1 minute read
Green Raw volution
Makes 1 glass Some health experts believe that the best time to have a replenishing drink like this is first thing in the morning. When you wake up, after several hours of natural “fasting” while you’re sleeping, your body doesn’t have any half-digested food blocking the road. A powerful green juice like this will breeze right into your bloodstream and cells.
½ apple ½ orange ½ cucumber 1 cup kale 2 celery ribs 1 tablespoon chia seeds
Juice all the fruits and veggies. Add the chia seeds, stir, and let them soak for 5 to 10 minutes. If you don’t use organic limes, lemons, or oranges, just squeeze them over your juices instead of going through the hassle of peeling them to pass them through the juicer. And don’t forget the strainer! You don’t want those sneaky little seeds falling into your pure and sparkling glass of juice.