Pet Corner
The Lappin Family
is Committed to Saving Dogs By Janine Collins, Resident Since 1999
y daughter Claire and I were introduced to Tri-Valley Animal Rescue (TVAR) through National Charity League two years ago. We were helping at a Saturday adoption event at the pet food store and Claire discovered that if the puppies were not all adopted, they went home with a foster family. We reached out directly to Tri-Valley Animal Rescue and discovered there’s an unending need for foster families. In looking at the puppy, kitten, and dog foster programs, we determined we wanted to help rescue adult dogs from the East County Animal Shelter in Dublin (although we have fostered an older puppy or two).
Janine and Claire with their rescues Molly, Kevin, and TVAR foster dog, Johnny.
escaped, a Blackhawk resident stopped their golf cart and let him jump in, immediately reuniting us with him.
All the dogs we foster arrived in the shelter either surrendered or a stray. Tri-Valley Animal Our first TVAR foster Abby. Rescue not only helps dogs, but also puppies, cats, and kittens find their forever homes by matching families with Since our first foster Abby in September of 2017, we’ve helped the pet they’ve been searching for. It’s rewarding when we hear save 15 dogs by getting them out of the shelter while TVAR finds from the families about how happy they are with the animal they them a forever home. Blackhawk is a very dog friendly community adopted. If you are looking to adopt or would like to save the that is always ready to help us with our fosters. One time we had life of an animal with a rewarding foster experience, please visit a feisty little hound that would sit in the backyard, staring at the If you prefer to volunteer administratively, you cows on the hill and plotting how to get to them. Once when he can also register on the website.