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“Elite News Celebrates BLACK HISTORY Every Day”


ELITE NEWS May 18, 2018

lite new The Official Voice of the Church and Community

Sandra Crenshaw

“The Spoken Word Is Like The Air’ But The Printed Word Is Always There”

Ed Turner


Telling it Like it is!

Volume 69 Issue 21

Joyce Foreman

page 19

Blair Family celebrates the graduates page 8

The Elite News urges you to go to the polls and vote DeShaundra Lockhart Jones, State Rep Follow us on issuu.com/bitsandpieces


May 18, 2018


Church Woman and Pastor of the Month

Counterfactual Textbooks Hurt Our Kids By: Eric Johnson

Pastor Warren Bradford and First Lady Helena Bradford Cathedral of Faith Baptist Church

6901 South Great Trinity Forest Way, Dallas, Texas 75217 214-398-7553 My favorite scripture: Psalms 34:8 My favorite quote: “Faith is not believing that God can, it is knowing that God will.” Mtt. 6:33 930am Sunday school. 11:00 am morning worship . Bible study Tuesdays at 7p.Saturday outreach 11-noon. We are planning to establish 2 community food gardens in south central Dallas this year.

The Elite News urges you to vote for DeShaundra Lockhart Jones Follow us on issuu.com/bitsandpieces

On April 19, an 8th grade American history assignment was shared with the public that required students at a public charter school in San Antonio to list the “positive aspects” of slavery. The assignment was an activity found in one of the history textbooks that is used in classrooms throughout the State of Texas. This means that young people across the state are being taught that the institution of slavery was something other than reprehensible. Another outcry over the contents of public school textbooks occurred when a parent discovered that one of their children’s textbooks described the Transatlantic Slave Trade as a period during which “millions of workers” were brought to America. Texas schools bought nearly 140,000 copies of that textbook. Another textbook titled “Texas United States History” discusses how some slaves were treated “kindly” and provided “adequate food and clothing.” These descriptions found in textbooks used by children all over Texas serve only to whitewash history by giving children a false idea that slavery wasn’t as horrific of an institution as it really was. Slaves were tortured, beaten, raped, and brutalized. They were stripped of all personal freedoms and forced to serve a system that branded them as property and nothing more. It is detrimental to the future of our state to teach children an incorrect version of history. Curriculum standards and all instructional materials, including textbooks, for public and public charter school classrooms in Texas are vetted and approved by the Texas State Board of Education. Although a law passed in 2011 allows schools to use instructional materials that are not recommended by the Board, majority of schools still use textbooks on the Board’s endorsed list. There are no educational requirements a person has to meet in order to serve on the Board. This means that the individuals who are determining the contents of textbooks are not required

State Rep. Eric Johnson

to have a college degree. In 2015, the Board rejected a proposal that would have required university experts to fact check public school textbooks. It is not surprising that the Board refused to put instructional materials in the hands of experts. A current member of the State Board of Education was once quoted saying that slavery was an “after issue” and “not the reason” for the Civil War. As a member of the Board, she has the power to determine the content studied in Texas’ U.S. History classrooms. Politicians who want you to believe that slavery has “positive aspects” and was not the cause of the Civil War should not be writing or dictating the contents of textbooks. It is a disservice to Texas children to continue allowing counterfactual information to be placed in their instructional materials. Texas’ American history curriculum should be in the hands of academics and subject matter experts who are distinguished in their fields. The 86th Texas Legislature needs to take a hard look at how the state determines what instructional content is acceptable in public school classrooms.

ELITE NEWS May 18, 2018

A need for Jobs and Justice

for those who are starting businesses. In order to create a more justice During a recent press conference society and to right the wrongs that held in the Nation’s have been visited Capital I joined my upon communities colleagues in the of color, the legislaCongressional Black tion proposes the end Caucus in proclaimto mandatory mining the need for jobs imum prison terms and justice for memfor those convicted of bers of our nation’s federal drug crimes. African American It calls for the end community, and for to the federal death all of others whose penalty, decriminallives are facing the izes marijuana and indifference and creates an investment U.S. Rep. Eddie cruelness of those fund for communiBernice Johnson in government who ties that have been want to retard the adversely impacted economic progress that our nation by the fruitless ‘War on Drugs’. and its people have made during the To assist institutions that educate course of the last thirty years. the majority of the nation’s African Joined by House Minority Leader American college students, the legNancy Pelosi, Urban League Presi- islation provides crucial funding for dent Marc Morial and House Demo- historically black colleges and unicratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer, we pre- versities. It also calls for making Pell sented a 1300 page comprehensive Grants available to ex-offenders. piece of legislation to the Congress Recognizing the importance of and the White House that addresses larger numbers of voters participatthe ailments that confront members of the African American communities whose economic needs are being ignored by the current administration and its allies in Congress. Among other things, the proposed legislation calls for a $100 billion investment to repair the nation’s public schools and enhancing the ability of those institutions to compete in our nation’s digital environment. It includes tax incentives to hire unemployed young people, veterans and others who find themselves without work and a livable wage. Under our proposal the federal minimum wage is raised to $15.00 an hour and monies are provided to establish neighborhood business incubators for small businesses, and By Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

ing in our federal election, we call for making presidential and congressional mid-term elections federal holidays. This would ensure greater participation in our election, and would encourage greater citizen participation in the selection of our leaders. The legislation calls for the restoration of the Voting Rights Act which was gutted by a majority on the Supreme Court which it removed a requirement that states with a history of racially tainted voting practices have their election plans approved by the U.S. Justice Department. We believe that if these measures and others were passed by the Congress and signed into law by the president that our nation would become a more welcome place for its minority citizens than it is at the moment. Our nation would be better and that the world would truly look upon our democracy as one in which all people were treated with justice and fairness. That is what we believe, and that is what we have proposed!




lite new



Romans 8:28 - 29 Founder - Dr. William “Bill “ Blair Jr. Publishing Editor Darryl E. Blair Sr.

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Asst. to the Publisher Debra Blair Abron


Contributing Writers Judge Brandon Birmingham James Durham Adrian Moffett LaShante Williams Distribution Mark Gordon Community Calendar: elitearticles@aol.com Stories: elitearticles@aol.com

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Submission of all articles, ads, etc., are due every Monday by 5:00 pm. We except All credit cars. The views and opinions of guest writers and columnist do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher, and staff of the Elite News. Elite News is not liable for submissions are payments made to parties other than those authorized agents listed below: All checks and money orders made payable to Elite News shall be mailed to P.O. Box: 380071 Duncanville TX 75183. Accepting all major Credit Cards and Checks/Debit Cards.

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May 18, 2018


Dallas Mental Health advocate assails DISD Trustee Joyce Foreman CALLS FOR A PUBLIC REPRIMAND

Trustee Joyce Foreman posted on FACEBOOK that

Trustee Nutall challenger, Ed Turner, must be mentally ill and needs some help.” after Turner demanded an apology from Foreman that she had made his school age daughter cry when she called him names and told people not to vote for him because she does not go to school in DISD. he probably campaigned with a picture of his daughter asking voters to support her DAD. I assume that the mother of Turner’s daughter has custody of the child. Where their are two active parents ina child’s life, they don’t always agree on how to ed-

ucate their child, but since there is no legal require-

ment that trustees have to send their kids to public schools, Foreman took this a little too far, especially since she is childless and not even a parent nor is she married with a spouse to share decisions. I have known Joyce Foreman for years, know her to be a tireless advocate for the education of our children. But Enough is Enough. In this climate where there are those of who work equally as hard to advocate for attention to children with mental illness challenges and lob-

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by legislators annually to provide not only funding but law enforcement and protection of our most vulnerable citizens. I have no choice but to ask for a public reprimand of DISD trustee Joyce Foreman. I have asked for similar admonishments for other elected officials including State District Judges before the Commission on Judicial Conduct and the State Bar against attorneys who attribute everything from Trumps twitters to Joyce’s response to DISD trustee challenger Ed Turner, that their freedom of speech is attributed to their mental illness and conclude with a dianosis that “THEY need help.” Foreman like others crossed the line when she posted on FACEBOOK into cyberspace for all to be exposed In doing so, they committ cyberbullying. Their actions are counterproductive to all of the efforts by elected officials and lawmakers grappling to address cyberbullying in schools. The Texas criminal penal code already addresses adult cyberbullying but it is rare that District Attorneys prosecute. My publicly known claims against a cyberbully political foe Claudia Fowler are under ongo-

ing investigation by local and federal prosecutors. Because I replied to Joyce FB post that she was crossing the line in questioning Ed Turner’s mental health. Foreman posted allegations that I had committed some criminal wrong doing against Claudia Fowler and her daughter. Her postings were irresponsible in a civil society and went beyond politics. What ever happened to “ WHAT HAS TRUMP BEEN SMOK-

ING?” instead of saying he’s mentally ill and thus subjecting mentally ill children to further contempt and ridicule. At least drug use and smoking pot is a choice, mental illness is not. Being ridiculed for mentally illness provokes violence in children that have not found responsible ways to fight back. Much will be said of my demand because of foreman’s long years of service to the community, but she like the children must learn to be responsible in lashing out at political foes

Standing Up Against Hate, Racism And Discrimination. Changing The Culture With Inclusion, Equality, Civility And Unity Becomes Our Destiny.

On June 9, 2016, the Governor signed SB 179 into effect—otherwise known as David’s law. David’s law, named after David Molak, a 16 year-old boy who committed suicide after relentless cyberbullying, was created in an effort to punish such reprehensible actions. In 2011, lawmakers added the term “cyberbullying” to the Texas Education Code under the bullying section. However, this provision did not create any legal punishment for cyberbullying. It only required school districts to develop their own policies to prevent and intervene in such cases. David’s law changes this by amending the Education Code regarding bullying to include cyberbullying as a criminal offense.David’s Legacy Foundation David’s Legacy Foundation David’s Legacy Foundation is dedicated to raising awareness of cyberbullying, protecting youth from its effects,... STOMP OUT BULLYING STOMP Out Bullying STOMP Out Bullying The leading anti bullying nonprofit, STOMP Out Bullying™ is dedicated to


ELITE NEWS May 18, 2018

Vote in the Nov. 6, 2018 General Election


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May 18, 2018



Congresswoman Johnson, Leader Pelosi lead Roundtable Discussion TEXAS METRO NEWS APRIL 11, 2018

Congresswoman Johnson, Leader Pelosi lead Roundtable Discussion on a 21st Century Workforce, Better Jobs at Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas

Dallas, TX – On Saturday, May 12, 2018, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson hosted community leaders and education, transportation, finance and labor advocates for

a roundtable discussion on implementing effective strategies that prepare our workforce for a new, 21st Century economy at Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas. Leader Pelosi and Congresswoman Johnson received input from key stakeholders hard at work helping local communities grow and detailed the Democrats’ bold vision to create more job opportunities and a stable economy that rewards hard-working Americans all over the country. “Rapid changes to our economy have left much of the workforce unprepared to meet the challenges of the future. Here in Dallas, the work of Workforce



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Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, joined by Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (center) and Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas President Laurie Bouillion Larrea, leading a discussion of job growth and workforce modernization.

Solutions Greater Dallas and so many committed members of the public and private sectors are helping us answer those challenges,” said Congresswoman Johnson. “I was delighted to showcase some of Dallas’s finest, who are offering innovative approaches to improve economic opportunity for North Texas residents through improvements in transportation, investments in education, and

enhancements in job training and workforce modernization programs. With Leader Pelosi’s support in Washington, we hope to make Dallas the model of perseverance that shows how people rise to the occasion and overcome these challenges together.” “Too many Americans have been left behind by technological change, and left wondering where they fit in the economy of the future,” said Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. “Led by champions such as Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Democrats are offering the American people A Better Deal, with Better Jobs, Better Wages and a Better Future, that gives every working American the tools to succeed in the 21st Century. “It was my privilege to join Congresswoman Johnson to

meet the visionary leaders of Workforce Solutions of Greater Dallas and its partners, who are presenting a powerful model for empowering workers nationwide.” The roundtable featured perspectives from Laurie Bouillion Larrea, President of Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas; Larry James, CEO of City Square; Dr. Joe May, Chancellor of Dallas County Community College District; Gary Thomas, CEO of Dallas Area Rapid Transit; Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins; Mark York, Treasurer of the Dallas AFL-CIO Council; Gilbert Gerst, Senior Vice President of the Bank of Texas; Peter Brodsky, President of Red Bird Properties; and Ellen Torbert, Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion at Southwest Airlines.

ELITE NEWS May 18, 2018

The Elite News urges you to go to the polls and vote DeShaundra Lockhart Jones

We invite you to the




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May 18, 2018


City-Wide Neighborhood Clean-Up! Event: Neighborhood Clean-Up and Breakfast Date: Saturday, May 19, 2018 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Location: 645 Pentagon Parkway Cir. Dallas, Texas 75224 Jesse and Denise Perez’s home. Meet here for breakfast, and branch out into the neighborhood Also, at 9:00 a.m., District 4’s Park Board Representative, Harrison Blair, will give us a short presentation on D4’s Park and Trail expansion plans.

“What’s Behind the Make-up” A play on Domestic Violence Bishop Ray Campbell is the Senior Pastor and Founder of the Ideal Family Church located at 1000 East Red Bird Lane, Dallas, TX 75241. He has been the Senior Pastor for over 48 years. He has always been concerned about working and talking with people about domestic violence, but there was a defining moment that made domestic violence a “real” issue for him. Bishop Campbell attended the funeral of a young lady that divorced her husband after living in a domestic violence situation. She moved to another state and stayed there for several years. She decided to come back to Dallas to visit her parents and her ex-husband found out. He went over to her parent’s house and killed her in front of her mother. After Bishop Campbell attended the funeral on that Saturday, it really broke Bishop Campbell’s heart to see the victim’s mother and young children crying over the loss of their loved one. A

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young man had remarks at the funeral and said, “We need to do something about this”. The Lord spoke to Bishop and told him to preach a message on domestic violence…talk about it, and be the voice on this issue. He went home the same night and wrote the play “What’s Behind the Make-up.” This message has been heard and shared in several homes, businesses and organizations across America. Bishop Campbell tells his congregation and others that domestic violence has plagued our communities for too long, and it’s time to take a stand and talk about it. The play, “What’s Behind the Make-up” shows the true precipitating issues behind domestic violence, and the impact not only to the abused, but also the family, the abuser and others. It has allowed anyone that is going through this type of situation to see from an outside point of view what can happen if he or she does not seek help to get out of an abusive relationship. This is a play that everyone should see to truly understand the message on domestic violence.

Rep. Eric Johnson Running to Become First African American Speaker of the Texas House

Texas State Representative Eric Johnson (D-Dallas) has filed the necessary paperwork to run for Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives for the 86th Texas Legislature. Representative Johnson represents House District 100, which includes parts of Dallas and Mesquite. He was first elected to the Texas House in 2010 and will be entering his sixth term when the 86th Texas Legislature convenes in January 2019. Representative Johnson currently serves on the House Committees on Ways and Means, Investments and Financial Services, and Redistricting. Representative Johnson was born and raised in the district he currently represents. After earning a Bachelor of Arts in History cum laude from Harvard University in 1998, he went on to earn a Master of Public Affairs in International Relations from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and a Juris Doctor from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, both in 2003. Representative Johnson currently serves on the Democratic National Committee and is the Chairman of the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee’s Finance Council. In addition to serving in the Texas Legislature, Representative Johnson is Of Counsel to the international law firm of

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP. He lives in Dallas with his wife, Nikki, and their two sons, William, age 4, and George, age 8 months. If elected Speaker of the Texas House, Representative Johnson would be the first Speaker under the age of 45 since Price Daniel, Jr. in 1973 and the first Speaker from Dallas since W.O. Reed in 1947. Representative Johnson would also be the first person of color ever to serve as Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives. Representative Johnson released the following statement: "When I look back over my eight years as a member of the Texas House, I am deeply troubled by the far rightward shift in our state government and the excessive partisanship and the poor legislation this shift has spawned. Texas has become a one-party state, and this has been to Texas’s detriment. What Texas needs is a strong, pro-growth, progressive leader presiding over the Texas House to act as a counterbalance to a farright Governor and Lieutenant Governor. I am running for Speaker to help restore normalcy to Texas state politics."

ELITE NEWS May 18, 2018


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May 18, 2018


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ELITE NEWS May 18, 2018


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May 18, 2018


A Sincere Faith

By Rev. Fabian K. Jacko, Pastor Greater Golden Gate Baptist Church, Dallas, TX Daniel 1:8-21 Certain stories and characters from the Old Testament have provided for us a wonderful sense of heroism down through the years. Their tests of courage have for every child of God proved to be a most valuable resource for spiritual growth and maturity. The story of Daniel is one of them. Images of a fiery furnace, mysterious hand writing on the wall and praying in the den of lions have long been in the heads of young Christians who while enduring their own struggles faithfully believe that God will deliver them in the same supernatural ways. However, we must remember that before great acts of God’s favor is enjoyed trials of our faith will be employed. The lesson opens with Daniel and his Hebrew friends - Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah being given the Babylonian names Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, respectively (Daniel 1:67). It was an attempt to change their allegiance to Jehovah God and the country of their birth.

The initial test given these men was to eat the daily ration of meat and wine from King Nebuchadnezzar’s table. Daniel is obviously troubled that they are asked to participate in an act which goes against their beliefs. He is emphatic about not defiling himself with such provisions, knowing that they either came from meat sacrificed to Babylonian gods and that to adhere to this policy was a direct affront to the food regulations in the Law of Moses (Leviticus 11). Unfortunately, this is where we “Strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel (Matthew 23:24).” Are there some laws we practice only within the confines of the sacred or are we to follow the practice to the letter, home or abroad? Daniel’s request to not participate was met with objection by the prince of the eunuchs and his servant. However, with great persuasion the four were allowed to eat an alternative diet of pulse (vegetables) and water for 10 days. In the end, Daniel and his three friends pass the test and appear healthier than those that ate

the King’s meal over the same period of time. In this their request was justified by their faithfulness to God and in the end respected by the servant. Isn’t it impressive how God works in

tent than any of the pagan magicians and astrologers. For over twenty-one centuries believers have had to exhibit sincere faith in God to warn, preserve and at times deliver them from multitudes of confuwww.texasmetronews.comsion. What He did then He is still able to do to this day! Where is Your Faith In God (Rev. James Cleveland – Savoy Records 1985)

Word from the Clergy

the Hebrews favor? He does the same for us today when we faithfully put our trust in Him. Even more so, God seems to always have someone attentive to the misfortune of His children. For Joseph it was the keeper of the prison. For Moses it was Pharaoh’s daughter. For Daniel it was Melzar. In your time of despair just know that God has got you covered. The next test was an attempt to train the four men in “the ways and language of the Chaldeans” (Daniel 1:4). However, these young men from Judah had been prepared in advance by God with “knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom” (Daniel 1:17). So, when King Nebuchadnezzar sent for them to be tested he found them to be more compe-

The Elite News urges you to go to the polls and vote DeShaundra Lockhart Jones Follow us on issuu.com/bitsandpieces

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith will keep you when your way seems dark; Faith, faith, where is your faith in God? Christians, you say that you love the Lord, And yet we complain that each day seems hard. Into each life some rain must fall; Faith, faith, where is your faith in God? Faith can move mountains, Faith can open the fountain, Oh, faith can help you succeed, Oh, faith can supply your every need; Where is your faith in God?

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ELITE NEWS May 18, 2018



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May 18, 2018


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ELITE NEWS May 18, 2018


2018 International Pastors & Leadership Conference: Is Gospel Dead? By Arielle Johnson

Last week, the Elite News attended the Potter’s House 4-day International Pastors and Leadership Conference. This year’s conference was structured in a fashion which helped to connect millennials with baby boomers and everyone else in between and beyond these two distinct generations. The conference, as indicated by its name, was for Pastors and Leaders in the church, but to further define its purpose for 2018, this year’s theme was about making and effort to impact, therefore, E2i (Effort to Impact) was the subtitle for this years conference. “Soar! Build Your Vision from the Ground Up,” is a New York Times Bestseller, written by Pastor T.D. Jakes, who is the founder of the conference and used his publication to inspire the E2i theme. There were numerous panels and workshops and worship sessions this year, but the one that grabbed our attention, was the panel discussion entitled, “Is Gospel Music Dead?”, which was held in the main sanctuary on Thursday, April 19 at noon. Top industry players and movers and shakers filed onto the stage one by one as they were briefly introduced by the moderator, Jawn Murray, who is well known in the gospel industry and pop culture as a journalist, gospel artist and former Tom Joyner radio personality. The panelists for the “Is Gospel Music Dead?” discussion were gospel recording artist Kirk Franklin, Catherine Brewton, the V.P. of BMI, Ossie Love of Urban 1 Inc., Stanley Brown, a musician, writer and executive producer and former A&R representative for RCA, a division of Sony and Phil Thornton, Senior VP and General Manager of RCA Inspiration. Jawn Murray did an excellent job moderating the panel discussion and kicked off the session with the following question: “Gospel music witnessed a sharp 60% decline in

record sales in mid 2000. Did they waste too much time fighting the digital revolution?” In response to this question, there seemed to be a general consensus, even in the eyes of Mr. Murray. Gospel music enthusiasts for one, were slow to catch on to the new technology, and found it difficult to embrace, due to their desire to spend money on something they could touch and hold in their hand, and later review the credits on the project. Phil Thornton stated, “We didn’t understand the purpose, now we are behind the curve.” Almost immediately, as was to be expected, with the help our our moderator, Mr. Murray, the dialogue between himself and the panelists became more direct, once the idea of ticket sales and venue sellouts was introduced. Gospel recording ar’’tist, Kirk Franklin, basically took over and gave us a visual about why the industry may appear to be dying. “We are living in a post Christian culture. There is a decline of Christianity across the board which is reflected in church attendance. There is even a decline in the people that are engaged. The narrative is always reflected in the culture. People can get gospel music for free on Sundays. We’re not going to go out and support Tamela Mann, because we got someone at the church that can kill it! There is a disconnect when it comes to what is ministry and what is business? However, there is a different mindset in other communities. They sell out. You will never win with free.” To give attendees a visual of how other cultures are more supportive of their gospel artists, he spoke on the annual WinterJam event, which requires attendees to purchase tickets in advance if they wish to attend. “They will camp out all night. We can’t be in the cold. We got to come through. We got to do our hair. We say an unspoken message that our music is not valuable enough to be

consumed.” Of course after stating, “We got to come through” and “we got to do our hair,” Kirk Franklin had to pause for a moment to allow the attendees to catch their breath from laughing so hard. As was to be expected, especially since it is all over the news, and possibly the biggest thing to hit the gospel community since Kirk Franklin stepped on the gospel scene in the 90s, was a discussion about Snoop Dogg’s gospel album, “Bible of Love,” being the number one Christian album in the country today. And while ordinary people are going back and forth on the internet about how hypocritical it may be for us to support Snoop, knowing he has been heavily involved with secular rap for decades, Mr. Thornton shared these little known facts about his recently released gospel project, “Snoop funded this project out of his own pocket and is interested in using his influence to open up his concerts to gospel artists.” Catherine Bruton, a BMI V.P. has known Snoop for 15 years and said, “Don’t put your mouth on what you don’t understand. There may be a kid living on the street who needs to hear Snoop. ” Because we are living in a post-Christian culture, we need a revival to take back control of gospel music and let the creativity flow. Kirk Franklin mentioned to the attendees that the so-called Andre Crouches and Walter Hawkins of days past are hard to find, because we are compromising our sound and

playing it safe to get booked. We need to take heed to Kirk Franklin’s words, “We are now beginning to lose our Blackness. There is something unique about the sauce of the African-American.

It can’t be duplicated. The number one genre in America is hip hop and r&B. And we doing hood music, If the world can authentically be them, why can’t the church?

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May 18, 2018

ELITE NEWS Official Voice of The Church and Community


Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church Sunday: 8:00am & 10:45am Sunday School: 9:30am 5th Sunday Combined Service: 10:00am WOW Bible Study: 12:00pm & 7:00pm 1819 N. Washington Ave. Dallas, TX 75204 Ph. 214.823.7308 Fax: 214.823.9720


New Covenant

Missionary Baptist Church 411 N. Hampton Road DeSoto, TX 75115 972-230-3707

Sunday School 9:00a.m. Morning Worship 10:30a.m.

New Leaf Family Church

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Pastor Darrell W. Pryor

Rev. Curtis Wallace


ELITE NEWS May 18, 2018


ELITE NEWS - The Official Voice of the Church and Community

THE RUN OFF FOR THE PRIMARY ELECTION IS MAY 22, 2018 Follow us on issuu.com/bitsandpieces


May 18, 2018


36 Student-athletes receive degrees at Spring Commencement

PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas – A total of 36 current and former student athletes received degrees Saturday during Spring Commencement exercises at Panther Stadium.

Men’s Tennis: Ulrick Boyogueno Men’s Track: D’Andre Reeves-Jackson, Darwin Allen

The graduates represent 15 sports programs, and also including student equipment staff and student athletic trainers, 40 students that were or have been involved in PVAMU Athletics will be receiving degrees.

Football: Joshua Johnson, Michael Hardeman, Damond Jackson, Devohn Reed, Akheem Barton, Darius Floyd, Raleigh Johnson, Cliff Moulton, Shafique Neloms, Terrance Reynolds, Tyquan Fields, Eugene Goodrum, James Harper, Sta’Fon McCray

Men’s Basketball: Shaquille Preston, Jordan Lumpkins, Shay’rone Jett

Women’s Basketball: Talisha Presley, La’Sha Haynes, Kendra Hicks, Alexis Robinson

Baseball: Darrien Williams, Jalyn Baker, Jordan Johnson, Nic Campos

Women’s Bowling: Lindsay Paredes, Jessica Rodriguez Women’s Softball: Keona Hunter, Amanda Ford

Men’s Golf: Harold Carter III

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Women’s Tennis: Stacy Lackey, Tatiana Ruhl Women’s Track: Alysse Grogan

Student Equipment Managers: Geovante Williams, Jonee Jones

Student Athletic Trainers: Tiara-Owens Smith, Donall Ward

The Blair Graduates

The Blair Family celebrates the graduates

What a week, what a week, what a week, as the Blair family celebrated the graduation of (2) more Blair Children, from Houston to Prairie View. Starting on May 10th we celebrated the graduation of Darian Elaine JonesBlair the daughter of Darryl Eric Blair Sr / Publisher, and Gail Jones from the University of Houston, following that

graduation the Blair's matriculated on to Prairie View A&M University for a Saturday graduation, where we celebrated Carrington O. Johnston-Blair son of Darryl Eric Blair Sr/ Publisher, and Carolyn Johnson Harris on May 12th, as one would know this was a very festive weekend celebrating the graduation's of two children that we are immensely proud of,

and all family's collectively stands with pride. Would you join us in celebrating these (2) fine graduates that have accomplished a supreme goal in life and now endeavors for greater accomplishments, WOW your Grandparents are really Proud...... Mr. Darryl E. Blair, Sr. Publishing Editor of Elite News

ELITE NEWS May 18, 2018


Darian Elaine Jones-Blair University of Houston graduate (Education) and proud dad Darryl Blair Sr./ Publisher. Below: Carrington O. Johnson-Blair Prairie View A&M University graduate (Finance) and proud dad Darryl Blair Sr./ Publisher.

USA Bowl

10920 Composite Drive (off 35 and Walnut) Dallas, TX



to register your team or for sponsorship opportunities

Don’t Believe the Hype Celebrity Bowl-a-thon

June 23 6:00p.m.

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May 18, 2018


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