February 2018
Military and Industry Transitioning from military to civilian jobs.
Member Profile Stockmen’s Supply
Restructure Talks Continue The Chamber and BMDA continue discussions about a potential restructure.
CHAMBER CONNECTION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Ron Day.............................................................................................................................. Chair Molly Herrington ...................................................................................................... Chair-Elect Wayne Munson............................................................................................................ Secretary Nick Hacker..................................................................................................................Treasurer Brenda Nagel ............................................................................................................ Past Chair BOARD OF DIRECTORS Paul Brucker ...............Railway Credit Union Tracy Kindem ..........H.A. Thompson & Sons Ron Day ............Andeavor Mandan Refinery Kevin Magstadt ...................Kraus-Anderson Dr. Blake Feil ....................Feil Orthodontics Wayne Munson .................Indigo Signworks Heather Fried ..........Fried Financial Services Brenda Nagel ..................University of Mary Nick Hacker ..............ND Guaranty and Title Mike Nathe ............Bismarck Funeral Home Chad Hatzenbuhler ...Bank of North Dakota Lee Pierce ...............Al Fitterer Architect PC Jeff Herman ................................Petro Hunt Shannon Reichenberg ........Diversity Homes Molly Herrington ....................................KLJ Jasper Schneider ..................................NISC Russ Honeyman ....................Doosan Bobcat Garret Senger ..........MDU Resources Group Tyler Huck ............Schafer Financial Services Scott Staudinger ..............Cloverdale Foods Chris Jones ....ND Dept. of Human Services Valerie Weigel ....Basin Electric Power Coop Mitch Kaelbaerer .........................TransTrash Jennifer Wilson .....................Kirkwood Mall CHAMBER STAFF Brian Ritter ................................................................................................................. President David Leingang............................................................................ Community Growth Director Mary Masters................................................................................. Office Support Professional Ryan Parsons........................................................................................................Vice President Shay Peterson .................................................................. Membership Engagement Director Rebecca Rattei................................................................................ Communications Specialist Elliot Rust................................................................................................Chief Financial Officer Cathryn Sprynczynatyk Anderson ........................ Communications Specialist/ LBM Director AnneMarie Hansen ........................................................................ Marketing & Events Intern
Chamber Welcomes Rust as new CFO Chamber and BMDA Continue Restructure Discussions Eckes Named Ambassador of the Year
Game Day Series: Bismarck Bobcats February Membership Mixer: KLJ Economic Outlook Forum
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COLUMNS Chair's Corner
Cover Story 4 Speaker Profile 10 Ask-A-Pro 28 Chamber Perks 30 Chamber Ribbon Cuttings 34 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck, ND 58503 701.223.5660 • CONTACT INFORMATION Content: The Chamber - 701.223.5660
Advertising: David Leingang
MISSION STATEMENT: Leaders for prosperity. Advocates for business.
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2 | Chamber Connection
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President’s Corner
his is usually the space where you see the Chair’s Corner, but our 2018 Chair Ron Day was kind enough to let me turn it into the President’s Corner this month.
Before we go any further, however, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Brian Ritter, and I am the new President of the Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce. I am both humbled and honored by the opportunity to lead the Chamber, but also mindful that I am only one part of it. I say that because it takes more than just one person to make the Chamber go. It takes people like our Chamber Staff who although I knew them prior to becoming President, I had no idea how hard working and talented they are. It takes people like our Board of Directors who put in time outside their normal work day to provide us with the direction we need. And it takes people like you, our members, because the Chamber is a membership-based organization first and foremost. And we’re going to need everyone because we as a Chamber are facing some big decisions. I’m referring of course to the potential restructure of the Chamber and BismarckMandan Development Association (BMDA). Throughout my career, the question has been asked whether or not the two organizations should restructure. Now, the Boards of both organizations have directed us to not only discuss whether or not to restructure, but determine how a restructured organization might look. No decisions have been made, and those discussions will continue throughout the Winter and Spring as will events like our recently completed Annual Dinner, our Chamber Mixers and Economic Outlook Forum. Plus, we have events like Chamber 101 and the GameDay Series to look forward to as well in addition to our ongoing committee meetings, advocacy efforts and much more. There’s a lot to look forward to over the coming months, and I hope you’ll be a part of it. Should you ever need anything, anything at all, please do not hesitate to get a hold of me or any of the team here at the Chamber. Very Sincerely,
- Brian Ritter President @bismanchamber
Chamber Connection | 3
TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION IN THE CLASSROOM By Cathryn Sprynczynatyk Tanna Kincaid hates talking about education and technology as two separate concepts. For Kincaid, Technology Director for Bismarck Public Schools, technology in K-12 classrooms is a given in today’s world.
For Both Bismarck and Mandan Public Schools, it’s important to get access to the same technology for every student.
Students in K-12 education have grown up with multiple devices in the home — smart phones, tablets, laptops, desktop computers. Students have grown up their entire lives with access to technology, and their expectations are high. “I hate talking about technology separate from education,” Kincaid said. “It’s a tool or a resource that’s really given in today’s world to collaborate and create projects and get information.” Both Bismarck and Mandan Public Schools are moving toward a 1:1 ratio for device access. Beginning in 2016, Mandan High School achieved 1:1 ratio of access with an iPad for each student. This school year, MPS expanded 1:1 access to Mandan Middle School. BPS is in the process of adopting 1:1 access for Chromebooks in high school. Legacy High School has had a one Chromebook per student since it opened. Next year, Bismarck High School and Century High School will adopt one Chromebook per student as well. Kincaid said it is important to have equity across all three buildings. For Both Bismarck and Mandan Public Schools, it’s important to get access to the same technology for every student. “It doesn’t matter if student has money or not,” said Jeff Rerick, Technology Director for Mandan Public Schools, “the same device is in everybody’s hands.”
4 | Chamber Connection
The MPS goal of getting 1:1 device access in grades 6-12 started with the Ignite 2020 initiative. The goals of Ignite 2020 are 1.) to improve teaching and learning; 2.) to imbed 21st Century skills of communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking; 3.) to provide equity in technology for all students. Rerick said this is a big shift in education: 10-15 years ago the mode of instruction was to stand in front of the classroom and lecture. The teacher was considered the smartest person in the classroom. Now, students have access to information from anywhere. Rerick said they need to build their students to be more active participants who understand what is real information on the internet and what is false. “It models what they will experience throughout their life,” Kincaid said. “This is college. This is our work life. People use (devices) for organization, seeking information, communicating, collaborating. To get that in high school and have kids learn to be responsible for that tool in their learning is something we think is important to them.” Both Bismarck and Mandan Public Schools lay that foundation with a digital literacy class in 6th grade as students begin middle school. The curriculum for BPS’s digital literacy Students in K-12 education have grown up with multiple devices in the home — smart phones, tablets, class includes digital citizenship, desktop computers. Students have grown up their entire lives with access to technology, responsible use, how to evaluate strong laptops, and their expectations are high. passwords, how to evaluate information on the internet, online copyright, citing sources, giving credit, the student’s digital footprint, and how to have positive interactions online. Legacy High School was the first public school in Bismarck to adopt 1:1 Chromebook access. Students are responsible for their own devices and are accountable if the Chromebooks need repairs.
Chamber Connection | 5
FEATURE Most of the troubleshooting is done by their peers at the LHS student help desk. The help desk is run by the Saber Cyber Tech Club. Aaron Preabt, Technology Project Leader for Bismarck Public Schools, estimates the student help desk handles 90 percent of all Chromebook repairs. The help desk is led by a student who is a paid intern for the district. That student is the project lead and manages the incoming ticket process.
Last year, an AP Calculus teacher from LHS moved out of state mid-year. It was a rigorous course, and the students had established a great relationship with the teacher. The students continued the course with a new teacher in the classroom, but they also continued the course with their original teacher by watching her give live instruction online, sharing their homework with her and practicing their assignments with her.
The Saber Cyber Tech Club has grown beyond just volunteering at the student help desk. LHS now offers a Saber Cyber credit course that serves as a capstone or seminar course. Students can create a passion project to fulfill that capstone course. Next year, LHS will also offer an IT work study course.
“The Chromebook is not a replacement paper and pencil notebook,” Townsend said. “It’s a creation tool. For a lot of our students, this enables them to do that collaborative work more easily. It puts them in contact with their teachers and classmates.”
“It’s really about empowering students and touching on what we call success skills,” Preabt said. “(1:1 access) allows students to be responsible for their own devices and allows them to learn independently from classroom instruction.”
Elementary schools in Mandan recently began using Ozobots in the classrooms. Ozobot is a small robot that is programmable through drawn lines and color codes. Mandan elementary teachers have incorporated Ozobots into lessons on everything from reading sight words to complicated mathematics.
Having 1:1 access at LHS has allowed learning to expand beyond the classroom, according to Maggie Townsend, Library Media Specialist for Legacy High School.
Abby Helbling, Kindergarten Teacher at Custer Elementary School, has used Ozobots to help her students learn left and right.
If students are absent from school, they can watch teachers’ lectures online. Students use Google Hangouts for study groups. Before finals, one teacher scheduled a Google Hangout 7:00pm - 9:00pm the night before the final in order to answer questions.
“They have to know left and right, forward and backward, figure out what light color they need,” Helbling said. “Once they’re done programming it, they do a test run to see if they have done it correctly or if they need to try again.”
In December, kindergarteners and first graders from Red Trail Elementary taught the Chamber’s Leadership BismarckEver student at Bismarck’s Legacy High School has a Chromebook. Most repairs are done by the student help desk, Mandan class how to use Ozobots. which is staffed by the Saber Cyber Tech Club. The first graders presented their OzoDash STEAM Challenge, incorporating science, technology, engineering, arts, and math. The goal of the OzoDash was to design the fastest race track of 100 cm. The students had to use four speed codes, four directional codes, and two fun codes. “I think it’s really important for kids to understand technology because it’s all around them,” Helbling said. “They’re using this today when they’re 5, but they’re also going to be using this all around them in their lives.” 6 | Chamber Connection At a young age, these students are learning the concepts of coding and programming. From a young age, this is starting to prepare the next generation of workforce.
Ozobot is a small robot that is programmable through drawn lines and color codes. Mandan elementary teachers have incorporated Ozobots into lessons on everything from reading sight words to complicated mathematics.
“In the Bobcat industry, our equipment is becoming more and more advanced by the application of software innovation,” said Matthew Sagaser, Director of the Doosan Bobcat Acceleration Center. “To understand the design process and importance of this type of technology advancement, it is important for students to learn at a young age how robotic applications are designed in addition to how they might be used in the real world.” Jasper Schneider, Vice President of Member and Industry at NISC, said embedding students in a culture of creativity and collaboration, combined with technical knowledge, is turning out well-rounded graduates. “(This) opens the floodgates to a world of connectivity, collaboration and communication,” Schneider said. “Technology enables us with a powerful tool, and schools are underscoring it with the appropriate mix of soft skills that enforce the smart and effective use of technology. It’s one thing to teach technology. Helping students understand the ‘how, why and possibilities’ is an entirely different animal — and so very important.”
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Chamber Connection | 7
By Marina Jyring, Clearwater Communications
The transition from military to civilian life is a major lifestyle change. Moving from a highly disciplined culture in a tightknit community to a culture that leaves room for interpretation can be a hard adjustment for those involved. Joe Hall Among these lifestyle changes is securing a position in the civilian workforce. Missed networking and educational opportunities, translating skills acquired in the military into civilian terms, and lacking the formal education required by many employers can make becoming a part of the civilian workforce more difficult for veterans. According to those who work with veterans making this transition, one of the greatest challenges faced when applying for civilian jobs is translating skill sets. Military resumes are full of terms and acronyms civilians are not familiar with, but the skills themselves are transferrable and often desired by employers. Veterans also face the challenge of having the skill set required for a position, but lacking the formal education to complement the skills. “Sometimes, I think service members underestimate the valuable skills they can bring to the civilian workplace. They not only have a variety of strong technical skills, but they also have strong teamwork and leadership skills that are valuable in every work setting,” says Arnie Strebe, president of Starion Bank in Bismarck. “It’s been close to 20 years that I’ve been in the civilian workforce and have never had a bad experience with a former military member as an employee,” he continues. “As always, the key is to make sure you’re hiring the right person with the right skills for the job.” 8 | Chamber Connection
Strong skill sets are just one of the many reasons employers should hire veterans, says Joe Hall, veterans’ employment representative at Job Service North Dakota. He notes veterans understand that genuine teamwork grows out of a responsibility to one’s colleagues. Veterans are experienced leaders and managers, who “influence people by providing purpose, direction and motivation while working to improve an organization,” Hall says. According to Hall, veterans have also gained a unique perspective on the value of accountability and take responsibility for their actions. He notes veterans’ integrity translates into qualities of sincerity and trustworthiness. “Veterans have the personal courage to do what is right,” he says. Hall adds veterans have the ability to learn fast, adapt to changing environments, multi-task and perform well under pressure. Professionalism, problemsolving skills, proactive mentality, global outlook and conscientiousness of health and safety standards are some of the other qualities commonly found in veterans. However, Hall says employers sometimes are cautious of hiring veterans because of stereotypes surrounding the military community. Frequent deployments and drills, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and other unseen disabilities, misunderstanding the term “disabled veteran,” and expecting perfection in all areas are just some of the hurdles that can affect hiring decisions and the transition for military members, says Hall. However, he notes, stereotypes are fading. “Because we have been in conflict for so long, most people are or know someone who has served,” adding most employers now look at military service experience as a positive attribute. For those who serve in the military part-time and are employed full-time in a civilian workplace, Employer Support for Guard and Reserve (ESGR) serves as an additional resource. ESGR informs and educates service members and civilian employers on their rights and responsibilities, and promotes a culture in which employers support and value the military service of their employees. In a recent effort to support this mission, ESGR also created a flyer for employers that lists reasons members of the military make good employees.
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When Hall returned home after five and a half months serving in Desert Storm in the 1990s, he says there weren’t many transition services available and his transition was quick. Today, Hall is part of the team that helps veterans reintegrate into society and provides career guidance, resume assistance, referrals to supportive services, and reemployment workshops. While he wouldn’t change his experience, saying “obstacles make us who we are,” Hall is happy to see the culture is changing as the military is better preparing members for a “different world,” and the community has become more involved in helping veterans transition to civilian jobs. For more information about veteran services in North Dakota, visit Burleigh County Veteran Services at or Job Service North Dakota at Additional information on the ESGR is also available at
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Chamber Connection | 9
From left to right: Kyle Gustin, Sales Manager, JC Steffan, Joe Grotsun, Sara Fisher and Angela Keller.
MEMBER PROFILE Featuring Guy Halvorson Q: Tell us about yourself and your role within the organization. A: I am a native North Dakota resident that grew up in agriculture being involved in 4H and FFA. After graduating from BSC I ventured into ranching. The opportunity came to me in 2007 to manage the Mandan Location for Stockmen’s Supply. Q: Briefly tell us the history of Stockmen’s Supply. A: Stockmen’s Supply started in West Fargo in 1956. In 1998 Stockmen’s Supply in West Fargo and Dr. Jim Clement from Mandan Vet Clinic joined forces to form Stockmen’s Supply West in Mandan. July 1st, 2016 Stockmen’s Supply merged companies with ANIMART in Beaver Dam WI.
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Q: How has the growth of Bismarck-Mandan impacted Stockmen’s Supply? A: We have seen a larger customer base of residential customers with the addition of our new location in Mandan. We also have added a rental vet clinic that Missouri Valley Vet leases.
Q: What industry trends are taking place? A: We are seeing more regulation in the Animal Health industry which is leading to less outlets in rural North Dakota selling animal health products. Q: Have there been any monumental changes in the industry that you’ve had to deal with? A: A government regulation of the Veterinary Feed Directive has changed the availability of certain restricted products. Q: What does the future of Stockmen’s Supply look like and the industry as a whole look like to you? A: We have a bright future in Bismarck/Mandan. This is a central trade center for most of Western North Dakota. Also being part of a larger company we have more resources available to us to better serve our customers.
Stockmen’s Supply out grew their former location and moved into their new facility located at 1440 Action Drive SE in Mandan.
Q: Stockmen’s Supply became a member in 1999, why do you continue to renew each year? A: It is vital to have a pulse on the economy of the local area. The Chamber does an excellent job of relaying business information for the local community. Q: What should Chamber members know about Stockmen’s Supply that may assist them? A: We carry a wide variety of products for both large animals and small animals. We have a great staff and are ready to help whoever comes through our door.
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Chamber Connection | 11
The Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce would like to thank all the guests that braved the cold and helped us celebrate the last year during our 2018 Annual Dinner! Chamber President, Brian Ritter, emceed the nights program welcomed a few special guests to the stage. We were very fortunate to hear from Canadian Consul General, Paul Connors, as well as Governor Burgum, who introduced our featured speaker, Miss America! A Bismarck native, Miss America Cara Mund, addressed guests and provided inspiration as she taught everyone a lesson in persistence, and how she has, in the words of the Governor, defined the phrase, “North Dakota Proud.� Also, thank you to our outgoing Chair, Brenda Nagel, for the recap and hard work dedicated to the Chamber over the past year; and to our incoming Chair, Ron Day, for providing the details of what the Chamber will be up to in 2018.
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Last, but certainly not least, thank you to our sponsors who helped make this night possible! We appreciate your continued support and commitment in everything we do!
The BismarckMandan Chamber of Commerce is excited to welcome Elliot Rust to the Chamber family. Rust grew up in Casselton, ND and after graduating high school, he moved to Bismarck where he attended the University of Mary. He graduated in 2011 with degrees in Accounting and Computer Information Systems. After college, Rust worked as a public accountant for 4 ½ years and then moved on as the Finance Manager of a community non-profit before accepting the CFO position at the Chamber. “I have always had a passion in non-profits and I am excited to be a part of the Chamber team and help with the growth of our community and Chamber,” said Rust. Rust is happily married to his beautiful wife Amanda and they live in Lincoln with their three dogs and one cat. They both enjoy camping trips at the lakes during the summer.
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The Bismarck- Mandan Chamber of Commerce would like to congratulate Lara Loritz from the Radisson Hotel in Bismarck who was named the 4th Quarter Ambassador! Loritz is the Director of Sales at the Radisson Hotel, and has years of sales experience. Loritz is a Bismarck native but traveled to Fargo for her college education where she graduated from NDSU, and yes she bleeds green and gold! Loritz is married to Travis, and has two fur babies. Loritz has been a strong advocate for the BismarckMandan Chamber of Commerce, and also volunteers her time with the Optimist Club, serves on the Anne Carlsen Center Suits & Sandals Committee, and the United Way Little Black Dress Campaign Committee. “The Bismarck-Mandan Chamber Ambassadors are the arm from the Chamber to the community and I am proud to be involved in helping new businesses celebrate. The Ambassador program helps enrich my personal growth by meeting other professionals and finding friends in the process. Being in sales, any time you can get in on the ground floor, find out something new is coming or create a relationship with community involvement is a plus for your business. My favorite part about the ribbon cutting is following up with a hand written note and hopefully, honing that relationship enough to where they or you become a customer. The Ambassadors are also about referrals, once you get to know your peers in the group well enough, they will tell others about your business,” says Loritz. Thank you Lara for your service on the BismarckMandan Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Committee! Thank you for all your hard work, and dedication!
EDUCATION AND HEALTH DAY EDUCATION DAY Education Day examined BismarckMandan’s education system from kindergarten through higher education. The Leadership class was hosted by Mandan Public Schools at the Mandan Brave Center.
1st graders from Red Trail Elementary School teach the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan class how to program Ozobot robots on Education Day. Julie Kautzmann, Technology Partner for Red Trail Elementary, said Ozobots are how they get kids to start coding.
Kindergartners and 1st graders from Red Trail Elementary School joined the Leadership class to demonstrate Ozobots, which are simple robots for educational use. The 1st graders started by teaching the Leadership class how to calibrate the Ozobots. Then, the 1st graders taught the class how to do simple programming and coding. The kindergartners demonstrated how they use the Ozobots for lessons in counting and learning left from right. Julie Kautzmann,Technology Partner for Red Trail Elementary, said the Ozobots are how they introduce elementary students to simple coding and programming. HEALTH DAY Leadership Bismarck-Mandan kicked off the new year with Health Day hosted at UND Center for Family Medicine. A panel discussion on “The Changing Landscape of Healthcare” featured Kurt Schley, Market CEO for CHI St. Alexius Health; Fred Fridley, Director of Public Affairs for Sanford Health; and Marvin Lein, President of Mid Dakota Clinic. Fridley stated that healthcare systems are constantly adjusting to regulatory changes from the federal and state level and that some changes accelerate with each election. Schley said we need to shift our thinking in the next 5-10 years to see a physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner when we’re sick, rather than always expecting to see a doctor in a clinic setting. Lein asked the class how many of them had a medical test with a primary care physician and then had that test repeated later with a specialist. He said that’s not necessary and costs more, but with electronic health records hospitals are better able to share records and eliminate duplication.
Gold Sponsor: Program Sponsors: BASIN ELECTRIC POWER COOPERATIVE A Touchstone Energy Cooperative ®
Education Day Co-Chairs:
Lynn Wolf — Retired Educator Joyce Hinman — Retired Educator Alicia Uhde — Bismarck State College
Health Day Co-Chairs:
Marnie Walth — Sanford Health Kilee Harmon — CHI St. Alexius Health
Breakfast/Lunch Sponsors:
Joyce Hinman (Education Day) Alicia Uhde (Education Day) Lynn Wolf (Education Day) Sanford Health (Health Day) CHI St. Alexius Health (Health Day)
Chamber Connection | 15
STARION BANK AND CHAMBER PRESENT ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FORUM In January, the Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce distrusted a survey to gauge business performance in the Bismarck- Mandan area. With an increased participation in this year’s survey, we are excited to present the results at this year’s Economic Outlook Forum.
ECONOMIC Outlook Forum
On Thursday, March 15th at the Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center, join The Chamber and Starion Bank as we find out what factors are influencing our local and regional economy. Throughout this morning forum, guests will get a local, regional and national economic outlook. This year’s program will include: Keynote Speaker Ernie Goss, MacAllister Chair and Professor of Economics at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, and Director of the Goss Institute in Denver, Colorado Goss is currently the MacAllister Chair and Professor of Economics at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, and Director of the Goss Institute in Denver, Colorado. He is editor of Economic Trends, an economics newsletter published monthly that is distributed to more than 10,000 subscribers. His citations have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes, and The Economist, as well as regional newspapers such as the Denver Post, the Kansas City Star, and the Minneapolis Pioneer Press. Recently, Goss has appeared on CNN, Fox Business News, National Public Television and BBC. Economic Survey Results Karel Sovak, Associate Professor of Business, University of Mary.
16 | Chamber Connection
Ernie Goss
Karel Sovak
The Economic Outlook Forum will also feature the 2018 Industry Panel, as well as a newly formed Entrepreneurship Panel To reserve a table for $375, please call Dave at the Chamber, 701-223-5660 or email dleingang@bismancc. com. Cost to attend the Economic Outlook is $40.00 for Members and $50.00 for General Admission. To register for this event, please go to events/calendar. Presenting Sponsor:
Gold Sponsor:
This Last September, Lemonade Day’s national headquarters in Texas, held its annual conference to provide an opportunity for Lemonade Day cities to learn from one another. B I S M A R C K - M A N D A N During that conference, a little community by the name of Bismarck-Mandan, came into the spotlight as two individuals were selected as 3rd place winners of the National Young Entrepreneur(s) of the Year contest. Macie and Isaac Grendahl, a triumphant brother-sister team, only had a week to prepare for last year’s Lemonade Day and became and instant success when they won our local Young Entrepreneur(s) of the Year award.
Congratulations to Macie and Isaac for their award! We look forward to doing business with them and many others this summer, June 18th! Lemonade Day is a free, fun, project based learning experience that teaches kids how to start, oawn and operate their very own business – a lemonade stand.
Children who register will receive a free backpack and Entrepreneur Workbook that will teach them to: • Set a goal • Create a business plan • Create a Budget • Find an investor • Advertise their business • Build a lemonade stand • Provide customer service • Make spending decisions
Once a youth pays their investor back, they keep all of the money they earn and are encouraged to spend some, save some, and/or share some of their profit with a local charity, non-profit, or someone in need. Though its geared toward 3rd – 8th graders, anyone can be involved in Lemonade Day! Young entrepreneurs with lemonade stands need mentors, investors, business partners, great locations, and customers. Sponsors and volunteers are also needed to make Lemonade Day a success! Returning for this year’s Lemonade Day are City Champions, Jena Gullo-Executive Director Missouri Slope Area United Way, and John Bollinger-General Manager of the Bismarck Larks. Together, these champions will assist in spreading information about the program as well as helping to blend all the necessary ingredients needed to make Lemonade Day Bismarck-Mandan another success for all participating youth. Lemonade Day Bismarck-Mandan will be June 18th, 2018; Registration opens up in March! Learn more at https://bismarckmandan.; or call the Chamber at 701223-5660, or email David Leingang at MAIN SQUEEZE SPONSOR:
LEMON HEAD SPONSORS: American Bank Center, University of Mary Bartlett & West, Northern Improvement, Exploring Leadership Soulutions Chamber Connection | 17
CHAMBER AND BMDA CONTINUE RESTRUCTURE DISCUSSIONS Last Fall, the Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce and Bismarck-Mandan Development Association (BMDA) Boards of Directors voted to enter into discussions regarding a potential restructure of both organizations. Those discussions centered around the question of why such a restructure would be beneficial to not only the organizations, but the community as a whole. Having determined that such a restructure held promise for the Chamber, BMDA and community, both Boards voted in December to continue discussions focusing on how such a restructure would take place.
To answer the question of how such a restructure would take place, two subcommittees were formed consisting of representatives from the Chamber Board, BMDA Board and business community. The Finance Subcommittee has been tasked with developing recommendations as to how a restructured Chamber and BMDA may be funded and develop a potential dues structure while the Governance Subcommittee develops recommendations as to how a restructured BMDA and Chamber may be governed.
18 | Chamber Connection
Both Subcommittees held their first meetings in January and will continue to meet into the Spring before presenting their recommendations to both Boards of Directors. While these Subcommittees have been tasked with developing recommendations for a restructured Chamber and BMDA, no final decisions as to whether or not to restructure have been made. Whatever recommendations are developed by each Subcommittee will be presented to the Boards who will take them under advisement as they consider whether or not a restructure is in the best interests of the organizations and the community as a whole.
ECKES NAMED AMBASSADOR OF THE YEAR Congratulations to Greg Eckes, Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce’s 2017 Ambassador of the Year! Greg is a Commercial and Ag Lender with First International Bank and Trust and has been an outstanding ambassador. Greg’s commitment does not go unrecognized, and the Bismarck-Mandan Chamber is very appreciative of his continual investment and dedication to the community. This year the ambassadors participated in more than 120 ribbon cuttings welcoming new businesses to the community, congratulating business expansions, recognizing new business owners, and acknowledging business re-locations. They also serve as greeters at our monthly membership mixers, the Holiday mixer, our Annual Dinner and many other Chamber events, as needed. At the end of the quarter, an outstanding member of the group is recognized for their attendance and involvement as the Ambassador of the Quarter. At the end of the year one of the four Ambassadors of the Quarter are chosen by the Ambassador Committee as the Ambassador of the Year, and revealed at our Annual Dinner celebration.
Chamber President Brian Ritter presented Greg Eckes with the Ambassador of the Year Award at the Chamber Annual Dinner.
Chamber Connection | 19
Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2018 Location: Bismarck Event Center, Prairie Rose Room 315 S 5th Street, Bismarck Time: 11:30AM - 1:00PM Admission: Free to Chamber Members $10.00 for General Admission Program Sponsor: The Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce’s Agricultural Committee is proud to collaborate with Farm Credit Services and iHeart Media in hosting this informative luncheon during their 41st Annual KFYR Radio Agri International Expo. You are encouraged to join other business professionals from Bismarck-Mandan for a free lunch and engaging topic! Deputy North Dakota Agricultural Commissioner, Tom Bodine, will discuss the current state of ND’s Ag. Industry, and its relation and impact on downtown/suburban living in Bismarck-Mandan and answer questions from attendees. Please join us for this informative luncheon. Lunch will be served but seating is limited. To register for this event, please go to, http://business., contact David Leingang,, or call the Chamber’s office, 701-223-5660.
Date: Thursday, February 8, 2018 Location: VFW Sports Center, Curling Party Room 1200 N Washington Street, Bismarck Time: 6:00PM - 9:15PM Admission: $30.00 for Chamber Members Chamber members are invited to take advantage of a special offer to watch the Bismarck Bobcats face the Brookings Blizzard on Thursday, February 8th. Ticket and Pre-game Party packages are only $30 each and are exclusive to Chamber members. This is a savings of $20 per person. Ticket package includes:
• Reserved seating right outside the party room. Sections 1 and 2 • Four beer/soda vouchers • Bruno’s Party Pack – Pizza’s, Salad, Bread Sticks, Desert • A visit from World Famous Scrrratch • Opportunity to win a variety of door prizes! • Non-Stop Action on the Ice
Ticket package required to attend. The party starts at 6:00pm with food, beers and fun! The puck drops at 7:15pm for the hard hitting game against the Brookings Blizzard. To RSVP for a good time Call 701-222-3300, register at or email gobobcathockey@aol. com and mention “Chamber Party” to take advantage of this great deal! Quantities are limited. Hurry, don’t wait and purchase your Chamber rate Game Day Packages today!
20 | Chamber Connection
Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 Location: Chamber of Commerce 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM Admission: Free to Attend Presenting Sponsors: Our first Chamber 101 session of 2018 will be Tuesday, February 13th from 12:00pm – 1:00pm. Join us for a light lunch, networking, and a short presentation by the Chamber staff on how to get the make the most of your membership investment. Followed by the short presentation we will jump into a Q&A session.
Date: Thursday, February 22, 2018 Location: KLJ
4585 Coleman Street, Bismarck Time: 4:30PM - 6:30PM Admission: Free to Attend KLJ is proud to be hosting this February’s Membership Mixer on Thursday, February 22nd. Join KLJ’s clients and members of the Bismarck-Mandan Chamber for some hors d’oeurves, refreshments and business after hours. Mixers are free to attend, so please feel free to bring along your co-workers and enjoy a wonderful evening! RSVP’s can be done online at events or by calling 701-223-5660.
This event is free for Chamber members and general admission, but space is limited so please RSVP early by contacting the Chamber at 701-223-5660.
Now Accepting Nominations for
Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award!
The Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce is now accepting nominations for 2018 Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award! Anyone can complete and submit nominations forms, parents, students, business people, other educators. Nominees should demonstrate a sense of dedication to their students and profession; demonstrate a spirit of classroom innovativeness; respect of their students, peers and the staff whom they work with; and must have atleast 51% of their working time directed to student instruction.
Presented by:
Nominations are available at all schools, online at, at the Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce or by emailing David at DEADLINE: February 16, 2018
Chamber Connection | 21
ECONOMIC Outlook Forum
Date: Friday, February 23, 2018 Location: VFW Sports Center 1200 N Washington Street, Bismarck Time: 6:15PM - Social; 7:15PM - Game Time Admission: $25.00 per Ticket Join the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan Alumni Association (LBMAA) for an exciting evening with the Bismarck Bobcats on Friday, February 23rd. The Bismarck Bobcats will be taking on the Aberdeen Wings. The puck drops at 7:15pm at the VFW Sports Center on 1200 N. Washington Street in Bismarck. Tickets include a private pregame room, pizza, soda/ waters, free drawings and opportunities for on-ice promo game participation. Limited seating open to 50 tickets. This is a great social opportunity to reunite with old Leadership classmates or bring the family! Buy your tickets online at events. Tickets will be available at Will-Call.
Date: Thursday, March 15, 2018 Location: Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center
800 S. 3rd Street, Bismarck Time: 7:00AM - 11:30AM Admission: $40.00 for Chamber Members $50.00 for General Admission Presenting Sponsor: Last month, the Bismarck Mandan Chamber distributed a survey for the sixth year to gauge business performance in the Bismarck-Mandan area and national level. Join us on Thursday, March 15th, to find out what factors are influencing the local economy. This half-day presentation will feature a discussion with a panel with professionals from a variety of different industries that will inform us on the current community and how certain industries connect to one another, as well as results of the Economic Outlook Survey sent out in January. Find out what our community business leaders are saying about the topics covered in our: 2017 performance, anticipated performance of 2018 and reasons attributed for successes and challenges for our local businesses. Some of the key economic indicators:
• Agriculture • Real Estate
• Energy • Tourism
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to hear from experts in their industries, listen to a variety of panelists and see the valuable survey data first hand. Tables are still available for only $375 each. If you are interested in having a table sponsorship contact Dave at or call 701-223-5660 to find out more details. You can register online at www. View page 16 for additional event details.
22 | Chamber Connection
Chamber Connection | 23
ARE WE “SHARENTING” TOO MUCH? Did you know that about 92% of 2-year-olds in the U.S. already have an online presence, according to a survey by the internet security firm AVG? Most children’s first digital footprints are being created by their parents, and researchers caution that parents should stop and consider their children’s privacy and how their posts may affect them in the future. While the federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) limits the collection or release of information via the internet prior to 13 years of age, many children already have a lengthy “digital profile” due to their parents’ social media use. This use is called “sharenting”.
“Sharenting” is when parents or grandparents - share details of children’s lives online. Sometimes parenting issues are discussed on social media sites to get advice; other times posts help us stay connected with family and friends. According to the 2014 C. S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health, 84% of moms and 70% of fathers of young children report using social media. Common topics include getting kids to sleep, eating tips, discipline, daycare/preschool, and behavior concerns. Quizzically, 74% of parents know another parent who they feel has shared too much on social media, and 52% are concerned their own children will be embarrassed when they are older by what has been shared on social media. So the question is, “Are we oversharenting?”
Unintended consequences may develop from oversharenting. The first concern is safety. Sharing a child’s location or personal details may be fodder for identity thieves and child predators. Creepiest of all, the article said that children’s photos can be photoshopped into pornographic websites, especially photographs with a child in any state of undress, like bathing in the tub. In some cases, people are “stealing” photos of kids and resharing them as if the children were their own. This odd behavior is called digital kidnapping. A second unintended consequence is the life of the information. While sharing a child’s behavioral struggles may bring helpful advice for parents today, the info may be something youth wished hadn’t been made public when they get older. Information on the internet lasts forever. Neither the child nor the parent have control over who sees the information years later or where it ends up. Embarrassing photos, for example, can lead to cyber conflict and even bullying as well as create feelings of loss of self of control within the young person. What to do? There are invitation-only photo sharing platforms parents can use. Also, once kids are old enough to weigh in, it’s recommended they have veto power before parents post—even as young as 6 or 7 according to Wendy Swanson, pediatrician and executive director of digital health at Seattle Children’s Hospital. Also, here are six things ‘tweens and teens don’t want their parents to do on social media (Woman’s Day 2017): • Don’t constantly brag about them online. • Don’t reprimand them on social media.
• Don’t insert yourself into their online conversations with their friends.
• Don’t rant about anything on your parent site; it sets a poor example and embarrasses them.
• Don’t stage photo shoots on every family outing; just enjoy the moment. • Don’t tag your child in posts, jokes or videos. They may not find them amusing or appropriate. Crystal D. Overby, DDS • James A. Nelson, DDS • Kristin R. Schoch, DDS
1700 E. Interstate Ave, Bismarck 701-222-GRIN • 24 | Chamber Connection
Parenting in the digital age requires digital diligence. These sharenting tips are shared for your reflection.
SANFORD BISMARCK RECEIVES THIRD MAGNET® DESIGNATION FOR NURSING EXCELLENCE The Bismarck region of Sanford Health has achieved its third Magnet® designation for nursing excellence as part of the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s (ANCC) Magnet Recognition Program®. Magnet designation positions Sanford in the top one percent nationwide for nursing excellence. The Sanford Bismarck region, which includes clinics in Bismarck, Mandan, Minot, Watford City and Dickinson, is the first and only Magnet-designated healthcare system in North Dakota. Granted every four years, the Magnet Recognition Program’s distinction is the highest honor an organization can receive for professional-nursing practice.
“We are honored to be in the top one percent nationwide for nursing excellence,” said Dr. Jan Kamphuis, vice president of nursing at Sanford Health in Bismarck. “Our nurses are caregivers, they ensure patients are receiving the proper medication, care and comfort while they are in our hospital or clinics. Our staff puts the patient first and ensures they are receiving the highest quality of care at Sanford.” In order to receive Magnet designation, Sanford Bismarck passed a rigorous and lengthy process that demanded widespread participation from leadership and staff. Sanford was also required to submit written documentation demonstrating qualitative and quantitative evidence regarding patient care and outcomes, which, when deemed to be at an excellent level, prompted an on-site review. The Commission on Magnet then voted to grant recognition. Sanford Bismarck has received Magnet designation in 2008 and 2013. Since it was a Magnet recipient in 2013, Sanford was required to provide how Magnet concepts, performance and quality were sustained and improved over the past four years. “Our nurses and staff are always looking for ways to improve patient care,” said Dr. Craig Lambrecht, executive vice president at Sanford Bismarck. “As the only Magnet healthcare system in the state, our patients expect quality care. We take safety and quality very seriously and our patients’ care is our top priority. I am extremely proud of our nurses and staff for a job well done.”
EIDE LIKE I’D LIKE TO KNOW WHAT ALL THESE NUMBERS MEAN Accounting is Hard. We can Help. We’re guessing you didn’t get into business to learn basic accounting principles. That’s okay. We can give you the skills to start or do it for you, so you can start viewing your accounting as a tool, not a burden.
What inspires you, inspires us. 701.255.1091 | Chamber Connection | 25
CHI ST. ALEXIUS BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY HEALTH OPENS NEW IN 2018 AND BEYOND prepared or not, technology is changing PRIMARY CARE CLINIC Whether the lives of individuals as well as businesses and will IN BISMARCK become a bigger influence in the future. From the CHI St. Alexius Health is pleased to announce the opening of a new primary care clinic in Bismarck, N.D. CHI St. Alexius Health Century Family Clinic located at 300 West Century Avenue, opened January 8, 2018. This new clinic offers primary care services including: wellness exams, annual physicals, vaccinations, imaging, and laboratory services. “The addition of Century Family Clinic is another step in our mission to increase access and improve the health of our community” says Kurt Schley, CHI St. Alexius Health President. “We are excited to now be offering primary care services, to new and existing patients, in the Bismarck area.” Family medicine physicians and nurse practitioners will see patients Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 6:00pm, and Saturday 9:00am to 1:00pm. Appointments can be scheduled by calling 701.530.3650.
way we hail a cab using Lyft and order a coffee via the Caribou app to meetings run using webinar services, technology is attempting to simplify every aspect of our lives. Our daily and professional worlds are affected, the question comes down to acceptance and adoption. Every business, even SMBs, require some type of technology to be successful. Not only does your business require multiple technology platforms for business functions such as accounting, marketing, collaboration, or customer management, these platforms require features like cloud services, mobility, security, and customization. All of these factors stack up to create expensive and complicated IT issues for SMBs who typically lack the infrastructure and support for necessary software.
If every business ran the same with similar requirements, it would be simple to provide solutions that fit their needs. However, no two businesses are the same so prebuilt solutions fall short for unique requirements. This means a solution is only as good as its match with the business. Getting a solution designed specifically for your operation can be timely and costly. Plains Mobile Inc has changed the way software is traditionally developed to offer a custom solution for your business without the huge costs or lengthy deployment time. Rather than trying to adapt your business to the solution, Plains Mobile believes in adapting the solution to your business. According to Plains Mobile, current solutions come with preset features and options a business must adjust to. Plains Mobile allows businesses to work in the way they want by providing customized workflows, features, and specific analytics. This is done by utilizing their revolutionary Platform as a Service (PaaS), ezCinect™ OBI, to rapidly build cloud-based solutions around individual business needs.
26 | Chamber Connection
It is now possible to get a solution tailor-made for your business without the headache. Learn how Plains Mobile can streamline your operations today by automating your daily tasks and eliminating repetitive actions. This allows you to bring your data to life by taking advantage of advanced analytics for key business insight. Technology is here to stay and will become a bigger part of our lives, the key is to utilize it correctly. Taking advantage of current innovations can bring enormous benefits, but proper placement can be a challenge.
Katrina Gallic’s ethics teacher, Scott Cleveland, PhD, had just posed the topic of discussion for class: Is “good” subjective or objective and what are the following consequences to that answer? Then, Tuesday at about 12:15 p.m. her iPhone vibrated with an incoming email. “March for Life Reception with Vice President Pence,” it said in her inbox. Could this be spam mail?
“No, it looked real,” Gallic said, a senior marketing major at the University of Mary, with minors in philosophy and Catholic studies. After last year’s March, I don’t assume these things are spam as quickly.” Gallic is referring to the phone call she received from Vice President Pence’s office inviting her to the very same reception. Only last year, it was when she was on a 30-hour bus trip with 600 classmates as they headed east from Bismarck, ND, to lead the March for Life in Washington D.C. Unfortunately, for Gallic, the buses arrived in D.C. too late and she was unable to attend. So, with no disrespect to her professor, Gallic did what any other student would do in that situation and read the email to herself in class: “Friends, Vice President Pence would like to invite you to a reception ahead of Friday’s March for Life,” the letter opened, followed by the location, site map, and required security requirements. “If you know someone who would like to attend the
reception, please let me know and we can consider extending an invite. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to follow-up. We look forward to seeing you! All the best,” deputy assistant to the president wrote.
“After picking my jaw up off the floor, I anxiously waited for class to finish so that I could share the news,” recalled Gallic, who, up to this point was very disappointed that she was not able to join the more than 600 North Dakotan’s in 12 buses making the journey to D.C. for the march. Gallic had major back surgery in October and a 60hour bus trip both ways would not have been following doctor’s orders. But a comfortable flight with a couple of layovers is something her back can tolerate without any problem. Last year for the March for Life, Gallic was chosen as the only student representative to speak with Vice President Mike Pence and other special guests at the pre-March Rally at the National Mall. It’s unclear what Gallic will be doing at the reception beyond eating a nice meal and hearing from the vice president, but she hopes to meet Pence and shake his hand, something she was unable to do last year. Also, Gallic is taking advantage of the opportunity in the invitation and will have University of Mary President Monsignor James Shea join her as a guest at the reception.
Prairie Business magazine
50 Best Places to Work honoree
Starion Bank is a full-service bank known for providing local leadership, personalized service and community loyalty. We are here for you and will work passionately for you. That’s how Starion Bank takes you farther.
Three-time Top 10 Employer by the Bismarck-Mandan Young Professionals Network
Missouri Slope Areawide United Way
Five-star rating
Seven-time recipient of the ND
Recognized as
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by Independent Banker magazine
from BauerFinancial
Top Contributor
SBA Director’s Award
Chamber Connection | 27
Ask a Pro with
Bismarck • Mandan, ND 58554 701-751-7060
1661 Capitol Way, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-250-9400
Q: WHY SHOULD I USE A TRAVEL Q: ARE FREE CLOUD STORAGE OFFERINGS SOMETHING AGENT WHEN I CAN DO IT ALL I SHOULD USE FOR MY ONLINE MYSELF? BUSINESS? A: This is the most asked question that we come across and the answer A: The answer is that it really depends is simple; CS Travel Planners does not sell vacations we sell experiences. Our travelers come to us for the knowledge and insight into what a property is really like, make the most of their budget and find the hidden gems within a destination.
on what you are using it for. In certain cases, it is a fine solution. In other cases, it is a very bad idea. The first premise to remember is that if something is free, there is little to no value to it. Free also means “Use at your own risk”. In certain cases where you just need a Our prices are often the same if not more spot to briefly store something that you don’t care if it gets published in the affordable than what you will find. We newspaper, it is a fine solution. If you spend weeks out of the year scouting need any type of security or encryption destinations, resorts and hotels to not only set the expectation for you but also on the file because you don’t want that information to go to anyone but the stay up to date on the ever-changing travel world. These two points partnered destination, you need to use a more together qualify us to not only plan your substantial cloud storage solution. And just because you pay for something vacation in a cost effective way but also doesn’t mean it is always good. Read the provide the exact travel experience you fine print about what the solution does are going for. and does not do. Also remember that There is still time this year to plan your most cloud storage solutions are meant winter getaway. Give us a call to start to get files from location A to B. They are planning today! not designed to be long-term backup solutions which store and restore files reliably.
28 | Chamber Connection
1500 2nd Street NE, Mandan, ND 58554 701-214-6309
Q: WHAT ARE THE 5 BEST WINTER ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE? A: To best assist your vehicle during
harsh winter months, here are the top 5 winter accessories:
1. MUD FLAPS/SPLASH GUARDS to protect from gravel and other debris from splashing up on the sides of your vehicle.
2. BLOCK HEATER to keep the engine warm on the cold days and chilly nights to help your car start efficiently.
3. UPGRADE FLOOR LINERS/FLOOR MATS to the digital fit style that covers and saves your carpet from snow and gravel. All you have to do is take them out and spray them off with a hose and put right back — no vacuuming required!
4. REMOTE START is the gift that keeps on giving! You can use this to get the interior of your vehicle nice and warm before you travel and on below zero days, you can start your vehicle from your office, living room, or while in a meeting to prevent it from freezing up.
5. BOX COVER works well to keep your belongings dry and out of the elements if you haul items in your pickup box.
Ask a Pro with
500 N 8th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-222-6100
cancer in the world. Even though this is an alarming number, by taking time to focus on cancer prevention, you can lower your risk of getting cancer and many cancer-related deaths can be prevented.
While there are many cancer causing factors that you have no control over, you can incorporate important cancer prevention measures in your daily life. A combination of a healthy diet, regular physical activity, and maintaining a healthy body weight are all key factors in cancer prevention. It is also important to avoid known cancer causing substances: limit alcohol use, avoid tobacco, protect skin from sun, and avoid indoor tanning, just to name a few. Another important preventative step is making sure you get regular medical care. Self-exams and screening for various types of cancers- such as cancer of the skin, colon, cervix, and breast-can increase your chances of discovering cancer early, when treatment is more likely to be successful. Contact your healthcare provider to learn more about prevention and screening opportunities. Prevention is the first step in fighting the battle.
120 W Thayer, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-751-6477
Q: WHAT ARE 5 TO-DO’S FOR NEW HOME OWNERS? A: Moving into a new home can be
daunting for any buyer, but these tips can make your new house feel like a home. They may feel like un-important tasks, but they will help you sleep better in your new place. 1. Change the locks. You can freshen up the look of your exterior doors with new hardware. But it is also about security, you never know if the previous owner got all of their keys back. You can also call a local locksmith and they can re-key the house for less than you think! You can also add a security system that can monitor the temperature of your house, is attached to a smoke alarm, etc. 2. New toilet seats. This may sound silly, but you can give the throne a good scrub and find a seat that functions for you! 3. Change your air filter. Help with the air quality! During the home inspection, your inspector should have showed you the filter and given you advice on how often to change it…DO IT! 4. Paint your front door. Give your home some new curb appeal that is inspired by you! Sometimes a good cleaning can make a difference too. 5. Find your signature scent. Go to a candle store and find a scent that you enjoy to fill your new home!
2603 E. Broadway Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-323-5222
facility or health care system selected by an employer to treat employees’ work-related injuries. The DMP and the employer partner to establish a relationship focused on improving injury care for the worker. This relationship is better if established prior to an injury to ensure the injury care philosophy of the DMP and employer match.
Injuries are expensive for employers. Lost time from work and restrictions are costly and make it more likely for the injured worker to become disabled long term. The DMP helps decrease unnecessary medical expenses and prevent long-term disability by: • Providing prompt, appropriate care to the injured worker
• Using a strong stay-at-work philosophy incorporating the job into the recovery process • Actively communicating with the employer • Ensuring the worker can safely perform duties
• Focusing on the injured worker’s abilities versus disabilities
Chamber Connection | 29
CHAMBER Perks Miller Earns Professional Engineer License
Eric W. Miller, P.E., a Mechanical Engineer with Prairie Engineering, P.C., recently earned his Professional Eric W. Miller Engineer License in the State of North Dakota. Mr. Miller has been with Prairie Engineering, P.C., since 2005. Based out of our Bismarck, North Dakota office, he has worked on a variety of projects. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, South Dakota.
Grunefelder Promoted to Chief Marketing Officer at Vibra Hospital
Vibra Hospital of the Central Dakotas located in Mandan, ND is proud to announce that Michelle Grunefelder has been promoted to the Chief Marketing Officer. Michelle joined Vibra Hospital Michelle Grunefelder in Mandan 3 years ago where she was hired as an Admissions Manager; she was then promoted to Director of Business Development and most recently promoted to Chief Marketing Officer. Michelle has over 28 years of nursing experience in the Bismarck/ Mandan community. Originally from Napoleon, ND Grunefelder comes with a wide range of experience from Hospital, Clinic, and Management. In her new role Michelle is responsible for managing the marketing and strategy team as they work to educate the community, patients, healthcare provider and business partners of all the features and benefits of Vibra Hospital and Long-Term Acute Care Hospitalization.
Basler Receives Master Pilot Award
KLJ is proud to announce that Leon Basler has received the prestigious Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award. The Federal Aviation Administration Leon Basler presents this award to pilots who have exhibited excellence, skill and aviation expertise for at least 50 years, while piloting aircraft as “Master Pilots”. Basler, a pilot and formally trained fine artist, joined KLJ in 2002 to fly the corporate aircraft and be part of the Marketing group when he wasn’t flying. He flew staff to different office locations, meetings and project locations for nearly 10 years. Basler currently works as a visual specialist and has received national, regional and local recognition for his artwork and designs. He is also active as a flight instructor and an advocate of aviation.
American Trust Center announces Campbell as Investment Analyst
American Trust Center is pleased to announce Shaun Lembke Seeks ReCampbell has joined their team First International Bank & Trust Election in Bismarck as an Investment Welcomes Lisa Hartje, BSA Fraud Analyst. Campbell, a University Karl Lembke, President of Manager of Mary alumnus, brings seven the Bismarck School Board, First International Bank & Trust years of holistic financial announced he will seek re(FIB&T) is proud to welcome Lisa planning experience, which election to the Bismarck School Shaun Campbell Hartje as BSA Fraud Manager. will aid him in a seamless Board. Karl Lembke Lisa comes to FIB&T with transition into his new role. He will be instrumental in Lembke was first elected in experience in fraud, internal making recommendations on market trends, buy/sell 2014 to serve on the Bismarck audit, and operations areas. Her School Board. During his time on the Board, two new activities and pricing, based on financial information primary responsibilities at FIB&T elementary schools and a new high school have been derived from global investment data. Campbell Lisa Hartje will be to provide fraud needs will also educate the trust company’s clients and successfully opened. Expansions of middle schools throughout the bank. retirement plan participants on investment options and two high schools are in process to address the and act as a resource to them. increased student population. Campbell holds his Series 7 and 66 licenses. This, Lembke is an insurance agent. He lives and in addition to the wealth of experience he brings, will works in Bismarck with his wife Michelle and their prove him to be at the forefront in both creating and three children ages 14-19. He graduated from the building client relationships. American Trust Center is University of Mary with a business administrative excited with this addition as they grow their team. degree.
30 | Chamber Connection Kupper Chevrolet-Subaru Announces Promotions and Changes Kupper Chevrolet-Subaru,
Capital Credit Union Dakota Eye Welcomes Five New Staff Hires Smith, Sorenson Dakota Eye Institute recently Sean Smith, J.D., CPA recently hired Joshua Baker (Optician), joined Capital Credit Union as in-house counsel. His primary responsibilities in this role include general legal support and regulatory compliance oversight. Smith has a bachelor’s degree in accounting and a law degree from the University of North Dakota. He is also a Certified Public Accountant, a designation he earned in 2009. He has nine years of experience as a practicing attorney and eight years of experience as a
Trina Hornbacher (Surgery Coordinator), and Darcy Brooks (Receptionist) to join its eye care team. Sean Smith Baker helps patients select, fit and adjust eyewear. He also Joshua Baker Justin Rambur communicates with insurance companies to determine patient eligibility, completes orders for glasses and performs inventory checks. He is a native of Mandan, ND and is currently pursuing a Cindy Sorenson Bachelor’s degree in English. He also has four years of sales Darcy Brooks experience. CPA. Shane Hill Hornbacher schedules surgery Smith is a Bismarck native and has volunteered as and other related appointments. a coach for Special Olympics of ND. She is from Bismarck, ND and Cindy Sorenson recently joined Capital Credit has an Associate of Science Union as a mortgage loan servicer and processor. In degree. She is also a Licensed this role, she will process payments, perform various Practical Nurse. types of required reporting, and answer questions on Brooks’s responsibilities are serviced mortgage loans and escrows. to check in patients, verify Hannah Faul Sorenson has a bachelor’s degree in accounting information and make future Jason Knudson from the University of North Dakota and has 15 years appointments. She is also from of financial services experience. Bismarck and has an Associate She is a Bismarck native and has volunteered for Degree from North Dakota State Girl Scouts Dakota Horizons for 10 years. College of Science. Brooks also has over 13 years of customer Wheeler Promoted to District service experience. Dakota Eye Institute has also Manager recently hired Hannah Faul, Mindi Wheeler has been promoted to District Kayli Gross Kayli Gross, and Stacey Holder Manager for Caribou Coffee + Einstein Bagels. Allison Gaw as ophthalmic technicians. They Wheeler was previously the General Manager for the perform initial screenings and South 3rd Street location in Bismarck. Brandon Lang preliminary eye function testing has been promoted to General Manager of Caribou for patients prior to seeing the Coffee + Einstein Bagels at the South 3rd location. doctor. Lang was previously the Assistant Manager of that Faul is a native of McClusky, location. ND. She has an Associate of Applied Science degree in Stacey Holder Banks Named CHI St. Alexius Massage Therapy and has eight Health’s VP Operational Finance/ Mike Kapla years of experience in healthcare Chief Financial Officer as a CNA and medication administrator. Gross is a native of Aberdeen, SD and has a year of experience CHI St. Alexius Health EMC Branch Office Supports Local at a previous eye clinic. Holder is a native of Selby, SD Bismarck recently named Organizations and studied business management and accounting at Scott Banks, MBA, CPA as the Valley City State University. Vice President of Operational The EMC Insurance Companies Bismarck Branch Finance and Chief Financial has donated $2,000 to the Dakota Zoo to build a Officer. In this role Mr. Banks Price Joins Widmer Roel new penguin, meerkat and red panda exhibit. An is responsible for overall additional $750 will go toward Tracy’s Sanctuary Ranie Price recently joined Scott Banks financial operations, revenue House, a temporary home for families whose loved the Widmer Roel Bismarck cycle, supply chain, information ones are receiving care at local hospitals. The funds office. She will be assisting in for Tracy’s Sanctuary House were raised in partnership technology, and Great Plains Rehabilitation Services. the Accounting Services area Mr. Banks received his Bachelor of Science degree with the Bismarck-based Papa’s Pumpkin Patch. working with a wide range in Accounting from Brigham Young University, Provo, of clientele. Price graduated The Bismarck Branch also donated $500 to the Utah, and earned his Masters of Health Administration from the North Dakota State HUB Gives program in Boise, Idaho, for their 2017 from Weber State University, Ogden, Utah. Ranie Price University in Fargo and has held Christmas box drive. The donation went toward gift various positions in financial/ cards for fresh produce and food, as well as holiday contract administration, auditing and purchasing. toys for families in need. a leader in the automotive industry, announced promotions and changes effective January 1, 2018. Justin Rambur, former business manager and new car manager, will assume the role of General Manager. Shane Hill, former business manager, Kupper Chevrolet will replace Rambur as New Car Managers. In his new role, Hill will assume the responsibility of managing new Chevrolet inventory, lead the sales team and assist guests with their vehicle needs. Hill brings great product knowledge through his six years in sales at Kupper Chevrolet. Jason Knudson, commercial sales consultant, will assume the role of Business Manager at Kupper Chevrolet. Knudson possesses excellent organizational, attention to detail and customer service skills. Allison Gaw, former Kupper Subaru sales and leasing consultant has been promoted to Business Manager at Kupper Subaru. In her new role she will work with guests in the financing process. She has proven herself in the sales department and will be a great asset in the business office. Mike Kapla, business manager at Kupper Chevrolet, will assume a new role as Finance Director. His duties include overseeing the business office.
Chamber Connection | 31
Todd-Reisnour, Wilkins Join CHI St. Alexius Health Century Family Clinic
CHI St. Alexius Health is pleased to welcome Kristie Todd-Reisnour, FNP, and Amy Wilkens, DNP, to its new primary care clinic located at 300 W. Century Ave in Bismarck. Kristie received her bachelor Kristie Todd-Reisnour of science in nursing from Medcenter One College of Nursing, Bismarck, N.D., and earned her master of science in nursing from University of Mary, Bismarck, N.D. She is a member of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, American Nurses Amy Wilkens Association, International Society of Clinical Densitometry, National Association of Orthopedic Nurses, North Dakota Nurses Association, and North Dakota Nurse Practitioner Association Amy received her bachelor of science in nursing from University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N.D. and earned her doctorate of nursing practice from University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. She is board certified by and a member of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
PERKS Choice Financial Promotes Shelter
Holmstrom Named Partner/ Shareholder
Tonya Holmstrom, CPA, has been named partner/ shareholder at Widmer Roel, a public accounting and business advisory firm, with offices in Nicci Shelter Fargo, Bismarck and Hazen, North Dakota. Tonya Holmstrom A graduate of the University of Jamestown, Tonya has more Bianco Realty Sales Awards than 12 years of public accounting experience, with Bianco Realty has named Shirley Thomas and Judy Maslowski “REALTORS® of the Month”! Thomas and emphasis in business, individual and non-profit Maslowski had the most closed sales at Bianco Realty income taxation. She specializes in income tax for the month of December 2017. Thomas has been consulting and compliance, and business planning for a licensed REALTOR® since 2001 and Maslowski has a wide range of clients. Holmstrom is a member of the American Institute been a licensed REALTOR® since 2007. of Certified Public Accountants and North Dakota Society of Certified Public Accountants. She is also a Wald Named Financial Advisor of the member of the Bismarck Optimist Club and serves on Month the board for the Missouri Valley Family YMCA. Securian Financial Advisors of ND, Inc. is pleased to announce Bain Agency Welcomes Vogel that David Wald has been Theresa Vogel has joined Bain Agency as a Personal named Advisor of the Month Lines Account Manager. Theresa has over 10 years for December based upon of experience working in the insurance field as an his production and service to account manager, underwriter, and claims adjuster. his clients. Wald has been a Theresa was raised in Jamestown, North Dakota and David Wald representative with Securian moved to Bismarck in 2007. since August 2008.
Nicci Shetler was recently promoted to Credit Banker with the Commercial Lending team for Choice Financial. In her new role, Shetler will be managing loan and Business Banking portfolios.
FEBRUARY LIVE GOVERNMENT MEETINGS Televised on Government Access, cable channel 2 & 602 HD.
Broadcast on KDAK 102.5 FM radio. Streamed online at
Thurs, 1st
5:00 pm Bismarck Board of Adjustment
Tues, 20th
7:00 pm Mandan School Board
Mon, 5th
5:00 pm Burleigh County Commission 5:30 pm Mandan School Board*
Wed, 21st
5:00 pm Burleigh County Commission
Tues, 6th
5:30 pm Mandan City Commission
Thurs, 8th
5:30 pm Morton County Commission*
Mon, 12th Tues, 13th
5:15 pm Bismarck School Board 5:30 pm Mandan Park Board* 5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission
Wed, 14th 8:00 am Burleigh County Water Resource District 5:15 pm Burleigh County Planning Commission Thurs, 15th 5:15 pm Bismarck Park Board Tues, 20th 2:30 pm Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board 5:00 pm Mandan City Commission 32 | Chamber Connection
Thurs, 22nd 3:30 pm Burleigh County Social Services 5:30 pm ITG (Political Subdivisions) Mon, 26th 5:15 pm Bismarck School Board 5:30 pm Mandan Planning & Zoning Commission* Tues, 27th
5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission 5:30 pm Morton County Commission*
Wed, 28th
5:00 pm Bismarck Planning Commission
Meetings are replayed several times on the Government Access channel and are available for viewing online (Watch on Demand) at * Delayed Playback Widmer Roel Promotes Petersen
Ressler Joins Local Office of Alliance Real Estate Welcome New Agents Ameriprise Financial
Tim Mattson received a BS in Music form NDSU with minors in Psychology, and Military Service, and was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant. He Tim Mattson volunteered for four tours as our country waged a war against terrorism, spanning four continents, two Combat Zones, and visiting over 11 countries during a six year time. Dave Lehman is a full-time REALTOR® with Alliance Real Estate. A native of Kenmare, ND, Dave Lehman he holds an engineering degree from NDSU and a Masters in Business Administration from UND. He has spent nearly 20 years working in manufacturing and economic development. He also owns and operates a residential and commercial real Mitch Grade estate rental business. Mitch Grade is a North Dakota native graduating from New Salem High School. Grade has already bought and sold personal homes at a young age and is looking forward to helping others with their real estate goals.
Sandy Ressler has joined Legacy Financial Partners, a financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., as a Financial Planning Specialist. In this role, Ressler will assist Sandy Ressler financial advisors by gathering financial data, analyzing client information, researching advanced planning strategies and illustrating alternative scenarios through a financial plan. The role demands a high level of expertise in the industry with a focus on continued education as regulations change. The financial planning specialist continues to collaborate with advisors throughout the year to prepare client goals and objectives while making detailed recommendations and monitoring client plans. Ressler has 26 years of experience in the financial services industry and holds Series 7, 66 and 24 licenses as well as the CRC and AIF designations.
Widmer Roel is proud to announce David Petersen for his promotion to Audit Senior. He is a graduate of Dickinson State University and University of Mary and has been in public accounting practice since 2015.
David Petersen
University of Mary Professor Chosen as New Senior Editor of Journal on Women’s Health Physical Therapy
The Section on Women’s Health’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Mary Dockter, PT, PhD, University of Mary, will be the new senior editor of the Journal for Women’s Health Physical Mary Dockter, PT Therapy. It’s the world’s leading authority on physical therapy. She received her bachelor’s degree in physical therapy from the University of North Dakota (UND), master’s in education from the University of Mary, and PhD in education from UND. She is a graduate of the inaugural APTA Education Leadership Fellowship Institute in 2012.
More bank for your business. Whether you are in the service industry, construction, retail or hospitality business, we get it. Because we’re not just in the banking business, we’re in the small business, business, the legacy building business and the how-can-we-makethis-happen business.
Give us a call today.
New state-of-the-art building to open early 2018 1533 North 12th Street | Bismarck, ND (701) 751-8500
*Not FDIC or any federal agency insured | No bank guarantee | May lose value
Chamber Connection | 33
Ribbon Cuttings
Ribbon cuttings are conducted by a committee of Chamber volunteers called Ambassadors. Businesses qualify for a ribbon cutting if they open, move, and remodel, are under new ownership, change their name, or offer a new product or service. To schedule a ribbon cutting, please call 701-223-5660.
THE CRITTER SITTER Stacy Voegele, Owner celebrating her new business in Bismarck-Mandan. 701-426-5063. Member.
STARION SPORTS COMPLEX Craig Larson, and Steve Schwan celebrating the grand opening at 111 Old Red Trail, Mandan. 701-751-6161. Member.
CAPITAL CREDIT UNION Deb Gallagher at their remodeled location on 835 South Washington Street #3 in Bismarck. Phone: 701-255-0042. Member. 34 | Chamber Connection
BISMAN STILETTO Melissa Hammond, Founder, & Shalee Huntley, President, celebrating their new non profit in Bismarck-Mandan. Member.
RUSTIC PETALS Jacey Nesland, Owner celebrating her new business on 1929 North Washington Street, Suite MM Bismarck. 701-751-7655.
MIDCO Debbie Stang, COO celebrating their remodeled location on 529 South 7th Street Bismarck. 701-255-7500. Member.
Welcome new members
The Chamber of Commerce encourages all members to do business with each other. The following companies and organizations have recently made an important investment in their business by joining the Chamber. Please consider them for your professional and personal needs. To find a complete listing of Chamber members, view the Member Directory online at
Elite Eye Care 4401 Coleman Street #102 Bismarck, ND Jessica Keller (701) 390-1315 Elite Eye Care is driven to improve your vision and eye health so you can See Life Better It shows in everything that we do. Connect Wireless (AT&T) 1493 E LaSalle Dr. Bismarck, ND Brandon Fjelstad (701) 751-3247 Throughout our history, we have continually set the industry standard by making our employees and customers our #1 priority. Caffe Aroma – North 4401 Coleman Street #108 Bismarck, ND Emily Burrows (701) 751-0719 Specialty lattes, coffee and a delicious food menu. We offer catering and also delivery! Fabulous desserts will be the perfect way to end your experience here!
Mead and Hunt, Inc. 424 S. 3rd Street, Suite 107 Bismarck, ND Jen Boehm (701) 566-6449 Mead & Hunt provides engineering, planning, architecture, and environmental consulting services. Advanced Enterprises LLC 1531 Clipper Place Bismarck, ND Allan Thomas (701) 220-1166 Rental buildings. Soup CafĂŠ 220 N. 23rd Street Bismarck, ND Brianna McAleer (701) 751-7687 Christian soup kitchen that feeds the poor and needy, body, soul and spirit.
The Innovation School 613 N 3rd Street N. Bismarck, ND Maggie Barth (701) 354-1100 The Innovation School is a hands-on independent elementary school. We believe in creativity and nurturing the social, emotional, physical, & intellectual development of each child.
Chamber Connection | 35
Bismarck-Mandan ChamberConnection 1640 Burnt Boat Drive Bismarck, ND 58503
Upcoming Chamber Events PLANTING THE SEED Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2018 • Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm Location: Bismarck Event Center, Prairie Rose Rm – 315 5th Street, Bismarck CHAMBER GAME DAY SERIES: BISMARCK BOBCAT HOCKEY Date: Thursday, February 8, 2018 • Time: 6:00pm - 9:15pm Ticket Package: $30.00 • Contact: 701-222-3300 Location: VFW Sports Center – 1200 N Washington Street, Bismarck CHAMBER 101: MAXIMIZING YOUR MEMBERSHIP Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 • Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm Location: Chamber of Commerce – 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck FEBRUARY MEMBERSHIP MIXER: KLJ Date: Thursday, February 22, 2018 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: KLJ – 4585 Coleman Street, Bismarck LBMAA BOBCATS HOCKEY NIGHT Date: Friday, February 23, 2018 • Time: 6:15pm Location: VFW Sports Center – 1200 N Washington Street, Bismarck
On this day, Thursday, February 8, we encourage you to donate to the Bismarck Cancer Center Foundation. Help us provide hope, help and healing to our area cancer patients. To make a secure online contribution to the Bismarck Cancer Center Foundation, simply go to on February 8 and click on the Giving Hearts Day “Donate” button.