May Connection

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MEMBER PROFILE RJR Maintenance & Management Pg. 22

DOOSAN BOBCAT STEP UP IN COVID FIGHT Local manufacturer produces personal protective equipment for local health care professionals Pg. 24

LEMONADE DAY CURB-SIDE KICKOFF Tuesday, May 19 at Skyzone Pg. 26

Connection MAY 2020




Brian Eiseman .....................................................................Chair Val Weigel ..................................................................Vice Chair Kevin Strege .................................................................Secretary Mike Schmitz ................................................................Treasurer Molly Herrington ....................................................... Past Chair


Steve Bakken ......................................................City of Bismarck Scott Davis .........................................................City of Mandan Brian Eiseman ...............................................Stoneshire Builders Heather Fried ....................State Farm - Fried Financial Services Molly Herrington .........................................................Individual Chris Jones ...................................ND Dept. of Human Services Karl Lembke ......................................................Vaaler Insurance Allan Miller ............................................................Anyleaks, Inc. Dr. Sara Weigel Ness ..............................Active Life Chiropractic Jim Peluso .........................................................Burleigh County Marnie Piehl ...........................................Bismarck State College Matt Sagaser ......................................................Doosan Bobcat Mike Schmitz ......................................Schmitz-Holmstrom CPAs Cody Schulz ........................................................Morton County Garret Senger ...............................Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Kevin Strege ................................................Capital Credit Union Wendy Van Duyne .....................Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Val Weigel ..............................Basin Electric Power Cooperative Lee Weisbeck ..........................................................Starion Bank


Brian Ritter ...................................................................President Aasta Eggert .......Economic Development Marketing Specialist Ross Frohlich ............................................Membership Director Mary Masters .......................................Office Support Specialist Christine Nelson .........................Program & Marketing Director Ryan Parsons ........................................................Vice President Rebecca Rattei ................................ Communications Specialist Elliot Rust ................................................Chief Financial Officer Jaime Sabot ....................Workforce Development Coordinator Lyndsey Scheurer .................................. Communications & ED Nathan Schneider ................................................Vice President Cathryn Sprynczynatyk ................... Communications Specialist Joan Trygg ...........................Membership Engagement Director 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck, ND 58503 701-223-5660 •

CONTACT INFORMATION Content Rebecca Rattei

Advertising Christine Nelson

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hese past few months have been a challenge and that’s an understatement. The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has tested our community in all types of ways, not the least of which is economically. During this time, the Chamber EDC has worked hard to adapt and assume those roles most needed by our members. More specifically, we found ourselves focused on being three things: a supporter, a resource provider and an advocate. 1. SUPPORTER: To best support our members at a time when some were seeing dramatic reductions in sales, we did a few things: • Implemented an effort called ‘Take Out Tuesday’ by which we encouraged (and incentivized through a contest) members supporting our restaurants during this time and introduced a new video series called “Run it Down with Ross” by which spotlighted a member, what they have to offer, etc. • Developed a series of graphics on how to support our local businesses, posted them on social media and saw tremendous engagement from the community. 2. RESOURCE PROVIDER: The Chamber EDC Staff is here to pro-actively inform our members of resources available to them and react to their specific needs, such as: • Responded directly to a large amount of requests for assistance from members, primarily regarding the SBA’s Disaster Loan Program and the business assistance included in the CARES Act. • Developed a business resource page at to provide business-specific tools to be used during the outbreak. 3. ADVOCATE: As the business community’s voice, it is our job to provide our elected officials with feedback as to how our businesses are being impacted AND solutions as to how we can minimize those impacts. To do so, we: • Partnered with 8 other organizations to conduct one, community-wide survey to determine the economic impacts of the coronavirus outbreak on our business community; the first time I can recall us ever doing so. • Provided the federal delegation, Governor’s office, Bismarck-Mandan Legislative delegation and our City & Commissions with information by forming four small groups from different industries and informally polling them each week for feedback and then pushing that feedback up the chain. It's more important now than ever that organizations like the Chamber EDC are there for our members, doing what you’ve asked us to do. Hopefully, we’ve illustrated how we’re doing just that and in doing so earn your continued support. When this virus is gone, Bismarck-Mandan will still be here and so will the Chamber EDC advocating for our members, promoting economic growth and shaping the future of community.

Brian Eiseman Chair, Board of Directors @bismancedc

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WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR MAYOR AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? I am running because I love the City and the people in it; I like how we can show our best side when the things around us seem the worst; How we pull together when necessary to get things done. I want to see Mandan continue to grow and prosper. I think I am qualified by having lived here my entire life, co-owned businesses, and served on the Park Board, City Commission and as mayor. WHAT ARE THE TOP THREE ISSUES THE CITY COMMISSION SHOULD ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? 1. Finding a way to better fund improvements in the City, street, roads and infrastructure. 2. Work with the Mandan Progress Organizations (MPO) and the Chamber EDC to get more people involved in all types of City government and take the time to run for open seats on the boards and commissions. It is not healthy to have candidates run unopposed (myself included). We need debate and new ideas. 3. Working to develop areas of Mandan that can sustain future growth and add to the tax base and more importantly the sales tax base so that we can try to keep property taxes down.

IDENTIFY ONE AREA WHERE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE IMPROVEMENT FROM CITY GOVERNMENT. I would like to see the City doing a better job planning for street and infrastructure projects. We also need to work more closely with Parks and Schools to develop in areas that benefit us all. If that happens, the taxpayer wins. WHAT IS THE BEST OPPORTUNITY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN MANDAN? I believe Mandan’s best opportunity is south of the interstate, west of Sunset Drive. It is the only area of town that has interstate visibility and will allow Mandan to grow for the next 50-100 years. It provides beautiful views along with both flat and rolling terrain and the ability to serve industrial, residential, and commercial along with Parks and Schools.


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Bismarck City Commission

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR CITY COMMISSION AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THIS POSITION? In the last decade I have taken an increasing interest in local government. I listen to all of the local government meetings and have investigated, educated, and advocated on many issues that impact the citizens of Bismarck through encouraging choices that make our community better tomorrow than today. I believe each and every citizen has value and will represent them accordingly, and I have done it even before ever thinking that I would run for an office. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE CITY COMMISSION TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? The average bi-weekly meeting is lasting more than three hours and has between 15 and 20 items that a commission must make decisions on. I have found that many citizens feel disenfranchised by the government process and don’t feel like they have the time to keep informed by all that is going on or that officials are willing to engage them where they are at. This is something I have proven I can do as a citizen and will carry it with me as a public servant. I will also do it respectfully, as I encourage others to do it respectfully, so that perspectives do not get lost in the decision making process regardless the form of communication, including social media. WHAT IS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGE TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY OF BISMARCK AND HOW SHOULD IT BE ADDRESSED? As government grows with more regulation the price tag goes up and is transferred to the citizen and business owners. This becomes more problematic over time, and without proper measurable(s) in place it can harm our businesses and citizens. I believe Bismarck has the resources to become more competitive and grow as we choose bold innovations to make it happen. In my mind government needs to be responsible and supportive in order for business and citizens to thrive. Don’t create more regulations that drive cost up if there are answers to be had that facilitate the same or a better outcome at a lower expense. It is also prudent to find innovative ways to review what we have in place now in our ordinances and regulation and if there is a better solution that will help the net gain of the community, it needs to be brought to the commission. I feel this is the type of leadership Bismarck is starving for and I will be that advocate that makes it possible.


Bismarck City Commission

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR CITY COMMISSION AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THIS POSITION? I am running to be the next Bismarck City Commissioner because I cherish this city. I grew up here, where I created many memories with friends and family. Now as a mother, I get to do that with my own family. I am an Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran, the founder of a local non-profit, and currently serve on many committees, including the BurleighMorton Behavioral Health Coalition and the Human Relations Committee. I am an alumni of the Veteran's Entrepreneur Program, the Center for Technology & Business Women's Leadership Program, and the BismarckMandan EDC Leadership Program. These experiences and programs have helped me develop leadership skills that allow me to work collaboratively, under stressful situations, and adapt to ever-changing environments. I have become familiar with the issues that can plague individuals in our community; but am also familiar with the resources that can support individual and community development. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE CITY COMMISSION TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? My top priority is to elevate the viability of our residents and the services of the city of Bismarck. I aim to improve services for Bismarck residents, address the concerns of our growing schools and ensure that local businesses have the support they need to regain sustainability and retain a dynamic workforce. WHAT IS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGE TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY OF BISMARCK AND HOW SHOULD IT BE ADDRESSED? Many of us have experienced the immediate impacts from the current circumstances. This pandemic has amplified already needed services and supports for many of our Bismarck residents. Although there are many new programs and resources available to support small businesses or those who are laid off, that does not create an overall solution to address the ongoing needs that will arise in the upcoming years. It is going to take innovative thinking and intentional strategy planning to create community partnerships that can withstand the challenges we will face as a city, while working towards the regrowth of our community.

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STEVE MARQUARDT Bismarck City Commission

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR CITY COMMISSION AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THIS POSITION? I’m running for reelection to the Bismarck City Commission to represent all citizens. I love the City of Bismarck and what it represents. We are a large growing community with a lot of moving parts and different voices. In my 14 years as an elected official, I have seen a wide variety of issues come before the community and some very difficult decisions have been made. With those decisions all of them have been made with public input and with the best interest of the community and for the future of the City of Bismarck in mind. In those 14 years I have cultivated relationships with our legislature to help with City issues working with both sides of the aisle, collaborating with citizens, other government entities, working with business leaders, developers, home builders and many other stake holder groups to make the City of Bismarck a great community to live in. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE CITY COMMISSION TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? Public safety is always a top priority. We as a city commission have gone to great lengths to maintain our Police and Fire departments, which are critical to the health and wellbeing of our community. All our employees are greatly appreciated and are what makes the city function and we need to continue to invest in them. We as a City need to continue to find a balance between those wants and needs within constraints of our budget. WHAT IS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGE TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY OF BISMARCK AND HOW SHOULD IT BE ADDRESSED? The most significant challenge to business is how we come out of COVID-19. We need to make sure we visit with all stake holders to help navigate Federal and State monies along with decisions by the commission with different policies to help everyone move forward in this unprecedented time in our city, state and country. The Bismarck City Commission will need to have that conversation on how we all move forward.

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MARK SPLONSKOWSKI Bismarck City Commission

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR CITY COMMISSION AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THIS POSITION? I’m seeking a seat on the Bismarck City Commission because I believe that there needs to be a voice for the people in the City of Bismarck. As a tax appraiser, I hear daily the needs and concerns of our people and where they want their hard-earned taxpayer dollars to go. I see it as my duty to take action and pave the way for the next generation. I need to do my part to make my City a better place. I think I can bring about good and effective change as a member of the Bismarck City Commission. I want to work FOR the people — that is the job of anyone seeking a place in government. As I stated above, my six years of experience working as an appraiser for Burleigh County has given me the opportunity to speak to the taxpayers and citizens of Bismarck daily. I see where there needs to be change, and where wasteful spending is occurring. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE CITY COMMISSION TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? I would like to see special assessments for all rights-ofway and maintenance done away with and replaced by an annual budget for such things so that individual home owners are not strapped with ridiculous amounts of specials that cost them unforeseen amounts of money, as well as interest. WHAT IS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGE TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY OF BISMARCK AND HOW SHOULD IT BE ADDRESSED? The most significant challenge we face here in Bismarck is making the city more fiscally responsible, and business friendly. I will address these issues by working to cut unnecessary spending and keeping taxes as low as possible.


MICHAEL BRAUN Mandan City Commission

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR CITY COMMISSION AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THIS POSITION? I desire to serve my community. I want to see Mandan grow and prosper particularly for future generations. I have served two terms and feel I bring experience to the board. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE CITY COMMISSION TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? Property taxes and specials. WHAT IS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGE TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY OF MANDAN AND HOW SHOULD IT BE ADDRESSED? Enticing businesses to come to Mandan to do business.

JOSEPH A. CAMISA, JR. Mandan City Commission

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR CITY COMMISSION AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THIS POSITION? I am running for the Mandan City Commission because of my desire to serve the residents of such a vibrant and growing community. My wife and I believe Mandan has a lot to offer residents of all ages, blending large city amenities with a small town atmosphere. Mandan is growing, and we need leadership that will responsibly provide the necessary resources to support the work our great City staff does each and every day. As a Mandan Planning and Zoning Commissioner and a former civilian employee with the Mandan City Police Department, I thoroughly understand how the Mandan City Commission operates and the challenges that lie ahead. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE CITY COMMISSION TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? My top priority for the Commission will center on funding and the services provided by the City. As is the case with any growing city such as Mandan, limited financial resources often restrict the services a city can provide. The City Commission and staff will need to work together in these difficult times to engage in long-term planning, to determine where tax dollars should be allocated to most effectively serve the needs of Mandan residents for years to come. Any Long-term plan will need to address how the City will approach employee retention and compensation, as well as the equipment and training necessary to carry out services. WHAT IS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGE TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY OF MANDAN AND HOW SHOULD IT BE ADDRESSED? Mandan residents are blessed to have many great businesses providing a range of services that make our community a wonderful place to live. The growth of our business community needs more than just the support of the Mandan residents, but the City Commission as well. The Commission needs to actively compete a with other North Dakota cities for manufacturing, information technology and nonprofit based businesses that will attract and support community growth. Such growth will positively impact the wellbeing of our city and local businesses by creating new sources of revenue that will grow our sales tax base and establish Mandan as a destination city.

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KAREN DUNLAP Bismarck School Board

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR SCHOOL BOARD AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? I am a product and lifelong supporter of public schools. I am a parent of two children in Bismarck Public Schools and I have been involved in the District in a variety of different ways as a PTO/PAC member and officer, a member of the BPS Calendar Committee and Strategic Planning Committee, leading fundraising efforts, and as a classroom volunteer. Being a school board member is another way I can continue to be involved and ensure that all children in the District have access to a quality school environment. Additionally, I have a long history of government service that has provided me with the skills necessary to speak up for what is right and ensure all are heard. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? WHAT CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU SEE? The top priority should be to develop a solid plan to provide sufficient — quality — educational spaces for the ever-increasing student population throughout the District. This includes building new schools to meet the needs of the growing population in the northern portion of the district and ensuring that we protect and improve our existing neighborhood schools. Importantly, we must eliminate annual dependence on portable classrooms. The challenge will be accomplishing this without increasing taxes beyond what is acceptable to the voters and ensuring any boundary changes that result are well thought out and well explained.

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DAN EASTGATE Bismarck School Board

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR SCHOOL BOARD AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? I’m excited at the opportunity to serve kids, school staff and our community as your next Bismarck School Board member. I strongly believe all kids deserve to have positive learning environments and caring adults in their lives and will ensure Bismarck Public Schools continues to make this a priority. I have worked alongside schools and educators as the Area Director of Bismarck-Mandan Young Life for the past 14 years, and I understand teen culture and have had the opportunity to mentor youth in our community throughout that time. I’m also a professional working in Real Estate, and it is my belief that schools are the heart of healthy neighborhoods and communities; this truth has been on display throughout the recent health crisis as our local schools and staff have continued to find solutions to the many known and unknown challenges. I currently serve on the Bismarck Public School Foundation, as a trainer with Sources of Strength (proactive bullying and suicide prevention program active in area schools), on the South Central High School Community Advisory Committee and as a high school sports announcer! Both my wife and I are proud products of Bismarck Public Schools and we have three school-aged boys serving others. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? WHAT CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU SEE? Most important to me is that we’re providing education, services, and opportunities for all kids to succeed and achieve their greatest potential. This may be through standard education offered at their school, opportunities at the Career Academy, extra-curriculars and activities. We also need to take care of our teachers and school staff and make sure they’re getting the support they need and empowered to do their job. We have many great people at our schools, and I plan to be a voice for them on the board. The growth in our community will be both our biggest challenge and opportunity. BPS is already planning for future elementary schools, and we’ll need to be creative about how we manage growth. Certainly, we’ll need a balance of new buildings to keep healthy capacity while also maximizing our current facilities. I believe in bringing positivity to any leadership position and that real leadership is about serving others. I appreciate your support and will give my best to the kids and families in our community.



WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR SCHOOL BOARD AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? It’s an exciting time to be part of the BPS, planning two new elementary schools to address growing student populations and responding to changing needs in times of crisis. I am eager to serve our community and provide leadership for our children’s futures. As a government and public affairs specialist at the North Dakota Association of Counties, my job involves working on policy and legislative issues. I have witnessed closely how decisions at the local level effect our greater community. Prior to NDACo, I spent nearly two decades connected to the community as a reporter for KX television news. Overall, my greatest qualification for this role is being a Bismarck student’s parent. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? WHAT CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU SEE? Safety is priority number one. Through my work with law enforcement, I have worked on several projects to increase school safety. Every student should feel safe at school. Bismarck is experiencing tremendous growth in students and infrastructure needs. The board should actively monitor the enrollment projections, anticipate district needs and develop a long-term plan. We should also evaluate the distance-learning experience. While I know my daughter has missed being in a physical classroom, we may identify opportunities that better serve some students utilizing distance learning. There are incredible opportunities ahead!

KRISTINE JOHNSON Bismarck School Board

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR SCHOOL BOARD AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? I’m running for the Bismarck Public School Board for our Kids and Teachers. As a former Teachers Aide, and a Human Resource specialist and currently a stay at home mom to my four amazing children, I’ve always dedicated myself to helping others and letting their voices be heard. My husband Coltan and I both are products of the Bismarck Public School Systems. We moved back so we could provide the same educational opportunities for our children. My top priority will always be that of which will benefit our children the most. Teachers are one of the greatest backbones to our community and deserve a livable salary and shouldn't have to dig into their own pockets to get classroom supplies. I know how to make sound decisions that will benefit our Bismarck Public School system. I will be the voice and the bridge that will help bring our community and classrooms together. I know that the time I spent working in the Human Resource field will make me a great asset to the School Board. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? WHAT CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU SEE? I have seen firsthand how neighborhood schools are such an asset to our communities and how they bring people together, but I also understand the ever changing demographic and current enrollment issues arising in our school system. I believe in looking into current infrastructures that are currently in place to see what modifications could be made before the possibilities of rezoning of school boundaries and new schools being built. School safety is another top priority of mine, and I strive to continuously look into ways to keep our children safe, not only safe from any potential external threats, but also a mentally safe environment where kids and teachers feel safe and loved coming to each day. Keeping up with technology is another issue that has arrived since Covid-19. It has affected everyone in the community from Teachers, Parents and Kids. It is important that we have policies and procedures in place for when teaching with technology needs to be launched. Having the support and trust of parents and a community is very important to me, and I hope I can be one of your chosen leaders.

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BROOKE LEBEAU Bismarck School Board

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR SCHOOL BOARD AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? I am running for the Bismarck Public School Board as I have always played an active role in my children's education, and I understand the importance of tying together the community and the schools. I was the 201718 Dorothy Moses PTO Vice President, 2018-19 Dorothy Moses PTO President and 2018-19 BPS Indian Education Parent Committee Interim President. With my diverse background, I look forward to working with our community as a person who is open to listening and adapting change that would best serve all households and families. My enthusiasm to hold office would be to bring a new perspective while creating networks of support. Bismarck Public Schools has a very diverse population, and all should feel welcome and have a valued sense of belonging. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? WHAT CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU SEE? My top priorities would focus on bullying, safety, and security within all schools for students and staff, and DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) training for staff. I would also like to see more updated curriculum in the schools. I believe BPS is working towards this now. The challenge I see is change is not made overnight, so we must remain consistent and resolute in developing new strategies for the future education of all our children. I see many amazing opportunities for all students as Bismarck is a thriving community with many great opportunities for our children. We must remain steadfast in inclusion of all our students and future generations.

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NICK THUESON Bismarck School Board

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR SCHOOL BOARD AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? I believe that education, whether it be traditional or vocational, is crucial to building a solid economy for many generations. My five children attend Bismarck Public Schools, and so do the children of most of my friends and neighbors. I want to ensure that they are receiving the best BPS can offer for future success. I am so grateful for our teachers and support staff and want to make sure they are fairly compensated for all the time and effort they put into educating our youth. I served on the Halliday Public Schools Board during the peak of the oil boom. We experienced many challenges and I was able to be involved firsthand with overcoming those challenges and gained some very vital knowledge pertaining to the ins and outs of schools and their operations. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? WHAT CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU SEE? One of my top priorities will be facilities and classroom sizes. Teacher and staff salaries will also be a priority in the next three years. As I learned during my previous stint on the HPSB, one of the biggest challenges is to make sure the students, the teachers and the taxpayers are all being treated fairly when decisions are being made. I feel there are various opportunities to build on what the current board has done and find other ways to make BPS a desired place for children to be educated and where the best educators want to work.


SARGIANNA WUTZKE Bismarck School Board


WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR SCHOOL BOARD AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? I am running for the school board to ensure that every student in our district receives the best education possible. As a former educator and a paraprofessional, I realize the variety of roles that staff play in children’s lives and how it is essential that they receive the training, tools and support to succeed. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? WHAT CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU SEE? I believe the district needs a voice that will speak for those that are under-served or in need of more assistance. Through innovation in the classroom, we can find multiple ways to deliver education via multiple approaches that will reach all kids. Additionally, we need to ensure that teachers are receiving the training and support that is needed to utilize these new strategies in their classrooms. Finally, we have to be up for the challenge of recruiting and retaining our school district’s talented staff. These folks are the backbone of our community; providing competitive compensation best while balancing the district’s budget is essential to the success of our students.

Mike Connelly Brandi Jude

Steve Marquardt Mark Splonskowski


Joseph A. Camisa


Karen Dunlap Dan Eastgate Donnell Preskey Hushka

Kristine Johnson Brooke LeBeau Nick Thueson Sargianna Wutzke

MANDAN SCHOOL BOARD - 3 SEATS OPEN Darren Haugen Kama Hoovestol

Marnie Piehl Ellie Shockley


Jennifer Froehlich

Wade Meschke

BURLEIGH COUNTY COMMISSION - 2 SEATS OPEN Brian Bitner Becky Matthews Brian Geloff Jerry Woodcox MORTON COUNTY COMMISSION - 3 SEATS OPEN Nathan Boehm Raymond S. Morrell Ron Leingang Wayne Papke Tom Peters

In response to COVID-19, both Morton County and Burleigh County will conduct their respective elections by mail this year. For instructions on how to vote by mail and to access resources, please visit the links below. For more information and resources for the upcoming election, visit or call the Burleigh County auditor's office at 701-222-6718 or the Morton County auditor's office at 701-667-3300.

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DARREN HAUGEN Mandan School Board

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR SCHOOL BOARD AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? Both my wife and I as well as both of our children are products of the Mandan Public School system. Now as empty nesters, it is my turn to give back to the community and school district which gave me the education to succeed in a strong local business organization. As a lending professional and former SVP of Financial services for a hometown community bank, I am uniquely qualified to understand the primary challenge facing nearly all organizations, finances. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? WHAT CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU SEE? Mandan has been a growing city over the last decade and with that comes young new families with children driving enrollment numbers within our schools. These are welcome challenges for a city that aspires to continue to grow and add to its business base, and yet at the same time creates challenges to manage that growth with current facilities and being good stewards of the taxpayers money. We have solid teaching professionals in Mandan and need to be mindful of the tools, facilities, and technology we give them to provide the best education for our children. Mandan is at a crossroad in terms of its facilities and growth in enrollment. This will be an enormous challenge/ opportunity for our school district to fund the necessary improvements needed to grant our children the best education.

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KAMA HOOVESTOL Mandan School Board

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR SCHOOL BOARD AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? I am running for another term on the school board after serving the board for 4 years (1-3 year term and 1 year for an un-expired term). I love seeing the progress that the students and staff make in our district. It is a privilege to watch our district grow in such a positive way. I worked for Mandan Public Schools as a certified teacher prior to becoming a board member. I feel my knowledge of the school district is beneficial to the board. I have two daughters that are currently in the school system and a son that will join next school year. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? WHAT CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU SEE? My top priority is to help address the growth and development of our district. It is great to see Mandan growing with such great numbers; however, we as a district need to be able to provide them with the best education possible. We have great staff in our district, but at the same time I feel it is important to provide smaller class sizes in order for the students to have the best opportunity for learning. The board needs to continue to look at avenues that will provide adequate facilities to meet the growing needs of our population. I am proud of our district and look forward to seeing it flourish.



Mandan School Board

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR SCHOOL BOARD AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? My husband Shadd and I have three sons who have thrived in Mandan schools. Their great experiences are what first drove me to run for school board. I wanted to give back. I am running for my third term for them, but also so I can help our students flourish, support the MPS teachers and staff, and continue the work I’ve proudly been part of for the past six years. In addition to the school board, I currently serve on the Chamber EDC board, my church board, and the Humanities ND Gamechanger Advisory Team. Thanks to my role in communications at BSC, I get to connect the dots between K-12 and higher ed every day — a strength I bring to the District. I am an advocate for dual credit courses and ensuring students are ready for college, service or the job market upon graduation. Serving Mandan has been an honor these past years, and never more so than this during this pandemic when every teacher, staff person and administrator went above and beyond for our students. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? WHAT CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU SEE? The Mandan school district is growing at an amazing pace, and we must address that growth. We’ll have 600 more students in the district by 2024. We need more elementary space, and we are going to have to address our high school capacity in the next few years. I’m proud of the work done to attract talented teachers and ensure our salaries are competitive. I want to continue to grow programs that serve families and kids in need, ensure our technology advances, and support classrooms and schools that are 21st century learning environments. All these things are vital in the coming years, and I would welcome the opportunity to continue to be involved as a member of the Mandan School Board.

ELLIE SHOCKLEY Mandan School Board

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR SCHOOL BOARD AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? After completing my post-doctoral university fellowship, I’ve now served the State of North Dakota as an education researcher for 4.5 years. I even had the great honor of serving on Governor Burgum’s Task Force for Higher Education Governance in 2018. Education is my passion; it’s my expertise. My research has focused on education over the lifespan, as well as teacher turn-over and shortages. Altogether, I have a nuanced understanding of education and school operations. I am a good listener and integrative thinker, and I know I can help Mandan serve its students and support its teachers. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? WHAT CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU SEE? My short-term priority is supporting school personnel as we plan for an uncertain 20-21 school year. There are many unanswered questions about next year in the age of COVID-19. We’ll need to be nimble. Beyond COVID-19, getting the new high school built is my priority. We need to work intensively toward each next step so that we swiftly bring a wonderful new high school into existence. We must anticipate our needs not just over the next years, but decades. With this new school, we can embrace both 21st century learning and tried-and-true means of student success that our teachers understand so well.

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ANDREW JORDAN Bismarck Park Board

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR PARK BOARD AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? For some time now, I known that I wanted to serve the community of Bismarck in some capacity. My family is very active and has been active in Parks and Recreation activities. With my extensive coaching background, I knew the Park Board was the right fit for me. I have been a school administrator for the past seven years. Four of those years, I have served as a school Superintendent. I understand budget, strategic planning, and what it takes to successfully manage a large organization. Being a Park Board Commissioner would be my way of giving back to the community and serving the great people of Bismarck. HOW WILL YOU BALANCE THE INCREASING DEMAND TO DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN FACILITIES WHILE ENSURING FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY? My time as a School District Superintendent gives me the experience of managing a large complex budget. It’s extremely important that the Park District maintain its strong approach to strategic planning. The facilities study completed last year was an important step to hear from our community and gain an understanding on their wants and needs. Having a long-term plan will help the park district continue to prioritize the needs of the community and ensure that the district is being fiscally responsible.

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WAYNE MUNSON Bismarck Park Board

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR PARK BOARD AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? The Bismarck Park District provides all residents within our community an extremely wide variety of programs and facilities. I have enjoyed being part of that as a Commissioner the past two terms and look forward to serving again. As a small business owner in Bismarck, I work hard to bring a different perspective to the board. HOW WILL YOU BALANCE THE INCREASING DEMAND TO DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN FACILITIES WHILE ENSURING FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY? As our community grows, we have an ever-increasing demand on our facilities and programs. The district has created many Private/Public partnerships and continues to apply for grant opportunities both locally and nationally to help keep our costs to the residents low. I believe that the district has done an admirable job keeping our existing facilities up to date as well as planning for new facilities throughout the community as programs have called for.



WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR PARK BOARD AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? I am running for Mandan Park Board to get more involved in the community, to bring new blood to the table, and to get a deep understanding of our current and future recreational needs. I look forward to this new adventure on contributing to the future of Mandan Park Districts and Mandan to keep them on the map and growing. I have family and friends who participate in several of the Mandan Parks & Recreation Programs and I would like to see them continue to grow for the Mandan Community. HOW WILL YOU BALANCE THE INCREASING DEMAND TO DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN FACILITIES WHILE ENSURING FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY? I will be open minded to improvements needs and the concerns of the community as it is our responsibility to determine the best time frames for any projects and make the appropriate adjustments based on our available funds. It is also important and time to make sure that all facilities are maintained and cost efficient for the future of our community to be able to increase the Park Districts financial balance sheet.

WADE MESCHKE Mandan Park Board

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR PARK BOARD AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? I am running for Mandan Park Board in hopes to continue serving Mandan residents and providing for their recreational needs. The past term has brought many challenges, but improvements to our city. By serving another term, I will look to improve our already great park district by maintaining/investing in our current programs and facilities, yet also look to find other ways to fill Mandan’s growing necessities. I believe serving the last four years has given me a wider perspective of all programs, trails, and facilities and how they all work together to provide for our citizens. New challenges will continue to arise with the growth of our city and how to plan for future expansion. HOW WILL YOU BALANCE THE INCREASING DEMAND TO DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN FACILITIES WHILE ENSURING FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY? The Mandan Park Board has been able to create and maintain facilities that are of high quality and serve Mandan residents well, but they are also designed to bring in nonMandan residents by the events they host. These events have brought increased revenue to businesses and sales tax dollars to our city. This is largely due to our relationship with progressive user groups and their willingness to build and improve our city’s infrastructure. These partnerships have made it possible keep taxes manageable, reduce overall debt, and target our non-revenue entities within our general budget. I will continue to look for ways to create and improve facilities that will serve Mandan citizens.

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Burleigh County Commission

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR COUNTY COMMISSION AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? Because so many Burleigh County Citizens have asked me to do so. My attributes as a servant leader qualify me for the position. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE COUNTY COMMISSION TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? Clearly a top priority will be the ongoing COVID-19 situation but the county has challenges that will require steady thoughtful leadership moving forward. WHAT IS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGE TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY OF BURLEIGH COUNTY AND HOW SHOULD IT BE ADDRESSED? Covid-19. This should be addressed with maximum communication and cooperation at all levels to recover from it. The business community is extremely important in the recovery from this pandemic.


Burleigh County Commission

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR COUNTY COMMISSION AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? My friends and neighbors of Burleigh County have expressed their love of this area. That is why as Burleigh County Commissioner my pledge is to honor and respect that pride and joy. By listening to the public input and by being accessible to the citizens, I can then make informed decisions to represent the wishes of the community. My goal is to be totally transparent. People need to once again be able to trust a public servant. My roots are here in the county with growing up on a family farm north of Sterling, helping run both the family farm and the used-machinery business. I have a diverse background including farming, auto repair, delivery, and construction. I volunteer my services for veteran's support and community club involvement. Family values and fair business practices were instilled in me at a young age. Those lessons have served me well as owner of FnG Repair in Bismarck. With the help of my wife and children for 10 years, I have helped all sorts of people from the very affluent to the downtrodden. My reputation is that of a caring businessman helping families in need. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE COUNTY COMMISSION TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? The most pressing issues facing Burleigh County citizens are: 1. County social services reform and accountability. 2. Immigration fairness for ALL. 3. Infrastructure to help the region grow. 4. Well maintained roads to guarantee school traffic, market access and emergency service for all families.

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WHAT IS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGE TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY OF BURLEIGH COUNTY AND HOW SHOULD IT BE ADDRESSED? The most significant challenge will be to rebuild the trust between the citizens and the elected officials. That means enhancing communications between elected officials and the residents. People here are very smart and ONLY with their input can we continue to grow and prosper as a community.



Burleigh County Commission

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR COUNTY COMMISSION AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? Raising five children in Bismarck and being involved with many organizations and non-profits gives me a unique perspective on the needs in Burleigh County. I work for BECEP Early Intervention supporting families, and daily I see the struggles of young families throughout the county. My work brings me in constant intersection with social service needs, which has given me a working familiarity with the redesign for county social services. Data indicates that 50 percent of Burleigh County is female, and 47.8 percent of residents are age 19-54. Currently, the Burleigh County Commission does not match that data and as 46-year-old female I feel I represent a very needed demographic. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE COUNTY COMMISSION TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? Burleigh County Commission has many working agreements and contracts with other municipalities, such as BismarckBurleigh Public Health, Central Dakota Communications Center, and Burleigh Morton Detention Center. These collaborations will need to continue to help streamline processes for residents and most efficiently utilize the county’s tax dollars. Burleigh County and surrounding communities can streamline building, development, and business standards to help developers and business owners grow and thrive in our community. Currently the need to collaborate between the Burleigh County Social Services Zone and the North Dakota Department of Human Services is imperative to provide the best services possible to the most vulnerable in our community. WHAT IS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGE TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY OF BURLEIGH COUNTY AND HOW SHOULD IT BE ADDRESSED? Due to the COVID-19 emergency, we are in an unprecedented time in North Dakota. This has increased the county’s need for an effective public health system as well as accounting for the loss due to unemployment. A change in oil and agriculture prices are also affecting many businesses and people in Burleigh County. Finally, high property taxes and special assessments have made it increasingly difficult to do business in Burleigh County. We need to be in partnership with our city commissions, to produce creative outcomes during this time with small businesses, farming operations, and employees facing record levels of bankruptcies and unemployment.


Burleigh County Commission

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR COUNTY COMMISSION AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? I have been a Burleigh County Commissioner for five terms. My experience not only as a Commissioner, but also as a small business owner and operator has provided the knowledge for Burleigh County in a moderate conservative manner. In these uncertain times, I think it is even more important to maintain an effective, financially-sound government. There is security in experience government leadership. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE COUNTY COMMISSION TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? Burleigh County is in excellent financial condition. This has been accomplished by having a conservative approach to budgeting every year. This coming year in particular will be a real challenge to maintain that condition. We must look closely at every building project, road project, hiring practices, salary adjustments, and be more vigilant than ever. WHAT IS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGE TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY OF BURLEIGH COUNTY AND HOW SHOULD IT BE ADDRESSED? The startup after the current crisis will be a real challenge. It is not going to be overnight. I do think that County, City, School, and Park District governments will have to evaluate what has happened and look at current tax rates and property evaluations. I think some sort of relief will be necessary to assist businesses to recover as soon as possible. This will take the cooperative effort of all four taxing entities. This effort, while sounding difficult, can be accomplished if we all work together.

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Morton County Commission

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR COUNTY COMMISSION AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? As a lifelong resident of Morton county, I will be a leader and strong voice for our county residents and businesses and will look to the future for our county’s changing needs. I want to be a part of that future and realize we must adjust to new challenges and needs along the way with an open mind. I have served numerous organizations as an officer or board member and am confident my leadership skills will fit well with the commission. I will give voters a choice of someone who has lived in and understands both rural and urban issues as I grew up and lived on a farm for 46 years and now live in Mandan. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE COUNTY COMMISSION TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? The current county commissioners have done an excellent job of leading us in the right direction and representing the whole county. We need to continue the work and programs they have started and keep improving. There will be a learning curve to understand all the issues that impact Morton county, and I look forward to visiting with county residents to hear their perspective. Balancing taxes while investing in critical infrastructure projects, including roads, is one key priority for Morton county. Supporting growth and development in a sensible way will grow our tax base and help ease the tax burden for all residents and businesses. It is also essential that we continue to support law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical services to ensure public safety for all residents. WHAT IS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGE TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY OF MORTON COUNTY AND HOW SHOULD IT BE ADDRESSED? This year our whole economy has been severely damaged by the pandemic we are now dealing with. Businesses large and small will have many decisions on how they will resume “normal” operations and regain their financial well-being in this challenging time. The commission will need to do all it can to make Morton county business-friendly so that we can retain our current businesses and attract new enterprises throughout Morton county long into the future.

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RAYMOND S. MORRELL Morton County Commission

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR COUNTY COMMISSION AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? In order to make a difference in one’s community, I feel a person needs to become engaged within their community. My entire life has been one of community service. From serving as a leader of community events in my early-teens, I have learned communication skills, fiscal responsibility, leadership, and delegation. Those skills have been amplified through forty-plus years of continued community involvement, business relations, government affairs and legislative activities. I wish to provide effective government while maintaining a connectivity with the people across Morton County. Being passionate about the work I do, I am open to new ideas of doing it. My quest for Morton County Commission is one I take with serious intent of serving the citizens of Morton County. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE COUNTY COMMISSION TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? Government needs to maintain fiscal responsibility and streamline efficiencies; government spending and the services provided can drift. Morton County Commission has a basic priority of providing effective government at minimal costs to its citizen. WHAT IS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGE TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY OF MORTON COUNTY AND HOW SHOULD IT BE ADDRESSED? Two great resources for monitoring county growth and business capabilities are the Bismarck/Mandan Metropolitan Transportation Plan and the Morton County Comprehensive Land Use Plan. While these plans demonstrate trends, constant monitoring is important as Morton County’s base population grows and evolves. Partnering with existing resources to increase business capabilities within the County must be ongoing, along with the opportunity to identify and attract businesses that fit with the assets/resources of Morton County. Attracting new business is an ongoing challenge in a world where sales can be derived through the web. Our business community needs: visibility/foot traffic, solid Infrastructure, and, a solid tax base. Government must create an environment that is conducive for business.



Morton County Commission

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR COUNTY COMMISSION AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? I have the time, the knowledge and more so, the passion to do this public service job very well. My 39-year working career had a majority of it in Fortune 100 companies and the last 15 years in starting and growing my own successful small business, which I sold in 2016 and then retired. I qualify very well for this position, as I have been active in local politics in Morton County for 26 years as a taxpayer advocate and a proponent of transparency. My tax policy is to levy only as much as is needed. My greatest strength is in my experience of preliminary budgets and the budgeting process. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE COUNTY COMMISSION TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? My No. 1 top priority is: NEW INDUSTRY AND NEW BUSINESS. To get companies to come, we need to: 1. Build and grow our labor force. Our first goal, with the State as a leader, is attract and incent new workers to come, stay here and become employed here long-term with emphasis on North Dakota workers. 2. Infrastructure, we want good roads, bridges, etc. to transport our people and our products to market. 3. Tax policy: we need a consistent, defined, local tax policy on use taxes, sales tax and property tax. We do not need the lowest tax, but companies must trust our tax policies. WHAT IS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGE TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY OF MORTON COUNTY AND HOW SHOULD IT BE ADDRESSED? Growing and retaining a qualified work force has been our challenge. Unfortunately, with the volatility in the oil and ag market we are going to see even more weakness in these markets. We cannot forget that North Dakota, percentage wise, is as intertwined to China and in the worldwide market as New York City is. We must close the policy and communication gaps to grow in the worldwide market. We need to negotiate joint venture programs to incent innovations from Morton County to the worldwide market then bring this business to Morton County. Yes, today, this process begins at the County level and we must get on board.


Morton County Commission

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR COUNTY COMMISSION AND WHAT QUALIFIES YOU FOR THE POSITION? I am running for Morton County Commission because I care about Morton County, and I want the county that I have called home for 30+ years to continue to be a great place to live, work, and raise families. I want to hear what the residents of Morton County feel is important or needed to keep Morton County a great place to work and live. I feel I'm qualified to be a Morton County commissioner because I always try to look at all sides of an issue, and I will always make decisions based on what’s best for Morton County residents, not outside entities. WHAT IS YOUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE COUNTY COMMISSION TO ADDRESS IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS? I am not running for Morton County Commission because I feel things need changing; the present commissioners are doing a great job. A top priority of mine will be listening to the employees of Morton County. The employees of any organization are the most valuable resource and I want to hear what they feel is working well and what changes or improvements could be made. Also, Morton County is a large county, I want to ensure that ALL residents of Morton County (from Hebron and Glen Ullin to Flasher and New Salem to Mandan) are represented. WHAT IS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGE TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY OF MORTON COUNTY AND HOW SHOULD IT BE ADDRESSED? The business community is vital to keeping Morton county flourishing. Working towards maintaining a thriving county requires all entities to work together. When rural Morton county thrives, Morton County businesses thrive. Each business has many challenges and as a commissioner, I will try my best to learn the needs and challenges of our businesses and what they feel is the best plan to help meet their needs and minimize the challenges.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Morton County Commission candidate Ron Leingang did not submit a candidate questionnaire.

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RJR Maintenance and Management has been a member of the Chamber EDC since 2013.

Ben Pace RJR MAINTENANCE & MANAGEMENT Q: Tell us about yourself and your role within your organization. A: My name is Ben Pace and I am a 24-year-old young professional from Bismarck. I started out working for RJR as a Leasing Consultant showing our units to prospective Residents. I really enjoyed learning about our various properties and got a hang of it very quickly, the owners of RJR saw my interest in dedication and decided I take the next step in their business. Robert and Jackie gave me the tools and harnessed my creative abilities to create a successful Marketing Position for me. I currently manage and run all advertisements, marketing, and taking on new clients for the business. I am 1 of 7 board members for RJR. I have absolutely enjoyed every bit of my career with such incredible mentors teaching me along the way.

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Q: Briefly tell us the history behind RJR Maintenance & Management. A: Robert and Jackie Fakler purchased the business in 2012 after taking their previous experience of over 20 years in the industry to the next step. They started with 296 units and have grown their business approximately 10X since the start of their journey. They’ve created jobs for over 35 employees and have worked with many other locally owned vendors in hopes to support Bismarck and Mandan’s other locally owned companies. To date RJR Maintenance and Management has poured their effort and time into ensuring we are a part of the local community. RJR finds various organizations, charity groups, and volunteering opportunities to be involved your round. It is important to Jackie Fakler to remain connected in the current situations of our ever-growing community.

CONNECTION | MEMBER PROFILE Q: How has the growth of Bismarck-Mandan impacted RJR Maintenance & Management? A: The growth of Bismarck-Mandan has allowed RJR to explore many different options within our industry. RJR Maintenance and Management has branched out to Commercial Management, Storage Units, RV Parks, Commercial Maintenance, and HOA/Condo Association Management/Maintenance to accompany our Residential Maintenance and Management. We have welcomed the growth and change in our community with open arms and have really enjoyed the challenges along the way. Q: What trends are taking place in your industry? A: Trends in our industry are always changing. Currently in the last few years the “Typical Renter” has changed and evolved. In the past, when North Dakota was going through the “Oil Boom” the market was very strong and you could rarely expect a vacancy for too long. Nowadays, renters are able to be a bit more picky on their choice of home. Location, price point, finishes, and promotions have been top of mind for most renters in the market! The industry has also grown within the past few years and we see new Property Management Companies pop up all the time. I have seen within our own company a mass of “Ma & Pa” landlords seeking new opportunities for their investment. Q: Have there been any monumental changes within your industry that you've had to deal with? A: The decline of North Dakota residents due to the “Oil Boom” has made an impact on the way people are obtaining renters. Technology and social media has grown significantly in the last decade and really shown and an impact on Marketing tools within the last few years. We are unable to just place a For Rent sign in the yard and wait by the phone, we must effectively and creatively place our listings and brand in the eyes of many people. Q: What does the future of RJR Maintenance & Management look like, and the industry as a whole look like to you? A: The future of RJR Maintenance and Management has always been moving forward and growing. The last few years has given us a glimpse of the potential growth and avenues we are able to obtain. We foresee this growth to continue and hope to employ many more talented individuals. The industry as a whole should continue to grow and we are expecting to see more Property Management Companies come out of the woodworks.

Q: RJR Maintenance & Management became a member in 2013, why do you continue to renew each year? A: We continue to renew due to the connection the Chamber EDC has with the community. We find it important to be able to be with other business minded individuals and have opportunities to be a part of training and networking events. We have always appreciated the events Chamber EDC has put on and hope to continue to be a part of that for many years to come! What should other Chamber EDC members know about RJR Maintenance & Management that may assist them? A: RJR Maintenance and Management is a full-service Property Management Company. We have a full in-house Maintenance Department and a strongly dedicated office staff. RJR is able to work with property owners of all sizes. We always encourage individuals to call us and chat about what services we offer that may be beneficial to them!

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Connection 3 21


BISMARCK STATE COLLEGE CONTRIBUTES TO LOCAL ECONOMY Bismarck-Mandan is home to three institutions of higher education: Bismarck State College, the University of Mary and United Tribes Technical College. Combined, those three colleges and universities had a combined enrollment of more than 8,000 students in the Fall of 2019. Sometimes overlooked as an economic contributor, higher education brings a tremendous amount to Bismarck-Mandan’s economy and for the next three months the Connection will illustrate just how they do it.

Photo Credit: Bismarck State College

BSC’s total economic contribution was estimated to be $153.6 million in FY 2017.

We’ll start with Bismarck State College (BSC), which was created in 1939 in response to a community need for a local college and was originally known as Bismarck Junior College. The first students started classes on the third floor of Bismarck High School, but by the late 1940s the need for a new location became apparent as the enrollment grew with returning GI’s. That’s when the State Legislature granted the college 15 acres on the Capitol grounds, but soon that became too small and Harold Schafer donated land in NW Bismarck that would soon become the campus that we’re all familiar with. In that time, BSC has grown to become North Dakota’s third largest college or university behind only North Dakota State University (NDSU) and the University of North Dakota (UND). Not only has BSC’s enrollment grown (to approximately 4,000 students), so, too, have its economic impacts to the community.

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According to the North Dakota University System: • BSC’s total economic contribution was estimated to be $153.6 million in FY2017. • Levels of business activity resulting from BSC expenditures would support 312 secondary (indirect and induced) jobs in 2017, in addition to the 571 staff positions. • Direct impacts of student spending in BismarckMandan area were $31.5 million in FY2017 with the total economic contribution of student spending was $78.2 million.

CONNECTION | ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BSC programs are offered online and on-campus in a number of in-demand fields ranging from energy and agriculture to cybersecurity and the health sciences.

Let’s show the world what we can do together. Day by day. Project by project. Together we’re bridging what’s possible and moving the world forward. Photo Credit: Bismarck State College

And BSC obviously isn’t just an economic engine, they’re training the workforce of the future. BSC is in the midst of a mission expansion into a polytechnic model -- adding more four-year bachelor of applied science degrees to its offerings in response to industry demand for advanced, technical skills. The college continues to provide two-year technical degrees, diploma and certificate programs, as well as degree options for students to transfer seamlessly to a 4-year college. Those transfers often take place very close to home. The college not only offers a number of 2+2 transfer programs with the University of Mary, but Valley City State University, Dickinson State and Minot State all offer four-year degree programs on the BSC campus. BSC programs are offered online and on-campus in a number of in-demand fields ranging from energy and agriculture to cybersecurity and the health sciences. “The engagement from the business community is one of the most important parts of BSC’s success,” says President Larry C. Skogen. “From their input on our curriculum through our advisory boards to employing our students upon graduation, we couldn’t educate students as well without their support.” Bismarck-Mandan is still a vibrant, growing community with an economy to match. Our biggest challenge to maintaining that growth is finding all the people needed to fill the roles that drive the economy. Luckily, BSC puts us in a position to do just that.

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Connection 3 23


LOCAL MANUFACTURERS STEP UP IN FIGHT AGAINST COVID-19 As the coronavirus outbreak continues to impact our community, our county and our state, many local businesses have been forced to alter their operations. Some have been forced to close temporarily, some have had to reduce staff and some have taken increased precautions to protect employees and customers. Take, for instance, our health care providers who are directly caring for those who have contracted the coronavirus. As they do so, they’re forced to wear additional layers of personal protective equipment (PPE), including face shields. However, with PPE in high demand, it can be a struggle to get the needed equipment. Fortunately, Doosan Bobcat has stepped in to help.

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Early on, the Chamber EDC was contacted by leaders at Bobcat with an offer to produce face shields for our local health care providers. The Chamber EDC, in turn, connected Bobcat with those health care providers who quickly quantified a need for hundreds of new face shields. The folks at Bobcat quickly went to work and created three different prototypes of face shields. Once they arrived at the model they would produce; they ordered the needed raw materials and went to work manufacturing them. “Some health care workers and first responders are facing a shortage of much-needed personal protective equipment, so our engineering teams wanted to utilize our skills and resources to help fill this need,” said Matt Sagaser, director of Doosan Bobcat North America’s Acceleration Center. “We are all in this health crisis together, and Doosan Bobcat is committed to support frontline health care teams, our workforce and local communities in the best way we can.”

CONNECTION | ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Another local company who helped the community was Plastics Plus.

Doosan Bobcat has been manufacturing personal protective equipment for local health care workers

As we look to keep the economy open and customers coming through the doors, many stores have installed clear, plastic barriers between the customer and the person helping them at check stands, tills and customer service windows. Due to the coronavirus, the demand for those barriers skyrocketed and luckily, Plastics Plus was there to answer the call. The company, who traditionally has manufactured products like sign holders, window well covers and more were in prime position to address that demand. Joanna Lozensky, co-owner of Plastics Plus said, “We noticed immediately the impact the situation was having on other businesses and our community. When we were approached by the hospitals, clinics, and other local businesses, we jumped into action without question. Serving the community is our #1 priority. We are here to help businesses stay open and operate safely. Supporting one another is the only way we can truly win.� Photo Credit: Doosan Bobcat

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SIGN UP FOR THE SWEETEST DAY! Bismarck Mandan’s Lemonade Day is June 20th and it's now time to register for the biggest and sweetest young entrepreneur event of the year! Lemonade Day is a free entrepreneurial experience that teaches youngsters how to create, own, and operate their very own business in form of a lemonade stand. Parents, mentors, teachers, and youth leaders are encouraged to register their youth online at:, or in person at one of our many pickup locations listed below: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC 1640 Burnt Boat Dr., Bismarck Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm Bismarck Veterans Memorial Public Library 515 N. 5th St., Bismarck Monday-Thursday, 9:00am - 9:00pm Friday & Saturday, 9:00am - 6:00pm Sunday, 1:00pm - 6:00pm Gateway to Science 1810 Schafer St., Bismarck Monday-Thursday, 12:00pm-7:00pm Friday & Saturday, 10:00am-5:00pm Sunday, Closed Missouri Valley Family YMCA 1680 N. Washington St., Bismarck Monday-Friday, 6:00am-11:00pm Saturday, 6:00am-7:00pm Sunday, 9:00am-7:00pm Morton Mandan Public Library 609 W. Main St., Mandan Monday-Thursday, 9:30am-9:00pm Friday & Saturday, 9:30am-5:00pm Sunday, 1:00pm-5:00pm Family Wellness Bisman 2700 46th Ave. SE, Mandan Monday-Friday, 5:00am-11:00pm Saturday, 6:00am-7:00pm Sunday, 9:00am-7:00pm

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Join us Tuesday, May 19th from 4:30pm - 6:30pm at Skyzone for a Lemonade Day Curb Side Kickoff! Young Entreprenuers and their mentor/parent are able to register in person (or online beforehand) to receive their business kit and FREE 30 minute Jump pass to Skyzone. Remember to bring your registration confirmation email! Also be sure to register for our upcoming Best Tasting Contest on June 13th, at the Family Wellness Center in Mandan. We will reward 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place and those winners will be promoted heavily on social media the week leading to Lemonade Day. If you are interested in learning more or have any questions please contact Christine Nelson at or by calling the Chamber EDC at 701-223-5660. @bismanlemonadeday #bismanlemonday20

Many sweet thanks to the following:

Main Squeeze: Lime-Light Sponsor: Fresh Squeeze Sponsors: Lemon Head: American Bank Center, Bartlett & West Inc., Bismarck Title Co., Bobcat/Doosan, Carden Custom Framing, First Western Bank & Trust, Gary Tharaldson School of Business-University of Mary, Grand Junction Grilled Subs, Mr. Squeegee Window Cleaning, Scheels, Terry’s Health Products



Each year the Chamber EDC connects with members for their feedback on the economic performance of the region through the annual Economic Outlook Survey. Through this detailed survey we are able to provide our members with insight into the economic climate of Bismarck-Mandan and we will share the results and provide an economic outlook for the year ahead at the annual Economic Outlook Forum. The Chamber EDC and Starion Bank are excited to host Associate Professor of Business at the University of Mary, Dr. Karel Sovak, as he shares the results of the recent Economic Outlook Survey. In addition to an outstanding keynote, the 2020 Economic Outlook Forum will provide our region an opportunity to learn from multiple industries of their successes and challenges, including insight into their ongoing COVID-19 response. This year’s Economic Outlook Forum is scheduled for Tuesday, June 23rd at the Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center. Registration begins at 7:00am. To reserve a table for $425, please call Christine Nelson at 701-223-5660 or email Cost to attend the Economic Outlook Forum is $40.00 for Chamber EDC Members and $50.00 for general admission. Tickets for day of the event are $45 for Chamber EDC Members and $55 for general admission. REGISTER ONLINE AT BISMARCKMANDAN.COM Presenting Sponsor:

The agenda this year includes: KEYNOTE: Global Economic & Geo-political Outlook: What are the Opportunities & Risks Ahead? • Bernard Baumohl Chief Global Economist, The Economic Outlook Group

Bernard Baumohl

The 2020 Economic Outlook Forum keynote is an international speaker and 2018’s Most Accurate Economic Forecaster - Mr. Bernard Baumohl, Chief Global Economist at the Economic Outlook Group. Bernard is well known for being ahead of the curve in assessing the direction of the U.S. and world economy and is frequently cited in the New York Times, Washington Post, Business Week, Financial Times and National Public Radio. ECONOMIC SURVEY RESULTS • Dr. Karel Sovak - Associate Professor of Business, University of Mary Additional agenda details will be available soon, including information on this year’s panel discussions.

Gold Media Sponsor: Sponsor: Table Sponsors: American Bank Center, Bank of North Dakota, Barr Engineering, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Bismarck Cancer Center, Bismarck State College, Capital Credit Union, First International Bank & Trust, First Western Bank & Trust, Kirkwood Mall, Montana Dakota Utilities, National Information Solutions Cooperative, Sanford, United Tribes Technical College, University of Mary

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BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SERIES RETURNS IN MAY Join us Thursday, May 14th for the first two-part session on Leadership, facilitated by Dale Carnegie. SESSION ONE: Develop Your Leadership Potential: Stop Doing, Start Leading 9:00am – 10:30am Learn what it takes to be a successful leader in today’s workplace. Understand how you will need to evolve from a top performer to an emerging leader. Apply proven human relations techniques that will motivate and empower your team.

SESSION TWO: Leadership Training for Results: Unleash Talent in Others 1:00pm – 2:30pm Stop managing and start leading. Move your career forward by adopting the right attitudes and actions that make for great leaders. Get the foundational knowledge of how you can lead a team of engaged employees who are ready to succeed at every turn.

Register at Contact Joan with questions at or at 701-223-5660.

The bank we count on. There is a lot to consider when choosing a financial institution - such as convenience, technology, products and community involvement. We chose our bank for all these reasons. But more than anything, we wanted a bank with familiar, friendly people that we knew we could count on any time of the day. First Western Bank & Trust is all these things and so much more. Member FDIC

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The 2020 Chamber EDC Workforce Summit presented by Health Partners, will provide our region the opportunity to access resources and be included in a discussion of workforce issues and solutions with industry leaders.

The economic strength of Bob Randall, CEO of Bismarck-Mandan, and North Transcend Engagement Dakota, is unquestionably connected to the education and skills of our community. A diversely skilled and educated workforce further enables our region’s ability to be economically competitive on a local, national and global level. Employers, educators and professionals are encouraged to attend the 2020 Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Workforce Summit on Tuesday, July 28 at the Radisson Hotel. In addition to learning from the event keynotes, the 2020 Workforce Summit will feature an expanded selection of workshops to provide attendees with insight into various workforce opportunities and best practices. Presenting Sponsor:

REGISTER ONLINE AT BISMARCKMANDAN.COM OPENING KEYNOTE: “Meeting the Needs of Gen Z in the Workplace” • Bob Randall — CEO, Transcend Engagement Randall has a passion for helping individuals, teams and organizations thrive and will provide his insight on engaging and recruiting the next generation of talent. With one foot in research as a Doctorate in Organization Development and one foot in practice as a leader with experience in diverse corporate settings, Randall brings a thoughtful and practical approach to recruiting and employee engagement. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS * From the Annual Review to a Culture of Coaching • Raquel Nachatilo — PHR, SHHRM-CP, Human Resources Director, Missouri Valley Family YMCA

Gold Sponsors:

Internship 101 - From Implementation to Connecting with Candidates • Dr. Karel Sovak — Associate Professor of Business, University of Mary

Table Sponsors: Capital Credit Union, EMC Insurance, MDU Resource Group

Using Technology to Encourage Engagement – Employee Engagement Software • Bob Randall — CEO, Transcend Engagement Learning from Tomorrow’s Workforce – Career Readiness & Perspective Panel Discussion • An interactive panel discussion with area high school students * Additional workshops to be announced

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NOMINATE YOUR FAVORITE BUSINESS FOR CELEBRATE BISMARCK-MANDAN TODAY The Chamber EDC’s Excellence in Business and Education Committee is excited to begin accepting nominations for the upcoming Celebrate Bismarck-Mandan Award Ceremony, on Tuesday, September 22nd. Between now and May 31st, please consider nominating a fellow Chamber EDC member business, or individual at the following link, form/view/19645 Want to nominate an area business? Learn how below!


• Must be a Chamber EDC member the last 5 years or the last 5 years in business life. • 50 years in business in Bismarck-Mandan(business may have changed ownership or name). • Must be involved in community activities. • Past Winners Include: Starion Bank, Eide Bailly LLP, Skeels Electric, Farm Credit Services of Mandan, Sanford Health, McQuade Distributing


Member of the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC. Been in Business at least 5 years in the area. Growth in number of employees over last 3 years. Growth in revenue of at least 20% average over the last 3 years. • Past Winners Include: Glasser Images, Northwest Tire Anyleaks, Mr. Squeegee Window Cleaning, North Dakota Guaranty and Title, Advanced Mechanical, Kupper Chevrolet, Goebel Pediatric Dentistry

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• Member of the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC. • Any individual who serves as a majority owner and operates or bears principal responsibility for operating a small business. • 3-year track record and not more than 7 years in business. • Demonstrated growth in employees and opportunities • Demonstrated social responsibility/community service/civic engagement • Can be existing business with new owner, as long as new owner has shown innovation, changes in organization, growth, etc. • Past Winners Include: Grand Junction Grilled Subs Critter Sitter, Glance Spa & Salon, Advanced Fleet Services, Silicon Plains, Pirogue Grill, Lillian’s


• Member of the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC • Any Individual(s) who owns and operates or who bears principal responsibility for operating the business • Partners can be nominated as a ‘team’, as long as the number of team members does not exceed four. • 7+ years of being in business • Demonstrated growth in employees and opportunities • Demonstrated increase in sales and/or unit volume • Demonstrated social responsibility/community service/civic engagement • Nominees can be franchisees; however, they cannot be the head of a corporate office location. • Past Winners Include: Lonna Brooks- Terry’s Health Products, Jason Sellers – Mattress Firm, Kari Weigel – Sylvan Learning, Dr. Aaron Moos – Verge Fitness, Jon Simmers – Bismarck Aero Center



• The Golden Eagle will be awarded to a Chamber Member who has an active record of military support in the Bismarck-Mandan area. • The purpose of the award is recognize those in support of the military through involvement and business interaction. • Past Winners: Falkirk Mine, Starion Bank, Bismarck Senior Adults Program, Cloverdale Foods, Kupper Chevrolet, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Bismarck State College

2019 Celebrate Bismarck-Mandan Granite Award Winner Starion Bank.

Who do you want to see on stage in September? Please head over to, and submit a nomination today! For more information, please contact Christine Nelson,, or call the Chamber EDC’s office at 701-223-5660.


Many organizations are utilizing remote working arrangements to keep staff and customers safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, working remotely can open the door to new cybersecurity risks. Eide Bailly can ensure you have the proper safety measures in place, so you can rest easy knowing both your people and your data are safe.

What inspires you, inspires us.


What inspires you, inspires us.

Connection 3 31



LEMONADE DAY BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SERIES BISMARCK-MANDAN Date: Thursday May 14, 2020 CURB-SIDE KICKOFF Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck Time: 9:00AM - 2:30PM Admission: Free to Attend Join us for this two-part session on Leadership, facilitated by Dale Carnegie. SESSION ONE: Develop Your Leadership Potential: Stop Doing, Start Leading 9:00am – 10:30am Learn what it takes to be a successful leader in today’s workplace. Understand how you will need to evolve from a top performer to an emerging leader. Apply proven human relations techniques that will motivate and empower your team. SESSION TWO: Leadership Training for Results: Unleash Talent in Others 1:00pm – 2:30pm Stop managing and start leading. Move your career forward by adopting the right attitudes and actions that make for great leaders. Get the foundational knowledge of how you can lead a team of engaged employees who are ready to succeed at every turn. Register at Contact Joan with questions at or at 701-223-5660.

32 4 Connection

Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2020 Location: Sky Zone 5003 Ottawa Street, Bismarck Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Admission: Free to Attend Presenting Sponsors: Help us celebrate our excitement for Lemonade Day by joining us Tuesday, May 19th for a Curb-Side Kickoff! Register online at and stop by Sky Zone from 4:30pm - 6:30pm with your online confirmation to receive your business kit and a FREE 30-minute jump pass to your next visit to Sky Zone! Business kits will be available for curb-side pick-up. Lemonade Day Bismarck-Mandan will be June 20th. If you are interested in learning more, or have any questions, please contact Christine Nelson by emailing cnelson@ or call the Chamber EDC at 701-223-5660.


BUSINESS LINK UP: DEVELOPMENT SERIES: CORNHOLE Date: Monday, June 1, 2020 COVID-19 BUSINESS Location: Ramada by Wyndham Bismarck 1400 E Interchange Ave, Bismarck RECOVERY RESOURCES Time: 5:00 - 7:00 Date: Thursday, May 28th, 2020 Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck Time: 9:30AM - 11:00AM Admission: Free to Attend As our business community begins to recover from the challenges of COVID-19, the Chamber EDC will bring together area experts to provide resources and information to assist businesses as they move forward. May 28 Business Development Series Agenda

Recovery assistance programs & resources • Hettianne Cekalla — Senior Area Manager, U.S. Small Business Administration Marketing moving forward • Mike Mabin — President, Agency MABU • Annette Willis — Client Service Manager, Agency MABU This event is a great opportunity to answer questions you may have regarding business recovery due to COVID-19. For more information or to register, please visit www. Contact Joan with questions at or at 701-223-5660.


Admission: Free to Attend Gold Sponsor:


With cautious optimism and the hope that we can bring our members together by June 1, the Chamber EDC will have a great event waiting in the wings. Cornhole!! Mark your calendar and get yourself ready for a fun event that will include a cornhole tournament. Come as a team or come to meet others and mix up teams by having a blind draw partner. With plenty of space in the outdoor courtyard at the Ramada by Wyndham Bismarck, this will be a great opportunity to “Link Up” with others in a fun casual atmosphere all while showing off your sweet skills. Food and drinks will be available from our hosts at the Ramada. Registration and social to start at 5:00 Cornhole tournament to start at 5:30. Register at Contact Ross with questions at or at 701-223-5660.

Event date is subject to change.

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Date: Saturday, June 20, 2020 Location: Bismarck-Mandan Time: All Day Presenting Sponsors:

Lemonade Day Bismarck-Mandan will be June 20th. This program is empowering today's youth to become tomorrow's entrepreneurs by teaching them how to create own and operate their own business in the form of a lemonade stand. These young entrepreneurs will be setting their own hours and establishing partnerships with area business to set up shop all around town while they sell their product. With the help of a responsible mentor, they will set goals, make a plan, work the plan and achieve their dreams. Please join area youth in Bismarck-Mandan as we discover what happens when life gives us lemons! Register today at and get started! If you are interested in learning more, or have any questions, please contact Christine Nelson by emailing or call the Chamber EDC at 701-223-5660.

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ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FORUM Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 Location: Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center 800 S 3rd Street, Bismarck Time: 7:00AM - 11:30AM Admission: $40.00 for Chamber EDC members $50.00 for General Admission Presenting Sponsor:

Rescheduled from previous late March date, join us Tuesday, June 23rd at the Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center, join the Chamber EDC and Starion Bank for this informative morning. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear firsthand from experts and local professionals from various industries regarding challenges endured in 2019 and what we are looking forward to in 2020. The Economic Outlook Forum will feature an entrepreneur, technology, retail, and industry panel as well as a keynote speaker: Bernard Baumohl - Wall Street Journal ranked most accurate economic forecaster for 2018. To reserve a table for $425, please call Christine Nelson at the Chamber EDC, 701-223-5660 or email cnelson@ The cost to attend the event is $40.00 for Chamber EDC members and $50.00 for General Admission. Tickets for day of the event are $45 for Chamber EDC members and $55 for General Admission. You can register online at





We are super excited for June as it marks our first of several member appreciation luncheons! We appreciate your membership and all your support throughout the year, so please stop by and accept our small token of appreciation. Thanks to our presenting sponsor, Daniel Companies, we are able to bring this event to you for FREE!

The Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC presents the 2020 Workforce Summit. This event will provide our region the opportunity to access resources regarding workforce trends, current issues in the workplace and methods to integrate workforce programs.

Date: Thursday, June 25, 2020 Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Patio 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck Time: 11:30AM - 1:00PM Admission: Free to Attend Presenting Sponsor:

Join us and other fellow members for a fun and informal way to network on Thursday, June 25th, from 11:30am 1:00pm on our beautiful patio! That's not a typo, we are shaking things up this year with a Fridays at the Chamber EDC on a Thursday! The Chamber EDC staff will be serving burgers, brats and a choice of sides along with ice cold refreshments.

Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 Location: Radisson Hotel 605 E Broadway Ave, Bismarck Time: 8:00AM - 12:00PM Admission: $30.00 for Chamber EDC Members $45.00 for General Admission Presenting Sponsor:

Workforce development, recruitment and retention are undoubtedly some of the biggest obstacles businesses in our community tackle each day. Employers, educators and professionals are encouraged to attend the 2020 Workforce Summit on Tuesday, April 28th at the Radisson Hotel. In addition to relevant keynote speakers and panel discussions, the 2020 Workforce Summit will feature workshops to provide attendees with insight into the various opportunities and challenges of workforce development. To learn more or to register, please contact Joan at jtrygg@ or by calling 701-223-5660. Register online at

Connection 3 35


LOCAL ENTITIES CONTINUE TO MONITOR BUSINESS IMPACTS FROM COVID-19 CRISIS Business organizations and government entities continue to assess local business survivability and recovery needs from the COVID-19 pandemic. A new monitoring survey finds uneven impacts.

Others asked for advocacy, convening of business peer group discussions, guidance on modifying business models, technical training on social media use, website development and e-commerce.

Nearly 86% of respondents report weekly revenue decreases since the virus became widespread. Nearly a third indicate decreases of 75% or more, 11% report normal revenues, and only 3% report increases. Likewise, only 7% or 15 businesses report new hires.

Prior to taking the survey April 15-20, half of respondents had contacted their bank about a bridge loan or other financing, 29% had not, and 20% deem it unnecessary. Some respondents are adverse to loans. When it comes to the U.S. Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loan, 79 businesses report applying. Most had applications still pending at survey time, 16 reported success and eight were unsuccessful. A third, 69 businesses, said they don’t need it and 18%, or 37 respondents say they don’t meet program qualifications.

Good news is nearly two-thirds of survey takers say their businesses can withstand more than five months of disruption, but others are at risk of closing permanently, 2% in less than a month, 13% in one to two months, and 22% in three to five months. Regarding types of assistance helpful going forward, needs are 39% how to protect employees from the virus, 34% how to protect customers, 33% for a buy local campaign, 32% for information on financial assistance over the next 90 days, and 26% how to reopen their business after COVID-19.

The federal Paycheck Protection Program, which was exhausted last week and can convert to a grant if expenditures meet requirements, was more popular among respondents with 123 indicating they applied (79 approved, 39 pending and 5 unsuccessful). Almost equal numbers of businesses, 38 and 37, say they don’t need it or don’t qualify. In terms of operating status, about half of respondent businesses are open regular hours, 31% have reduced hours, and 17% are closed. Only about a third are operating at close to normal levels. About three-fourths are receiving 50% or more of needed supplies and services and 62% are able to sell, ship or deliver more than 50% of their goods and services. Similarly, nearly half of respondents say e-commerce doesn’t fit their business model, 45% have an online sales presence and 6% are interested in creating an online component. This was the second survey issued by a collaborative group to assess business impacts. In addition to calling on businesses needing assistance and sharing findings with elected officials, partnering business organizations and local entities are working together on recovery efforts. They may ask businesses to keep sharing their status and needs through more surveys in coming weeks. The April survey received 235 responses with self-identification from 105 located in Bismarck and 61 in Mandan. Greatest shares of respondents, 33 and 28, are in retail trade or accommodation and food service. Most other sectors were also well represented,

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NORTH DAKOTA PRINCIPAL ELECTED TO BOARD OF NATIONAL PRINCIPALS ASSOCIATION David Steckler, principal of Red Trail Elementary School in Mandan, North Dakota, has been elected to the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) Board of Directors. L. Earl Franks, Ed.D., CAE, NAESP executive director, announced the results from the association’s headquarters.

David Steckler

Steckler begins a one-year term as vice president of the NAESP Board of Directors Aug. 1, 2020. In August 2021, he’ll begin a one-year term as NAESP Board of Directors presidentelect, and he’ll serve as president of the association for one year, starting in August 2022. Steckler has been a member of NAESP since 1997 and previously served as the NAESP Zone 7 director from 20152018. He is also a member of the North Dakota Association of Elementary School Principals, where he served as vice president, president, NAESP state representative, and secretary/treasurer. Steckler was recognized as a 2019 NAESP National Distinguished Principal, representing the state of North Dakota.

COMMUNITY RESILIENCE: A PATH TO THE FUTURE Contributed by Superintendent Dr. Jason Hornbacher When we look back on this pandemic, what will we have learned as a nation, state, community or school district? What will we do with this new learning? If this past month is any indication of what is to come, the community of Bismarck will continue to be great! Resilience/Resilient; the ability to quickly recover or adapt to difficulties, setbacks or barriers. This word seems to capture the essence of who we are as a community. The resilience of people in this community, the resilience of our educators and the resilience of our children has been something to behold. The leadership, inclusivity, innovation, excellence, compassion and empathy displayed by so many during this time is remarkable. These words when braided together are the hallmark of what it means to be a North Dakotan. So what we choose to learn from this crisis is up to each of us. However, if I were to guess, the people of this community will continue to live our lives leading with integrity, striving for excellence, innovating our way into the future, and ensuring inclusion is ever-present! Bismarck Public Schools is here WITH you, we are here FOR you, and we will be here ALWAYS. Please take great care of yourselves and your loved ones and, to each of you, BPS thanks you for all you have done to help us during this time!

Steckler has been principal of Red Trail Elementary School since 2014 and previously served as principal of Mary Stark Elementary School in Mandan, North Dakota, from 20062014; principal of Hagan Elementary School in Williston, North Dakota, from 2000-2006; principal of Prairie View Elementary School in New Salem, North Dakota, from 19962000; and principal of Halliday Elementary School from 1995-1996. Steckler earned a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Dickinson State University in 1991 and a Master of Science in Educational Leadership from Minnesota State University Moorhead in 2000.

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MD at

2603 E Broadway Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-323-5222

Q: WHAT SHOULD I KNOW ABOUT COVID-19? A: COVID-19 is a respiratory illness

caused by the novel coronavirus. It is easily spread from person to person through droplet particles during talking, sneezing or coughing. Unlike other respiratory viruses, COVID-19 affects both the upper and lower respiratory system. Because of this, it can cause serious illness for those who are older and those who have an underlying health concern like a chronic medical condition or impaired immune system. For others, COVID-19 will cause only mild symptoms. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough and shortness of breath. If you start to experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to stay at home to prevent spreading the virus and to call your medical provider. They will then help you decide on next steps for your care.

38 4 Connection


304 E Front Ave, Bismarck, ND 58504 701-255-4400

Q: HOW DO I DEAL WITH THE LATEST MARKET DOWNTURN? A: When the markets move down, our

emotions tell us to do something now. But regardless of the direction of the market, you should continue doing the same thing – stick to your plan. Follow these steps to create a good plan. 1. Identify Your Investment Objectives, Risk Tolerance, and Liquidity Needs Your investment plan includes figuring out what your goals are, what your risk tolerance is, and when you will need funds. 2. Select Investments for your Needs After you know your goals, look for investments that will help meet those goals. There are many resources to help you identify these investments. Having an Advisor is one of the best ways, as they can help select investments and also help you stick to your plan. 3. Review Your Plan Periodically – Stop watching the markets daily There will invariably be ups and downs in the market. But you are investing and not day-trading, so you can look beyond the daily ups and downs and focus on the long-term. Go through your investment portfolio with your Advisor at least annually. If you set up regular times to review your portfolio and stick to that schedule, you will guard against buying and selling too often.


701 E Rosser Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-751-9500


hand, it serves a purpose in our lives as a warning tool if something is wrong or if we need to be alert to possible danger. However, anxiety is oftentimes about things that haven’t happened yet, things that we’re just worried MIGHT happen. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s considerable uncertainty about the future and that can be intensely stressful. The best way to cope with anxiety and emerge successfully from this pandemic is to take control of things that will improve your health. Examples are to practice self-care and relaxation techniques, such as guided meditation, deep breathing, regular exercise and consistent wake and sleep times. This is a great time to develop healthy habits and discover new hobbies like cooking, art, home improvement projects or reading books. It’s also important to stay connected to the people you care about. Anxiety is completely normal in times of significant change, but if you notice your anxiety worsening, or you’re having trouble functioning day-to-day because of it, contact your doctor or a mental health professional right away to offer you guidance.






1502 Grumman Lane, Bismarck, ND 58504 701-255-7180

Q: HOW DOES THE WATER TABLE AFFECT MY PROJECT? A: The water table is the depth below

the ground surface where soil becomes saturated. The water table is rarely flat or constant; it varies throughout the year due to precipitation. It will be the highest after heavy rain or snow melt. Near the Missouri River, the water table changes with the river level. A change in surface drainage can also impact the water table. If you are working at an existing facility you should know where storm water and roof water flow and make sure you do not “pond” water near an excavation area. Some parts of our area have a water table near the ground surface. These areas have a white mineral forms on the soil or grasses as the water evaporates. Excavating below the water table can be difficult and expensive. Excavations for foundations, basements, or utilities may need to include drainage stone and pumping from sumps, and the installation of filter fabric to prevent fine-grained soil from migrating. In difficult situations, dewatering wells must be installed to lower the water table before construction. Your designer needs to account for the presence of water due to the higher pressures caused by water or wet soils, and the potential need for waterproofing and drainage provisions.

500 N 8th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-222-6100


common compared to other cancers, it is the most common cancer in males ages between 15 and 40 years old. Men with testicular cancer may experience a variety of symptoms, but remember these symptoms may not mean it’s cancer. Symptoms may include: •

• • • • •

Painless lump in either testicle (*most common). The tumor may be about the size of a pea or a marble, but it can grow much larger Discomfort in a testicle or scrotum Feeling of heaviness in the scrotum Dull ache in the lower abdomen or groin Sudden buildup of fluid in the scrotum Lower back pain, shortness of breath, chest pain, and phlegm Swelling of 1 or both legs


1929 N Washington St, Ste GG, Bismarck, ND 58501


Q: WHAT ARE THE FOUR FUNCTIONS OF BEHAVIOR? A: When thinking about behavior, it is

important to know that all behavior serves a function. The four functions of behavior include attention, escape, access to tangible items, and sensory. An example of attention maintained behavior is seen in a child who continues to do their homework each night after their parents give them lots of positive praise for doing so. An example of escape maintained behavior can be observed in a teenager who pretends to be sick on a quiz day, and escapes taking a test they did not prepare for. An example of access maintained behavior is demonstrated by an adult who continues to work in their garden each spring, so they have lots of fresh vegetable to eat. And finally, and example of sensory maintained behavior is seen in a toddler who sucks their thumb because they enjoy the feeling.

With the help of your Board Certified Behavior Analyst, you can determine the • function or functions of many behaviors. In most cases, the individual finds the When you know the function(s) of a behavcancer themselves. Sometimes, it is discov- ior you can work to increase the positive ered by doctors during a routine physical behaviors you would like to see more of exam or noticed by a sexual partner. Forand reduce behaviors that are problemattunately, with modern treatment practices, ic. Please contact Anne Carlsen Behavioral testicular cancer is highly curable, even Health Services at 701-751-2315 for more when found in advanced stages. Anyone information. who notices an unusual nodule or mass of testicle(s) should see their healthcare provider.

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MEMBER PERKS | CONNECTION STARION MORTGAGE BANKER NAMED TOP 1% IN NATION Starion Bank mortgage banking supervisor Kassy Landis was named to the Kassy Landis Mortgage Executive Magazine’s Top 1% of Mortgage Originators in America list for the third time. Landis, a mortgage banking officer since 2012. She joined Starion in 2006 as a teller, advanced to business banking representative in 2007, and became a mortgage underwriter in 2008. Landis earned an associate degree from Bismarck State College and a bachelor’s degree from Dickinson State University, both in business administration. EMC BISMARCK BRANCH PROMOTES TEAM MEMBERS AND WELCOMES NEW HIRES EMC Insurance Companies announced several new hires in its Bismarck branch. Nick Law has joined EMC as an underwriting associate. He brings almost five years of insurance experience from the agency side. Most recently, he worked for a local commercial insurance agency. Law has his Accredited Adviser in Insurance (AAI) designation and attended the University of North Dakota. LaCoya Hartford has joined EMC as an underwriting associate. She brings over two years of banking experience serving in a variety of roles. Most recently, she worked for a local financial institution as a financial services representative. Hartford has two associate degrees from Bismarck State College in liberal arts and sciences. Sarah Juergens has joined EMC as an underwriting associate. She brings over 15 years of experience serving in a variety of administrative and marketing roles. Most recently, she worked for a financial institution as a sales assistant. Juergens has an associate degree from Bismarck State College in graphic arts. Libby Roholt has joined EMC as a senior underwriter. She brings over 15 years of insurance experience working in a variety of roles. Most recently, she worked as a senior underwriter for a regional carrier servicing the Pacific Northwest. Roholt has her bachelor’s degree in business administration/management from William Penn University.

STEIN QUALIFIES FOR MILLION DOLLAR ROUND TABLE Michael A. Stein an agent of MassMutual Central U.S. has qualified for the financial industry’s Michael A. Stein Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) Members demonstrate exceptional professional knowledge, strict ethical conduct and outstanding client service. MDRT membership is recognized internationally as the standard for excellence in the life insurance and financial services business. Michael A. Stein has been a qualifying member of MDRT for the last 9 years. Local firms are sales offices of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual), and are not subsidiaries of MassMutual or its affiliated companies. Michael Stein is a registered representative of and offers securities and investment advisory services through MML Investors Services, LLC. Member SIPC. 100 South Fifth Street Suite 2300 Minneapolis MN 55402 (612) 333-1413. CRN202202259497 BIANCO REALTY AWARDS Nate Seifert has earned Bianco Realty's 2019 Rookie of the Year Award! Shirley Thomas and Amber Sandness have been named Bianco Realty's 2019 Top Producers! Shirley and Amber had the most closed sales at Bianco Realty in 2019. Judy Maslowski and Darcy Fettig are Bianco Realty's 2019 Diamond Award recipients! Amy Asche, Phyllis Rittenbach, Jim Jeromchek, James Jeromchek and Kathy Feist are Bianco Realty's 2019 Titanium Award recipients! Brenda Foster and Tori Mathern are Bianco Realty's 2019 Platinum Award recipients! Greg Gerhart was presented with Bianco Realty's 2019 Emerald Award! SEVART JOINS KLJ KLJ Engineering is proud to welcome Brian Sevart to their Bismarck office. Sevart joins KLJ as an audio and visual specialist. He earned an associates in commercial and graphic art from Bismarck State College and has over twenty years of experience in graphic design, photography and videography.

NEXUS INNOVATIONS ADDS TO TEAM Ben Birkemeyer is Business Analyst/ Quality Assurance Lead in the Bismarck office. He graduated from the Ben Birkemeyer University of Mary with a degree in Business Administration. Ben joins Nexus from the North Dakota Department of Transportation. Mandy Cherney is the Executive Assistant/ Mandy Cherney Program Coordinator at the Bismarck office. She graduated from NDSU with a degree in Facilities Management/Business Administration and worked in various other fields before joining the Nexus team. OPEN ROAD HONDA EARNS PREMIER DEALERSHIP STATUS Open Road Honda, Mandan, was awarded the Honda Power Equipment 2020 Honda Premier Dealership Status. The Honda Premier Dealership is the highest honor that a dealership can achieve and recognizes those dealers that provide the best overall customer experience with Honda. This marks the 4th consecutive year Open Road Honda has been recognized. SANFORD HEALTH WELCOMES DERMATOLOGIST David Appert, MD, dermatology, has joined the Sanford North Clinic in Bismarck. As David Appert, MD a dermatologist, he specializes in surgical and procedural dermatology including Mohs micrographic surgery. His primary focus is treating patients with skin cancer. Dr. Appert completed Medical School at the UND School of Medicine in Grand Forks. He completed his internship, residency, and fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. He is a member of the American College of Mohs Surgery, the American Academy of Dermatology, and the North Dakota Medical Association.

Share your business news with the Chamber EDC. Email press releases to Rebecca at

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CONNECTION | MEMBER PERKS LEGENDARY COACH JOINS UMARY FOOTBALL COACHING STAFF Mike Van Diest, a six-time NAIA National Champion (2002, 2003, Mike Van Diest 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2010) as the former head coach and defensive coordinator at Carroll College in Helena, MT, joins the Marauders coaching staff as an assistant. Beyond his six national titles, Van Diest’s teams reached the NAIA Quarterfinals twice (2006, 2011), the Semi-Finals four times (2000, 2001, 2009 and 2013) and National Runner-Up two times (2008, 2011). Also, under his tenure, the Fighting Saints won 14 Frontier Conference Championships between 2000 and 2014, just missing the consecutive mark in 2012 to co-champions Montana Tech and Southern Oregon. In 2019, both the NAIA and Carroll College enshrined him into their respective Hall of Fames. The American Football Coaches Association (AFCA) named Van Diest National Coach of the Year in 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2010.

BIANCO REALTY SALES AWARDS Bianco Realty has announced their top six "REALTORS® Of The Month" for March: Darcy Fettig, Judy Maslowski, Nate Seifert, Shirley Thomas, Amber Sandness, and Brenda Foster. These six REALTORS® had the highest sales totals at Bianco Realty in March 2020. EMC BISMARCK BRANCH PROMOTES TEAM MEMBERS EMC Insurance Companies announced several promotions in its Bismarck branch. Heather Johnson has been promoted to Underwriting Supervisor. Johnson joined EMC in 1999 and has held positions in support services, rating and underwriting. She currently holds the Associate in Underwriting (AU) and Associate in General Insurance (AINS) designations. Tanner Wolf has been promoted to Underwriter I. Wolf joined EMC in 2019 and has a bachelor’s degree in marketing from North Dakota State University. Teddi Schwagler has been promoted to Underwriter I. Schwagler joined EMC in 2019 and has a bachelor’s degree in communications from Dickinson State University.

STARION BANK NAMES GELOFF CFO Starion Bank has named Rick Geloff Chief Financial Officer (CFO), serving as the bank’s lead financial Rick Geloff executive, overseeing and representing all financial operations for the bank and its holding company. As CFO, Geloff will join the bank’s Executive Committee, which is responsible for initiating key actions within the organization, reviewing financial data and setting major project priorities. He is located at the downtown Bismarck branch. Geloff first joined Starion in 2013 as a credit analyst. He also served in the roles of business banking officer and special assets officer prior to being promoted to financial reporting manager/VP in May 2018. In December 2019, he was promoted to controller. Geloff is a certified public accountant and a member of the Bismarck School Board, currently serving as its president. He earned bachelor’s degrees in general studies and business management from Minot State University.

MAY LIVE GOVERNMENT MEETINGS Televised on Government Access, cable channel 2 & 602 HD. Broadcast on Radio Access 102.5 FM radio. Streamed online at

Mon, 4th

5:00 pm Burleigh County Commission 5:30 pm Mandan School Board*

Tues, 5th Thurs, 7th

5:30 pm Mandan City Commission

Mon, 11th

5:15 pm Bismarck School Board 5:30 pm Mandan Park Board*

Tues, 12th

5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission

5:00 pm Bismarck Board of Adjustment

Wed, 13th 8:00 am Burleigh County Water Resource District 5:15 pm Burleigh County Planning Commission Thurs, 14th

5:30 pm Morton County Commission*

Mon, 18th

5:00 pm Burleigh County Commission 5:30 pm Mandan School Board*

Tues, 19th 1:30 pm Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board 5:30 pm Mandan City Commission Wed, 20th

5:15 pm Bismarck School Board

Thurs, 21st

5:15 pm Bismarck Park Board

Tues, 26th Wed, 27th

5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission 5:30 pm Morton County Commission*

Thurs, 28th

5:30 pm ITG (Political Subdivisions)

5:00 pm Bismarck Planning Commission 5:30 pm Mandan Planning Commission*

Meetings are replayed several times on the Government Access channel and are available for viewing online (Watch on Demand) at * Delayed Playback

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RIBBON CUTTINGS | CONNECTION Ribbon cuttings are conducted by a committee of Chamber EDC volunteers called Ambassadors. Businesses qualify for a ribbon cutting if they open, move, and remodel, are under new ownership, change their name, or offer a new product or service. To find out how you can get a free ribbon cutting from the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC, please call Ross at 701-223-5660.



Cameron Fleck, owner, commemorates a new location at 3320 Hamilton Street, Unit 5 in Bismarck. Phone: 701-222-8888. Member.

Terry Conduff, general manager, celebrates the grand opening of new location in Kirkwood Mall. Phone: 701-401-3584.

Here for you, even when things don’t go as planned.

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CONNECTION | NEW MEMBERS The Chamber EDC encourages all members to do business with each other. The following companies and organizations have recently made an important investment in their business by joining the Chamber EDC. Please consider them for your professional and personal needs. To find a complete listing of Chamber EDC members, view the Member Directory online at National Day Calendar 712 West Main Mandan, ND Marlo Anderson (701) 204-6674 National Day Calendar® is the authoritative source for fun, unusual and unique National Days. We now track nearly 1,500 National Days, National Weeks and National Months. In addition, our research team continues to uncover the origins of existing National Days as well as discover new, exciting days for everyone to celebrate. Kids in Motion Pediatric Therapy & Wellness 306 West Main St. Mandan, ND Kimberly Blooms (701) 471-2782 Kids in Motion helps children, who contend with injury, disease or disability, in improving their quality of life and function in play, school and everyday activities. Consolidated Electrical Distributors 3131 E Broadway Ave. Bismarck, ND Dave Boehm (701) 751-2120 Wholesale electrical supply distributor.

• • • •

TrueNorth Steel 2424 Memorial Hwy Mandan, ND Luke Richter (701) 663-0321 TrueNorth Steel is an industry leader in quality manufactured and fabricated steel products. Performance Equipment 6031 E Main Ave. Suite 1 Bismarck, ND Shari Huettl (701) 751-7515 We are Bismarck/Mandan’s premier destination for highperformance lawn and garden equipment! We offer the best; Simplicity, Ferris, Snapper, SnapperXD and Briggs & Stratton. Service all Makes/Models! Huntington Homes 631 Cody Dr Bismarck, ND Hunt Boustead (701) 471-4673 New construction of residential, mutli-family and light commercial units. Commercial property management and ownership/leasing. Real estate sales.

Stay connected to your teams Clear, effective voice and video calling No upfront hardware costs Bismarck based support team


877.255.3420 |

Connection 3 43

Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Connection 1640 Burnt Boat Drive Bismarck, ND 58503

UPCOMING CHAMBER EDC EVENTS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SERIES Date: May 14, 2020 • Time: 9:00am - 2:30pm Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC – 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck


LEMONADE DAY BISMARCK-MANDAN CURB-SIDE KICKOFF Date: May 19, 2020 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: Skyzone – 5003 Ottawa Street, Bismarck LINKUP Date: June 1, 2020 • Time: 5:00am - 7:00pm Location: Ramada by Wyndham Bismarck – 1400 E Interchange Ave, Bismarck BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SERIES: COVID-19 BUSINESS RECOVERY RESOURCES Date: June 9, 2020 • Time: 9:30am - 11:00am Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC – 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck


LEMONADE DAY BISMARCK-MANDAN Date: June 20, 2020 Location: Bismarck-Mandan ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FORUM Date: June 23, 2020 • Time: 7:00am - 11:30am Location: Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center – 800 S 3rd Street, Bismarck


FRIDAYS AT THE CHAMBER EDC Date: Thursday, June 25, 2020 • Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm Location: Chamber EDC Patio – 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck


June 20, 2020

Lemonade Day is a fun, experimental program that teachers kids how to start, own and operate their very own business, a lemonade stand!

Success is sweet! REGISTER TODAY

The Bismarck Cancer Center provides world-class radiation therapy services to individuals with cancer. Exceptional cancer treatment and caring support for your body, mind and spirit.

YOUR PARTNER AGAINST CANCER 701-222-6100|500 N 8th St|Bismarck, ND 58501

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