Community Safety
Are You Prepared for 2020? By Aaron “Wally” Barger, Resident since 2012
all came late to Northern California this year; however, wildfires, earthquakes, and PG& E’s actions to avoid potential fire dangers due to high winds with scheduled outages only added to residents’ concerns. Fortunately, Blackhawk was spared from most of these events last year.
We were lucky this past year. More importantly, are we prepared for the next emergency or disaster? Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) is a local program originally developed by the Los Angeles Fire Department in 1985. Earthquakes, wildfires, and other natural disasters in California have led to the establishment of training programs in our service area by FEMA and CERT. Training is available locally by the San Ramon Valley and Contra Costa County Fire Protection Districts. Further, the Blackhawk Police District coordinates with the Fire Districts to ensure effective cooperation between all first responder agencies. CERT training is available to all residents living in the Blackhawk service area. Attendees are trained in basic disaster response skills, such as, disaster preparedness, fire safety, disaster medical care and triage as well as basic search and rescue and other
related techniques. To register for a CERT class or for answers to any questions, email A key factor in being prepared for any natural or man-made danger is to have a plan. At a minimum you should be in contact with your neighbors, especially those on either side of your house and the neighbors across the street. Share phone numbers, email addresses, and, at least, one out-of-area person’s phone number and email. Extending this minimal network of contacts to others on your block is highly desirable. Another important action is to have, at least, a three-day supply of food, a first-aid kit, warm clothing, blankets/sleeping bags, and other essentials, such as, flashlights, batteries, and toilet paper. It is equally important that you have a disaster plan and schedule at least one practice session per year. Finally, make sure you have a portable radio (keep a fresh supply of batteries close by). Better, yet, consider getting CERT training in the use and operation of a HAM radio. One final thought, attend an HOA Board meeting and a P2-A Police Advisory Committee meeting this year. If you have any questions, please contact me at or email .