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Blackbright News
Blackbright News uses a bespoke approach to Empowerment under the innovative leadership of Myrna Loy, by stimulating interest; motivating action and educating by raising awareness and information sharing. Blackbright News is GLocal and is published periodically while current issues are shared on YouTube intermittently. Blackbright News is a philanthropic publication, and is always seeking student photographers, volunteer writers/journalists and graphic designers in training, to enhance and develop the magazine. . To contribute please email blackbrightnews@gmail.com Blackbright News has been running for since 2005, and is always seeking sponsors, contributors, and welcomes donations to help in its running costs. To donate by Paypal, please email your address to blackbrightnews@gmail.com BBCS4Luton is an Out-of-Hours Social Enterprise that opposes those abused by power and trust..