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Bishop Kenny High School | Jacksonville, Fla. | Volume 69 | Senior Edition Shelby Abinsay • Rosa Acosta • Athalie Agricola • Anna Akel • Chris Akel • Jacob Akel • Kristy Alim • Julliete Alraheb • Aidan Araya-Wolff • Amber Arteaga • Jude Arteaga • Robert Assi • Carson Bachara • Michael Bagan • Mary-jo Bahri • Kate Bailey • Paul Barakat • Nolan Beenen • Lily Bell • Joshua Biringer • Chris Blockberger • Abby Bogush • Jacob Bradley • Matheus Braga • Blaze Brannon • Payton Brannon • Gracie Breden • Jeb Brownell • Allan Bustos • Kelly Calkins • Amber Canavan • Ava Carrillo • David Castillo • Andres Castro • Zeyon Charles • Connor Chatman • Alexis Chin • Bailey Chin • Michaela Chrisphonte • Kayla Connolly • Brenn Cooper • Patrik Corri • Jaden Cortez • David Paul Cratem • John Cratem • Megan Cunningham • Ma’kenndi Daniel • Rozi Darragjati • Keyan Daryai • Andrew Davis • Alleana de Leon • Andrea de Leon • Quinn De Rycker • Diego Delgado • Dylan Delgado • Chris Devenny • Grace Devine • Dakota Dicks • Mallory Dilworth • Bayani Diokno • Carolina Dobbs • Owen Dominger • Aden Dreher • Natalie Ellison • Patty Elmore • Ashlin Elson • Charli Esposito • Olivia Evans • Isabella Evans • Reily Farrell • Jake Fennell • Victoria Fraga • Stephanie Frakes • Danny Futrell • Fernando Garcia • Will Garfield • Lily Garland • Gianna Geraci • Glenn Geraci • Kaleb Gilmore • Matthew Giordano • Adriana Gjergji • Luka Gjergji • Marvin Gjini • Brian Gjoka • Angel Gjuraj • Jessica Golden • Augie Gould • Mackenna Gregory • Morgan Gregory • Harrison Grooom • Braxton Gruver • Philip Hale • Ashton H a l l • Kristin Halter • Sommer Hampton • Au t u m n Harrington • Ja’Kari Harris • Nathan Hawara • Savion Henry • Alex Herreros • Adelaide Hinson • Luke Holloway • Kristina Hoy • Hana Hurdle • Emily Huskey • Julian Ibarra-Moulier • Katie Iglesias • Henry Jackson • Tommy Jackson • Cayden Jaeger • Lina Jahjah • Laila Jean-Bart • Grace Jennings • Amari Johnson • Luke Johnson • Christopher Joseph • Alex Jubran • Brooke Jubran • Nicole Kadi • Sophia Kaelin • Noah Kallivayalil • Reese Keen • Michael Keeney • Morgan Kennedy • Tom Khadour • Sinan Khudur • Leah Klingaman • Brianna Kugelmann • Nick Labyak • Charlie Lanier • Bella Laos • Monika Lari • Isabella LauerB a e z • Chase Lavelle • Charlie Lawrence • Gabrielle Lehman • Mang Len • Cal Leonard • Cooper Lewis • Alex Lewis • Jake Lewison • Alana Lucas • Alexandria Lucey • Peter Mahfouz • Carson Mann • Addison Mark • Drew McAtee • Cory McCalip • Patrick McCarthy • Andrew McClellan • Elizabeth McClellan • Brue McCord • Caden McCowan • Connor McDaniel • Mia McDavitt • Mary McMahan • Abby Measor • Gavin Meehan • Reilly Meehan • Emma Mensforth • Cameron Mesh • Maddie Millar • Alison Miller • Brad MIller • Isabella Miller • Bridget Monahan • Amy Moneyhan • Rafie Montalvo • Rose Montana • Jake Moran • Christian Moreno • Reva Morley • Mitchell Morningstar • Sean Patrick Morrissey • Christopher Mouchi • Mariah Myers • Marie Naddaf • Ari Nakamichi • Mary Grace Neilan • Baylor Newsom • Lily N i c o l o s i • Tina Nika • McKenna O’Neil • Caroline Orum • Rachel Ossi • Natalie Otero • Juliana Padilla • Hugo Parrott • Sophia Parry • Winston Peele • Javy Pena • Siene PepinDonat • Ashley Perez • Ismael Perez • Lewis Perry • Roan Peters • Will Petre • Courtney Pham • Martin Pineiros • Robert Porkert • Mark Pritchard • Jing Qiu • Sam Rabon • Rafi Rammoo • Sylvia Recinos • Gilbert Reh • Ben Respess • Jared Richmond • Jordan Rill • Manuel RiverraGonzalez • Jordan Robbie • Colin Roberts • Ryan Roditti • Gio Rodriguez • Katry Rodriguez • Lorenzo Rogers • Victoria Rojas • Lucas Rozo • Nick Ruen • Andrew Safar • Ria Saldajeno • Kaitlyn Salzarulo • Kevin Sample • Ashley Santonil • Angie Satouf • Kathryn Saunders • Emily Schmitt • Tia Schoening • Adam Schwinn • Max Seldan • N i c k Seymour • Ny’Reon Shuman • Wi l l Silvestri • Rachel Skyles • A n n i e Slatter y • Kalia Smith • Luke Smith • Madeleine Snyder • Ryan Soroka • Jacob Soulby • Ryan Stevers • Kaden Stoner • Noah Straley • Caroline Stringfellow • Kyle Sulayman • Janelle Sumbeling • Leighton Sutton • Drew Tabor • Steven Taylor • Kevin Thallemer • Payne Thomas • Aiym Thompson • Will Thomsen • Akuch Tong • Lindsey Trent • Matthew Tucci • Roman Tyson • Dori Ujka • Brody Vaccarino • Tony Valentino • Elena Vincenty • Sarah von Mohr • Victoria Vu • Zach Wagner • Will Walker • Jacob Webb • Avery Whitlow • Victor Wiediger • Emily Williams • Luke Williams • Cornelius Wilson • Robert Wilson • Rebecca Woodard • Micael Yates • Izabelle Young • Andrew Zapata • Rachel Zwatschka


Grace Jennings | Copy Editor






Goodbye, Kenny Kupid

ear Kenny Kupid,

I heard a rumor about who you were but I was not sure if you would ever unveil your identity. I love reading about all your advice but I know that some people just want to know who you are more.

ear fond follower & goodbye readers,

As the return of Kenny Kupid brought an uproar of mystery to the student body, it will leave a similar uproar of shock and awe to the student body as the identity of the writer is revealed. Kupid has heard numerous rumors of her identity… Yes, I have revealed myself as a she/her… stay tuned for my full identity. The rumors of my identity have sprung some questions to my validity and all knowing powers… Some questions are certainly admirable but others are no doubt are stupid. Especially, when the halls of BK ignite like a wildfire with rumors of the latest gossip, it’s not hard for these words to reach my ears then attend to my watchful eyes. Many days I’ve sat in silence, not the silence of others but myself, listening to the students talk about each

I’d like to ask, how did you find out all this information about couples? How did you give such amazing, reliable information to your “lost” readers? I’m just so curious. Sincerely, a fond follower of Kenny Kupid.

other with no regard for who else may hear the words. Especially if Kenny Kupid may be around. I’d like to

into the newspaper with the best advice I could offer. I mean, the best always happens… as long as we all stay faithful to Kupid’s advice.

thank the kind students who sought out my help from such experienced and wellrounded Kupid endeavors to receive advice. I’ve sent some students quick letters back with advice and other letters sent to me were published

Anyways, let’s not forget about my helpful angels, the girls who supply extra information, retrieve and verify specific details for Kupid from the BK community. I do a lot of work but without sources from my

angels many stories would parish to the realm of untold Kupid love stories. Much love goes out to the four angels for their support and friendship through the years and even more love to the fifth angel knighted as guardian angel to us all who watched over us and especially as I wrote advice to lonesome students to help them in unlucky situations. After a year of extremely, amazing, wonderful and successful advice from helpless students. I’ve decided to hang up my wings… until another Kupid returns to valiantly fulfill my legacy at BK. Although, there will no longer be a chariot of love to sweep students off their feet with spectacular advice, the halls will still bustle with students who are in search of love and happiness. Best of luck to the most unlucky in love, yours truly. I, Kenny Kupid, Charli Esposito ‘22


Elena Vincenty | Editor in Chief

Contenders for valedictorian, salutatorian in Class of 2022 1. In your opinion, what was the toughest class at Kenny? AP World History (Ms. Keyser) 2. How many APs did you take? 14 What teacher challenged you the most? Mrs. Doner (AP Lang) 3. What is one piece of advice that you have for underclassmen? Take classes that you are

actually interested in. If it [a class] is just for a GPA boost, it usually isn’t worth it. At the end of the day, your high school GPA doesn’t matter once you leave high school. 4. Where are you going to college? University of Central Florida

1. In your opinion, what was the toughest class at Kenny? English 1 Honors (Mrs. Bradley) 2. How many APs did you take? 11 What teacher challenged you the most? Mrs. Bradley (English 1 Honors) 3. What is one piece of advice that you have for underclassmen?

Do your homework and get good sleep. 4. Where are you going to college? University of Florida

1. In your opinion, what was the toughest class at Kenny? AP Latin (Mrs. Thomas) 2. How many APs did you take? 12 What teacher challenged you the most? Mrs. Thomas (AP Latin) 3. What is one piece of advice that you have for underclassmen? Enjoy every moment and never take anything for

granted. Everything happens for a reason, so don’t be afraid to try something new or challenge yourself because you only get high school once. 4. Where are you going to college? University of Florida

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