TO OUR PARTNERS AND FRIENDS WE THANK YOU We thank you so much for your kind consideration to partner with us this year! We are committed to improve the environment in the developing world by creating sustainable solutions. Our vision is to see lives changed through the simple gifts of clean water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH1), but we need your help! Every day millions of young children around the world go out looking for their family’s water, but instead what they find is making their families sick. Lets change this statistic! I am writing to share with you our goal to help provide nearly 1,000 people with the gift of clean water for the year of 2016! We are personally asking you to join us and help sponsor the children and families of Soweto. Soweto is a community that has a total estimated population of around 4,000 – 5,000 people. It is a slum situated outside of Jinja, Uganda and the common work of the people there is fishing and they live on less than $1/day. Currently we are working alongside the community of Soweto providing them with clean water and education of sanitation and hygiene, our WaSH1 program. We are also building relationships within Soweto, encouraging each one with hope and supporting their dreams. (
OUR GOAL IS TO EMPOWER SOWETO TO COME UP WITH THEIR OWN SOLUTIONS. When we visit a home we take the opportunity to not only share knowledge but to allow families to take the initiative to help reduce sickness and disease. We encourage them to become Health Ambassadors and share what they learn with their neighbors. More importantly, we also invest our time building relationships. There are many families throughout Soweto that are struggling with addictions and strongholds. We take every opportunity to give council and prayer to everyone we encounter. We believe that real change will only happen when the hearts of these people are healed.
WE BELIEVE IN SOWETO! Each family who receives support has a goal of becoming a Certified Healthy Home. Once a home has been certified, we then give that family the ability to share their knowledge with their neighbors. Our long-term goal is for the community of Soweto to become sustainable. We will do this by encouraging them to pay their own water bills and to reach out and educate other communities about sanitation and hygiene. 2 (See Diagram 1)
By committing yourselves to the people of Soweto they will have a chance to escape the grips of poverty and begin pursuing a life of prosperity! Your efforts will help... • Ensure that each family receives hands on WaSH training • Provide access of 200 micro loans for families to pay their own water bills • Support holistic change through discipleship programs We would like to ask you to consider becoming one of our 2016 Lifetime Sponsors and give a total donation of $16,000 to cover operational costs and our WaSH program in Soweto. As a Lifetime Sponsor, you will receive Global Recognition for your support (SEE Select Your Sponsorship Option Page). You will receive positive media attention from your association with i GIVE H2OPE, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Thank you again for your consideration to help improve the lives of our friends in Soweto! Your friend,
Johnny May Founder
1. WaSH is the collective term for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. Due to their interdependent nature, these three core issues are grouped together to represent a growing sector. While each a separate field of work, each is dependent on the presence of the other. For example, without toilets, water sources become contaminated; without clean water, basic hygiene practices are not possible. ( 2. The diagram shows the chains that create the pathway for germs to get inside of us. For example: feces can enter nearby stream where you bathe your children and then as result they get sick. Photos bellow show community members of Soweto coming together learning how to break these chains!
Diagram 1
Thank you!
1. Iryn (“I-reen”) receives her WaSH certificate. Now she can share with her family how to keep their home healthy and clean. 2. Akim (“Ak-eem”) owns a clinic in Soweto and is very proud to help bring hope to his community by giving his upmost care.
In order for the work to continue, we need an increase in the number of our Sponsorships. We need a pledge of $25/month from 28 donors, which is a total financial goal of $8,400 for the year. Not only will this pledged amount help the people of Soweto, it will also help neighboring towns and communities. These pledges will help support those in the field with transportation, WaSH handbooks, discipleship and counseling programs. It’s vital that we keep these resources available to the community leaders so that they are engaged as advocates for i GIVE H2OPE.
$430/month – To Hire 1 Full-Time Staff to facilitate WaSH and Discipleship Programs $110/month – WaSH Program expenses $25/month – Discipleship program expenses $15/month – Follow Up WaSH trainings (Certifying clean homes)
SELECT YOUR SPONSORSHIP OPTION Sponsorship will earn GLOBAL recognition, at the organization’s discretion, on our mission trips, Annual Water Walks, air time on television & radio (when opportunities exist), on our website, advertisement on videos, events, and all other promotional materials accordingly: Matching Gift Sponsor – Match the TOTAL of funds raised by individual donors for an event. • Sponsor(s) will receive the recognition given to the Lifetime Sponsors as listed below:
Lifetime Sponsor - $10,000 OR Greater • Global recognition at all our events and programs; including International mission trips, at our Annual Water Walks, on promotional gear, advertisement on our videos, website, social media pages, print material, a mention on Good Day Charlotte/ Fox 46 (a demographic of 25-54 years old), & an exclusive with NY Elite Magazine covering style & fashion, ( • Sponsor(s) will also receive the recognition given to the Top sponsors as listed below:
$120/month – Water Bill - micro loans for Soweto (To be fazed out as community becomes sustainable) $700 /month TOTAL $8,400 / year TOTAL
OTHER OPERATIONAL EXPENSES: $300/year - Website $7,300/year for 2 Mission Trips Transportation/Flights/Staff -Part Time Support
$16,000 / year TOTAL
Top Sponsor - $5,000 • Sponsor(s) will receive lifetime recognition in our Annual Newsletter. • Sponsor(s) will have prominent recognition on ALL promotional materials produced for ALL events for that same calendar year. • Sponsor(s) will also receive the recognition given to the Major sponsors as listed below:
Major Sponsor - $2,500 • Sponsor’s logo may be displayed at the start/finish line of our Annual Water Walk & 6K Race as well as other large events. • Sponsors may have informational or promotional giveaway items at the booth/tent at our Annual Water Walk & 6K Race as well as other large events. They will also be given the opportunity to develop promotional campaigns tied into the event. • Sponsor(s) will also receive the recognition given to the Annual Reception sponsors as listed below:
Annual Reception Sponsor- $1,250 • Sponsor(s) will be prominently recognized as the presenting sponsor of the post-event Awards Reception at our Annual Water Walk & 6K Race, on the event invitations, on the Walk webpage (, in the post-event mailing to team captains and volunteers, and at the reception. • Sponsor’s name will appear on promotional flyers for 2016 & 2017. • Sponsor(s) will also receive the recognition given to the awards sponsors as listed below:
Awards Sponsor - $500 • Sponsor’s name listed on our Annual Water Walk & 6K Race T-Shirts • Sponsor(s) will also receive the recognition given to the Supporter sponsors as listed below:
Supporter- $250 • Sponsor’s name and logo will be displayed on the “Our Partners” portion of the webpage • Sponsor(s) will receive recognition in our Annual Newsletter.
SPONSORSHIP CONFIRMATION FORM Yes, we are proud to support i GIVE H2OPE in 2016. We authorize i GIVE H2OPE to include our name and/or logo on all promotional materials and events for the calendar years of 2016 and 2017 and that it remains consistent with our sponsorship selection below. Matching Gif
Match the TOTAL (Up to $50,000) of all funds raise for a speciďŹ c event
Lifetime Sponsor
$10,000 OR greater
Top Sponsor
Major Sponsor
Annual Reception Sponsor
Awards Sponsor
Company Name:
Email: Agreement IF YOU WISH NOT TO RECEIVE RECOGNITION OR ADVERTISMENT (CHECK HERE) ______________________________ (Company Name) hereby agrees to abide by the rules and regulations governing sponsorships and advertising set forth in this agreement and to all conditions of i GIVE H2OPE. Authorized Signature: ______________________________Name (Print): _______________________________ Title: ____________________________________________Date: ______________________________________ To insure that your company logo is included in our promotional materials, please return this form to our address. Also, be sure to submit your company logo to the email address provided along the left side of this page. Once the form is received someone will contact you regarding any additional information. Thank you!
Johnny May I Give H2ope Founder 8150 Runway Bay Dr. Unit L Charlotte, NC 28112 (330) 495-2737 |