September Connection

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Matt Sagaser Chair

Lee Pierce Vice-Chair

Dave Ehlis Secretary

Wendy Van Duyne Past Chair

Dave Rogstad Treasurer


Evan Anderson Gizmonics

Kimberly Bloms Kids in Motion

Nathan Boehm Morton County

Andy Buntrock Basin Electric Power Cooperative

Dan Eastgate Venture Real Estate Group

Dave Ehlis Bravera Bank

Fred Fridley Sanford Health

Heather Jones City Air Mechanical

Amber Larson Bartlett & West

Wayne Munson Burleigh County

Larry Oswald Montana-Dakota Utilities

Marnie Piehl AARP

Lee Pierce ICON Architects

Mike Remboldt HIT Inc.

Dave Rogstad Starion Bank

Matt Sagaser Doosan Bobcat

Mike Schmitz City of Bismarck

James Froelich City of Mandan

Wendy Van Duyne Stantec Consulting Services Inc.


Frankie Barry Membership Engagement Coordinator

Emily Eback Economic Development Marketing Coordinator

Tatelyn Houle Event Coordinator

Brenda Nagel President & CEO

Rachel Neff Sales & Retention Director

Christine Nelson Vice President Sales & Events

Rebecca Pelkey Communications Specialist

Julianne Sauvage Office & Accounting Manager

Lyndsey Scheurer Creative Marketing Specialist

Nathan Schneider Vice President Economic Development

Cathryn Sprynczynatyk Communications Specialist

Summer Sturm Workforce Development Coordinator


Advertising Christine Nelson

Content Rebecca Pelkey

Greetings Bismarck-Mandan friends!

It is September and at the Chamber EDC, the month of September is about Brats for the Brave, Celebrate Bismarck Mandan and the kickoff of another cohort for Leadership Bismarck-Mandan.

As you’ll notice in this month’s issue of Connection, we are putting a focus on rural business. The communities of Bismarck and Mandan depend on successful rural communities, especially those in Burleigh and Morton County. Our Economic Development team, led by Nathan Schneider, works closely with the counties to identify resources to grow and attract business to rural communities. The small businesses in communities like Hebron, New Salem and Hazelton, complimented by the agricultural impact, are important to all of Bismarck and Mandan. They are important because they often depend on communities like Bismarck and Mandan for supplies, services and distribution of their products. It’s not only important to support business in Bismarck and Mandan, but I’d encourage you to take a drive to some of the small towns in our area and check out the unique businesses they have to offer.

The Chamber EDC Sales and Events team is also gearing up for TRC, the Total Resource Campaign, for events in 2025. TRC is your opportunity to consider what your business wants to sponsor in the upcoming year. Events put on each year by the staff at the Chamber EDC led by Christine Nelson, have become some of the most highly attended events in our region. Keep an eye out for upcoming information and make sure you don’t miss out on your business opportunity to sponsor your favorite event in 2025.

How about this innovative idea - if your business wants to sponsor an event, but is worried about filling a table, consider reaching out to a smaller business and invite 1-2 people to join you at your table! Great way to encourage collaboration. This is also a great way to integrate our very important small businesses into the upcoming Chamber EDC events. It is difficult for smaller businesses to pay for a table, but many would be happy to join another business at their table. Inviting your customers to attend an event with you is also a great way to fill your sponsored tables. So regardless of your business plans, I encourage you to start thinking about how you might help sponsor key events and programming that the Chamber EDC offers each year.

November is coming, and as I’ve mentioned in my previous messages, I encourage you to continue to keep informed about the property tax measure that will be on the ballot. Your Chamber EDC is here to help inform and educate on these important matters for our community. You can also follow Keep it Local on their website, www.keepitlocalnd. org and social media to stay informed.

Thank you for your valued membership in our Chamber EDC and I look forward to seeing you out and about in the community!

Chamber EDC Program Supports Rural Business Growth: Success of rural businesses benefits Bismarck-Mandan

What would the town of Hebron be without the presence of Hebron Brick providing roughly 70 local jobs? Similarly, how would the absence of 15 jobs at Activities for Learning, Inc. affect the financial well-being of Hazelton?

Thankfully, those questions and others like them don’t need an answer due in part to assistance provided by the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC to rural businesses and entrepreneurs in south-central North Dakota.

Assistance to rural businesses, first from the Bismarck-Mandan Development Association (BMDA) starting in 1980 and more recently through the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC, is vital to the health and wellbeing of local communities within Burleigh and Morton counties. With this help, businesses like Hebron Brick, 6-in-1 Meats in New Salem and Activities for Learning, Inc. in Hazelton have thrived, and the community of Bismarck-Mandan has also felt the benefits.


Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Vice President of Economic Development Nathan Schneider has seen firsthand the impact of the Chamber EDC efforts over the last 10 years.

“Since Morton and Burleigh counties started providing support for us at BMDA and now the Chamber EDC, we’ve consistently been a resource for rural businesses,” Schneider said. “We look to find what the need is and find programs to fill that, or resources or contacts or whatever that might be to fill that gap.”

Assistance comes in several forms and is designed to fit the needs of the business. Schneider said 75 to 80 percent of the projects the Chamber EDC works on need financial assistance. “That’s either putting together a financing package or working with their bankers on a financing package, or maybe they just need a piece of financing.”

The majority of larger rural communities in the area are found in Morton County. For that reason, the county agreed to join forces and $25,000 annually was earmarked for rural projects in Morton County. Schneider said the money has been well invested. It has been used to help a local grocery store in New Salem and to establish a daycare in Hebron after the only one in town closed. “That’s a big assist for those businesses,” he said. “We had, at one time, built up a balance in the fund and had a number of projects come through the pipeline and ended up using the money. Now we get $25,000 in and we push $25,000 out.”

The Chamber EDC can help businesses, both locally and rurally grow and expand.



Kathleen Clayton is vice president at RightStart Mathematics and owner of Activities for Learning, Inc. in the Emmons County town of Hazelton. She convinced the BMDA that an investment in the company would benefit Burleigh County as well as Hazelton.

“When we built in 2007, we approached them when they had an interest rate buydown. I had to present to the (BMDA) board on why they should invest in a company that was 45 minutes away from the area,” Clayton explained. “People in the Hazelton area all go to Bismarck. If they invest this money here, of course we’re going to go to Bismarck to spend it in restaurants or for groceries. We may be 45 minutes away, but that’s where we go.”

RightStart Mathematics develops elementary and middle school math curriculum that is used around the world. From its base form, the program is adapted by countries to meet specific instructional needs. “We write it, we publish it, and we

distribute it all around the world,” Clayton said.

The business was originally located in Linton but moved to Hazelton in 2007 when it needed more space. It expanded by another 8,000 square feet in 2019 to 14,000 square feet. “It got to the point where we were so big we ran out of space,” Clayton said.

Schneider explained that even though the company that employs 14 people is out of the two primary counties, its mission benefits Bismarck. “(Consideration) varies with any project,” he said. “Whether it’s within Bismarck-Mandan or outside in rural areas, our level of involvement varies. It may be providing a piece of the financing, but it depends on the needs of the project and business.”

Clayton said without the help of the BMDA, the company would not have been able to expand and stockpile enough material to survive COVID-caused supply chain delays. “I don’t know where we would have been without the BMDA helping us get financing for that,” Clayton said.

Activities for Learning, Inc., based out of Hazelton, develops math curriculum that is used around the world.


Larger businesses like Hebron Brick also use grants to expand or add new products. It turned to the Chamber EDC to help get its thin brick project off the ground.

Thin bricks are used primarily for interior decoration, said Executive Vice President Gene Thurston. They are one-half inch thick as opposed to the standard three and five-eighths inches and make it easier for do-it-yourselfers to tackle home improvement projects and for Hebron Brick to save on shipping costs.

“We’re on the eighth year of being employee owned,” Thurston said. “When we look at things that we want to do, they are a lot more planned out and budgeted. Some larger projects like this would have to wait without the help of entities like (the Chamber EDC). We still would have had to expand, but it would have been down the road.”

Hebron Brick Vice President of Manufacturing Jerrid Soupir oversaw the plant’s expansion. “We couldn’t keep up with the orders,” he recalled. “The funding to secure all the different parts and pieces that went into a new facility, it’s quite a huge expense. The funding from the Chamber sure helped to secure new equipment.”

Chamber EDC assistance also sped up the process, leading to six new positions at the only brick manufacturer in North Dakota and one of the most successful brick companies in the Upper Midwest.

Hebron Brick has been in operation since 1904. Assistance programs like those offered by the Chamber EDC will help keep it viable well into the future, keeping its 75 employees on the job, noted Thurston.

Due to recent expansion, Hebron Brick’s production of thin brick grew from an annual capacity of four to five million thin bricks to 11.5 million with the possibility of an additional two million more. The company’s economic footprint reaches as far as Bismarck-Mandan, running two daily shuttles for employees to and from Bismarck-Mandan.

The funding Hebron Brick received helped them secure the different parts and pieces that went into their new facility.


In New Salem, 6-in-1 Meats has used two rounds of Chamber EDC grants to expand the business from a slaughterhouse and processing facility into a provider whose beef sticks are now used as a refueling tool for Dickinson State University athletes. Ben Murphy and Weston Dvorak’s Dunn Burgers provides the cattle that 6-in-1 Meats processes. And that is only a small part of its business.

Spencer Wirt, Manager of 6-In-1 Meats, says funding from the EDC helped double their productivity.

“We’ve got two rounds of grants through the EDC to purchase pieces of equipment that drastically helped our efficiency and output,” 6-in-1 Manager Spencer Wirt said. “That’s the name of the game in sany business, but in meat processing in particular.”

6-in-1 Meats used its first grant to enhance efficiency at the plant and the second to further increase processing, like sausage making and beef sales. “When we first got into the business, it was mostly slaughter and processing with a little sausage-making and packaging,” Wirt said. “Since then, our co-packing (processing, packaging and labeling for others) has increased.”

The ownership group retailing their products include Dunn Burgers, Full Flavor Farms, Feiring’s Grassfed Beef, Maddock Ranch, and Dakota Badlands Beef. It also co-packs for Black Leg Ranch, Legendary Steak, Seek First Ranch, Bock Ranch, Hauser Beef, Johnson Farms, The Beef Guys, Schock Limousin, Sterling Cuts, and American Rancher.

“We have room to grow there but right now we’re almost at max capacity,” Wirt said.

6-in-1 Meats has four full-time and two part-time employees. “We’re a small group and small facility, but we pump out a lot of product,” Wirt said. “That funding from EDC is huge for any business. For us, it’s helped us double our productivity.”


Schneider said the Chamber EDC will help others achieve equal success and also benefit communities big and small. “We’ll look at what the project’s economic impact will be to the communities,” he noted. “Obviously, with taxpayer dollars being used, we want to make sure there is a return to the taxpayer. Overwhelmingly, the fund has been a success at pitching in to provide that economic impact.”


Over 50 interns gathered for a laid back networking opportunity in July.

The Internship Network has concluded for the summer with increased participation from years past. Over 50 interns gathered for a night of food and fun at Laughing Sun Brewery, representing more than 10 businesses from across our community. Interns in attendance were from states including Michigan, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Texas, Arkansas, and others.

Throughout the summer, over 100 students participated in the program, connecting with their peers and building strong ties in Bismarck-Mandan. This program provided a unique opportunity for students to establish connections with our community, with the hope that they will consider returning after their college graduation.

Given the growing interest in this program, the Chamber EDC is exploring ways to continue it throughout the school year.


The Student Leadership Network is now accepting applications for the 20242025 school year. This program helps students gain professional skills, develop their leadership style and explore career paths available right here in Bismarck Mandan. This program is unique as it allows students to learn about these topics in real-world business and directly from professionals who work in our community every day.

This program is designed for high school Juniors and Seniors to explore career paths before they move onto higher education opportunities. Meetings take place every third Wednesday in the school year from 11:00am to 1:00pm at businesses across the community. Sanford Health, Bobcat, and Bravera Bank are just a few businesses who have opened their doors to students for this program in previous years. This format allows students to get an up-close look at potential careers and learn leadership skills from leaders in our community. Student Leadership Network enables students to connect with business leaders for possible future employment opportunities right here in Bismarck-Mandan.

To learn more, connect with Workforce Development Coordinator, Summer Sturm, at



See the full list of economic indicators on the Chamber EDC’s Economy at a Glance at


The NORTH DAKOTA WOMEN’S BUSINESS CENTER (NDWBC) was founded in early 2000 to support women in rural small businesses as they adapted to the latest technology. While the organization has evolved, its mission to empower women in the small business community remains the same. For over two decades, NDWBC has continued to offer essential programs and training events that provide clients with the tools, connections, and opportunities they need to succeed in business.

NDWBC offers a wide range of services to entrepreneurs of all genders. The team provides career coaching, incentive guidance, specialized skills training, and certifications at both the state and federal levels. NDWBC also hosts training sessions, workshops, and networking events to support women at every stage of business ownership.

To learn more, visit or contact the team directly at



The New American Leadership Program will kick-off on Wednesday, September 18th. By partnering with Global Neighbors, the topics covered in this program have been identified as the most beneficial to people new to our country and community.

Community and Business leaders from across BismarckMandan will be presenting on Leadership. The 14 participants range from eight years or more in our community to under one year. Through the skills and connections participants gain through this program, the hope is they will find a sense of purpose and belonging in our community and share the information they learn with the ethnic groups they represent.

At Starion Insurance, we make acquiring the coverage you need easy and affordable, freeing your mind to focus on what matters most, your business

Our local agents are here for you.

In an effort to help the membership get to know the Chamber EDC staff a little better, we will be sharing team profiles from time to time.

Meet the Communications & Administration Team. This team consists of Cathryn Sprynczynayk Anderson, Lyndsey Scheurer, Rebecca Pelkey and Julianne Sauvage and is overseen by President & CEO, Brenda Nagel.

Cathryn is the program director of Leadership BismarckMandan, the community’s premiere Leadership program. Cathryn facilitates the 13 issue days and guides the class as they work on their field projects to better and enhance our community. Cathryn is also a Communications Specialist and writes for the Chamber EDC Connection.

Lyndsey is the Creative Marketing Specialist and is the driving force behind our digital content creation. She designs graphics for our various publications and promotional marketing mediums, social media and website administration, photography, and video production.

Rebecca Pelkey is the Communications Specialist. She designs many of the Chamber EDC publications such as our monthly Chamber EDC Connection, weekly e-newsletter, and Annual Report, just to name a few. She also designs many of the pieces you see at our many events from the visual graphics on the big screens to the complementary pieces on the table. It isn’t uncommon to see her also taking photos and videos at events.

Julianne is our Office & Accounting Manager. She is the primary contact for members in regards to billing and any other financial-related questions within the office. If members need to pay an invoice or a bill, she is the one to call.


Show your support by joining us for the Chamber EDC’s Brats with the Brave lunch, now in its third year! This heartwarming event is held in partnership with Vitalant’s Battle of the Badges – a major 3-day blood drive in Bismarck. Come out and enjoy a delightful community picnic as we honor our brave military personnel, first responders, and veterans.

This is an incredible opportunity to express your gratitude while indulging in delicious brats and connecting with those who serve our country. We encourage all Chamber EDC members to come out and support our veterans and activeduty service members. Not only can you enjoy a complimentary lunch, but you also have the chance to donate blood, making a meaningful impact in the lives of others. Mark your calendars for September 4th and at the Kirkwood Mall (North underpass entrance) from 11:30am – 1:30pm, or until supplies last.

This event is FREE and open to all. No RSVP is needed! Contact Tatelyn Houle,, for any questions.


Presenting Sponsor:

Lunch Sponsors: Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Core Real Estate Advisors, Coteau Properties Co., Farstad Oil Company, Gate City Bank, Northern Improvement Co., Petro-Hunt, LLC, Puklich Chevrolet, Inc, Sanford Health, Sanford Health Plan, SERVPRO of Bismarck, Starion Bank

Event Sponsors: 1806 and Company, BEK Communications

In Partnership With:

Rebecca Pelkey, Lyndsey Scheurer, Julianne Sauvage and Cathryn Sprynczynayk Anderson comprise the Communications & Administration Team.
“Celebrate” with the Chamber EDC at Celebrate Bismarck-Mandan!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to join us for Celebrate Bismarck-Mandan, a Chamber EDC event dedicated to recognizing the outstanding contributions of our local businesses and community members! Join us Thursday, September 26th, from 11:30am to 1:00pm at the Bismarck Event Center (Hall A). We will honor exemplary individuals and businesses with awards including:

• Outstanding Teacher of the Year

• Young Entrepreneur of the Year

• Service Award of the Year

• Ambassador of the Year

• 20 Under 40

• Empowering Women in Business

• Women Owned Business of the Year

• Small Business of the Year

• Large Business of the Year

• Golden Eagle Award

Tickets are available at $75 for Chamber EDC members and $125 for General Admission. Register now to secure your spot and join us in celebrating our incredible Celebrate nominees and winners!

For any questions regarding Celebrate Bismarck Mandan, please contact Tatelyn Houle, Interested in sponsoring or reserving a table of eight? Reach out to Christine Nelson to learn more,, or call the Chamber EDC office, 701-223-5660.




Gold Sponsors:

Award Sponsors: Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Bravera Bank and KLJ.

Table Sponsors: Agency MABU, Apex Engineering Group, Inc., Arrow Service Team, Bank of North Dakota, Bismarck Cancer Center, Bismarck Larks, Bismarck State College, Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota, Brady, Martz & Associates, P.C., Bremer Bank, Capital Credit Union, CHI St. Alexius, Choice Bank, Cloverdale Foods Company, Consolidated Construction Co., CRA Group, Dakota Community Bank & Trust, Dakota Home Care, Eide Bailly LLP, First International Bank & Trust, First Western Bank & Trust, Gate City Bank, Good Samaritan Society - Miller Pointe, Heritage Exteriors by Brandon Leingang, HexaHive, InterOffice, Kids in Motion Pediatric Therapy & Wellness, Knife River Corporation, Kraus Anderson Construction Company, Legacy Financial Partners of Ameriprise Financial, Moore Engineering Inc., Northwest Contracting, Odney, Point CPA, Sanford, Scheels, Sixteen03 Main Events / Paddle Trap, Starion Bank, Threefold, United Tribes Technical College, University of Mary

Celebrate Bismarck-Mandan returns September 26, 2024.

The Chamber EDC is gearing up to open our Total Resource Campaign. New this year, the Total Resource Campaign will start October 1st with first right of refusal between October 1st and November 15th. At the completion of the first right of refusal, remaining sponsorships will be released to all membership between November 18th and December 20th.

Many of our sponsor events are highly sought after and this is the time to secure your preferred sponsorships. If you want to be sure that the right person receives the sponsorship email, please reach out to Christine Nelson to ensure your contact information is correct.

We are excited to be offering another year of meaningful events that align with our strategic plan and provide a return on investment for our membership. Reminder: Paying for sponsorships during TRC secures a 5% discount to your overall bill!

Questions? Please contact Christine Nelson at



Wednesday, September 4

Event Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm

Kirkwood Mall

North Underpass Entrance Door #1

Free to Attend

Join the Chamber EDC and Vitalant for Brats with the Brave & Battle of the Badges! This free event is an opportunity to support military personnel, first responders, and healthcare workers with a friendly picnic and blood donation drive.


Thursday, September 12

4:30pm – 6:30pm

Enticed Bismarck V3NU3

320 W Main Street, Mandan

Free to Attend

Join the Chamber EDC and Enticed Bismarck V3nu3 for a membership mixer you won’t forget. Enjoy appetizers and refreshments while mingling with other Chamber EDC members in Enticed Bismarck V3nu3’s event space.


Thursday, September 26

Event Time: 11:00am - 1:00pm

Bismarck Event Center, Hall A 315 S 5th Street, Bismarck

$50 for Chamber EDC members

$75 for General Admission

Celebrate” with the Chamber EDC as we recognize our members who are making waves in our community! Join us as we award your favorites businesses in BismarckMandan at our annual Celebrate awards.


Thursday, October 10

4:30pm – 6:30pm

Executive Air Taxi Corp.

2301 University Drive, Bismarck

Free to Attend

You and your team are invited to the Executive Air Taxi Corp. Membership Mixer with the Chamber EDC. Connect with other business members while enjoying appetizers and refreshments.


Tuesday, October 15

7:30am – 6:30pm

Kirkwood Bank & Trust 2911 N 14th Street, Bismarck

Free to Attend

Join us for the NEW Chamber EDC Morning Membership Mixer hosted by Kirkwood Bank & Trust! Get energized and start off your morning right with this exciting networking opportunity.

212 W Main Ave Bismarck, ND 58501 701-220-3491

Some galleries charge an admission fee. Do you?

No! There is no cost to step inside Masters Gallery! We understand that for some people, the idea of visiting a fine art gallery can be a little intimidating. We have been asked, “Do I need to be dressed up to visit your gallery?” The answer is: no. We want you to rest assured that visiting Masters Gallery will be a friendly, relaxing, and inspirational experience, regardless of your attire.

Visiting the gallery is always free, except in the case of a private event. We are happy to host your party, office gathering, or social for a nominal fee.

The gallery is open Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, noon to 4 p.m.; and while the hours are somewhat limited, we frequently meet people in the gallery on days when we are not open. If our gallery hours are not convenient for you, we encourage you to contact us to schedule an appointment, with no obligation to purchase. We look forward to seeing you!

811 E Interstate Ave, Ste B, Bismarck, ND 58503 701-409-0488

How can my business use community involvement to build brand awareness?

Community involvement is a great way to boost your brand’s visibility and build trust. It’s not just about getting your name out there—it’s about creating genuine connections with your audience. Start by identifying and supporting causes that resonate with your business values and goals, such as local events, charities, or partnerships. Don’t feel pressured to be everywhere; choose opportunities that best match your audience and business.

To make the most of your efforts, hand out practical and unique promotional items people will use in their day-to-day. Share your community involvement on social media with engaging photos and stories, and keep your audience updated through your newsletter. After the event, a quick follow-up recap and “thank you” to event organizers, volunteers, etc. can go a long way in strengthening relationships and trust.

Feeling inspired about how community involvement can boost your brand? Let’s chat and see what a full-service, partnership-driven agency like HexaHive can do for your business!

500 N 8th Street Bismarck, ND 58501 701-222-6100

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. What are some key points men should know to be proactive about prostate cancer and assess their risk?

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men after skin cancer, but it is often treatable. Many prostate cancers grow slowly and remain confined to the prostate gland, causing minimal harm. However, some types are aggressive and spread quickly. The American Cancer Society recommends men have an informed discussion with their healthcare provider about prostate cancer screening. This conversation should occur:

• At age 50, for men who are at average risk.

• At age 45, for men who are at high risk, including African American men and those with a firstdegree relative (father or brother) diagnosed before age 65.

• At age 40, for men who are at even higher risk, such as those with more than one first-degree relative who are diagnosed at an early age. By understanding their risk and discussing screening options with their doctor, men can make informed decisions about their prostate health.


304 E Front Ave, Ste 400 Bismarck, ND 58504 701-221-8700

Why do I need an “ALTA” survey before I purchase or develop my commercial property?

A comprehensive survey, also known as an “ALTA” survey, is a property survey that provides additional information about a property beyond simply locating property corners and depicting a boundary. A comprehensive survey is prepared in conjunction with a title commitment and specific client requests to provide a clearer picture of how title encumbrances, zoning requirements, topography, etc., can influence an intended development. For example, a property’s topography will likely impact the design of drainage and wastewater systems, while the location of utility easements within the property boundary may require siting improvements in specific locations to avoid encroaching on the easement area. From a buyer’s perspective, a comprehensive survey can also identify encroachments into or outside the property boundary that a buyer can require a seller to remedy prior to closing. A comprehensive survey also allows a buyer to request that a title company delete certain standard or specific exceptions from a title policy or provide policy endorsements. This can expand the scope of the insurer’s indemnity obligation and make the property more attractive to a future buyer. Before purchasing or developing a commercial property, be sure to ask a surveyor and attorney how a comprehensive survey can be benefit you.

200 E Main Ave, Ste 101 Bismarck, ND 58501 701-319-0402

What is the difference between an Infrared Sauna and a Traditional Sauna?

Traditional saunas use heated air, typically between 150-190°F (65-88°C), to warm the body and heat the air around you. The high heat induces heavy sweating and helps to relax muscles, ease joint pain, and improve circulation. The humidity level can be adjusted by pouring water on hot stones, creating a more intense steam and heat experience. These types of saunas have a long history, originating in Finland over 2,000 years ago. They have been an integral part of Finnish culture, and their use spread globally over the centuries.

Infrared saunas, on the other hand, use infrared light to penetrate the skin and directly heat the body, operating at lower temperatures (120-140°F or 4960°C). This makes the experience more tolerable for those sensitive to high heat. IR saunas promote deep tissue relaxation, detoxification, and improved circulation without the intense heat of traditional saunas. IR saunas are much more recent. They were first developed in the 1960s in Japan. Infrared sauna technology gained popularity in the 1970s and 1980s, and it has continued to evolve and spread in popularity due to its distinct health benefits and tolerable heat levels.

1519 Continental Ave Bismarck, ND 58504 701-751-7400

One of Roers core values is “Partnership”. Identify one of your partnerships in the industry and tell us about it.

Roers is a proud partner with Butler Manufacturing. Butler Manufacturing specializes in pre-engineered metal buildings and associated products that are designed to be cost-effective and efficient. These systems can speed up construction times and reduce overall costs for the project owner.

While we work with a project owner on the concept, quality, reliability, and the flexibility to customize a structure to meet the needs of the project is crucial. Butler provides a range of customization options for building design, which can be tailored to meet specific requirements, whether for commercial, industrial, or agricultural use. Butler buildings are known for their durability and longlasting performance. Their products are engineered to withstand various environmental conditions, and they adhere to strict quality control standards, ensuring that the materials and designs meet or exceed industry standards. We recognize our partnership on each applicable project on our project list. Head to to check out our Butler builds!



Tell us about yourself and your role within your business. My name is Patrick Fisher. I grew up on a farm north of Bismarck and graduated from Wilton High School. I have an Engineering degree from NDSU and two Masters from the University of Mary. I’m married with two teenage boys, one is in college at UND and the other graduated early from high school looking for his pathway in life. I have been associated with the CaseIH brand since 1996 in various capacities around the world, primarily engineering and operations management. I joined Northern Plains Equipment in 2022, which is part of the Plains Ag group with 17 CaseIH/New Holland agricultural dealerships in four states, ND, MT, KS, and CO. My primary job responsibility is to oversee the Northern Plains Equipment stores in ND.


Briefly tell us about the history behind Northern Plains Equipment Inc. and how you got started.

Northern Plains Equipment was started in 1984 selling and servicing Case, Kubota, and Concord customers. In 1985, Case purchased International Harvester(IH) and Northern Plains Equipment was approved as the CaseIH dealer for the BismackMandan area. In 2013, Northern Plains Equipment merged with Plains Ag becoming the 6th store within the owners group. Since then, the company has grown to 17 stores. We recently transitioned to an ESOP, which is an employee owned company.

Northern Plains Equipment Inc. has been a Chamber EDC member since 1984.

How has the growth of Bismarck-Mandan impacted Northern Plains Equipment Inc.?

The growth of Bismarck-Mandan is great to see, and Northern Plains Equipment has had the opportunity to hire many new people to support our customers. We have seen an increased demand in the Kubota equipment which is a great fit for the homeowners.

What trends are taking place in your industry?

Our primary focus is supporting the agricultural market. The past four years have been interesting with supplier restrictions on equipment availability resulting from the pandemic. Supply chain is finally catching up to demand as the agricultural commodity prices have decreased which have some of our customers cautious about new purchases.

Have there been any monumental changes within your industry that you’ve had to deal with?

Consolidation of equipment dealerships as well as consolidation of manufacturers in addition to the supply chain issues resulting from the pandemic.

What does the future Northern Plains Equipment Inc. and the industry as a whole look like to you?

Northern Plains Equipment is focused on supporting the agricultural customer base in North Dakota long into the future.

Northern Plains Equipment Inc. became a Chamber EDC member in 1984, why do you continue to renew?

It is a great networking facilitator within the community and the Chamber EDC promotes the right things for business owners.

What should other Chamber EDC members know about Northern Plains Equipment Inc. that may assist them?

Northern Plains Equipment is an equal opportunity employer that is always looking to hire people that are wanting an operating to grow and be part of an employee owned company. Additionally, we offer scholarships to students that want to enter the diesel technician or precision farming industry.


The American Hospital Association (AHA) on Wednesday presented Essentia Health with the prestigious AHA Dick Davidson NOVA Award for hospital-led collaborative efforts that improve community health. Essentia is one of five recipients across the country to receive this honor in 2024. Essentia was recognized for its Resourceful program.

Resourceful was launched in 2021 as a public resource directory connecting community members with thousands of verified programs providing free and reduced-cost services. Information available at is customized for the specific needs of communities served by Essentia in Minnesota, Wisconsin and North Dakota.

The program integrates into Essentia’s electronic medical record system and is widely used by community members, including Essentia staff and local organizations. All Essentia patients are screened for social needs at primary care and pediatric appointments.

Our team of community health workers develops relationships with patients and utilizes Resourceful to connect them to services addressing patient concerns such as food insecurity, transportation and housing. Since it was launched in September 2021, Resourceful has been responsible for about 19,000 referrals that helped patients in need – that’s an average of more than 500 connections per month.

“During this project, we’ve partnered with hundreds of community-based organizations, all dedicated to the common goal of enhancing access to vital services for our communities,” said Emily Kuenstler, Essentia’s community health director. “This project serves as a testament to the power of collaboration.”

Resourceful uses a community leadership team that sets annual performance targets, reviews robust evaluation metrics and monitors community and patient feedback.



Becker’s Hospital Review and Becker’s Clinical Leadership recently announced that nursing profession advocate has ranked the Bismarck State College (BSC) nursing program the #1 best nursing licensing program in the state of North Dakota. Rankings were determined by the nursing programs’ National Council Licensure ExaminationRN (NCLEX-RN exam) pass rates. Becker’s Hospital Review is an esteemed national publication for executive readership in hospitals and health systems.

Passage rates among all RN programs – associate, bachelor, and direct-entry master ¬– were assessed for the 2024 rankings. The RegisteredNursing.orgorganization analyzed current and historical pass rates of 10 North Dakota colleges and universities with BSC coming out on top.

“This accolade is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our faculty, staff, and students. Our graduates are workforceready and prepared to excel in the healthcare field, contributing to the well-being of their communities,” says BSC Dean of Current and Emerging Technologies Mari Volk. “Achieving this distinction is evidence of BSC’s commitment to providing topnotch education and training for future nurses.”

The NCLEX-RN exam is required for licensure and is used by all state boards of nursing across the United States to assess a student’s competency. Many state boards of nursing use the total overall NCLEX-RN pass rates for a school as one of the main ways to approve a school’s ability to provide nursing education in the state.

BSC offers several stackable nursing program options on campus, including a one-year Practical Nursing certificate program that results in a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) distinction, a two-year Associate Degree Nurse (ADN) program that results in a Registered Nurse (RN) license, or an Associate in Science degree that transfers into a baccalaureate program. BSC nursing programs are also offered at BSC satellite site locations in the Hazen, Harvey, Garrison, Ashley and Hettinger hospitals.

To ensure superior nursing education, BSC has developed mutually beneficial partnerships with Sanford Health and CHI St. Alexius Health, which benefit both students and the community. These partnerships, key to providing the highestquality healthcare education and training in North Dakota, provide curriculum guidance, clinical sites, and eventually employment opportunities for BSC graduates.

“As healthcare leaders, we know how important it is to support the education and growth of our nurses. It is not just an investment in their future, but in the future of healthcare itself. A strong education is the key to providing exceptional care, and partnerships with top institutions, such as Bismarck State College, help us maintain these high standards,” says Todd Schaffer, M.D., president and CEO of Sanford Bismarck. “We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the Bismarck State College faculty and administration for their recent recognition as the best nursing licensing program in the state. We are proud to work alongside them as they continue to produce outstanding nurses who will make a lasting impact on the healthcare industry.”

Many BSC students are employed by these healthcare education partners as well as other healthcare agencies in the state as they continue their education and climb the nursing career ladder from LPN to RN and their reputation as exceptional nurses precedes them.

“We are not at all surprised that BSC was recognized as a Top Nursing School. The quality of nursing students and nurses that work here at St Alexius are always, not only very well trained and skilled, but are quality individuals as well,” says Reed E. Reyman, Ed.S., president of CHI St. Alexius Health – Bismarck. “We are proud of our affiliation with BSC both in Bismarck and Garrison. Congratulations BSC!”


The Council on Accreditation of Strength and Conditioning (CASCE) recently awarded University of Mary’s BiomechanicsStrength and Conditioning undergraduate program with North Dakota’s first certification, and one of the first in the US.

“Congratulations on this remarkable accomplishment,” stated Colin Wilborn, CASCE chair. “We anticipate ongoing success for your strength and conditioning program. The CASCE Board extends its gratitude to you and your colleagues for your unwavering dedication to providing exceptional strength and conditioning education of the highest quality. Based on the evidence presented and a comprehensive assessment, we are delighted to grant full initial accreditation status for a period of 5 years.”

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists® (CSCS®) are professionals who apply scientific knowledge to train athletes for the primary goal of improving athletic performance. They conduct sport-specific testing sessions, design, and implement safe and effective strength training and conditioning programs and provide guidance regarding nutrition and injury prevention. Recognizing that their area of expertise is separate and distinct, CSCSs consult with and refer athletes to other professionals when appropriate.

“This means our students at Mary can sit for the National Strength and Conditioning Association exam to become a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist,” remarked Dr. Rachel Johnson Krug who has over 20 years of experience as an athletic trainer and is chair of Athletic Training and Kinesiology at the University of Mary. “The market for Strength and Conditioning Specialists is expanding across the country. Many programs and schools are hiring these professionals to help the athletes get ready for their sport or activity. In addition, many people are seeking out these professionals to help them with specific goals they want to achieve. We are excited to be accredited and want to see our students be leaders in the field.”

The University of Mary biomechanics program began in 2018, with strength and conditioning coming online as a concentration in 2023. Previously, the biomechanics program had a variety of graduates going into different career paths. After input from students and faculty, Mary made the strategic decision to offer a variety of concentrations that allow students to choose their specific career path. Now, the program includes concentrations in sports medicine, nutrition, applied research, and strength and conditioning.

“We are excited to see our students achieve this nationally recognized certification,” said Wells, University of Mary’s strength and conditioning coordinator. “With this on their resume, they will be able to set themselves apart in today’s job market. Being a certified strength and conditioning specialist will allow them to take their career to the next level. In Bismarck and Mandan, all our area high schools have a certified strength and conditioning specialist working with athletes and teams on a daily basis. This creates many opportunities for our students when they graduate.”

Accreditation is new for strength and conditioning programs across the country. To raise educational standards and formalize the process, the Board of Directors at the 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Conference announced their decision to pursue accreditation.

“Effective 2030, all CSCS exam candidates must hold at least a bachelor’s degree in a strength and conditioning related field or be enrolled in their last semester in such a program. In addition, candidates will need to obtain those degrees from a college or university that has a program accredited by an NSCAapproved accrediting agency,” announced the NSCA Certification Committee.

For more information about this program, they can visit the Biomechanics-Strength and Conditioning website, or contact us at, or by calling (701) 355-8030.

Mary now also offers a master’s in Kinesiology with a new concentration in strength and conditioning starting this fall.


Pawsitive Advancement was started by volunteers already in the animal rescue world. Seeing there was a need to work together to raise funds for smaller, volunteer run rescues in the area, the team got together and started making plans to do just that. Long term goals include spay/neuter and vaccine clinics to stop the cycle or over population of pets.

Boad members Whitney Tennyson, Alyssa Kroshus Helling, Erika Drolc and Sara Behrens, first big event is a golf tournament Sept 10th at Hawktree Golf Club. Proceeds will benefit Kitty City, Purrfect Pound Pals, Coal Country Animal Rescue and Miles of Love Dog rescue.

Website and other promotional steps are in the works, but the group hit the ground running and is excited to see how they can educate the public, inspire people to make better decisions, support local rescues and have fun doing it.

If you would like more information on the new group, the golf tournament or want to talk ways to raise funds together please email


Brady Martz & Associates is excited to share that the Firm has been named as one of the “Top 100 Firms” of 2024 by INSIDE Public Accounting (IPA). Each year, IPA releases a ranking of the 500 largest public accounting firms in the U.S. based on each participating firm’s net revenues. The rankings are then broken down even further by 100.

“We are immensely proud to be recognized as one of INSIDE Public Accounting’s Top 100 Firms for 2024. This prestigious acknowledgment is a testament to the dedication, expertise, and hard work of our entire team,” said Brady Martz CEO Todd Van Dusen. “We strive to deliver unparalleled service and innovative solutions to our clients, and this recognition reflects our commitment to excellence. Brady Martz is honored to be among the nation’s leading accounting firms and will continue to uphold the highest standards in our profession.”

In addition to the criteria of U.S. net revenue, rankings are compiled by analyzing responses to IPA’s annual practice management survey. To learn more and to view the 2024 list of “Top 100 Firms,” visit


KLJ Engineering LLC (KLJ), welcomes new employees, Brady Ackerman, James Anderson, Jason Maiden, and Kelley Messer to their North Dakota team.

Ackerman joins KLJ as a facilities and equipment specialist. He is a dedicated professional with experience in IT support, controls, and compliance analysis. Additionally, his expertise covers ground maintenance and project management. Ackerman earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from North Dakota State University.

James Anderson joins KLJ as an IT infrastructure manager. He is a seasoned IT executive with more than 17 years’ experience in the technology field. Throughout his career he has overseen IT operations for multiple companies and held roles as an infrastructure support technician, field engineer, and Director of IT.

Jason Maiden joins KLJ as an engineering technician. He has more than five years of experience in the engineering and construction field. His experience includes surveying, oil refinery, utility relocation, and local and federal compliance. He earned his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology.

Messer joins KLJ as a service technician. She has more than 8 years of experience in the field bringing a vast range of skills to the survey team at KLJ including overseeing excavation projects, team management, data collection and analytics.


James Devine, NCARB, AIA, LEEP AP, was elected as a regional director at the National Council of Architectural Registration Board’s (NCARB) 2024

Annual Business Meeting. Devine was nominated to serve on the NCARB Board of Directors by Region 5 (Central Conference), which represents the licensing boards of Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wyoming.

Devine currently serves on the North Dakota State Board of Architecture and Landscape Architecture and has served on that board since 2013, serving as the president, the secretary/treasurer, and as a general member. In 2020, he was elected to serve as the secretary/treasurer of NCARB’s Region 5 and was elected the chair in 2022.

After joining the North Dakota board, Devine began volunteering on many NCARB initiatives, including volunteering as a member of an Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®) 4.0 Forms Assembly Committee, the ARE 5.0 Item Development Subcommittee, the Policy Advisory Committee, and the Regional Leadership Committee.

Devine is the co-founder and owner of J2 Studio Architecture + Design, PC in Bismarck, North Dakota, which is a full-service architectural firm, with a broad range of experience including educational, industrial, municipal, commercial, and healthcare design.

Devine received both his Bachelor of Architecture and Master of Architecture degrees from Montana State University. He holds an active NCARB Certificate and is licensed in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and Minnesota.


Capital Credit Union today announced the hiring of Lori Yarbrough as member relationship manager at their Main Office, located at 204 W Thayer Ave. in Bismarck.

As member relationship manager, Yarbrough will be responsible for building and maintaining strong relationships with the credit union’s consumer and business members, providing personalized financial guidance, and assisting members in achieving their financial goals.

Yarbrough rejoins the Capital Credit Union team from U.S. Bank where she worked for five years as a branch manager. Prior to that, she worked at Bismarck’s Abused Adult Resource Center and for the City of Bismarck. Yarbrough graduated from Minot State University with a bachelor’s degree in business management and is a member of BisMan Power of 100.

Yarbrough has one son and lives in Bismarck with her husband, Noland, and two dogs.


Teresa Formo, an advanced practice registered nurse and certified nurse practitioner specializing in walk-in care, is excited to join Essentia Health Walk-in Care-Bismarck 9th Street.

Formo received her medical education from North Dakota State University and is certified by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

Brady Ackerman
James Devine
Lori Yarbrough
Teresa Formo
James Anderson
Jason Maiden
Kelly Messer


Bismarck State College (BSC) announces the appointment of Dr. Marcus Fries as Assistant Dean of Current and Emerging Technologies – Cybersecurity Pathways. In this pivotal role, Fries will spearhead the development and oversight of cybersecurity programs, reinforcing BSC’s commitment to student success, training workforce for high-demand careers, and providing accessible, highquality polytechnic education.

Fries, who previously served as Head of Computational Sciences at Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy, Mass., and Chair of Mathematics and Computer Science at Dickinson State University in Dickinson, N.D., brings a wealth of experience and expertise to BSC. He holds a B.S. in mathematics from North Dakota State University and an M.S. and Ph.D. in mathematics from Northeastern University.

Fries also brings a high level of expertise in cryptography to the BSC Cybersecurity program. His appointment underscores the college’s commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements and preparing students for success in the high-demand field of cybersecurity.


Logan Fridgen started interning at Apex Engineering Group during the summer of 2023. Now that he has graduated from North Dakota State University with a degree in civil engineering, Fridgen joins Apex full-time. As a graduate engineer in the transportation group, he will assist with urban and rural roadway projects. His prior experience includes an internship with the Department of Transportation Support Center (DOTSC).


Top 100 nationally ranked accounting and advisory services firm Brady Martz & Associates is pleased to announce that Jeffrey Pawlow has joined the Firm as Chief Execution Officer. In this role, Pawlow will be instrumental in aligning day-to-day activities advancing the Firm’s Vision 2028 initiative, as well as promoting that vision to other CPA firms seeking growth alternatives to private equity.

Pawlow brings more than 30 years of experience in the accounting industry, with a proven track record of driving financial results and fostering growth. Before joining Brady Martz, he served as President of Engineered Tax Services, Inc. (ETS) and its family of companies, including The Growth Partnership, ABLE, and Engineered Technology Services. Pawlow co-founded The Growth Partnership and ABLE before they were acquired by ETS, further showcasing his entrepreneurial spirit and leadership capabilities.

Pawlow’s contributions to the accounting profession have not gone unnoticed. He has been named one of Accounting Today’s “Top 100 Most Influential People” four times, underscoring his influence and commitment to the industry. A seasoned CPA growth expert, Pawlow is also a respected speaker and author, recognized for his thought leadership and innovative strategies.



Tracie Bettenhausen recently joined Bartlett & West in the company’s Bismarck office as its employee communications manager. As a proven leader in communications with 22 years of experience, Bettenhausen will be integral in elevating Bartlett & West’s service to its employee-owners and clients.

Bettenhausen previously worked for Basin Electric Power Cooperative for 17 years in External and Member Relations as a senior staff writer/editor and KXMB CBS 12 as an anchor and reporter, both in Bismarck.

In addition to her decades of experience, Bettenhausen holds a degree in communications from University of Mary in Bismarck, N.D. She is a member of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC), having served in leadership roles at the regional and local levels. Bettenhausen was named IABC Great Plains’ Communicator of the Year in 2020. She was a Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC’s “20 under 40” recipient in 2019.

Marcus Fries
Jeffrey Pawlow
Logan Fridgen
Tracie Bettenhausen



Anne Carlsen is pleased to announce the promotion of Jodi Duttenhefer to Vice President, West Region. Jodi joined Anne Carlsen in November 2022 as the West Region Operations Manager and has demonstrated exceptional leadership and commitment to our mission.

Jodi holds a bachelor’s degree in social work and a master’s degree in human services with an emphasis in Non-Profit Management. Her extensive professional background includes serving as a Social Worker and Administrator in residential centers for nine years, a Public-School Social Worker for two years, and most recently as an administrator for Child Welfare and Foster Care services for 11 years prior to her tenure at Anne Carlsen.




Tony Theurer joins Apex Engineering Group as a Sr. Engineering Technician with more than 30 years of experience. He specializes in construction and has extensive experience in roadways, grading projects, paving, structures, and underground utilities. Tony also served in the military for 29 years, spending the last 12 years as a Qualified Army Instructor teaching engineering courses at the Regional Training Institute.



Bismarck State College (BSC) announces the promotion of Dr. Kim Weismann to the position of Dean of Humanities, Arts, and Sciences. Dr. Weismann, who joined BSC in May 2023 as assistant dean, has quickly established herself as a vital leader within the college community.

Dr. Weismann brings a wealth of experience to her new role, having served in various capacities at Williston State College for over 13 years. Her extensive background includes positions such as Professor of Communication, Chair of the Arts and Human Sciences Department, Faculty Senate President, Chair of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, and Advisor for the Diversity Club. These roles have equipped her with a broad perspective and a deep commitment to fostering inclusive and dynamic educational environments.

September Live Government Meetings

Provided on Government Access cable channels 2 & 602HD, Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV Meetings are replayed on Government Access channels & are archived online at Also available on Radio Access 102.5FM and

Tues, 3rd 4:00 pm

Bismarck-Burleigh Commission Cmte. 5:00 pm Mandan City Commission * 7:00 pm Mandan School Board

Wed, 4th 5:00 pm Burleigh County Commission *

Thurs, 5th 5:00 pm Bismarck Board of Adjustment

Mon, 9th 5:15 pm Bismarck School Board 5:30 pm Mandan Park District Board

Tues, 10th 5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission *

Wed, 11th 8:00 am Burleigh Water Resource District 5:15 pm Burleigh Planning & Zoning *

Thurs, 12th 9:00 am Bismarck Parking Authority 4:00 pm Bismarck Renaissance Zone Authority Mon, 16th 10:00 am Met. Planning Org. – Tech Advisory Cmte. 5:00 pm Burleigh Cty. Commission Mtg/Final Budget Hearing * 5:30 pm Mandan School Board Tues, 17th 1:30 pm Met. Planning Org. – Policy Board 3:00

Tony Theurer
Dr. Kim Weismann
Jodi Duttenhefer


Celebrates the grand opening of their new location at 2610 Old Red Trail, Ste D in Mandan. Phone: 701-955-3780.


Celebrates the grand opening of their new location at 1503 E Broadway Ave in Bismarck. Phone: 701-299-0014. Member.


Celebrates their new office space located at 1120 College Drive in Bismarck. Phone: 701-751-3954. Member.


Celebrates the grand opening of their new office located at 120 N 3rd Street, Ste 100 in Bismarck. Phone: 701-751-0700. Member.




The Chamber EDC congratulates all of our members on their anniversaries. The following companies and organizations have reached a special milestone with the Chamber EDC.

To find a complete listing of Chamber EDC members, view the Member Directory online at


Frontier Electric, Inc.

Strata Corporation


Missouri River Contracting, Inc.


Courtyard Marriott

CR Builders, LLC

Mattress Firm

Trademark Realty, Inc.

West Dakota FOX


Abused Adult Resource Center

Hay Creek Lodge Senior Living

Lincoln Repair

Molly Herrington

Pizza Ranch - Bismarck

Pizza Ranch - Mandan


Coffee at 321 LLC Fix It All

International Association of Business Communicators - Great Plains Megfitt

Nodak Insurance Company - Mandy Fisher



Owning and running a business takes a lot of

. That’s why it’s crucial to ef ciently manage your finances to maximize

And we’ve

The Chamber EDC encourages all members to do business with each other. The following companies and organizations have recently made an important investment in their business by joining the Chamber EDC. Please consider them for your professional and personal needs.

To find a complete listing of Chamber EDC members, view the Member Directory online at

Epic Homes

5104 Stockholm Loop

Bismarck, ND 58503 (701) 527-7958

Tom Seifert

Epic Homes specializes in truly custom projects. Whether residential or commercial, our process will deliver a simple and enjoyable experience for all involved!

On the Run

100 27th Street NE PO Box 1847 Minot, ND 58702 (701) 852-1194

Heidi Newbury

On the Run C stores is part of a growing company with 212 store nationwide, which include Superpumper, Red Carpet stores and MVP stores.

Bismarck Hearing

3831 Lockport Street, Ste C Bismarck, ND 58503 (701) 751-2500

Shelly Grossman

Bismarck Hearing offers the latest hearing aid technology and hearing protection to meet your specific needs. Our team is dedicated to delivering superior care and support to our valued clients.

Gratitude Spa and Salon

1147 W Capitol Ave

Bismarck, ND 58503 (701) 595-7600

Kristin Chorne

We are a full service spa and salon offering an experience of ‘’Gratitude’’ with each client we see. We offer all spa and salon services, including Gratitude Med Spa services.

Nordak Sauna Co LLC

1858 Santa Gertrudis Drive, Bismarck ND 58503 (701) 471-5096

Nathan Schlosser

Sauna manufacturing and sauna experience rental

Inspired Woman, LLC

212 W Main Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 (701) 400-8988

Marci Narum

Celebrating women and the power of their stories, sharing them on our podcast and digitally. We believe a personal story can be a beacon to someone looking for hope. Every story lights the way.

Adolfson & Peterson Construction

114 N 3rd Street, Bismarck, ND 58501 (701) 425-3075

Kevin Magstadt Construction

Plain View

212 W Main Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 (701) 426-0895

Logan Hauff

Plain View Design + Build is a design and construction team that focuses on high end custom homes and large scale remodels.

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