1 minute read
Health Rocket
Also known as rocket or rucola, the bitter leaves of Arugula will shoot your health to the moon and back in one zesty drink. Arugula is one of my favorite greens, as it is nature’s medicine packed into one pretty leaf. Do yourself a favor and include it inyour juices and smoothies more often.
Makes 1 glass
½ cucumber 2 cups arugula 1 heart of romaine 1 banana
Juice the cucumber, arugula, and heart of romaine.
Blend the banana and the juice together.
Arugula is packed with compounds that aid in detoxification, and it also has a cooling effect on the body. But that’s not all. This sassy leaf has been used as a potent aphrodisiac for many centuries. Even the Greek philosophers and the Romans knew about the wonders of this love drug.