Preparing for Showing: 1. LIGHTING. Have drapes open and lights on in every room. Lights give warmth to a home, making it feel alive and welcoming. Opening drapes, shutters, blinds, etc. gives a feeling of openness. A small home can feel large just by bringing the outside in. 2. AROMAS can be another welcoming factor. Many of us associate certain aromas to happy moments in our lives. There are studies that can tell you what aromas release certain endorphins that reduce stress and or make you happy. Vanilla is just one of those aromas. Cinnamon is another scent that brings about an endorphin surge. Do NOT!! Overplay this card. Just a small amount is sufficient. Try baking an apple pie then leaving it on the counter to cool. You could also try a drop of vanilla on a few light bulbs. As the bulb heats, the vanilla scent is released into the room. Again, everything in moderation. 3. NEAT and CLEAN is the final word for showing your home. Make your home look like a model home! You have done all of the hard work prior to the listing so let your home shine and you will be rewarded with a great offer in a shorter marketing period.