The Shield_Volume 68_Issue 2

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Bishop Kenny High School | Jacksonville, Fla. | Volume 68 | Issue 2


Keeping Christ at center of Christmas

NEWS 4 Annual Music Mania night, fall theatre production showcase student talent

OPINION 13 Does buying things make us happy?

A&E 16 Review of local ethnic restaurants

SPORTS 23 Senior basketball player named ‘First Coast Female Player of the Year’



The Shield is student news magazine, published quarterly by journalism students at Bishop Kenny High School 1055 Kingman Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. 32207 phone: (904) 265-9390 fax: (904) 398-5728 The policy of The Shield is to provide a forum for student expression. If you are interested in advertising in The Shield, email for more information. Letters to the editor are encouraged; submit to room 224. Names can be withheld upon request. The Shield is a member of FSPA.

Design and Layout Editor Meghan Williamson Copy Editor Abigail Parker Managing Editor Business Manager Sarah Roberts Web Manager Ilaria Georgi Staff Reporters Charli Esposito Jessica Golden Grace Jennings Addison Mark Elena Vincenty Adviser Jessica Durbin Follow The Shield on Twitter, Instagram, and online: @bk_theshield

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Image credits/courtesy (clockwise, from right)- Jessica Golden, Meghan Williamson, Creative Commons, Jessica Golden, Ilaria Georgi


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Annual fall productions showcase student talent Meghan Williamson | Design and Layout Editor


he annual coffeehouse event, hosted by the Art Department on Nov. 12, shared student performances with family and friends. Proceeds from this event were donated to the Thanksgiving food drive. This year, the event was titled “Music Mania and Empty Bowls,” meant to be a relaxed event with a showcase of art. Each year, art students create bowls and mugs of clay to raise money for Empty Bowls, an international charity created by a ceramics teacher in the 1990s. “The purpose of Empty Bowls is to raise funds for local food charities and educate people around issues of hunger in our community,” art teacher Lauren Doran said. With every $5 ticket purchase, each patron received a clay mug made by the Art 1 students. The bowls

for sale were made by Art 2 and 3 students, with prices ranging from $10 to $15. There were 15 performances, ranging from piano solos to singing duets. Along with the coffeehouse performance, BK Theatre department performed “Together Again” on Nov. 20. In place of a fall production, this showcase allowed students to choose their own piece to perform, utilizing a wide range of performance aspects. “This year we want to make our productions better than ever,” theatre director Jeanie Wilks said. The performance included 22 cast members and 10 crew members. The show was emceed by juniors Frankie Alvarez and Mark Pritchard. No tickets were sold for profit. Instead, donations were collected at the door


to help benefit the Theatre Department. “We’re using all our profits to help with our spring production this year, which we hope will be delightful,” Wilks said.

CLOCKWISE, FROM TOP RIGHT: Freshman Matthew Pham plays the piano with a mashup of several different songs; Senior Katie Lacy and freshman Olivia Lacy perform a duet scene from ‘Romeo and Juliet.’; Senior Jose Gallo points toward the audience during his monologue ‘And Then There Were None.’; Senior Jonah Brewer plucks the banjo, playing two different songs.; Senior Lily McCauley sells bowls at the Art Club display table.; Senior Caroline Goodwin juniors Shelby Abinsay and Will Silvestri perform the song “October” at the close of the show.




Senator Kamala Harris makes history as first female vice president Abigail Parker | Copy Editor


amala Harris has come to break through multiple barriers in the federal government by assuming the position of vice president. She is not only the first female vice president,

but also the first African American and South Asian American.

Harris was appointed as a deputy district attorney for her hometown, Oakland, from 1990 until 1998, where she prosecuted cases that involved drug trafficking, sexual abuse and gang violence.

Harris became the district attorney for the city and county of San Francisco. During this time, she started a program that helped first-time drug offenders earn their high school diplomas and find jobs.

She was elected as the attorney general of California, and was the first African American and first female to hold this position. She prosecuted trafficking gangs, defended climate change laws and won a $25 billion settlement for homeowners struck by the foreclosure crisis.

She was elected to the position of California senator, making her the second African American female and first South Asian American to serve in the Senate. Harris provided financial relief for those facing rising housing costs and supported a single-payer healthcare system.

In January, Harris announced in an interview with “Good Morning America� that she would run for president in the 2020 election. However, in December Harris explained in an email to her supporters that her funds fell short and she dropped out of the race.

Three months before the election, President-Elect Joe Biden announced that Harris would be his running mate for vice president. Four days after the 2020 presidential election, Biden was elected as the president of the United States, making Harris the vice president.

Images courtesy of Creative Commons


CATHOLIC CHRISTMAS CUSTOMS Keeping Christ at center of Christmas Grace Jennings | Staff Reporter


his season, social media will be flooded with posts featuring Christmas traditions like setting cookies out for Santa Claus, driving by neighborhood light displays with family, opening one present on Christmas Eve and finding the Elf on the Shelf. But have you ever heard of the Christmas crib or Candlemas? These uniquely Catholic Christmas traditions tend to be forgotten during the Christmas season. According to, the origin of the Christmas holiday began in the fourth century. Prior to that, Easter was the main Christian holiday and the birth of Christ was not as celebrated as it is today. Pope Julius I chose the date of December 25 and since then Catholics have celebrated Christmas as the birth of Jesus Christ and worked to keep the holiday a religious celebration. Over time, though, Christmas has blended with other winter celebrations such as the winter solstice and the pagan Saturnalia festival.


Nativity scenes have been displayed in homes since 1223, when St. Francis of Assisi decided to show Christ’s humble beginnings as a child, according to cencacle. Some Catholic families celebrate a similar tradition named the Christmas crib. Religion teacher Carlos

Gonzalez-Chavez practices this tradition with his family. “Basically you make a little manger,” Gonzalez-Chavez explained. “And the idea is that the children add a little bit of straw every evening to the crib.” The crib of baby Jesus remains empty until Christmas day to celebrate Christ’s arrival into the world.


Attending Christmas mass on December 25 is a central part of the season for


Catholics. However, there are actually three separate masses for Christmas day. “There are different readings, different prayers are used,” Gonzalez-Chavez said. “The first one would be at midnight, and then in the early morning and during the day.” The practice of holding three celebrations for night, dawn and day can be seen in other traditions, such as


in Rome where three feasts are celebrated at those same times. Today, churches all around the world hold three masses on Christmas for Catholics all over to attend and continue this tradition.


Another familiar tradition is the Advent wreath, which holds four candles: three purple ones and a pink one. Every year, Catholics light these candles on Sundays as the four weeks of Advent pass by. The third candle that is lit is the only pink one and it holds a specific significance: this candle represents Gaudete Sunday. The name is taken from the entrance chant of the mass, which in Latin “gaudete” means “rejoice.” “Advent is a time for preparing, and on Gaudete is when the priest will wear pink.” Gonzalez-Chavez said. The change in color from purple to pink, just like the candles on the Advent wreath, show the shift from “The Lord is coming” to “The Lord is near.” The prophecy recited during this mass uses imagery from nature to convey the joy that the Jewish people would experience upon their return from exile: Isaiah 35:1 says “The wilderness and the dry land will be glad; the desert will rejoice and blossom like a wildflower.”


If you have ever been too lazy to take down your Christmas decor after December 25, you are in luck; just say you are celebrating Candlemas. Although it is customary for Christians to take down their decorations on the Twelfth Night, which is the Epiphany, some Catholics have adopted the tradition of waiting until Candlemas. “Traditionally February 2 is the end of Christmas, that day when Christ was brought to the temple is the last episode we see involving Christ’s infancy,” Gonzalez-Chavez explained. This date commemorates the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple and the Purification of the Blessed Virgin. “They call it Candlemas because that’s the day that you would bring your candles to mass to get blessed by the priest,” Gonzalez-Chavez said. It is tradition that candles made of beeswax are used, and the blessing of the candles is a sign of Christ’s light, and the purification of the health of our bodies and souls. Christmas is a time of feasting, gift-giving and spreading Christmas cheer. In a year in which many will have to stay home for the holidays, make this the year to connect with the faith and remember the reason for the season.

Graphics courtesy of Lauryn Parker

WISHING YOU MERRY ‘WHAT’? History of term “Xmas,” its religious ties Grace Jennings | Staff Reporter


s the holiday season quickly approaches, the phrases “Merry Christmas”, “Happy Holidays” and “Merry XMas” can be seen and heard in advertisements, songs and in friendly conversation. The most controversial of these phrases being “Merry XMas.” This term has caused confusion about whether its purpose is to remove the religious aspect out of the season, or just an abbreviation for Christmas. It is not far-fetched to think that the “X” was put in

place of Christ as an effort to “cross out” Christ and make the holiday less of a Christian tradition, but in reality it does not affect the holiday’s religious origin at all. In fact, the “X” is an abbreviation for Christ. Originating in the mid-16th century, X is the Geek letter chi, and written out is , meaning Chrīstos. When translated Χριστός into English, the term means Christ. In the early days of the Christian church, people would use the symbol X as a

secret way to communicate if they were a member of the church. X is still used by many Christians today and is seen in a variety of texts and artwork. “X has been an acceptable representation of the word Christ for hundreds of years,” according to Although XMas is a Christian term, the holiday itself has been modernized to be less of a religious celebration. Practices like giving gifts, decorating trees, and sending cards are done by Christians and non-Christians

globally. Christmas has become a sort of melting pot for both Christian traditions and pagan festivals that make up the holiday as we know it today. So in reality, the term XMas does not cut Christ out of Christmas at all. Though it may be used by non-religious people in modern context, the term itself has always been related to Christ.



Members of Crusader Esports team win $15,000 in scholarships Ilaria Georgi | Web Manager


Photo courtesy of Bishop Kenny High School

he ball rolls across the field, inching closer to the goal. At the last second, a player blocks the ball, and it races back the other way. This is not a game of soccer; it’s “Rocket League.” And the Crusader Esports team won $15,000 by taking second place in a “Rocket League” tournament on Nov. 8. “At its core, ‘Rocket League’ is just soccer with cars,” senior Christian Flores said. Flores is team captain for the “League of Legends” team, another game the esports team Students playing under the Crusader Esports team took second and third place in a high school “Rocket League” tournament. competes in. He is also “Instead of being in a way that gets you better, pack,” Allen said. assistant coach for the “Super physically straining like a which ultimately leads to your Also similar to a physical Smash Bros. Ultimate” team. normal sport, esports is more mentality,” coach Brandon sport, esports require hours of When you think of high mentally challenging,” Flores Allen said. practice. As a team, Flores says school athletes, you probably said. Similar to physical sports, they practice about five hours think of players working hard Good esports players it requires teamwork and a week. However, in order to to get scholarships. They train, train hard and must have the communication to do well. personally advance, individual diet, watch film and participate kind of coordination needed “Anyone can put 1000 practice is expected outside in team bonding. to react quickly to changes in hours into anything, but being of team practices. Flores, who You might be surprised to gameplay. What takes a player able to communicate and has been playing video games know that playing video games at a competitive level requires from being good to great is work with others will definitely since he was four years old, “the ability to pursue practice separate a player from the says he practices on average the same sorts of training. 10 to 15 hours a week. The JV team is composed mostly of underclassmen who “have a lot of promise, but still a lot of room to work with,” Flores said. The JV team is trained to “take up the mantle” after the seniors leave. Similar to how people can watch football games on the CrusaderVision live stream, anyone can watch the esports live stream on Twitch. The Twitch stream is run by Allen, but student moderators are used to keep chat content appropriate. One student is able to stream their point of the view of the game live to anyone who wants to watch it. Seniors Jericho Palomo and Cori Buckelew and junior Giovanni Rodriguez team up to defend their base in “League of Legends.”


Currently, the Twitch channel has 142 followers and five videos of past matches that range from an hour to a little over three hours long. The number of streams on each video range from 12 to 168. The benefits of streaming include making it easy for scouts to look at players, giving players tape to look back on and providing parents, friends and fans a way to watch games. To further prepare for the tournament, each teammate plays with one another to see who works best together, according to senior Luke Gould. During the tournament, Gould, along with senior Cori Buckelew and junior August Gould, moderated the Twitch chat. Under the Crusader esports name, seniors Daniel Wildsmith, Roman Rosario and Liam Bouchereau competed in a game of “Rocket League.” After playing against 77 teams from all over the country, the team won $15,000 in scholarship money. The celebration of their win was shared by all of the Crusader Esports players. “I felt relieved and proud [that] we placed so


well,” Luke Gould said. Allen says he wants to keep that sense of community and teamwork going throughout the esports culture. “Some people, especially in the video game world, have the mentality which is what we’re trying to fight against here at Bishop Kenny,” Allen said. “It’s very self-isolating and not working with a team. What is going to make us great is when you are good at working together with your team and leading your team.” The new season is set to start in the spring. Anyone

interested in trying out for the team will have to wait until next year, as tryouts usually happen at the very beginning of the school year. To watch their matches, tune into the stream at h t t p s : / / w w w. t w i t c h . t v / crusaderesports.

Senior Jericho Palomo practices his “League of Legends” skills for the upcoming season. ISSSUE 2 • FEATURES 11


Understanding how to help a friend with seasonal depression Sarah Roberts | Managing and Business Editor might be suffering seasonal depression.



It is a simple but effective thing to do. A quick FaceTime call to ask how they are doing will allow you to see and hear those emotions that texting probably would not convey. Your friend will have the chance to get out everything he/she is feeling, and if you listen it will also help you better understand what they are going through.

the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Hotline at 1-800-622-HELP (4357) for free support.


Try to include them in group chats or Zoom calls. If you are going to have a small get together at your house, make sure you let them know so that they can come. Sometimes hanging out with friends can help make someone feel appreciated and seen. Instead of smothering them or accusing them, give them time to open up about what they are going through. It likely won’t be one sit-down conversation, but rather a series of conversations with updates as to how they are handling their feelings. Don’t force them to tell you everything all at once if they are not comfortable with it. Instead, give them space, and make sure they know you are there for them. If you or anyone you know has symptoms of lacking energy, not wanting to participate in activities you normally enjoy doing or consistently feeling “down on your luck,” please seek help from a trusted adult or parent. You can also call


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ou skipped lunch twice last week and you can’t seem to get to sleep at night. This afternoon, you saw your friends in the parking lot but avoided talking to them. You went home and sat in your room alone instead because you don’t feel like doing anything and you think that no one wants to be around you anyway. You are not normally like this, but something has changed. Maybe it is the cold weather, or the shorter days? You have fallen into seasonal depression. Seasonal Affective Disorder, better known as seasonal depression, is a type of depression that occurs within a season and stems from preexisting depression or bipolar disorder. In certain cases, seasonal depression can be more severe than major depression and persistent depressive disorder, which are more common, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Seasonal depression is most common during the fall and winter months but Mayo Clinic Systems says that anyone can develop it at any time. This type of depression is more common among women and young girls. The holiday season is a time for family and friends, and now that some friends and family have to be quarantined due to COVID 19, it’s even easier to feel isolated. Even if you’re lucky enough to have family around, those of us without a significant other can feel lonely during “cuffing season,” for sure. It feels like no one wants you to be around. There are some signs to look for in a friend or loved one if you’re worried they



Graphic courtesy of Lily McCauley



know everybody says money can’t buy happiness, but it could buy me a boat,” country artist Chris Janson sings on his track “Buy Me a Boat.” The sentiment that money can’t buy happiness is one that society generally accepts as true, however, we disagree. There’s a difference between money bringing you joy and money bringing you happiness. Joy, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is “an emotion evoked by the prospect of possessing what one desires.” Those desires are more substantial than things that would simply bring happiness. Joy comes from being at

peace with oneself and with others. True joy is hard to achieve. Money cannot buy joy, however, happiness is something money can buy. Happiness is defined as “a state of well-being and contentment.” We learn in psychology that one’s state of being can and will change often. The state of being happy is not long-lasting. However, some things can make happiness last longer than others. A study conducted in 2015 by researchers at the University of British Columbia found that buying material things can bring longer-lasting happiness than buying experiences. They split participants into two groups: one group

was told to buy themselves some sort of experience, like a vacation or concert ticket, while the others were instructed to buy a ‘thing’ (any tangible object they desired.) The researchers tracked participant’s happiness levels before, during and after their purchases. They concluded that while the spike of happiness that occurred while a person was on vacation was pretty high, it quickly faded after the experience itself ended. Those who bought items reported feeling happiness more often over a two-week period than those who had ‘experiences.’ While this conclusion might not be true for everyone, as some people might

personally put more value in experiences than material things, we think that it’s strong enough to explicitly state: yes, money can buy happiness. After going on vacation and looking back at pictures, you can remember the happiness, but not feel it all over again. However, every time you read a favorite book, use your cookware to make food or watch your favorite movie on your TV, you do feel happier. Money can buy happiness, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s important to remember that this happiness is fleeting, and that happiness is distinct from joy. So, if you have the money for it, go buy a boat!



What makes this season ‘The Most Wonderful Time of the Year’ Addison Mark | Staff Reporter

It’s Not Christmas Without...



Christmas trees

Christmas music


candy canes

Best Parts of Florida Winter


you don’t have to shovel snow


you get to hang Christmas lights on a palm tree


we can wear flipflops on Christmas


our “White Christmas” is a sandy beach


What Santa Leaves in Your Stocking 56% candy 26% gift cards 7%


Christmas Memories “The morning of Christmas when I was in fifth grade, I ran out to the garage to see if Santa brought a golf cart. To my dismay I didn’t see one. At the end of opening gifts, we followed clues to my neigbor’s garage and to our new golf cart!” - Senior Nicole Lorenz

“Every year, my entire extended family gets together on Christmas and eat a huge lunch together. This is the one time I see a few of my cousins, so I really love being with everyone and celebrating.” - Junior John Cratem

Best Stocking Stuffers

Favorite Christmas Foods Ham or Turkey? 41%

for those with cold feet


for mask fashionistas

46% 54% Mashed Potatoes or

Mac & Cheese?

for the movie expert

Cranberry Sauce 27% or Gravy? 73% for the sweet tooth


42% Gingerbread or

Sugar Cookies? for the bath lover

Hot Cocoa or Eggnog?

20% 80% for the workout enthusiast

Worst Parts of Florida Winter


no snow days


weather changes

*based on a survey of 261 students ISSUE 2 • A&E 15

KENNY KRAVINGS Review of local ethnic restaurants Jessica Golden | Staff Reporter

Noura Cafe

1533 University Blvd W Jacksonville, FL 32217 904-739-0033 @nouracafe If you’re looking for authentic Middle Eastern food, this is the place to go. Owner Raymond Abi Khalil emigrated to America from Lebanon in the 1980s and opened Noura Cafe in 2009 to provide Middle Eastern cuisine to the community. The atmosphere is welcoming with Middle Eastern music playing throughout the restaurant. The menus were cleaned between

each use to help protect customers from COVID-19. To get a taste of this authentic cuisine I ordered the mixed platter which included grape leaves, baba ganoush, hummus, pita, kibbeh, which is spiced ground meat and grain, and tabbouleh. This hefty meal was only $13, and I was able to share this platter with three of my friends and still have leftovers.

The hummus had a salty flavor, a smooth texture and the pita bread was made from scratch and fresh out of the oven. Both items lived up to all of my expectations. I had never tried baba ganoush, which consists of mashed eggplant, but it was a light dish served cold. At Noura’s family-owned business, they will take you in as their own.

3820 Southside Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32216 904-646-1478 @bluebamboojacksonville This Asian fusion My family and I had dinner restaurant pulls out all the at Blue Bamboo. We ordered stops. Located on Southside the lettuce wraps and the Boulevard, this hidden gem is BBQ duck wonton crisps as tucked away on a service road. appetizers for around $11 It is owned by Chef Dennis each. The lettuce wraps were Chan, who is carrying on a a light starter dish. While the family legacy that has been BBQ duck wonton crisps were around for many years. Many a bit heavier, there was still of the recipes at Blue Bamboo room for dinner. For my main have been passed down from dish, I ordered the Sichuan stir generation to generation. fry with chicken, which totaled

$17. It had the perfect balance of vegetables, rice, chicken and noodles. It was topped with a delicious sweet and savory sauce. The atmosphere was formal, yet welcoming. The menu encompassed anything you could want within the Asian fusion realm, with options for those with dietary restrictions, such as vegetarian and gluten-

free options, as well as picky eaters.

Blue Bamboo

Mambo’s Cuban Cafe

13770 Beach Blvd Suite 9 Jacksonville, FL 32224 904-374-2046 @mamboscubancafe The owner of Mambo’s that I scanned with my phone Cuban Cafe is a United which took me directly to the States Navy veteran who menu, a protocol which many was stationed in Jacksonville restaurants have adopted due after serving in Japan. The to COVID-19. restaurant is a family-owned I ordered the Cuban business that opened in sandwich with a side of fries. Mayport in 2007, and has since The meal, which included a moved locations to Beach drink, was $13. The sandwich Blvd. came out warm and had the There was upbeat Latin perfect authentic Cuban flavor music playing, and the menu with Cuban bread, mustard, was a QR code on the table ham, pork, Swiss cheese, and


pickles. For the price, it came with a good amount of food and had plenty of leftovers to take home. Compared to the other two restaurants this was by far the most filling. If you’re in the Atlantic Beach area and are looking for authentic Cuban fare to grab with a friend, this is the place to go.


Beloved Christmas classic ‘Home Alone’ turns 30 years old Grace Jennings | Staff Reporter


he beloved movie “Home Alone,” starring Macaulay Culkin, takes viewers on an adventure every year with 8-year-old Kevin McAllister to defend his home. Directed by Chris Columbus, the mastermind behind “The Goonies” and “Gremlins,” this film has become a staple to the Christmas season even after thirty years. The movie takes place when, after acting out before dinner, Kevin’s mother makes him sleep in the attic. Before falling to sleep, Kevin wishes for his whole family to disappear. When he wakes up, lo and behold, his whole family is gone; they left for vacation in Paris, and forgot him! Now it is up to Kevin to take care of himself. He must meet the challenge of warding off pesky burglars, played by Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern, using creative tricks and traps. All the while, his mother, played by Catherine O’Hara, works tirelessly to travel home from Paris and back to her son. It is no wonder that “Home Alone” is the highest

grossing domestic comedy of all time. It’s the perfect blend of adorable childish moments, creative comedy and heartwarming Christmas themes. “Home Alone” is one of the best Christmas classics

to watch each year because the plot never gets old. Columbus did a fantastic job of including elements for both children and adults to enjoy. The movie boosted Macaulay Culkin as a child

actor and Kevin McAllister is arguably his biggest role to date. Culkin’s childlike innocence gave families something to relate to. Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern, who were already known actors prior to the film, added the ideal touch of ridiculousness to the movie. If you did not know, the iconic scene when Kevin slaps his face and screams was completely improvised! Columbus told Culkin to remove his hands before screaming, as that’s what most people would do when something burns, but Culkin left his hands there. It was the first take and had everyone laughing on set, so they decided to keep it in. If you have never seen “Home Alone,” I recommend it. It has the perfect mixture of lovable comedy Christmas cheer and it’s great for watching with your family. If you have seen it, you know that, despite its age, it never gets old, so head over to Disney+ this Christmas season to enjoy it again.

ISSUE 2 • A&E 17

NEED BOOKS? GIFTS? Shop online or in San Marco! 1971 San Marco Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32207 904-396-7597 A BK family-owned local business



Jacksonville’s most renowned Christmas light displays Jessica Golden | Staff Reporter


f you’re looking for a fun and festive Holiday tradition to attend locally, there’s a large selection of Christmas light displays.

residents sell hot chocolate to those driving through to complete the experience. Be prepared for traffic, especially on weekends!

Nights of Lights The city of St. Augustine hosts its annual “Nights of Lights” in the streets of its historic downtown. Lights are strung through oak and palm trees, and a large Christmas tree with colorful lights and ornaments stands in the center of the Plaza de la Constitución, facing the historic Bridge of Lions. The event is open to the public through January 31, and offers festive backgrounds for photos.

Deck the Chairs Jacksonville Beach’s holiday tradition is “Deck the Chairs.” Hosted by the city and held at Latham Plaza, adjacent to the Seawalk Pavilion at First Ave. N. and First St. N., this charitable event began in 2013 and features decorated lifeguard chairs. Each chair is sponsored by a company or organization that decorates its respective chair, including the Boys and Girls Club, Cancer Specialists of North Florida and Here Tomorrow. Although the display is free, visitors are encouraged to leave a donation, and all donations will be distributed to these charitable organizations. “Deck the Chairs’’ will remain open until January 1 from 5 p.m. until 1 a.m. every night.

Girvin Road The subdivision of Blackhawk Bluff, off of Girvin Road, puts on a drive-by light show each year at Christmastime. All of the houses put on individual light displays, and lights drape from the trees above the streets. At the entrance to the neighborhood,

CLOCKWISE, FROM TOP RIGHT: St. Augustine strings lights around the palm trees downtown; Beaches Go Green’s display awareness for ocean waste; The neighborhoods on Girvin Road are able to be driven through; Boys and Girls Club Chair is decorated with snowflakes and trees.

ISSUE 2 • A&E 19


Seniors Joey and Lauren Eichler detail challenges of ice sports in Florida Charli Esposito | Staff Reporter


he weather or climate outside often dictates whether or not the sport is played; like rain on a baseball field delaying the game, or lightning in the area at a swim meet, or even extreme freeze warnings at a soccer game. Since temperatures need to be well below freezing to allow for skating over frozen water, ice sports in particular have the greatest correlation to the weather. So, what’s it like playing an ice sport in the state where the heat never leaves? Joseph Eichler and Lauren Eichler have been skating on the ice “since [they] were six years old,” Joseph Eichler said. Their family moved to Florida from Arizona when the

do not have the resources. Common sports in Florida are associated with being outdoors like surfing, swimming, baseball, soccer or golf, according to Olympic. org. In fact, when you ask a Floridan if they know how to ice skate or have ever gone ice skating, the common response is “It’s Florida! It’s hot!” Competitive ice sports hockey and figure skating are part of the Winter Olympics. Figure skating was the most watched sport in the 2018 Winter Olympics, followed closely by hockey, according to Bleacher Report. In Northern

twins were in middle school. In Arizona, Joseph Eichler said the climate was still warm but tended to cool down for longer periods of time than in Florida. At a young age, “[their] parents encouraged [them] to start skating because it was always so hot outside,” Lauren Eichler said. In Arizona, there is a large following of ice sports and more accessibility to rinks. In Phoenix alone, there are more than 10 ice rinks. In Jacksonville, however, “there is only one rink...which can make training really hard to access.” Joseph Eichler said. “It’s just not available.” This leads to the commonality of ice skating and hockey being rare: Floridians

states, hockey is considered one of the most popular sports in high school athletics, according to Sportsshow. net, and most schools have both boys and girls hockey teams. However, there are only 18 teams across six counties in Florida, according to Funding is used in sports with higher participation rates in relation to being outside in warm weather according to Hockey is still ranked high among sports following in Florida. “There are 25 USA Hockey territories with over 5000 USA Hockey memberships and of these, Florida has seen the 5th highest growth over the last 10 years,” according to John Barr for


Florida has two National Hockey League teams: the Florida Panthers and the Tampa Bay Lightning, the latter of which won its second

Stanley Cup this September. The Lightning was top 10 in NHL attendance this year and averaged 98% capacity according to NHL.

Ice Skating in Florida



skated once

never skated


skate regularly hic

ap Gr by M n







*based on a survey from




Senior basketball player named ‘Female Player of the Year’ Elena Vincenty | Staff Reporter


Photo by Charli Esposito

dang, I can really do this [in college].” Miami, Virginia Tech and Seton Hall offered Roberts a spot to play on their basketball teams. These three universities were at the top of her list, but Roberts ultimately committed to play for the University of Miami last February. She described how Miami had been in contact with her two years prior, attending her games and staying in contact with her via FaceTime. “They came to a lot of my games, they came to like five and then they came to my state championship game,” Roberts said. “It was consistent.” Following college, Roberts wants to continue her basketball career. “My plan is to go

professional; I plan to hopefully get drafted and go to the WNBA,” Roberts said. “If not, I may try and go overseas.” Roberts reminisced about one of her biggest accomplishments, outside of committing to Miami, which was going to the state finals with BK on Feb. 29, 2020. A n o t h e r thing that is special about basketball to Roberts is “just having fun on t h e c o u r t a n d enjoying myself and being around great teammates,” said Roberts. S h e complimented her teammates and coach, whom she feels drove her to earn the title of First Coast Female Player of the Year and News4Jax Player of the Year last spring. Roberts smiled

as she discussed her accomplishments and the amount of hard work she says she has put in. “Don’t let adversity bring you down; just keep pushing,” Roberts said. “Know that all the hard work you put in now, during the season, will pay off.”

Photo by Jessica Golden

aptain, Female Player of the Year and a Miami commit are just a few titles used to describe Jasmyne Roberts, who has been playing basketball since the first grade. This year marks her third year playing for BK’s varsity team. Roberts also plays for the Amateur Athletic Union, known as the AAU, which is where many recruiters noticed her. Roberts received her first college letter in the seventh grade. “I had this guy, I had no clue who he was, but he came up to me and was like ‘you are really good; I have never seen a girl your age play this good,’’’ Roberts said. “I w a s like


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