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Black Love Matters

12th edition


UPCOMING PROJECTS!!!! To request that your black business be included in our H-Town’z Black Wall Street list please include: 1.Name of Business 2.Type of Business 3.Contact Info Check out Free Documentaries when you subscribe to Blacker The Berry Entertainment YouTube Channel * To be an actor, cinematographer, director or co-producer in the upcoming web-series “Grandma Straight Talk” email us!!! * To be a contributing writer in this newspaper please email us, we will get in touch with you asap!!!

# BLACKLOVEMATTerz I think what motivates people is not great hate, but great love for other people. Huey P. Newton Co- founder of BPP


* - ONE - What will it Take to free ourselves?

* Support Black Owned Businesses

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* Serial Killers; The Historical Crucifixion of the Black Man in America


* Father Divine

- ONE -What Will It Take To FREE Ourselves???


Black Love Matters

12th edition

Constantly repeating Black Lives Matter on social media, wearing protest clothing and protesting with Black Lives Matter signs at every case of police brutality or at every death of a black victim by the police means nothing without any significant changes in the Black community. It is no secret that in 2015 the majority of Black people are still living in poverty stricken neighborhoods, suffering poor education from public schooling, dehumanized by the police, suffering constant attacks by white terrorists and own less than 2 percent of the wealth in America. In 2015, there are so many self proclaimed community activists but what these self-proclaimed activists do not realize is that activism is impossible without a community. The black community has been destroyed and it is the job of anyone claiming to be a delegate of the black community to first understand the needs of the community. The self proclaimed activist must truly love the people in the community and work diligently towards rebuilding the black nation. Unity in the community is a necessity but unity does not mean that black people have to hold hands and sing we shall overcome but it does mean that the community must decide what is the overall goal of the community and what are the best steps towards building the black community. No one will free black people but themselves. If Black people truly want a better community and desire freedom then the community must all be of one mind and goal with


the sole agenda of freedom through selfdetermination. KEY INGREDIENTS TOWARDS REBUILDING THE BLACK COMMUNITY The Definition of Community according to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary a : unified body of individuals or b : the people with common interests living in a particular area; broadly : the area itself. According to Merriam Webster’s a community first is a body of individuals who are unified (which means united and together) and the people must have common interest. So the people, who are the community must be together in mind with the same goal or objective ASK YOURELF??? * Is the Black community unified? * Do Black people have common interests? (If black people do have a common interest then what are those interests and how do we work together to get those goals accomplished?) What are the [KEY INGREDIENTS] LOVE, RESPECT, SELF-DETERMINATION, UNITY, EDUCATION THE BLACK COMMUNITYS REFUSAL TO SUPPORT


Black Love Matters

12th edition

ONE ANOTHER HAVE LED TO EXTREME POVERTY IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY AND AN INCREASE IN CHILD SUICIDE RATES!!! According to a 2012 Nielsen study, the black spending power will reach $1 Trillion in 2015. Though we have tremendous spending power, Black people are still at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to ownership of wealth. According to the CNN article, Poverty in America: “The median net worth of black households ($58, 300). The median net worth of white households ($142,000), meanwhile, is 13 times the level for black households, and black Americans” How can we as a community have the spending power of 1 Trillion dollars but live in extreme poverty? According to the Washington Post, “... in 1963 the unemployment rate was 5 percent for whites and 10.9 percent for blacks.” In 2015 our conditions have gotten worse. The unemployment rate for whites is 6.6 and the unemployment rate for blacks is 12.6 percent! This means that we are poorer than ever before and opportunities for jobs have severely decreased since decades. So, what is the problem? Why do we spend up to a trillion dollars but own little to no wealth at all? According to Dr. Claud Anderson, the black community spends about 95


percent of its income outside its community. That means that all the money that we spend, only 5 percent of our money is spent with one another. The devastating effects of poverty has led to a heartbreaking outcome for Black youth. Young black boys, 5-11 suicide rate have doubled between 1993 and 2012. The black community have never led whites in suicide rates until now. Reasons for these high suicide rates is because of poverty. These children did not see a way out and decided the best way to end the pain was to kill themselves. At the age of 5-11, black children have been forced to solve their own problems. The solution to the economic problem for Black people is very simple. The 95 percent of wealth we spend outside the community needs to be spent on Black businesses inside the community. It makes no since that collectively we have 1 trillion dollars but we live in extreme poverty. It is paramount that we support Black owned businesses in order for wealth to generate and circulate in our community. With our resources, we have the ability to build an empire but with the lack of love for ourselves and our people, we will constantly give our power away, while more children go hungry and commit suicide and adults are broke and homeless. The power is in our hands but we continue to give it away!!!


Black Love Matters

12th edition

SUPPORT BLACK BUSINESSES!!!!!! #Blackbusinessesmatter #H-Town’z Black Wallstreet

We have created a black business list to help promote black owned businesses in the city of Houston. We have done our part to provide you with a list of business to support but it is up to the individuals in the community to be active with their dollar and support their own community.


FATHER DIVINE; a brief history If you've never heard of Father Divine, then you are missing out a man who definitely should go down in history as one of the most powerful men that lived. This man was a civil rights activist, prolific thinker and religious leader. Father Divine, born as George Baker started an entire movement called The International Peace Missions Movement which spread globally in the 1930’s. Father Divine was able to reach black and white people from the east to the west cost to join in with his movement. He preached racial equality, love, positive thinking and self-determination. His movement also included anti-lynching crusades for justice. At a time of extreme poverty in America, Divine supported the poor spiritually and financially ans eventually built up an entire community. “From the beginning, Father Divine had ministered to the whole person, body as well as soul, and that approach found an eager reception among the impoverished. The movement rapidly built up a network of businesses, including restaurants, gas stations, grocery and clothing stores, hotels, farms, and many other enterprises.” Through love, Father Divine accomplish in the 1930’s what some people would never dream of achieving to this day. Divine not only used his wealth for his own advancement but he used it to enrich the lives of all people. Father Divine was loved by black and white


Black Love Matters

12th edition

people and his property predominantly funded by whites.


For his beliefs, Divine was arrested, imprisoned and was put in a insane asylum at one point of his life. Some of his followers even believed that he was the second coming of Christ. Father Divine should never be forgotten and is an example of a man who not only talked the talk but also walked it!


important because first it tells the truth, second, it is protest art and third because it is timely. This play doesn’t sugar coat the truth and is apologetically RAW!!! The next performance of this play will be February, 2016, Black History Month!!!


Serial Killers; The Historical Crucifixion of the Black Man in America!!!! The play Serial Killers; The Historical Crucifixion of the Black Man in America was written and directed by Nikki Luellen. This play documents white terrorism against Black people from Slavery up until the present day. Although this play had some elements of humor we can see that African Americans are still victims of white terrorism in the America and throughout the world. This play is

(left to right) Nikki Luellen, Janai Bradley, Adrian Thompson Crew of Serial Killers!!!


Black Love Matters

12th edition


The Cast and Crew of Serial Killers would like to thank these people and black businesses!!!! Adriana Boyd, Hammed KuKu (O.C.S.), Nails By Coco, Legend of Charlie, Chef Ani (Broke Ass Pizza), Dr. Kamau, Prof. Don, Ms.Tuck, Sis Nef, C.T., Eric Douglas, Troy Leonardo, Denise O’Neal (Fade To Black Fest), Nnenna (ExchangeToChange), Chantelle Lewis Enterprises TSU History Professors, Prof. Williams, Dr. Esparza, Prof Hawkins, Prof. Davis Engl. Professors,

What: JUSTICE FOR MS.SANDRA BLAND 2nd Status Court Hearing

Ms. Hawkins, Ms.Williams Special thanks to everyone who showed up and to all of the performers and black buisness owners who showed up and all the professors who supported this project!!! Word can’t explain what your support means to us!!!!

Objective: FILL THE COURTROOM When: DEC.17.2015 at 2p.m. Where: Southern District of Texas Federal Courthouse 515 Rusk Street Houston, Tx 77004 Judge Hittner Courtroom 8A * please bring valid Texas id * arrive on time

Actors Monique Searls and Nikki Luellen w/Prof.Williams!!

* pay attention!!!

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