2021-22 Bishop Miege Annual Report

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Thank you so much for the incredible support for our Bishop Miege High School community. We are truly blessed by the Holy Spirit which allows us to continue to provide the formation of our students. Our sincere gratitude is extended to all our donors who partner with our faculty and staff to enhance the spiritual growth through academic rigor and prayerful stewardship.

As the Gospel expresses in John 15:5, Jesus Christ is the vine with which all our blessings come. It is in these Christ-based relationships that incoming freshmen are welcomed by our teachers and fellow students. The Herd System has flourished in its sixth year to provide our core values in faith, community and service. Thank you to our incredible adult leaders and outstanding seniors that lead the 32 Faith Families, 8 Herds, One Miege.

Academic Rigor continues to guide our students to explore their talents, identify their strengths, and allow their spiritual compass to guide them. Bishop Miege introduced Academic Communities this school year. The seven Academic Communities allow students to experience authentic learning which is related to a community theme. However, students are not tracked into one community but may change them to expand their involvement into other areas.

Our celebrations include a National Merit Semi-Finalist, four Commended Scholars, and additional students recognized as National African American and National Hispanic Scholars. In the spring of 2022, an incredible 74% of our 664 students achieved either First or Second Honors for our school’s Honor Roll. Kudos to the hard work of our students and the dedication of Bishop Miege’s faculty for success in the classroom.

Our Project Lead the Way Engineering track expanded outside the classroom as students participated in the city’s ACE Mentor program. This opportunity matches high school students with area architects, construction management, and engineers to collaborate in areas providing introductory experiences to explore careers in these fields. Two Miege students received scholarships to apply to their next level of education.

This year we introduced, Fully Alive, a new initiative which provides critical guidance in the areas of social

and emotional support. The program has topics aimed to promote wellness in all aspects of life, combining the resources we have in the building with some of the best research based practices and resources in the Metro. In keeping with our mission of being Christ-centered, the overall objective for Fully Alive is derived from the St. Irenaeus quote, “The glory of God is a human being fully alive.”

Once again, I humbly report that our financial picture continues to be strong. The Miege community’s support for the Annual Fund, the Stag Strut, and the Auction continue to be an essential element of our school operation which helps every student every day. The Bridge to the Future Scholarship Program continues to be vital to operating our ministry. The scholarship endowment fund continues to allow many of our parents to afford sending their children to our school.

The school’s need to support Miege families in funding a high school Catholic education continues to increase. Nearly 42% of Miege families benefit from the generosity of so many that value Catholic education. An infinite amount of gratitude to all of our donors for supporting our high school ministry.

The following pages will provide evidence of the support of financial gifts which continue to support scholarships, academic programs, extracurricular activities and more. On behalf of the administration, faculty, staff and students, THANK YOU for your time, talent and treasures that continue to benefit our community. We welcome your prayers and support as we continue this journey in the formation of our students.

Gratefully, Randy Salisbury President
- A Message From the President -
On behalf of the administration, faculty, staff and students, THANK YOU for your time, talent and treasures that continue to benefit our community.

The Bishop Miege Board of Trustees are members of the community, approved by the Archbishop, to manage the activities of the school. In 2010, each high school in Johnson County became their own not-for-profit corporation, with the Board of Trustees responsible for ensuring the mission of the school is consistent with the Catholic Church and the school’s finances and assets are managed appropriately. In addition, the Board of Trustees is responsible for hiring a President. Each Trustee serves a three-year term with a maximum of two consecutive terms.

Members: Father Bill
Gloria Bryant Barb Burns Dan Dercher
- Hal VonWyl
- Holly Bentley
- Deacon Steve Nguyen
- Bill Maloney
Officios: Dr. Vincent Cascone, Superintendent of Schools Randy Salisbury, President Maureen Engen, Principal
- ‘94
Garcia - '88
Kent O’Connor
Pedrotti - ‘90
Welsh - ‘89
at Kessler Park picking up trash and paint cans leftover from graffit artists as part of the “Day of Service.” The entire student body broke out into groups across Kansas City to do service work across the Metro.
Photo: L. Myers (student)
Team Prayer Before Game Administration Team with Archbishop Naumann & Father Justin 2022 Homecoming Court Executive Herd Council Freshmen Welcome - First Day of School


Galatians 5:25 (2022-23 School Theme)
All School Mass Spirit Club - Student Section Academic Scholars


$6,113,407 65% $806,251 8% $1,896,002 20% $262,604 3% $361,735 4%



and Fees
Support Contributions/Community Support Other Income
1. Miege’s financial statements are reviewed each year by an independent auditing firm. 2. Archdiocesan support (income) consists of $764,951 in subsidy assessment from Johnson County parishes and $41,300 from the Archbishop’s Call to Share program. 3. Full-time enrollment for 2021-2022 was 665 students. Tuition was $10,400 per student from Johnson County parishes and $11,900 for all other students. Tuition
North Campus TOTAL $9,439,999 100% Salaries/Benefits $5,741,457 61% Administrative $398,116 4% Plant/Maintenance $876,048 9% Instructional $1,228,153 13% Student Activities $258,609 3% Other Expenses $690,493 7% North Campus $247,123 3% TOTAL $9,439,999 100%

M iege C haplain h and C rafts an a ltar for the s C hool

Fr. Anthony Mersmann, Miege chaplain, felt the school needed a sturdier altar for all school Masses held in the gym. Not one to shy away from a little hard work, Father took a few days off over the summer and built the altar with the help of a relative who has a shop in his basement

Father Mersmann learned carpentry skills through a high school shop class

and from hands-on experience renovating spaces. His largest renovation was turning a spare bedroom at the Holy Cross rectory into a chapel. This project required a complete demo and rebuild. The altar he found for the Holy Cross chapel was his inspiration for the new Miege altar; it’s a beautiful addition for our all-school Masses.

- Miege Chaplain News7

n ew p rogra M h elps s tudents f ind t heir p ath t oward f uture C areers

Article and photos by Jill Ragar Esfeld, The Leaven, reprinted with permission

There is a murder to be solved at Bishop Miege High School. And it’s up to Mary Beth Summers’ biomedical science students to determine the culprit.

“We have someone who’s died,” explained Summers. “And then we have some unknown samples from the crime scene.”

On the day of The Leaven’s visit, students wereanalyzing which samples are blood and what blood

types are present.

That should help them narrow down their list of suspects.

“And then,” said Summers, “they’re developing an experiment to try to test blood splatter.”

That will determine the cause of death.

Not to worry, this murder is simulated; but the lessons learned are not.

As these young sleuths engage in the science behind crime-scene investigation, they will discover far more than the culprit in this


They’ll find out if they have an interest in forensic science, phlebotomy or any number of professions in the biomedical science field.

On the way to that important discovery, they’re having some fun.

This class is a hands-on teenage dream of blood sampling, fingerprinting and learning how maggots and flies can help determine time of death.

Welcome to the newest path in the Bishop Miege Project Lead the Way

Kaiya Key and Jack Elder prepare their simulated blood samples to determine blood type.

(PLTW) program — biomedical science joins the already successful paths of computer science and engineering.

Forensic science techniques is the first unit on this path.

The second is clinical care in which students will learn more about the professions of physicians and nurses.

The third unit is called “outbreak.”

“It has to do with a bacterial outbreak that occurs in the hospital,” explained Summers. “Students have to figure out how patients are being moved through the hospital and where a patient might have been exposed. “So, they’re going to see a little more of the research side.”

Next year, a course in human body systems will be added.

Bishop Miege is seeing a surge in student interest and involvement with these experiential lessons in science.

“We love Project Lead the

Way because it’s so handson,” said principal Maureen Engen.

This new path was added based on student interest.

- Miege Academics -
Biomedical science instructor, Mary Beth Summers, points out to Kaiya Delgado (left) and Sammy Jo Kirk how some of the simulated blood samples look cloudy, indicating what specific blood type is represented.
continued next page
Adriana Galvan inspects a blood sample during class.

“We did a survey,” said Engen. “Thirty percent of the students that completed it were interested in health science and medicine.”

PLTW courses provide a rigorous, project-based curriculum aimed at building problem-solving, teamwork, communication and leadership skills.

“It’s important that we’re preparing students to enter these fields,” said Matt Peterie, Director of 21st Century Learning. “And we want them to have that foundation in Catholic education with stewardship at the center of it.

“At the core, that’s what gave us the motivation to build out these pathways.”

Any time a teacher wants to teach a PLTW class, they have to go through an intense two-week summer training program.

“When I did my training this summer,” said Summers, “we talked about the ethics piece.

“I was glad I could do a little extra research [into] what the Catholic view is, to speak to that as well,” she added.

With Summers’ help, Bishop Miege now has a HOSA (Heathcare Occupations Students of America) club.

“It’s a nationally recognized club,” she said. “I try to get professionals from the fields of health care brought in to Miege so my students can hear from

different health care professionals.

“A lot of the speakers are former graduates who are still practicing their faith,” she continued.

As students discern their interests, they also have the opportunity to join one of seven academic communities at Bishop Miege. The communities span every career interest, including one in health sciences and medicine.

“The big picture with [these communities],” said Peterie, is they “help students connect their interests, strengths and passions to what they may be doing after their time here at Bishop Miege.

“It’s not locking them into a career; it’s helping them find their path.”

- Miege Academics -
John Cosse and Jane Werner working together during their experiment.
“It’simportantthatwe’re preparing students to enter these fields,” said Matt Peterie, Director of 21st Century Learning.

Students interested in biomedical science now have a clear path at Bishop Miege that will help them discern the best way to utilize their God-given gifts in that field.

“We want to provide a high-profile space for teachers to deliver project-based learning experiences,” said Engen, “because it helps students develop and practice essential skills.

“It also lends itself to helping them figure out what they are going to be good at post-high school.”

The future is definitely at the heart of the biomedical science pathway.

“I’m excited we can create that foundation here,” said Peterie. “We can light that fire so students can go out in the world and serve Christ and build up the kingdom by the work they’re going to do.”

Alex Murphy, left, and Ainsley Murray are hard at work during their biomedical science class. Communities Academic Human Services & Education Digital Media & Performing Arts Health Sciences & Medicine Business & Law Faith Based Service Engineering & Design Computer Science & Informatio n Technology Bishop Miege Academic Communities offer opportunities to gain authentic learning experiences related to the fields of study that align with the community theme.


We went back in time for our first inperson auction since 2019. “Back to Miege” was a great success with the Back to the Future event stars!

Over $781,000 was raised to support Bishop Miege thanks to the generosity of guests and online donors and bidders.

Special thanks to the auction chairs, Rich and Mary Ann Vogt for leading the way to a fun and successful event.

12 - Annual Auction -
2022 Nissan Kicks Auction Car Winners: Manu & Dawn Rattan The Nigro Brothers back in action for the first in-person Miege auction since 2019 Katie Jo Kirk ‘01 with Mom Chris Kirk, pictured after winning the popular auction puppy during the “Live” bidding. Rich Vogt ‘85, Randy Salisbury and Mary Ann Vogt ‘85

40 Grit KC

a store named STUFF

Amber Masters

Amy Kellerman

Annie Sutera*

Anthony Oropeza*

Ara’s Oriental Rug Gallery LLC.

Arthur Murray Dance Studio

Artist & Craftsman Supply

Bar K


bijin salon & spa

Bob and Amy Dunn*

Bock’s Steam Star

Botanica Flower Studio

Brad and Shawna Davidson*

Bridget and Adam Hays

Bronco Blue Cheese Dressing

Brookside Toy & Science

Brownes Irish Market

Carol Anderson

Chad and Joyce Owens*

Charlie Hustle

Chris and Mallorie Hurlbert

Christina Parra

Christy Mears

Cindy Schultz

Connor and Sarah McCambridge

Cosmosphere Space Museum

Craig Sole Designs

CrossFit on 18th

Crown Center

Currie and Bernadette Myers

Dan Carr

Dan Meara

Dana Stram

Darin Hansen

Dave and Mary Lou Richardson

Denise McGraw

Denver Museum of Nature & Science

Dewey’s Pizza

DJ Gemmill

Dolce Bakery

Don and Patty Kincaid*

Dr. Hawks, Besler, Rogers, & Stoppel

Drs. Steven C. Mingos & Associates, LLC

Dr. Vincent Key Eagles Gymnastics

Ed Manning

Ed and Colette Bernica*

Eisenhower Foundation

Erin Rodriguez

Fairway Creamery

Fairway Eye Center

Family Tree Nursery

Fiorella’s Jack Stack Barbecue

Fireplace & Barb-B-Que Center

First Watch Fairway

Frankie & Jules

Fusion Fitness


Gateway Letter Jackets

Glory Days Pizza

Gustav and Regina Heise

Hawaiian Bros

Heathwood Oil Co., Inc.

Hen House Markets

Holladay Distillery

In Clover

Incredible Pizza Company

J. Gilbert’s

J’adore Home & Garden

Jaegers Subsurface Paintball

Jaegerz Laser Tag

Jalapeno’s Mexican Restaurant

Jay’s Uniforms LLC

Jeff and Amanda Lowry*

Jennifer Brentano

Jennifer Dessert

Jenny Owens Hughes*

Jim and Becky Skaggs

Jim and Ellen Monty

Joe and Robin Christie

John and Jenny Waldeck*

Johnson County Park & Recreation District

Jonna Crosby

Josephine Sitek


Julie and Michael Blumenthal*

Kansas City Chamber Orchestra

Kansas City Renaissance Festival

Kansas City Zoo

Katie Robinson

Keith and Angela Lueckenotto

Kevin and Julie Tushaus*

KN Creative Knights of Columbus Council #2332

Larry and Sherilyn Fahlstrom*

Laura Little’s

Lauritzen Gardens

Linda Sutera*

Lindsay McAnany

Longboards Wraps & Bowls

Lori Engle

Los Tules Restaurante Cantina

Matt and Shawna Wright*


Mariann and Frank Jaksa

Mark and Maureen Engen

Martha Drone

Mary Beth and Bruce Summers

Mary McGinley


Michael and Amy Davoren

Michael Forbes Grille

Michael Horton

Midwest Trust Center at Johnson

County Community College

Mike Calovich

Mission Pet Mart*

Molly Peterson

Naomi’s Hallmark

Nate Huppe

Natural Accents Outdoor Lighting Design

Nothing Bundt Cakes

Old Shawnee Pizza

Omaha Childrens’ Museum

Overland Park Arboretum & Botanical Gardens Paisley and Stripe

Paul and Susan Tremonti* Peanuts Fireworks PetWorks Veterinary Hospital

Pie Five

Powell Community Center

Powell Gardens Quality Hill Playhouse

Red Door Woodfired Grill

Rene Kammeier

Reva and Sean McCauley*

Rick Zych

Rob and Diane O’Byrne*

Rolling Hills Zoo

Rostberg Chiropractic & Acupuncture

Ryan Lawn & Tree

Salty Iguana Mexican Restaurant

Sam and Soraya Sutera*


Sheraton Overland Park Hotel

Sign Post Transformations LLC*

Spruce Home

Steve and Janie Woods

Strauss Peyton Portrait Studio

Strawberry Hill Povitica

Sunflower Hills Golf Course Susan Marrello

Sweets by Yvonne (Yvonne Dorsey)

Taryn Frank

Ted & Wally’s Ice Cream

Teresa Stockton

The Amazing Pizza Machine

The Barn Players

The Broadway Comedy Club

The Ceramic Cafe

The Collar Club

The Corner Candle Shop

The Coterie Theatre

The Durham Museum

The Fiddly Fig Florist

The Magic House

The Museum at the Prairiefire

The National WWI Museum and Memorial

The Other Place

Theatre of the Imagination Tide Cleaners

Tim Galyean Photography

Tom and Kate Wiese*

Travis and Nealey Grosdidier

Unicorn Theatre

Union Station/Science City

VCA Fairway Animal Hospital

Waldo Pizza

William and Vicki Conley

Wonderscope Children’s Museum of Kansas City

World’s Window Youthfront

* Live Auction Donors

- Annual
We are grateful for the generous in-kind gifts and donations from these individuals and businesses for the 2022 Auction:
Emcees: Jackson Kurtz ‘14 and Bill Creach ‘83 in the spirit of the night dressed as Marty McFly and Doc Brown.

$567,810 Raised for 2022 Fund-a-Need Enhancements to Commons and South Entry Security

Jason & Tennille Adkins

Bradley & Carol Anderson

John Anderson & Nicole


Joe & Karin Andrade

Joe & Andrea Arroyo

Tony &Michelle Atchity

Gregory & Marcella Bair

Paul & Kathy Bastasch

Steve Bastasch

Best Graphics

Bernie & Marilyn Bianchino

Ron & Germaine Buck

Jeff & Jennifer Burroughs

Chris & Stacy Cahalan

Rose Callahan

Dan & Barbara Carr

Jenny Cawley

Tom & Carol Cleary

Bill & Shannon Condon

Tom Creach

Samuel Dominguez

Pat & Judy Donnelly

Neil &Fran Douthat

Terry & Peggy Dunn

Bill & Marianne Dunn

Bob Dunn

Mark & Maureen Engen

Jim & Mary Helen Farrar

Terry & Julie Flanagan

Dan & Jenny Fontaine

Brent & Amanda Frey

Anthony & Brandie Garcia

Larry & Jeanne Gates

Jerry & Maureen Gaughan

Mick &Marlys Haverty

TJ & Liz Hawks

Ron & Joann Heap

Joe & Patty Hemberger

Bill & Terri Hendricks

Joanne Henley

Skip & Sherry Hensler

Darin & Lauren Heyen

Kelly Hokanson

Joan Horan

Constance M. Cooper

Charitable Foundation

John Sullivan, Jr Charitable Foundation

Dan & Ronda Intfen

Theresa Jackson

Frank & Mariann Jaksa

Brian & Chris Jordan

Alex & Lauren Keith

Tom & Donna Kellerman

Mark & Amy Kellerman

Don & Patty Kincaid

Christopher & Becky Klausner

Brittany Knill

James & Michele Kolarik

Nick & Abbey Kurt

John & Mary Latenser

- Fund-a-Need -
Thank you to the following donors who supported the 2022 Fund-a-Need:

50th Annual Auction “All That Glitters!” April 22, 2023

Bishop Miege is excited to announce the 2023 Auction Chairs, Dave and Jennifer Ruf. Jennifer, is a 1987 graduate of Miege. She and her husband Dave have three children who graduated from Miege: Madeline ‘19, George ‘20, Paul ‘22, and a younger daughter, Megan, currently a Junior at Miege.

“We are honored to be selected as the auction chairs for the 50th Annual Miege Auction, “All That Glitters - Celebrating 50 Years!” We hope to have many parents, alums and friends of Miege involved this year to celebrate this milestone together!” - Jennifer & Dave

Jim & Mary Kaye


Rafe & Lacey Lazarczyk

David & Emily Leavey

Steve & Anne Lemon

Brandon & Amy Lukert

Susan Mackiewicz

Terry & Carrie Madden

Brian & Susan Marrello

Eric & Mary Jo Martincich

Chris & Michelle Masoner

Travis & Amy Mattox

Quentin & Kristin McArthur

Greg & Vickie McDonald

Tom & Jean McDonnell

Tom & Lisa McGuire

Clancy & Jennifer Merrill

Andrew & Melinda Metzger

Mike & Colleen Meurer

Jason & Lisa Meyers

Debbie Moeller

Jim & Ellen Monty

Jeremy & Kathryn Morris

Brandon & Amanda Myers

Kevin & Lee Neenan

Bart & Jennifer Nelson

John & Debbie O’Connor

Randolph & Marty Oliver

Joe & Jean Passantino

David & Lou Ann Patterson

Pearce Construction Company

Dick & Maureen Pedrotti

R. E. Pedrotti Company, Inc.

Molly & Rick Peterson

Dave & Mary Lou Richardson

Tom & Katy Rottinghaus

Randy Salisbury

Joe & Jill Schramp

Brian & Angie Smith

William G. McGowan

Charitable Fund, Inc.

Pat & Janna Stueve

Country Club Bank

Mark & Amy Thompson

Paul & Susan Tremonti

Kevin & Julie Tushaus

Mark & Terri Van Dyke

John & Bridget Vani

Clay & Laura Vanice

Rich & Mary Ann Vogt

Judy Vohs

Hal & Kathryn VonWyl

John & Jenny Waldeck

Mike & Sue Waldeck

Carl & Nancy Wasinger

Jim & Barb Wheeler

Lisa Wichman

James & Mary Wilcox

Greg & Danielle Wilcox

Brian & Regina Wilson

Chris & Stephanie Wofford

Tyece Wofford

Matthew & Shawna Wright

15 - Auction 2023 -
The 2023 Fund-a-Need will support Phase II Building Improvement Plan: • Gym & Gym Foyer Enhancments • New Innovation Lab
Auction Chairs, Dave and Jennifer Ruf


We are grateful to those who supported the Annual Fund during the 2021-2022 fiscal year for it makes a positive impact on every student, every day. The Annual Fund helps to close the gap between tuition and the actual cost of a Catholic education. A special thank you to the Miege community and to the following alumni, listed by class for their contributions.

Class of 1959

57 in class = 3%

Total = $125

Mary Ann (Metzger) Weding James Whitaker

Class of 1960

79 in class = 7% Total = $800

William DeCoursey

Doris Downing-Miller Michael Kahler

Patricia (Murphy) Sheets Richard Sims Jim Stueve

Class of 1961

97 in class = 9%

Total = $695 Bob Allen

Judy Arnold Marilyn (Hess) Barbour-Gray

Mary Kay (Pyle) Dillingham

James Feren

Patricia (Kirby) Malcolm Robert Metzger

Jean (Chambers) Nickel John Raydo

Class of 1962

122 in class = 5%

Total = $2,360

Larry & Carol (Hickey) Blumel

Jeannine (Allen) Fortin Fast

Phillip Gotner

Thomas Kellerman

Mary Kay (Amoneno) McCall Cheryle (Ross) Sonka

Class of 1963

131 in class = 9% Total = $1,460

Donna (Harn) Amato Shirley (Johnson) Feinblatt John Hale Steve Hudson

Mike Kimmons

Levern (Di Marco) Lorenz George Mance

Ted & Mary Anne (Myers) Ryan Glenn Smith

Paul Spaeth Frank Szymanski

Leslie (Spurck) Whitaker

Class of 1964

195 in class = 6%

Total = $2075

Larry Allen Kathleen (Bell) Dickinson

Melvin Lavery

Lawrence Maher

Betty (Wartman) McGehe

Susan (Cushing) Molen William Nees

Rosemary (McDonnell) Pappert

Louis Ruebelmann

Melanie (Veenboer) Shirk Pam (Shannon) Wages

Class of 1965 222 in class = 7% Total = $3,175 Susan (Conrow) Gangel Diane (Wills) Garrett Sarah (Wisneski) Green Mickey Hartzell Barbara (Metzger) Hines Carol (McIntyre) Leiszler Michael Mance

Linda (Krause) March Jane (Dwyer) McMahon Sandra (Lenihan) Mostyn Robert Numrich

Patricia (Schultz) O’Hagan Dale Rohr

Wendy (Quirk) Smith Annette (Kearny) Stoerman Martin Thoennes

Class of 1966 235 in class = 8%

Total = $8,275

Robert Bibb Karin (Spinner) Capron Thomas Conry Patrick Doherty David Dwyer

Robert Hartnett

Theresa (Weitkamp) Healy

Laurie (Couch) Johnson Robert Kellerman

Mary (Hilt) McQueen

Carolyn (Ketter) Messbarger Carol (Keith) Murphy

Maria (Spaeth) Murphy Janet (Dwyer) Otis Kent Reynolds

Estrella (Glenn) Smith Mariella (Cellitte) Tefft Marianne (Furst) Weber

Class of 1967

229 in class = 6% Total = $7,065 Barbara (Wolski) Allen Mark Batenic

Terry Dunn

Theodore Freese

Barbara (Swartz) Grigsby Dennis Hallier

Janet (Dierks) Hutz Kenneth Lane

Debby (Brandmeyer) Muther Joan (Tschechtelin) Reichenberger

Richard Soenen

Michael Whitmore Patrick Wood

The Bishop Mige Class of 1977 45th Class Reunion
- 2021-2022 Annual Fund -

Class of 1968

216 in class = 5%

Total = $3,395

Margaret (Wilkes) Anderson

Mark Anwander

Dianne (Sayers) Boren

Peggy (Clune) Dunn

Cynthia (Meyer) Einhellig

Jennifer (Shea) Lewis

E. Patrick Mitchell

Mike O’Rourke

Michael Prior

Teresa (Conry) Robinett

Joan (Malone) Seichepine

Class of 1969

234 in class = 9%

Total = $5,050

Anne Marie (Metz) Adams

Anita (Martin) Bates

Janice (Dimarco) Caggianello

Phyllis Cellitti-McEntire

Patty (Rhoades) Draskovich

Carl Faltermeier

Nancy (Fuller) Kaufman

Mary Kinerk

Karen (Klein) Koch

Mary Leittem-Thomas

Kathleen Orr

Mark Portell

Judy (O’Connell) Reyhle

James & Nancy (Irmen) Schumm

Bob Sheridan

Mary (Stein) Shobe

Susan (Hensler) Soenen

Denis Viscek

Maryann (Bollig) Williams John Ziegelmeyer

Class of 1970

222 in class = 5%

Total = $2,875

Lynn (Kelley) Christian

Jennifer (Brenner) Holladay Joseph & Nancy (McReynolds) Huppe

Patrick Lowry Steven Lynch

Cindy Murphy McMahon

Cyndy (Crimmins) O’Rourke Patty Ponchur

Rick Reynolds Thomas Smith

Vicki (Grebowiec) Smith

Class of 1971

197 in class = 4%

Total = $1,125

Russell Eads Timothy Hannon

John Kirkpatrick

Patricia (Leroy) Korkowski

Judith (Ketter) Morr

Elizabeth (Krause) Pierce Susan Weitkamp

Class of 1972

221 in class = 6%

Total = $6,750

John Beverlin

Richard Bollig

Patricia Centner

Joe & Michele (Ring) Diebold

Marsha (Dukich) Hansen James Kirkpatrick Maggie (Hendricks) Kleine Steve Lacy

Terrie (O’Connell) Maloney

Jeff Prior

Martha (Latz) Raplinger Christine (Raydo) Repine

Class of 1973

171 in class = 10% Total = $9,130 David Atwell

Dan & Kathy (Schleicher) Bowden Denise (Galvin) Canon Ellen Condry Michael & Laurie (Decha) Hannon Bonnie (Carter) Kane Eric Martincich

Karen (Vacek) O’Donnell Daniel O’Rourke Steve & Sheryl (Theno) Shondell Steve & Nancy (Miller) Summers Cynthia (Goff) Welch Thomas Wilkes

Class of 1974 201 in class = 2% Total = $2,327 Timothy Dougherty Kathleen (Kennally) McGrew Steve & Susan (Geraghty) Miller Patty (Judge) Wamsley

Class of 1975 189 in class = 5% Total = $6,875 Tom Clark Catherine Dolan Jim Erny Andrew Fiorini Debbie (Farrar) Konomos

Kim (Schauf) Lynch Maureen Miller

Phil Moran Mary (Swift) Viveros

Class of 1976 201 in class = 7% Total = $3,630

Maureen (O’Connell) Alexander Deborah Brenner

Patty (Tierney) Burns Cindy (Zishka) Green Peggy (Carr) Kittel

Debbie (Wernel) Kolarik Jonathan Long Tai Lynch Tim Maio

Kathleen (Roult) Marx

Tim O’Brien

Elaine (O’Connell) Schmidtberger Gregory Shondell Joe & Martha (Ruhl) Vyhanek

Class of 1977

205 in class = 5% Total = $3,115

Teresa (Bizal) Blongewicz Marsha Coffey Jerome Gaughan

Sylvia (Viveros) Gruenbacher Diane (McCowen) Kusman Paul Lacy John Manning Patrick O’Connell

Teresa Redlingshafer-Gehring Rita (Schroeger) Tiehen

- 2021-2022
Members of the 1972 State Championship football team were honored during half -time of the 2022 Rockhurst footballl game. They were presented a banner for being the first Miege football team to be crowned 4A State Champions.
Annual Fund -

Class of 1978

215 in class = 4%

Total = $2,340

Raymond Carter

Mike Conaghan

William Hendricks

Bill Klasinski

Matt Smith

Bill Watkins

Julie (Bartoszek) WestHoff Kevin Yeado

Class of 1979

238 in class = 7%

Total = $3,685

Elizabeth (Blanz) Alford Karen (Schroeger) Duethman

Clarise (Conrad) Hovis

Theresa (McConniff) Jackson Elizabeth (Rellihan) Lillis Barbara (Vyhanek) Patterson Steve Rohleder

Ted Schilling

Carol (Wessling) Smith

Mary Pat (O’Neill) Smith

David Spring

Tony Todd

Paul & Susan (Taylor) Tremonti

Teresa (Vogt) Van Dyke

Ted Van Thullenar

Jim Warhurst

Paula Welch

Class of 1980

221 in class = 4% Total = $625

Kimberly Green Judy Gregar Laurie (Maher) Ingram Jerry & Sharon (McQuerry) Lacy Linda Todd

Class of 1981 214 in class = 4% Total = $1,600

Michael Bizal Kathy (O’Connor) Calvert Stephen DeBauge Michael & Anita (McConniff) Orrick Mary (Flaspohler) Pyle Manuel Rios Tim Schauf John Shonfelt

Class of 1982

227 in class = 3%

Total = $2,100

John Bugler

Kathryn (Bichlmeier) David Michelle (Lavery) Derusseau

Frances (Watkins) Douthat David Pickert

Melissa Snider Lynn (Sanderson) Weist

Class of 1983 241 in class = 3% Total = $2,075 Chris Duval Christine (Chezek) Jordan Mary Kay (Koehler) Mitchell John Nicholson Ramona (Redlingshafer) Simons Richard & Belinda (Barloon) Toma

Class of 1984 227 in class = 2% Total = $775

Patrice (Rome) Maloney Amy (Jacquinot) Riscoe Sophia Rodriguez Linda (Hansel) Van Thullenar

Class of 1985 234 in class = 5% Total = $7,010

Kimberly Anderson Carolyn Cawley Kathleen (O’Brien) Coode Sara (Dougherty) Hudnut Gerry Labayen Mark Lacy Sean Little Michael Maher Jim Milazzo

Sheila (LaFavor) Pitt Robert Riscoe Christy Viveros

Class of 1986

211 in class = 2% Total = $3,250

Michelle (Cawley) Masoner Ken & Melissa (Blumel) Scheve John Schweder

Class of 1987 267 in class = 3% Total = $4,860

Jeffrey Evans Kevin Fortin Christopher & Sherrie (Behner) Mann Joseph Pastrano Monica (Holthaus) Robertson Scott Schemmel Angie Smith Andy Tylicki

Class of 1988 229 in class = 3% Total = $7,575

Rachel Carlton Amy (Campin) Goebel Teresa (Jackson) Harris Marjorie (Nass) Huggins Christopher Lane Debra (Stang) O’Bryan Dana (Pedrotti) Stram

Members of the Class of 1982 - 40 Year Class Reunion attending the 2022 Homecoming game - 2021-2022 Annual Fund -

Class of 1989

250 in class = 2% Total = $2,920

James Brooks Mary (Hendricks) Duff Jay Holthaus Cathleen Lillis Joseph Owens

Class of 1990 226 in class = 2% Total = $5,125

Casey (Regan) Braun Marc & Angie (Moritz) Pedrotti Mary (Vohs) Wilcox

Class of 1991 161 in class = 2% Total = $3,800 Jennifer Cawley David Herr Anthony Jaime Amy (Heit) Morfeld

Class of 1992 133 in class = 1% Total = $1,250

Joe Fahey Lee (Moritz) Neenan

Class of 1993 180 in class = 4% Total = $4,550 Phil Ludwikoski

Jennifer Owens Hughes Sam Panis Colleen (Pedrotti) Parsons Patrick & Cathy (Liptak) Schreiner Marc & Michelle (Aziere) Whitmore

Class of 1994 132 in class = 1% Total = $75 Patricia (O’Connor) Baska Lisa (Whitmore) Sciachetano

Class of 1995 163 in class = 2% Total = $3,025 Doug Bates Kara Kurtenbach Scott Richardson

Class of 1996

153 in class = 2% Total = $3,550 Tim Burger Mark English Stephanie Lee

Class of 1997 162 in class = 1% Total = $125 Mary (Wohler) DeLarber Joseph Walberg

Class of 1998 158 in class = 1% Total = $2,000 Katie Gates-Calderon

Class of 1999 235 in class = 4% Total = $1,670 Brian Abram Dana (Whitmore) Geary Brian Krupich John Latenser Lisa (Hiatt) McGuire Laura Miller David Nesbitt

Molly (Caton) Sloan Timothy Streff Lisa (Martincich) Stuart

Class of 2000 - 2022 Total = $4,935

Class of 2000 David Miller Alan Peel Catherine Verschelden

Class of 2001 Thomas Houts Michael & Kyle (Rudolph) Sill

Class of 2002 Mary Beth (Cleary) Summers

Class of 2005 Abigail Oliver

Class of 2006 Joseph Collins Leah (Latenser) Lawler

Class of 2009 David Collins

Class of 2014

Thomas Anjard

Class of 2015 Liam Bryson Class of 2017 Remi Huber Class of 2019 James Masoner Class of 2020 Paul Masoner Class of 2021 Maggie Masoner Class of 2022 Jake Whitmore


Mike Thomas, a member of the 1972 State Football Championship team and Stag cheerleader Nina (LaGue) are 1973 Miege graduates. They were high school sweethearts and will celebrate their 46th wedding anniversary this December.

Mike recently retired from teaching and coaching for 45 years. They have three children and are the proud grandparents of 15 grandchildren.

- 2021-2022 Annual Fund -

Hoops for a Great Cause

Last June, a wonderful celebration of life took place at the First Annual 3 vs. 3 Basketball Tournament in Memory of Joe Pedrotti, class of 2017. Family, friends, classmates, and business associates of the Pedrotti family, expressed their love and support on the basketball court. There was strong competition, a great deal of laughter, and a few muscle aches, as fifty-three teams battled it out all morning with fans cheering from the stands. The event included men’s and women’s divisions; ultimately four teams were named champions of their respective divisions. The tournament raised over $31,000; all proceeds were directed to the Joseph Michael Pedrotti STEM Memorial Fund at Bishop Miege.


One of Joe’s motto’s for life was: “Let’s get involved”. Marc and Angie established the Joseph Michael Pedrotti STEM Memorial Fund in 2021 after Joe’s tragic death from a shallow water drowning accident. True to Joe’s motto, the Pedrotti’s “got involved” to give back to Miege in a way that would honor Joe’s memory. Joe excelled in his engineering-related classes at Miege. At the time of his accident, he was just a semester away from graduating with a degree in engineering from the University of Missouri. The memorial fund will be used to further STEM-related education at Miege, including a STEM Innovation Center planned for construction in the summer of 2023. This project will benefit Miege students for years to come.

20 - Joseph
Michael Pedrotti STEM Memorial Fund
The Pedrotti Family with the winning trio, the Myeson Brothers Team taking the overall competitive division. Kate Pedrotti ‘24, Jon Pedrotti ‘ 21, Sam Pedrotti ‘19, Jay Turner, Chase Myers ‘17, Bobby Olson, Marc & Angie Pedrotti ‘90

Robert Terence “Terry” English

Terry English, a staple at Bishop Miege and in the Kansas City high school sports community passed away on October 11th.

Coach English meant so much to Bishop Miege and Miege played an incredible role in his life, being a graduate of the class of 1968, returning to teach for 30+ years, and coach for 45 years.

English was named the 2020-21 MaxPreps National Coach of the Year. His career began in 1976, starting a girls basketball program at Bishop Miege that has turned into a dynasty with a career record of 910-168, racking up 23 state titles (plus one in baseball). He had a tremendous impact on many young peoples lives along the way.

Coach English did not like the spotlight. After being told how great of a career he was having he constantly deflected the praise by saying “we have a great group of kids that work so hard”.

His competitiveness showed in everything he did, from how fierce he coached on the sideline, to the gentle conversations he had with officials, to not being able to keep him seated during the last minute of a close JV game, Coach English instilled that fire in his teams.

“I wish every one of my teams could be in here to tell them how much I loved them and how thankful I am for each and everyone of them”.

Terry ended his head coaching career with a state championship In the locker room after the game, holding back tears, he told his team and their parents “I wish every one of my teams could be in here to tell them how much I loved them, and how thankful I am for each and everyone of them”.

First State Championship Team - The 1977 varsity team that kicked-off Terry English’s incredible coacing career at Bishop Miege.

Coach English will be deeply missed by his family, colleagues, friends, students, and players. He demonstrated commitment, grit, and love as a husband, father, educator, and coach. His accomplishments and more importantly, his example, will endure for generations to come at Bishop Miege.

Terry and Susie’s children are all graduates of Bishop Miege: Mark (’96), Greg (’99), Jeff (’02) and Jenny (’05)

• 900 + Wins • Overall Record 910-168

• 22 State Championships as Head Coach

• 1 State Championship as Assistant Coach in 2022

• 2020-21 MaxPreps National Coach of the Year

• 1996 Baseball Team State Championship as an Assistant Coach

- In Loving Memory -
L-R (back row): Joan Sullivan, Sally Watson, Sylvia Viveros, Beth Gaughn, Bridget Quinn, Susan Taylor, Barb Vyhanek (front row): Rosemary Walsh, Beets Kolarik, Dool Kolarik, Angie Snyder, Linda Todd and Coach Terry English

“I love Miege because of the strong friendships and relationships that I have formed here with my classmates, teammates, and teachers. The community of Miege cares for every person, and you can always see a smiling face walking through the hallways.”

Miege provides students with a second family.

- Lexi, Class of 2023


Join your classmates (pgs 16-19) and give back to your alma mater to ensure continued excellence for the next generation.

Current and past parents, consider a gift in honor of your student and to keep Catholic Education affordable for all.

Alumni Parents Friends of


Support our mission to develop students through spiritual growth, academic excellence, and stewardship, to become outstanding citizens, workers and leaders.

Your support is needed to make up the difference between tuition and the true cost of a Miege student’s education. This gap is over $1,000 per student; your gift will help Bishop Miege keep tuition rates more affordable for families who desire a Catholic education for their children.

23 Donate Now: bishopmiege.com/annualfund
gift to the Annual Fund today...
Need You! Your Gift will Benefit Every Student, Every Day!
Catholic Education...We
Photo: E. Fahlstrom (student)

- Bishop Miege Foundation -


(1992 - 1995)

Expanding the Tradition Campaign - $2 Million Raised

• New boiler

• Gym floor

• Gym lighting

(1999 - 2006)

Because Miege Matters Campaign - $17 Million Raised

• Educational facilities

• Renovation of the Chapel

• Addition of the Kincaid Media Center

• Technology upgrades

• North Campus purchase

(2007 - 2009)

Future of Miege Athletics Campaign - $6 Million Raised

• New stadium

• Field turf

• Press box

• Concession stand

(2008 - On going)

The Bridge to the Future - $14.5 Million Raised

• Good Samaritan Scholarships

• Helping Hand Scholarships

• Sr. Martina Scholarship Fund

• Memorial Scholarships

Results Foundation Contributions


High School Operations - $2,004,979

Contributions to the BTF Endowment - $1,329,641

Development Office Expenses Covered - $89,519

Total $3,424,139

The Bishop Miege Foundation Board was established in 1992. Its purpose still remains today to assist in providing financial support for the mission and activities of Bishop Miege High School, including but not limited to, all major fundraising, development and long range planning, and the creation of an endowment and its prudent investment.

2021-2022 MEMBERS

Bill Dunn, Sr. Emeritus

Dr. Joe Passantino


Bernie Bianchino ’66

Fran Douthat ‘82

Bill Dunn Jr. ’66

Larry Gates

Joe Hemberger

John Houlehan

Don Kincaid

John Waldeck ‘86 Chairman

Randy Salisbury

High School President

John Latenser

Amy Mattox ’90

Diane O’Byrne

Pat Stueve ‘80

Kevin Tushaus ‘80

Carl Wasinger Greg Wilcox ‘78


Dick Anderson

Heather Bahora ‘91

Paul Bastasch

Bob Bibb ‘66

Bob Collins

James Dawson

Romano DeMarco ‘88

John DeStefano

Jane Druten

Mark Foster

Gary Grable*

Dan Hiatt

Marlys Haverty

John Hoffman

Todd Johnson

Tim Jury

Mel Lavery ‘64

Bernie Madden*

Jerry Mayne

Jean McDonnell

Tom McDonnell

Bob Mogren

Phil Moore ‘57*

Linda Nixon*

Bob Northrip

Herb Rome*

Patrice Schmitz Hall*

John Sullivan, Jr.*

Susan Tremonti ‘79

Mike Waldeck

Rick Worner



Dear Miege Friends,

Our school community should take great pride in the impressive level of stewardship that is reflected in this Annual Report. Once again this year, our students, current and past parents, alumni and friends have exceeded all expectations of generosity in support of our mission to guide our students on their faith journey while providing them with the highest quality educational experience possible.

Among all of the successful fundraising efforts this past year, two stand out for the significant way they both solidified the present and helped secure a bright future for our school.

This past summer we completed phase one of our facility improvement plan. A great deal of exterior work and HVAC replacements was part of the work along with two projects that were funded by last spring’s Auction Fund a Need. The extraordinary generosity that was displayed at our Auction funded the reworking of our south entry in order to enhance security and the renovation of our commons. This recording-breaking support for the Fund a Need was far more than expected. Once again, the kindness of the Miege community made it possible for these needed improvements to be realized.

The success of the Bridge to the Future (BTF) Scholarship Fund is also a huge source of pride. Last year the Fund awarded $591,400 in tuition support to 282 students (42% of our enrollment) – both record numbers. We are so blessed to have the resources to assist such a large number of families while sustaining a solid level of enrollment.

Because this Fund is essential to keeping Miege strong in the future, the Foundation Board conducted a review last November of the long term projected needs of the BTF scholarship endowment. Their review of the

trends– as shown in the following pages– made it clear that in the absence of any further efforts to increase support, the endowment would essentially become a sinking fund as it is drawn down by the anticipated future annual scholarship support.

Consequently, the Foundation Board adopted a plan to raise $5 million in additional commitments so that the endowment can reach a level of sustainability. Last year’s goal was to get the drive off to a solid start through the private phase of giving. The very generous support of a few individuals has resulted in $2.9 million of commitments.

While we rejoice in the outstanding initial success of this Bridge to the Future drive over the past twelve months, our goal is to receive pledges and gifts that will help us reach our $5 million target by the end of 2023. We look forward to growing our scholarship endowment in the coming year to a level that will sustain the tuition support needed by our families for decades to come.

Please know your kindness and support is making a real difference in the lives of our students and families. We could not do this without you.

Blessings to you and your family.


Gifts Bridge the gap between family and the school...



Provides student(s) a Miege education by paying their fair share

Bridging the gap between the Family and the School

Over $900,000 in financial assistance to over 56% of students with an identified need

While we rejoice in the outstanding success of Bridge to the Future, we look forward to the challenge of growing our scholarship endowment in the coming year to a level that will sustain the tuition support needed by our families for decades to come.
Bridge to the Future

Since its inception in 2008, we are proud to announce $14.5 million has been raised by the generosity of numerous supporters including donations from the 2021-2022 fiscal year.

Quin, Cam, Collin & Anna Adney

Mike & Linda Aleksaites

All Aboard Foundation

John Anderson and Nicole Fearing

Tonya Anjard-Hillard

Marilyn Arck

Samuel and Kristin Beckman

Stephen Beggs

Rich and Sherry Bendis

Susan Benson

Michael and Sheila Berry

Paul Bertrand

Peter and Janice Biggs

Bishop Miege Mothers’ Club

Albert and Esther Bizal

Wayne and Anthea Bojar

John and Sheryl Boone

Mary Ann Boring

Frank Bower

Steve and Kathleen Bower

Richard Bowman

Ken and Casey Braun

Richard and Pat Brewster

Kathleen Brogan

Jim and Fran Bruce

Ron and Germaine Buck

Kenneth and Karin Capron

Michael Carnelia

Maureen Carr

Mary Carrier

Dave and Sue Chaffee

Michael and Ann Chapman

Christine Mayne Memorial Scholarship

Tom and Suzette Clark

Class of 2021

Matt and Carrie Condon

Thomas and Judy Conklin Constance M. Cooper Charitable Foundation

Carlos Corredor and Beth Bryant

Dan Corredor

Country Club Bank

Brendan and Keely Daly Michael Dameron

Annie Davis

Terry and Betsy Davis Romano DeMarco

Michael and Bonnie Denney

Thomas and Patricia Dennis Daniel and Erin Dercher Joe and Michele Diebold

Paul and Sherry Diederich

Alan and Mary Kay Dillingham

Richard and Mary Jane Doran

Dave and Mary Beth Dover

Walter Drone

Kevin Dunn

Terry and Peggy Dunn

Bill and Marianne Dunn Bill and Jean Dunn

Cindy Easton

Richard and Catherine Edgington

Tom and Joanne Fiorini

Jerry and Glenda Flanagan

Terry and Julie Flanagan

Rick and Marisa Fleenor

Tom and Susan Fletcher

Christy and Patrick Flynn

FOUR REASONS WE NEED TO GROW OUR BTF ENDOWMENT When we started serving just one student in 2008, we expected to max out by serving 200 students per year. That is
as we served 282 last year and that number is climbing. 1. The Need for Scholarships Continues to Grow Each Year 2021-2022 Bridge to the Future Donors: $2,500 0 $571,723 $525,031 $474,900
$254,000 $169,250 $94,000 $61,500 $46,500 $12,500 YEAR $ Funded # of Students 1 5 18 24 44 82 130 223 200 228 239 08-09 09-10 14-15 13-14 12-13 11-12 10-11 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 20-21 19-20 247 256 $540,000 $568,000 Scholarships Awarded through 2021-2022 $4.3 M 282 $591,140 21-22 Bridge to the Future
no longer the case

Forster Powers Charitable Trust

Barbara Frederick

Neil and Molly Fulton

Elizabeth Galban

Michael and Susan Gangel

Peter and Barbara Gattermeir

Paul and Claudia Gibson

Patricia Gill

Marianne Glavinich

Jim and Carol Glennon

Rachel Goodwin

Goppert Foundation

James and Jean Gorham

John and Susan Goulding

Leroy and Constance Graham

Michael and Patricia Grothoff

Richard and Mary Hair Michael and Nancy Hand

Rhody and Rebecca Harris

Laura Harrison

Michael and Marlys Haverty

Bill and Terri Hendricks

Charles Henre and Mary McGinley

Beverley Herrick

Patrick and Mary Hickey

Shawn and Lynn Hire

Timothy and Garianne Howard

Greg Hunt

Dan and Ronda Intfen

Dan and Alysha Jackson

Barbara JoRay

Dennis JoRay

Judith JoRay

Tim and Janet Jury

Sharon Kaszar

Melanie Kelley

Kelly Family FoundationBonnie and Jerry Kelly

J. Michael and Kathleen Kelly

John and Lisa Kelly

James Kernell and Tonja


Jeannie Kincaid

Benjamin and Toby Knieb

Robert and Jeanne Kobler

Patrice Krampff

Christopher and Moira Kuzila

Steve and Cathy Lacy

Robert and Mary Lafferty

John and Mary Latenser

Mel and Rita Lavery

Peter and Mary Le Bourveau

David and Emily Leavey

Mary LeBourveau

Karla Leibham

Clinton and Linda Long

Pete Louree

Frank and Dianne Lovan

Lee and Patrice Ludwig

Terry and Carrie Madden Mary Manuszak

Molly Markley

Tim and Patti Marnett

Ed Martincich

TVH - Keith Martincich

Julio Martinez and Marlen


Chris and Michelle Masoner

Chris and Jeannie Matthews

Tom and Jean McDonnell

Bob and Shirley McGeary Donald and Sallie McGlinn Patrick and Linda McGlinn

Barbara Ann McGrath Casey and Carrie McLiney

Kris Metzger

Mike and Colleen Meurer

Delores Miller

Jack and Rosemary Miller

Debbie Moeller

Donald and Norma Moeller

Steve and Sharon Mohler

Lawrence Montague Bill and Sara Morgan

John and Joanie Muehlberger Dennis and Marilyn Mueller Kevin Neifach

Mark and Michelle O’Connor James and Joan O’Hare

Jan and Belinda Olson Brien and Lisa O’Neill

Joyce Orlowski

Joseph and Lisa Orrick

John and Amy Owen

John Jr. and Mary Helen Owens

Parochial League of Kansas City-St. Joseph Joe and Jean Passantino

Dick and Maureen Pedrotti

Lynne Pendleburg and Michael Sachse

Anthony Perri Molly and Rick Peterson

Kathy Pinter Chris and Renee Purcell

“I love Miege because both of my parents and all of my siblings went here. Miege welcomed me as a freshman and built upon that relationship throughout my years attending here! The community at Miege, built through sports, clubs, and the Herd System is unparalleled compared to any other community I have been a part of.

None of this would be possible without our very generous donors and we are beyond grateful for all of them!”

- Ally, Class of 2023

21-22 donors continued
We initially projected the need to award $500,000 in scholarships per year. That is no longer true either, as $611,000 will be awarded this year and that amount will continue to increase annually. 2.
to the

As tuition levels continue to grow (about 4% each year), the number of families needing assistance and the amount of scholarship funds required to meet their need is also increasing.

Increasing Cost of Tuition

YEAR (in Parish) TUITION

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23

$6,650 $6,900 $7,075 $7,325 $7,525 $7,825 $8,100 $8,350 $8,625 $8,975 $9,200 $9,700 $10,000 $10,400 $10,800

$10,800 (2022-2023)

$6,650 (2008-09)

% of School BTF Recipients


2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

0.14% 0.68% 2.39% 3.24% 5.90% 11.23% 18.26% 30.84% 33.19% 32.37% 35.20% 37.71% 39.45% 42.21%

42.21% (2021-2022)

0.14% (2008-09)

Also, Miege’s dependency on BTF to sustain an optimal enrollment level has steadily increased. In the last six years the percentage of students depending on BTF to attend our school has grown from 30% to 40%. That trend is also certainly going to continue.

21-22 donors continued

Chris and Renee Purcell Kevin Pyle

Sharon Reilly

Michael and Michele Rhoades

Thomas and Linda Rhoads

George and Camille Riley

Patrick and Rachel Rist

Ronald and Patricia Robertson

Patricia Rodgers

Robert and Colleen Rogers

Martha Rybak

Mitchell and Julie Sailors

Randy Salisbury

TJ and Carol Salmon

Lawrence Jr. and Kathleen Schierhoff

Elaine Schmidtberger

John and Julie Schneller

Sherman Family FoundationJohn and Marny Sherman Class of 1976

Katie Siengsukon

Jeanne Sill

Michael and Katherine Sinatra

Paul Smith

Teresa Smith Mary Beth Solomon St. Elizabeth Parish

Robert and Tricia Stark

George and Yvonne Studinski

Pat and Janna Stueve Kelly and Mary Swartz Ron and Mary Thies

Patrick and KathleenTolin

Steven and Nina Troester

Kevin and Julie Tushaus

Marilyn Uniak Julie Utt

William Vincent II Robert and Maureen Washatka Dan Watkins

Debra Watson

Garry and Helen Watts

David and Lynn Weist

Joseph and Deborah Wempe

Shane and Lori Wharton

Alex and Bridget White

Bobbie Wildung

William G. McGowan

Charitable Fund, Inc.

Franz and Colette Winklhofer

Brian and Julie Wolf Art and Rosemary Zimola

3. 4. Bridge to the Future

By raising $5 million in commitments and eliminating the need to draw upon our endowment to fund scholarships over the next eight years, we expect our endowment will grow to a level of self sustainability.


We are proud to announce we have received $2.9 million in lead gift commitments since November 2021.

Our goal is to reach our $5 million target by the end of 2023.

“I love Miege because the faculty and staff truly care. All of my teachers genuinely strive to help me learn and grow, and they reach out to make connections with us students. They make everyone feel welcome.”

- Jackson, Class of 2023

Bridge to the Future
4M 3M 2M 1M $2.9M


The annual Stag Strut was a huge success again this year, students raised $75,342!

The smell of funnel cakes was in the air as students walked laps around the track. After the Strut, students were treated to a color run for meeting the school fundraising goal.


Memorial contributions were made in memory of the following individuals in 2021-2022:

Mike Berry

Patricia Gaughan Brewster

Jim Glennon

Roch Herrick

Dennis JoRay Carroll Colbert Logsdon

Peggy Gladbach Louree

Ed Martincich

Kenny Marx

Joseph Michael Pedrotti

Lynn Salisbury

Robert Tavernaro

Forrest Wombwell


Through the generosity of our alumni, parents and friends, Miege received donations in 2021-2022 to the following established Endowed Scholarship Funds:

Aidan Michael Riley Memorial

Bernie Madden Memorial Catherine Morgan Scholarship Fund Christine Mayne Scholarship Fund Clara George Scholarship Fund

Edmund L. Bower Memorial Scholarship Fund

Gerry Gleisner - GTG John Renk

Jonathan Ring Memorial* Joseph Michael Pedrotti STEM Memorial


Students stepped up to sell $28,365 in car raffle tickets for a chance to win a 2022 Nissan Kicks. The winning ticket was drawn the night of the auction. The lucky winners were current Miege parents Manu and Dawn Rattan.


Lacy Family Scholarship Fund

Mike Hickey Scholarship

Peggy Clune Dunn Scholarship Fund

Peggy Louree Gladbach Fund R. J. Rhoades scholarship

Robert K. Tavernaro Scholarship

Sr. Martina Rockers Scholarship

Walt Tylicki Soft Hart Scholarship

* designated for the Media Center

We are grateful to companies that have made matching gift contributions to Bishop Miege in the names of their employees. A total of $12,825 in matching gift donations were rececived in 20212022.

Student Fundraisers -

Stag Alumni Support Future Stags

The Senior Class of 1990 initiated the class gift idea to invest money into Miege. They collected from their classmates along with donations from the Student Council to provide scholarships for future students. The senior classes since then have continued this tradition.

In addition, the following classes have established reunion gifts with a value of $39,913: 1956, 1958, 1964, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1979, 1990 and 2005.

Over the course of the past 33 years $792,235 has been raised by Stags for Stags! GRADUATING CLASS GRADUATING

2007 $13,651 $20,014 2008 $12,332 $18,593 2009 $11,800 $24,996 2010 $11,800 $22,189 2011 $11,800 $18,816 2012 $11,800 $18,762 2013 $11,800 $18,936 2014 $11,240 $15,247 2015 $11,750 $17,079 2016 $14,000 $18,100 2017 $17,200 $21,533 2018 $19,550 $22,546 2019 $12,320 $13,694 2020 $17,750 $19,524 2021 $21,092 $16,616 2022 $14,019 $14,019

TOTAL: $752,322

1990 $6,090 $31,989 1991 $6,307 $32,118 1992 $7,221 $40,128 1993 $7,416 $23,868 1994 $7,698 $30,292 1995 $8,071 $29,847 1996 $8,060 $29,103 1997 $8,500 $26,843 1998 $9,038 $26,968 1999 $9,209 $25,640 2000 $8,500 $22,692 2001 $8,795 $23,453 2002 $10,300 $21,930 2003 $11,800 $21,488 2004 $11,800 $22,731 2005 $11,800 $21,757 2006 $11,800 $20,811 - Scholarship for the 21st Century3131

2022 Kansas City Cappies Award

Winning Production: Best Male Vocalist, Lead Actress in a Musical, Lead Actor in a Musical and Best Song - Step in Time for the 2021 fall musical Mary Poppins.


State Championship History


Each year the United Soccer Coaches celebrate the academic achievements of high school soccer teams whose student-athletes collectively demonstrate a commitment to excellence in their studies over the course of a full academic year. To qualify for the award, the team must have a minimum grade point average of 3.25 for the entire academic year and must include the entire team.

Out of a total of 311 soccer teams in the U.S., the Bishop Miege Varsity Boys and Girls Soccer teams have each been awarded the Team Academic

Pg 32 Photos: (top) Kansas City Cappies Award for Miege’s theatre production of “Mary Poppins” (middle-left) 2022 Boys State Golf Champions (middle-right) Freshman Ashley Myers and junior Evie McBride, both qualified for the State golf tournament with Ashley as the 1st Miege Regional Golf Champion (bottom left) 2022 State Volleyball Champs (bottom right) 2022 Regional Softball Champs

Award which recognizes exemplary performance in the classroom during the 2021-22 academic year. Miege is one of 28 teams in the nation to be considered a double honoree with both teams qualifying. Our Boys Varsity team had a cumulative GPA of 3.51 and the Girls Varsity team had a cumulative GPA of 4.13.

This is the 11th National Academic Award for the Boys Soccer Program and the 13th for the Girls Soccer Program.

2022 Boys’ Soccer 2021 & 2022 Boys’ Basketball 2021
2022 Girls’ Basketball 2021 & 2022 Girls’ Soccer 2022 Boys’ Golf 2022 Girls’ Volleyball 2021-2022 STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS

FOUNDER - $100,000 & ABOVE

All Aboard Foundation

David & Sara Doeren

Steve & Cathy Lacy

Tom & Jean McDonnell

William G. McGowan Charitable Fund, Inc.

LEADER - $50,000 - $99,999

Constance M. Cooper Charitable Foundation

Bill & Marianne Dunn

Sherman Family Foundation

Pat & Janna Stueve

Kevin & Julie Tushaus

BENEFACTOR - $25,000$49,999

Forster-Powers Charitable Trust

Lynn P. DeMarco Charitable Foundation

Mick & Marlys Haverty

J E Dunn Construction Co.

Don & Patty Kincaid

Terry & Carrie Madden

Bill & Sara Morgan

Dick & Maureen Pedrotti

Greg & Danielle Wilcox

PATRON - $10,000 - $24,999

Jason & Tenille Adkins

Paul & Kathy Bastasch

Frank Bower

Dennis & Janet Cawley

Class of 2021

Terry & Peggy Dunn

Kevin Dunn

Billy & Corrin Dunn

Dunn Family Foundation

Terry & Julie Flanagan

Peter & Barbara Gattermeir

Ron & Joann Heap

Bill & Terri Hendricks

David & Catherine Herr

Tim & Garianne Howard

Bonnie & Jerry Kelly

J. Michael & Kathleen Kelly

Vincent & April Key

Rapp Foundation

T. J. & Lynn Rasmussen

TJ & Carol Salmon

Carl & Nancy Wasinger

PROTECTOR - $5,000 - $9,999

John Anderson & Nicole


Scott & Heather Bahora

Mark & Kathy Batenic

Ron & Germaine Buck

Jenny Cawley

Carolyn Cawley

Christine Mayne Memorial Scholarship

Catherine & Richard Dolan

Pat & Judy Donnelly

Darin & Lauren Heyen

Joan Horan

Tim & Janet Jury

Tom & Janet Knauff

John & Mary Latenser

Eric & Mary Jo Martincich

Travis & Amy Mattox

Andrew & Melinda Metzger

Debbie Moeller

Jeremy & Kathryn Morris

Tom & Maria Murphy

Joe & Jean Passantino

Pearce Construction Company

David & Jennifer Putz

R. E. Pedrotti Company, Inc.

Randy Salisbury

Speece/Lewis Engineers

John & Jenny Waldeck

AMBASSADOR - $2,500$4,999

Steve Bastasch

Bishop Miege Mothers’ Club

Mike & Millie Brown

Tom & Carol Cleary

Joe & Michele Diebold

Mark English

Kirk & Mendi Eskew

Rick & Marisa Fleenor

Larry & Jeanne Gates

Jeff & Julie Henshaw

Skip & Sherry Hensler

Thomas & Joyce Janssen

John J. Sullivan Charitable Foundation

Tom & Donna Kellerman

Jim & Patty Ken

Nick & Abbey Kurt

Chris & Michelle Masoner

Tom & Lisa McGuire

Terry & Rita McMahon

Kathy & Peter Orr

Rafe & Colleen Parsons

Marc & Angie Pedrotti

Manu & Dawn Rattan

Scott & Anne Richardson

Ginn & Michael Robinson

Brian & Angie Smith

Kelly & Mary Swartz

Mark & Amy Thompson

John & Bridget Vani

Mike & Sue Waldeck

University of Missouri-Kansas City

CHAMPIONS - $1,000 - $2,499

Brad & Carol Anderson

Joe & Karin Andrade

Tonya Anjard-Hillard

Pam & Jim Bauer Nolan

Bernie & Marilyn Bianchino

Bob & Sally Bibb

Liam Bryson

Rod & Kathy Bugbee

Buck Roofing

Tim & Laura Burger

Chris Campin

Rachel Carlton

Dan & Barbara Carr

Pat Centner

Tom & Katie Clark

Class of 1991

Ed Connealy

Carlos & Beth Corredor

Tom Creach

Dan & Peggy Davidson

Terry & Betsy Davis

Dan & Erin Dercher

Brian Dinsmore

John & Sherri Donaldson

Neil & Fran Douthat

William & Emily Eckles

Joe & Sue Fahey

Sherilyn & Larry Fahlstrom

Jim & Mary Helen Farrar

Thank you to the following donors who contributed to Bishop Miege during the 2021-2022 fiscal year. Listings reflect: Annual Fund, the Bridge to the Future, Fund-a-Need , Memorials and other gifts.

Thomas & Teresa Fickas

Kevin & Brigetta Fortin

Gordon Gaebler

Anthony & Brandie Garcia

Gastrointestinal Associates, LLC

Katie & Dan Gates-Calderon

Jerry & Maureen Gaughan

Dan Gill

Nora Jane Grant

Joe & Patty Hemberger

Joanne Henley

Kelly Hokanson

Jay & Kimberly Holthaus

Dan & Ronda Intfen

Roger & Nadyne Jackson

Bernie Jacquinot

Joe & Anne Jezak

Brian & Chris Jordan

Mark & Amy Kellerman

Christopher & Becky Klausner

Maggie Kleine

Brittany Knill

Robert & Jeanne Kobler

Jim & Mary Kaye Lauterwasser

Steve & Anne Lemon

Jim & Dunrie Lewis

Tom & Sandra Long

P.J. & Mary Ludwikoski

Steven Lynch

John & Sue Manning

Donald & Barbara Jo Marx

Mark & Kandi McCasland

Donald & Sallie McGlinn

Kevin & Kathleen McGrew

Mike & Colleen Meurer

Midwest Distributors Co., Inc.

Will & Patricia Miller

Vince & Linda Nowak

Pat O’Connell

John & Debbie O’Connor

Joe Owens

Jim & Jan Owens

Lyn and Soren Petro

Chuck & Marty Raplinger

George & Camille Riley

Manuel & Gloria Rios

Tom & Katy Rottinghaus

Dean & Nancy Sandquist

Dennis & Merrill Schapker

Dave & Melissa Schlader

Bret & Anna Scholtes

Gene & Sharon Schreiner

Steve & Dolores Schroff

Greg & Sis Shondell

Steve & Sheryl Shondell

Mona Simons

Matt & Mary Pat Smith

Melissa Snider

Steve & Nancy Summers

Jeff Tamasi

Emilian Thornburg

Paul & Susan Tremonti

John & Evelyn Van Goethem

Judy Vohs

Hal & Kathryn VonWyl

Andy Waldeck

Sean Walsh

Tim & Michelle Weaver

Jim & Barbara Weaver

Jim & Barb Wheeler

Alex & Bridget White

Bill & Sally Wirtz

Chris & Stephanie Wofford

SPONSORS - $500 - $999

Brian Abram

Derek Adams

Mark & Janice Anwander

Joanne Barbera

Doug & Tamara Bates

Pat & Erica Baxter

Dan & Kathy Bowden

Steve & Kathleen Bower

Jim & Gwen Brooks

James Brooks

Fr. Bill Bruning

Chris & Stacy Cahalan

Cantor Law

Kurt & Kathy David Ken & Judy Decker

Samuel & Sarah Dominguez

Mark & Cindy Einhellig

David & Lucy Fitch

Tim Fortin

DJ & Lori Gemmill

TJ & Liz Hawks

Beverley Herrick

Jim & Mary Kay Hogan

Lyle & Dolores Holthaus

Holy Cross Knights of Columbus

Jonathan & Peggy Hyde

Tony & Karen Jaime

Frank & Mariann Jaksa

Alex & Lauren Keith

Brian & Jennifer Krupich

Mark & Carolyn Lacy

Mel & Rita Lavery

David & Emily Leavey

Jerry & Susan Lee

Charles & Liz Lillis

Lynn Elliot Co. KC, Inc.

Susan Mackiewicz

Madden McFarland Interiors

Joe & Juanita Madrigal

Mike Mance

Ed Manning


Tim & Patti Marnett

Mark Maroon

Ed Martincich

Kathleen & Paul Marx

Greg & Vickie McDonald

Casey & Carrie McLiney

Mike Perz & Associates, LLC

Jim & Kimberly Milazzo

Pat & Vicki Mitchell

Steve & Sharon Mohler

Jerry & Patti Murphy

Jim & Winnie Nass

Kevin & Lee Neenan

Mike & Linda Neenan

Dale & Linda Niehus

Bob Numrich

Thomas & Debra O’Bryan

Jim & Janet Otis

John & Amy Owen

David & Lou Ann Patterson

Alan Peel

Anthony Perri

Molly & Rick Peterson

Ramp Up Labor

Thomas & Linda Rhoads

Dave & Mary Lou Richardson

Patrick & Rachel Rist

Steve & Aimee Rohleder

Dale & Mary Rohr

Rodriguez Mechanical Contractors, Inc.

Kevin & Betsy Rudolph

Joe & Jill Schramp

Jim & Nancy Schumm

David & Debbie Scott

Donald & Melanie Shirk

John Smith

Annette Stoerman

Kevin Straub

Switzer Brothers Painting

David & Mary Ann Verhulst

Fritz & Susan Vertz

Dan Watkins

David & Lynn Weist

James & Leslie Whitaker Matt & Shawna Wright

ADVOCATES - $250 - $499

Tom Anjard

Rich & Sherry Bendis

Tim & Chris Blackburn

Mike & Cyndee Bohaty

Jon & Dianne Boren

Brent & Alicia Boydston

Debbie Brenner

Kent & Leslie Brown

Bill & Brigid Burgett

John & Joyce Burns

Mary Kay Bynan-Carter

Mike Calovich

Warren Cawley

John Collins

Juliana Crane

Tim Dougherty

Martha Drone

Stephen & Karen Duethman

Daniel & Mary Duff

Russ & Cathy Eads

Mark & Maureen Engen

Jeff & Sheila Evans

Joel & Shirley Feinblatt

Dan & Jenny Fontaine

Patti Garbeff

Clara George

Phillip & Nancy Hanson

Chris & Tera Hawley

Gustav & Regina Heise

Greg Hunt

Joe & Nancy Huppe

Chris & Mallorie Hurlbert

Ben & Christie Ismert

Dan & Alysha Jackson

Rick & Peggy Kittel

Bill & Joanne Klasinski

Tom & Debbie Kolarik

Pat Kolarik

Patty Korkowski

Gene & Janelle Lazzo

Bill Logsdon

Jonathan Long

Pat Lowry

Larry & Judy Maher

Bill & Patrice Maloney

Gary & Linda March

Rich Maurer

David & Mary Kay McCall

Mary McGinley

Denise McGraw

Clancy & Jennifer Merrill

Delores Miller

Donald & Norma Moeller

Lawrence Montague

Jim & Ellen Monty

Dennis & Marilyn Mueller

Bob & Laura Myer

Brandon & Amanda Myers

Bill & Catherine Nees

Larry & Yoly Nordling

Bill Northrip

Bob & Linda Northrip

Dan & Deborah O’Rourke

Sam Panis

Jim & Barbara Patterson

Nick Perrini

Betsy Pierce

Mike Poirier

Gary & Deana Randant

John & Judy Raydo

Santiago Requena

Kent & Catherine Reynolds

Michael & Michele Rhoades

Laura Roberts

Bill & Teresa Robinett

Katie Robinson

Sophie Rodriguez

Susan Ryan

Ken & Melissa Scheve

Bert Schnettgoecke

Russ & Sandy Schnieders

Pat & Cathy Schreiner

Mike & Kyle Sill

Tom & Vicki Smith

St. Elizabeth Parish

St. Thomas More Parish

Robert & Tricia Stark

Darrell & Karen Steiner

George & Yvonne Studinski

Jim Stueve

Mary Beth & Bruce Summers

Matt Szymankowski

Richard & Martha Taylor

James & Rita Tiehen

John & Becky Turner

Andy & Melissa Tylicki

John & Ann Vering

Denis Viscek

Rich & Mary Ann Vogt

Mike & Theresa Voll

Jim Warhurst

Tom & Sharon Waris

C. C. & Corrine Warlop

Mike & Sherry Whitmore

Jimmie & Robin Wolf

Art & Rosemary Zimola

FRIENDS - $100 - $249

Anne Marie Adams

Quin, Cam, Collin & Anna Adney

Philip & Lissa Alford

Joe & Andrea Arroyo

Tony & Michelle Atchity

Dave Atwell

Gregory & Marcella Bair

Norman & Jill Bamber

John & Jackie Batliner

John & Patricia Becker

Samuel & Kristin Beckman

Stephen Beggs

Bev Bellinger

Paul Bertrand

Michael & Marcy Bizal

Teresa Blongewicz

Larry & Carol Blumel

John & Sheryl Boone Ken & Casey Braun

Photo: Miege students on a construction job site as part of the ACE Mentors program. The program brought industry professionals in the fields of Architecture, Construction, and Engineering to Miege for a series of after-school sessions, a job site visit to the Three Light Tower project in downtown KC, and a final design competition with other local participating schools. Two of the students that participated were awarded scholarships: Jordan Wolf received a $5,000 scholarship and Matt Mohler received $3,000.

35 - Cumulative Giving 2021-2022 -

Kathleen Brogan

Patrick & Paula Brown

Jim & Fran Bruce

Jeff & Sharon Bryant

John & Vonda Bugler

Jay & Kristi Burritt

Maureen Call

Rose Callahan

Milling & Denise Canon

Kenneth & Karin Capron

Michael Carnelia

Dan & Barbara Carr

Raymond & Carol Carter

Michael & Phyllis CellittiMcEntire

Lonnie & Tammy Ciecior

Tom & Suzette Clark

Class of 1970

Class of 1976

Marsha Coffey

Jacqueline Coffin

Joe Collins

Andrew Collinsworth

Mike & Becky Conaghan

Matt & Carrie Condon

Bill & Shannon Condon

Bruce & Anne Conner

Tom Conry

Clay & Heather Coones

William & Kendra Cusick

Brendan & Keely Daly

Michael Dameron

Annie Davis

Michael & Amy Davoren

Peter & Jenny De Cicco

Steve DeBauge

Rob Del Popolo

Frank & Christine DeLaRosa

Michael & Bonnie Denney

Thomas & Patricia Dennis

Michelle Derusseau

Ross & Jennifer Dessert

Alan & Mary Kay Dillingham

Linda Dinsmore

Larry & Jean Dodge

Richard & Mary Jane Doran

Dave & Mary Beth Dover

Monte & Doris Downing-Miller

Robert Durr

Doug Duval

David & Shirley Dwyer

John & Nancy Ellis

Jim Erny

Jerry & Jill Esfeld

Pat & Sue Fagan

Andy & Tracy Fiorini

Tom & Susan Fletcher

Jennifer Foley Zahabi

Dave & Jeannine Fortin Fast

Dan & Terri Fox

Bob & Ada Frazier

Ted Freese

Brent & Amanda Frey

Neil & Molly Fulton

Michael & Susan Gangel

Robert & Diane Garrett

Wayne Gauthier

Judith Gerling

Jeff & Kristi Gibbs

Paul & Claudia Gibson

Patricia Gill

Terence & Kathy Glynn

Scott & Amy Goebel

Rachel Goodwin

Leroy & Constance Graham

Cindy Green

Kim Green

Jerry & Gail Gregory

Travis & Nealey Grosdidier

Michael & Patricia Grothoff

Kurt & Sylvia Gruenbacher

Michael & Nancy Hand

Tim & Anne Hannon

Marsha Hansen

Chris & Wendy Hanson

Rita Harris

Jeffrey & Teresa Harris

Robert & Sarah Hartnett

Mick Hartzell

Donald & Sheila Hayes

Bridget & Adam Hays

Bernie & Donna Heit

Charles & Mary Henre

Patrick & Mary Hickey

Barbara Hines

Phil & Judy Hodes

David & Lisa Hoebelheinrich

Steven & Jennifer Holladay

Michael Horton

Tom Houts

Chip & Clarise Hovis

Augie & Laura Huber

Andrew & Sara Hudnut

Matthew & Margie Huggins

David & Beth Ann Hutchinson

Harry & Jan Hutz

Matthew & Jeanene Ismert

Theresa Jackson

Judith JoRay

Barbara JoRay

Michael & Peggy Kahler

Rene Kammeier

Bob & Nancy Kellerman

Melanie Kelley

John & Lisa Kelly

Mike Kimmons

Jeannie Kincaid

Chuck & Marcy Kincaid

Mary Kinerk

Jim & Laura Kirkpatrick

Bill Klasinski

Judy Klein

Doug & Peggy Knapp

Paul & Renee Koehler

James & Michele Kolarik

James & Mary Komoroski

George & Mary Lee Koppe

Patrice Krampff

Gerry & Marjorie Labayen

Paul & Lisa Lacy

Jerry & Sharon Lacy

Br&on & Sarah Lasala

J.P. & Megan Latenser

Leah Lawler

Rafe & Lacey Lazarczyk

Peter & Mary Le Bourveau

Carol Leiszler

Al & Mary Leittem-Thomas

Anita Leverich

Jean Lininger

Vivian Lopez

George & Carol Lucas

Lee & Patrice Ludwig

Keith & Angela Lueckenotto

Br&on & Amy Lukert

Rich Lumley

John & Carla Mabry

Mike & Sharon Madrigal

Toby Mahr

Tim & Patti Maio

Fred & Rose Ann Mance Chris & Sherrie Mann

Molly Markley

Brian & Susan Marrello

James Masoner

Maggie Masoner

Paul Masoner

Charles & Amber Masters

Chris & Jeannie Matthews

Chris & Debbie Mayberry

Dustin & Lindsay McAnany

Quentin & Kristin McArthur

Sean & Reva McCauley

Pat McCowen

Bob & Shirley McGeary

Bruce & Betty McGehe

Joe & Judy McGuire

Carolyn Messbarger

Kris Metzger

Robert & Linda Metzger

Bob Meyers

Jason & Lisa Meyers

Jack & Rosemary Miller

Laura Miller

Scott & Dione Miller

R.B. & Holly Miller

David Miller

John & Mary Kay Mitchell

Robert & Maureen Mitchell

Phil & Vicki Moran

Michael & Sarah Muessig-Book

Currie & Bernadette Myers

Mary Lou Naudet

Joel & Annie Nee

Bart & Jennifer Nelson

John & Pamela Nicholson

Joe & Lisa Nolke

Bob & Nancy Nowatzke

Tim & Melinda O’Brien

Mark & Michelle O’Connor

Jim & Pat O’Hagan

Abigail Oliver

Randolph & Marty Oliver

Jan & Belinda Olson

Joseph & Lisa Orrick

John & Mary Owens Mark & Anne Owens

Parochial League of Kansas City-St. Joseph Lynne & Michael Pendleburg Bethany Pendleton

David Pickert

David & Sheila Pitt Patty Ponchur

Mark Portell

Jeff & Wei Wei Prior Pat Purcell

Chris & Renee Purcell

Ed & Mary Pyle

Joseph & Veronica Quinn

Theresa Raydo

Teresa Redlingshafer-Gehring

Don Reichenberger

Sharon Reilly

Angelo & Vanessa Reyes

Stephen & Judy Reyhle

Rick & Janet Reynolds

Cheri Rhodes

Bob & Amy Riscoe

Katy Ritz-Beck

Ritz & Lopez Family

Tim & Monica Robertson

Dan Rodriguez

Robert & Colleen Rogers

Rose Mary Rost Dave & Jennifer Ruf Martha Rybak

Scott Schemmel

Greg & Lois Schmidtberger

Steven & Mary Schneck Steve Sell

Bob & Pat Sheets

Katie Siengsukon

Rich & Sheila Sims

Michael & Katherine Sinatra

Josephine Sitek

Jim & Becky Skaggs

Greg & Linda Smart

Ken & Carol Smith

Paul Smith

Glenn & Wendy Smith

Dick & Susan Soenen

Cheryle Sonka

Paul Spaeth

David Sprung

Kerry Stein

Stu & Dana Stram

Tim & Maggie Streff

Carl & Diana Struby

Drew & Maureen Sullivan

Margie Supplee

Sam & Soraya Sutera

Steve & Mary Swagerty

Ray & Kim Swaney

Robert & Paula Switzer

Frank & Guadalupe Szymanski

Tim & Leslie Taylor

John & Mariella Tefft

Robert & Patricia Thedinger

Marty & Peggy Thoennes

George & Patricia Tierney

Tony & Linda Todd

Patrick & Kathleen Tolin

Rick & Belinda Toma

Mark & Terri Van Dyke

Clay & Laura Vanice

Donna Vermillion

Carlos & Mary Viveros

Dick Vogt

Joe Walberg

Bill & Connie Watkins

Sue Weitkamp

Robert & Cindy Welch

Jennifer Wente

Shane & Lori Wharton

James Whitaker

John & Lucille White

Jude Wilbers

Bobbie Wildung

Tom & Joan Wilkes

Dawn Williams

Tyece Wofford

Floyd Wohlrab

Brian & Julie Wolf Steve & Janie Woods Ann Ye

Sarah Ye Kevin Yeado

John Ziegelmeyer Kris Zondca

Wendy Zoog Rick Zych


Philip Adams

Chalmer & Alicia Alcorn

Mike & Linda Aleksaites

Maureen Alexander

Larry & Barb Allen

Bob & Kathleen Allen

Betsy Alsop

Leslie & Donna Amato

Carol Anderson

Brad & Leslie Anderson

Fred & Peggy Anderson

Marilyn Arck

Robert & Sarah Cate

Armstrong Judy Arnold

Kim Baird

Jack & Margaret Baker

Marilyn Barbour-Gray

Maurice & Donata Barenberg

Andrew & Rebecca Barrera

Sam & Laurie Barton

Brad & Tricia Baska

Anita Bates

Emily Beck

Susan Benson

Michael & Danielle Bergfeld

36 - Cumulative Giving 2021-2022 -

John & Rita Beverlin

Peter & Janice Biggs

Matt & Joann Bittel

Albert & Esther Bizal

Caleb & Jalinda Blanding

Wayne & Anthea Bojar

Richard Bollig

Judy Bond

Mary Ann Boring

Christel Bouldin

Richard Bowman

Dylan & Annie Brown

Peter & Caroline Burnett

Bob & Patty Burns

Jeff & Jennifer Burroughs

David & Terri Butel

Jim & Terry Byfield

Janice Caggianello

Christopher & Kathy Calvert

Mel & Barb Carney

Ryan & Angela Carney

Maureen Carr

Mary Carrier

Maniliano Cerda

David & Katrina Cervantes

Dave & Sue Chaffee

Michael & Ann Chapman

Gary & Lynn Christian

Joe & Robin Christie

Corinne Marie Clanton

Class of 1990

William & Katherine


David Collins

John & Theda Compton

Ellen Condry

Thomas & Judy Conklin

William & Vicki Conley

John & Kathleen Coode

Dan Corredor

Peggy Couch

Christina Craig

James & Janet Daley

Joan DeBauge

Bill DeCoursey

Scott & Mallie DeLarber

Christie Dennis

William & Kathleen Dickinson

Paul & Amy Doble

Patrick & Cathy Doherty

James & Emily Donohue

Patty Draskovich

Jeffry & Anita Driscoll

Chad & Rebecca Duckers

Teri Duffy

Chris & Lu Ann Duval

Cindy Easton

Richard & Catherine


Joe & Teresa Elder

Mike & Lori Engle

Matt & Laura


Carl & Janis Faltermeier

Patricia Farrington

James Feren

Steve & Megan FitzGerald

Sr. Angela Fitzpatrick

Jerry & Glenda Flanagan

Christy & Patrick Flynn

Larry & Pat Fogel

Taryn Frank

Ron Franzen

Barbara Frederick

Michael & Rebecca Furlong

Ben & Cynthia Gajewski

Elizabeth Galban

Colleen Gaughan

Matt & Dana Geary

Daniel & Nicolette Gibson

Marianne Glavinich

James & Jean Gorham

Joseph & Janet Gose

Phillip Gotner

John & Susan Goulding

Tom Grant

Robert & Sarah Green

Marijane Green

Joe & Jo Greene

Judy Gregar

Keith & Barbara Grigsby

Richard & Mary Hair

John Hale

Tom & Mary Hall

Dennis & Sharon Hallier

Michael & Laurie Hannon

William & Michelle Hanson

Danny Hare

Rhody & Rebecca Harris

Laura Harrison

Father Gregory Haskamp

Daniel & Theresa Healy

Judy Heeter

Renee Hernandez

Shawn & Lynn Hire

Remi Huber

Steve Hudson

Burt Huerter

Nate Huppe

Jack & Kathy Hurley

Alan & Deena Hutsell

Robert & Laurie Ingram

Patrick & April Janssen

Randy & Laurie Johnson

Thomas & Bonnie Kane

Sharon Kaszar

John & Nancy Kaufman

Karie Keeney

James & Tonja Kernell

Lynn & Criss Kirchhoff

Katie Jo Kirk

Scott & Pamela Kirkpatrick

Rollin Knapp

Benjamin & Toby Knieb

James & Karen Koch

Debbie Konomos

Kara Kurtenbach

Amy Kurtz

Diane Kusman

Christopher & Moira Kuzila

Robert & Mary Lafferty

Kenneth & Barbara Lane

Mary LeBourveau

Stephanie Lee

Kelli Lees Cruz

Karla Leibham

Stan & Jennifer Lewis

Cathleen Lillis

Sean Little

Eric & Amy Loehr

Mary Ellen Loftus

Clinton & Linda Long Heinze & Levern Lorenz

Frank & Dianne Lovan

Tai & Kim Lynch

Michael Maher

Andrew & Patricia Malcolm

Jim & Terrie Maloney

Mary Manuszak

Julio & Marlen Martinez

Am&a Maxwell

Tim & Stacy Mayer

Connor & Sarah McCambridge

Brett & Lori McFall

Patrick & Linda McGlinn

Barbara Ann McGrath John & Jane McMahon

Jason & Megan McNally James & Mary McQueen

Dan Meara

Gary & Christine Meier Maureen Miller

Steve & Susan Miller

Joseph & Susan Molen

Michael & Amy Morfeld Daniel & Judy Morr

Sue Morris

William & Sandra Mostyn John & Joanie Muehlberger

Don Mulik

Larry & Carol Murphy Thomas & Cindy Murphy McMahon

Debby Muther

Jerry & Lauren Neal

Kevin Neifach

David Nesbitt

Marion & Jean Nickel Andrew & Anita Nolte

Ralinda & David North Albert & Nicole Oblepias

Kevin & Kimberly O’Brien

Ed & Karen O’Donnell

James & Joan O’Hare

Steve O’Neal

Brien & Lisa O’Neill

Joyce Orlowski

Mike & Cyndy O’Rourke Mike & Anita Orrick

Mary Ortiz Norman & Julie Oswald

Aron & Lorelei Otto

Jenny Owens Hughes

Rudolph & Rosemary


Sean & Wendy Pennington

Kathy Pinter

JoAnne Platt

Louis & Laura Pollina

John & Natalie Post

Mike & Pamela Prior

Kevin Pyle

Timothy & Shannon Reel

Tabb & Maureen Reese

Susan Reidenbach

Ray & Carolyn Reinhart

Frank Reiser

Joan Reiser

John & Christine Repine

Christina Reyes

Michael & Tiffany Rhoades

Catherine Rice

Linda Riley

Ronald & Patricia Robertson

Patricia Rodgers

Bob & Susan Rometti

Louis Ruebelmann

Chris Ruzich

Ted & Mary Anne Ryan

Mitchell & Julie Sailors

Mikah Sampson

Jerry & Cathy Sanderson

Tim Schauf

Lawrence & Kathleen Schierhoff

Ted & Cathy Schilling

Jeffrey & Amy Schleicher

Francis & Coletta Schmidt

Elaine Schmidtberger

John & Julie Schneller

John Schweder

Lisa Sciachetano

Betsy Scott

Ralph & Joan Seichepine

Bob & Carolyn Sheridan

John & Mary Shobe

John & Cassie Shonfelt

Jeanne Sill

Kevin & Molly Sloan

Teresa Smith

Tella Smith

Mary Beth Solomon

Chris & Kim Sorensen

Sam & Gerarda Sparks

Teresa Stockton

Henry & Jane Stoever

Al & Sharon Strayhall

Jim & Lisa Stuart

Elinor Swartz

Amado & Stephanie Tamayo

Ron & Mary Thies

Ramona Thomas

Monica Thompson

Steven & Nina Troester

Marilyn Uniak

Julie Utt

Patrick & Kim Valdivia

Ted & Linda Van Thullenar

Katie Verschelden

Jeff & Susanne Vielhauer

Daniel & Yolanda Villegas

William Vincent

Christy Viveros

Pat Voorhes

Joe & Martha Vyhanek

Gary & Pam Wages

Thomas & Kathleen Walters

Michael & Patty Wamsley

Robert & Maureen Washatka

Debra Watson

Garry & Helen Watts

Dick & Marianne Weber

Mary Ann Weding

Brian & Tammy Weiss

Paula Welch

Jack & Jill Welsh

Joseph & Deborah Wempe

Craig & Julie WestHoff

Gene White

Marc & Michelle Whitmore

Jake Whitmore

Lisa Wichman

Rudy & Nancy Wichmann

Jeff & Denise Wicker

Kim Wiesmann

James & Mary Wilcox

Maryann Williams

Brian & Regina Wilson

Franz & Colette Winklhofer

Steve & Cathy Wolf

Lindsey Wollenberg

Patrick Wood

Amy Woods Butler

Stephan & Mary Ziller

37 - Cumulative Giving 2021-2022

Kansas State Football Player Heard Call to Seminary on the Field

How does God call a football player?

Especially one who is from a family that is K-State football royalty?

On a football field, of course.

Landry Weber, a wide receiver at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas, said he always felt called to the priesthood, even as a child. But then God sent him specific signs.

In one, he said he had begun dating a girl and felt conflicted about it. “I was lying on the practice field in the middle of the night, staring up at the sky at 2 am,” he told the Register.

He asked God directly: “Do you want me to be with this girl or do you want me to be with you?” At that moment he saw a cross appear in the stars...”

There are nearly 500,000 college athletes, and of those, about 2% will embark on a professional sports career. The others will, as the NCAA says, “go pro in something other than sports.”

Landry, has gone “pro” in something very different from the gridiron: He’s entering seminary and hopes eventually to be ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas.

Weber told CNA that while he initially began feeling a call to the priesthood during his freshman year of college, he “didn’t really want much to do with it.” But as the feelings continued, he reached out to a priest at his college parish, St. Isidore’s. The

- Alumni News -
Landry Weber, Miege Class of 2017 and K-State graduate, is currently attending the St. John Vianney Seminary in Denver for the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas. Exerpts from National Catholic Register by Tom Hoopes writer in residence at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, and National Catholic Register, writer Christine Rousselle

gave him materials to read and Weber prayed, went on retreats, and continued his discernment process.

While discerning, Weber has maintained a devotion to the Blesssed Virgin Mary, saying that she has “been a huge part of my life.” He consecrated himself to Mary twice in college, saying they were “very powerful experiences both times” and that his Marian consecration helped with his discernment journey.

About 18 months into his discernment, Weber came to the conclusion that he likely had a vocation to the priesthood.

“So probably after a year and a half or so of discernment was when I was like, ‘Okay, I think this is something that I’m being called to do,’” he said. However, he decided that he wanted to finish out his college football career before entering the seminary.

Weber’s career ended with a 42-20 victory over Louisiana State University in the Texas Bowl. It was at that game where news of his vocation reached a national stage.

Sports business analyst and former ESPN writer Darren Rovell tweeted, ‘He’ll be entering the priesthood when his college career is finished.’ — Announcer Tom Hart on Kansas State

wide receiver Landry Weber. “I’ve never heard that line watching a football game before.”

Unfortunately, Weber suffered a high ankle sprain on his second play of the game, cutting short what he already knew would be his last football game. He told CNA that the injury was a reminder of the bigger picture.

“[Getting injured] was tough, but it helped me a lot to just acknowledge that I never deserved to play in that game in the first place,” he said...

Weber’s parents, Stan (a K-State quarterback), and his mother, Nancy, (a K-State cheerleader) were “very supportive” about his plans to enter the seminary, as were his teammates at Kansas State.

“I was a little nervous to share [seminary plans] with them, but when I did share it they were all very supportive of it and surprised,” he said. His teammates peppered him with questions, mainly about how he would be giving up the possibility of marriage.

“And so, a lot of questions, but really, a lot of support. I was surprised by how they thought it was a very cool thing that I would do something different,” said Weber.

“That‘s something I would say that I love about the game of football and the guys on a football team. It’s very much a melting pot of guys from all over the country — very diverse, melting pot of guys that come from different backgrounds and different walks of life, and everyone loves each other for who they are within the team.”

Weber drew parallels between being part of a storied football program to his potential role as a priest.

“Something cool about football is that when you play college football, you‘re a part of something that’s bigger than you,” he said, adding that people plan vacations and their weekends around Kansas State football. “It’s a ginormous part of their lives, and you get to be on the field, responsible for playing this game and providing people joy and bringing people together.”

The idea of becoming a priest and the feeling of entering seminary is a “very similar feeling,” said Weber.

“I get to be a part of something that’s much bigger than me, and I get to help out in a way that I’m very unworthy of being a part of,” he said.

Landry’s mother Nancy is a Theology teacher at Miege She and her husband Stan prayed daily for all their children, “that they would know with clarity what vocation they were called to by God and that they would have the courage to follow God’s call.” At the beginning of his sophomore year of college he told them he might be called to the priesthood.

Nancy believes the formation he received at Miege gave him a solid foundation in his faith and this foundation was essential in his ability to be open to a possible call to the priesthood.

- Alumni News -
2022 March for Life - Washington DC.
Photo: L. Myers (student)

Consider the Gift of Catholic Education in Your Estate and Tax Planning

“He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for the food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.” ~ 2 Corinthians 9:10

Bishop Miege partners with parents in the spiritual, academic, and moral formation of students. Miege is committed to helping students become the saints God intended, and future leaders with a Christ-centered moral compass.

A legacy gift to Miege can leave a lasting effect on the school, supporting the faith formation in high school students for years to come.

Gifts to Consider to Create a Lasting Legacy

• Bequests: Designate a gift to Bishop Miege in your will or trust.

• Charitable Gift Annuity: In return for a significant tax-deductible donation, receive a fixed income for life.

• Charitable remainder trusts: Transfer assets irrevocably to a trust, receive an income for life and upon your death, the remainder goes to Bishop Miege.

• Life Insurance: Designate Bishop Miege as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy or gift a policy you no longer need.

• Real Estate: Donate your home, land, or farm to Bishop Miege now or upon your death.

Charitable Giving with Tax Advantages

• Stocks, bonds, mutual funds: Avoid taxes on capital gains by donating an appreciated asset.

• IRA Minimum Required Distribution (RMD)-- Beginning at age 72, you are required to take a distribution from your IRA. You are allowed to use any portion of your RMD as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) by designating it for a non-profit organization such as Bishop Miege. (QCD’s can also be made once you reach 70 ½.) There are tax advantages to doing your charitable giving in this manner. Consult your tax advisor for more information. the remainder goes to Bishop Miege.

We encourage you to consult with your attorney or financial planner to determine the best way to support Miege. Please contact Molly Peterson at 913-222-5994 or mpeterson@bishopmiege.com with questions or to let us know you have made plans for a gift. We are happy to honor wishes for anonymity.

- Planned Giving -



Mr. Randy Salisbury, M.S.E., President

Mrs. Maureen Engen, M.S.L., Principal

Mr. Joe Schramp, Ed.S., Associate Principal/ Athletic Director

Mr. Alex Keith, M.S.L., Dean of Students

Campus Ministry Team

Mr. Bill Creach, M.L.A., Director of Campus Ministry/ Christian Social Service Program

Father Anthony Mersmann, M.Div./S.T.B. Chaplain


Mrs. Molly Peterson, Director of Advancement

Mr. Corbin Sedlacek, Development Associate

Mrs. Becky Skaggs, Development Associate

Mrs. Teresa Stockton, Director of Communications

Director of Financial Aid

Mrs. Patti Marnett, Comptroller


Dr. Joe Passantino, Foundation President

Susan Tremonti, Foundation Associate


Mrs. Amy Carman, M.S., Counselor Mrs. Evelyn Lopez, Administrative Assistant

Mr. Dan Meara, M.A., Counselor

Mrs. Teresa Rodriguez, Registrar & PowerSchool Manager

Mrs. Elaine Schmidtberger, M.A., Counselor

Learning Resource Department

Mrs. Mallorie Hurlbert, LMSW, M.Ed, Learning Resource Director

Mr. Bill Conley, B.S.E.

Mrs. Lindsay Franco, M.A.

Ms. Sara Strayhall, Learning Center Support Staff


Mrs. Patti Marnett, Director of Admissions

Ms. Katie Jo Kirk, Admissions Coordinator

STREAM Coordinator

Mr. Matthew Peterie, M.S.E.

Math Hub Coordinator

Mrs. Lori Voss, M.A.


Administrative Office

Mrs. Barbara Allen, Bookkeeper

Mrs. Mariann Jaksa, Executive Assistant

Mrs. Patti Marnett, Comptroller

Mrs. Ellen Monty, Administrative Assistant

Attendance Office

Mrs. Jennifer Ceceña, Administrative Assistant Mr. Nate Huppe, Athletics Assistant

Facilities & Maintenance

Mr. Ryan Wrigley, Facilities Manager

Mr. James Jones, Maintenance Mr. Charmus Bell, Custodian Mr. Jeff Jones, Custodian Mr. Rodney Jones, Custodian Mr. Jose Lopez, Custodian Mr. Calvin Ross, Custodian

IT Systems Administrator Mr. Justin Story

School Nurse Mrs. Malisa McEachen, R.N.

Security Office

Mr. Greg Schiffelbein, SRO

(photo) Faculty and Administration taking part in a Professional Development and faith formation day prior to the new school year.

- 2022 Faculty & Staff -


Business/Computer Science Department

Mr. Matt Eshelbrenner,  M.A.

Ms. Lori Dowd, M.E.

English/Language Arts

Mrs. Hillary Wingate, M.A., Chairperson

Mr. Dan Fournier,  M.A.

Mr. Brock Hess, B.A.

Mrs. Jessica Switzer, M.E.

Mrs. Margaret Verschelden, M.A.

Mrs. Janie Woods, B.A.

Engineering Department

Mr. John Clark, M.Ed., Chairperson

Mr. Scott Anderson, M.A.

Mr. Matt Eshelbrenner,  M.A.

Family & Consumer Science Department

Mrs. Bridget Hays, B.S.

Fine Arts Department

Mrs. Robin Christie, B.M.E.

Ms. Kathryn Berry, B.A.

Mr. Austin Barnes, M.M.

Mr. Michael Long, B.F.A

Mrs. Sarah McCambridge, M.A.

Mrs. Tiffany Nesbihal, B.A.

Mrs. Melissa Reynolds, M.A.

Mathematics Department

Mrs. Erica Hafey, M.A., Chairperson

Mrs. Jane Barreca, B.A. Ms. Taryn Frank, B.S.E. Mr. Paul Klene, M.A. Ms. Kayla Moylan, B.S. Mrs. Lori Voss, M.A. Mr. Andrew Groene, M.A.

Physical Education/Health Department

Mr. Travis Grosdidier, M.A. Chairperson

Mr. John Darrow, B.A. Ms. Linda Ernst, M.S. Mrs. Lindsay Franco, M.A.

Science Department

Mr. John Clark, M.Ed., Chairperson

Mr. Scott Anderson, M.A.

Dr. Jackelyn Arico, Ph. D. Mrs. Angela Lueckenotto, M.N.A.S. Mrs. Paula Patterson, B.S. Mr. Matthew Petrie, M.S.E. Mrs. Jill Rippee, M.A.S.L. Mrs. Mary Beth Summers, M.S.

Social Studies Department

Mr. James Wilcox, M.Ed., Chairperson

Mr. Greg Bippen, M.A.

Mr. D.J. Gemmill, M.A.

Mrs. Amy Lukert, M.Ed. Mrs. Margaret Verschelden, M.A. Mr. Rick Zych, M.A.

Theology Department

Mr. Steve Koesterer, Ed.S., Chairperson

Mrs. Patricia Arnold, M.A.

Ms. Alicia Baehr, M.A.

Mr. Ryan Geris, B.A. Mrs. Nancy Weber, M.A.

World Language Department

Mrs. Martha Drone, M.Ed., Chairperson

Mrs. Jennifer Dessert, M.A.

Mr. Ryan Geris, B.A.

Mrs. Leigh-Ann Haggerty, M.B.A.

Miege teacher and Head Boys Basketball Coach, Rick Zych, was surprised by his family and “Good Morning America” with a Father’s Day tribute for the national morning show. The feature story was aired live from Kauffman Stadium.


5041 Reinhardt Drive

Shawnee Mission, KS 66205

Non-Profit Organization



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