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Letters and Poetry from our Inside Family
After I came to prison, she broke it to me that she wanted to go back to females. We have a son together but I supported her decision. We stayed friends at first but lost contact (long story). What I do know is that since then my kids other parent identifies as male and has changed names. I kinda think I knew before he was ready to see it. And you know what, it doesn’t change a thing. If I could talk to him now, I’d say this very thing: name and gender identity are just part of our story, underneath, deep down, our personality, that’s the most important thing. For me male, female, transgender, none of that really matters. What matters is finding someone I can love, someone who loves me, who connects in that special way. I did fall for a male once but, let’s say some places aren’t the best for finding love ... That is about as brief of a “who I am” that I can make. I just wanted to share that. I’ve got lots more I’d like to write about but I think this is enough for my first letter in. I hope everyone who reads this is well, keeping your head up and staying strong. United we can take on anything. With love,
Alex AKA Maniac (RI)