July Connection

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FORWARDMoving Business


Matt Sagaser Chair

Lee Pierce Vice-Chair

Dave Ehlis Secretary

Wendy Van Duyne Past Chair

Dave Rogstad Treasurer


Evan Anderson Gizmonics

Kimberly Bloms Kids in Motion

Nathan Boehm Morton County

Andy Buntrock Basin Electric Power Cooperative

Dan Eastgate Venture Real Estate Group

Dave Ehlis Bravera Bank

Fred Fridley Sanford Health

Heather Jones City Air Mechanical

Amber Larson Bartlett & West

Wayne Munson Burleigh County

Larry Oswald Montana-Dakota Utilities

Marnie Piehl AARP

Lee Pierce ICON Architects

Mike Remboldt HIT Inc.

Dave Rogstad Starion Bank

Matt Sagaser Doosan Bobcat

Mike Schmitz City of Bismarck

TBD City of Mandan

Wendy Van Duyne Stantec Consulting Services Inc.


Emily Eback Economic Development Marketing Coordinator

Tatelyn Houle Event Coordinator

Brenda Nagel President & CEO

Rachel Neff Sales & Retention Director

Christine Nelson Vice President Sales & Events

Rebecca Pelkey Communications Specialist

Julianne Sauvage Office & Accounting Manager

Lyndsey Scheurer Creative Marketing Specialist

Nathan Schneider Vice President Economic Development

Cathryn Sprynczynatyk Communications Specialist

Summer Sturm Workforce Development Coordinator



Christine Nelson cnelson@bmcedc.com

Content Rebecca Pelkey rpelkey@bmcedc.com

Greetings Bismarck-Mandan friends!

Tis the season for fireworks and Cloverdale reds, and if you’re like me, you love the smell of fireworks, grills, and fresh cut grass. The summer seems to be going by quickly as we’ve survived the very interesting June primaries, celebrated the 40-year career of a great educator at Bismarck Public Schools, Dale Hoerauf, a golf scramble and a great Membership Mixer at Subaru of Mandan. We also held a very successful open house and ribbon cutting for our very own Chamber EDC office which you’ll read more about in this issue.

At the Chamber EDC, we are not just celebrating a new look in our building, but more importantly, we are celebrating five years of a combined organization focused on advocating business for our membership, policy development, network development, leadership development, and economic development. It was 2019 when the Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce and the BMDA (Bismarck-Mandan Development Association) came together as one stronger organization. The Board of Directors, along with Brenda and her talented staff, continue to deliver on all that’s been outlined in the strategic plan and look forward to what the future of Bismarck-Mandan might look like.

Who’s having fun so far this summer? July in the Bismarck and Mandan community is one of many big celebrations that not many communities can compete with from each event that make up the Mandan Rodeo Days Celebration to the 4th of July Symphony Spectacular that takes place on the lawn of the State Capital in Bismarck. I hope each of you has a chance to get out and enjoy the festivities and experience all that our sister cities have to offer to celebrate Independence Day 2024. In addition to the 4th of July celebrations, the Chamber EDC will hold Lunch on the Patio where members can enjoy a picnic style lunch with other business members at the patio of the Chamber EDC office as well as the July Membership Mixer at Envision Pools & Outdoor Living. Both of these events are the perfect opportunity to meet other members and learn about their business and how we might collaborate and help each other take business forward.

I’d like to extend a hearty congratulations to the newly elected and re-elected City Commissioners, Park Board Commissioners, and School Board Commissioners as well as a thank you to those whose service has concluded. It takes courage to run for office and being in the public eye making decisions for the community and its citizens is not easy. These are challenging times, not just in Bismarck and Mandan but also on the state and national level and those who step up to run for office are admired and appreciated. We need more business minded individuals to consider running for office in the future. At the Chamber EDC, we will continue to provide resources and assistance to help make connections for those that are interested in running for public office in the future.

Also included in this July issue is an update about property taxes. As you will recall, our Board of Directors voted to join the Keep it Local Coalition. This Coalition held its kick-off press conference in late June and are prepared to educate citizens about the importance of maintaining local control by opposing the initiated ballot measure to abolish property taxes. Brenda represents the Chamber EDC on this state-wide coalition and welcomes your questions and conversation about this topic. I encourage all of our membership to learn more about the efforts of the Keep it Local Coalition by following them on social media or via their website at: keepitlocalnd.org.

Have an excellent Independence Day Celebration along with all of the 4th of July festivities and enjoy this beautiful BismarckMandan summer!

Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Celebrates Fifth Anniversary: Unveils refreshed offices and looks to future

Five years ago, the Bismarck Mandan Chamber of Commerce and the Bismarck Mandan Development Association merged its efforts into one organization. Today, the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC is celebrating its growth and success as a strong, united organization focused on business growth and economic development opportunities throughout the community.


When the Bismarck Mandan Chamber of Commerce found itself at a leadership transition in 2017, an opportunity presented itself to examine its similarities with the Bismarck Mandan Development Association. “I was chair of the chamber board in 2017,” says Brenda Nagel, CEO of the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC. “The board chair of the development association called because we were ending up at a lot of the same places and had many of the same goals.”

“The organizations started meeting and having conversations about how we could merge,” continues Nagel. “It was really important we still captured that we are the Bismarck-Mandan community, and both organizations had very strong investments in not losing their identity in the merger process.”

Brian Ritter announced the restructure of the BismarckMandan Chamber of Commerce and the BismarckMandan Development Association on May 18, 2018.

Bismarck Mandan Development Association CEO Brian Ritter was chosen to lead the organizations through the merger in 2019, and he led the Chamber EDC until Nagel stepped into the CEO position in 2023. She says merging the organizations into the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC has only strengthened the organization’s impact in the community.

Since the merger, the Chamber EDC has experience record setting new member numbers in 2021 and 2022, as well as record setting attendance at the organization’s annual dinner in 2023. In addition, an Economic Development Strategic Plan was created, and a building remodel was undertaken to better serve its team and members.

“In coming together, there is strength in numbers,” says Nagel. “There were many members that were with both organizations and this merger has really given those businesses the opportunity to understand both sides of economic development and chamber of commerce.”

The Chamber EDC celebrated it’s fifth anniversary with a ribbon cutting and open house on May 30th.


With the organization’s successful merger complete, the Bismarck-Mandan Chamber EDC board began looking at what an updated office could offer its staff and members. A building remodel began in May 2023, focused on creating a more inviting and collaborative environment. “It was important to create a space where our staff could function as a team,” says Nagel.

Wendy Van Duyne, past chair of the Bismarck-Mandan Chamber EDC Board of Directors, says the previous office space had served the organization well, but it was time to refresh the building and its offerings. “As with a building of similar age, our office building was beginning to show signs of daily wear and our organization was in a good position to undergo an interior remodel to help reinvigorate these spaces to better serve our membership and reflect the rebranded identity of the combined EDC.”

After a year of construction at the Chamber EDC building, the refreshed facility was celebrated with a ribbon cutting and open house on May 30.

“We’re really excited to have a ribbon cutting of our own,” said Matt Sagaser, Chamber EDC board president, at the ceremony. “Eighteen months ago, we started talking about the office, the purpose of the office and the need to refresh it, but we wanted to keep the ability to entertain, associate and collaborate with business leaders and local representatives.”

The building remodel provides a brighter, more open atmosphere, Van Duyne says. “Immediately when you walk through the door, visitors will notice a new conference room, refreshed finishes, new lighting, and a more open, collaborative workspace for the Chamber EDC team,” she says. “Additional conference rooms are available for members who need offsite accommodation for meetings. The refreshed interior reflects the rebranding of the Chamber EDC so that, when we host stakeholder events and visitors to our community, our modernized space mirrors all our community has to offer. We’re in a better position to put our best foot forward.”

“Our office has hosted numerous community conversations, membership events and public meetings, which has helped designate it as a meeting hub for the Bismarck-Mandan business community,” Van Duyne continues.

An updated facility is important to the work of the Chamber EDC staff and the success of its membership, says Nagel. “As we were moving business forward, we needed to move the facility forward. We wanted to allow space where our team would thrive, a space for a tenant, and room to grow in the future. We want our members in here using the space as well,” she says. Van Duyne says the remodeled facility will help to support the success of the Chamber EDC as it moves into the next five years. “Our refreshed office space has greater capacity to host community events and conversations,” she notes. “It also has an open, modern environment to attract new staff to our organization.”

The Chamber EDC lobby space is one of the areas of the remodel that provides a brighter, more open atmosphere.


In 2022, the Chamber EDC hired an outside consultant to develop a five-year Economic Development Strategic Plan, targeted at focusing on factors that will spur economic growth in the Bismarck-Mandan community. The consultant met with both individuals and community groups to determine the most significant focus areas.

“We wanted to develop a plan based on what the community thought it needed, not what the consultants thought we needed,” says Nathan Schneider, Chamber EDC vice president of economic development. “Nine different strategies were identified within the plan, which focused on everything from marketing, talent attraction and housing.”

Three top priorities emerged from the Economic Development Strategic Plan, which included business attraction marketing efforts, product development and affordable housing.

“The Chamber EDC’s strategic plan includes elements that drive both the work that the Chamber EDC staff does on a dayto-day basis, as well as the work to collaborate with the depth of its membership,” says Sagaser. “Engaging membership and providing resources to enable business leaders to be successful is an important part of economic growth. In addition, a focus on economic development marketing, doing survey work to understand the needs for existing business expansion and attraction of new businesses are key parts of the strategy. Talent attraction efforts in partnership with local businesses is also a great part of the strategy to attract new workers in both the blue- and white-collar workforce.”

The Economic Development Strategic Plan is a vital factor in the success of the Chamber EDC as it moves into the future, says Nagel. “Economic development is really about linking arms with the Bismarck-Mandan community and filling different business sectors, that is what is going to grow our tax base. We are set to implement what is laid out in the strategic plan. That is going to be critical, and our board is holding us accountable to this plan.”

Chad Chancellor, of Next Move Group, unveiled the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC’s economic development strategic plan to community leaders and stakeholders in October 2022.

Schneider says there have been many accomplishments since the plan was developed. “We’ve done a lot. There have been strategies we have accomplished, and we will continue to work in those areas. The strategic plan gives us a common focus with our members to move the business community forward.”

The Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC has a strong outlook as businesses collaborate and drive growth in many different areas of the economy, says Sagaser. “From health care, education and manufacturing to small business leaders who focus on key areas of our everyday life, the Chamber EDC is set up to drive growth and opportunity through membership.”

In 2024, Sagaser says, the strategic plan was leveraged to create collaboration with the city of Bismarck and with local and regional businesses to drive economic development, as well as opportunities to develop workforce with local institutes of higher education and public school districts. “Creating or maintaining strong relationships with city and county officials is an important part of managing programs, activities and communications between our membership and their businesses,” he notes.

“There are many other economic development opportunities on the horizon that the Chamber EDC is embracing to further attract new businesses,” Sagaser continues. “Whether that is revitalization efforts in downtown areas or greenfield spaces to attract new or sub-businesses, they are all under consideration or planning.”

When it comes to the future, Nagel says it is also important to help Chamber EDC members understand their return on investment in the organization. “This is important, especially with smaller businesses. We need to be creative in how we connect with all sizes of businesses and what they need from us in the next five years to maintain our relevance in the community.”

She says a strong team is in place to continue to build on the success of the Chamber EDC. “Our future is bright with this young staff. They are really good, and they are out in the public and familiar with businesses. They want to do what is good for our membership.”


Employees stick around when they feel valued, and that’s the message you give when you offer BCBSND health insurance. And we’ll help you feel valued with easy-to-administer, affordable plans.


Growing our workforce is a top priority of the Chamber EDC. Every year businesses in Bismarck-Mandan bring in summer interns from across the globe to participate in internship opportunities. In hopes to connect these interns with our community and the people within it, the Chamber EDC organized the Internship Network. This program allows interns to explore our region with other interns and professionals in the hope that they stay in the region upon completion of their internship.

The Internship Network Kickoff event was held June 4th and was hosted by the Bismarck Larks Baseball Club. Over 70 interns enjoyed a ballpark-style meal sponsored by Doosan Bobcat of Bismarck while networking with interns from Bobcat, NISC, North Dakota State Capitol, MDU Resources, and the Larks. Passes to our region’s most unique attractions were given as prizes to attendees to allow them further opportunity to explore all that our community has to offer. This event was a great opportunity to enjoy the Bismarck Municipal Ballpark while building lasting relationships with other interns.

If you know an intern who may be interested in attending our next event, connect with Summer at ssturm@bmcedc.com


The Office of Legal Immigration grant is designed to support eligible employers and community-based organizations in their efforts to recruit, retain, and integrate New Americans in North Dakota. This program has three tracks, each focused on developing or expanding strategies to improve economic and community inclusion of New Americans and immigrants in North Dakota.

Track A is for Employer Strategies designed to support foreignborn workers onsite through the development of language specific employee resources, access to English language learning, cultural trainings provided by New American and Immigrant serving, and to partner/subcontract with New American and Immigrant serving organizations in North Dakota to provide community acclimation and integration activities and services for employees as a pilot.

Track B is for Community-Based Strategies designed for organizations that serve New Americans and Immigrants to improve accessibility and awareness of the programs through the development or improvement of online and print resources. Strategies also include community-wide activities and events to support integration and inclusion. Track C is for Community-based organizations listed in Section C, Track B Eligible Applicants, are eligible to apply for funds to partner/ subcontract with New American and Immigrant serving organizations or community development and activities organizations to plan and facilitate community engagement activities.

Those interested in accessing this grant can connect with Nathan at nschneider@bmcedc.com for assistance.





See the full list of economic indicators on the Chamber EDC’s Economy at a Glance at www.bismarckmandanedc.com.

Over 70 interns gathered for a laid back networking opportunity in June.


At the end of May, the Cost of Living Index for Quarter 1 of 2024 was released. The Cost-of-Living Index measures regional differences in the cost of consumer goods and services, excluding taxes and non-consumer expenditures, for professional and managerial households in the top income quintile.

Compared to similar cities in surrounding states, BismarckMandan showcases lower indexes in groceries, housing, utilities, and miscellaneous goods and services. The overall Cost of Living Index for the Bis-Man Metro area for Q1 2024 was 93.6. Comparably, the COLI for the Bis-Man Metro area for Q1 2023 was 95.4.


The Heartview Foundation received a local Flex Pace Match to assist in the acquisition of a new building. Heartview is headquartered in Bismarck, where they have a 16-bed residence, a 13-bed residence, intensive day treatment, outpatient services, and a Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) program. The foundation has run out of space and this financial assistance will allow the organization to purchase more space at 116 N 4th St in Bismarck, ND.

This expansion will help Heartview to hire additional administrative and clinical staff, enabling the organization to expand their treatment services. By purchasing this building and adding space for administrative staff, Heartview will have more room in its clinical space to hire addiction counselors, a medical professional, director of nursing, and hire case managers and social workers to assist clients in finding jobs and housing. In addition, space can be used to train more students to enter the field.

The larger impact will be the number of individuals with a substance abuse disorder that will be able to be served. The more clients served, the more formerly unemployed or underemployed individuals will begin joining our workforce.


The Chamber EDC warmly invites our membership to our July Lunch on the Patio! As a token of our appreciation for your continued support, we invite you to join us on July 10th between 11:30am-1:00pm for a lunch featuring your grilled summer-time favorites. This is a perfect opportunity to enjoy great food and network with fellow Chamber EDC members on our beautiful patio. Thanks to our Presenting Sponsor, Daniel Companies, this event is free for all Chamber EDC members. No need to RSVP—just bring your team and come enjoy a leisurely afternoon on our patio!

For more information about Lunch on the Patio, contact Tatelyn Houle, thoule@bmcedc.com.





Lunch Sponsors:

Seize this chance to spark a young mind’s innovative drive! Enroll your child in Lemonade Day happening July 20th, or spread the word to any ambitious youth you know. Through participation, your child will not only grasp the fundamentals of business but will also acquire invaluable skills in leadership, confidence, and financial literacy. This FREE Lemonade Day program empowers them to manage their very own small business: a lemonade stand! Sign up today to support our budding business leaders. Remember to mark your calendar for the community-wide Lemonade Day on July 20th. Join us in visiting the stands, cheering on the kids, and savoring some refreshing lemonade while contributing to their learning journey.

For more information about Lemonade Day, contact Tatelyn Houle, thoule@bmcedc.com or visit, lemonadeday.org/ bismarck-mandan. Interested in sponsoring? Reach out to Christine Nelson at cnelson@bmcedc.com for more details.


Main Squeeze Sponsors:

Fresh Squeeze Sponsors:

Lime Light Sponsors:

Lemon Head Sponsors: Bobcat, Bismarck State College, Dakota Fence, Gizmonics, Grand Junction Grilled Subs, Huck Financial, Naomi Keney with CENTURY 21 Morrison Realty, Our Family brought to you by Family Fare, Scheels, University of Mary – Gary Tharaldson School of Business, VUE Community Credit Union


Join us for the Chamber EDC’s Sporting Clay Shootout at Capital City Sporting Clays on Friday, August 16th! We are excited to host another great event filled with camaraderie and competitive spirit. Registration opens at 8:30am, with a shotgun start set for 9:30am sharp. After showcasing your shooting skills, enjoy a catered lunch, refreshing beverages, and the chance to win door prizes.


The Chamber EDC is thrilled to announce the return of our exciting summer event: Family Night with the Chamber EDC! This event will be hosted at Dykshoorn Park on Thursday, August 1st from 4:30pm - 6:00pm. Join us as we show our appreciation for you, our members, with a fun evening for the whole family! Enjoy great picnic-style food, fun activities, and a beautiful day in the park with friends and family.

This is a completely FREE event, so RSVPs are not necessary. We can’t wait to see you there!

For any questions, please contact Tatelyn Houle at thoule@ bmcedc.com, or call the Chamber EDC office at 701-223-5660.

Tickets are priced at $100 for members and $125 for nonmembers, covering shells, flurries, lunch, and entry into the door prize drawing. With a limit of 200 participants, this event is an excellent opportunity for networking and treating your team to a day of fun and excitement. Don’t miss out on this incredible experience—secure your spot today!


Presenting Sponsor:






Long Range


Rapid Fire Sponsors: Berg’s 24hr Towing, Cedric Theel Toyota, Choice Bank, City Air Mechanical, First International Bank & Trust, Flash Printing, Silicon Plains

Pigeon Sponsors: Advanced Business Methods, Amy Hullet Century 21, Consolidated Construction Co. Inc, Dakota Community Bank & Trust, Double H Guns, Farmers Insurance – Kyle Herman Agency, Praire Engineering, P.C., Western Plains Consulting


Michael Gunsch was awarded the Leadership BismarckMandan Alumni Association Distinguished Alumnus Award for 2024 at the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan graduation. Each year an award is presented to a past graduate of the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan program who has used leadership knowledge and skills to benefit Bismarck-Mandan. Gunsch graduated from Leadership Bismarck-Mandan in 2003.

Gunsch has been a registered Professional Engineer for over 40 years and has been active in the community. As engineering consultant for the Burleigh County Water Resource District (30 years), Michael’s leadership has guided them thorough various flood events, including the 2009 ice jam and historic 2011 flood, as well as project development. He has been a volunteer at Capital Credit Union (35 years), and for the North Dakota Society of Professional Engineers in various leadership roles including MathCounts (25 years). He is actively involved in Missouri River issues and is well known as an experienced technical resource in the management and control of the Missouri River system.



Bismarck Public serves 13,000 meals per day at 26 locations. WE NEED YOUR HELP!

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Michael Gunsch, 2024 LBMAA Distinguished Alumnus


The Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC is looking to expand its Economic Development team. We are currently hiring for a Business Development Coordinator.

The Business Development Coordinator serves at the will of the President and will assist in the Chamber EDC’s economic development efforts. These duties include, but are not limited to: lead the Chamber EDC’s Business Retention and Expansion program, support the development of the local entrepreneurs, assist in identifying and addressing economic development needs of the rural areas and communities of Burleigh and Morton Counties, facilitate business assistance applications for new and expanding local businesses, assist in the implementation of business attraction efforts, assist in the implementation of the Chamber EDC’s Economic Development Strategic Plan, and provide support to the Economic Development Marketing Coordinator and Workforce Development Coordinator.

Position responsibilities include but are not limited to:

• Lead the Chamber EDC’s Business Retention & Expansion (BRE) program which includes one-on-one interviews with primary and service sector businesses throughout the MSA.

• Support the development of local entrepreneurs by identifying business assistance programs or other agencies/organizations essential in establishing the business. In addition, the position will work in conjunction with staff and volunteers from other agencies and organizations when appropriate to support entrepreneurial development.

• Assist the Vice President in identifying and addressing the economic development needs of those areas and communities located in the rural portions of Burleigh and Morton Counties. These efforts include but are not limited to communication with the respective city councils, developing relationships with local jobs development authorities and community and economic development organizations.

A successful candidate for this position must possess excellent writing skills and be capable of making clear oral and visual presentations to various public and private sector partners.

This candidate should be a highly motivated, self-starter capable of working towards the accomplishment of the Chamber EDC’s strategic goals. Must maintain an appropriate professional appearance, attitude and behavior at all times.

Anyone interested should submit a cover letter and resume to Nathan at nschneider@bmcedc.com.


Leadership Bismarck-Mandan is now accepting applications for the Class of 2025. Up to 18 applicants will be accepted into the program. Participants delve into today’s most compelling issues in Bismarck-Mandan.

Community experts create issue day sessions on topics relevant to the Bismarck-Mandan area, including: economic development, energy, agriculture, legislation, political involvement, human services, law enforcement, military, emergency services, arts, leisure, healthcare, and education.

Most issue days are 1/2 day. Highlights of the program include a full day at the Capitol during the legislative session, a full day retreat, and a graduation ceremony. Following the issue days, the class will divide into groups, select a community project they are passionate about and work to turn that field project into reality.

Applications are available online at http://www. bismarckmandan.com/Leadership. Any questions, contact Summer at 701-223-5660. Applications are due Aug. 1, 2024. Program begins Sept. 25, 2024. Tuition is $650 for members and $700 for non-members.

Scholarships Available

Thanks to the generosity of Leadership Bismarck-Mandan Alumni Association, Gate City Bank and SCORE for sponsoring limited scholarships to non-profits and small businesses. Please contact Summer at the Chamber EDC to inquire about a Leadership Bismarck-Mandan scholarship.


To help our Chamber EDC Members get the most out of their Chamber EDC membership, we have thought of super simple tips and tricks to get involved or get noticed. Each month we will share those ideas, right here, in the Chamber EDC Connection.

RIBBON CUTTINGS are a FREE service provided by the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC for all businesses, large or small. Ribbon cutting ceremonies are a great way to celebrate the start of a new business, expansion or remodel of an existing business, new ownership, new products/services being provided to the community, a large milestone/company anniversary or even simply joining the Chamber EDC.

Ribbon cuttings are not limited to Chamber EDC Members. Any business, whether they are a member or not, can have a ribbon cutting.

Ribbon cutting ceremonies are made possible thanks to the help of our Chamber EDC Ambassador Committee. At each ceremony, a group of our ambassadors will show up to your business where we will then cut the celebratory ribbon alongside you and do a brief photo-op to go on our social media and in our Connection magazine, see pg. 28. We then offer you the stage to talk more about the business and what we are celebrating that day.

If you’d like to learn more about ribbon cuttings or even schedule a FREE ribbon cutting, you can call Rachel at 701223-5660.


The Chamber EDC’s Brats with the Brave lunch is returning for its third year, in collaboration with Vitalant’s major 3-day blood drive in Bismarck - the Battle of the Badges. This is the perfect way to express your gratitude to our military, first responders, and health care heroes through a community picnic.

We warmly invite Chamber EDC members to come together, show your support, donate blood, and enjoy a complimentary lunch with the courageous military personnel and first responders who steadfastly serve our country. Join us on September 4th at the Kirkwood Mall (North underpass entrance) from 11:30am – 1:30pm, or until supplies last. This event is FREE and open to all. No RSVP is needed. Contact Tatelyn Houle, thoule@bmcedc.com, for any questions.


Presenting Sponsor:

Lunch Sponsors: Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Coteau Properties Co., Farstad Oil Company, Gate City Bank, Northern Improvement Co., Petro-Hunt, LLC, Puklich- Chevrolet, Inc, Sanford Health, Sanford Health Plan, SERVPRO of Bismarck, Starion Bank

Event Sponsors: 1806 and Company, BEK Communications

In Partnership With:


The Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Board of Directors agreed to oppose the initiated ballot measure circulating to eliminate property taxes in North Dakota. The proponents of this measure need 31,184 valid signatures by June 29th to put the measure on the November ballot. If this measure were to pass it would greatly hurt our local and state communities. As part of our opposition, the Chamber EDC has joined a statewide coalition, Keep It Local.

Keep it Local, is an ideologically broad Coalition that seeks to maintain local control by opposing the initiated ballot measure to abolish property tax. The coalition officially launched on June 20th by hosting a press conference in both Bismarck and Fargo.

At the press conference, spokespersons shared their concerns and objections to the proposed measure. It was an opportunity for the coalition to speak out with a strong, collective voice.

Celebrate Bismarck-Mandan returns September 26, 2024.

LAST CHANCE to Nominate Your Favorite Businesses for Celebrate Bismarck Mandan!

The clock is ticking! The Chamber EDC is calling for final nominations for the annual Celebrate Bismarck Mandan awards, with the deadline fast approaching on July 18th. This is your chance to recognize the remarkable achievements of businesses and individuals in the Bismarck Mandan area. Don’t miss this opportunity to recognize one or more of the outstanding businesses in our community. Celebrate Bismarck Mandan’s award ceremony will be held on Thursday, September 26th, at the Bismarck Event Center.

Celebrate Bismarck Mandan Awards:

• Golden Eagle Award

• Small Business of the Year

• Large Business of the Year

• Women Owned Business of the Year

• Service Award of the Year

• Granite Award (Presented at the CEDC Annual Dinner)

Cast your votes at www.bismarckmandan.com before the nomination deadline on July 18th!

For any questions regarding the awards or nomination process, please contact Tatelyn Houle, thoule@bmcedc.com, or call the Chamber EDC office, 701-223-5660.





Sponsors: Award


Table Sponsors: Apex Engineering Group, Inc., Bank of North Dakota, Bismarck Cancer Center, Bismarck State College, Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota, Brady, Martz & Associates, P.C., Bremer Bank, Capital Credit Union, Choice Bank, Dakota Community Bank & Trust, Eide Bailly LLP, First International Bank & Trust, Gate City Bank, InterOffice, Moore Engineering Inc., Northwest Contracting, Point CPA, Starion Bank, United Tribes Technical College, University of Mary



Wednesday, July 10

11:30am – 1:00pm

Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Patio

1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck

Free to Attend

We appreciate our members’ support, to show our gratitude, please bring your team to enjoy a FREE lunch and networking on the beautiful Chamber EDC patio.


Thursday, July 18

4:30pm – 6:30pm

Envision Pools & Outdoor Living 1400 Airport Rd, Bismarck Free to Attend

Stop by Chamber EDC’s July Membership Mixer hosted by Envision Pools & Outdoor Living! Network with Chamber EDC members while indulging in appetizers and refreshments.


Saturday, July 20

All Day


Free to Attend

Support our community’s youth on Lemonade Day by visiting a young entrepreneur’s lemonade stand on July 20th!


Thursday, August 1

4:30pm - 6:00pm

Dykshoorn Park

511 W Main Street, Mandan

Free to Attend

Join us for the Chamber EDC’s family-friendly event filled with food, games, and drinks in the beautiful outdoors of Dykshoorn Park!


Thursday, August 8

4:30pm – 6:30pm Bremer Bank

710 S Washington Street, Bismarck Free to Attend

Join us at the Chamber EDC Membership Mixer hosted by Bremer Bank Savor appetizers and beverages while making the most of a valuable networking opportunity and learning about our community’s businesses.


Friday, August 16

Event Time: 9:00am - 2:30pm

Capital City Sporting Clays

12951 71st Ave NE, Bismarck

$100 for Chamber EDC members

$125 for General Admission

Be a part of a thrilling day of clay shooting, networking, and delicious food at Capital City Sporting Clays— an event you won’t want to miss!


Wednesday, September 4

Event Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm Kirkwood Mall

North Underpass Entrance Door #1

Free to Attend

Join the Chamber EDC and Vitalant for Brats with the Brave & Battle of the Badges! This free event is an opportunity to support military personnel, first responders, and healthcare workers with a friendly picnic and blood donation drive.



500 N 8th Street Bismarck, ND 58501 701-222-6100

I heard the Bismarck Cancer Center offers support to the Caregivers of individuals receiving radiation treatment for a cancer diagnosis. Can you tell me more about this?

Massage therapy can benefit the mind, body, and spirit, which is why we offer specialized oncology massage therapy to individuals receiving radiation treatment. At the beginning of May, we introduced our new Caregiver Massage Program. Our massage therapist is now offering complimentary chair massages to caregivers every Wednesday afternoon while continuing to provide massage therapy for our patients. This new service is available to caregivers of those whose loved ones are currently undergoing radiation treatment at the Bismarck Cancer Center. We believe providing much-needed relaxation and rejuvenation to those who selflessly care for individuals on their cancer journey is crucial. To learn more about this service for caregivers, call 222-6100.

811 E Interstate Ave, Ste B, Bismarck, ND 58503 701-409-0488

What’s the biggest mistake businesses make with their marketing?

Have you ever gone on a road trip without a destination? While we admire a free spirit, most would end up driving aimlessly, burning fuel, and wasting time - all with the hope they’ll end up somewhere great. That’s exactly what happens when businesses tackle marketing without clear goals or ways to measure success. You end up doing random things and spending money/ time without knowing if you’ve hit your destination. All because you don’t have a clear direction.

This is the biggest mistake businesses make.

To avoid this, you need to define what success looks like and set metrics to measure progress. Just like a road trip, you’ll hit bumps or detours, but without having a destination, you won’t know when to change course. A clear marketing strategy keeps your efforts focused and productive, leading to real results and a return on investment.

Need a fresh perspective? Shoot me an email at jade@hexahive.co and we can grab a sales-free coffee to brainstorm a destination for your business!

200 E Main Ave, Ste 101 Bismarck, ND 58501 701-319-0402

Feeling like there is nothing else you can try when it comes to addiction?

Addiction can mean so many different things to so many different people. No matter what, addiction can be stressful and difficult to overcome. Northeast Wellness wants you to know that acupuncture may be the missing piece of the puzzle you’ve been looking for.

Acupuncture was introduced to addiction/substance abuse treatments in the 1970’s at Lincoln Memorial Hospital in New York. Doctors at LMH, discovered that acupuncture is a more effective form of treatment for heroin addicts than prescribing methadone. As a result, Dr. Michael O. Smith founded the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) in 1985.

Using acupuncture to overcome opioid, nicotine, and alcohol addiction can help reduce stress, anxiety, cravings, and withdrawal symptoms, and improve general well-being and mental health. Every person is different when it comes to the treatment, what works for one may not work for another.


1519 Continental Ave Bismarck, ND 58504 701-751-7400

One of Roers’ core values is Community. How does this value factor into the work your company does?

Roers has been offering construction services to the Upper Midwest for nearly fifty years. In that time, it’s no surprise that we’ve made deep-rooted connections with countless amazing people and communities. We’re grateful to the people who entrust us with their projects and let us bring their visions to life. This is one of many reasons we choose to give back in practical, peoplefirst ways.

Our Charitable Giving Committee helps build success in communities by giving monetary donations to employeeselected causes every quarter. Recently, our employees voted to give back to causes like the Rape and Abuse Crisis Center and the Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation.

Giving Hearts Day 2024 happened a few months ago, and Roers was proud to participate by giving our employees opportunity to give back and support local causes that aligned with their values.

Roers is only continuing to grow, and we have no intention of slowing down. Here’s to another wonderful year of giving back!


212 W Main Ave Bismarck, ND 58501 701-220-3491

How is your art gallery different from others?

Masters Gallery is the newest fine art gallery in the region, located at 212 West Main Avenue in downtown Bismarck and owned by Marci Narum and David Borlaug. We opened in November 2023, and there are a few key differences in how we operate.

Instead of having rotating art exhibitions with a variety artists, we exclusively represent eight nationally and internationally award-winning artists.

Masters Gallery started out as a fine art concierge service, Hang with Marci & David, and it evolved into a gallery. We continue to offer consultation, delivery, and installation to our clients. As a concierge, we consider ourselves “always open,” and eager to meet you in our gallery at a time that is most convenient for you. Otherwise, the gallery is open Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, from 12 noon to 4:00 p.m. Visit our website, www.MastersGallery.net to see the artwork available by our eight Master Artists, and follow us on social media at Hang with Marci & David.


304 E Front Ave, Ste 400 Bismarck, ND 58504 701-221-8700

What is a “litigation hold” and why would I need one?

A “litigation hold,” also referred to as simply a legal hold, is the process by which a business preserves documents, data and other sources of information when it anticipates litigation.

When litigation is reasonably foreseeable to a business or other organization, the organization has a legal duty to preserve evidence that is relevant to that litigation. The destruction of or failure to preserve relevant evidence after this duty arises is called “spoliation.”

If litigation does occur, spoliation can have significant consequences for the party at fault. If a party has lost or destroyed evidence, a court may order sanctions against the spoliating party. Sanctions vary from case to case and can range from payment of the other side’s costs or attorney’s fees to outright dismissal of the spoliating party’s claims.

By creating and implementing a litigation hold policy, or revising an existing policy, businesses can help themselves succeed should they end attorney in this process can help you and your business find the solution that will best meet your needs.


Tell us about yourself and your role within your business. My name is Maria Walen and I am the General Manager at Comfort Inn & Suites in Mandan. My academic background is in Political Science/Middle Eastern Studies, but my passion led me to the hospitality industry. For the past nine years, I’ve been honored to lead an exceptional team of amazing individuals at Comfort Inn & Suites. My role involves overseeing daily operations, ensuring guest satisfaction, fostering a positive work environment for our staff, and ensuring the hotel’s financial health and sustainability. My favorite aspect of my role as General Manager is being able to serve in the community on various boards and projects. Currently, I serve as the President of the Board of Directors for Dakota Children’s Advocacy Center, the Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors for the Bismarck-Mandan CVB, and a member of the Mandan Visitors Fund Committee.


Briefly tell us about the history behind Comfort Inn & Suites - Mandan and how you got started.

Comfort Inn & Suites - Mandan is part of the renowned Comfort brand under Choice Hotels International, known for providing travelers with reliable and comfortable accommodations. The Mandan location has been a staple in the community, offering a blend of convenience and hospitality. This hotel was brought to life by a visionary group of eight local businessmen who pooled their resources to make it a reality with construction starting in 2014. My journey with Comfort Inn & Suites began almost a decade ago, where I quickly embraced the brand’s commitment to the Comfort Way that ensures high quality, clean rooms and friendly customer service that helps our guests feel welcome, wanted, and respected. Since then, I’ve dedicated myself to enhancing our guests’ experiences and contributing to the hotel’s growth and success.

Comfort Inn & SuitesMandan has been a Chamber EDC member since 2015.

How has the growth of Bismarck-Mandan impacted Comfort Inn & Suites - Mandan?

The growth of the Bismarck-Mandan area has significantly benefited Comfort Inn & Suites - Mandan. As the region has expanded, we’ve seen a corresponding increase in tourism and business travel, leading to higher occupancy rates and the opportunity to serve a more diverse clientele. This growth has also allowed us to invest in our property and services, ensuring that we continue to meet and exceed the expectations of our guests.

What trends are taking place in your industry?

The hospitality industry is currently experiencing several key trends, including the increasing importance of technology in enhancing guest experiences, the growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly practices, and a heightened focus on health and safety measures. Personalization of services through data analytics and the use of mobile apps for booking and check-ins are also becoming standard to cater to the modern traveler.

Have there been any monumental changes within your industry that you’ve had to deal with?

One of the most significant changes has been the rapid advancement of technology, which has transformed the way we operate and interact with guests. From mobile check-ins to enhanced booking systems and data-driven personalization, technology has revolutionized the guest experience. Additionally, the growing emphasis on sustainability has led us to adopt more eco-friendly practices, which align with our commitment to environmental responsibility.

What does the future Comfort Inn & Suites - Mandan and the industry as a whole look like to you?

The future of Comfort Inn & Suites - Mandan is bright, with plans to continue upgrading our facilities and embracing technological advancements to improve guest satisfaction. The industry as a whole is moving towards greater sustainability, personalization, and digital integration. We anticipate that these trends will shape our strategies and operations, helping us stay competitive and responsive to the evolving needs of our guests.

Comfort Inn & Suites - Mandan became a Chamber EDC member in 2018, why do you continue to renew?

We continue to renew our membership with the Chamber EDC because of the invaluable networking opportunities, resources, and support it provides. Being a member allows us to stay connected with local businesses, participate in community initiatives, and contribute to the economic development of the Bismarck-Mandan area. The Chamber EDC’s advocacy and events have been instrumental in our growth and success. I absolutely love the Leadership Bismarck Mandan program and the subsequent alumni association.

What should other Chamber EDC members know about Comfort Inn & Suites - Mandan that may assist them?

Other Chamber EDC members should know that Comfort Inn & Suites - Mandan is more than just a place to stay; we are a committed partner in the community. We offer excellent accommodations for both business and leisure travelers and are always open to collaborations that enhance the local economy and community well-being. Our award-winning team is dedicated to providing outstanding service, making us a reliable choice for hosting out-of-town clients or organizing events or hosting meetings at our facility.


Former Minnesota Vikings linebacker Chad Greenway will help lead a youth football camp hosted by Sanford Sports at the Sanford Sports Performance location in Bismarck, North Dakota, this summer.

The camp is scheduled from 1-2:30 p.m. on August 25 and is open to athletes in grades 3-8. Registration is now open at sanfordsports.sportngin.com/register/form/138198919. There are limited spots available. The camp costs $10 plus tax to attend.

“We need youth football players to develop proper techniques, great habits, and winning attitudes, and this camp will check all those boxes,” said Greenway. “I’m looking forward to coming to Bismarck this summer and meeting a lot of great kids as well as working with the Sanford Sports Performance team.”

Athletes will work at seven different stations during the camp, focusing on a combination of skills and drills to help improve their game.


“Chad is a great example of where hard work can take someone – you don’t have to be from the biggest town to make a big impact on the field,” said Michael Silbernagel, manager of Sanford Sports Performance. “We’re excited for Chad to share his knowledge with the youth football players in the Bismarck area and get them fired up for this coming season.”

Greenway played 11 seasons for the Minnesota Vikings. The 17th overall selection in the 2006 NFL Draft, Greenway, was a member of the 2012 Second Team All-Pro team as well as a 2-time Pro Bowl selection. The Mount Vernon, South Dakota, native finished his career with 1,101 tackles, 18 sacks and 11 interceptions.

At Starion Insurance, we make acquiring the coverage you need easy and affordable, freeing your mind to focus on what matters most, your business. Our local agents are here for you.



Recently, at their Annual Cinco Awards and Celebration event, the Bismarck-Mandan Young Professionals Network announced the winners of the Top 10 Workplaces for Young Professionals in Bismarck-Mandan.

Any employer which serves our community and employs at least one individual between the ages of 21 and 40 is eligible to become a Bismarck-Mandan Top 10 Workplace.

A nominator must be an employee of the nominated company and a current YP member. The nominator must complete the current year’s Top Ten Workplace entry form located on the Bismarck-Mandan Young Professionals Network website.


• Sanford Health


• Basin Electric Power Cooperative

• Marathon

• North Dakota Workforce Safety & Insurance (WSI)

• First Community Credit Union

• Gate City Bank

• HexaHive

• Essentia Health

• Moore Engineering


Engineering News-Record (ENR) recently announced JLG Architects as the 2024 ENR Mountain States Design Firm of the Year, an award that coincides with a top 10 ranking on ENR’s list of Top Design Firms (Colorado, Wyoming, Dakotas).

This is the second time JLG Architects has been recognized as ENR’s Design Firm of the Year. The firm was first recognized in 2019 for completing a decade-long shift from a generalist business strategy to employee-ownership led by five specialized practice studios, including higher education, K12, healthcare, sport, and community.

ENR’s 2024 recognition was based on the firm’s recent projects and a reported $52.01 million in regional revenue for 2023. This revenue marks a nearly 20% increase over the previous year, just shy of doubling the level posted when the firm first received recognition in 2019. In this time span, JLG has also nearly doubled its workforce, expanding from 120 Midwestbased employee-owners to over 200 nationwide.

In choosing JLG as Design Firm of the Year, ENR noted several of the firm’s recently completed and upcoming projects, including Augustana University’s $72 million Midco Arena, a 25-year master plan for Altru Health Systems in Grand Forks, ND, and the upcoming Moorshead Community Center & Public Library.

In Medora, ND, JLG is the Architect-of-Record for the Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library (TRPL) – designed to be a “living library” that continues Roosevelt’s passion for conservation. Scheduled to open its doors in 2026, the Library will embrace the sweeping contours of the Badlands, honor ecological systems, and serve as a global model for sustainable living. JLG is working alongside the international design Architect and Design Landscape Architect Snøhetta, Landscape Architect-of-Record Confluence, and Construction Manager JE Dunn. TRPL is pursuing several sustainability firsts, with a goal of achieving three concurrent certifications at the highest level –LBC, LEED Platinum, and SITES Platinum.

Just 20 miles west of North Dakota’s largest city, JLG is collaborating with Emerging Prairie on the design of its Grand Farm Innovation Campus in Casselton, ND – work aimed at developing autonomous technologies for the benefit of regional and global agriculture.


Art, History & Culture

History & Culture

JLG is additionally leading the design of the Fargo Parks Sports Center at the Sanford Sports Complex in Fargo, ND. The grand opening event on May 29, 2024, marked the completion of the first phase, totaling approximately 290,000 square feet, designed by JLG Architects with McGough Construction.

The Fargo Parks Sports Center is currently home to four multisport courts, a championship court, a 95,000-square-foot indoor turf field, an elevated 350-meter three-lane walking track, and 25,000 square feet dedicated to Sanford Sports, including Sanford Sports Performance, Sanford Sports Physical Therapy, and Sanford Sports Academy. The Sports Center also designates space for a Midco-sponsored lounge and Fargo Park District staff offices. At the completion of phase two, the facility will open nearly 400,000 square feet, positioned as a multipurpose community recreation facility that accommodates a wide variety of indoor sports, activities, tournaments, ice hockey, and special events.

Art by Jessica Wachter, Bismarck, ND

Thousands of people travel through ND each year, and many make a point to stop in Medora. Thanks to the generosity and support from donors to the Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation (TRMF), many of the events held in Medora are more accessible to families and guests of any income!

The TRMF’s founder Harold Schafer desired to keep costs low for families who want to visit and partake in the various activities that Medora has to offer, including the Pitchfork Steak Fondue, Old Town Hall Theater Shows, and family-favorite Medora Musical.

Thanks to the generosity of donors who believe in carrying forward Harold’s values this year we are able to provide: Medora Musical: Free Admission for Kids 17 and under, on Wednesdays and Sundays thanks to Medora Musical Kids Day Sponsors. Kids 17 and under are also free on Double Show Nights at 5:30pm, every show playing June 5-June 19, and July 4 thanks to the Medora WISH endowment.

Pitchfork Steak Fondue: Free Hot Dog Meal for Kids 12 and under.

Free Medora Musical Admission for All Veterans, reservists, and active military members on Sunday, July 14th thanks to the Veterans Day in Medora Endowment. Two Special Performances will be hosted that day in honor of those who have served in the United States Military. See either show that night at 5:30pm or 8:30pm.Additional military happenings that day include a panel, keg social, and special pre-show presentation.

Bully Pulpit Golf Course: Thanks to Midco, Junior Golfers 17 and under can golf for free Sunday through Thursday and Friday and Saturday after 3pm.

Old Town Hall Shows: Free Admission for Kids 6 and under.

Walking with the Roosevelts: Free Tour for Kids 6 and under.

Free entertainment for Kids at Point to Point Park, Medora’s newest attraction. Enjoy the Splash Pad, the Jump Pillow, the Wooden Park, and the new Pickle Ball Courts free for all guests!

Tickets, information, and additional deals can be found at Medora.com


Tomi Cimarosti has been named the next Indian Education Director for Bismarck Public Schools. Interviews were recently held for the position after the current Director, Sashay Schettler, announced she would be resigning at the end of the school year to take a position with the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction.

Cimarosti has worked at BPS for the last three years as a PREP Facilitator, Behavioral Specialist, and Family Engagement Liaison. A graduate of Minot State University, she has over two decades of experience working with youth, families, and various local agencies in North Dakota.


Ben Deetz has been selected as the Lender Relations Specialist for the North Dakota District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). In this position, Deetz will coach North Dakota community lenders on how to best use SBA loan products. He will also help North Dakota small businesses assess their capital needs and prepare to meet with their local lender.

Deetz has served as Outreach & Marketing Specialist for the SBA’s North Dakota District Office since 2021. He has been responsible for providing outreach and training on SBA programs and services to the small businesses throughout North Dakota and working with SBA’s network of counseling and training providers including North Dakota SCORE Chapters, North Dakota Small Business Development Centers, North Dakota Women’s Business Center, and the Veteran Business Outreach Center of the Dakotas.


Derek Binstock’s recent promotion to Chief Investment Officer at Bravera Wealth marks a significant milestone in his career journey. In this new role, Derek will spearhead the Portfolio Management Department, leveraging his wealth of experience and strategic vision to drive optimal investment strategies and outcomes for clients. Additionally, as Chair of the Investment Committee, Derek will play a pivotal role in shaping Bravera Wealth’s investment decisions, ensuring they align with the customer’s overarching goals and objectives. His dedication, expertise, and commitment to excellence make him a valuable asset to the team, poised to lead Bravera Wealth to new heights of success in the financial landscape.


Ben Weldon has joined Bismarck Aero Center’s team of Certified Flight Instructors and Commercial Pilots. Originally from California, Ben has come to our team to start his aviation career. He showed his passion for aviation by dedicating himself to obtaining his Private Pilot, Instrument, Commercial & CFI ratings at respected flight schools around the Sacramento area.

Ben is eager to share his knowledge and skills gained with our North Dakota students. Working to “passing the torch” to the next generation of safe pilots in our Bismarck/Mandan community.


Bianco Realty has announced their Top 10 May REALTORS®: Judy Maslowski, Tori Meyer, Amber Sandness, Shirley Thomas, Stephanie Stevens, Jim Jeromchek, James Jeromchek, Amy Asche, Greg Gerhart & Lisa Young Bear. These REALTORS® had the highest sales totals at Bianco Realty May 2024.


Joel Bird, Jason Kirchmeier, and Dave Schlafman, Private Wealth Advisors with Legacy Financial Partners, a private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC in Bismarck were recently named to the 2024 Chairman’s Advisory Council.

Bird, Kirchmeier, and Schlafman qualified for the prestigious Chairman’s Advisory Council based on distinguished performance. They join other top-ranked advisors to discuss current issues and business opportunities with Ameriprise Financial Chairman and CEO Jim Cracchiolo and other Ameriprise Financial leaders. The Chairman’s Advisory Council was established in 1984 and advisors qualify each year based on superior business results.



Cedric Theel Toyota recently welcomed Chase Montieth to the team as a reconditioning tech. He works with the recon team on detailing and reconditioning vehicles before they are put on the lot. Chase currently attends Mandan High School and plans to attend trade school after he graduates. In his free time, he likes to play games, hang with friends, and ride dirt bike.

Tomi Cimarosti
Derek Binstock
Joel Bird
Ben Weldon
Jason Kirchmeier
Dave Schlafman
Chase Montieth


Silicon Plains is excited to announce the hiring of Network Operations Center IT Technician, Jeret Hibbs! As an Network Operations Center IT Technician Jeret assists with clients with any technical issues with a focus on proactive projects. Jeret has a bachelors degree in Computer Science and Mathematics as well as four years of IT experience.

BOEDER JOINS INTERSTATE ENGINEERING Interstate Engineering is pleased to announce that Haley Boeder has joined the Mandan office as a marketing coordinator. She graduated from the University of Mary with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing. She specializes in social media marketing, graphic design, and website design. Her knowledge and drive to succeed will make her a valuable addition to the firm.



James Kramer joined JE Dunn Construction as a project engineer in 2022, focusing on sports, recreation, and public projects. Kramer has been promoted to Client Solutions Representative. In this role, Kramer will be responsible for assisting to expand the JE Dunn brand across the state of North Dakota by building relationships with owners, architects and designers, and trade partners. His strengths include bringing people together to create shared common interests and understanding owner’s perspectives with regards to operations, maintenance, and staffing. James combines an eye for detail with the ability to see the big picture, enabling him to work seamlessly with all team members from different entities.




The Essentia HealthMid Dakota Bismarck Gateway Clinic is proud to welcome Sydney Backsen, an advanced practice registered nurse and certified nurse practitioner specializing in dermatology.

Backsen received her medical education from Regis University in Denver, Colorado, and is certified by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

July Live Government Meetings

Provided on Government Access cable channels 2 & 602HD FreeTB.org, Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV

Mon, 1st 5:00 pm Burleigh County Commission *

Tues, 2nd 4:00 pm

Bismarck-Burleigh Commission Cmte. 5:30 pm Mandan City Commission *

Mon, 8th 5:30 pm Mandan Park District Board

Tues, 9th 8:00 am

Burleigh Water Resource District 5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission *

Wed, 10th 5:15 pm Burleigh Planning & Zoning *

Thurs, 11th 9:00 am Bismarck Parking Authority 4:00 pm Bismarck Renaissance Zone Authority 5:00 pm Bismarck Board of Adjustment

Mon, 15th 8:30 am

Burleigh Cty. Commission – Budget Hearing * 10:00 am Met. Planning Org. – Tech Advisory Cmte. 5:30 pm Mandan School Board

Tues, 16th 8:30 am Burleigh Cty. Commission – Budget Hearing * (Tentative) 1:30 pm Met. Planning Org. – Policy Board 5:15 pm Bismarck School Board 5:30 pm Mandan City Commission * Wed, 17th 3:00 pm Bismarck Historic Preservation Mon, 22nd 5:30 pm Mandan Planning & Zoning

Tues, 23rd 5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission *

Wed, 24th 5:00 pm Bismarck Planning & Zoning *

Thurs, 25th 4:00 pm Bismarck Vision Fund Committee 6:00 pm Bismarck Park District Board

Meetings are replayed on Givernment Access channels & are archived online at FreeTV.org *Also available on Radio Access 102.5FM and RadioAccess.org

Jeret Hibbs
James Kramer
Sydney Backsen


Celebrates the completion of their new interior gallery renovation on 422 E Front Ave in Bismarck. Phone: 701-223-5986. Member.


Celebrates the grand opening of their new production space at 1125 E Main Ave in Bismarck. Phone: 701-426-0893. Member.


Celebrates the completion of their new hangar at 2301 University Drive, Bldg 6D in Bismarck. Phone: 701-223-4754. Member


Celebrates the renovation of their 1050 E Interstate Ave, Ste 120 location in Bismarck. Phone: 701-258-3300. Member.


Celebrates the grand opening of their second location at 925 E Expressway Ave in Bismarck. Phone: 701-248-0753. Member.


Celebrates 25 years of serving Bismarck-Mandan at 3406 Dominion Street in Bismarck. Phone: 701-258-7489. Member.


Celebrates the grand opening at 3831 Lockport Street, Ste C in Bismarck. Phone: 701-751-2500. Member.


Celebrates the grand opening of their new location at 1031 E Interstate Ave in Bismarck. Phone: 701-255-4576. Member.


Celebrates the grand opening of their new location at 416 E Main Ave in Bismarck. Phone: 701-255-1617. Member.


Celebrates starting a new business and becoming a Chamber EDC member located at 216 N 14th Street in Bismarck. Phone: 701-954-8843. Member.


Celebrates becoming a new Chamber EDC member located at 628 Kirkwood Mall in the Kirkwood Mall. Phone: 701-751-2506. Member.


Celebrates starting a new business and becoming a Chamber EDC member located in Mandan. Phone: 701-954-8843. Member.


Celebrates a new flight destination to Florida. Phone: 701-355-1800. Member.


Celebrates the recent renovation and five year anniversary at 1640 Burnt Boat Drive in Bismarck. Phone: 701-223-5660. Member.


Celebrates starting a news business in town located at 313 N 1st Street in Bismarck. Phone: 701-751-1003.

Ribbon cuttings are conducted by a committee of Chamber EDC volunteers called Ambassadors. Businesses qualify for a ribbon cutting if they open, move, and remodel, are under new ownership, change their name, or offer a new product or service. To find out how you can get a free ribbon cutting from the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC, please call Rachel at 701-223-5660.

The Chamber EDC congratulates all of our members on their anniversaries. The following companies and organizations have reached a special milestone with the Chamber EDC.

To find a complete listing of Chamber EDC members, view the Member Directory online at BismarckMandan.com


The Eye Clinic of North Dakota


Marathon Petroleum


Vallely Sport & Marine


Dakota Adventist Academy

Digital Office Centre



Buckstop Junction (Missouri Valley History Society)

Consulate General of Canada

The Walrus Restaurant


Kraus-Anderson Construction Company

North Dakota Council of Educational Leaders


Amvets Post #9

BisMan Online

Peace Garden Hemp


Aflac - Nicolle Binstock


Family First Homecare

Jeff Kadrmas


Owning and running a business takes a lot of


. That’s why it’s crucial to ef ciently manage your finances to maximize your

And we’ve created a full line of

that, regardless of the

The Chamber EDC encourages all members to do business with each other. The following companies and organizations have recently made an important investment in their business by joining the Chamber EDC. Please consider them for your professional and personal needs.

To find a complete listing of Chamber EDC members, view the Member Directory online at BismarckMandan.com

Miller Pointe

3500 21st Street SE Mandan ND 58554

Kayley Cartmill Skilled Nursing Facility.


659 Kirkwood Mall

Bismarck ND 58504


Greta Gunderson

FACE FOUNDRIÉ is a facial bar offering facials, lash lift & tints, brow services, and skincare. We opened in May 2023 and are located in the Kirkwood Mall.

Effertz Executive Search & Management

1640 Burnt Boat Drive

Bismarck ND 58503


Terry Effertz

Executive Search, Association Management, Business Consulting.

MW Bookkeeping LLC

1515 Burnt Boat Drive

Bismarck ND 58503


Michelle Westlund Bookkeeping services.

NDRISE - For Cancer

Bismarck, ND 58503


Christine Shepard

NDRISE- Creating awareness on the importance of screenings. Let’s Talk About it! Let the community rise up, come together, and address the issue.

Tamara Bartz - Globe Life, Family Heritage Division Flasher, ND 58535


Tamara Bartz

We help clients prepare for the unknown. Ask us about our policies: cancer, heart attack & stroke, accident, and ICU. We have a plan to fit everyone’s budget.

PAM Health Rehabilitation Hospital

3710 Bay Shore Bend SE Mandan, ND 58554


Lindsay Miller

PAM Health is a 42 bed freestanding rehabilitation inpatient hospital that specializes in treating and providing rehab to individuals who have experienced various disease’s and diagnosis.

Tegre Corporation

2911 N 14th Street, Ste 301 Bismarck, ND 58503


Luke Mahar

Professional engineering and design services firm. We provide field operators, training and development. We also build and sell Instrument Air skids for oil and gas companies.

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