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All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players… - Shakespeare




On September 21, 2016 Mayor Sylvester Turner visited the campus of Texas Southern University for a register to vote event. I asked the mayor about police violence of Black people with impunity, educational disparities in third and fifth ward and gentrification. He argued with me and told me, “that’s why I need to vote” and did not answer my questions at all. I was escorted away (​photo credit: from the event, threated to be arrested, asked to give my name, show my student id and followed around the campus by TSU police. After the run in with Turner some students asked me why I protested the mayor. The reason I protested the mayor is because he has shown himself to be an enemy of Black people by the decisions that he has made while being in office. 1. MAYOR SYLVESTER TURNER TRIED TO TAKE THE HISTORIC M.L.K. PARADE OUT OF THE HANDS OF THE BLACK HERITAGE SOCIETY AND GIVE IT TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON. EVIDENCE: ​Instead of Sylvester Turner leaving the march in the hands of a black organization who was by the way



endorsed by Martin Luther King’s family, he tried to give it to the state. The Black Heritage Society fought hard against Turner and were successful. Since there has been a media whiteout of black issues in major media outlets, you may not find this information online but to confirm this information contact the Black Heritage Society or go to our YouTube page on Black Movement Media and you can see us ask Shelia J. Lee about it and she confirms what we are saying as true, though she defended his actions. 2. IN A RECENT INTERVIEW, WE HAD WITH MRS. NIKKI BRAZIEL, THE WIFE OF ALVA BRAZIEL, WHO WAS MURDERED BY HOUSTON POLICE IN JULY, SHE TALKED ABOUT THE MAYOR’S LACK OF CONCERN ABOUT HER HUSBAND’S MURDER AND HOW HE LIED TO THE PUBLIC SAYING THAT HE DIDN’T RELEASE THE FOOTAGE OF HER HUSBAND BEING KILLED BECAUSE SHE DIDN’T WANT IT TO BE RELEASED BUT SHE DID WANTO THE VIDEO TO BE RELEASED. MRS. BRAZIEL ALSO STATED HOW HE LIED IN HER FACE WHEN SHE WENT TO CITY HALL TO ADDRESSED HIS STATEMENTS AND HE LIED TO HER IN HER FACE SAYING SHE DIDN’T SEE THE VIDEO WHICH SHE DID. HERE IS A PORTION OF THE INTERVIEW WE HAD WITH MRS. BRAZIEL TO CONFIRM WHAT WE ARE STATING. EVIDENCE: Black Movement News: Are they talking about charging these officers? Mrs. Braziel: The only thing I know is that they won’t release anymore paperwork from the police department.



Black Movement News: Can you explain why you went to City Hall and what happened? Mrs. Braziel: I went to City Hall for justice and I went to City Hall with intentions on asking why did he (Mayor Sylvester Turner) say that he saw a video of my husband pointing a gun? Can he release this video? Basically he was sitting there telling a story saying that I said I didn’t want the video to be released to the public which was a lie. Then he turned around and tried to say I didn’t see the video, that was a second lie. Then the police came up to him and whispered in his ear, “She saw the video.” 3. HOUSING DISCRIMINATION OF POOR BLACK RESIDENTS IN HOUSTON, TX HOUSTON MAYOR DISAPPROVES OF LOW-INCOME HOUSING PLAN FOR BRIARGROVE Source: ABC13

Date of Article: 8-3-2016

“Lance Gilliam chairs the Houston Housing Authority's board…Gilliam explained federal law requires them to build in so-called "high opportunity areas." Those are places with access to transit, good schools, and jobs. Tiffany Hogue, with the Texas Organizing Project, told ABC13 that if the city refuses to finish the project, it could be sued. She said the goal is to create a "pathway out of poverty" for those low-income citizens. "Public housing in Houston is concentrated in low-income communities, particularly low-income communities of color. So think Sunnyside. Think Acres Homes. Think Fifth Ward," said Hogue. "When you continue to be sectioned or concentrated with very low income residents, the schools are failing, there's



no access to good jobs and there's no way out of it. You have a situation of despair versus a situation of optimism, opportunity and the American dream, frankly." Given the fact that the mayor has tried to take a historical march out of Black people’s hands, lie to the public and the victim’s family about police brutality being an issue in Houston while providing no assistance to the hurting families and discriminate (Mrs. Braziel at City Hall Photo credit: against poor black residents in Houston, TX. There is plenty evidence of Turner’s neglect and disdain for poor black people that we have discovered but we included a few examples of his actions. We have got to start keeping track of what these black politicians are doing for the black community and hold them accountable for their actions. Mayor Turner may have a black face but his actions are one of a white supremacist. When I asked him about gentrification, housing discrimination, the Alva Braziel case and education disparities in the black community, he didn’t answer any of my questions but over talked me and told me that’s why I need to vote. What does voting have to do with him not explaining why he has not voted in favor of black people moving into decent housing? What does voting have to do with his negligence of the black community? Mayor Sylvester Turner



does not deserve our vote, praise or respect if he can do nothing to help black people while he is in office! - Nikki Luellen Editor- In- Chief of BMM

BLACK POWER POETRY MASS ILLUSION BY NIKKI LUELLEN People are tired of being lied to and abused told to celebrate as they die inside they cry and fool themselves about sunshine real issues aren't discussed cause problems too big nothing to do but get high, juice and gen politicians are worthless hold masses under a spell while most black ppl poor or locked in jail exiled if u speak about what's really goin wrong everybody so brainwashed accepting whats wrong ...Mass Illusion

THE MERCHANT OF VENICE BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE He’s laughed at my losses, made fun of my earnings, humiliated my race, thwarted my deals, turned my friends against me, riled up my enemies—and why? Because I’m a Jew. Doesn’t a Jew have eyes? Doesn’t a Jew have hands, bodily organs, a human shape,

five senses, feelings, and passions? Doesn’t a Jew eat the same food, get hurt with the same weapons, get sick with the same diseases, get healed by the same medicine, and warm up in summer and cool off in winter just like a Christian? If you prick us with a pin, don’t we bleed? If you tickle us, don’t we laugh? If you poison us, don’t we die? And if you treat us badly, won’t we try to get revenge? If we’re like you in everything else, we’ll resemble you in that respect. If a Jew offends a Christian, what’s the Christian’s kind and gentle reaction? Revenge. If a Christian offends a Jew, what punishment will he come up with if he follows the Christian example? Of course, the same thing—revenge! I’ll treat you as badly as you Christians taught me to—and you’ll be lucky if I don’t outdo my teachers.

THE PRIDE OF THE PANTHER BY TUPAC SHAKUR Can You See the Pride In the Panther As he grows in splendor and grace Topling obstacles placed in the way, of the progression of his race.


THE POLITRICKS OF AMERIKANOVEMBER 8, 2016 as they unify as one.

Can You See the Pride In the Panther

The flower blooms with brilliance,

as she nurtures her young all alone

and outshines the rays of the sun.

The seed must grow regardless of the fact that it is planted in stone.

Can You See the Pride In the Panthers

HONORING THE ANCESTORS DAY AT TSU On October 14, 2016 at 12 noon, TSU students gathered in front of the TSU Student Life Center for an event called Honoring The Ancestors Day. The students shared their poems, lit incense, drummed and danced. The event was a tribute to African Americans who lost their lives to police violence and black on black crime. One student read a poem called Affirmation by former Black Panther Assata Shakur. TSU Hip Hop Society Vice President Breana Hubbard read poems from the late west coast rapper and activist Tupac Shakur. They shared positive words amongst one another and talked about the importance of culture, activism, healthy eating habits, spirituality and supporting one another as family. As the drumming continued and students spoke words of affirmation, TSU Hip Hop Society Vice President Breana Hubbard talked about the significance of the event, “Today’s my brother birthday. He passed away two years ago and I’m doing it for him…This is a part of everybody who goes here. This is where everybody came from…Some people don’t understand that…They don’t glamourize you learning your history about your ancestors. The severity of it is affecting us. All of this ties into right now. The things that were happening back then are still happening.”



Although some people did not understand what was going on, some people came by and asked questions rather than judge what they did not understand. “I just want to say that I appreciate all of this. I lost my grandmother last year in May…and I just wanna say that this is an experience to me. I’ve never seen nothing like this. I appreciate every aspect of this…” said TSU student Daisha Nash. The students showed unity, open-mindedness and showed the power of activism combined with art.

WE CHARGE GENOCIDE: BLACK PEOPLE’S CASE AGAINST AMERICA With the ongoing killings of Black people in America by police officers, there has been a national outcry against these injustices in America and abroad. Even prominent athletes like Colin Kaepernick and Serena Williams have spoken out against these injustices. According to The Huffington Post, Since

(photo credit: USA Today) Kaepernick’s protest on August 26, “At least 15 black people have died during encounters with the police.” In 2015, over 346 black people have been murdered by the police and just three percent of those police officers were convicted of any charge, none were convicted of murder. In this year alone, police have killed over 217 black people in America so far. Though people have protested, petitioned their state for police body cameras



and new polices, black people are still being mercilessly executed by the police. This violation of human rights calls for a serious step towards justice. On April 8, 1964, human rights-activist, Malcolm X, gave a speech on “The Black Revolution” at Palm Gardens in New York. He believed that in order for Black Americans to get any justice, they must take their case to the UN and charge America with genocide. Malcolm expressed, “We can see that it is nothing but a governmental conspiracy to continue to deprive the black people in this country of their rights. And the only way we will get these rights restored is by taking it out of Uncle Sam’s (America’s) hands. Take him to court and charge him with genocide, the mass murder of millions of black people in this country - political murder, economic murder, social murder, mental murder. This is the crime that the government has committed…” Though Malcolm never got the chance to carry out this action, largely due to the lack of support from major civil-rights organizations in America, spokesmen of some African states, following Malcolm’s advice, accused the United States of being, “indifferent to the fate of blacks and cited as evidence the attitude of the United States government toward the civil-rights struggle in Mississippi.” Today, activists are still searching for effective ways to put an end to the oppression that Black people experience in all aspects of their lives. Activist organizations like The International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement believes that America should be charged with genocide against Black people in the United States of America. “The U.S. government is responsible for mass murders, mass and discriminatory imprisonment, and oppressive conditions in nearly every aspect of life, including state-sanctioned violence and murders, education, family life, reproduction, employment, healthcare and freedom of political assembly for African people in the U.S.” (The International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement) Over 8,000 people have signed their online petition in support of the group’s stance. “…A lot of people are not taking what’s been going on with us serious. Prisons, mass incarceration, is another form of genocide…In Tasmania, the British came to Australia and eliminated all of the people…and now it’s happening to us. If the holocaust survivors got their reparations, why can’t we get ours? …Black



people in America are still effected by slavery and it starts with us, we need to learn our history first and start loving ourselves first, then there is the unity, then millions of people can go to the UN because that is an international crime,” said student activist, Jaron Fredrick. Though some people may feel that taking America to the world court may be going too far, members from the United Nations are in full support of this action. “…the United Nations' Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent … presented its findings to the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday, pointing to the continuing link between present injustices and the dark chapters of American history…” Citing the past year's spate of police officers killing unarmed African American men, the panel warned against "impunity for state violence," which has created, in its words, a "human rights crisis" that "must be addressed as a matter of urgency." (Washington Post) It is no secret that the ongoing genocide of Black people in America, in every aspect of their lives, is a human rights violation that needs to be brought to the UN. In the words of author and civil-rights activist Zora Neale Hurston, “If you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it.”


Despite the media’s whiteout of the Green Party, Dr. Jill Stein and her supporters are still going strong. On October 15, 2016, hundreds of people gathered in Houston, Texas at the Last Corner Café to hear the Presidential Candidate of the Green Party, Jill Stein and local Green candidates speak.



(Editor-In-Chief Nikki Luellen with Presidential Nominee of the Green Party Jill Stein) Stein spoke about major issues effecting the American people such as immigration, police violence of African Americans, foreign policy, climate change and student debt. Despite the fact that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the most unpopular candidates in modern history and over 60% disapprove of Trump, while 56% disapprove of Clinton (Socialist Alternative) most people are still unaware that they have a third alternative and feel as though they have no other option than to choose the lesser of two evils. The debate that occurred between Clinton and Trump on October 9th left many people dissatisfied. The debate was centered around Trump’s abuse of women and he defended himself by talking about Clinton’s 33,000 deleted emails. The major issues effecting black people in America such as gentrification, police violence with impunity, mass incarceration and systemic poverty in the black community were not addressed. During the convention, Stein spoke in support of the demilitarization of the police, a community review board for the police, outside independent investigators for police murders and ending the failed war on drugs that was enacted by Bill Clinton and supported by Hillary Clinton. She also spoke in favor of reparations for African Americans. “This is really a national scandal that’s been part of a larger crisis of racism that goes all of the way back to our origins as a slave society…If you grow up without a decent school system, not only does it affect your income and your economic security, your life span is actually reduced by seven years just for living while black…This has to be addressed at every level…We call for a national action plan for racial justice now…We also call for a truth and reconciliation commission…In addition we call for reparations as part of this process so we can heal…It’s not like slavery ended it just transformed, ” said Stein. While other candidates have practically ignored the major issues effecting Black people in America, Stein makes it clear what her stance is on the issue of white supremacy and what she plans on doing to deal with the



overall issue of racism that affects Black people in every aspect of their lives. Though Stein speaks out against racism, poverty, big corporations and wars, some people may think that voting for the Green Party would be a wasted vote because Stein’s chances of winning the election is nearly impossible. If Stein gets at least 5% of the vote, the Green Party will be able to get more funding which will increase the party’s chances of being able to get on the ballot and it will make it easier for Greens to get elected in local election. To increase her presence with the dissatisfied voters of the major parties and to build momentum around her campaign, Stein will be streaming live every Saturday for a fireside chat with the public that will be available on her YouTube account called Jill Stein For President Booster Club. The Green Party will also host work parties and phone banking. Though voting green may not get Stein elected, it will raise awareness that other parties exist, hopefully end the media’s whiteout of candidates who are not supported by major corporations and finally, show that the American people still have the power over big corporations. Photos of Green Party Convention - Tejas



THE BIGGEST JOKE OF THE CENTURY: HIGHLIGHTING THE FINAL PRESIDENTIAL DEABTE Spoof Moderator: We are live to witness the final Presidential showdown in Las Vegas! Grab your popcorn and enjoy the comedy show, ​The Biggest Joke of The Century. This debate is sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates who only allowed the Democratic and Republican Party to debate because who cares about the Green and Libertarian Party. Moving on, we have broken down the debate into six major issues which are Debt and Entitlements, Immigration, Economy, The Supreme Court, Foreign Hotspots and Fitness to be President. We will not discuss climate change, poverty in the black community, economic disparities, Flint, Michigan, police brutality or the Native American Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, who is fighting against big oil companies, to not build a pipeline through their land. We will not discuss these major issues because, we simply don’t care. Our audience have promised that they will be compliant to this sham debate and they will not boo, cheer or blurt out any tough questions our candidates cannot answer, now on to the debate! Spoof Moderator: Put your hands together as we welcome to the stage the new President of…. excuse me, the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Trump. (Clinton smiles as she’s just deleted her last email from her computer screen. She stares in the mirror admiring her all white Death Row Records suit and winks at herself in the mirror. When she hears, her name called, she slowly slides on her heels, takes a coffee shot and walks out to the stage. Trump stops Clinton before going on stage and invites her to the next billionaire get together event. Hillary takes the card and hands it to her assistant. She plans on attending the event but won’t allow Trump to distract her. Trump cockily smiles and whispers something in a worker’s ear. The worker slaps his



hand away from her private area and slaps Trump with disgust. Trump tells the woman he’s a star and walks on stage with the same suit he had on during the second presidential debate.) 1ST ​ ​ TOPIC: THE SUPREME COURT CLINTON: “… I feel strongly that the Supreme Court needs to stand on the side of the American people, not on the side of the powerful corporations and the wealthy. “ FACT CHECK: “The campaign to elect Hillary Clinton for president in 2016 has received more than $6.9 million from lobbyists, bundlers, and large donors connected to the fossil fuel industry.” CLINTON: “For me, that means that we need a Supreme Court that will stand up on behalf of women’s rights, on behalf of the rights of the LGBT community… I would hope that the Senate would do its job and confirm the nominee that President Obama has sent to them.” TRUMP: “The Supreme Court, it’s what it’s all about. Our country is so, so—it’s just so imperative that we have the right justices… We need a Supreme Court that, in my opinion, is going to uphold the Second Amendment—and all amendments, but the Second Amendment, which is under absolute siege. The justices that I’m going to appoint will be pro-life. They will have a conservative bent. They will be protecting the Second Amendment…They will interpret the Constitution the way the founders wanted it interpreted.” 2ND ​ ​ TOPIC: IMMIGRATION MODERATOR: “…Mr. Trump, you want to build a wall. Secretary Clinton, you have offered no specific plan for how you want to secure our southern border…” TRUMP: “…You have thousands of mothers and fathers and relatives all over the country. They’re coming in illegally. Drugs are pouring in through the border. We have no country if we have no border... We need strong borders… One of my first acts will be to get all of the drug lords, all of the bad ones—we have some bad, bad people in this country that have to go out. We’re going to get them out. We’re going to secure the border…we have some bad hombres here, and we’re going to get ’em out. FACT CHECK: Trump is known for his racist sentiments towards Black and Brown people. During a case called the Central Park 5 Trump wanted five school boys who consisted of Black and Hispanic teens to get the death penalty even though they were found innocent. He took out a full-page ad in the ​Daily News calling the teen boys, “crazed misfits” and “criminals” The headline of the ad read, “BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY.BRING BACK OUR POLICE!” Also, the link between immigration and crime is also a trumped-up argument, “UC Berkeley criminologist Franklin Zimring says decades of academic research has refuted a link between illegal immigrants and crime…First generation immigrations of all kinds have extremely low crime rates, Zimring said. “ ​ CLINTON: “I have been for border security for years. I voted for border security in the United States Senate and my comprehensive immigration reform plan of course includes border security. But I want to put our resources where I think they’re most needed: getting rid of any violent person. Anybody who should be deported, we should deport them.”



The debate continued about the borders argument and then Chris Wallace, the moderator, asked Clinton about her speech to the Brazilian bank in which she stated she would leave the borders open. Clinton said it was an energy discussion and instead of fully explaining herself she blamed the Russian government for WikiLeaks and said they are trying to spy on the American people and undermine the presidential election. 3rd ​ ​ TOPIC: ECONOMY The third topic was the economy and Clinton’s plan is to help the middle class with jobs in infrastructure, advanced manufacturing and offer new jobs in clean energy. She wants to help small businesses and raise minimum wage. Trump wants to renegotiate trade deals with other countries and have free trade. He said he is also going to cut businesses taxes massively. The debate switched into foreign hotspots and fitness to be President. Trump grabbing women in their genitals and Clinton’s deleted emails resurfaced. The debate shifted to Haiti, tax returns and Clinton and Trump attacking each other. No real issues were discussed and each candidate told half-truths, lied and blamed everyone but themselves for not being able to be clear-cut on where they stand on their issues. This debate was another sham and will go down in history as ‘The Biggest Joke of the Century.’




Revolutionary Study Guide Whenever you have a platform, use it to benefit your people Don’t follow anyone else form of activism, follow your own Activists are the most needed today Know that America is committing genocide and bring up the UN Study Kshama Sewant, the council woman in Seattle Know that you might stand alone, in most cases Challenge your congress members, hold them accountable Study, practice Black Nationalism Charge America with Genocide, Sign the online petition Read Malcolm X Speaks



Fight not for fame, recognition or money but to know that “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”- MLK Change has always been grassroots, never through the system Have courage during fear Hit them with statistics and facts, not feelings “If you right then nigga die for it, let them other bustas cry, at least you tried for it.” – Tupac Shakur Don’t ruin yourself through drugs or ignorance before you get it! Human rights not civil rights Study black history for yourself, utilize your professors Join Black Movement Media We are looking for Journalists, writers, photographers, videographers, actors, singers, poets, revolutionaries. If you want to be involved in a revolutionary movement, expose fraud in h-town, cover black events, stage plays, documentaries, short film etc. Email: Criteria: Reliable, courage, care

Black Movement Meda

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