Miege Matters 2024 Spring

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Natalie Ramirez and Bibi Cervantes participate in a praise and worship assembly at Bishop Miege. (Photo by: Jill Ragar Esfeld, The Leaven)

- From the President -

Dear Bishop Miege Family:

The 2023-24 school year just concluded and I must say, it’s been a “Stagtacular” year! In May, 155 students walked across the stage and graduated from Bishop Miege, finishing a strong year for everyone in Stag Country. As usual, there were state championships in athletics and academics, two students were named National Merit Scholars, several theatre students received regional and national recognition, and the school planted an orchard (working with the Giving Grove) to provide for those in need. Our students and staff walked the journey of faith together and grew closer to Jesus, with prayer and service to others.

At the annual Auction in April, I shared about the excellence that happens here at Bishop Miege. Most are aware of the athletic success. However, many are not aware of the excellence that takes place in so many other areas. Because of that, we will be launching a marketing campaign called “Miege Magnified,” which will highlight other areas of emphasis that emulate excellence. The first video produced highlights the new Joseph Michael Pedrotti Innovation Center which has been a game changer for our school. Almost every student in the building was able to utilize the center this year, providing them handson experiences with advanced technology and 21st-century learning tools. The video also highlights how the Catholic faith life has grown throughout our student body. In the future, we will highlight other areas such as: Speech and debate, journalism, biomedical, theatre, the amount of college and AP classes offered, choir, the math hub, and more. Be on the lookout for the next magnified areas of excellence!

Speaking of the auction, it was a huge success. It ended up being one of the most successful in the school’s history, raising close to $750,000. The Fund-a-Need will now provide new desks for the entire school and new stained concrete floors on the first and third floors (to match the main floor completed last summer). A big thanks to the over 450 people who attended and helped make the night such a success. If you didn’t make it this year, don’t miss it next April! People are already marking their calendars.

Here is another positive I wanted to share. It’s clear to me the word is getting out about what is taking place at Bishop Miege. As of now, the freshman class has over 180 students, beating all projections, and could end up being one of the largest classes in over a decade. Yes, more families are choosing Miege!

As you will see in this edition of Miege Matters, we want to invite alumni back to campus for this year’s homecoming. We will begin a new tradition of inviting all alumni who are celebrating a significant celebration year (every 5 or 10 years), to come back as we host a reunion weekend, including our golf tournament on Friday, a tailgate party before the football game, recognition at the football game, and a Saturday night gathering of all celebrated classes. It will be a weekend you won’t want to miss. So if your graduation year has a 4 or 9 in it, it’s your time to be honored (October 4-5).

Finally, know that I am grateful for you and your commitment to making Bishop Miege the best Catholic high school it can be. You are in my prayers.

God bless,

Be on the lookout for the Miege Magnified Marketing Campaign The concept is to feature and zone in on all the accomplishments of Bishop Miege. Broadly known as an athletic powerhouse with our 126 State Championships titles, it is time to magnify all the other great things Miege has to offer in addition to our athletics.

• Debate & Forensics

• Robotics

• Music Program

• Journalism

• Theatre

• Diversity Club

• Bio-Med

• Math Hub

Scan to view the 1st video

Spiritual Growth

Academic Excellence

Miege offers a challenging curriculum designed to develop students’ potential in accordance with their abilities, and to equip graduates for college and 21st Century careers.

Miege offers 27 AP and College Now Courses! Students can earn up to 60 college credit hours while still in high school.

Bishop Miege strives to educate the whole student by blending learning with faith and making faith an integral part of the school day. This is accomplished through prayer as a fundamental component of each class, Mass celebrations, Eucharistic Adoration, and weekly opportunities for Reconciliation.

Theology classes participating in the May Crowning in the Sister Martina Courtyard.

Serving Others

In order to strengthen the commitment to be of service to others, Miege provides a four-year service program that challenges students to reach beyond themselves and to touch the lives of others.

The entire Miege student body and faculty participated in the annual Mary Perrini Herd Service Day, helping at over 25 agencies in the KC metro area.


Joseph Michael Pedrotti Innovation Center - 21st Century Learning -

The new Joseph Michael Pedrotti Innovation Center contains new learning spaces equipped with state-of-the-art tools and technology. There are two separate spaces: a Project Studio and an Engineering Lab. Students utilize the two areas for academic investigations to create products and solutions not possible within a traditional classroom.


In its first year, nearly every Bishop Miege student has completed a hands-on assignment in the Joseph Michael Pedrotti Project Studio. Dr. Jackie Arico, Studio Coordinator, commented that,“Giving students a way to interact with the material they are learning in a real, tangible way has helped enrich their enthusiasm and depth of understanding in ways not possible in a traditional classroom.”

Some highlights include Aerospace students creating 3D printed airfoils to test in a wind tunnel at KU, and laser-cut fins for rockets; Freshmen English classes created poetry boxes wired with LEDs; additionally, Theology II classes created laser-cut crosses from hand-drawn designs.

FUTURE STAGS: In addition to Miege students learning how to use the new tools, Dr. Arico worked with a 6th grade STEM class from St. Ann’s to design T-shirt transfers. She also introduced 8th graders from Curé of Ars to the project studio and they created laser-cut keychains, vinyl-cut stickers, and paper circuit stoplights.



Jacob Drone, Class of 2024, was accepted into the prestigious West Point Military Academy. Only 12% of students who apply to West Point are accepted. The leadership skills he developed as a Herd Captain, President of the Tri-M Choir Honor Society, and NHS member were important elements of his application.

The application process also included medical and physical fitness tests, essay writing, personal interviews, and letters of recommendation from teachers, school administrators, and a senator or congressperson. Jacob will begin military training on July 1st and start classes in the fall.

Peter Dessert ‘24 received the prestigious Jimmy Award, a national high school musical theatre award. He will travel to New York this summer to experience a week of private coaching, master classes, and rehearsals with theatre professionals. He will compete for top honors at a one-night performance in June with opportunities for merit scholarships, and professional advancement.

Peter plans on attending Syracuse University for Musical Theatre, where he received a full-tuition scholarship.

Daniel Sullivan was named the 3A/4A Journalist of the Year. He received a $750 scholarship. This is the second time a Miege student has won this prestigious award.

Parents Drew & Maureen, Daniel, Journalism teacher, Sarah McCambridge Peter Dessert and Peter Vani performing in the Miege fall musical “All Shook Up,” which won “Best Musical” at the Cappies Award Ceremony and Peter Dessert won “Best Lead Actor in a Musical.” Michael Williams (Federal Government Liaison Constituent Services Representative), Jacob Drone, LTC Rick Dembowski (West Point United States Army State Coordinator)
The Scholars Bowl Team wrapped up a great season by placing 1st at Regionals and taking State RunnerUp at the Class 4A competition. (L-R Nikita John, Alex Haggerty (captain), Frank Cressey, Henry Holm and Emily Lueckenotto) Back-to-Back State Journalism Champions National Speech/Debate Qualifiers: Joseph Schmidt, and Frannie Chaffee-McClure Seniors win the Powder Puff game hosted by the Mothers Club (Right) Boys Golf - 4th Place State Championship

Cantare Deum and Cantrices performed at the Music in the Parks Festival. Both groups earned a 1-rating among many other individual awards.


Kayla Moylan, Math Teacher, was awarded the High School Teacher of the Year award by the Archdiocese of KCK. In addition to her teaching, Moylan has started a new tradition at Miege called “Summit”, a monthly evening of witness and adoration for students and their families.


• Girls Basketball - State Champions (left photo)

• Dance Team - 3rd Place State Championship

• Football - EKL Champions

• Boys Golf - 4th Place State Championship (far left photo)

3rd Place State Championship

• Boys Soccer - State Champions (8-Peat)

• Girls Soccer - State Champions (8-Peat)

• Boys Tennis - 4th Place State Tournament

• Girls Tennis - 3rd Place State Tournament

• Boys Track - 2nd Place State Championship

• Volleyball - State Champions


Annual Auction

What a Stagtacular Evening...

Over $745,000 Raised!

It was a fantastic evening of celebration and support for Bishop Miege students at the 51st Annual Auction, “Miege Stagtacular!” With support from many generous donors, Miege raised over $745,000 for the school! This includes $455,000 for the fund-a-need initiatives.

Over the summer new flooring on the first and third floors will be completed and new desks for 26 classrooms will be purchased.

We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of our donors and their strong commitment to excellence in education at Miege. We are also thankful to the Auction chairs, (photo) Germaine & Ron Buck and Karin & Joe Andrade, and all of our wonderful volunteers who worked hard to make the evening a success!

(above) The Miege drum line makes a surprise appearance to pump up the crowd before the Live auction started. (right) The Schapker family makes the auction a family-fun night.

(bottom R-L) Bob Dunn, Dave Ruf, Jennifer Ruf and Kim

after a


This year’s auction car raffle winner was

John chose the $15,000 cash award instead of taking the 2024 Honda Civic. He wasn’t present at the auction but was more than happy to come in and accept his winnings. He has been buying car raffle tickets for many years to support Miege.

Thank You Corporate Sponsors!

John Manning! Photo: Molly Peterson, Director of Advancement, and John Manning. (above) Stan Weber, Guest Emcee (right) Abby Kurt, Maureen Engen, Lisa Baniewicz and Abby Baniewicz dance the night away to the live music by the Noah Anthony Band (left) Guest Emcee, Stan Weber, Father Anthony Mersmann and Emcee Bill Creach Hammers winning during the Live auction

“The Miege curriculum is rigorous, pushing me to be the best I can be. My teachers helped me see things from different perspectives. They have helped me step into others’ shoes and see God in others. They have helped me grow as a person and be kinder to myself and others.”

- Nikita, ‘25

Donate Now: 10 MIEGE MATTERS

Can You Help Support a Current Stag?

There is a $1000+ gap between tuition and the cost of Catholic education at Bishop Miege. Will you help Miege keep tuition affordable for all families with a gift to the Annual Fund?

Please support excellence in Catholic education by donating to the Annual Fund.

“What makes this place so unique is that every person is valued for who they are. It is something that is beyond the classes, the lockers, and the walls. It is found in every routine, every lunch, every conversation, and every person. ”

Rocco, Class of 2024

“Miege has prepared me for the future by allowing me to take Project Lead The Way courses that provide me with hands-on experience using lab equipment such as a micropipette.”

Michaela, Class of 2025

- Annual Fund -

- Teacher Feature -


Reynolds, achieves her

7th Diamond Award from the National Speech and Debate Association

Bishop Miege High School debate and forensics coach Melissa Reynolds received a 7th Diamond Award, one of the highest honors a coach can achieve as part of the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA).

Out of more than 4,000 active coaches today, only two have received a 7th Diamond, and in the 98-year history of the NSDA, only 42 coaches have been awarded the honor.

It’s a big deal.

In light of this accomplishment, it’s hard to believe Reynolds was once a timid eighth grader who bombed her first speech class.

“I was very shy and overly self-conscious,” said Reynolds. “I took a speech class and got all the negative things I already thought about myself kind of confirmed.

So when it came to high school, I refused to sign up for speech and debate.”

The debate coach at Reynolds’ high school also happened to be the youth director at her church, and he pressured her mercilessly to take his class.

“My sophomore year, I ended up taking it out of spite,” she said, “to get him to shut up and leave me alone, because he would realize how bad I really was.

“But instead of getting my revenge on him, I learned a lot about myself and about communication.”

Reynolds continued to improve her speech skills, with the intention of studying engineering in college. But when she was completing her ACT packet, the career-goal question stopped her cold.

“For some reason I couldn’t fill that out,” she said. “I just felt stuck.”

After a long discussion with her youth director/coach, Reynolds went home and did what anyone facing a life decision should do.

“Before I went to bed, I prayed for guidance,” she said. “I woke up the next morning, picked up the ACT packet and wrote down ‘secondary speech and theater education.’

“I’m not one of those people who feels like God talks to me directly, but this was a billboard-in-my-face kind of feeling.”

Reynolds knew she had a calling to pass on the skills she had learned.

“I felt like a missionary,” she said, “because I knew there were lots of people like me, and I wanted to bring the good news to those people.”

Article Excerpts and Photo by Jill Esfeld, The Leaven

After more than 35 years at Bishop Miege, she has fulfilled that mission.

The stats are impressive; Bishop Miege is no stranger to state championships. But the true success of Reynolds is measured in the success of her students.

“They go in about a million different directions,” she said. “Lots of attorneys, lots of doctors, a couple of geologists, lots of engineers, an editor for Gentleman’s Quarterly. Many of them have their Ph.D.s and are professors.

“That same work ethic that helps them be successful in debate, helps them in college and in their careers. They’re pretty much dynamos.”

Nieky (Dominique) Allen, ‘14 understands that quip. A software architect with a bachelor’s and master’s in software engineering, he calls Reynolds’ program “easily the

most transformative class I’ve ever taken.”

Allen credits Reynolds’ high standards for giving him excellent speaking skills and the ability to think on his feet. But most importantly, he knows how to research and validate facts.

2016 Miege graduate Victoria

Gomerdinger has always had the heart of a scientist, and so, in high school she was more studious than outgoing.

“Ms. Reynolds’ support helped me overcome a lot of the fear of expressing myself, “ she said, “which I am incredibly grateful for.

“She did an amazing job realizing the different talents of each student and would nurture our strengths, as well as support us to improve our weaknesses.”

Gomerdinger has since attended

Yale University and is currently finishing her Ph.D. in chemical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As a scientist, she values Reynolds’ lessons in breaking down complicated information to the level of your audience.

As talented squads leave Bishop Miege to make their way in the world, Reynolds doesn’t spend much time with regret.

“As soon as one group leaves, another group comes along to get you ignited again,” she said. “Some kids are so sharp and so articulate you think, ‘Wow, what can we do with that?’

“It’s icing on the cake,” she said. “I’ve never been concerned about the accolades I get. I just love seeing them succeed and seeing them grow, and seeing what they end up doing with their lives.”


2024 Forensics Results: State Speech Championship, Bishop Miege placed 4th out of 32 schools with12 entries in semifinals and 7 entries in finals.

4-Speaker Debate Championships: 98, 99, 00, 04, 06, 10, 17, 19, 21

4-Speaker Debate Runner-Up: 97, 01, 02, 03, 05, 08, 09, 12, 18, 20, 22, 24

2-Speaker Debate Championship 2017

2-Speaker Debate Runner-Up 2003, 2016

Forensics Championship 1989

Forensics Runner-Up 2021

Miege is one of the Top 10 Speech & Debate Programs in Kansas, ranked by National Speech & Debate Association

Students Explore Career Options

Bishop Miege provides students multiple opportunities to learn about a wide variety of careers through job shadowing, mentorships, and career day. Last fall Miege invited business professionals to school to talk about careers in a variety of industries. Students selected two sessions of interest to learn about careers in a small classroom setting.


If you are interested in helping our students as they journey from high school to their future endeavors, there are a variety of ways to participate.

• Host a student for a job shadow

• Present at career day (11/20/24) or participate in a panel discussion (9/25/24)

• Mentoring sessions

Please scan the code to express your areas of interest.

Jordan Tucker, Class of 2013 kicking off Career Day at Miege Engineering students with JE Dunn at the new KC Current stadium

- Class Reunions -

Welcome Home...All Stags Reunion!

October 4th & 5th 2024

We want to begin a new tradition. Starting this year, all alumni are invited to one big 2-day gathering. We will be honoring the following classes:

’59, ’64, ’69, ’74, ’79, ’84, ’89, ’94, ’99, ’04, ’09, ’14, ’19

Reunite with old friends, walk the halls of your Alma Mater, and come see all the great things taking place at Bishop Miege.

Friday, October 4th:

• Golf Tournament at Drumm Farms

Shotgun Start - 10 am

• Alumni Tailgate - 5:30 pm

• Football Game vs Aquinas - 7:00 pm

Saturday, October 5th:

• All Stags Reunion (honoring classes ending in 4 or 9)

• Social at Bishop Miege - 6:00 pm

Register Today!

Individual Reunions:

Class of 1994 - 30th Class Reunion

Date: August 10th

Location: The home of Kristi (Wheeler) Wilson

Class of 1979 - 45th Class Reunion

Date: September/October

Location: Bishop Miege (Fri) & Parlor KC- Crossroads (Sat)

Class of 2004 - 20th Class Reunion

Date: October 4th & 5th

Location: Bishop Miege (Fri) & Saturday location TBD

Have questions?

Want to add your name to the email list as details develop?

Contact Corbin Sedlacek: csedlacek@bishopmiege.com

Visit the BishopMiege.com/alumni for more information on these class reunions


- Alumni Notes -

78 - Bob Dunn was honored as an Ingram’s 2023 Local Hero Award winner. Bob was head of The Dunn Family Foundation for the past three decades; he retired in 2023. Bob and JE Dunn have a strong philanthropic commitment to the local community and across the country where JE Dunn has offices.

81 - Cheri Rhodes was honored as an Ingram’s 2023 Local Hero Award Winner. She and her two daughters gained the nickname of “The Muffin Girls” seven years ago when they began delivering homemade muffins to the homeless outside of the downtown library. From that point, Cheri has been committed to helping meet the needs of the homeless community in Kansas City.

94 - Molly McNaughton is the Director of Post Production Operations, for the Las Vegas Sphere. The Sphere is the largest screen on the planet. Molly oversees a large post production department for the interior and exterior visuals.

01 - Nate Huppe was selected as the 2023 Boys High School Coach of the Year for Private/Parochial Schools. Nate has coached soccer at Miege for 20 years: nine years as the boys’ head coach, leading the boys to their eighth straight state championship, and 15 years as the girls’ head coach, leading the girls to eight state championships over the past 15 years.

08 - Katherine Lee was recognized in Ingram’s “40 Under Forty” program for business achievement and service. She is a global real estate adviser for Element Sotheby’s International Realty, she has already been named in the top 1.5 percent of the firm’s agents and teams nationwide. Over the last 10-plus years, Katherine has chaired local non-profit events, and was a Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Woman of the Year candidate after raising more than $50,000 among other fundraising efforts for other organizations.

10 - Devin Zvosec was recently selected as the Head Women’s Soccer Coach at Oakland University, a D1 school located in Rochester, MI

12 - Lindsay Zych Franco The American Volleyball Coaches Association recognized Lindsay in its 2023 Thirty under 30 High School Coaches list. She earned her second State Championship (3rd overall) in her four years as a head coach at Miege.

13 - Catherine Strayhall recently published her first book of poetry, Dress Me Like a Prizefighter, (Spartan Press).

18 - Julia Avila was recently honored as the 2024 Latinx Future Educator of the Year. The award was hosted by the Latinx Education Collaborative (LEC) organization. In order to be a candidate for the award, individuals are nominated by a peer or member of the community after showcasing one or more LEC core values: Community, Authenticity, Personal Growth, Impact, and Integrity as well as their commitment to advancing educational opportunities for the Latinx community.

20 - Payton Nies, a senior at KU, is literally conducting research that is out of this world. She’s working with NASA astronauts on the International Space Station, conducting experiments to find the effects of microgravity and radiation on female fertility. One of the main interests of the research is to prepare for manned missions to the moon and potentially to Mars in the future.

21 - Payton Verhulst was named the Big 12 Newcomer of the Year, First-team All-Big 12 and WBCA All-American honoree. Her Oklahoma Sooners won the regular-season Big 12 Championship and advanced to the NCAA Tournament.

22 - Christian Bowen Webb won the first-ever NJCAA D1 National Championship with Barton Community College.

Send your latest alumni news! Molly Peterson: mpeterson@bishopmiege.com or 913-222-5994


Lisa Lopez-Galvan

The Bishop Miege community and the Kansas City community at large continues to mourn the tragic loss of Lisa Lopez-Galvan, 1998 alumna, mother of Marc ‘19 and Adrianna ‘23.

As devout Chiefs fans, Lisa, her husband Mike, and her children were enjoying the Super Bowl Rally at Union Station when tragedy occurred. Lisa was fatally struck, and 22 people were wounded when shots were fired into the crowd.

Lisa was a beloved member of both the Miege and St. Agnes communities; she was a popular DJ in the Kansas City area and at the annual Miege auction for the past few years. Family and friends remember Lisa as a kind, compassionate, thoughtful woman who spread joy wherever she went and lent a helping hand wherever needed.

Continue to Pray for the Brave Nineteen

Seven of 19 of Lisa’s family & friends were shot or grazed on that tragic day.

(Back) Marcos Murguía, AJ Cambric, (Middle Row) Mike Galvan, Chloe Pennington ‘23, Adriana Galvan ‘23, Lisa Lopez-Galvan ‘98, Marcos M., Jordan Ortiz ‘25, Mario R., Esmeralda Ortiz, Jiselle Araiza ‘25 (Front): Erika (Martinez) Reyes ’99, Melia R., Mia M., Madi R., MJ M., Katie (Rafferty) Martinez ‘99, Molly M., Marc Lopez-Galvan ‘19

In Memory


February 2023 - April 2024

Stephen English - 1970

Chris Handzel - 1996

Elizabeth Galvan - 1998

James Hippmann - 1961

Elizabeth Irvine - 1966

Linda Judge - 1973

Keith Martincich - 1975

Jerome Mook - 1956

Mary O’Malley - 1963

Diane Owens - 1979

Michael Prior - 1968

Cathy Russell - 1959

Benjamen Van Maren - 1999


Trish Arnold

Don Carlton

Catherine Criqui

Clarence Edler

Brenda Jones

Pat Kolarik

Anthony Lipari

Robert Northrip

Sharon O’Neill

Dan Ritter

Anna Ritz

Charles Seago

John Zych

Did you know we have an Alumni “We Remember” Memorial page on our website? (found under Alumni) Visit:


Please send any updates to: Becky Skaggs bskaggs@bishopmiege.com or 913-222-5813

Photo L-R: Elisha (Ruiz) Araiza ‘98, Lisa Lopez-Galvan ‘98, Bill Creach ‘83, and Gina Coronado ‘99
Miege Alums and St. Agnes families


Your Support Is Continuing to Make a Difference in the Lives of Our Families!

Level of Sustainability... Almost a Reality!

Those gifts will fund the current growth trend of Bridge to the Future scholarships through 2030 without the need to draw from the endowment.

Number of Students Served: 1 in 2008 to 299 in 2023

Increasing Cost of Tuition: From $6,650 (2008-09) to $11,250 (2023-24 )

$5.5M Scholarships Awarded through 2023-2024 % of School BTF Recipients: Then: 0.14% (2008-09) Now: 46.14% (2023-24)

By Reaching Our $5 Million Goal –Our Current Endowment of $15M Will Be Allowed to Grow to a Level of Being Self-Sustaining. We are $500,000 away from reaching the $5M goal!!

In 2008 when the Bridge to the Future started by assisting one student, a sustainable endowment was only a pipe dream. Now we are so close to achieving that milestone.

Please consider making a commitment to BTF that will help our school community achieve that “pipe dream.”

See the enclosed envelope or scan the QR code.

Since August, we have received $1.2M towards the $1.7M needed to reach the $5M goal!

18 MIEGE MATTERS $5M 4M 3M 2M 1M $2,500 0 $571,723 $525,031 $474,900 $398,350 $254,000 $169,250 $94,000 $61,500 $46,500 $12,500 YEAR $ Funded # of Students 1 5 18 24 44 82 130 223 200 228 239 08-09 09-10 14-15 13-14 12-13 11-12 10-11 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 20-21 19-20 247 256 $540,000 $568,000 290 299 $591,140 $611,110 21-22 22-23

Create a Legacy of Supporting Catholic Education

Bishop Miege relies on the support of the community to provide an exceptional Catholic education that is accessible to all. The generosity of our donors has allowed Miege to provide faith formation to equip next-generation leaders with a strong moral compass, outstanding academics with state-of-theart learning facilities, and a variety of club and sports activities to allow students to flourish outside the classroom.

We invite you to invest in Miege’s future. Together we can continue to build a community of faith, learning, and service, for generations to come.

Charitable Giving with Tax Advantages

• Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds: Avoid taxes on capital gains by donating an appreciated asset.

• IRA Required Minimum Distribution (RMD): IRA owners age 70½ or over can transfer up to $100,000 to charities tax-free each year through Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs), providing a tax-smart way to give to a charity. Distributions are made directly by the trustee (bank or brokerage house) of an IRA to organizations (like Miege) that are eligible to receive taxdeductible contributions. For those who are at least 72, QCDs count toward the IRA owner’s required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year.)

Consider These Gifts to Create a Lasting Legacy

• Bequests: Designate a gift to Bishop Miege in your will or trust, ensuring your legacy continues to touch lives for years to come.

• Charitable Gift Annuity: In return for a significant tax-deductible donation, receive a fixed income for life.

• Charitable Remainder Trusts: Transfer assets irrevocably to a trust, receive an income for life and upon your death, the remainder goes to Bishop Miege.

• Life Insurance: Designate Bishop Miege as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy or gift a policy you no longer need.

• Real Estate: Donate your home, land, or farm to Bishop Miege now or upon your death.

Please contact Molly Peterson at mpeterson@bishopmiege.com with questions or to let us know you have included Miege in your estate plans. We are happy to honor your wishes for anonymity.

Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID KANSAS CITY, MO Permit No. 342 ALUMNI, PARENTS, AND FRIENDS OF MIEGE ALL STAGS REUNION Let’s be social! STAY CONNECTED TO BISHOP MIEGE.. and help us stay connected to you! Have you moved or changed your address? Make sure you are receiving information from the school via mail or email. Please update your email address by visiting this link on our website: www.BishopMiege.com/update www.BishopMiege.com October 4th October 4th & 5th New this year...
5041 Reinhardt Drive Shawnee Mission, KS 66205

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