, tea and other drinks. For those with a sweet tooth, desserts are sold in all three lunch lines and may include brownies, cheesecake and pudding. Directly in front of the registers, there are also baskets of Otis Spunkmeyer cookies, which range in flavors from Oatmeal Raisin to Toasted Coconut to traditional Chocolate Chip. To purchase lunch, students can bring cash or fill their card through the MySchoolBucks app. Note that change is not given when paying with cash, but rather added to the student’s

What happens when fruits die? They get berried!

account. Students enter their student ID code to purchase food. Students can bring a bagged lunch from home, and sometimes homemade lunches are preferred, especially if the student has a restrictive diet like a gluten sensitivity, for example. The cafeteria houses two microwaves that students can use to reheat meals. Clear, reusable water bottles are encouraged as there are “hydration stations” around campus that dispense filtered water for this purpose. Mastering the lunch schedule requires patience, practice and careful attention. As the weeks pass by and the routine sets in, the lunch schedule will become as easy as pie.

Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up!

What do you call a fake noodle? An im-pasta!


Observing mass for Non-Catholic students at Bishop Kenny Dailey Jackson • Managing Editor


or some students, the prospect of coming to a new school can be an intimidating experience. From new teachers, classes, friends and rules, freshmen are thrown into an unfamiliar setting the moment they enter campus. Many schools have distinct rituals and routines that students must learn and adjust to quickly. One example of this that’s especially important in private schools is observing Catholic Mass. Campus Ministry assistant Jennifer Cabrey is the coordinator and leader of the extraordinary ministers at Bishop Kenny. “The EM’s role is to bring the Body of Christ to our community,” Cabrey said. “We are called to be a light so that others can see Him through us.” At Bishop Kenny, this ceremony is conducted once a month and additionally on Holy Days of Obligation, the days on which Roman Catholics are required to attend Mass. During school-wide masses, all students are required to attend and are invited to receive a blessing during the Sacrament of Holy Communion, no matter their

faith or religious background. This Sacrament was first celebrated the night before Jesus died on the cross at a meal with his disciples called the Last Supper. Recalling the words of Jesus on that night, the Catholic Church professes that, during the Sacrament, bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit and the priest. Taking part in this Sacrament involves those who are not Catholic by allowing them to receive a blessing rather than the physical Eucharist. One essential part of Holy Communion involves the participation of those who distribute the Eucharist to churchgoers; these individuals are called Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. These seniors receive sufficient spiritual, theological and practical preparation in order to fulfill their role of distributing the Eucharist with knowledge and reverence, according to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ website. “I pray that the EMs also use this opportunity to grow in their faith, grow in their own parish, and to be a light of Christ to other students,” Cabrey said.

These are some things non-Catholic students should remember before attending Catholic Mass: Sit next to a friend who knows the pattern of Mass. Don’t talk or be disruptive. During Holy Communion, do not receive the Eucharist; instead, cross your arms over your chest so that a EM may give you a blessing. Follow along in the worship aid and responses. Sing along to the hymns.



Confessions of a Bishop Kenny locker Rita Albert • Editor-in-Chief

People pass me by each day, no reason to look my way. So useless I have become after iPads overcome, No books to store within my shelves. Selfish humans keep to themselves. I sit here filled with dust, This life is so unjust. They think I have no feelings at all, that I’m just a locker, red and tall. I feel like gum on the bottom of their shoe. I am never paid attention to. I just want someone adventuresome to open me and have some fun. Please come and decorate. Is this torture really my fate? I want a human, nice and kind, someone who will give me time. A busy bee with lots of books, making other people look. Suddenly, I am opened up! A human appears close up! I cannot believe someone opened me, a single locker in the sea. An AP Psych book is put on my shelf, so much pride I feel in myself. I am no longer just an empty locker, red and tall but the one that was picked from them all. I have a friend now, and her name is Jill; I am her locker that she fills.

Using whatever form of visual or literary art you prefer, create something that represents new beginnings. The winners of both the writing and art categories will be featured in the next issue of The Shield. We accept poetry, short stories and song lyrics for the writing category. For art, students are free to submit 2D art, 3D art, photography, or film. Winners are also guaranteed a place in Pieces, the Literary Magazine, and all entries will be considered for the annual publication. 8 THE SHIELD | AUGUST 2019

How seniors can look different wearing white for homecoming Kaitlyn Bateh • Features Editor


very girl’s worst nightmare at a special event like homecoming is to show up in the same exact dress as someone else, right? Wearing the same color is inevitable. In fact, it is finally time for the senior ladies to wear white for the sake of homecoming tradition. With only one color choice and only so many websites to shop on, the danger is real that you will look just like every other girl. If you have no idea how to make a statement on the night of your final homecoming game and dance, and still adhere to popular fashion and styles, here are some suggestions to help you design a unique look. It’s obvious when girls have been shopping on the same website. Lulus, for example, is a common website used by students to find homecoming and prom dresses. For this reason, the dresses are similar in style, including skater dresses, mini-dresses and shift dresses. Check out other sites like and ASOS. com. It might be better to shop for your homecoming dress at department stores such as Nordstrom, Dillards and Stein Mart, or even second-hand stores like Fifi’s

and Uptown Cheapskate. Viewing all available options before purchase is key for a homecoming look that expresses your individuality. Homecoming attire does not have to be limited to dresses only. A jumpsuit is a fashionable way to dress up for the occasion. Finding a white jumpsuit might be a little more difficult, but it could be an option that appeals to your style. Jumpsuits are both fitting for the occasion, and allow your look to be individual. White paired with different colored accessories can also create individuality. For example, gold sandals and long, layered chains will give your outfit more sparkle and style. Solid colors can also make a statement, like pairing your white dress with red tassel earrings, bangles and pumps. These exciting accessories help your look become less uniform. It is understandable that senior ladies want our last homecoming to be special; we all want to be unique while maintaining tradition. Your final homecoming fashion will be easy in white when you incorporate these factors into a stand-out ensemble.



Need-to-know information for navigating through each academic year Freshman Freshmen are entering a new environment and just need to worry about the basics at first. The rotating schedule can be difficult to learn, so if you have trouble, don’t hesitate to ask another student or a teacher for help. After adjusting to the schedule, students should start to think about what they need to do in order to graduate. Guidance appointments for freshmen will take place in October and November. In the meeting, your counselor will ask how you are acclimating to the high school routine, and work with you to create a four-year plan: what classes will you need to students take? What colleges and/or programs of study do you already have in mind? Students attending Bishop Kenny need a total of 28 credits and 25 community service hours each year to graduate.

Sophomore Classes start to get harder and Classes start to get harder when sophomore year begins. Students might have fooled around in freshmen year because it was their first time at Bishop Kenny and they didn’t feel pressured to maintain a high GPA. This is the first year students have an option to take an AP course that will count for five points if they make an A in the class, which can boost their GPA. Resurrecting a GPA is a long and difficult journey, involving hard work and studying to keep up grades. This is also a year to continue thinking about possibilities for colleges and majors. Sophomore guidance appointments are in January and February in order to prepare students on their path to college.


Photo by Katie Loberger

Katie Loberger • Business Manager

Part of Academic Assistant Rafah Nackashi’s role is to greet students upon arrival of Office of School Counseling.

Junior Junior year is said to be the hardest year in high school. In this year, colleges start to scout out for sports scholarships, and wellrounded students. Hang in there, because even if the year seems to never end, it will. Another thing to start thinking about is PSAT prep since this is the year you can qualify for the National Merit Scholarship. It may seem early to think about applying to colleges, but it creeps up and students want to be prepared. By the end of junior year, you should have at least one SAT and/or ACT done to determine which test is best for you. Junior appointments with counselors are in November and December to help students pace themselves through the stress and keep on the right path.

Senior Senior year is a demanding year, with college applications, lastminute SAT and/or ACT tests and graduation around the corner. The first deadline to meet is ordering senior yearbook ads which will be Aug. 30. The second major deadline for senior portraits is Sept. 28. Another thing to keep in mind is who will be designing the pink class t-shirt, decided by open submissions and Google survey voting process. Graduation may be on seniors’ minds since they only have one school year left, but colleges will still be looking at courses selected, grades and SAT/ACT scores. Do not fall into the trap of slacking off after college acceptances because colleges can change their mind. It is a good idea, though, to get ahead of the game and be aware of all the deadlines to meet. Senior guidance appointments are scheduled between August and October. The appointments are first out of all grade levels because senior year is the most demanding early on in the year.


Staying true to yourself Rita Albert • Editor-in-Chief


igh school: The four years of our lives that help us begin to understand the way the world works. These are the years that help us to discover ourselves, deciding the kind of people we want to be while surrounding ourselves with people who will influence our lives. Being in a new place filled with unfamiliar faces can be quite intimidating. Our instant reactions are to stick with the people and activities we know from middle school because we are comfortable with them. That is completely fine; however, branching out by meeting new people and trying new things is important too. When I was a freshman, I had a plan of all the things I wanted to do, from the people I would remain friends with, to the classes and electives I wanted to take. At that point, being part of the newspaper was not even in my mind. I was so excited that I wanted to take every elective offered and be a member of every single club, but maybe that’s just a result of my ambitious nature. As the years went on, I found out that I love being a journalist. Everything about it is enticing to me, from the graphic design, to the interviews, to the composition of the paper. Now I am sitting here as editor-in-chief and

writing to you all- the fresh new minds, one of whom will ultimately be my successor. I took a leap of faith into a new activity and it paid off. Isn’t that what life is all about? My advice to you is to try anything that grabs your attention, whether that may be on the athletic side like football or on the academic side like Brain Brawl. Even if you are scared and don’t know anyone else in the activity, you may discover something that you want to pursue the rest of your life. As for making new friends, don’t be shy! I know it can sometimes be easier said than done, but people do not bite (most of the time, at least). I can guarantee that others often feel the same fear that you do. I met one of my best friends when we literally ran into each other at orientation coming out of Mrs. Long’s math class. Simply go up to people with a smile and introduce yourself. The best way to make new friends is to ask others about themselves and take the time to listen to what they say. Remember: It is just high school. It truly goes by faster than you think. Do not let fear hold you back from anything, whether it be talking to that cute guy you see or trying out for the school play. Now is the time to take the reins and shape who you want to be.

Disagree with anything you see in this edition? Have a suggestion? Can you think of someone who deserves a spotlight? Letters to the editor are welcome and can be sent to OPINION | BACK-TO-SCHOOL EDITION 11

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