Vol 56 issue 14

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Why I Do What I Do THIS IS NOT RIGHT!! If you have any information reguarding the robbery of Luby’s Located on 5600 S. Hampton Rd. Dallas Tx. 75232 Please contact your local crime stoppers.

By Dr. Terry Flowers St. Philip’s School & Community Center Page 9



April 22, 2016

Heads or Tails - Flip a Coin and Vote By Darryl Blair

The next presidential election promises to draw record numbers to the ballot box. Eight years ago it was the first black to run for the office and win now it is the first women and the first narrow minded man. Both have issues that makes me scratch my head but Trump is by far the meanest vilest and what appears to be racist man we have seen. While he may be a good business man able to direct fortunes leading and guiding is a quality yet to be seen. Leading and guiding is a quality not known he may have.

Some have said that Trump says what others won’t say but is that the kind of leader this country deserves. The blatant name calling and inciting others to act violently, if he were one of our children he would be admonished for the things said. For inciting others to riot is a crime, if I remember correctly, yet Trump find it okay to behave in such a way.

of classified and personal information is still left unanswered. The server issue hit the news early in the campaign and now nothing is said. I also question if Clinton as the first female president is merely an extension of her husband’s presidency. There are those that believe Bill was an exceptional leader and president minus his personal behavior while in office. But unlike the Republican Party the democrats only provide 2 choices and let’s face it I wonder if a 70 plus man is the right choice for a possible eight year job that has taken those in the best health and once they leave the job they are noticeably aged. America is a great country it has had the best leaders and has done wonderful things. I pray that the next president to take office is the right choice. I pray that this great country can withstand the next choice and that we offer up the best support to either temper the leadership directions. The only way to balance the playing field is that everybody 18 and older register to vote and then exercise their vote.

Now I am not saying that Clinton is the perfect candidate either. The issue with her personal server still has yet to be answered to satisfaction and I am not sure will it ever. The transmission

April 22, 2016




CHURCH WOMAN Favorite Scripture: John 3:16 Favorite Songs: “Holy Spirit” Favorite Sayings: “I Am Blessed and Highly Favored Church Affiliations: Vice President of the Praise Dance Ministry, Member Pastoral Aide Committee.

Wanda R. McKinley Church Name: True Gospel Ministries Pastor(s): Calvin Ray Washington

MINISTER OF THE WEEK Rev. Ricky R. Lawton, Sr. The Rock of Salvation Missionary Baptist Church

PRAYER CLOSET As we progress through another year, let’s make it our goal to develop a healthy prayer life. We can start by having a thorough examination of our prayer life. Such as “Do I take enough time to pray”? “Am I enslaved by the things and my daily routine that my prayer life is hindered”? “Am I whole hearted and earnest in my prayer life”? Is there hatred and bitterness in my heart toward anyone? Is there sin in my life that might scar my relationship with God? Can I truthfully say to God, “Thy will be done in me”? What a joy it is to have an intimate fellowship with God. Well, this is what we need, to have a healthy prayer life.


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“Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.”

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Minority Health Awareness Month By Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson On April 30th, hundreds of women, peace-builders, and peace activists from around the globe will gather in Dallas for the Annual “A World of Women for World Peace” Conference. During the annual Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson event attendees will share strategies for building bridges toward global peace, a role for which women are uniquely qualified to assume. I began the peace conference 15-years ago, shortly after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. I was horrified by a picture of boy-soldiers from Liberia, ages 12 and 14, on the front page of Newsweek magazine. They were dressed in war gear and armed with machine guns. At the time, two of my grandsons were about the same age as these young boys, and I just thought “enough is enough!” I knew that I had to do something about the situation. I knew that every solider I saw had a mother, a sister, an aunt, or a grandmother. These women in their lives were uniquely positioned to influence these soldiers, no matter where they are in the world. My efforts started with women who are the mothers of young boys like the ones I saw on the cover of that magazine, whose lives are sacrificed in the name of war. We must recognize and empower these women to facilitate peace-building, peacemaking, and peace-keeping activities across the world. We must also recognize the experts and leaders who help us to plant the seeds of peace. As a result, the annual peace dialogue was born. I know that when women are at the tables of power and influence,

they can directly influence a peaceful resolution to many of the world’s conflicts. Over the years, proponents of peace from throughout the world have participated in the event. Conference participants have included elected officials, international peace activists, victims of violence and aggression and ordinary citizens. All of them have contributed significantly to the global effort to bring about peace. Last year, we held a peace conference in Taiwan. This year’s conference promises to be as exciting and productive as the others. Our featured panelists include Sister Rosemary Nyirume from Gulu, Uganda; Mu Naw Di, a teenage survivor of conflict in Myanmar and Nikiya Natale, a distinguished immigration attorney for Refugee Services of Texas. Sister Nyirume, sited as one of the most influential people in the world by Time Magazine, operates a shelter in her country for women and girls who have been the victims of rape, domestic violence, and war. She has also helped to change the lives of young girls who were once forced to become childsoldiers. When writing about Sister Rosemary, the academy award winning actor, Forest Whitaker, said “The traumas she heals are unfathomable, but the reach of her love is boundless.” Sister Rosemary’s commitment to healing the wounds caused by war and conflict are illustrative of the meaning and purpose of “A World of Women for World Peace,” and of the women whose lives are devoted to ending human conflict for the sake of our planet and for all of its inhabitants. I am looking forward to this year’s conference and hope that all of you will us re-

April 22, 2016


emphasize in your own communities the necessity of peace and diplomacy, both here at home and across the globe. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson hosts The 16th Annual “A World of Women for World Peace” Conference Saturday, April 30th 9.30-11.30 am Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center 2301 Flora Street, Dallas RSVP at 214-922-8885

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Free and Fit For Service By Debra Huff

“He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep.” (John 21:17 NKJV)

wasn’t because we didn’t love him; but we simply messed up. Peter wasn’t the only one who messed up the night Jesus was arrested. Judas messed up, too. He was so guilt ridden that he committed suicide. Peter didn’t kill himself; but the guilt he was feeling must have been killing him on the inside.

In the text, Jesus is with His disciples AND Peter after His resurrection. The emphasis is placed on “AND Peter” because Peter had denied knowing Jesus; just as Jesus told Him. Peter was very ashamed of his actions. When the women were sent to tell the disciples Jesus was alive; they were told to tell Peter as well. Peter, after all, must have felt he was no longer welcomed or fit for service.

Peter was always one who spoke before he thought. I am sure he wished he would have thought before shooting from the hip that night. He truly loved Jesus but denying him that night was not the way to prove his love for Jesus.

Many of us have been in Peter’s shoes. We have failed the Lord. It

When Peter heard Jesus was alive; I am sure he had a bitter sweet moment. He must have been excited about the news, but, he also must have felt he was the last person Jesus wanted to see. Even sitting around at the

fellowship with Jesus and the other disciples must have been uncomfortable for Peter. He probably felt at any moment, Jesus was going to chastise him for denying him that night. Yet Jesus doesn’t hold grudges. He does single Peter out; but it isn’t to chastise him. Jesus asks Peter three times if he loved him. Each time, Peter replies yes. Then, to what must have been music to Peter’s ears, Jesus tells Peter to feed his sheep. It was in this moment Peter knew Jesus had forgiven him. Not only was he forgiven; but he was being restored as well. Jesus was setting Peter free from his bondage. Guilt and sin had severed their relationship; but Jesus forgave and restored.

done things that have caused our relationship to be severed. We have messed up. But God! He is a forgiving God. God is a restorer. Not only will He forgive us but He will still allow us to be used for service. We just have to come to Him and accept His forgiveness. Is your relationship with Jesus in need of restoration? Is your past holding you in bondage? Are you ready for a new direction in life? Come to Jesus and accept His love and His forgiveness. Jesus does not hold grudges. There is much work to be done. Allow Jesus to set you free and make you fit for service again. Be Encouraged!

For many of us, this should be good news, too. We have done things to fail the Lord. We have

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April 22, 2016


By Wanda McKinley, survivor of childhood molestation, rape and domestic violence

Stories of women who survived They Warned Me - Part 2

Our entire marriage was like this, the vicious cycle continuing and my depression deepening. On my 25th birthday and after 4 years of marriage, I suddenly looked at my life and thought ‘This is ridiculous! I’m 25 and young and wish my life would end every day. I live in fear constantly. This has to be abuse! There has to be a way out!’ It took most of that year, the anger fueling me more and more to plan how to overcome this and possibly leave. I knew he couldn’t be “fixed”. So I began to tell him ‘Either we go to marriage counseling, or we get a divorce.’ He would say yes to shut me up, then say no when he realized I was serious and setting up appointments to go. This went on for months, and his anger was escalating as well. His tirades grew louder and meaner, his control tightened on everything even more. I wasn’t allowed to go to college because he had to “take care of his dreams” first. I’d get to go one day when he decided we had the money, which meant never. And through this I planned how I could leave without jeopardizing my friends or relatives and without losing everything I’d worked so hard for (I made more money than he did). The answer came unexpectedly, I believe at God’s hand. He came home again in one of his explosive, violent moods, upset that I wanted to go to marriage counseling. There was something different this night though; I felt it. He became physically violent and I tried to leave but he trapped me in the house. I called the police to get him to back off and

when he did I hung up. I didn’t know that it had gone through and they had traced the call. 15 minutes later they were at the door, taking our statements. After seeing a bruise on my hand and damage to walls and other things in the house, he was arrested. Through this process they enforced a No Contact Order, which kept him away from me and barred him from the house. I know now that this was the

best possible way this could have happened. He would never have allowed me to leave and would have harmed anyone who had tried to help me. I had never considered going to shelter - I hadn’t thought my situation was bad enough to warrant it.

walk through responses from church members where my husband started attending. They have called to criticize me for not giving him another chance, for not having enough faith in God to work out our marriage, and saying that God hates divorce. I have had to learn to shut my ears to what they say - they have no idea what it’s like to live through an abusive relationship. To live each day wishing to die, feeling there is

no hope for your life and you are trapped. To be told that you are worthless, nothing, and deserve the abuse you received from your childhood. Their lives have not been

threatened by the person who is supposed to love and cherish them. They have not spent every moment in fear and dread. I am free now. He has begged, pleaded, and threatened, wanting me to take him back, but I can no longer hear him. I have closed my ears and my heart to him. I am beginning to remember who I am, and realize that the things he said about me weren’t true. I’m not stupid, lazy, or worthless. I have something to offer, and I can make it on my own. I have my whole life ahead of me and can’t wait to live life! I also have a long, hard road ahead of me, I know, but it is nothing in comparison to the hell I lived through for 5 years. I have found freedom! If you have a survival story to tell, let me share it. If you have any questions please contact me, Wanda McKinley at 214-454-2933 and/or wearesurvivorsfoundation@gmail. Also visit us at www.wearesurvivorsfoundation.org

I had never realized that it was domestic violence, even if he never hit me. I have filed for divorce since, and have been amazed by the responses I’ve received from many people within the church. I believe in God and know that He kept me through this and directed how this happened (the arrest)-He doesn’t want anyone in an abusive relationship. I know this now, and it has helped me to

April 22, 2016



Celebrating the Life of Curtis Leary

A great man is one who leaves others at a loss after he is gone ~ Paul Valery You’ve never left our thoughts since the day you went away. We are still sending birthday wishes and thinking of you today.

a compassionate human being who not only valued his community but also his family and many friends It is hard to believe it’s been 2 years since you have been gone. We miss you so much! Love your Family

Happy birthday to a beloved devoted husband, father a significant spirit.

Sudoku - Medium

Two years have come and passed for a man who gave meaning to many souls. Truly a hero at heart, Mr. Curtis Leary served and protected the Dallas Metroplex for more than 30 years. He was

Sudoku is easy to play and the rules are simple. Fill in the blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids contain one instance of each of the numbers 1 through 9.



Solution on page 16

April 22, 2016

WID-WID – Why I Do What I Do LOL by Dr. Terry J. Flowers

Executive Director and Headmaster St. Philip’s School & Community Center Those closest to me are aware that texting is not my preferred mode of communication. While it is not my favorite, I have to acknowledge some of the value and utility of texting. As a parent and educator, I have also learned about the texting codes.

decay of our society, I boldly prefer a different LOL to govern life’s journey. I count myself blessed to be able to promote the ultimate LOL with the students and youth of St. Philip’s School and Community Center. The LOL I encourage the world to adhere to is the “LAW OF our LORD.” Within the St. Philip’s ministry, we maintain that next to God, the most important issue is helping our students understand God’s word, will and His way in context of navigating through the many questionable “LAWs OF the LAND.” The LOL I will stick with is the Law of the Lord. In doing so, we will all be positioned to truly LAUGH OUT LOUD in His peace, joy and glory.

One of the frequently used codes is LOL – LAUGH OUT LOUD. For the purposes of this WIDWID, I’d like to give attention to what I deem to be two different LOLs.

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The first LOL is “LAW OF the LAND.” Maybe it’s just me, but I believe, as a society, it is disturbing that more and more children are permitted to have personal phones and access to social media prematurely. Many children are even using texting “slang” to communicate with each other to keep their parents in the dark, such as 4Q, GYPO, 1174, and BIOUA. It’s not uncommon to see an 8 or 9 year old with their own phone texting away. This is an indicator of a societal decline and is eating away at the moral fabric of our country. As I am not in agreement with the inappropriate texting codes and slang used by so many children today, nor the trending April 22, 2016



A Man Of May Talents Mark A Toliver II By Lorie Blair

Have you ever entered into the presence of someone and you knew that they were different? That this difference was enough to make you want to do things differently and be a better you? Well, years ago I was blessed to meet the writer of our weekly sports article Toliver’s Talent. Mark Toliver II. He amazed me how calm and quiet he was. I was in awe that this compact man had such a gigantic presence. I remember the day it was at a parade honoring one of the local high school basketball teams. I got to really talk to him for the first time and study him. I needed to know what made him tick. I could not figure it out I could not figure him out I just knew he was different. The next time I got to meet Mark was in the


park at another event. He was transparent yet his presence set him off from the rest. He was doing Mark. He was doing community. He was quietly and humbly giving back to those less fortunate than himself. He didn’t want thanks, he said watching others enjoy was thanks enough. He did not want recognition. He just wanted to be able to do without fanfare. As I got to know those that make Elite News tick I got to know Mark as a man of his word. Mark is a man who sees no bad in his fellow man, a man who finds value in everyone and everything. I then sat down to write this article and I got to connect the dots. I got to understand why he does what he do, who he really is and how this man is made up. Mark is a man of God and entrepreneur of many businesses. In telling me his


story the first thing that impressed me was that Mark had Godly women influences in his life but he seriously communicated with God from the age of 9. Most of us all went to Sunday School early on but Mark knew God and was able to discern God’s direction for his life. I laugh remembering Mark say I did have my moment when I didn’t do as I was supposed to my daughter was conceived while I was in college and had to make a hard decision. You see after graduating from Roosevelt High in Dallas Mark was going to co llege on an athletic scholarship where he ran track and played football at Kansas State University. He gave it up to be a man and a father to his daughter. To this day he has no regrets on t he decision he made. In fact he says that is what a man is supposed to do.

April 22, 2016

To support his family Mark worked as a sheriff for the Dallas County Sheriff’s Department. He told me how he chased down an escapee tackled him down and single handedly captured him. Where a lessor man may not have captured the escapee God walked, no ran with Mark. Mark was awarded the Accommodation Award for this capture, the highest award he could get without getting injured. For 16 years Mark served the city and the court systems with his service. Leaving the Sheriff’s Department Mark started the walk as an entrepreneur opening Top Rank Security Concepts. Through Top Rank Security Concepts Mark continues to help the Dallas County Court System. He works to provide defense attorneys with the information needed to go through the court process. He prides himself in doing what is needed with thoroughness and dignity also providing background checks for businesses and individuals. You need to check it out or if you need to have security for an event give Top Rank Security Concepts a call.

and ACT tests. Through his radio show Man Up with Mark T Mark talks to community leaders providing support for his boys. Mark is a newlywed. His bride, life partner and business partner is Vivian. T hey were married January 15, 2016 in the chambers of one of his friend Judge Burns. Vivian and Mark met in church where they were single people raising their children. Through coaching Vivian”s sons Mark and Vivian got to know each other on different levels. Both Vivian and Mark made the collective decision to put their children first and waited until all of their children were in college before marrying. Vivian was a hotel executive and when the industry changed Vivian began working with Mark. Through their partnership Vivian was able to bring to Mark’s business structure and organization these skills moved their business into a small business corporate hybrid. This partnership is working and will

continue working for their businesses. If you see or hear Mark know that this quiet athletic man is here to serve. He is here to make a difference. He is here to be a fisher of men and to provide them with the tools needed to succeed!

Mark And Vivian Toliver

Mark gives back to the community through his business The NOW Program. For 22 years Mark has coached young student athletics through the NOW Program how to excel in life. Through The NOW Program Mark helps young black men build character and self-esteem so that they life skills to provide develop a solid career path for life. Knowing his students he helps them with finding college funding and preparing for their SATs April 22, 2016



Psalm 14

Feel The Foolishness By Henry Nelson

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good. The Lord looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any. All have turned away, all have become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one. Do all these evildoers know nothing? They devour my people as though eating bread; they never call on the Lord. But there they are, overwhelmed with dread, for God is present in the company of the righteous. You evildoers frustrate the plans of the poor, but the Lord is their refuge. Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! When the Lord restores his people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad! The Psalm start out by saying “The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” David says it is foolishness for people to not believe in God. The word “fool” is not referring to someone who is simple-minded or unintelligent. The word fool has the meaning of being “morally deficient” or “reprobate” or “immoral” or “sinful.”

have turned away, all have become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.

they use to try to prove that God does not exist. And it is FOOLISHNESS! It is important to note that they say IN THEIR HEART that there is no God. Verse 1 tell us that these people live corrupt and vile lives. It is almost as if these people NEED to prove that God does not exist in order to feel free to pursue the wickedness because they know that if God DOES exist they will be held accountable for their sin and they certainly do not like the sound of that! Verse 2 tells us that God is looking down from heaven looking to see if there are any who will try to seek God on their own and the sad fact of the matter is there is no one. The bible says in, Psalms 14:3, 3 All

That word “filthy” is derived from a word that means “tainted, gone bad, turned sour” depraved” The Beacon Bible Commentary says it quite well, “one of the most penetrating biblical insights into the nature of sin is its definition as corruption, the spoiling and misuse of what is or could that paints a picture in my mind of a carton of milk. When the milk turns sour it is nasty and corrupt and certainly not good to drink. And that is what sin does to us. It corrupts us and turns us “sour” as it were rotten. And it is foolishness to live that way. The next part indicates that these people are not only godless and vile people themselves but they try to “devour like eating bread.” They

The next verse picks up on the idea of God’s protective hand being upon His people. We have seen throughout the Psalms that God is a refuge for the righteous. God will take care of His people! There is a reward for faithfulness! There is salvation to be found! And salvation isn’t found in the arguments of men. It is not found in our foolishness or fearfulness. Our salvation is found in our FAITHFULNESS. Salvation simply means redemption or rescue. There is a time in the life of a person before he or she becomes a Christian when a person longs to be rescued from their sins. We need salvation but even after we get saved we still have to live in this world. and that means that there are people out there who will ridicule us they will try to discredit us.

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Someone who does not believe in God is called an atheist. Every once in a while, I will check out the website of some avowed atheist and it never ceases to amaze me the almost hysterical methods and words that 12

see Christianity as a serious hindrance to their lifestyle so they set their sigs a hell? What if the Christians are right?

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April 22, 2016

Volunteers make a difference in Dallas ISD Dallas ISD Trustee Dr. Lew Blackburn, District 5 Throughout

my life, service to others has been important to me. I have been fortunate to not only be able to incorporate volunteerism into my own life, but also to see the impact that other volunteers make in the community. As a teacher, assistant principal, principal and now as a trustee, I have witnessed firsthand the difference that volunteers can make in students’ lives. The encouragement and affirmation of a supportive adult can boost a child’s self-esteem, giving them the confidence to accomplish great things in school, and beyond. I want to take this opportunity to recognize the finalists for Volunteer of the Year from District 5. These individuals have dedicated thousands of hours to our students, and have committed a significant part of themselves to our schools. Gloria Anderson has been volunteering at Albert Sidney Johnston Elementary for an unbelievable 25 years, and is nominated this year for her help in the classroom. Maria De Jesus Ordonez is nominated for her support of Lorenzo DeZavala Elementary. Willie Garnett is nominated for the 1000 + hours he put in at Roger Q. Mills Elementary. Cecilia Pettit is nominated for her classroom support at C.F. Carr Elementary. And Latasha Witherspoon is nominated for her work at Franklin D. Roosevelt High School. Congratulations to each of these

amazing volunteers for all of the work they have invested in the schools and students of District 5. And THANK YOU for caring enough to give your time and talent to improve the lives of the teachers, administrators, staff and students of these campuses. I encourage everyone to contact a school close to you to see how you can help. From filing to coaching, tutoring to making copies; all help is appreciated. Make a difference for a Dallas ISD student today! School News in District 5 Townview SEM had a great performance at the Texas Math and Science Coaches Association (TMSCA) State Meet in San Antonio at the end of March, placing 5th in the state.

On Saturday, April 30, the Townview School of Health Professions will host a SchoolWalk for Diabetes on campus at 8:30 a.m. (registration at 8 a.m.) to raise awareness and money for research, followed by a Health Fair and Expo from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The health fair will showcase available resources in the community, and also highlight the various health career programs offered at the school. Dallas ISD is providing summer enrichment camps through its Summer Achievers program, the result of Dallas ISD’s partnership with Dallas City of Learning and Big Thought. Summer Achievers is a tuition-free, full day enrichment summer camp

designed to provide creative, extracurricular opportunities to district students to support their interests beyond the traditional classroom setting. Students accepted to the program are eligible for tuition from their home campuses and will receive free breakfast, lunch and dinner. Applications open April 19 and will close April 29. For more information, visit www.dallasisd.org/summerlearning. I am available to meet with your group or organization to discuss Dallas ISD in general and District 5 specifically. Contact me at (972) 9253719 or at lblackburn@dallasisd.org.

Gianni Alexander, a senior at South Oak Cliff, will receive a one-time $10,000 scholarship from Mary Kay Inc. and the Junior League of Dallas (JLD), for the third annual Women LEAD (Learn/Excel/Achieve Dream) Scholarship Program. Fifth-grade William B. Travis student Alex Jacoby placed 3rd in the state in the recent 2016 LETTERS ABOUT LITERATURE, sponsored by the Texas Center for the Book. Alex’s winning letter was to Emily Dickinson on the importance of her poem, “Hope is a thing with feathers.” A. Maceo Smith New Tech High School has been named an AVID School-wide Site of Distinction; this is the first year the designation has been awarded. The W.W. Bushman Elementary co-ed basketball team won 1st Place in the City of Dallas Basketball League.

April 22, 2016



Farwaell to a Prince The iconic singer Prince Rogers Nelson also known as Prince has died at the age of 57. His body was discovered at his Paisley Park compound in Minnesota early Thursday morning. Prior to his most recent appearance however, Prince had cancelled two shows due to health concerns. Prince became an international superstar in 1982 after his breakthrough album “1999.” He went on to churn out a ton of hits and racking up 7 Grammys in the process. He also performed at the Super Bowl in 2007 giving one of the best live performances of all time.

the first time to his backup dancer Mayte Garcia. They divorce in 2000. Later Prince married Manuela Testolini they too divorced in 2006. Prince’s death follows the February 15th death of his protégé Denise Mathews of Vanity 6 who died of Renal Failure in Fremont, CA. Vanity toured with Prince in the 1980’s. Rest in Peace Prince but may you music live on forever.

He also sold more than 100 million records during his career. He received the Academy Award for Best Original Song Score for Purple Rain in 1985. Prince was married two times –



April 22, 2016

Rollin With a Brotha By Smokin Kevan Browning

Welcome to the weekend, Baby! There are 3 very cool happenings that I plan to be a part of this weekend.. 1)George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic tonight (4/22)9 p.m. at Dallas House of Blues...2)Our “ALL HEART” Dallas Mavericks Saturday, 7 p.m. at the AA Center vs Kevin Durant, Michael Westbrook and the OKC Thnder...3)The USA Film Festival today thru Sunday at the Angelika Film Amphitheater.


Best new movies out for major release this weekend? How about Tom Hanks in “Hologram For The King” or “The Huntsman: Winter’s War” starring a former People’s Magazine Sexiest Man in The World and Thor series star Chris Hemsworth? That said, if you haven’t seen “Batman Vs. Super Man”, “The Boss” or “Barber Shop: Next Cut” it may be hard to give the new flicks a shout unless you are “doubling up”, LOL! You might even enjoy last weekend’s #1 movie with the kids, “The Jungle Book”... Another weekend highlight is brilliant Judge Staci Williams continuing her “Citizen’s Civil Academy” at the West Dallas Community Church, 2215 Canada Drive! Judge William’s peels back the veil on how Dallas Civil Court System operates inside the George Allen Senior Courthouse. It’s this Saturday 4/23 and next weekend 4/30 from 10 a.m. to Noon. This is a very, very interesting look behind the scenes from a Dallas native and a woman of integrity. In Smokin Tidbits: There are only a few recording artists that I try and plug into as they release new stuff and Columbia South Carolina’s Angie Stone is one of them. Her new CD is called “Dream” and features the single, “Think It Over”. I rate this worthy of purchase. “Dream” debuted at #3 on the Billboard Magazine R&B/ Hip Hop Charts, so I guess I’m not her only fan, LOL. Big ups Angie Stone!

April 22, 2016

Judge Staci Williams

Besides Ms. Stone, there’s a buzz about Beyoncé’s new project, “Lemonade”... Nobody quite knows what Queen Bey is talking/ teasing about... Is it a music album? Is it a combo music album/ complete video release? Could it be just some flavors of “Lemonade” due out just in time for summer 2016??? The buzz is growing and the answer will soon be revealed. Find out this Saturday Night, 8.p.m on HBO, during the “Lemonade” event... She is truly the “Baddest Chick”... Remember when we thought QB Johnny Manziel would be Dallas Cowboy Tony Romo’s successor? Things have totally gone downhill since for Manziel. Agent Drew Rosenhaus has dumped him and it looks like Dallas D.A. Susan Hawk is pursuing charges against the former Texas A&M/Cleveland Browns quarterback. Those charges stem from an altercation in 2015 with “Johnny Football’s”


ex. From the R.U. Serious file: Rumors that rapper T.I. was gonna charge the family of a 12 year-old fan $40,000 to attend the kids funeral proved to be fake.. Lots of shady people these days in the hateration biz... Happy Birthday to YOU and celebs this week: Jack Nicholson 78, George Lopez 54, Shemar Moore & Tami Roman 46, Willie Robertson 43, John cent 38, Tony Romo 35 and NFL’er Marshawn “Beast Mode” Lynch 29. Thanks for “Rollin With A Brotha” in The Elite News! Thanks for “Rollin With A brother” in the Elite News!


Toliver’s Talents - Golden State of Mind By Mark A Toliver II I can remember watching the 1995-96 Chicago Bulls chase the NBA record for most wins in a season. And 20 years later I’m watching the Golden State Warriors do the same thing. The Warriors defeated the Memphis Grizzlies to become the first team in NBA History to win 73 games in a single season. A great season in the NBA would be 50, considering the season is 82 games long. But the Warriors won 73 and only lost 9. That’s incredible. Stephen Curry led the way with 46 points, 6 assist and he made 10 3pointers. Draymond Green almost had a triple-double with 11 points, 9 rebounds, and 7 assists. Klay Thompson also scored 16 points, and made 4 three-pointers. Curry finished the season with a pergame average of 30.1 points behind 50.4 percent shooting from the field, 45.4 percent shooting from 3-point range and 90.8 percent shooting from the free- throw line. This is a great team with great players. This is also the same core that won the title last season, so this team knows what it takes to win a Championship. Winning 73 games was just what this team needs to defend it’s title. It takes a special breed to win 73 games in the NBA. Every team

Golden State faced this season was looking to upset the champs and stop the chance to set the record. Now that the Warriors have broken the record the next test will be for them to make this historic regular season and turn it into a second consecutive NBA title. Great Job Warriors..... I’m a BELIEVE !!!!! Thanks for reading... May God Bless you and Use us to Change the World

GOLF ANYONE!! Register your team today for the Elite News 16th Annual William “Bill” Blair Memorial Scholarship Golf Scramble Monday May 9, 2016 Twin Creek Golf Course Registration: Noon Shot Gun Tee Time: 1pm Register today to ensure space is available for you and your team Call Elite News at 214-372-6500 or Darryl Blair 214-641-3295



April 22, 2016

April 22, 2016





April 22, 2016

April 22, 2016



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