August Connection

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MEMBER PROFILE KooKoo's Nest Pg. 12

BUSINESS ATTRACTION Chamber EDC focuses on business attraction Pg. 14

TRC BEGINS IN AUGUST Chamber EDC begins annual Total Resource Campaign Pg. 16

Connection AUGUST 2019







Molly Herrington ..................................................................Chair Brian Eiseman ...............................................................Vice Chair Val Weigel ......................................................................Secretary Kevin Strege ...................................................................Treasurer Ron Day ........................................................................Past Chair


Steve Bakken ......................................................City of Bismarck Scott Davis .........................................................City of Mandan Ron Day ............................................Marathon Petroleum Corp. Brian Eiseman ...............................................Stoneshire Builders Heather Fried ....................State Farm - Fried Financial Services Molly Herrington ...................................................................KLJ Chris Jones ...................................ND Dept. of Human Services Jim Peluso .........................................................Burleigh County Karl Lembke ......................................................Vaaler Insurance Wayne Munson ..............................................Bismarck Sign Co. Matt Sagaser ......................................................Doosan Bobcat Mike Schmitz ..Schmitz-Holmstrom Certified Public Accountants Cody Schulz ........................................................Morton County Scott Staudinger .............................................Cloverdale Foods Kevin Strege ................................................Capital Credit Union Tom Todd ................................................Northwest Contracting Wendy Van Duyne .....................Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Val Weigel ..............................Basin Electric Power Cooperative Lee Weisbeck ..........................................................Starion Bank


Brian Ritter ...................................................................President Ross Frohlich ............................................Membership Director David Leingang .............................Community Growth Director Mary Masters .......................................Office Support Specialist Ryan Parsons ........................................................Vice President Shay Peterson ......................Membership Engagement Director Rebecca Rattei ................................ Communications Specialist Elliot Rust ................................................Chief Financial Officer Jaime Sabot ....................Workforce Development Coordinator Nathan Schneider ................................................Vice President Cathryn Sprynczynatyk .................. Communications Specialist Lyndsey Scheurer ......................... Communications & ED Intern 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck, ND 58503 701-223-5660 •

CONTACT INFORMATION Content Rebecca Rattei

Advertising David Leingang

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2 4 Connection



eing married to a kindergarten teacher and having two daughters going into the first and fourth grades, respectively, I’m very familiar with the ‘progression’ of summer. School gets out in May and when June rolls around, it’s summer! Come July we’re all on vacation and then comes August… I open this month’s President’s Corner that way because believe it or not, there’s a connection between school, summer and our workforce development efforts. Later on in the Connection, You're going to read about Educators Experience (E2). E2 is one of our signature workforce development efforts where we work with area teachers and counselors about the various career opportunities available in BismarckMandan along with the accompanying educational requirements. We do this by placing them in a series of half-day sessions, each focused on a different industry sector, during which time they hear from professionals in those fields regarding job opportunities, what they’re looking for in employees, etc. The hope is that our educators will take that information back with them into the classroom, where they can serve as a resource for our students. While E2 has been a tremendously successful collaboration between business and education, we’re also working to develop a new strategic plan for the Chamber EDC. I’ll forgive you if you don’t get overly excited when you hear the words, “strategic plan.” However, this is an incredibly important process because we view our strategic plan as our value proposition. Your Chamber EDC membership is somewhat abstract; you can’t touch or feel it. What our strategic plan will attempt to do is make that membership tangible to the point that you know exactly what your membership dollar goes to support. Our strategic plan will lay out the Chamber EDC’s goals and objectives so that if someone asks you why you’re a member, you can tell them exactly why. And last but not least, we are already preparing for the 2021 Legislative Session. We recently completed meetings with our local political subdivisions and we’ll follow up those discussions with others in the private sector, after which we’ll brief the Bismarck-Mandan Legislative Delegation. All while monitoring those interim studies that impact our community, as well. So enjoy what’s left of your summer and thank you for your continued support of the Chamber EDC!

Brian Ritter, President, Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC @bismancedc

Connection 3 3


LEMONADE DAY: COMMUNITY PROGRAM ENCOURAGES YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS By Kylie Blanchard, Clearwater Communications Lemonade Day is an international program that creates a free and fun entrepreneurial experience for area youth, providing them with the opportunity to start, own and operate their own lemonade stand business. Started in Houston, Texas, the Lemonade Day program now does business with more than one million kids worldwide. It was brought to the BismarckMandan community by the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC in 2017, with 360 kids registering for the program in its first year. In 2018, that number jumped an impressive 54 percent to 556 registered participants.

Since introducing the program in 2017, young entrepreneur participation has increased each year. Over 600 kids registered for the program in 2019.

“With an engaging community such as Bismarck-Mandan, and with an emergence in youth entrepreneurism, after hearing about Lemonade Day from the Williston Chamber, we knew we had to bring it to our community,” says David Leingang, community growth director at the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC. “Lemonade Day is for everyone whether it be as a young entrepreneur, responsible mentor, investor or sponsor.” The 2019 Bismarck-Mandan Lemonade Day was held on June 15, with more than 657 of the community’s youth registered for the annual event. “It’s amazing to see kids get excited about this and run a business,” says John Bollinger, a Lemonade Day city champion and general manager of the Bismarck Larks. “It is really important for us as a community and as businesses to see young kids doing this and to be able to support them.”

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The annual event begins with a spring kick-off to register participants and get the word out about Lemonade Day in the community. Each child that registers receives a free business pack with an Entrepreneur Workbook that teaches them the valuable lessons of Lemonade Day. Participants begin by setting a goal for their profit as well as the spending, saving and sharing of their profit. Next, participants make a plan with a business partner or mentor and work to find a profitable location and investor for their stand. They then create their stand, often with a theme in mind, purchase supplies and make lemonade. Lemonade Day participants can then promote their lemonade stand through branding and mapping on the Bismarck Mandan Lemonade Day website (https:// and can also take part in a lemonade tasting competition held the week prior to the Lemonade Day event. On Lemonade Day, participants put their plans into action and set up and run their businesses.

CONNECTION | FEATURE At this year’s Lemonade Day, the average stand netted a total revenue of $229.47, with an average profit of $153.90. Ninety-four percent of participants paid back their investors, and with their profits, 44 percent spent some and 94 percent both saved and shared some of their profits. The average amount shared was $49.69 and the average total saved was $72.38. “These kids are really young, and this is so valuable for them,” says Bollinger, adding along with promoting the program, one of his responsibilities as a city champion is to visit lemonade stands on Lemonade Day. “I’ve seen how powerful it is to have a mentor and to learn a business. Entrepreneurship is where all the great ideas are going to come from, and this encourages these kids to think outside the box.” The majority of the Lemonade Day participants are in elementary school, and Bollinger notes this is an important time to make an impact on the community’s youth. “The Chamber found a youth program that gets those business wheels turning for kids,” he continues. “People in the community are supporting their businesses and who knows where that is going to take them.”

With an average profit of over $150, participants at this year’s Lemonade Day found creative ways to drive revenue.

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Connection 3 5



After the program is complete, participants walk away with valuable lessons in philanthropy, financial literacy, leadership, critical thinking, self-confidence and more. Leingang say he is excited to see what the future holds for the growth of the program. “With growing numbers, the Chamber EDC will look to enhance the experience of Lemonade Day through added events and/ or educational encounters that will prepare both young entrepreneurs and mentors for the big day,” he notes. Leingang also notes the program would not have experienced its great success 2019 Best Tasting Contest participants pose with Lemmy (seated). without the support of many community sponsors. “Lemonade Day is a FREE program that is only made available through the support of our members. With sponsorships, “The sponsors see the bigger vision of the program,” we are able to provide quality programing to any young adds Bollinger. “And that is it a great thing for these kids.” entrepreneur, and even schools.”

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CONNECTION | FEATURE BRECKYN SCOTT: A YOUNG LEMONADE DAY ENTREPRENEUR Breckyn Scott, 9, is going into fourth grade and, in 2019, participated in his second Lemonade Day. He says he decided to take part in the program to experience running his own business. “It’s an experience to be an entrepreneur at a young age, in case I decide to open my own business when I am older,” he says. His stand, Breckyn’s Grand Stand Lemonade, was set up in front of his grandparent’s house in his first year participating in the program. This year, he set up his business outside of Target at the Kirkwood Mall. “I am a big baseball fan, so I thought it would be a cool theme,” he notes. “I had a lot of customers this year, and one person came back three times.” Scott sold lemonade for $1 per cup and lemonade slushies for $3 per cup, which netted him a profit that he was able to share, spend and save. He even earned the honors of second place in the Lemonade Tasting Contest held the week prior to the Lemonade Day event.

“I donated $25 to St. Jude’s Hospital and $25 to Brave the Shave,” he says. “I put some in the bank and put some towards a new bike and bought some baseball cards.” He says Lemonade Day is something he enjoys doing each summer and encourages other kids to give the program a try. “It’s a fun experience to be an entrepreneur and it’s really fun to talk to customers and to just sell lemonade,” Scott says. “If there are other younger kids that want to experience being an entrepreneur, this is the best thing to do for that to happen.”

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Connection 3 7




Registered Kids

STAND STATS Avg. Total Revenue


Avg. Profit

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%



Saved Some

Shared Some

Paid Back Investor

Opened a Savings Met their Goal Account

Plan on Participating Next Year

Spent Some

Average Amount Shared

Average Amount Saved


Ethnicity Male Female


Grade Caucasian

2% 5%





Elementary (K-5)

African American

Middle (6-8)





8 4 Connection



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Connection 3 9



Educators from around Bismarck-Mandan found the tables turned this year when they learned from various industries through the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC’s Educator Experience (E²) program. This year’s program, held June 17-21, was the fourth annual event designed to place area middle and high school teachers and counselors into the workplace. Through the E² program, businesses work to inform educators about the various industries and career opportunities available in the area. This year, the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC revamped its Educator Summer Workshop with the new E² name, logo and brand. The event involved a series of half-day sessions where teachers heard from business professionals regarding the opportunities available, the hard skills necessary to succeed, the soft skills lacking in the incoming workforce, and what businesses look for in employees. Businesses involved included Northern Improvement representing skilled trades; Basin Electric representing energy and engineering; Edgewood Village representing healthcare; Dakota Natural Health Center and CCs Physical Therapy representing alternative medicine; Juniper Workantile, 1 Million Cups, Gizmonics LLC and D&N Cinematics representing entrepreneurism; North Dakota Game and Fish Department and the Bismarck Larks representing recreation; National Information Solutions Cooperative representing information technology (IT) and cybersecurity; First International Bank & Trust, Northern Plains Equipment and USDA Northern Great Plains Research Lab discussing agriculture; and Bobcat Acceleration Center, Career Academy and Technical Center, and Job Service discussing the 21st century workplace.

10 4 Connection

Rhiannon Roemmich, a sixth-grade English teacher at Wachter Middle School, says she appreciated the variety of businesses at the event as well as the exposure to jobs she didn’t realize existed. “We spoke with businesses that hired people with two- or four-year degrees and others which did not require a degree and would provide the training needed,” she says. “As a teacher, it has opened my eyes to relay to students that college doesn’t necessarily have to be the choice for everyone.” “The hope is that those that participated in the workshop will take that information back with them into the classroom and they can serve as a valuable resource if students have questions regarding career paths,” says Jaime Sabot, Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC’s workforce development coordinator. “The workshop is a way of focusing on those parents, teachers and counselors who ultimately influence our community’s students.” Tiffany Boehm, Edgewood Village’s assistant executive director, participated in the event and shared information about Edgewood, potential occupations and the areas the business find challenging when hiring and onboarding. “This is a great opportunity to share your mission and vision with professionals with sufficient time to explain what your company offers to the community,” she says. “You have the opportunity to give great workplace examples and scenarios, and the experience opened the door for additional employment referrals as well as networking for future partnerships in the school system.” Basin Electric used the opportunity to plant the seed for recruiting potential future employees in engineering, IT, finance, marketing, business, administrative services, plant operations and maintenance, and transmission system maintenance.

CONNECTION | FEATURE “Our future relies on cultivating a workforce that understands the cooperative model and is passionate about the energy industry,” says Kristi Pfliger-Keller, Basin Electric’s learning and development administrator. “Opportunities like this Educator Experience help us raise awareness, build connections and contribute to the education in our local communities.” “I was surprised at the number of job opportunities in Bismarck-Mandan,” adds Roemmich. “I am going to let those students know there are so many job opportunities and that students don’t have to leave and go to the Twin The 2019 Educator Experience featured area teachers gaining hands-on experience in Cities or another big city to get a really industries including: energy, construction, healthcare and more. good job. We can help them develop those skills here in Bismarck-Mandan Flesness says she also gained perspective from the and they can get compensated well for those jobs if they educators. “It always gives me a better idea of how people choose to stay.” perceive my industry and how my clients may perceive my industry,” she says. “I hope educators gained a bit more Although the teachers and administrators in the audience knowledge about what their students can do in our field were there to learn, the companies also found the and they can let the students know the things that are experience educational. Pfliger-Keller says the experience possible for them.” will make an impact on Basin’s educational outreach methods. “The attendees indicated a large number of “The E² program is a great opportunity to step out into students express interest in the engineering fields but the community and learn more about your businesses often are uncertain about the exact field of engineering to by looking at it from the outside in and by learning from pursue,” she says. “This information will encourage Basin people around you,” she adds. Electric to think strategically about ways to help educate students about their career options.” Joe Kalvoda, South Central High School’s principal, says he attended the event because he was interested in A new facet of the program this year was that educators were able to hear from local entrepreneurs and experience talking with people in their fields of work and getting to see what they do day-to-day. “I was surprised at how much the atmosphere and presentations at 1 Million Cups in in common business and education have in regard to downtown Bismarck. concerns we have for the youth of today and the work we both are doing to help them out,” he says. Evan Anderson of Gizmonics LLC shared his experience developing products and taking them to market and Kalvoda says he and his peers learned about discussed skill sets inventors need to succeed, as well as the importance of instilling critical thinking and how educators could cultivate that skill set in students. “I communication skills in students, as well as the diversity found the experience to be very rewarding, in terms of of jobs in the area and the importance to emphasize the better understanding their challenges and seeing their trade industries as a viable career path. genuine desire to be better educators,” he says. Haylie Flesness, associate producer at D&N Cinematics, says the E² program provided educators with an inside look at many professions. “I gave the participants a full overview of the business and then dove into skills that are part of the media industry. Both how things work on the big scale, like in California and New York, and in Bismarck on a smaller scale, and that there are multiple ways people can enter the industry,” she says.

“As educators, it is important for us to connect students with a positive future where they can become productive members of society,” says Kalvoda. “The information gained from this class enhances the advice and direction I can suggest to students to give them hope moving forward. A student with a positive vision for themselves can be very motivated to succeed; they just want to know where they are going.”

Connection 3 11


Kinzey Fockler KOOKOO'S NEST

Q: Tell us about yourself and your role within your business. A: I own KooKoo’s Nest with my husband Aaron. I do the majority of the marketing, photography and customer interaction. I am the creative side of the business and my husband focuses on the financials, book keeping, and the not-so-glamorous parts of owning and operating our business.

12 4 Connection


Q: Briefly tell us the history of KooKoo's Nest. A: We started KooKoo’s Nest as a seasonal fashion truck. Once we outgrew the truck, we purchased an existing business in downtown Bismarck, rebranded the business to KooKoo’s, and now operate in our Brick and Mortar business year-round!

CONNECTION | MEMBER PROFILE Q: How has the growth of Bismarck-Mandan impacted KooKoo's Nest? A: We specialize in prom attire, so with the growth of Bismarck-Mandan has come more students, and more students mean more prom goers. Larger class sizes and opening more high schools has made a positive impact on our business. Q: What trends are taking place in your industry? A: Most would think that the major trend of retail is ecommerce, but I would say we have noticed the trend of customers wanting an experience. We encourage appointments for prom shopping and the appointments have completely changed the model of our business for the better. Another trend we have discovered is community. Our store has a Facebook group (KooKoo’s Nest Obsessed) and in this group, we have really gotten to know our clients on a business and personal level. We feel the group is a place to show appreciation and value to our core group of clients. It also humanizes our brand and shows that we are more than just a store. Q: Have there been any monumental changes in the industry that you’ve had to deal with? A: Change is part of entrepreneurship and how you adapt to that change will set you apart from the competition. We have had to deal with the occasional Facebook and Instagram crashes, as well as the changes in social media algorithms and sky-rocketing advertising costs. But isn’t that the fun part of entrepreneurship? No two days are alike! Q: What does the future of KooKoo's Nest look like, and the industry as a whole look like to you? A: KooKoo’s Nest will always remain in Bismarck. We have no plans to open additional stores as we would rather invest in ecommerce and social selling. We hope to eventually move into a larger storefront to accommodate our inventory and customer needs. Gowns take up a lot of space! Q: KooKoo's Nest became a member in 2017, why do you continue to renew each year? A: We renew each year because we believe in our community! We also enjoy attending Chamber events, reading Chamber publications, and being involved and informed about what is happening on the business side of things in Bismarck-Mandan. Q: What should other Chamber EDC members know about KooKoo's Nest that may assist them? A: KooKoo’s Nest is much more than just “a prom store.” We offer prom attire (gowns and tuxedo rentals year-round), as well as boutique clothing – ranging in sizes XSmall to 3XL. We also have gift items and countless accessories available. Follow us on Instagram @shopkookoos or

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Connection 3 13


SPOTLIGHT ON BUSINESS ATTRACTION In order to grow a local economy a balanced approach is needed to ensure success. We need to encourage entrepreneurial development, maintain and grow existing businesses through retention & expansion efforts and attract new businesses to the community. While all three are of equal importance, people tend to think of economic development as “business attraction”. What does that term mean exactly?

Cloverdale Foods, located in Mandan, is an example of a business that adds value to a product, benefiting our local economy.

The business attraction efforts of the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC are focused on primary sector targets. Primary sector is a term used to describe businesses that “add value to a product and generate new wealth for the community or state”. To start, let’s break the definition into two separate parts, beginning with “adding value to a product”. Take, for example, a food processing business that takes a raw product and adds ingredients and sends it through some type of processing to create a finished product. In this example, the food processing businesses is adding value to a product. The second part of the primary sector definition is “generating new wealth for the community”. If we look at the food processing business from the example above, the food processor will traditionally sell their product to outside markets. Through the sale of these products, the food processor is bringing new dollars to the local economy. Without this introduction of new wealth, the same dollar can be “turned over” a number of times in a local economy. Your employer pays you; you take this money and buy a coffee at the local coffee shop; they pay their employee who takes their dollar and purchases food at the grocery store and the cycle continues. Without the introduction of new dollars, the same dollar will continue to exchange hands locally. Primary sector businesses are important as they introduce that new dollar.

14 4 Connection

Through the Chamber EDC’s business attraction efforts, three main industries are targeted: 1.) Value-added Agriculture 2.) Value-added Energy 3.) Equipment Manufacturing As we look forward, the Chamber EDC’s Economic Development Committee is going through a process right now to identify other potential targeted industries and possible sub-sectors of our current targeted industries. Business attraction will always be a part of the Chamber EDC’s efforts, with a focus on those primary sector businesses. If you have specific questions about the Chamber EDC’s business attraction efforts, please contact Nathan Schneider at


LEGISLATION IMPACTING TALENT ATTRACTION AND RETENTION It’s no secret that the availability of labor is one of the greatest challenges facing Bismarck-Mandan’s economy. What might surprise some though is just how tight our labor market is. For example: • In June 2019, there were 2,463 open jobs in Bismarck-Mandan according to Job Service North Dakota; UP 7.1% from June 2018. when that number was estimated to be 2,298. • The local unemployment rate in May 2019 was 2.2%; DOWN from 2.4% in May 2018 and the lowest it’s been since August 2017 when it was 2.1%. •

The labor force, defined as “any person over the age of 16 that is currently employed or actively seeking employment”, in May was 68,208; UP 0.79% from May 2018 when it was 67,671.

And our current employment, all of the jobs currently in the market, in May 2019 was 73,400; UP 0.82% from May 2018 when there were an estimated 72,800 jobs in Bismarck, Mandan, Burleigh and Morton Counties.

So the unemployment rate is down, there are more jobs in the economy and more people in the workforce. However, the number of open jobs is still increasing, all underscoring the need for more workforce development efforts. While the Chamber EDC is heavily engaged in both workforce development and talent attraction, the State of North Dakota has recently created a new program to help address this issue as well.

The other $3 million was used to create a workforce scholarship program for high-demand professional and technical career paths. The maximum scholarship amount is $17,000 and is limited to programs which can be completed in four semesters. Students must be enrolled full time and maintain a 2.5 GPA. Upon completion, the student must reside and work in an eligible high-demand or emerging occupation for a minimum of three years or repay the scholarship. Both programs require a 1-1 public-private match and will be administered by the Bank of North Dakota. Both of these programs represent aggressive efforts to retain our State’s most precious commodity; talent. For more information, contact the Bank of North Dakota at (701) 328-5600 or visit their website at

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During the 2019 Legislative Session, local legislators Representative Jason Dockter and Senator Dwight Cook were among the sponsors of House Bill 1171 which created a $6 million skilled workforce program. Of that money, $3 million went towards the creation of a skilled workforce student loan repayment program which features a maximum loan of $17,000 of which one-third is repaid each year the graduate lives and works in North Dakota. Ask about

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Connection 3 15



During this 16-week campaign we take the time to introduce business members to the value of their Chamber EDC membership and how you as a member can learn about our various events and programs that best fits your business’s focus and goals. Renewing sponsors have the right of first refusal for their sponsorships from the previous year; this is what we call the ‘renewal period’. The 2020 renewal period will begin on Thursday, August 1st and end Wednesday, September 4th. Starting on September 5th, all sponsorships that have not been renewed are up for grabs by anyone so be sure to return all renewal contracts in on time to secure your sponsorships for 2020. DATES TO REMEMBER Right of First Refusal: August 1 - September 4th Open Enrollment: September 5th TRC Conclusion: November 15th

16 4 Connection

If your organization has yet to sponsor an event this is your opportunity to learn and get involved in the upcoming events to help maximize your membership. The Chamber EDC has a wide range of events that focus on networking, economic development, professional development & education. Keep an eye out for your renewal contracts and if you don’t receive them please let us know. If you have any questions on the TRC renewals, event sponsorships, or to schedule a discussion, please contact, Shay Peterson, Membership Engagement Director, at or by calling 701-223-5660. *No right of first refusal for monthly Membership Mixers.


SPORTING CLAYS SHOOTOUT IS AROUND THE CORNER Start planning for a day of fun at Capital City Sporting Clays on August 23rd! It’s an event that everyone can enjoy and always friendly competition.

We have a great assortment of door prizes this year we have doubled the guns including: • Henry Golden Boy .22 /LR the Lever Action Classic • Savage Arms 93R17 17HMR with 3-9x40 Chamber EDC members can register individually or as a team for the Chamber EDC Sporting Clays Shootout on August 23rd. scope • Glock 19 Gen4 • Winchester SXP Black Shadow • Sig Sauer P365 NITRON MICRO-COMPACT THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Presenting Sponsor: • And more! You can register individually ($100/Person - Members, $125/Person - Non-members) and we will assign you to a team or you can sign up in teams of four. Admission Includes light breakfast, shotgun shells (12 and 20 gauge), ear plugs, course fees, lunch, beverages, and a great opportunity to win some awesome door prizes. Please register you and your team today by going online at or by emailing Ross at

Long Range Sponsors: Rapid Fire Sponsors: First International Bank & Trust, Anyleaks Pigeon Sponsors: Advanced Business Methods, Dakota Community Bank & Trust, Amy Hullet: Century 21 Morrison, HH Gun Shop, and Liberty Business Systems.

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Connection 3 17


CELEBRATE BISMARCK-MANDAN’S FINEST On September 17th, The Chamber EDC and the Excellence in Education and Business Committee will celebrate local businesses and their leaders for their accomplishments within the community. This year’s annual Celebrate Bismarck-Mandan award ceremony will honor those who have been nominated in the following categories: Small Business Person of the Year • Ricardo & Roberto Chapa – Quality Pack & Load • Nick Dobrzelecki – Corridor • Lonna Brooks – Terry’s Health Products New Entrepreneur of the Year • Colton Shoults – Grand Junction Grilled Subs • Josette Severson – Prairie Patriot Firearms Mike Fink Award for Steady Growth and Profitability • Glasser Images • NW Tire Granite Award Golden Eagle recipient Young Entrepreneur of the Year Outstanding Teachers of the Year

Please join us from 11:00am to 1:00pm at the Ramkota Hotel and Conference Center, to cheer on fellow members or to lend support to these amazing nominees! General admission is $50, and $40 with member discount. Registration is available online at, https://business. For more information on the award ceremony, or to reserve a table, please contact David Leingang;, 701-223-5660. Gold Sponsors:

BASIN ELECTRIC POWER COOPERATIVE A Touchstone Energy Cooperative ®

Award Sponsor: Table Sponsors: Bank of North Dakota, Bismarck Cancer Center, Bismarck State College, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Capital Credit Union, CornerStone Bank, Dakota Community Bank & Trust, Eide Bailly, First International Bank & Trust, Gate City Bank, MIDCO, Northwest Contracting, Sanford Health, Starion Bank, University of Mary, Wells Fargo Bank Event Sponsors: Advanced Business Methods, Brady Martz & Associates, Liberty Business Systems, Schmidt-Holmstrom CPAs If your business would like a table at the event, please contact David Leingang at 701-223-5660 or by email at: Cost is $450 for a table. Tickets are $40 for Chamber members and $50 for general admission.

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18 4 Connection

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No matter where you are in your business journey, Eide Bailly can help you make confident decisions. Our trusted advisors have strong local roots, and have been serving the Bismarck-Mandan community for over 50 years. Whether you’re looking for audit, tax, outsourced payroll or bookkeeping, or other specialty services, Eide Bailly has the resources to keep you moving forward.

What inspires you, inspires us. 701.255.1091 | Connection 3 19


APPLICATIONS OPEN FOR STUDENT LEADERSHIP NETWORK The Chamber EDC Excellence in Education and Business Committee is now accepting applications for the Student Leadership Network 2019/2020 program! Open to juniors and seniors in all Bismarck-Mandan private and public high schools, the Chamber EDC’s Student Leadership Network is a program that aims to elevate our young adults into the professional world. This is done through a series of experiences the students go through to learn more about our community as a whole. Leadership and career development, financial literacy, and college readiness are some of the skills and education they will benefit from through this program. The students meet one day a month, for 2 hours out of school. The program includes six board meetings in addition to an opening and closing event. This program is an honorable activity for students to list on college applications and job resumes.

20 4 Connection

The application process is simple. The application form, which includes an essay of 200 words or less can be found at, BusinessExcellenceEducationCommittee. The applications will be received by the Excellence in Business and Education Committee for a final decision. Students are encouraged to apply regardless of grades. If you are interested in your community and have an interest in civic activities, please apply! Deadline to apply is Friday September 13th, 2019! For any questions or interest in the Student Leadership Network program, please contact David Leingang at the Chamber EDC, 701-223-5660 or


BRATS WITH THE BRAVE The Chamber EDC and its Military Affairs Committee invites the community to their annual Brats with the Brave military appreciation picnic!

Let’s show the world what we can do together. Day by day. Project by project. Together we’re improving mobility and moving the world forward.

Help us to show support and have an opportunity to have lunch with the military men and women who bravely serve or have served our country. Come for brats and all the fixin’s, Wednesday, September 11th, at R J Bohn Armory4200 E Divide Ave in Bismarck, from 11:30am – 1:30pm, or until we run out! Local veteran, active duty, and reserve military personnel will join us as we provide our gratitude to their service to our nation. If you have any questions or would like to RSVP, please contact David Leingang,, or call the Chamber EDC’s office, 701-223-5660. This free event would not be possible without the following Military supporters and Chamber members. Presenting Sponsor: Lunch Sponsors: Event Sponsors: Northern Improvement Company

Building a Better World for All of Us Engineers | Architects | Planners | Scientists • 701.354.7121

Connection 3 21




Date: Tuesday, August 6, 2019 Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM Admission: Free to Attend Are you interested in learning how to make the most out of your membership? Save the date and join us on Tuesday, August 6th from 12:00pm – 1:00pm at the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC. Chamber EDC staff will explain our programs, benefits, committees, and other opportunities on how to maximize your membership. Whether you are a brand new member, a long-time member or just want to learn more about membership this is the event for you! Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to insure a meal by either contacting the Chamber at 701-223-5660 or by emailing Ross Frohlich at


Date: Thursday, August 8, 2019 Location: Kirkwood Mall 706 Kirkwood Mall, Bismarck Time: 4:30PM - 6:30PM Admission: Free to Attend Mark your calendar for the August Membership Mixer! Kirkwood Mall is welcoming Chamber EDC membership to join them in a fun casual environment to network and relax on August 8th from 4:30pm - 6:30pm. Enjoy lite bites and beverages provided by A&B Pizza and Lucky’s 13 Pub at their location inside the Mall at 706 Kirkwood Mall, Bismarck. RSVP online at calendar or by emailing Ross at

We’re here for you when living alone is no longer an option and a nursing home is not the answer

Call today! 701-221-3018 2500 Valley View Ave, Bismarck, ND

22 4 Connection



PROFESSIONAL FRIDAYS AT THE DEVELOPMENT SERIES: CHAMBER EDC Date: Friday, August 16 2019 SOCIAL MEDIA Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Patio Date: Location: Time: Admission:

Tuesday, August 13, 2019 Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck 10:00AM - 12:00PM $20.00 for Chamber EDC Members $30.00 for General Admission

Join us on Tuesday, August 13th for our second Professional Development Series of the summer. This month we will focus on social media and how it can help your business. Our event will feature a panel who will provide their expertise in what they have seen or experienced when using social media tools. Enjoy light refreshments while networking and learning how to grow your business through social media techniques. SPEAKERS INCLUDE: Randy Hoffman – Digital Sales Manager, KFYR-TV Steph Scheurer – Communications Specialist, Agency MABU Barry Schumaier – General Manager, KFYR-TV Jared Shoults – General Manager, Grand Junction Subs Register online at or email Lyndsey or Shay at or You can also register by calling 701-223-5660

1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck Time: 11:30AM - 1:00PM Admission: Free to Attend Presenting Sponsor:

If you did not have an opportunity to make June’s Fridays at the Chamber EDC fret not! Join us August 16th from 11:30pm – 1:00pm for our 2nd luncheon of the season! The Chamber EDC staff would like to take this time to say thank you to all our members for what they do for the business community. Whether it’s your membership, committee involvement, or event support; we appreciate everything you do! Stop by and enjoy some brats, hamburgers and an assortment of apps provided by our sponsors. This is a wonderful opportunity to mingle with fellow Chamber EDC members, bring a friend and enjoy our patio. Please RSVP online or by emailing Shay at speterson@ Lunch Sponsors: Event Sponsor:

Connection 3 23


DCN ADDITION WILL BE FUTURE CENCOM HOME DCN (Dakota Carrier Network) will begin construction of a nearly 20,000 squarefoot addition to the north end of its Bismarck location in July 2019. The hardened addition is the future home of the Central Dakota Communications Center (CenCom), which provides 911 public safety communication services for Bismarck, Mandan and Burleigh County. “The public-private partnership between DCN and North Dakota’s public safety sector has been in place since 2000, and we’re honored to continue to support critical infrastructure to ensure the safety of people in our state,” DCN CEO Seth Arndorfer said.

Dakota Carrier Network began construction of a new Central Dakota Communications Center in July.

DCN and CenCom worked with Fargo-based TL Stroh, architectural and interior design firm, on plans for the addition, which will be constructed with the same specifications as DCN’s existing hardened Bismarck Coleman and Fargo Great Plains data centers. These facilities were built to withstand up to 200 mph F4 tornado-force winds. Construction is expected to be completed in the fall of 2020. “It is a wise use of tax dollars to leverage what DCN has already built rather than recreate a facility for our own existence,” says CenCom Director Mike Dannenfelzer. “Our previous partnership has been successful, and we look forward to operating under the same roof.”

YOU have the power to transform a child’s life. Learn how at: Willow, 4

congenital heart disease “I wish to see waves and ride waterslides”

24 4 Connection

DCN first provided network services to CenCom in 2000, supporting 911 public safety communication services for Bismarck, Mandan and Burleigh County. The public-private partnership has proven a successful endeavor for the two entities that are now preparing to have their operations located under the same roof. “DCN has provided mission critical services to the State of North Dakota for almost 20 years, and the CenCom project is another example of how our state and local leaders are leveraging investments made by private industry in North Dakota to achieve greater things,” shared Arndorfer.


BSC ADDS VARSITY ESPORTS TO ITS ATHLETIC OFFERINGS Bismarck State College is entering the rapidly growing and competitive world of esports, or electronic sports, by launching a varsity Mystics esports team this fall. The college is actively recruiting gamers to fill the 2019-20 roster with 50 $1,000 scholarships. “Gaming is mainstream and implementing a team on campus allows us to bring those who may not always become involved in a sport or campus organization together,” says BSC Athletic Director Buster Gilliss. “Esports is a means for BSC to attract students, celebrate a diversity of interests on our campus, and invest money to benefit even more of our student body.” ESports gives students access to a unique technology environment and compliments a number of academic programs on campus such as web design, computer science, cybersecurity and mass communications. The strategy leveraged by gamers is relevant to the skills employers are looking for – team play, strategic thinking, problem solving and an ability to handle stressful situations. “We know students who are engaged in extracurriculars do better academically and socially,” says Gilliss.

CENTURY 21 HERITAGE REALTY ACQUIRED BY CENTURY 21 MORRISON REALTY CENTURY 21 Morrison Realty announced last week the acquisition of CENTURY 21 Heritage Realty located in Jamestown as part of a strategic initiative to expand the company's presence and market share in North Dakota.

CENTURY 21 Heritage Realty was previously owned by First Community Credit Union, who started the business in 1981. FCCU and CENTURY 21 Morrison Realty worked closely together to ensure the agents continued to have support, that the culture remained strong, and the clients experienced excellent service throughout the transition. CENTURY 21 Morrison Realty is a full-service brokerage with offices in Bismarck, Beulah and Jamestown, specializing in Residential, Commercial, Fine Homes and Estates, as well as Farm and Ranch properties. The agents and staff at CENTURY 21 Morrison Realty are trained to ensure an extraordinary real estate experience. Backed by the tools, technology and support of the most recognized brand in real estate, the focus is always on serving their clients.

BSC is a member of the newly formed National Junior College Athletic Association Esports, the governing body for junior college esports, and the Mystics program will be led by coach and advanced gamer Casey Mischel of Mandan, N.D. Student players will be chosen for the team based on their rank and score history in four games: Overwatch, League of Legends, Heatherstone and Fortnite, and the Mystics will compete against teams from Dickinson State University, University of Jamestown, Minnesota State University Moorhead as well as other NJCAA schools across the country. The collegiate esports season culminates in a national championship tournament, similar to other collegiate athletics. “This is a win-win for BSC and we’re excited to launch this especially as the momentum is building in the high schools,” says Gilliss. This fall, 16 North Dakota high schools will have sanctioned esports teams.

Connection 3 25


CAPITAL CREDIT UNION ONE OF AMERICA’S NAMED BEST CREDIT OLDEST RETAILERS UNION IN NORTH CONTINUES TO THRIVE In 1890, Joseph Glik had the idea of selling top-quality DAKOTA BY FORBES Capital Credit Union has been named North Dakota’s best credit union in a nationwide survey conducted by Forbes and market research firm Statista. There are 35 credit unions with 229,182 members across North Dakota. For the survey, more than 25,000 customers in the U.S. were surveyed for their opinions on their current and former banking relationships. Financial institutions were scored on overall recommendations and satisfaction, as well as trust, terms and conditions, branch services, digital services and financial advice. As a not-for-profit institution, Capital Credit Union returns all the extra money earned to our members in the form of lower rates on loans and higher returns on deposits. We also take pride in educating our members and making them wiser consumers of financial services.

merchandise from a horse-drawn wagon in rural areas of Missouri and Iowa. His reputation for customer service came to be as renowned as his affordable prices. Since that time, most every other retailer of the day has long since disappeared. Today, not only does Glik’s survive, it thrives and is recognized as the 14th oldest retailer in the United States. Just as in the 1890s, retailers earn their stripes with fickle shoppers daily. That’s how Glik`s has weathered the years – by doing what retailers must – focusing 100 percent on customers and adapting to changing conditions. Glik’s has also fully embraced new technology while avoiding the pitfall of excessive debt. Glik’s and the few other retailers in this exclusive category of longevity have weathered depressions, recessions, wars, the advent of mega stores, culture shifts and the onset of online retailing. Styles too have changed from simple jeans and overalls to the fashion forward and high-tech outdoor gear. However, consumers still flock to Glik’s, because Glik’s brings fashion forward, name brand apparel and strong customer service to its Midwest hometown markets. Over more than a century, Glik`s has expanded their store base and established itself to the ever-changing consumer. Glik`s attention to fashion and dedication to customer service is nothing new, resulting in it now boasting more than 60 locations across ten Midwest states with continued plans for more growth. Glik’s newest locations will be at the Kirkwood Mall in Bismarck ND. This location will be a women’s only boutique.

26 4 Connection


BISMARCK PUBLIC SCHOOLS WORKS HARD TO MANAGE TAX DOLLARS As I presented the School Board with my first budget since becoming Superintendent, I asked them to consider three things: • BPS has been and continues to be a prudent user of taxpayer dollars. • Class size is a concern for our district. • Student and staff safety are at the forefront of the community, state and nation. Last year, the Board added $1.4 million for instructional support staff and school based mental health efforts. This spring, the Board approved hiring an additional 28.25 staff members for the coming school year. This is a vital first step in addressing class sizes and special education caseloads. BPS is working at creating a Student Support Services Division so staff and community partners can better meet the needs of individual students. We always try to balance new spending with cost savings. Historically we may not have been great at always telling our story of fiscal responsibility, as the work is often internal. However, it’s something we will refine in the coming months and into the future. This is a shortened efficiencies list, but it provides a simplified picture of the past and a glimpse into the future. From 2015 to today, BPS has: • Repurposed some staff and absorbed some staff positions instead of replacing them;

• Reduced extended contracts to 16 last year, down from 65; • Added more than 255,000 square feet of space with no additional custodial staff;

• Conducted an energy audit for savings in utility costs and used energy efficient practices in new school buildings;

• Held the line on secondary school hiring which pushed student enrollment to between 28-32 in some core classes, so we will hire more secondary staff this year;

• Restructured a program to save money and added three middle school assistant principals; • Adult Learning Center staff took over some testing from career advisors to free up their time for more student contact; • Career Academy staff absorbed duties of the previous STEM coordinator; • Formed partnerships with local business and industry;

• Reallocated some staff to help conduct budget analysis and implement a position control process; • Created a financial process to analyze the entire district budget, line by line, to find further efficiencies;

• We will share 1 secondary counselor in each feeder to meet minimum counselor ratios; • We will reduce secretarial overtime by using some instructional aide hours to assist them;

• We will implement a program evaluation process based on program effectiveness with an Academic Return on Investment focus; we will also find efficiencies in this process. These are just a few of the ways we have and will continue to be prudent with your tax dollars. That said, I am asking the Board to consider a mill levy increase this year. While we are the largest school district in the state, we rank 10th in the number of mills levied when compared across North Dakota. Finally, I would like to point out that Bismarck Public Schools has deceased our mill levy by 119.92 mills since 2008-2009. In closing, a five mill increase, for example, would cost the owner of a $200,000 home $3.75 per month or $7.50 per month for a $400,000 home.

Connection 3 27



Bismarck • Mandan, ND 58554 701-751-7060

Q: WHY SHOULD I USE A TRAVEL AGENT WHEN I CAN DO IT ALL ONLINE MYSELF? A: This is the most asked question that

we come across and the answer is simple; Curated Travel does not sell vacations we sell experiences. Our travelers come to us for the knowledge and insight into what a property is really like, make the most of their budget and find the hidden gems within a destination. Our prices are often the same if not more affordable than what you will find. We spend weeks out of the year scouting destinations, resorts and hotels to not only set the expectation for you but also stay up to date on the ever-changing travel world. These two points partnered together qualify us to not only plan your vacation in a cost effective way but also provide the exact travel experience you are going for. There is still time this year to plan your winter getaway. Give us a call to start planning today!



1929 N Washington St, Ste GG, Bismarck, ND 58501

500 N 8th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-222-6100




Q: WHAT IS ASSISTIVE TECHNOLQ: MY MOM HAD OVARIAN CANOGY AND HOW CAN IT MAKE CER WHEN I WAS YOUNGER A DIFFERENCE IN PEOPLE’S AND I’M WONDERING WHAT LIVES? THE SYMPTOMS ARE? A: Assistive Technology (AT) helps people A: Symptoms for ovarian cancer are often do things they couldn’t do before. It includes any item, piece of equipment, tool, device or strategy that allows an individual with a disability to complete tasks. It provides individuals the ability to complete tasks more easily, faster or in a better way.

Recent advances in assistive technology have opened up a whole new world of opportunities for persons with disabilities to gain more independence. Assistive Technology allows persons with diverse needs the ability to become more independent at home, in school, and in the workplace. While technology makes things easier or more convenient for everyone, for individuals with disabilities, assistive technologies make things possible. For more information about AT services for individuals of all ages, please contact the Anne Carlsen Center Ideation Center at 701-952-5127.

very subtle and may seem like routine or common annoyances. However, the difference is that they will occur almost every day and not go away. These symptoms are often ignored which lead to a delay in diagnosis. Here are some symptoms to watch for: Abdominal Pain - Pain in the pelvic area or belly that feels very different from normal indigestion Indigestion - Persistent indigestion, gas, nausea, heartburn are common of ovarian cancer Loss of Appetite - Abrupt loss of appetite, or unintentional weight loss Urinary Frequency - Urinating more often or bouts of incontinence Altering Constipation and Diarrhea Occurs when the tumor puts pressure on the bowel or bladder. Dull Lower Back Pain - Backache similar to labor pain Bleeding - Spotting or irregular vaginal bleeding outside of your menstrual period

28 4 Connection

If you have questions or concerns, please contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible.



1502 Grumman Lane, Bismarck, ND 58504 701-225-7180


industries, geotechnical engineering offers support by designing grain bins, storage facilities, roads and bridges.


1661 Capitol Way, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-250-9400


believe it or not. Even though you have set up your Windows PC to automatically do security updates and patches as they come Grain bins and storage facilities can weigh out, it doesn’t always happen. The number thousands of tons. Prior to building these, one reason you are not getting updates is we explore the subsurface conditions and that you probably haven’t rebooted your PC in quite some time. Many Windows upestimate the amount of settlement that dates require a computer to be rebooted the new structure will cause. The settlement must then be accommodated by the after the patch is installed. However; Microsoft does not default to force a reboot design or be mitigated by either improvand leaves it up to the end user to reboot ing the soils or adding deep foundation support. This kind of evaluation is especial- the machine. If you haven’t rebooted your machine for several months, there could ly critical for new structures built next to existing structures, since the new structure be several rounds of updates and reboots could cause the existing structure to settle that need to happen before you get the latest updates. A good rule of thumb is to unexpectedly. reboot once a week, or a minimum of once Most of the grain is moved by modern per month. If your PCs are on a business heavily-loaded trucks on farm-to market network and doing this, your IT provider roads. We evaluate the subgrade soils can write scripts for you on your server that and recommend thickness of a pavement can warn the end user that the machine section consisting of concrete, asphalt or needs to be rebooted. After a specified gravel to reduce costs for construction and period of time if the user has not rebootmaintenance. Bridges and culverts are also ed, the script will automatically reboot the designed to support this traffic. A combimachine to receive the updates. nation of spread footings and driven piles are used as support since the soils are typically soft near streams and creeks.


2603 E Broadway Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-323-5222

Q: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HEALTH AND WELLNESS? A: People often use the terms health and

wellness interchangeably, but the terms do have different meanings. The primary difference between health and wellness is that health is the goal and wellness is the active process of achieving it. Health refers to a state where the physical body is free from disease, while wellness refers to an overall balance of a person’s physical, social, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, environmental and occupational well being. Wellness is achieved when someone strives for balance in their life by constantly making choices to further their health and fulfillment. Wellness has a direct influence on overall health. Wellness in the workplace improves employee health and improves an organization’s bottom line. Creating a worksite culture of health and wellness boosts and maintains employee morale, improves the lives of employees and helps drive an organization’s overall success.

Connection 3 29

MEMBER PERKS | CONNECTION SANFORD ANNOUNCES NEW VICE PRESIDENT OF CLINICS Todd Schaffer, M.D., family medicine, has been named vice president of clinics for the Bismarck Todd Schaffer region of Sanford Health. Throughout Dr. Schaffer’s four years at Sanford, he has shown strong leadership and dedication to Sanford’s mission and physician-led culture. In addition to his practice at the Sanford North Walk-in Clinic in Bismarck, Dr. Schaffer serves as the clinic chair of walk-in clinics and teaches the next generation of physicians as an assistant professor of family medicine at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dr. Schaffer is also a member of the North Dakota Army National Guard and has served as the North Dakota Army National Guard State Surgeon since 2013. As a member of the North Dakota Army National Guard, Dr. Schaffer has been deployed twice to Iraq, twice to Afghanistan and to Ghana. During these deployments, he has been able to provide medical care in challenging and austere environments.

BORCHERS, FETCH AND ODENBACH JOIN HOUSTON ENGINEERING, INC. Carlie Borchers and Ryan Fetch join HEI’s Bismarck team both as Carlie Borchers an Engineer I while Craig Odenbach joins HEI as a Project Manager. Borchers will be assisting with water resources, transportation, and solid waste projects. Fetch will be assisting with water supply projects, primarily Ryan Fetch supporting the Northwest Area Water Supply (NAWS) project. His duties will range from drafting and design support to field observation. Craig will be working in the water resources sector developing water Craig Odenbach management solutions for watershed districts and other clients. Borchers is a Mandan native and holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from North Dakota State University and an associate’s degree in engineering from Bismarck State College. Carlie previously WALD NAMED ADVISOR interned at HEI. OF THE MONTH Fetch is a Bismarck native and holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering Securian Financial from the University of North Dakota. Advisors of ND, Inc. is pleased to announce that Ryan previously interned with Basin Electric Power Cooperative as a structural David Wald has been engineering intern. named Advisor of the David Wald Originally from Woodworth, ND, Month for June based Odenbach holds master’s and bachelor’s upon his production and degrees in civil engineering from North service to his clients. David has been a representative with Securian since August Dakota State University as well as an associate’s degree in civil engineering 2008. technology from the North Dakota State School of Science – Wahpeton. He is both VIBRA HOSPITAL OF THE CENTRAL DAKOTAS a registered professional engineer and certified floodplain manager. WELCOMES HAMAN Vibra Hospital of EYE CLINIC OF NORTH DAKOTA the Central Dakotas CELEBRATES 45 YEARS located in Mandan, ND Eye Clinic of North Dakota is welcomes Debra Haman Debra Haman celebrating 45 years of operation, RN, RT where she will serve as a Clinical Liaison providing state-of-the-art vision correction and high-quality patient care. Patients in Northwestern ND between referral throughout the area come to The Eye sources, patients, and families for people Clinic of North Dakota because they know that our needing inpatient medical care. they will receive the personal attention and professional care that is our foundation.

CORNERSTONE BANK PROMOTES WILZ Sallie Wilz has been promoted to SVP/Retail Manager in Bismarck. Wilz joined Cornerstone Bank as a Customer Sallie Wilz Service Representative/ Teller. She was promoted to AVP/Personal Banker/Customer Service Manager in 2014, and SVP/Personal Banker/ Customer Service Manager in 2018. DOOSAN BOBCAT ANNOUNCES NEW LEADERSHIP Doosan Bobcat, a global leader in the compact equipment industry, today announced Mike Ballweber the appointment of regional presidents and a new global organization and leadership structure. Mike Ballweber has been appointed president, Doosan Bobcat North America. Ballweber previously served as Troy Kraft senior vice president, Commercial Business, Doosan Bobcat North America. Ballweber will be based out of Doosan Bobcat’s North American headquarters in West Fargo, ND. Troy Kraft has been named senior vice president, Global Engineering, Doosan Bobcat. Kraft has been leading the engineering function for nearly 12 years at Doosan Bobcat. Kraft will be based out of Doosan Bobcat’s North American Acceleration Center in Bismarck, ND. SANFORD HEALTH WELCOMES INTENSIVIST Mustafizur Choudhury, DO, critical care intensivist, recently joined Sanford Health in Bismarck. As an Mustafizur Choudhury intensivist, Dr. Choudhury has advanced training and experience in treating patients in the Intensive Care Unit. Dr. Choudhury graduated from Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Erie, Pa. and completed his residency, and a fellowship in Critical Care Medicine, from McLaren Oakland Hospital in Pontiac Mich.

Share your business news with the Chamber EDC. Email press releases to Rebecca at

30 4 Connection

CONNECTION | MEMBER PERKS SANFORD HEALTH NAMES NEW DIRECTOR OF SPIRITUAL CARE Rev. Gary Heaton has been named director of the spiritual care department at Sanford Health in Rev. Gary Heaton Bismarck. Spiritual care consists of chaplains who work closely with patients, family members, friends and hospital staff to provide emotional and spiritual support, guidance, prayer, devotions and rituals. Chaplains also help patients and families find meaning in a health care experience and assist with advance care plans and healthcare directives. Rev. Heaton graduated from Bemidji State University in Bemidji, Minn. with a bachelor’s degree in community service. He then went on to Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa and received his Master of Divinity degree. In 2017, was awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award by the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Leadership Bismarck-Mandan. He is an Advanced Practice Board Certified Chaplain by the Spiritual Care Association.

KLJ HIRES FOUR IN BISMARCK KLJ, an engineering firm, is proud to welcome four new team members to the Bismarck office. Becky Hamann has joined the team as a project assistant. She brings more than 20 years of administration experience to KLJ. Cyndy Laber comes to KLJ to work as a project assistant. She earned her associate degree in Management from Bismarck State College. James Letzring recently started as a surveyor. He attended University of Wyoming in Laramie, Wyoming, for land surveying. Letzring has more than eight years of surveying experience. Zeke Dupee comes to KLJ to work as an engineering technician. He brings with him more than 35 years of experience in field engineering, supervising, and designing.

CVB WELCOMES SWENNINGSON AND CARROLL Faye Swenningson began her position April 8 as the Gaming Manager for the Bismarck-Mandan Faye Swenningson Convention & Visitors Bureau. Prior to that, Faye worked in the gaming industry as a blackjack dealer for 12 years. She holds a Bachelor of Accounting Degree from Dickinson State University. James Carroll started James Carroll as the Comptroller on May 23 for the Bismarck-Mandan Convention & Visitors Bureau. James most recently was a Staff Accountant at Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson. He is a CPA and holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of Mary.

AUGUST LIVE GOVERNMENT MEETINGS Televised on Government Access, cable channel 2 & 602 HD. Broadcast on Radio Access 102.5 FM radio. Streamed online at

Thurs, 1st

5:00 pm Bismarck Board of Adjustment

Mon, 5th

5:00 pm Burleigh County Commission 5:30 pm Mandan School Board*

Tues, 6th

5:30 pm Mandan City Commission

Thurs, 8th

5:30 pm Morton County Commission*

Mon, 12th

5:15 pm Bismarck School Board 5:30 pm Mandan Park Board*

Tues, 13th 5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission Wed, 14th 8:00 am Burleigh County Water Resource District 5:15 pm Burleigh County Planning Commission Thurs, 15th Mon, 19th

5:15 pm Bismarck Park Board

Tues, 20th 1:30 pm Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board 5:30 pm Mandan City Commission Thurs, 22nd 5:30 pm ITG (Political Subdivisions) Mon, 26th

5:30 pm Mandan Planning Commission

Tues, 27th

5:15 pm Bismarck City Commission 5:30 pm Morton County Commission*

Wed, 28th

5:00 pm Bismarck Planning Commission

Thurs, 29th

3:30 pm Burleigh County Social Services

Meetings are replayed several times on the Government Access channel and are available for viewing online (Watch on Demand) at * Delayed Playback

5:00 am Burleigh County Commission 5:30 pm Mandan School Board* Connection 3 31

MEMBER PERKS | CONNECTION BISMARCK STATE COLLEGE PRESIDENT TO RETIRE JUNE 2020 Bismarck State College (BSC) President Larry C. Skogen announced today that he Larry Skogen will retire June 30, 2020. Skogen was hired in 2007, and he spent two of his 12 years serving as Interim Chancellor for the North Dakota University System. Skogen is the sixth president in the college’s 80-year history. Under his leadership the college has formed educational agreements with all branches of the U.S. military, strengthened industry partnerships to build programs, remodeled and built new campus buildings, and led the charge in adopting new technologies and methods within the system. Most recently, BSC was approved to become a polytechnic offering four-year technical degrees HELGESON JOINS AGENCY MABU AS CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER Agency MABU recently welcomed Trish Helgeson to its team Trish Helgeson as the chief marketing officer. In this role, Helgeson will oversee the strategy and creative development for client-related work and lead the creative, client, web and animation services departments. Helgeson brings nearly 30 years of marketing expertise and experience in tourism, banking, healthcare and energy industries to Agency MABU. The Minot native has led marketing and public relations strategy and execution throughout the Midwest in both corporate and advertising agency roles. A graduate of Minnesota State University, Moorhead and North Dakota State University, Helgeson holds a Bachelor of Science in marketing and a Master of Business Administration (MBA). Helgeson is a member of the Bismarck Mandan Convention and Visitor Bureau Board of Directors, most recently holding the office of board chair and serves as an issue day chair for Bismarck Mandan Chamber Leadership program.

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ELLIS EARNS CERTIFICATION The Eye Clinic of North Dakota would like to congratulate Kelsey Ellis on her most recent certification completion! Kelsey Ellis Eye Clinic of North Dakota strives to help our employees succeed through educational opportunities. Ellis achieved the Certified Patient Servicing Specialist designation furthering her confidence in the surgery scheduling role. DAKOTA CARRIER NETWORK HIRES WALZ, STRONG BDCN (Dakota Carrier Network) recently hired Craig Walz as commercial account executive Craig Walz and Greg Strong as application administrator at its Bismarck location, 4202 Coleman Street. Walz brings over 20 years of businessto-business sales experience to DCN, including 10 years as an Greg Strong ISP/telecommunications consultant. He also has a bachelor’s degree in finance from Minot State University. Walz will serve as the main point of contact for new and existing DCN commercial business customers and provide solutions – networking, ethernet, dedicated internet, data center/colocation, hosting services, cloud services, cybersecurity, and/or disaster recovery and backup – to help them achieve their technology goals. Strong is returning to DCN as a fulltime application administrator after serving as the company’s first-ever intern from January-April of this year. Strong has bachelor’s degrees in Computer Information Systems and Information Technology Management from the University of Mary. He also holds several networking certifications in configuration, administration, and security. In his new role, Strong will perform installation, implementation, administration, and support of software applications, and the server hardware and operating systems on which the applications reside.

ELLIS EARNS CERTIFICATION Peter White, MD, critical care intensivist, recently joined Sanford Health in Bismarck. The board certified intensivist has Peter White advanced training and experience in treating patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Dr. White graduated from the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago and completed his residency in Internal Medicine at St. Lukes Hospital in Denver. JLG ARCHITECTS MOVES UP ON ANNUAL NATIONAL ARCHITECTURE FIRM RANKING JLG Architects has been named #104 on the Architectural Record Top 300 Firms list, which ranks architecture, architecture/engineering, and architecture/engineering/construction firms headquartered in the United States by annual revenue. JLG was #163 in 2018, and has been consistently on the list since 2014. BIANCO REALTY SALES AWARDS Bianco Realty has announced their top 6 "REALTORS® Of The Month" for June: Shirley Thomas, Amber Sandness, Judy Maslowski, Darcy Fettig, Brenda Foster and Heidi Stein. These six REALTORS® had the highest sales totals at Bianco Realty in June 2019.

John Lenarz

Megan Lenarz

ADVISORS JOIN LOCAL OFFICE OF AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL John Lenarz, CFP® and Megan Lenarz, AAMS® have joined the Bismarck office of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. as financial advisors. They are joining Legacy Financial Partners, a private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.

CONNECTION | MEMBER PERKS UMARY NAMES PENN STATE PROFESSOR AND DECORATED AIR FORCE OFFICER DEAN OF THE GARY THARALDSON SCHOOL OF BUSINESS The University of Colin Knapp, Ph.D. Mary has appointed Pennsylvania State University (PSU) Associate Professor Colin Knapp, Ph.D., as its new dean of the Gary Tharaldson School of Business. Knapp brings over 20 years of combined military and economics teaching experience in higher education to his new role as dean. Knapp earned Summa Cum Laude honors with his bachelor’s of business administration (B.B.A.) degree in economics and finance from Ohio University, followed by a master’s of arts (M.A.) in economics from University of Florida. Knapp served his country from 1996 to 2007 as an officer in the U.S. Air Force before his honorable discharge to the reserves between 2007 and 2015. Knapp obtained his doctorate in economics from the University of Florida in 2010.

MIDWEST AGENERGY’S DAKOTA SPIRIT & BLUE FLINT CELEBRATE IMPECCABLE SAFETY RECORDS Midwest AgEnergy, the parent company to ethanol biorefinery, Blue Flint, near Underwood, ND is pleased to announce its employees have surpassed 12 years of safely working without a lost-time accident. This milestone was reached on April 13, 2019. Dakota Spirit, a Midwest AgEnergy biorefinery near Spiritwood that opened in June of 2015, has never had a lost-time accident. A lost-time accident is defined as time lost to an employee that is injured on the job and cannot return to the next regularly scheduled shift.

TRANSPORTATION DESIGNER JOINS STANTEC IN BISMARCK Grant Dockter, EIT has joined the global design firm Stantec as a transportation designer in Grant Dockter Bismarck, North Dakota. Dockter is passionate about engineering and has experience working on street and sewer improvements and carrying out contracts and specifications. During his collegiate career, Dockter received the University of North Dakota (UND) Presidential Scholarship, North Dakota State Scholarship, AE2S Scholarship, and the Association of General Contractors North Dakota Scholarship. Additionally, he was a UND College of Engineering and Mines Peer Mentor. Dockter holds a Bachelor of Civil Engineering from UND with honors. He is a Licensed Engineer in Training in North Dakota and a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Transportation and Development Institute.


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RIBBON CUTTINGS | CONNECTION Ribbon cuttings are conducted by a committee of Chamber EDC volunteers called Ambassadors. Businesses qualify for a ribbon cutting if they open, move, and remodel, are under new ownership, change their name, or offer a new product or service. To find out how you can get a free ribbon cutting from the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC, please call Ross at 701-223-5660.


ND MUSIC LANE Leadership Bismarck Mandan Class of 2017 celebrates the completion of their field project, ND Music Lane, with community supporters.


Michael Schmitz and Tonya Holmstrom, Owners, celebrating their new business located at 1400 W Century Ave in Bismarck. Phone: 701-221-2655. Member.


The Silbernagel Family celebrating the groundbreaking of the Silver Ranch Development. Member.

Jason Barker, Owner, and crew celebrating joining the Chamber EDC at their location at 3007 Morrison Ave Ste 7 in Bismarck. Phone: 701-471-5829. Member.

YOUR LOCAL DOCK EXPERTS! Aluminum Docks Boat Lifts Floating Boat Docks Jet Ski Ports Accessories




Visit us at our new location! 4500 Carbine Drive • Bismarck

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CONNECTION | NEW MEMBERS The Chamber EDC encourages all members to do business with each other. The following companies and organizations have recently made an important investment in their business by joining the Chamber EDC. Please consider them for your professional and personal needs. To find a complete listing of Chamber EDC members, view the Member Directory online at Morgan Stanley 4207 Boulder Ridge Rd. Suite 250 Bismarck, ND Tyler Richter (701) 223-0135 We help you define and strive to meet your goals by delivering a vast array of resources to you in the way that is most appropriate for how you invest and what you want to achieve.

IPT - North Dakota 4403 Centurion Dr. Bismarck, ND Mark Kinnebrew (701) 989-3980 We design our camps to teach the skills needed to play the game. We want to equip kids with the tools needed to practice on their own the right way and actually learn the game!

Steffes Agency Inc. 1155 Burlington Dr. Suite B Bismarck, ND Dean Mastel (701) 255-6144 Steffes Agency is an independent insurance agency in Bismarck. We specialize in home, auto, umbrella, farm, bonds and business insurance. We invite you to call us for a free quote at 701-255-6144.

Old 10 Bar and Grill 417 E Main St. Mandna, ND Allan Miller Family friendly dining with separate section for 21 and older.

PPLC 417 4th Ave. SW Beulah, ND Dustin Pekas (701) 873-4897 We specialize in lawn care, grading yards level to install grass seed or sod. Also providing snow removal and liquid ice management. BOS Solutions Inc. 2916 34 Street NW Bismarck, ND Jared Wipf (970) 589-5222 BOS' services and equipment have been utilized to remove solids from liquid slurry, greatly reducing waste disposal costs.

Bisman Remodel Pros LLC 3320 Hamilton Street, Suite #2 Bismarck, ND Craig Gierke (701) 204-0168 Bisman Remodel Pros LLC can build you a custom one of a kind home, expand or remodel your existing home, or help you with minor repairs. Our consultations are always free and so are our estimates. The CraftCade 405 4th St. Bismarck, ND Nick Schwieters 701-450-1414 New York style pizzeria, self-pour beer wall with retro arcade.

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Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Connection 1640 Burnt Boat Drive Bismarck, ND 58503

UPCOMING CHAMBER EDC EVENTS CHAMBER EDC 101: MAXIMIZING YOUR MEMBERSHIP Date: August 6, 2019 • Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm Location: Chamber EDC – 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck


AUGUST MEMBERSHIP MIXER: KIRKWOOD MALL Date: August 8, 2019 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: Kirkwood Mall – 706 Kirkwood Mall, Bismarck CHAMBER EDC PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SERIES: SOCIAL MEDIA Date: August 13, 2019 • Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm Location: Chamber EDC – 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck


FRIDAYS AT THE CHAMBER EDC Date: August 16, 2019 • Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm Location: Chamber EDC Patio – 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck SPORTING CLAYS SHOOTOUT Date: August 23, 2019 • Time: 9:00am - 2:00pm Location: Capital City Sporting Clays – 12951 71st Ave NE, Bismarck BRATS WITH THE BRAVE Date: September 11, 2019 • Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm Location: Raymond J. Bohn Armory – 4200 Miriam Avenue, Bismarck

13th Annual


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