About the Planning Process
Midway through 2016, the Chamber underwent its first leadership change in more than 13 years. This fact, coupled with the end of the 2014-2016 Strategic Plan, gave the Board and Staff an opportunity to reassess our direction for the next 36 months. The Executive Committee recommended and the full Board agreed that a full day or more retreat wasn’t necessary at this juncture. The current plan was serving the organization well, and the staff was stable, therefore a scaled down version of a board retreat was conducted on October 12, 2016 at the Bank of North Dakota conference room. Prior to that afternoon, Chamber staff provided input to leadership on their thoughts, goals and ideas for the future. Combining these efforts gave staff a road map to follow and produce the following document. The final Strategic Plan was approved by the full Board on December 14, 2016.
Executive Summary Since 2010, Bismarck-Mandan has enjoyed steady growth in both population and economic activity. During that time, the Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce positioned itself as the business leader for the region. Our membership continues to grow, the staff continues to engage in the community to provide member services and events, and our volunteer leadership from the Board of Directors to our active committees; all point toward our organizational excellence. We appreciate that the Chamber is a recognized and respected thought leader in the community beyond the businesses we represent. With that in mind, we set out to update and reposition our Strategic Goals, originally spawned in 2013, to take us toward the next decade. We recognize our diverse membership, and appreciate the political challenges by serving two communities in the State Capital region. However, we believe strongly that from our four basic strategic goals, will give rise to objectives and tactics that will help our membership grow and prosper, be leaders in the community for issues and advocacy, and be a stable part of our quality of life in Bismarck and Mandan long beyond the boundary of this strategic plan.
Strategic Plan Implementation For the strategic plan to be successful, the following items will be integrated into the Chamber’s work plans: ● Ensure each Board agenda itemizes each of the goals, and the progress on each tactic, according to the plan ● Include regular updates throughout Chamber communications to the membership ● Measure progress of the strategic goals by using a “dashboard” or set of metrics on an on-going basis that includes information such as member retention rate, financial status, event attendance and advocacy results ● Review relevance of strategies and goals annually during budget preparation and operation planning each fall ● Prepare a detailed Annual Report to the Membership based on the plan’s goals, and accomplishments
Progress Update COMPLETED OBJECTIVES (2014-2016 Strategic Plan) ● Highlight the Leadership program by communicating the involvement of program graduates, which explains the impact of the program to the Chamber membership, elected officials and the community ● Create quarterly “signature” events that will brand the organization in the community and build awareness of the organization’s multi-faceted impact on the region ● Continue the process further by integrating the possibility of a hybrid tiered dues structure for members ● Create a thorough formal communications plan that will guide all Chamber communications. ONGOING OBJECTIVES (2014-2016 Strategic Plan) ● Create a program to support and educate Leadership Bismarck-Mandan graduates that have interest in pursuing an elected office ● Utilize the Chamber’s reach to publicize the workforce issues of Bismarck-Mandan ● Research and develop new events that enhance the membership experience ● Establish an evolving Chamber dashboard for use by the Board of Directors INTRODUCED OBJECTIVES (2017-2019 Strategic Plan) ● Work with the local businesses and government to ensure a balanced growth approach for Bismarck and Mandan ● Be the conduit of a regional dialogue between all governing bodies to benefit businesses and taxpayers long term ● Highlight the strengths of the region to those who live and work in the region and those who are prospective residents and businesses ● Review all current committees for relevance to the Strategic Plan For a complete overview of the current strategies and tactics, please review the 2017-2019 Strategic Plan.
Mission Statement: Leaders for prosperity. Advocates for business.
Vision Statement: We will serve the business community and cultivate a thriving economy through: ● Representing members through bold public policy initiatives ● Engaging and supporting Member needs (Member ROI) ● Providing insightful regional leadership
● Thoughtful collaboration that promotes Bismarck-Mandan as a prosperous region to live and work
Strategic Goal 1: Be the Recognized Policy Advocates for Businesses in the Region As the region continues to grow and thrive, the Bismarck-Mandan Chamber must be the trusted advocate for pro-business policies, and support efficient and effective government with sound public policy and political programs. It must also hold government entities and officials accountable for policies and programs which hinder business growth and development in the region. The Chamber must capitalize on its location in the Capital City and be influential at local, state and federal levels; and be an effective team player in a variety of coalitions. Strategies • Continue to develop an effective local political education program for Chamber members • Engage local government entities on behalf of the Bismarck-Mandan business communities • Be an active leader in state level policy development to ensure strong business climate for the region • Be a visible, active federal policy advocate
Strategic Goal 2: Build Visionary Leaders for the Region The Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce is in a unique position to enhance leadership in a number of distinct but overlapping realms – business, community, political, civic, and volunteer. With leadership in both thought and action, the vision of a more prosperous Bismarck-Mandan can be realized. Strategies • Encourage the development of new and existing community leaders through the Chamber Leadership Program • Address the workforce development challenge as a thought leader and catalyst for solutions • Engage and partner with the Young Professionals Network • Grow and enhance youth entrepreneur programs
Strategic Goal 3: Ensure the Region’s Future Prosperity The Bismarck-Mandan region continues to grow and develop as a desirable place to live, work, raise a family and start a new business. The Chamber of Commerce is a trusted advocate and leader for prosperity in the region, and works with like-minded organizations to actively chart a course for the region’s future. The vision of a strong business community, working together with other community leaders, will lead the way to a dynamic, vibrant and growing Bismarck-Mandan region. Strategies • Foster and advocate for a regulatory process that promotes the regional marketplace as business friendly • Actively support the continued growth of Mandan and Bismarck by participating in current efforts and development of new initiatives • Support and participate in local community comprehensive infrastructure and transportation planning • Collaborate with local organizations and businesses to identify and engage area workforce development issues • Promote the resources, connections and opportunities for community engagement available through the Chamber • Embrace the advantages of being located in the Capital City region
Strategic Goal 4: Ensure Organizational Excellence to Lead in the Region’s Economic Growth The Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce is a high-performing organization that is both well respected and recognized locally and statewide. With such a grand opportunity facing the region, an even higher level of sophistication is needed to excel at Chamber initiatives. Strategies • Generate a Return on Investment that will ensure a high rate of Member retention and growth • Provide unparalleled programming and events to Chamber Members • Refine current Chamber committee structure to maximize effectiveness and influence • Continue to improve Member services and experience through the development and recognition of Staff • Ensure organizational viability through financial sustainability • Maximize and maintain the Chambers major assets – staff and facility • Establish a process to ensure a strong, knowledgeable, engaged Board of Directors
Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce 1640 Burnt Boat Drive Bismarck, North Dakota 58503 701-223-5660