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Blacker The Berry News ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!!

It is a all for la k people i this ou tr to u ite, to re og ize their heritage, to uild a se se of o u it . It is a all for la k people to defi e their o goals - Kwame Ture




THE WICKED SYSTEM OF WHITE SUPREMACY CALLS FOR COMPLETE AND TOTAL SEPERATION!!!! And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:4 A revolution means a complete and total change. Nowadays we have so called Black leaders calling themselves revolutionaries when they are reformers. The difference between a reformer and a revolutionary is that a reformer seeks to make the political system in America fairer but a revolutionary seeks to eradicate this wicked system in America by any means necessary. Black people were brought to America in chains and today, the prisons are packed with Black and Brown people. Since slavery, Black people have been trying to separate from the system of white supremacy through activism in churches, revolts and maroon societies but in 2015, some Black leaders lead the community astray by long and drawn out speeches that will do nothing to end police brutality or make our conditions better as a people. Prisons are legalized slavery and if you have been reading our previous editions, we talk about the massive numbers of Black people who are in prison. Recently, the tragic lynching of Chicago activist Sandra Bland upset many but are we upset enough? Many Black people marched, screamed, prayed and cried at rallies across America but in 2015, what victory have these peaceful protests actually claimed? We mentioned in our first issue that if the Black community does not unify and come up with a strategic plan for eliminating police brutality once and for all, we will continue to be murdered in massive numbers. Sadly, we are still being murdered in record numbers. The problem is that some Black people are intrigued with the image of revolution and do not want to risk their lives actually fighting for change. Most so called Black leaders know that the philosoph , If ou a ’t eat the , joi the has ot orked ut o ti ue to practice failed solutions. What the Black community needs is independence. We need not worry what jobs the white man o ’t give us, the justice he o ’t give us, the o e he o ’t pa us, the food he o ’t feed us, or the education he o ’t give us, nor his racist media. What we as a people need to do is unify and




claim our independence from this entire system. We built America and it is only us who can tear it down.

LET’S STOP KILLING ONE ANOTHER AND TARGET OUR REAL ENEMY!!!! We have written plenty articles on police violence against Black people in our previous editions but now we will take a moment to address Black on Black crime. By keeping us poor, divided and uneducated, the white man has put us in a position where we have turned against one another. According to, Arou d per e t of Bla k ho icide victims are killed by black offenders while hite people kill ea h other at roughl the sa e rate. “o e Bla k people a say that since white people kill one another, it is okay that we do the same. Black people killing one another is NEVER okay, especially when we have the police murdering us in record numbers as well. Looking at what were up against, we a ’t afford to lose not one more brother or sister. How about Black brothers and sisters come together and use their gun to end police brutality in their community? We are quick to get angry and punish our own with death but what crooked police officer have we punished with death? We take the law into our own hands when it comes to one another but when it comes to defending our own we remain voiceless. Crooked police officers continue to commit horrible atrocities against Black brothers and sisters old and young alike and we sit and do nothing. We pick up a gun and use it in a nonproductive way. If Black people are not at war with one another but recognize that the police department have aged ar o all of us, e ould’ e ee freed oursel es fro this i ked system but we remain divided and a house divided against itself cannot stand.




THE PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX AND THE MASSIVE ENSLAVEMENT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!! Most Americans can tell you prison is definitely a place they do not want to be. What most Americans do not know however is that America has the largest number of privately owned or for profit prisons in the world. A for profit prison is a prison which is owned by a group or individuals outside of the government for the purpose of making a profit of housing individuals who have been sentenced for breaking local or federal laws. The idea of housing human lives for a profit is sickening and should be illegal. Companies like Corrections Corporation of America are making millions of dollars by housing people in their jails. It may come as a surprise to many who funds these prisons outside of American tax dollars. Companies like: Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Fidelity Investments, General Electric and The Vanguard Group to name a few. These companies are investing money into the industrial prison complex and making big revenues with tax payers’ dollars. Statistically these prisons house more individuals, have lower standards of living, have more inmates of black or Latino background and have a higher suicide and homicide rate inside per capita than not for profit prisons. What’s sad is most Americans simply believe "they are criminals. They reap what they sow". But turning a blind eye to these injustices impact us all, including children. Over the past few years there have been several accounts of judges sending youths to juvenile detention centers with lengthy sentences which the judges themselves received kickbacks from the prison industry. Judge Mark A. Ciavarella Jr in 2009 and Judge Mark Ciavarella in 2011 both from Pennsylvania received large kickbacks from privately owned prisons for sending individuals with lengthy sentences. For many of these individuals it was a shock at sentencing for minor infractions they were sent away adding to the growing prison population. With the amount of money being invested into these prisons these are the only cases to have been found out. Many have speculated there are many more judges being paid off through third parties to make it harder for these types of situations to hit the main stream media news cycle. The injustice system does not stop there. Not only are they making money from housing individuals, but once inside they put many to work manufacturing




products to be resold, many for a profit. These items range from Military gear, ID tags, books for the blind, jeans, lingerie and more. This makes this system a modern day form of slave labor. One of the largest lobbying groups in America that no one is talking about is the for-profit prison industry. The GEO group and Corrections Corporation of America have been spending big money in political contributions and their lobbying efforts. They bring in nearly 3.3 billion dollars in revenue a year and the media is virtually silent on the issue. Many see President Obama's recent comments on creating reform in the justice system as a long overdue call to put a stop to the atrocities that continue on a daily bases at the hands of the prison system. The American Civil Liberties Union has made many outcries against this system producing statistics to support their cause. Just a few are some of the data they have collected: With only 5% of the world’s population, the U.S. has 25% of the world’s prison population – that makes us the world’s largest jailer. Since 1970, our prison population has risen 700%. One in 99 adults are living behind bars in the U.S. This marks the highest rate of imprisonment in American history, one in 31 adults are under some form of correctional control, counting prison, jail, parole and probation populations. It is sad that the supposed most free country in the world is also the one with the largest number of citizens behind bars. Our prison systems don't need minor changes, but large overhauls, and the longer our government refuses to make these changes the more lives that are lost in this machine called the Prison Industrial Complex. It's time the government and private companies stop making big revenues from the souls of those trapped in prison. -Chad Mosman




WHILE MOST BLACK LEADERS REMAIN PASSIVE ABOUT THE ONGOING RACIAL VIOLENCE AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE, MALIK ZULU SHABAZZ DELIVERS FIERY MESSAGE TO CROWD!!!! We o e here to let you know that godda it e do ’t forgive nobody, e ai ’t forgi i g nobody...These Negroes have come here and we have seen them tell you that it’s all good, everything's okay, its wrapped up, it’s a done deal. We have seen them come here and tell you it’s over, we gone have a good outcome, it’s a positive outcome. Bodies ai ’t e e uried yet! A d you talking about it’s a positive outcome, you o the payroll, that’s hat the problem is. You on the damn payroll! But somebody has to come here and fire up the field slave. Somebody have to o e here a d talk a out those that ai ’t got othi g a d ai ’t getti othi g. We honor Denmark Vesey and we need some new Denmark Veseys today. That which we saw in that church does not represent the spirit of Denmark Vesey, they have betrayed Denmark Vesey but the real children of Denmark Vesey is out here today...We have to have self-determination a d e a ’t ha e self-determination without self- defense. Arm yourself or harm yourself. Yes it’s a hell of a reality we ha e to fa e. - Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz, National President of Black Lawyers for Justice and former Chairman of the New Black Panther Party We salute the New Black Panther Party who showed up to interrupt the KKK rally on July 18th in the state of South Carolina. These brothers and sisters got hold of a confederate flag and tore it to shreds. The New Black Panther Party, The Huey P. Newton Gun Club and other black self-defense organizations are on the front-lines for our people and we should be proud of these brothers and sisters whose defending our people with right action!!!! Support these revolutionary




black people who put their lives on the line every second of the minute defending and protecting our Black communities. It is time for us as a community to STOP supporting weak leaders who continues to mislead our people down the road of passivity and it is time to rally behind effective organizations and people, not speech givers and paid off preachers and politicians that will do nothing but lead us further into slavery and never freedom.

THE BLACK COMMUNITYS REFUSAL TO SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER HAVE LED TO EXTREME POVERTY IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY AND AN INCREASE IN CHILD SUICIDE RATES!!! According to a 2012 Nielsen stud , the Bla k o u it ’s spe di g power will reach $1 Trillion in 2015. Though we have tremendous spending power, Black people are still at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to ownership of wealth. According to the CNN article, Poverty in America: Time to face truth 1 , The median net worth of black households ($58, 300). The median net worth of white households ($142,000), meanwhile, is 13 times the level for black households, and black Americans are almost three times more likely to li e i po ert tha hite A eri a s. How can we as a community have the spending power of 1 Trillion dollars but live in extreme poverty? According to the Washington Post2, in 1963 the unemployment rate was 5 percent for whites and 1






10.9 percent for blacks. In 2015 our conditions have gotten worse. The unemployment rate for whites is 6.6 and the unemployment rate for blacks is 12.6 percent! This means that we are poorer than ever before and opportunities for jobs have severely decreased since decades. So, what is the problem? Why do we spend up to a trillion dollars but own little to no wealth at all? The reason why is because according to Dr. Claud Anderson, the black community spends about 95 percent of its income outside its community. That means that all the money that we spend, only 5 percent of our money is spent with one another. The devastating effects of poverty has led to a heartbreaking outcome for Black youth. Young black boys, 5-11 suicide rate have doubled between 1993 and 2012. The black community have never led whites in suicide rates until now. Reasons for these high suicide rates some say is the exposure to violence at a young age and also depression but when we look beyond the surface and really investigate this problem, it is because of poverty. According to the New York Ti es, A out . per e t of la k hildre li ed i po ert i , earl four ti es the rate for hite hildre ... Li i g i e tre e po ert , a of these children did not see a way out and decided the best way to end the pain was to kill themselves. At the age of 5-11, black children have been forced to solve their own problems. The solution to the economic problem for Black people is very simple. The 95 percent of wealth we spend outside the community needs to be spent on Black businesses inside the community. It makes no since that collectively we have 1 trillion dollars but we live in extreme poverty. We have got to support Black owned businesses in order for wealth to generate and circulate in our community. With our resources, we have the ability to build an empire but with the lack of love for ourselves and our people, we will constantly give our power away, while more children go hungry and commit suicide and adults are broke and homeless. The power is in our hands but we continue to give it away.




Endangered in TDCJ Do you really think we are going to accept the story that Sandra Bland hung herself with a trash bag….???? The Texas Department of Criminal Justice needs a deep cleaning. It needs to be scrubbed with the fury of an ant army, fire ants. Let them be stung from all the family members, friends and ancestors of those that have suffered at their brutality, neglect, and flagrant disregard for their lives. We are all guaranteed rights and therein lays the root of the issue. There are those with badges and titles that think that African Americans are not worthy….and have … for generations. The ripple effect is deep and wide. The prison system that was built on the backs of newly freed slaves whose only crime was to be black, kept cotton alive. How many convicts died building railroad tracks? How many free black men and women left the plantation only to be captured and forced to work as slaves? How many were kidnapped in the North and sent down South to a prison farm? How many of our children were ripped from us and taken to a chain gang, never to see any family again? And of those that went to prison, the survival rate was dismal. The conditions in some places were enough to want any human to want death, rather than live another day. We have endured decades of injustice because of the crime of slavery. We have suffered crimes in recent decades that reflect the psychological ramifications of a vicious cycle of violence and death imposed by those in law enforcement, courts and prisons. The same families that donned hoods in solidarity to preserving the idea that black people should be exterminated and valued the




notion that we were worthless stock animals…had children that were taught this same notion…who had children they taught this same strange notion…who had children that didn’t question the notion…who had children whose family was all of the notion…who had children that don’t question the notion. Well here’s a notion…we learned the predators tactics. Some made it through the Underground Railroad, others were blessed to survive because of land abandonment, many, became educated and taught the rest of us. Decades of terrorism produced a people that communicated in ways seen and unseen to prepare us for tactics of detention and incarceration. No one wants to receive word that our loved one died while in custody under suspicious circumstances, the ripple extends to our Diasporas’ Community, we will respond! Do not be silent when your incarcerated loved one in a Texas Prison tells you about situations in the jails that put them in jeopardy. We are the ones that need to hold the system accountable, those of us outside. When you’re loved one has a problem getting specific forms like Power of Attorney, medical information release and transfer requests, find a way to get them to them. Help them to document what is going on and be their advocate. Too many of our people are in prison and far too many are African American men… We will not forget Sandra Bland, who is now among our young warriors that have lost their lives during this modern wave of lynching while in custody. We will not rest until the truth of her death in uncovered.




Peace and Blessings to Sandra Bland and her family, friends and those whose lives she is touching. Š July 2015, Mignon Zezqueaux, Birthingthesebabies, Endangered in TDCJ _______________________________________________________________________________

Come out to see The African Talking Drum by Celeste Bedford- Walker and Directed by Erika Walton. Performances are June 29, 2015, 11am and 7pm at the Sawyer Auditorium. Admission $3. Get your laugh on at Comedy night, hosted by comedian and actor Jeff Shelley. Free Admission!!! 7820 Almeda Rd. Houston, Tx 77054. Doors open at 6pm and starts at 8:30pm. Every Monday.




SUCCESSFUL BLACK NATIONS IN THE PAST PAVES THE WAY FOR THE BLACK COMMUNITY TODAY Black people have been bamboozled! Throughout history we have been taught that Black people willingly accepted their oppression and whenever we fought back, we were defeated and slaughtered. No one talks about our many successes as a people during the times before and during slavery. Many of us only hear about the terrible things white people have done to us in slavery and what they are doing to us now. We never hear about the stories where we actually defeated the European. Before slavery we had many rich kingdoms independent of white people and once in America, we also built maroon societies and had successful businesses and a thriving economy. In every form of an independent Black nation you can think of, we have had it. But why is it so hard to build a new Black independent and successful society today? It is because some of us have forgotten about our greatness and some of us simply don't know how great we are. Before Africans were stolen from Africa, we had thriving independent black kingdoms. One of the most famous is Ancient Egypt. Other great empires not mentioned quite as much but were just as prominent were, Nubia, Kush, Axum, Ghana, Meroe and Mali. In Africa, the culture was very diverse and rich. In Ghana, the Monarchs were richer than the Europeans and Asians. There were no jails in Africa nor were there beggars on the street. Slavery in Africa was not chattel slavery and the person could work their way up in society and eventually become ruler. The ost i porta t it i Mali is Ti uktu, B the thirtee th e tur ,




Timbuktu had become a major hub for trade in gold, slaves, and salt. It attracted merchants from throughout the Mediterranean world and became a center for Islamic learning. The city had several mosques, 150 Islamic schools, a law school, a d a ook dealers. 3 One of the wealthiest rulers was from the empire of Mali a ed Ma sa Musa, Musa ade hi self a d Mali fa ous he i he undertook a pilgrimage across Africa to the Islamic holy city of Mecca in Arabia. With an entourage of 60,000, a train of one hundred elephants, and a propensity for distri uti g huge a ou ts of gold to those ho greeted hi alo g the a ... 4 Africa had the greatest empires and leaders the world has ever known. When the Africans were captured and loaded on ships, they rebelled when they were close to shore. According to the University of California,5 the British ship Perfe t as su essfull aptured the apti e Afri a s i hile half of the re as still o shore Ta lor, . After these Afri a s su essfull defeated the European, they built their own independent black societies. We had maroon societies in North and South America. The most prominent maroon societies were The Maroon communities in Haiti, Jamaica, Brazil, America and the Caribbean. The first successful slave rebellion is when Haiti was established. The Haitians defeated the French in 1803 and also ended slavery. In Jamaica, many maroons say that they descended from the tradition of Nanny of the Maroons. Nanny of the Maroons is also called Grandmother Nanny. Grandmother Nanny gained her freedom and established a community called Mooretown. She came from Ashanti, which is now known as Ghana. The Ashanti was a matriarchal society, which means that it was ruled by women. Grandmother Nanny derived her power from her culture and was a fierce warrior who freed many enslaved people. She also taught them how to live in harsh conditions. There was also the Black Seminoles in Florida, where Native Americans and free Black people lived Darlene Clark-Hine, William Hine, and Stanley Harrold, The Afri a A eri a Od sse Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 07458 (3014,2011,2008) 11 3

Darlene Clark-Hine, William Hine, and Stanley Harrold, The Afri a A eri a Od sse Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 07458 (3014,2011,2008) 11, 12 4





together in one independent free society. The maroon societies in Florida provided excellent leadership when it came to rising up against the oppressor. The Maroon communities in Florida gave hope to many Africans who needed an example of great strength and resistance against the European. Some of these maroon societies still exist to this day. We have had plenty successful independent societies even during the times of extreme oppression when most of our people were enslaved. One of the most successful and wealthiest free black community was Greenwood, a free Black town in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This free Black town was also alled Little Afri a or Bla k Wall Street . Bla k people ere u ified a d the supported one another and lived together in harmony. They used their income and spent it with one another; they did not take their money and spend it with big corporations. According to San Francisco Bay- ie Ne s, The dollar ir ulated to ti es, so eti es taki g a ear for urre to lea e the o u it . 6 We took our money and invested in one another. We also li ed the ode, I a rother’s keeper . Whe a perso ’s home was burned down it would be built back up in weeks by their neighbors. These Black people were very successful. They had 600 businesses, 21 churches, 21 restaurants, 30 grocery stores, two movie theaters, 6 private airplanes, a hospital, bank, post office, schools, libraries, law offices and even a bus system. We cannot allow anyone to tell us we are not capable of building a thriving economy separate of the white man. Now that we are aware of the many free black nations we had in the past, no black person should be under the mindset that we cannot successfully come together and use our minds, hearts and hands to free ourselves today! We are doing a disservice to everything our ancestors represented by continuing to willingly indoctrinate ourselves into this slave society. Under this oppressive government we are slaves to white people and even to ourselves. We must begin to support black owned businesses, love our neighbors, literally fight crooked police officers and build up the community that we are in. No one is telling you to become Kunta Kinte overnight but what I am saying is that we have to at least make some action towards Black freedom. We must support one another now or perish in our unwillingness to love ourselves and one another. Currently, we are 6




collectively broke, defenseless, divided and uneducated. We cannot blame oursel es for hat hite people ha e do e to us ut i , e a ’t o ti ue to expect the same person who put us in slavery to free us. We must free ourselves and that comes with knowledge, love of self, physical power and economic power. No man can do it alone, we need each other!

Thank you for your contribution to Blacker The Berry News!!! We ask for a $2 fee to help with the continuation of our theatre, media and research team. Support Donate to Blacker The Berry News so we can continue to put out truth! - Nikki Luellen, chief editor of B.T.B News * If you have a story about police brutality or any story you would like to share with the public, lets us help you get your story out! * To place an ad in our newspaper is only $5 for a week and the fee is only $10 to run your ad for an entire month! * If you are interested in being a part of our research team, or want to be a contributing writer, email us. You will be contacted promptly! * If you are interested in real solutions to police brutality, email us! Please visit our page and sign the petition to bring economic freedom to the Black community. Email: Visit us online: Facebook & Instagram: #Blackertheberryentertainment


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