FYI winter 2017

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Winter 2017

Finding Success in the Midst of Failure “Parents: Let Your Kids Fail. You’ll Be Doing Them a Favor.” This provocative and paradoxical headline for Jenny Anderson’s article in Quartz magazine aligns with our school’s motto: Preparing young people for college and life.


Anderson advises that, as tempting as it may be for well-intentioned parents to intercede on their child’s behalf when it comes to a school-related “criCADEMIC sis,” they should refrain from “saving the day.”


James Lehman addresses the parents’ dilemma in his article Why You Should Let Your Child Fail: The Benefits of Natural Consequences. He states that “somehow in our culture, protecting your child from discomfort—and the pain of disappointment—has become associated with effective parenting. This idea seems to be that if your child suffers any discomfort or pain associated with growing up there’s something you’re not doing as a parent.” Although rescuing the child may seem like the only option a parent has, in the long run, it is shortsighted. Allowing the child to fail and to learn from the failure and prompting the child to self-advocate are two life skills which will benefit him/her in the future. Parents won’t be there down the road when the young adult faces challenges with college professors, colleagues, or bosses. Lehman uses an explanation of the Chinese symbol for the word “crisis” to further his point. “[It] is a combination of the symbols for ‘danger’ and ‘opportunity’. I think that parents see the danger part very clearly in a crisis, but often they don’t see the opportunity; your child has the opportunity to learn an important lesson. The lesson might be about the true cost of cutting corners, what happens when he doesn’t do his best at something or what the real consequences are for not being productive.” When a student faces a problem in the classroom or on the playing field, we advise the student to meet with the teacher or coach, not have Mom or Dad call the school. In keeping with our belief statements, we want students to advocate for themselves, to develop the life skills needed to tackle life’s inevitable setbacks and conflicts. Jessica Lahey, author of The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed, writes, “Children make mistakes, and when they do, it’s vital that parents remember that the educational benefits of consequences are a gift, not a dereliction of duty. Year after year, my “best” students—the ones who are the happiest and successful in their lives—are the students who were allowed to fail, held responsible for missteps, and challenged to be the best people they could be in the face of their mistakes.”

Contact Information Main Office: 904-398-7545 Fax: 904-398-5728 Mailing Address: 1055 Kingman Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32207 Website: Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:00–3:30

Bishop Paul F. Tanner Chapel Schedule Mass: 7:10AM, Monday-Friday Confession: • Daily before Mass • Throughout the day on First Fridays Eucharistic Adoration: All day on the First Friday of each month. Students, parents, faculty, and staff are welcome to participate.

By allowing their children to self-advocate and to accept the consequences of their actions in high school, parents can provide a safety net as their children face challenges when, as Lahey puts it, “the stakes are relatively low.” The parent, along with teachers, can be there to guide and support the child through the process. Talking with adults, accepting responsibility for their actions, learning from mistakes are all learning opportunities in high school. Parents and teachers must partner to help students develop these life skills needed to become autonomous graduates, fully competent to face and deal with life’s challenges in college and beyond.

Eucharistic Congress March 25-25, 2017 Prime Osborn Convention Center Mark your calendars now. For more information visit:


Principal’s Desk After several months of redesign and testing, the new BK website was launched in December. The site provides greater functionality and the opportunity to provide feature news stories on the front page. Stakeholder feedback has been positive, particularly regarding the easy access to the Google calendar from the home page, and cell phone compatibility. I encourage you to check the website often as news and announcements are updated frequently.

had an opportunity to review the accreditation information on our website, including our school improvement goals for the next five years, we invite you to select Accreditation under About BK. The calendar for the second semester is full and I look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events. Please check the Google calendar on the website and join us at one of the following, or at any other activities scheduled between now and the end of the year.

The Office of Campus Ministry is leading us in the celebration of Catholic Schools Week, January 29-February 4. The week begins with a school-wide Mass. Special daily activities underscore our Catholic identity, including a call to service by collecting canned soup for the Catholic Charities Food Pantry. The week concludes with the blessing of throats on Friday, the Feast of St. Blaise.

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Finally, please remember that registration for the 2017-18 school year opens on February 1. Sincerely,

During Catholic Schools Week we also welcome a team of peer educators representing the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement for the purpose of accreditation renewal. Preparation by the school includes a self-assessment and submission of required reports. If you have not





Upcoming Events

This is a busy time of year for student/athletes. Winter sports are beginning post-season play and spring sports are kicking off their seasons. Please check the website at for all of our team schedules. • Follow Bishop Kenny Athletics on Twitter @BKHSAthletics for news and updates about our sports programs. • The 1957 State Champion Boys’ Basketball Team will be honored at halftime at the BK vs Bolles basketballgame on February 3. We look forward to welcoming back our Crusaders on the 60th anniversary of their championship! • Incoming 9th graders and all returning BK students will receive information regarding sports physicals for next school year at the beginning of May. • A full list of BK summer sports camps will be available on the school’s website later this spring.

Scholarship Opportunities Abound With spring upon us, the majority of seniors have applied to college and UIDANCE many are now receiving college acceptD E P A R T M E N T ance letters and making enrollment plans. Now is the time to focus on obtaining scholarships to help defer the cost of tuition, room, board, books, etc. Naviance Succeed/Family Connection should be the main source for students in their research for scholarships. All BKHS students in grades 9-12 have a Family Connection account and our seniors have used it throughout the college application process. Family Connection contains a list of over 100 scholarships, including local, state, and national programs. It’s important to remember that scholarships are


Main Stage Musical: Into the Woods – February 9 & 10 Honor Societies Induction Ceremony – March 6 Miss BK Pageant – March 29 BK Boosters Annual Auction – April 1

not just for students academically ranked near the top of their class. Community service, after school employment, and leadership experience are just some of the criteria used for many of the different scholarships. Underclassmen are also reminded that not all scholarships are for seniors. Some are open to specific or all grade levels, and it’s always a good idea to check Naviance for updates. We also suggest searching the following sites for scholarship opportunities:,, and We strongly encourage all seniors to continue to take the SAT and the ACT through the end of the school year in order to qualify for either the Medallion or Academic Scholar award levels of the Bright Futures Scholarship Program. Each year we have seniors who push themselves to take a test one more time and end up becoming initially eligible or even qualifying for a higher level because of their improved test score. Test dates are available at and Remember, June 2017 is the last month for the Class of 2017 to test. As of October 1, 2016, high school seniors and their parents are also eligible to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This application is required to receive any type of federal aid based on family income and assets and some college scholarships. The web-based application is available at Other suggested financial aid websites include:, and Please feel free to contact your student’s guidance counselor for assistance.

Timeline for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarships January February March June 3 June 10 June August

Seniors register at Bishop Kenny on Florida Department of Education database BKHS Office of Guidance Services submits transcripts to scholarship program Students receive results of initial review from scholarship program Last SAT date for seniors to qualify for scholarship Last ACT date for seniors to qualify for scholarship Office of Guidance Services submits final transcripts to scholarship program Students officially notified of scholarship status

Updated information on award amounts and other important facts can be found at:





AUCTION 2017 • Saturday, April 1 • 6:00 pm We need YOUR HELP to make the Auction a success.

Auction Items Needed - YOU NAME IT…WE SELL IT!



Live Auction: Items with a minimum value of $250. These are sold “live” by a professional auctioneer. Included are condo or hotel getaway packages, jewelry, electronics, sports memorabilia, artwork, and more.

New Skirt Policy Effective for the 2017-18 School Year

Silent Auction: Items with a minimum $25 value. Included are restaurant gift cards, foursomes of golf, household items, sports memorabilia, and more.

Four-pleated plaid skirt must be purchased from RC Uniforms and Embroidery. Skirt length must touch the top of the knee in order to be in compliance. Skirts must be hemmed and may not be worn higher than the natural waistline. Waistbands may not be rolled. Skirts must not be torn or frayed.

Basket Shoppe: Gift Baskets of every size, shape, and theme Wine Shoppe: Bottles of wine with a minimum value of $20, please. The BK Boosters pay for things that parents would have to pay for if the club was unable to raise money. For example, they just paid $13,783 for our fallseason athletes to participate in post-season competition, $5,000 for new practice wrestling mats, $7,800 for students to travel to Washington, DC for the March for Life, and $4,550 for new sideline chairs for the gymnasium.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! (Working Parents too...) Many of our working parents consider scheduling a day off from work as an auction work day. Won’t you consider doing the same? If you do, it will be an enormous help to our committee.

• BASKET ASSEMBLY @ BK Music Room • 8:00 am -2:30 pm (lunch provided) Thursday, February 23 & Tuesday, March 21 (No experience or specific talent required!) If you are unable to attend, but would like to donate any large baskets, colorful wire-edge ribbon, a glue gun, or yes, a hair dryer, please drop it off in the Advancement Office as soon as possible.

• AUCTION SET UP @ BK Gymnasium • 8:00 am -2:30 pm (lunch provided) Wednesday through Friday, March 29-31



Celebrate Catholic Schools Week 2017 Faith, Knowledge and Service January 30 – February 3

Catholic Schools Week will begin with a school-wide Mass. Opportunities for service, celebration and Christian charity are planned for the remainder of the week including a soup collection for Catholic Charities; “Photo Opportunities for a Cause” to benefit the BK Annual Fund; live-streamed student-created videos highlighting CSW themes; and the annual senior-only Blood Drive.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Any 11th grade student that is Catholic, has been confirmed and attends Mass regularly is eligible to discern a call to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Applications are available in the Office of Campus Ministry. Application deadline is February 23, 2017.

Ash Wednesday • March 1 – A Day of Universal Fast and Abstinence • Distribution of Ashes will take place on Campus. • Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fasting. Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are permitted one full meal and two lesser meals per day (which together should not equal one full meal) with no eating between meals. • Ash Wednesday and ALL Fridays are days of abstinence. Catholics 14 years or older should abstain from meat entirely on these days. Soups and gravies made from meat are permitted. • Lenten Sacrificial Drive: Non-perishable items will be collected for the poor and destitute in Haiti. More information will be posted on Schoology.

Mission: New Orleans – April 17 -23 Ten Junior and Senior students will travel to Saint Jude’s Community Center in New Orleans to serve the poor, live the Gospel, grow in faith and build community. This missionary endeavor will be led by Mrs. Alex Maples, Campus Minister and Mr. Robert Sims, Religion Teacher. Students interested in participating in future mission trips should contact Mrs. Maples.

KAIROS Retreat – Save The Date – March 10 -12 KAIROS4 is open to juniors and seniors. Applications are available in Room 114 and in Campus Ministry. You can’t know until you go! 3

Wearing a short skirt will result in a central detention and a warning letter. A second offense will result in a Saturday School. A second offense will result in a Saturday School. If the skirt length cannot be fixed in accordance with the standards, a new skirt must be purchased from RC Uniforms and Embroidery within one week. This includes students who are rising juniors or seniors who have opted out for the school year. All rising sophomores, any transfer students, and incoming freshmen are required to wear all uniform items provided by RC Uniforms and Embroidery.

Outerwear Policy Reminder Jackets: Uniform jackets must be purchased from Baker’s Sporting Goods and have the official BK logo. Rain Jackets: On rainy days only, students are permitted to wear a solid color gray, black, maroon or white, plain (no logos) rain jacket between classes only. Rain jackets must be removed while in the classrooms, the Demetree Learning Commons, or the cafeteria. These are the ONLY jackets that may be worn with the exception of schoolissued award jackets from Neff. Sweaters: School-issued sweaters and sweater vests with the BK logo are the ONLY sweaters that may be worn. Sweaters and vests must be purchased from RC Uniforms and Embroidery. Illegal outerwear will be confiscated and held until the end of the quarter.

Bishop Kenny High School 1055 Kingman Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32207


AT A GLANCE* February 1 BK Boosters Meeting - Learning Commons 5:30 pm February 9 -10 Main Stage - Into the Woods 7:00 pm - Harris Center February 11 ACT Testing - 200 Building Doors Open 8:00 am Test Begins 9:00 am February 20 President’s Day - No Classes February 23 Auction Basket Day - BK Band Room 8:00 am - 2:30 pm March 1 Ash Wednesday Services - Gymnasium 8:45 am March 1 BK Boosters Meeting - Learning Commons 5:30 pm

*Until the next edition of FYI March 13 Diocesan In-Service Day - No Classes

April 24 Classes Resume

March 21 Auction Basket Day - BK Band Room 8:00 am - 2:30 pm

May 3 BK Boosters Meeting - Learning Commons 5:30 pm

March 24 Bishop’s Holiday - No Classes

May 19 Professional Development Day - No Classes Graduation Mass - St. Joseph’s Church 9:00 am

March 29, 30, 31 Auction Set-Up - Gymnasium 8:00 am - 2:30 pm April 1 BK Auction - Gymnasium 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm April 5 BK Boosters Meeting - Learning Commons 5:30 pm April 8 Prom – Aetna Building 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm April 13- 21 Easter Holiday - No Classes

May 20 Graduation - UNF Arena - 9:00 am May 26 – June 1 Final Exams May 29 Memorial Day - No Classes June 3 SAT Testing - 200 Building Doors open: 8:00 am; Test Begins: 9:00 am June 7 BK Boosters Meeting - Learning Commons 5:30 pm

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